Saturday, March 09, 2024


Clara Zetkin & the socialist origins of International Women’s Day 

“Zetkin, along with Rosa Luxemburg, was among those who understood that the development of capitalism had not made either the task of social reform or international relations more peaceful.”

German socialist Clara Zetkin founded International Women’s Day to acknowledge working women’s contribution to the struggle against capitalism. It’s no wonder that German socialist, Clara Zetkin’s legacy has been erased by the corporate sponsorship of #IWD – it’s all too relevant, as Katherine Connelly explains

There are many reasons to draw inspiration from Clara Zetkin (1857-1933). She dedicated her whole life to fighting for socialism no matter what the considerable personal costs. Shortly after joining the Social Democratic Party in the 1870s, which was swiftly banned by the German authorities, she was forced into an exile that lasted ten years. Whilst in exile, her husband died leaving her with two young children.

Zetkin’s own life ended in exile after she was forced to flee Germany again, this time from the Nazis. She broke that exile briefly in August 1932 when she claimed her right to open the Reichstag, as its oldest elected member. Seventy-five years old, nearly blind and in very poor health, she had to be helped to the tribune past uniformed Nazi thugs who had threatened to attack her.

Literally facing down the Nazis, she called for working-class unity against fascism. She ended her speech by voicing her wish that she would soon open the first government of German workers’ councils. It was an extraordinary final act of courage and defiance. Zetkin died less than a year later.

Revolutionary Zetkin

Born in 1857, Zetkin belonged to a generation of German socialists who had known Friedrich Engels in the last years of his life and been able to interpret the work of Marx and Engels for an emerging younger generation.

There were sharp debates between these socialists about how to apply Marxism to the problems of the early twentieth century. Leading figures in the SPD, Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein argued that the changing nature of capitalism and imperialism made redundant Marx and Engels’ revolutionary conclusions – perhaps the contradictions of old could be overcome piecemeal and peacefully? 

Zetkin, along with her close friend Rosa Luxemburg, was among those who understood that the development of capitalism had not made either the task of social reform or international relations more peaceful. Instead, the contradictions of competitive capitalism were deepening, making the world a more dangerous place, and could only be positively overcome through the revolutionary action of the expanding and increasingly international working class.

Their revolutionary perspective was, tragically, vindicated in 1914 with the outbreak of the First World War, driven by the competition of rival, imperialist nations. The SDP leadership, which had rejected revolutionary socialism in favour of changing the system from the inside, capitulated into supporting that system and voting for war credits.

Zetkin and Luxemburg, however, campaigned against the war, for which both were taken into custody. They also began to create new organisations, independent of the SPD, which resulted in the German Communist Party.

In 1919, after a failed communist uprising in Berlin, Rosa Luxemburg was murdered by the proto-fascist Freikorps. Against the repression of the counter-revolution and rising antisemitism, Zetkin defended the memory of Luxemburg, who was Jewish, and the importance of her ideas.

Zetkin on women’s liberation  

Alongside Zetkin’s commitment to building an effective revolutionary left that was anti-imperialist, anti-militarist and anti-fascist, she was one of the most important socialist theorists of women’s liberation. International Women’s Day originated from the 1910 International Socialist Women’s Conference, which met in Copenhagen ahead of the left’s Second International. The Day was proposed by Luise Zietz, a member of the Unskilled Factory Workers’ Union and the SPD, and seconded by Zetkin. 

What happened in Copenhagen in 1910 was the result of years of thinking, writing and organising by Zetkin on the questions of women’s oppression and liberation. Zetkin was challenging assumptions on the left that questions about women’s rights were somehow subordinate to the struggle for socialism, as well as the dominant view among contemporary feminists that women’s emancipation was separate from socialism.

Once again, Zetkin drew on the legacy of Marx and Engels who in their last years had become increasingly interested in questions about the historical origins of women’s oppression at a time when women were becoming more central, as workers, to capitalist production. Like Marx and Engels, Zetkin explored how the economic organisation of society affected women. She understood that in a class-divided society, women were going to be affected differently.

The rise of capitalist society had excluded women who belonged to the capitalist and upper classes from the public sphere. Confined to an idealised domestic sphere, with a profitable marriage and continuation of the family line (in property) upheld as their ultimate aims in life, these women wanted to expand their horizons and compete with men in the professional world. Their male counterparts were, in the majority, excluding them from that world, and so it made sense to these women to organise separately, as women against men.

Zetkin did not dispute that their aims were ‘completely justified’. But she did not accept that this minority of women represented the interests of all women, nor that their narrow aims for equal inclusion within a class-divided society could realise emancipation. Once they achieved their own inclusion, Zetkin predicted, wealthy women’s language of egalitarianism would swiftly be replaced as they fulfilled the functions of the offices they had so longed to join. Today’s female CEOs and Tory ministers surely prove Zetkin right.

By contrast with wealthy women, for working-class and poor women, the rise of capitalist society had not resulted in confinement to the private sphere. On the contrary, the old patriarchal system of production, where families laboured together in ‘cottage industries’ under the control of the father, were replaced with individual family members having to compete with each other in the labour market.

And women’s subordinate social status meant that working women could be subject to greater levels of exploitation through even lower pay than male workers. Therefore, for working women, the problem was not that their male peers were excluding them from ‘free competition’. The problem was the entire economic organisation of society which pitted workers against each other in a race to the bottom.

