Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hugo Stelmach

The tactics used by the oil bosses in Venezuela are now being used in Alberta.

Media Advisory - Oil Workers to Gather at Legislature to Save Jobs ...

A misleading headline, they aren't really the 'oil' workers. Like Venezuela they are the self interested oil bosses forcing their non-union workers to rally for their jobs that they threaten to cut to stop Albertans getting their fare share of royalties.

Derrick Jacobson, the owner of Quattro Energy Services, a small oil and
gas service company operating in central Alberta, took the initiative of
organizing this rally with his employees and other concerned Albertans.

Digging a bit deeper we find like Venezuala it is a right wing political rally organized by the big oil supporters of the Alberta Alliance Party.

RE: Grassroots Oilworkers Rally

Hello all,

We have booked the grounds at the Alberta Legislature for Wednesday, October17th, 2007 at11:00 am. The address is10800-97th Avenue Edmonton, AB.

We will have MLA Paul Hinman as a guest speaker. If there are any others interested in speaking please let me know so that I may have some type of schedule in place.

I will have a link on my website with all of the reports, petition, as well as releases from Oil Companies. This rally will be designed to inform the public on the crippling effect passing the Royalty Review will have as well as protest the passing of it.

Please be advised it will be kept professional and is not intended to have a wolf pack mentality. We only have one shot at this so let’s be on our best behavior and let our concerns be heard. If anyone is lining up buses etc. I will also post it on my website. This link will be up and running by the end of the day.

The premier is booked to make a public address on the 22nd. Bring your hardhats and let’s show them what Alberta is about. The rally will take place in front of the main entrance steps.

Derrick Jacobson
President-Quattro Energy Services Inc.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates
make sure Ed hears from you


I Am Malcontent

Who Will Decide About Royalties

Headline Says It All

Ohhh Pulllleeeaasse

Alberta Needs A Chavez

Albertans Are Simpletons Says Government

Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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