Despite the fact that Canada does not have capital punishment it does when it comes to animals. Unfortunately the same law does not apply to the animals owners.
Let the Punishment fit the crime,
My object all sublime I shall achieve in time — To let the punishment fit the crime — The punishment fit the crime; And make each prisoner pent Unwillingly represent A source of innocent merriment! Of innocent merriment!
In this case the dog owner could well do without his ears....
In the case of the Tiger mauling, the tiger was like any cat, playing with a loose piece of clothe, attached as it was to the body of a woman, whom it clawed. The cat was summarily executed for this crime. Perhaps its macho hillbilly owner should also share its fate, since the cat was only doing what comes natural and the stupid humans were at fault.Owner of dog with ears cut off may face cruelty charges but could still reclaim canine
CanWest News Service
Published: Monday, May 14, 2007The owner of a dog that was found with its ears cut off could face animal cruelty charges, but under the law he can reclaim the dog if he pays its medical bills and other fees. The Windsor-Essex County Humane Society received a call from an anonymous concerned neighbour after the five- or six-month-old dog, a German Shepherd-Rottweiler mix, was spotted in an apartment building on Friday. "Both his ears were severely injured," said Nancy McCabe, the manager of field operations for the humane society. "We believe he [the owner] either took a kitchen knife or a hand saw and cut the dog's ears off." Ms. McCabe met with the owner yesterday. "He said he had nothing to do with the injuries and that he bought the dog from some guy named Jay and that it was already like that," she said. "He said it got attacked by another dog."
And since clubbing a dog to death after running over it with a car results in a less than satisfactory sentence, perhaps the thoughtless dweebs who did this should be run over by a car and then have their heads wrapped in plastic and bashed in with a shovel to understand that this is not the proper medical procedure for dealing with injuries.Woman killed by tiger routinely petted wild animals good night
VANCOUVER - A woman killed by a tiger last week had a routine of petting the family's wild animals good night under spotlights turned on to illuminate the animal pens. Over the weekend, more details emerged on last week's death of Tania Dumstrey- Soos, including her relationship with the wild animals who lived at her fiance Kim Carlton's privately owned Siberian Magic Zoo in Bridge Lake, B.C. "Kim told me yesterday that at night, he'd turn the lights on -- the spotlights on -- so that Tania could go down and pet them," Williams Lake Mayor Scott Nelson said yesterday. "She loved those animals dearly." Mr. Nelson, who employed Ms. Dumstrey-Soos at the 100 Mile House Advisor paper, said she always carried around photos of the tigers with her at work. No one knows why the three-year-old tiger, Gangus, lashed out through the cage. Mr. Nelson said six-year-old Nicholas Dumstrey-Soos witnessed the attack and ran to get his mother help. An RCMP media report released on Saturday said the tiger was humanely euthanized and will undergo a forensic examination. Police are investigating the incident. B.C. Agriculture Minister Pat Bell said he will meet with Environment Minister Barry Penner, the SPCA and the Humane Society this week to discuss new laws.
House arrest in Didsbury animal cruelty case
A central Alberta man who pleaded guilty in a horrific case of animal abuse involving a pet dog has been sentenced to three months of house arrest followed by two years of probation.The young man from Didsbury, Alta., was less than three weeks away from his 18th birthday when he became involved in what his defence lawyer told court was a "poorly thought-out euthanasia attempt."
A young Alberta man was sentenced Thursday to house arrest and probation after he pleaded guilty to animal cruelty towards Daisy Duke, above, a lab-border collie cross.
(CBC)Court heard the accused accidentally backed over a lab-border collie cross belonging to his best friend's mother. The teen helped try to kill the dog, named Daisy Duke, by taping a plastic bag over its head, dragging it behind a car and hitting it over the head with a shovel.
The dog was found still alive in the middle of an intersection, but had to be put down by a veterinarian.
The young man will also have to abide by a curfew for nine months after his house arrest is up and do 240 hours of community service.
Another male accused, Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to go on trial May 23.
Poor Bruiser. He regularly patrolled the auto body shop company where he was kept as a guard dog. As usual when dogs are kept as guard dogs around here they have little to keep them company, are treated badly, often lack a dog house or any shade, may go days without water or food, etc.
In this case the owner abandoned the dog to its fate, with little regard for the fact that it was his fault the dog somehow got out of the compound. As for his biting, it is a natural reaction for a 'guard' dog, who only sees others as possible invaders of his space. Confused, lost and wandering around, he is a threat, but not one deserving of being executed.
The owners callous disregard for his dog, shows he thought of it as just another piece of property. He abandoned the dog to its fate, and abdicating his responsibility. Certainly euthanasia of the owner is warranted since he is responsible for his dog loosing its life.
Bruiser the pit bull put downBruiser the biting pit bull is dead.
The city's animal control department put the animal to sleep yesterday morning. The dog's rampage last month saw it seized and quarantined at the city pound.
In the April 23 attack, near 101 Street and 81 Avenue, two victims were sent to hospital with bite wounds. A third person was nipped, but not injured.
The city's investigation concluded Bruiser got out of the fenced property he guarded, Extreme Velocity Custom Autoworks & Detailing Ltd., through a weak spot in the fence.
Bruiser’s owner skipped the first two meetings scheduled with the city, but finally gave permission to have the dog euthanized this week.
Bruiser had been involved in another incident, and the city's legal department is considering charges.
Tigers As Commodities
Tiger Tiger Burning Bright
Criminal Capitalism: Pet Food Scandal
Not In The Dog House
One Child One Dog
Cat Carol
Chinese Fat Cat
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