Saturday, September 02, 2006

Negotiations with the Taliban

The Terrorist State of Pakistan is making deals with the Taliban while executing competing warlords for their favour. So all ya pro-war dweebs whose the appeasers now?

The Lost Territories

North Waziristan and Quetta: Pakistani Tribal regions continue to slide into the hands of the Taliban and al-Qaeda

The Taliban have fought the Pakistani Army to a standstill, and forced them to largely remain in barracks in the North Waziristan agency capital of Miranshah. Beheadings of suspected U.S. spies are now commonplace; the bodies of the two latest victims "were dumped at separate places near Miranshah." Despite this, the Pakistani government is openly negotiating with the Taliban. This is the second time the Pakistani government has negotiated a settlement with the Taliban since the Pakistani Army was largely defeated in 2004.

The Taliban are not only negotiating a settlement which will allow them to remain in control of North Waziristan, but one which would require the Pakistani government to pay ‘huge compensation’ for fighting in the region. The Daily Times reports on the haggling over the tribute to be paid to the Taliban.

And for those of you who dismiss Jack Laytons call for negotiations well lookee who is in the Kabul Government and who Karzai is planning to make deals with.
Yep time to get out NOW!

Remember This War?
Abdul Salaam Rocketi, a former frontline Mujahedin commander in Afghanistan, earned a surname that reflects his prowess with rocket-propelled grenades and spent eight months in detention after U.S.-led forces drove out the Taliban in 2001. Now, as a member of the Afghan parliament, he encourages his former Taliban comrades to reconcile with the government of President Hamid Karzai. It's widely agreed that Afghanistan's national army and police, despite some improvements, are far too small and weak to take on powerful narco-traffickers, local warlords and increasingly audaciousKarzai's recent proposal to recruit tribal militias to become a sort of police auxiliary, which he figures will just encourage them to greater lawlessness and corruption. "These militias destroyed our country," he says, referring to the devastating civil war that shattered Afghanistan following the Soviet withdrawal in 1989. "The nation was fed up with them, so the Afghan people welcomed the Taliban. And now the government wants to bring them back? This is madness.

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