Link Byfield and his tax exempt foundation the so called Citizens Centre for Freedom and Democrary, funded by bankrupting the Alberta Report, will be holding a Right Wing Love in this fall in Calgary. Entitled ironically Renewing the Federation.
What they really want is to devolve all power to the provinces. More like destroying the federation. Whenever you have Citizens or Taxpayers in your name you know that the politics are to the right. Here is another irony, Alberta is a One Party State with far less accountability or transparency than any other government in the hemisphere. Yep this is real model for citizen democracy and freedom.
Included in his rouges gallery of speakers are several candidates for the leadership of the Alberta Party of Calgary, to replace Ralph. And Ralph will be speaking too. Presto Manning will be speaking. Its the Reform party alumni.
I have blogged about Byfield's right wing lobby effort before. His private club the CCFD wish to ban same sex marriage by allowing provinces to secede from Canada. That sums it up. Anyways they also can't spell.
The Sunday morning session begins with
Dr. Barry Cooper of the University of Calgary political science department, a prominent Canadian political author and commentator.
He will propose National Principle 3: "That national institutions and governments reflet (sic) and respect the exclusive responsibility of provinces for social and economic development."
And while there is a need for a new confederation in Canada, this is not it.
The Bankruptcy of Liberal Federalism
Also See:
Link Byfield
Macleans the New Alberta Report
Social Credit And Western Canadian Radicalism
Historical Memory on the Eve of the Election
Calgary Herald Remembers RB Bennet
Right to Life = Right To Work
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Calagry, Alberta, Manning, Byfield, Klein, Alberta-Report, Right-wing, Reform-Party, separatism, confederation, Canada, federalism, conference, Morton, Cooper
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