Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remembrance Day O7

Here is an archive of my war posts for Remembrance Day.
Lest We Forget
War is the health of the State.


Gallipoli And Vimy

Stanway's Sombre Reflection on Somme

WWI Xmas Mutiny

Christmas in the Trenches

Merry Christmas, Red Baron

The Vimy Myth

The Best Laid Plans

Royal Newfoundlanders Died For the Seal Hunt

Canada's First Internment Camps

Eugene Debs

Spanish Civil War

Casablanca R Rated

Christy Moore - Viva La Quince Brigada

Kenney is A Funny Guy

The Spanish Revolution & Civil War 1936-1939


The Horror of Glorifying Bomber Command

Vonnegut, Dresden and Canada

Not MacArthurs Republican Party

The Good Germans


The Working Class Dies For Harper

Harper War Monger

Hidden Costs of Harpers War

Never Again, War

Remembrance or Revisionism

Lest We Forget

White Poppies

White Poppy Debate

Draft Dodgers in Dukhbour Country

Support Our PeaceMakers

Rich Man's War

War and the Market State

Humanitarian War

Kenneth Patchen


War Resisters Welcome Here

Military Industrial Complex

Celebrate Mothers Day For Peace

Year of the Pig

Job Protection for Canadian Reservists

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