Thursday, October 19, 2006


So how does saying this breach caucus confidentiality?

"Climate change is the greatest all-round threat this country faces, and ... my nation's government should not let us down with half-measures, a curtsy to junk science or a sellout to the tar sands." - Garth Turner

Of course it doesn't. The Stalinist purge of Garth Turner had to be at the behest of the Great Leader himself, despite the denials from his syncophants like Senator Lebreton or strategist Geoff Norquay.

Stephen Taylor the Blogging Tory does the parties dirty work by trying to expose the violation of caucus confidentiality that was the excuse used to purge Garth. Except it isn't. And furthermore if it was and this violation occured last May then why did it take six months to deal with it?! And Taylor spreads the myth that both caucuses were unanimous in their decision. Turner says the Ontario caucus was not unanimous, and NO vote was taken at the National caucus. Oh who to believe.

The fact is this had nothing to do with caucus confidentiality., but his outspoken blogging. Free speech is not a Tory priority.
The blog musings of MP Garth Turner

Another Tory blogger thinks it was because the party thought Garth leaked the environment documents. Nice theory but the fact is the environment movement had those draft documents provided by the Environment department when they 'consulted' with them this summer.

Yet another justifies the purge of Turner because he used his position as an MP and his blog to promote Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party. He did, but only after he was purged.

But it does have to do with the environment. And the Tories announcement today that will be less than what anyone wants, including Garth. So he had to go. The Tories did not need Garth attacking them from the back bench. Bad optics. Dissension in the party, then the media would ask how come the other Conservative MP's don't speak their minds. Why are they in lock step with the Great Leader, who himself spoke out when he was a Reform MP. But that was then this is now.

Yep if Garth was allowed to stay he would have been more embarssing then the kerfuffle over his purge would be, was probably the thinking in the PMO and Party election planning office.

And let's be honest you are a minority government, when you purge an MP its a big deal, it's one less government vote. And unlike same sex marriage, this vote on their environment policy will need to be whipped, and Garth was vocal on not being whipped on this issue.

That was why his office was being stripped and his online blogging was offline yesterday, as the caucus voted him out, the Party movers where cleaning out his office. You don't do that without the knowledge of the PMO.

The Blogging Tories are having mixed reactions to the Harper Dictatorship,some taking cheap shots at Turner a real conservative-libertarian, a Progressive Conservative who is following Reform Party principles. Others in the BT are defending him. And to their credit they have not purged him from their blogroll.

In Canada today there is one political issue that will make or break the Harper government. It's the issue that will be front an centre next election, for the Conservatives and the Opposition. It's an issue that was never one of the Conservatives five priorities.

"It's the environment, stupid".


Garth Turner Green MP

Was It Something I Said?

Don't P.O. Garth

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  1. Yet another justifies the purge of Turner because he used his position as an MP and his blog to promote Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party. He did, but only after he was purged.

    Wrong. Turner posted his video interview with May on Tuesday October 17th, the day before he was kicked out.

    That was why his office was being stripped and his online blogging was offline yesterday, as the caucus voted him out, the Party movers where cleaning out his office. You don't do that without the knowledge of the PMO.

    Wrong again. Turner himself says that the reason his blog went offline was because of too much traffic coming in, after his suspension was announced. Furthermore, is hosted in Michigan, so how could the CPC shut it down even if they wanted to? (And do you really believe that an MP's website would be hosted on his House of Commons office computers?)

    I can also verify this via personal experience. As soon as I heard the news on the radio (around 12:30pm EDT, as I recall), I logged onto Turner's site, which was still fully functional. Within a few minutes, however, the site stopped responding, and eventually started giving a "Forbidden" error, before coming back up a couple hours later.

  2. I stand corrected you are right his interview and his comments were posted on Tuesday. I mistook the date for Wed.

    And you are correct that his site crashed. I did not know it was hosted in Michigan how unCanadian of Garth, ;)

    So the real reason he was turfed was cozying up to the Green Party. I gues the Conservatives just couldn't admit to that in public....
