Sunday, January 06, 2008

Excuse Me....Say What?

Really the Harper can't help it he is a's not his fault...all those years in the trenches with the Reform Party....his political education under the tutelage of the Calgary School....years spent as mouthpiece for the right wing business lobby; NCC....nope he can't help it he is a Conservative........

OTTAWA -- Two years ago, political pundits wouldn't have given Prime Minister Stephen Harper much chance of winning over Ariette Schoorl.

The 61-year-old, who considers herself left wing, was initially put off by Harper's "cold" personality.

But even though she doesn't always agree with the Harper government's policies, especially on the environment, she has come to admire the prime minister's poise.

"He stays cool, he stays under control and I appreciate that in the guy," she said. "He can't help it that he's a conservative."

And she considers herself left wing. Talk about politically naive. Clearly she is no Raging Granny. Nor the wife of a veteran.

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