Sunday, March 05, 2006

He Will Fight To The Death

Our wonderful wacko King Ralph has picked another fight he can't win and he knows it. Just like he was going to fight to the death to oppose Same Sex Marriage....didn't happen. Fight to the death not to recognize Sexual Orientation in the Alberta Individual Rights Act.....didn't happen. Fight to the death opposing Federal Firearms Registry.....didn't happen. But he sure as heck spent lots of taxpayers money on expensive futile court cases. And he blustered and blathered and got lots of press. He talked tough and that was about as tough as it got. Talk

And now he will fight to the death for his Third Way.....yeah right.....As Sheila Copps says in her column today;

On the contrary, the bigger the fight Klein could pick with Ottawa, the better his chances of rolling to successive victories in a virtual one-party province. Fed-bashing works. The Parti Quebecois have known that for years. But their anti-Canada positions on just about everything pale in comparison with the untouchable Klein formula. Klein has regularly coasted to victory by picking phony fights with Ottawa Carbon tax? We will fight it to the death. Global warming? Another ruse by those damn Easterners to hurt the Alberta economy. Klein could give lessons to the separatists. But he has a history of picking fights he cannot win.

Hey Sheila agrees with me. Nice to see. Well what does Klein have that Ottawa and Quebec and Ontario doesn't? A War Chest. Cut payments to Alberta for violating the Canada Health Act and he just rolls on and does it anyways cause of a $14 Billion dollar surplus. What are they gonna do? Its been done before. Klein has done it. Refused to accept the CHA and paid the fines.

So does that mean he will win his fight? Nope cause he has alienated his rank and file, his backbenchers and his cabinet. This is his fight alone. And Rod Love is gone. So there are no breaks on the drunk with power. He will spend what he has to shadow boxing and then capituate as he has before. He is all bellow and bluster. Sigh just can't wait till the door slaps him on the ass as he leaves. And that sigh was from the Conservative party not from me.

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