Sunday, March 05, 2006

Seal Editorial

Uh Oh, I find myself agreeing with The Toronto Sun : EDITORIAL: Let’s hear it for the seal And while they mention cows and chickens I would like to remind us that the wolf population is hunted and endangered and so are Grizzlies. While there are millions of seals the Grizzly population in Alberta is under 1000 and wolves range in the few thousands. These are the species that need cute cuddly celeberaties to defend them. Seals don't.

It appears that he Alberta Government has finally come to its senses and ended the Grizzly massacre for three years.
Not fair game No thanks to Paul McCarthy of course or to the Environmental opportunists attacking the seal hunt.

Grizzlies out of hunters' sights for at least three years
But in making the decision, Sustainable Resource Development Minister David Coutts stopped short of declaring the grizzly bear a threatened species.

Oh duh give it a break already what does less than 600 bears mean that they are only in danger if they are hunted. What about cars and trains? Which kill far more bears every year.

Also see:

Cry Wolf Redux

Cry Wolf!

Alberta Sacrifices Wildlife for Profit

Americans Hunt Canadians

Seal Hunt Protest Cancelled

Green Opportunism: The Anti-Sealing Lobby

Arctic Meltdown

Beauty and the Beast

Green Party Seal Hunt Flippers

Save Our Grizzly Bears

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