It was therefore in the interests of working-class women and men to reject those divisions by uniting in resistance to exploitation and oppression. For revolutionaries, this meant overthrowing women’s oppression had to be seen in this context: not as an abstract ‘principle, but in the interests of the proletarian [working] class.’

Anything less was to concede the ground to those who believed that women’s oppression could be solved by a bit of tinkering with, or greater ‘inclusion’, into an inherently exploitative system. Consistent with her approach to capitalism and imperialism, Zetkin’s approach to women’s emancipation was informed by the need for revolutionary change.

Zetkin today

Today, almost all big, globalised corporations manage to genuflect annually before #IWD and utter some unintelligible slogan that commits them to change precisely nothing. And none of these slogans will be ones that, as Lindsey German pointed out, working-class women are today raising in an urgent fight against inequality through widespread strike action. But these strikers are the women who stand in the real tradition of International Women’s Day.

  • This article was originally published by Counterfire here.
  • Kate Connelly is a writer and historian. She led school student strikes in the anti-war movement in 2003, co-ordinated the Emily Wilding Davison Memorial Campaign in 2013 and wrote the acclaimed biography, ‘Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire
  • Kate is speaking at our event Clara Zetkin – Socialist fighter against fascism, women’s oppression & war on April 9 at 18.30. Register and full info here.

The socialist history of International Women's Day

Submitted by SJW on 10 March, 2020 - Author: Kelly Rogers

International Women’s Day has its roots in some of the most significant moments of our movement’s history. It is our task to remember this history and to turn International Women's Day into a day of strikes and struggle once more.

It was at the second International Conference of Socialist Women, held in Copenhagen in 1910, that the idea of an International Women’s Day was first formally agreed. German delegates Luise Zietz and Clara Zetkin brought the proposal in front of a hundred women delegates, from seventeen countries. The resolution read:

“In agreement with the class-conscious political and trade union organizations of the proletariat of their respective countries, socialist women of all nationalities have to organize a special Women’s Day (Frauentag), which must, above all, promote the propaganda of female suffrage. This demand must be discussed in connection with the whole woman’s question, according to the socialist conception” (emphasis mine).

These delegates had aspirations much grander than simply winning universal female suffrage. They sought the triumph of socialism: the liberation of workers from drudgery and wage slavery, and the liberation of women from the shackles of domestic slavery.

The first official International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 19 1911, a date chosen to celebrate the 1848 Revolution in Berlin. In Germany, more than a million women, mostly (but not exclusively ) organised in the SPD and the unions, took to the streets. They put on dozens of public assemblies, over 40 in Berlin alone, to discuss the issues they were facing in their day-to-day lives and prospects for the women’s movement.

That same year, workers in the United States chose March 8 for their Women’s Day. It was a significant date: In 1857, garment workers in New York City had struck and staged a demonstration against inhumane conditions and low pay. Fast forward to March 8 1908, and again 15,000 women garment workers, many of them Jewish immigrants, went on strike and marched through New York’s Lower East Side to demand higher pay, shorter working hours, voting rights and an end to child labour. ‘Bread and Roses’ became the slogan of the garment workers’ struggle: they didn’t merely seek money enough to eat, but fulfilling and enriched lives worth living.

From 1914 it became common practice to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8. A famous poster depicting a woman dressed in black and waving a red flag (which Workers’ Liberty has adopted for its logo) marked the occasion in Germany. It was considered so dangerous in the run up to the First World War that police prohibited it from being posted or distributed publicly. The day turned into a mass action against war and imperialism.

Three years later, March 8 1917 (in the Gregorian calendar), IWD witnessed the explosion of the February Revolution in Russia. In spite of opposition from Bolshevik men, working class women in Petrograd turned International Women’s Day into a day of mass demonstrations for “bread and peace” - demanding the end to World War One, to food shortages and to tsarism. They marched from factory to factory calling their fellow workers onto the streets and engaging in violent clashes with police and troops. Trostky wrote in The History of the Russian Revolution:

“A great role is played by women workers in relationship between workers and soldiers. They go up to the cordons more boldly than men, take hold of the rifles, beseech, almost command: “Put down your bayonets – join us.” The soldiers are excited, ashamed, exchange anxious glances, waver; someone makes up his mind first, and the bayonets rise guiltily above the shoulders of the advancing crowd.”

Not only did these women workers spark the beginning of the Russian Revolution, they were the motor that drove it forward. 7 days later Tsar Nicholas II abdicated.


From Freedom News UK

It’s International Women’s Day, and I am conflicted. I feel both elation at the opportunity to share the work and ideas of groundbreaking women throughout the centuries and thoroughly depressed that we still need a ‘day’ to remind the world that women exist, that our creative expression matters, that our intellectual endeavours are valid, and that the emotional labour we often give freely in service to our communities is valuable.

I also write this as Freedom’s new Culture Editor. It is both an honour to be working at Britain’s oldest anarchist publication and a responsibility. I’m not here to write fluff pieces. I aim to focus on the behaviour of those in power while envisaging ways in which to dismantle this power through curating thoughtful, cultural responses; the Romantic in me seeks to nourish our anarchic hearts with truth and beauty.

