Monday, March 06, 2006

Paper Wars

An interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on the success of the Globe and Mail with surging circulation, online and for its print edition. Beating even the American newspaper numbers.

Now what I found interesting is their chart of the Toronto Papers, which they include the National Pest, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and the Toronto Sun.

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It appears that the every declining and money losing National Pest is finally catching up to the Sun. In which case they should not have hired the has been blogger and Liberal/Zionist apologist; Warren Kinsella as a columnist ,but put in page 3 girls to match their real competition, ideologically and circulation wise.

Nice thing about the Pest is that in terms of capitalism it is bleeding the Aspers CanWest operations dry. Every other member paper iand even it's TV stations in Canada has to pay for the joy of supporting the National Pest in its efforts to be the daily National Review for Canada.

And note that the first Editor in Chief of the Pest was Alberta Report Alumni Ken Whyte. Who is now editor for Macleans. Every publication that has Whyte as an editor has ended up on the chopping block. The Pests demise is just a matter of time once the poor corpre realizes its dead. And with Whyte's ability to turn everything he touches to shit, err to an Alberta Report Doppelganger, well Macleans demise should not be too far away.

When Mr. Black was running the Post, he viewed it as a vehicle for gaining a voice in Canadian politics and appeared willing to spend heavily to win a following. Courting the Globe's upscale readers, the Post launched such features as a book section, a society page and columns by well-known writers. As a result, even stalwart Globe advertisers flirted with the new paper.
On the first day the Post published, in October 1998, high-end menswear retailer Harry Rosen, a longtime Globe advertiser, launched a campaign in the Post featuring the paper's editor in chief, Kenneth Whyte, wearing a three-piece Harry Rosen suit. But the Post lost millions in its first three years. And after CanWest bought it, the new owners slashed staff and gutted popular sections in an effort to break even. When readers abandoned the slimmed-down paper, CanWest brought back some sections but is still working on stemming losses, a company spokesman says. Harry Rosen now places most of its ads in the Globe, says Larry Rosen, chief executive of the closely held Toronto company.

A tip o the blog to Paul Wells for this.

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