Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Forget Seals what about Bears and Wolves

Hey Sir Beatle get yer butt off the ice and over to Alberta where the endangered Wolf and Grizzly population is being hunted. Ex-Beatle, wife in Maritimes before annual seal hunt

Oh right what am I saying this isn't about the environment or endangered species its about high visibilty campaigns for fund raising for Green NGO's. Its the annual fundraising campaign time again. I guess no one told Sir Beatle
Seal Hunt Protest Cancelled Of course not its all about fundraising.

Oh and here is an irony the annual Grizzly hunt began this month in Alberta but the government department in charge of the annual hunting license draw has no news on its web site. The last news update from the Department of Alberta Sustainable Resources is from December 2005. December. Shows how important Sustainable Development and Wildlife protection is in Alberta.

Also See:

A Hunting We Will Go

Cry Wolf

Americans Hunt Canadians

Save Our Grizzly Bears

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  1. Okay, okay - I know it's not on topic but I was browsing your ramblings and found your thing about homophobia (god knows how - you're ridiculously prolific) - anyway, I posted a quote in a place that I thought appropriate: Religious policeman.
    A new place for me but worth a look - I simply identified you as a friend: do I still qualify?

  2. Great thanks yes you can consider me a friend, your blog is interesting I will probably comment on the contradicitons of Catholicism in Quebec. Vive Le Revolucion. It is interesting to note that both America and France shared a revolution because of resistance to a theocratic state, while England had no such a revolution because of a liberal theocratic state. What this has to do with seals, bears, wolves and beatles well who knows....

  3. the grizzly and wolf are not as cute and cuddly as the baby seal.
    animal rights activists only love the cute and use it to bleed the rich idiots.the seal population estimated at 5-6 million is not endangered and has been ongoing for 500 years.the ordinary joe from newfoundland and labrador who takes part in this hunt just survives off the income he brings home.paul mccarthy will spend more in hotels,wine,dining on that trip to the floes then a sealer can hope to make in a year.