Speaking truth to the power of the patriarchy is unimaginably difficult, even as I live a life of relative privilege. In the past, I’ve experienced deep levels of discomfort at writing one small truth because there’s the worry that I’ll be branded a troublemaker, a man hater, a difficult woman to work with. All of which heightens my respect for those women across global history who’ve had to fight like lions for the barest modicum of political and/or cultural change. 

To quote Emma GoldmanThe history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause as, for instance, the black man’s right to his body, or woman’s right to her soul. 

Today, I asked someone who naturally uses poetic imagery in their conversation why they don’t write poetry, and they replied, Poetry doesn’t kill fascists. 

But it does, I returned; Poetry darns holes in our tattered imaginations, forces difficult dialogue with the Self, and encourages a deep empathy for all living beings. How is this radical approach not the most beautiful way to end fascism? Afterwards, I wish I’d remembered to cite the great Audre Lorde in the opening lines of her poem, Power:

The difference between poetry and rhetoric
is being ready to kill
instead of your children.

Poetry asks us to take a deep-dive into the psyche, to kill the ego and emerge bare-naked and battered from the assault. In this way it also kills fascist ideology because the two are, in my mind, mutually exclusive. Audre Lorde, black woman, feminist, poet, lesbian, and activist understood this, as well as the horrors that rhetoric can unleash, and then managed to distil the entire philosophy down to just four lines of pure genius. 

Having said that, Ezra Pound was a great poet and a fascist, which also proves that there’s no singular solution to some people being absolute cunts. 

Is fascism the biggest threat to women today? I’m not sure. Perhaps I would argue that the sheer volume of men and women who have internalised that particularly noxious mix of capitalism and patriarchy is our biggest enemy. Especially when it manifests as gossiping about, or competing with, women in place of empathy and support.

But if that is our weakness, then our strength is the inordinate number of women (and people across the gender spectrum) who are recognising this toxicity and actively taking steps to disconnect from those elements of our culture, instead endeavouring to lift up our sisters wherever and whenever possible. There’s a great, and hilarious, example on Instagram from The Speech Professor calling out the ridiculous expectations some men have of women.

Poetry, language, film, music, and art continue to be beautiful tools for disseminating ideas that then rage across our collective psychological landscapes like La NiƱa. 

Take the viral Barbie speech by America Ferrara that begins: 

It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong. 

Hands up, how many of you cried during this speech? I did.

So many innovative and creative women make up the rockface of our herstory, and I wonder how many of them we inadvertently clamber over or use for a leg up without fully recognising their contribution to the artistic landscape we now inhabit. 

I’m currently reading The Gentrification of The Mind by Sarah Schulman, an outstanding memoir on AIDS, queer culture, downtown arts movements, and innovative people from history being erased by the gentrification not only of place but of the collective memory. It’s got me thinking about the many women who create vibrant, inspiring lives during their time on earth who are no longer recognised or who’ve been side-lined, ignored in life and death by a gentrification process that doesn’t recognise idiosyncratic women even as it absorbs their singular brilliance. But that’s how the diminishment process works. Writes Schulman. 

What halts this erasure of women’s words, activism, art, and herstories are the people who recognise our pioneering women in their lifetimes and continue to celebrate them after death; who work to vividly portray the dynamic, intelligent, multifaceted woman without reducing her to the caricature of a jumble of red lipsticks or oversized cardigans or cats or plethora of lovers. 

We’re more than that, better than that, and anybody saying otherwise should have the world’s population to contend with—at least they would in my utopia. 

I’ve been handed some recommendations from Freedom Bookshop, firstly for a book that has now landed on my To Be Read list: Anarchafeminist by Chiara Bottici. Reading the blurb, I’m already taken by the author’s intersectional and anti-speciesism approach. At the bottom of this article, you can find a further list of recommended books from the bookshop that you should be able to get your hands on in-store, and below that, an eclectic (but not exhaustive) list of books by women that have spoken to me over the years.

I’ll finish with a poem by the great anarchist poet Voltairine de Cleyre, writing in memory of pioneering feminist Mary Wollstonecraft:

Mary Wollstonecraft

The dust of a hundred years 
Is on thy breast, 
And thy day and thy night of tears 
Are centurine rest. 
Thou to whom joy was dumb, 
Life a broken rhyme, 
Lo, thy smiling time is come, 
And our weeping time. 
Thou who hadst sponge and myrrh 
And a bitter cross, 
Smile, for the day is here 
That we know our loss; — 
Loss of thine undone deed, 
Thy unfinished song, 
Th’ unspoken word for our need, 
Th’ unrighted wrong; 
Smile, for we weep, we weep, 
For the unsoothed pain, 
The unbound wound burned deep, 
That we might gain. 
Mother of sorrowful eyes 
In the dead old days, 
Mother of many sighs, 
Of pain-shod ways; 
Mother of resolute feet 
Through all the thorns, 
Mother soul-strong, soul-sweet, — 
Lo, after storms 
Have broken and beat thy dust 
For a hundred years, 
Thy memory is made just, 
And the just man hears. 
Thy children kneel and repeat: 
“Though dust be dust, 
Though sod and coffin and sheet 
And moth and rust 
Have folded and moulded and pressed, 
Yet they cannot kill; 
In the heart of the world at rest 
She liveth still.” 

Philadelphia, 27th April 1893
Taken from Collected Poems, The Anarchist Library.

