Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2007 Canadian Blog Awards

It's that time again. Time for the annual Canadian Blog Awards. Nominations are now open.Voting will be taking place later on.

And this blog has been nominated in two categories; best political blog and best progressive blog.

The awards this year are being organized by a collective editorial group.



All blogs written by persons living in Canada or by Canadian citizens living abroad are eligible for nomination. In the case of group blogs, the aforementioned persons must be significant contributors to the blog.

Organizers of the awards must abstain from making any judgment as to eligibility of other participants in only the categories they have also been nominated for.


(2006 & 2007 Awards) Two rounds of voting will take place with each round lasting 7 days. The first round of voting will include all nominees. The second round of voting will narrow the list of nominees in each category down to the top 5 from the first round of voting.


I Won I Won

Lefty Blog Awards

Vote For Me

Canadian Blog Awards 2005

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