Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ya Miss Me

Thanks to everyone who commented here and sent emails inquiring as to my absence from blogging.

I took an unannounced break considering I have been blogging almost daily here for four years.

But I appreciate the concerns, my health is fine thanks. Just took a needed break. I do that occasionally.

What began as a week off ended up being a month off line.

Anyways I will be back to blogging on a regular basis again as we approach May Day.

Find blog posts, photos, events and more off-site about:
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  1. Ah welcome back to blogging. Missed you.

  2. Very glad to see you back blogging AND very glad that all is well. For those of us who get used to reading a particular blog and then experience a sudden absence, ... we tend to get worried.

    Blog on dude! ;)

  3. I actually looked you up last night, wondering if something was up. I thought maybe your feed was broken. I hadn't seen your posts show up on Opinions Canada.

  4. Everyone needs a break. I'm glad to hear that all is well.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. On a slightly different but related topic ... now if we could just get some other anarchist and libertarian bloggers who have signed up to Carnival of Anarchy to start actually making a contribution that would be nice. You can't be criticized for this, of course, but so many of the people who signed up originally seem to have just disappeared into the woodwork. I've posted a few things (mainly reprints of stuff on my own blog which is still better than nothing). As well I've suggested topics including an invitation for people to just repost their favorite item from 2007. That should have been easy for anyone but there were not many takers. Maybe it's time to start something else, perhaps a permanent "anarchism and science" or "anarchism and art/literature/culture" sort of thing with a stipulation that people be required to make an honest effort or be dropped from the role. That's kind of an ugly approach in some ways but I get tired of the "don't give a shit" attitude everywhere. Sorry for bitching. (I erased my previous comment due to typos)

