Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Gator Killer

See strange animal and shoot it. What a Dweeb! By crickey he missed the whole point of Crocodile Hunter; Steve Irwin's shows on croc's and gators. It is to preserve them not kill them.

Town of Farmington -Ed Long has a new, but strange for these parts, hunting trophy.

What Long thought was a snapping turtle slithering through the upper reaches of the Milwaukee River in Washington County was actually a nearly 4-foot-long alligator, which he promptly shot.

Of course this is all perfectly alright because croc's and gators are not indigenous to Wyoming. Despite being an endangered species around the globe.

Worried that Long may have broken some law, they called the state Department of Natural Resources violation hotline. They said a warden later called them and told them they were not in any trouble and had removed an invasive species from the river.

But the shoot first ask questions later hunter still proves he is an idiot, like most of his ilk; the irresponsible hunter.

Long said he is calling taxidermy shops to see if he can preserve the gator.

"I'd like to have it mounted," Long said. "Or at least get a belt or wallet out of it."

And this is not the first gator of its size to appear in the area. So how come there is no animal control policy for capture and release instead of shooting them in the head?

Alligators have popped up in Washington County before. In August 2006, two 4-foot-long alligators were found in the Rubicon River west of Hartford. Authorities believe those gators also were pets that got dumped.

Ah yes that other species of idiot; the irresponsible 'exotic' pet owner.

Whereas in Muncie, Indiana, and Virgina Beach, Virgina, also not noted for thriving croc and gator populations, folks have the right idea.

Muncie 'gator headed for Florida

MUNCIE, Ind. -- A nearly 5-foot-long alligator nicknamed Vader Gator was heading to Florida two weeks after being rescued from the streets of Muncie.

The Muncie Animal Shelter sent Vader off Monday on the first leg of his journey to Croc Encounters, a reptile park and wildlife center in Tampa.

Shelter workers rescued Vader on Sept. 5 after it was found wandering through a neighborhood. The 4-foot-11 reptile had escaped an outdoor kennel by climbing over a fence, said Karen Gibson, the shelter's superintendent. Vader had outgrown a box it lived in inside its owners' home.

Vader spent 12 days at the shelter, confined to its own kennel, equipped with a heated water pool and a heat lamp.

Alligator captured in Virginia Beach, headed to zoo
Daily Press, VA - 11 Sep 2007
A private contractor caught the reptile Monday on the grass near Lake Holly. The resort city's animal control officers believe the alligator was released

The irony is that this poor gator would have been alive if he hung out in the Ukraine.

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And even in areas of the U.S. which recently allowed limited 'hunting' of gators they are tough to kill. Which you would think would discourage folks from hunting them. You would think. But give a guy a gun and he thinks he can kill anything. And gator hunting is just another game for thrill seekers. And like other big game sport hunting, which is often excused as conservation; culling of over population, should be banned.

Jesse Latham, Eric Creigler, Stephen Creigler and Charlie Latham pose with 480-lb. alligator.

Four alligator hunters may have heard the theme music from the movie "Jaws" playing in the background as they wrestled with a hooked monster that pulled their boat around the Mobile River delta and then, in an outrage, charged the boat and bit into the fiberglass hull.

That was just part of the excitement of the midnight to almost daylight fight the gator hunters experienced the final night of the second state-sanctioned alligator hunt in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta. They eventually landed the 12 foot-six inch reptile that weighed 480 lbs.

The gator was just shy of the state record of 12 feet, 10 inches but ranked in the top three killed during the season.

Jesse said the group learned a lot of things during the hunt. He said they were lucky that they had a larger boat. A smaller one could have been overturned by the gator's attack or as they tried to load it.

"I've been skydiving and gator hunting ranks right up there with that. I'd go again but next time we'll know to be better prepared. There are some big gators out there."
And then there are those folks who keep the gator alive to exploit it. 65 years old and in a tiny cage, I would be pissed off too.


Billed as a 65-year-old, 13-foot Florida alligator, it turns out Big Al is good at performing a single amazing trick: staying perfectly still.

"I think he's heavily medicated," said Phylicia Cardiel, 18, after paying a buck to see the once-proud reptile. "He doesn't do anything. He just looks pissed off."

Big Al, the 13-foot long, 1,200-pound alligator, was photographed from a floorboard opening in the sleeping quarters of Tim Wilson, Big Al's handler.

Mind you those guys in Alabama could have just gathered around his cage and took a photo with him instead of having to kill the gator they did. Since Big Al is bigger than the gator they executed.

Oh by the by I am not opposed to hunting. Just trophy hunting and stupid hunters like the guy from Farmington..


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