Saturday, November 17, 2007

One Free World

I came across this media post from Jason Kenney's office;

The Honourable Jason Kenney, Secretary of State (Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity), will speak tomorrow at the One Free World International Conference in Winnipeg.

"Our government is committed to supporting the values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights," said Secretary of State Kenney. "This conference reminds us that pluralism is a part of Canadian identity."

One Free World International is a human rights organization based in Toronto that focuses on the rights of religious minorities around the world and promotes tolerance, understanding, and respect for diverse religious beliefs. It is dedicated to assisting through awareness campaigns, seminars, and active human rights programs.
Kenney of course is in his new position as "Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity" (formerly he was Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister for Multiculturalism) in order to gain support for his party in ethnic and immigrant communities.

Communities that in the past have been the base for the Liberal party. The Conservatives quickly applied the politics of opportunism when they picked up the ball the Liberals dropped when it came to dealing with the Chinese Head Tax.

Choosing Kenney for this post is ironic considering that he views Canada through Republican glasses.

The addition of Canadian Identity to the former Multi-Culturalism Secretariat is conservative code for the end of the Liberal endorsed notion of multiculturalism, including the idea of bilingualism and bi-culturalism. Instead the Conservatives endorse the idea of two solitudes. And the rest of us can assume one of two national identities; English or French Canadian.

Contrary to the apparently benign and laudable goal of international human rights and religious freedom for 'diverse religious beliefs' the One Free World religious sect that he addressed are only interested in the oppression of Christians in Muslim countries. They throw in communist countries as an after thought. When they use the term 'Anti-Semitism' it means Islam.

This is an Anti-Muslim sect that Ezra Levant would feel comfortable addressing. The fact that the Conservative Government lends them any credence shows that Muslim bashing is now part of their New 'Canadian Identity'. As was clearly shown by their political red herring; veiled voting.

WINNIPEG – “A lot of people don’t know this, but there is one Christian being persecuted every three minutes, worldwide,” said Rev. Majed El Shafie, president and founder of One Free World International (OFWI) El Shafie Ministries. “Even in Canada, antisemitism has risen by 61 per cent.”

“We’ve helped people, case by case, who are being persecuted,” said El Shafie. OFWI works to help people in at least 13 countries around the world, “mostly in Muslim and African countries, and China and North Korea – Muslim and Communist countries.”

From Nov. 2-4, OFWI is hosting a conference in Winnipeg, on the Price of Freedom. It will be at the Eternity Centre (1111 Chevrier Blvd.), is open to the public, and is free of charge (donations will be accepted).

The main focus of the conference will be “about the persecution happening around the world,” said El Shafie.

The next film El Shafie is working on is about Afghanistan.

He said, “I sat down with Afghani officials and asked them about the Jewish and Christian communities there. They looked right at me and said ‘there are none.’ It is pure lies.

El Shafie said “the [Hamid] Karzai government is corrupt, and Karzai is one of the biggest snakes I’ve ever met. The only way we should be dealing with him is if he starts improving conditions for the people.”

One Free World International | El Shafie Ministries

Our primary focus is on combating the persecution of Christians and anti-semitism and we assist all those whose religious freedom is threatened, regardless of their beliefs. OFWI is based on and guided in its work by Christian principles. It does not endorse the religious beliefs of those on behalf of whom it advocates, but is uncompromising about promoting their right to hold and exercise those beliefs. OFWI’s goal is a world in which people are free to choose, retain, change, and express their religious or non-religious belief system in accordance with their conscience, without fear and with full equality and dignity, while fully respecting the corresponding rights of others.


A Union the Conservatives Like

Fraser Institute Racists

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