Freedom Bookshop recommends: 

• Means & Ends by Zoe Baker
• Radical Intimacy by Sophie K Rosa
• Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
• The Feminist & the Sex Offender by Eric R Meiners and Judith Levine
• Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman
• Surmounting the Barricades: Women in the Paris Commune by Carolyn Eichner
• In Defence of Witches by Mona Chollet
• Labour of Love by Moira Weigel
• Feminism Against Family by Sophie Lewis
• Wages for Housework by Louise Toupin
• Revolting Prostitutes by Molly Smith & Juno Mac 
• Regretting Motherhood by Orna Donath
• Innocent Subjects by Terese Jonsson

Also anything by Judith Butler, Angela Davis, Ruth Kinna, Bell Hooks, or Audre Lorde. 

Editor’s eclectic recommends:

• Flights by Olga Tokarczuk
• Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard
• Oneness Vs the one percent by Vandana Shiva
• What it Means When a Man Falls From the Sky by Lesley Nneka Arimha
• Mama Amazonica by Pascale Petit
• The Vegetarian by Han Kang
• The Dispossessed by Ursula K le Guin
• Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
• Problems by Jade Sharma
• The World Keeps Ending and The World goes On by Franni Choi
• Deep Listening, a composer’s sound practice by Pauline Oliveros
• The Last Samurai by Helen de Witt
• Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola EstĆ©s
• Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy
• Three Women by Lisa Taddeo
• Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler
• Adrienne Rich by Selected Poems 1950 – 2012
• The Book of Phoenix by Nnedi Okorafor
• Remains of a Future City by ZoĆ« Skoulding
• Fleabag original script by Phoebe Waller-Bridge
• A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Rebecca Solnit
• Vengeance is Mine, Marie Ndiaye
• The Veiled Woman, AnaĆÆs Nin

Also anything by Margaret Atwood and Toni Morrison.

Sophie McKeand


Via Abolition Media

By: MĆ³nica Caballero

The economic system that currently governs the territory dominated by the Chilean State and practically all Western states, is capitalism. Capitalism, in simple words, was based on the fact that trade and industry (means of production) are organized and controlled by their owners, that is: entrepreneurs.

In order for capitalism to take root and endure over time as a political-economic system, it needed a patriarchal social structure, the latter being understood as the social organization in which the authority of the male is exercised from the family, leading to all practices of domination. Therefore, it would be difficult to propose a radical emancipatory change without ending with the total destruction of capitalism and patriarchy.

Patriarchal authoritarian oppressive structures have (de)formed virtually all the relationships we have with each other and with ourselves. Another human is no longer another individual equivalent to me with whom we could help each other and develop integrally, now the relationship between humans is subject to what position they occupy within the social hierarchy.

On the other hand, the relationship with other non-human beings is contingent on the economic benefit that it could give me, transforming it into a consumer product. And finally, the vision that patriarchy has created of ourselves is limited and circumscribed to imposed canons or standards, whether aesthetic, gender, etc.

Obtaining the necessary tools to destroy the logics of domination, which makes us reproduce and perpetuate in various ways the need to dominate and to be dominated, is the task of all of us who are committed to seeing this reality burn…

Visualizing that patriarchal capitalism brings wealth to a few at the expense of the lives of many others could lead to the identification and targeting of the beneficiaries of this system of terror.

Against Patriarchy, in order to achieve the foundations of the negating paths of anarchy.

MĆ³nica Caballero SepĆŗlveda

Anarchist prisoner

San Miguel prison

Written in the context of March 8, 2024.


International Women’s Day: Britain’s increasing gender pay inequality revealed in new reports

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead Yesterday

At the current rate of progress, it will take 43 years to close the gender pay gap in Britain.

Separate bodies of research have unveiled alarming findings about gender pay inequality in the UK.

A study by the Living Wage Foundation found that women are facing a ‘pay penalty’, earning only 90p compared to an equally qualified man earning a £1. Almost 2.2 million women earn less than the real Living Wage, compared to almost 1.5 million men.

The study, which was based on Office for National Statistics data, also found that six in ten low paid jobs are held by women, who are around twice as likely as male workers to report having no money left once essentials have been paid for. The proportion and number of women working in lower paid jobs in 2023 had increased from the previous year. In 2022, just over 2 million jobs held by women were paid less than the real Living Wage.

The gender pay disparity is even more pronounced in part-time jobs. Part-time jobs paid below the real Living Wage are twice as likely to be filled by women than men. Around 1.4m low-paid part-time jobs are held by women, compared to 656,000 jobs filled by men.

The real Living Wage is the only wage in the UK to be based on the cost of living. It is currently set at £12 per hour across the UK and £13.15 in London. It is voluntarily paid by more than 14,000 businesses who believe their staff deserve to be paid enough to meet everyday essentials.

The Living Wage Foundation campaigns to persuade employers to pay the real Living Wage. Its research looked at regional gender pay disparities. It found that the East Midlands is home to the largest gender difference within low paid jobs, where two in ten jobs held by women are low paid, compared to one in ten jobs held by men.

‘Pay penalty’

PwC’s Women in Work Index, which assesses progress made towards achieving gender equality at work across 33 OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, showed similar findings. The gender pay gap in Britain has extended to 14.5 percent, marking a fall in ranking in the Index from 13th position to 17th. This was the largest annual fall of rankings experienced by any OECD country this year. The report shows that women are facing a ‘pay penalty’, earning only 90p compared to an equally qualified man earning £1.

