Sunday, March 05, 2006

Dumb Review of Tim Hortons TV AD

Macleans must be paying big coin per word cause this here is a review of a Tim Hortons commercial. A commercial for christ sakes. Not a movie, not a TV show, not the Olympics but a Tim Hortons coffee ad that ran during the Olympics.

A Tip o the blog to Asian Wild Rose who said about this review; "Wow.. I’ve never seen such a review for a 30 second commercial. This is longer than some full movie reviews I’ve seen."

Clearly Macleans is desperate for filler articles and the author Tony Keller is deseperate to make big bucks with his quasi academic deconstruction of popular culture. But of course you know I still will find flaws with it.....
Of course its my vocation. Though I don't make the big bucks this guy does.....Forget Hockey Dad: Meet Anti Hockey Grandpa

At first viewing, it's a heartwarming tale of fathers, sons, immigrants and hockey. Does it get any more Canadian? Watching it, you probably choked up a bit. But after seeing it for the fifth or 43rd time, you may have started to wonder: what kind of a dad hates hockey so much, and loves his little boy so little, that he refuses to go to his son's games -- though he did once or twice sneak a peek through the Zamboni tunnel, keeping his visits a secret, as if the rink were a crack house

Ah duh Mr. Keller the reason he missed the games was like most immigrants he was working two jobs so he could buy the kid the really expensive equipment he needed to play hockey. And if Anti-Hockey dad was pissed that was probably why, he wanted the kid to play soccer it was cheaper. But this is Canada and we play hockey not soccer. And it costs thousands to outfit and pay for rink time. Come to think of it he probably had three jobs.

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