Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Malthus Redux

Ebola virus best way to kill billions and save world: ecologist
A respected Texas scientist says the best way to kill 90 per cent of the people on the planet and save the world is the Ebola virus

Respected by who? Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepperd probably......Save the Seals kill off the humans is the subtext of the Vegan moralist ideology.

Which begs the question of these species they think we will destroy the world or is it that we will destroy ourselves and the World will repair itself as it has with other historical extinctions of species.....while we are certainly doing massive damage to the planet and its life forms, we are doing so with the constant possibility of wiping ourselves out thank you very much.....which is the crisis of the decadence of capitalism.

This ideology that the solution to the capitalist crisis of the environment is that we are expendable for the good of the planet is the very ethos of Protestantism gone's Gnosticism not science.

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  1. He's a fruitcake, but you can't have lasting social justice without environmental justice.

  2. Thanks Mark I agree wit you about environmental justice what we have here though is the same problem as Marx identified in his time as utopian socialism, the idea that we need to be better people, that is a moral critique of capitalism which has always driven reform movements which is why then end up becoming right wing social movements such as the Temperance movement, anti-prostitution movements, ZPG, eugenics, etc.

    For my take on revolutionary ecology see my blog piece; After Montreal A View From the Past

    And my article on Kyoto