The report also finds that the UK’s gender pay gap has widened by 0.2 percentage points, making it higher than the OECD average and more than half the other countries assessed on the Index.

It warns that at the current rate of progress, it will take 43 years to close the gender pay gap in Britain. The report also looked at regional discrepancies and found that the West Midlands was the worst performing region for pay inequality, followed by the East Midlands.


Sheila Flavell CBE, Chief Operating Officer for FDM Group, described the findings of the Index as ‘disheartening.’

“It is disheartening to see the gender pay gap widening across industry and highlights that many businesses across all sectors are falling behind the curve when it comes to fair and equal pay.”

Ian Elliott, Chief People Officer at PwC UK, said: “Our analysis is a timely reminder that employers have to look at all the factors that contribute to pay gaps. Alongside transparent and robust gender pay gap reporting, it’s also vital that health and wellbeing resources are accessible and the workplace is an empowering place for employees experiencing the menopause and other health conditions.

“Moreover, it’s crucial that working parents are properly supported – championing flexible and hybrid working, alongside progressive parental leave policies, is key.”

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead is a contributing editor to Left Foot Forward

“Austerity is a political choice, not an economic necessity” – Jeremy Corbyn exclusive on #Budget24

“Today’s budget exposes a government that is blind to the scale of the crises we face. While private companies are taking home more profit than ever before, more than 4 million children live in poverty.”

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Jeremy Corbyn MP writes for Labour Outlook on #Budget24.

“Austerity is a political choice, not an economic necessity.”

This is what we said back in 2015, five years into a devastating programme of cuts and privatisation. We knew that austerity would decimate our public services, plunge millions into poverty and send our country into economic decline. It was true then – and it is true now.

Today’s budget exposes a government that is blind to the scale of the crises we face. While private companies are taking home more profit than ever before, more than 4 million children live in poverty. A quarter of a million people are homeless, while millions more languish on social housing waiting lists. Our NHS is on its knees after decades of austerity and privatisation.

Perhaps most alarmingly, we are sleepwalking toward a climate emergency. Make no mistake, the climate crisis is here, and we are running out of time to avoid total catastrophe. People in the Global South are already suffering the worst consequences – more and more people in this country will experience the devastating effects of air pollution, heatwaves and flooding.

The Tories’ economic experiment has failed – and they should not get off lightly. Parroting the language of austerity is a grave mistake, and represents a missed opportunity to bring about the transformative change this country needs. When there are more billionaires in this country than ever before, the idea that we cannot afford to build a fairer and greener society is absurd. We have the means to end poverty, pay our workers properly and save the planet. We just need the political will.

Millions of us still believe in a real alternative.

One that funds a fully-public NHS; austerity and privatisation are the causes of – not the solutions to – the healthcare crisis.

One that introduced rent controls and builds social housing; we will never tackle the housing emergency until we treat housing as a human right, and embark upon a huge council house-building programme.

One that invests in a Green New Deal to transform the economy and create thousands of green, unionised jobs.

One that scraps the 2-child benefits cap; this cruel and callous policy is a moral disgrace, and we could pay for the abolition of this policy seventeen times over with a 1-2% wealth tax on people with assets over £10 million.

One that brings energy, water, rail and mail into public ownership; privatisation has been a total disaster, and it’s time we stood up to the companies holding our country to ransom.

Our economy is not just broken. It is rigged in the interests of the few – and unless we fundamentally rewrite the rules of our economy, nothing will change. There’s nothing fiscally responsible about plunging millions of people into poverty or destroying our natural world. Why can’t we have the courage to campaign for a more joyful, equal and sustainable future?

As the MP for Islington North, I will continue to campaign alongside my community for a redistribution of wealth and power. For an economy that puts human need before corporate greed. For a society that cares for each other and cares for all.

Why Jeremy Hunt’s budget fails Britain

The evidence of past policy failures is all around us. Since 2010, the real economy has grown by around 1.2% a year and is set to have the weakest growth amongst G7 countries.

Left Foot Forward 
7 March, 2024 

Every year, the UK parliament enacts a pantomime with deadly consequences. A man with a red box (might as well be a red nose) and known as the Chancellor, ritually promises to eradicate poverty, redistribute income and wealth, rejuvenate the economy and public services, and increase people’s prosperity and happiness. Instead for the last 14 years he has delivered, lower living standards, worse public services, crumbling infrastructure and transferred wealth from the masses to the rich. This year’s budget statement is no different.

Calamitous Policies

The evidence of past policy failures is all around us. Since 2010, the real economy has grown by around 1.2% a year and is set to have the weakest growth amongst G7 countries. The real average wage is unchanged since 2007 and Britons have faced the biggest fall in livings standards since the records began. The richest 1% of the population has more wealth than 70% of the population combined whilst 14.4m live in poverty. UNICEF reported that child poverty levels in the UK have risen by 20% in recent years, and the UK is ranked 39th out of 39 relatively well-off countries.

Deprived of good food, housing and healthcare, British children are up to 7cm shorter than their European counterparts. Malnutrition, scurvy and rickets have returned. A major reason for huge social disparities is that income from wealth, such as capital gains, is taxed at the rates of 10%-28% whilst wages are taxed at the rates of 20%-45%. In addition, national insurance contribution (NIC) at the rate of 10% is payable on wages between £12,570 and £50,270, and 2% above that. Recipients of capital gains, dividends and other forms of investment income do not pay any NIC.

