Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tories Fail Martin

Brenda Martin who languishes in a Mexican jail got a visit from Harpers Mouthpiece; Jason Kenney yesterday. After the media focused on her case of Mexican injustice, the Harper government has finally acted. After two years. However considering the corruption of the Mexican judiciary and cops Kenney should have simply taken a bushel of money with him and paid off all concerned, and Ms. Martin could have been winging her way home.

Instead after a weak tea protest she has been promised yet another trial on trumped up charges, in thirty days. Thirty more days, perhaps Kenney should share her cell to insure she gets her trial. After all it's his government that got her put there in the first place. Despite Harpers protests to the contrary.

"Brenda Martin failed to receive any of this from the Canadian consulate. The inaction of the Canadian consulate contributed to the problem."

Martin eventually hired a lawyer from a list provided by the Canadian consulate. He turned out to be a "mercantile" lawyer, rather than a criminal defence lawyer. Family in Canada and friends in Puerto Vallarta raised $10,000 to pay the lawyer who promptly disappeared with the money and did nothing for Martin.

If she would have had an experienced criminal defence lawyer, that lawyer would have simply paid a bribe to justice officials at the local level to secure her release before her formal arrest warrant was filed.

Once again the Department of Foreign Affairs fails another Canadian, it is not only dysfunctional and incompetent in this case it is criminally negligent.

Free Brenda Martin Now Petition


Fix Those Balconies

Mexican Cover Up Redux

Mexican Murder Cover Up

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  1. If Brenda Martin had been originally from another country, or was Muslim or Sikh or some such, the government would be falling all over itself to get her out of that Mexican prison.

    Sad, but true.

  2. Gee explain that to Omar Kahdr who remains in Gitmo. Your racism is showing.

  3. No new posts for a month Eugene - hope you are OK.

  4. Yes! Have been looking for your voice in the blogosphere! ( I need a Plawiuk 'fix')!
    Hope all is well.

  5. Where are you, Eugene? A month without blogging? That's outrageous, particularly for a prolific blogger like you.

    I hope you're not ill or something.

  6. I see you have a new webpage which is still being constructed as of late April. This is not obvious although many people would not think to check your profile for this. I did. Also I notice that you seem to be (or are going to be) using the name "Revue Gauche" as a Webring. Perhaps an announcement in your old blog here would clarify things. I'm a bit confused.
