Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty is the beast on the left

Brigitte Bardot asks Stephen Harper to stop the Canadian Seal Hunt.

Being a fellow right winger, she believes he and his government can finally stop the genocide of these cute cuddly creatures. Of course as a far right supporter of Le Pens fascist party in France she condones the genocide of humans. And like many in the Conservative party she is a flaming anti-homosexual.

Brigitte Bardot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She is also one of the most celebrated supporters of Jean-Marie Le Pen of the right-wing Front National political party, with which her husband is associated. With the publication of her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, the reclusive Bardot has come under considerable fire for racist, anti-Muslim, and anti-gay comments. In May 2003, The MRAP ("Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples" - Movement against racism and for the friendship among peoples) announced that it would sue Bardot for her published views. Another organization, The "Ligue des Droits de l'Homme" (League of Human Rights), announced that it was considering similar legal proceedings.

Bardot, in a letter to a French gay magazine, wrote in her defense, "Apart from my husband—who maybe will cross over one day as well—I am entirely surrounded by homos. For years they have been my support, my friends, my adopted children, my confidants."

On June 10, 2004 Bardot was convicted by a French court of "inciting racial hatred." She was fined 5,000 € and it is the fourth such conviction/fine she has faced from French courts. These recent fines pertain to her aforementioned book. In particular the courts cited passages where Bardot referred to the "Islamization of France" and the "underground and dangerous infiltration of Islam." (France's 5-million member Muslim community is the largest in Europe.) In the book she also referred to homosexuals as "fairground freaks," and she condemns the presence of women in government. Bardot's previous comments that led to convictions included ones encouraging civilian massacres in Algeria.

Also See

Green Opportunism: The Anti-Sealing Lobby


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