Dwindling household incomes have led to lower investment in productive assets. The overall investment rate in the UK fell from a high of around 23% of GDP in the late 1980s to around 17% from 2000 onwards, compared to an average of 22% for the EUPublic investment in new industries has fallen from an average of 4.5% of GDP between 1949 and 1978 to 1.5% between 1979 and 2019. Public buildings are literally crumbling, there is a huge teacher shortagelocal councils are going bankrupt and are cutting services, and 7.1m adults in England have very poor literacy skills. Roads are full of potholes. Hospitals in England have a waiting list of 7.6m appointments and 300,000 a year die whilst waiting for that appointment. 2.8m are chronically ill and unable work. People struggle to see a family doctor or find a dentist. This has a negative effect on productivity.

Disappointing Budget

Against the above background, the budget statement is disappointing. The erosion of disposable incomes continues. In March 2021, the government froze tax free personal allowance at £12,570 and income tax thresholds with the result that 40% marginal rate kicks in at £50270 and 45% marginal rate at £125,140. One consequence is that in an inflationary environment is that 4.2m more workers now pay income tax. If nothing changes by 2028-29 another 3.7m workers will be forced to pay income tax at basic rate of 20%, another 2.7m at 40% and another 200,000 at 45%. Due to frozen tax thresholds, the government will collect another £41.1bn a year.

The Chancellor has handed a few crumbs to the masses in the shape of a 2p cut in the headline rate of national insurance, reducing it from 10% to 8%. It will cost around £10.2bn a year. Someone on median wage of around £29,600 will take home extra £341 year, easily wiped out by higher council tax, energy and household bills and higher income tax due to frozen thresholds. People earning £19,000 a year will be worse off as tax rises due to frozen thresholds will exceed cut in national insurance. Some 17.8m adults with annual income less than £12,570 will receive no benefit.

Due to fiscal drag pensioners will be forced to pay income tax on low incomes, as well as higher council tax, food and energy bills. The projected hit on pensioners is around £8bn. Real value of benefits is not protected so millions of workers relying upon universal credit to top-up their low wages will face real cuts.

The middle and higher income families, most likely to vote Conservative, are the major gainers. The higher rate of capital gains tax on residential property disposals has been cut from 28% to 24%. Owners of multiple properties will be the main beneficiaries of the tax break worth around £600m.

The high-income child benefit threshold will be increased from £50,000 to £60,000 with a taper extended to £80,000. Nearly 500,000 families with children would benefit by around £1,300 next year. In sharp contrast the two-child benefit cap which hits the poorest, depriving 402,000 families of around £3,200 a year is to be retained.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged the government to shun tax cuts called for greater investment in public services and infrastructure but that is not what the government has done. Green investment is missing altogether from the budget. The Chancellor has promised £3.5bn to replace the NHS IT system and claims that this will somehow generate savings of £35bn. Another £2.5bn top-up will largely meet the pay settlements. There is little or nothing extra for expansion of the NHS or appointment of additional doctors and nurses to reduce the 7.76m hospital appointment queue in England.

Tax cuts for higher income earners are financed by borrowing and cuts in public spending of around £19bn and will hammer councils, police, courts, justice, border checks and transport. Services will be cut and public sector workers face prospects of further real pay cuts. Potholes in roads will become a way of life.

The Chancellor soothed public anxieties by claiming that the UK is on track to become the world’s next Silicon Valley. However, he was silent on how this is to be achieved when there are severe skills shortages and due to low pay many academics are migrating to other countries. Last year, the government announced a package of $1.2bn (£1bn) investment into the vital semiconductor industry compared to $50bn by the US, $40bn by China and $10bn by India.

Instead of investment the government has launched a gimmick – a British ISA. This nationalistic gesture will enable some to invest £5,000 a year in secondary UK stocks and shares for a tax free return. This will be beyond the reach of million as 34% of UK adults have savings of less than £1,000. Not a penny of the amounts put in the British ISA will go directly into investment in productive public or private assets though bankers and financial intermediaries will gain.

The budget is silent about value for money for the billions handed to private companies in subsidies. For example, Drax has received £6.2bn subsidy and set to receive another £4.2bn. Rail companies have received £75bn subsidy in the last decade and in return people don’t own a single railway engine or carriage.

On the face of it, the government is helping small traders raising the VAT registration threshold from annual turnover of £85,000 to £90,000. But nothing has been done to simplify rules. Here are some nightmare examples: toilet rolls have a VAT of 20% but caviar is zero-rated. Potato crisps have 20% VAT but prawn crackers and tortilla chips are zero-rated. Cakes and biscuits are zero-rated but if they are wholly or partly covered in chocolate then taxed at the standard rate of 20. There is 0% VAT on unshelled nuts but 20% VAT on shelled nuts with the exception of peanuts even when they are out of their shells. Roasted and salted nuts are subject to 20% VAT but toasted ones can be VAT free.

Overall, the budget hits pensioners and average families and transfers wealth from the less well-off to the rich. It is likely that the government will try to boost its dwindling electoral fortunes in autumn with a tax cut, but it has consistently failed to address deeper economic problems. The economy can’t be revived by cutting purchasing power of the masses and by strangling public investment.

