Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wild Rose Party In and Out Scheme

On their website they proclaim;

Wildrose Party policy will reflect the values and priorities of Albertans. Period.

Actually it reflects the values and priorities of Link Byfield and his family, as expressed through his Citizens Centre for Freedom and Democracy as I have pointed out before.

The incestuous relationship between Byfields CCFD and the Wildrose party may actually be even more insidious.

According to WildRose Party Watchdog Blog; Wildrose Report:

The second issue I would like to address concerns rumours of a management services contract that may exist between the Wildrose Party and the Citizens Centre for Freedom and Democracy. Under the terms of the alleged contract, the Citizens Centre for Freedom and Democracy is to provide management services to the Wildrose Party of Alberta, in exchange for compensation in the amount of $150,000.00 per annum.
Is this a bit of the old Flanagan/Conservative In and Out being repeated by Link?

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