The budget also poses major challenges for the Labour Party, the official opposition in parliament. It had promised not to increase capital gains tax, corporation tax or levy any wealth taxes. It pinned its hopes on somehow securing growth but that looks forlorn without major investment or rebalancing the tax system in favour of the masses. It had modest proposals for raising additional tax revenues by reforming non-dom taxation, levying 20% VAT on private school fees to raise around £1.7bn, and reforming the taxation of “carried interest” at private equity to raise around £600m a year. Now the government has pre-emptied the non-dom taxation reform which it claims will raise £2.7bn in 2026/27. This leaves Labour with £2.3bn of tax raising initiatives, nowhere enough to rebuild the economy or redistribute. It will need to revisit the entire issue of taxation, public spending and economic management.

Prem Sikka is an Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the University of Essex and the University of Sheffield, a Labour member of the House of Lords, and Contributing Editor at Left Foot Forward.


We must continue to fight for justice & freedom for the Palestinian people.- Louise Regan, NEU

“The ICJ couldn’t have been clearer when it said that Israel must prevent genocide against Palestinians in Gaza & enable the provision of basic services & humanitarian assistance.”

Louise Regan. NEU

Louise Regan, National Education Union, addressed the Labour & Palestine “Women for Palestine” rally in the run-up to International Women’s Day. You can read a published version of her speech or watch the event below:

I am very proud to belong to the NEU a trade union which has a long and proud history of standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We have all been shocked by what we have witnessed over the last four months in Gaza. Over 30,000 Palestinians killed, two thirds of them women and children.

No education has taken place in Gaza since 7th October, all university buildings have been destroyed and the majority of schools have been partially or totally destroyed.

At the ICJ case taken by South Africa we heard that 10 children a day are facing an amputation without anaesthetic.

Last week I heard from a medic in Gaza that a young child who had had to have both hands amputated had asked his parents if his hands would grow back.

As an educator I can’t get these images and stories out of my head – how shocking that children are facing this.

People in Gaza have nowhere left to go – there is no safe space.

The International Court of Justice could not have been clearer when it said that Israel must prevent genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and enable the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance.

Yet, as the bombs and missiles rain down in Rafah, it is hard to imagine a more flagrant abuse of that order…

Rather than suspending arms sales to Israel, the UK Government has halted funding for UNWRA – the only lifeline available for two million Gazans.

Instead of de-escalating the conflict they escalate it through airstrikes on Yemen.

And they continue to abstain on UN votes for a ceasefire.

That’s why many UK charities have warned the UK Government that unless it changes course it is complicit in the slaughter of civilians in Gaza.

We also know that Palestinians in the West Bank are facing increasing oppression and aggression with death tolls being the highest since they were started to be recorded with 413 Palestinians killed, 107 of them children.

The NEU has continued to support the national demonstrations with our General Secretary and national President speaking. We have encouraged members to attend and take along their union banners. Our members have set up an educators for Palestine group to share resources and ideas and we have set up a fundraiser with Save the Children to raise money for urgently needed aid.

But as others have said we know this did not begin on the 7th October. Palestinians have suffered decades of oppression and dispossession so we must continue to push for a permanent ceasefire now and humanitarian aid but then we must continue to fight for justice and freedom for the Palestinian people.


Palestinian women face horrors of an unimaginable scale – Ryvka Barnard, Palestine Solidarity Campaign

“Women and girls are facing the indignity of having no supplies to attend to their menstrual cycles, not to mention privacy, something that is an unimaginable luxury for them to even dream of now.”

Ryvka Barnard, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, addressed the Labour & Palestine “Women for Palestine” rally in the run-up to International Women’s Day. You can read a published version of her speech or watch the event

And all this on top of the famine facing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, the bombing they are all subjected to, the ground invasions, the forced disappearances by Israeli military and the torture and ill-treatment in prisons, which is also meted out to women.

As comrades have said before me, the burden of war and colonialism hits women doubly hard.

But also, as always, Palestinian women are no exception to the global phenomenon of women also being at the forefront of the struggle for justice, and in service to their people. I want to pay tribute today to all of the Palestinian women who are courageously facing these unprecedented challenges: the doctors, nurses, and other medical workers who are saving lives or providing comfort to the dying in the Gaza Strip; the teachers and community activists who are organising lessons and play for Palestinian children in shelters, children whose lives will never be the same after this, if they even survive, and the structure of a group activity might be the only thing that can bring a smile to their faces. The women who are working as journalists, and particularly since international media cannot get into Gaza, who are diligently reporting and documenting both the violence against, and the strength of their people. The mothers, sisters, aunties and others who are at the same time, very ordinary, but actually extraordinary in their work to keep their community together in the face of such horrors.

These are the women who will never be celebrated by name in international forums, who won’t become news sensations or heroes, but whose work is the foundational work that Palestinian women have been doing for decades to uplift their people that has inspired so many of us, including myself.

So what is our responsibility as people of conscience in the solidarity movement, in the face of such horrific violence, and such inspiring courage and strength? And what do we do in the face of overwhelming British complicity in Israel’s violence, and government attempts to stifle and silence our solidarity movement, attempts which have reached a fever pitch this week? Our priority at PSC, and across the solidarity movement, must be to work tirelessly for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. PSC and partners are planning another national march this Saturday, and I’m proud and excited to say that this weekend we’ll have an entire line-up of women speaking in support of a ceasefire and an end to British arms sales to Israel. And I do want to thank those on this call who have been supporting and speaking at these marches for months now, especially those MPs who have done so at huge cost and despite threats, not from their constituents, but from the British government and party leaders!

In advance of this event tonight, I spoke to a Palestinian friend in the occupied West Bank, and she asked me to mention to you all how important is has been for her and her comrades to see our marches in London. Of course, the main purpose of our marches is to put pressure on politicians here to take action, but they do also provide some comfort and hope to Palestinians around the world, including in occupied Palestine, to see that they have not been forgotten by the majority of people in the world, even if they’ve been forsaken by those in power.

There’s much more for us to do…marching for a ceasefire, keeping up our Stop Arming Israel campaigns, and starting new campaigns to push for accountability and to support the Palestinian call for justice. Thanks to all of you who have showed up today and I hope to see all of you in London this Saturday for our next Ceasefire Now march!


Rochdale: the lessons for Labour

Carol Turner argues Labour just doesn’t get it. It’s not Islamic extremists endangering Britain, but the collapse of faith in Westminster parties.

MARCH 5, 2024

The results of the Rochdale by-election left Labour and Tories on the back foot. George Galloway won only because Labour didn’t stand a candidate, according to Keir Starmer and Labour’s Deputy Campaign Coordinator Ellie Reeves. The Tories responded with more rhetoric about Islamist extremist running wild on the streets of Britain – and Labour agreed.

Labour List was beyond unprepared for the outcome. On the morning polling stations opened, it led with an article by an obscure think tank: “If George Galloway wins it will be on the back of a low turnout vote. If Azhar Ali – the former Labour candidate – wins, it will likely be on the back of the strong brand of the Labour party logo.”

The morning after brought no sober reflection. Labour List reported the result with another quote from the same think tank. It was far more likely the lesson of Rochdale was “about candidate selection and due diligence than public opinion.” Oh yeah?

Voters had expressed their preference – not for one, but for two alternatives to the Westminster parties. The real news of the by-election, as a few commentators pointed out, was that neither Labour nor Tory candidates got a look-in. The Conservative came third, with a vote that dropped by 19.2% on the 2019 result, while Azhar Ali, the candidate Labour withdrew support from after the list had closed, came fourth – a massive 43.9% down.

As Sir John Curtice told BBC Breakfast on Friday morning, the Labour result was its worst ever in any post war by-election. The most prominent feature of the results, he said, was that a local candidate pipped both of the main parties to second place.

Particular aspects of the Rochdale campaign mean these results are not a reliable foretaste of the general election. Not only did Labour withdraw support from Azhar Ali – who didn’t even turn up to the count – the Green Party similarly withdrew support from their candidate after the list was published. Simon Danczuk standing for the Reform Party was a former Labour MP for Rochdale (2010-2017) blocked by Labour from standing after a scandal over explicit text messages to a 17-year-old young woman. The winner himself was a one-off who turned the story of the campaign into the story of Gaza.

While Labour was in denial, the Tories tried to turn Rochdale into the latest result of allowing Islamic extremists onto the streets of Britain. This media understood that this was the reason for Rishi Sunak’s bizarre Prime Ministerial non-statement from the steps of No 10. Labour did not. Starmer echoed Sunak.

The focus on Labour and Tory responses to Rochdale, mean two important lessons have gone largely unremarked.

The first, and most obvious: Rochdale confirms how out of touch Labour and Tories really are about the public’s feelings on Gaza. Rochdale’s Muslim communities were not the only ones to express their concern at the ballot box. The size of Galloway’s result strongly suggests a section of non-Muslim voters did too. Successive opinion polls and high mobilisations on Gaza demonstrations back this up.

We may anticipate that this same concern can make itself felt countrywide in the general election. Day after day, for four months solid, agonizing images of death and destruction have chased each other across our screens. Does anyone really doubt the feeble response of government and opposition will linger in public consciousness? A point of comparison, perhaps, is the distrust of Tony Blair in the aftermath of the Iraq invasion, which still clings to him today.

The second lesson of Rochdale, which is largely missing from the media, is recognition that Galloway won and a local candidate came second by appealing to the disaffection felt by Rochdale voters. Galloway’s campaign referenced a number of Rochdale-specific issues – restoring maternity and A&E services, getting Primark to open a store in Rochdale, reopening the open-air market.

Galloway is a populist. He even doffed his fedora to Trump, saying his job as MP would be to “make Rochdale great again”. Like Trump he draws on ‘anti-woke’ sentiments about women and the LGBT+ community. Galloway understands what Labour refuses to acknowledge: the roiling dissatisfaction with political parties who duck the issues – inflation and the high cost of living, low wages, poor health care, inadequate housing and lack of local authority services – the list is long.

In 2022 Greater Manchester Poverty Action identified a child poverty rate of 28% in Rochdale. Later that year, a study by Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) put Rochdale 25th of a list of the 30 most deprived areas in Britain. Like Rochdale, many of these have disproportionately high non-white populations; Muslims are disproportionately represented amongst Britain’s worst off.

The biggest lesson of the Rochdale by-election is, indeed, the strength of dissatisfaction with government and opposition parties alike. It is not – as Sunak claims and Starmer echoes – the problem of Islamic extremism that is threatening parliamentary democracy. It’s the unwillingness of government to tackle impoverishment, and the lack of real alternatives from Labour.

Labour’s reliance on an electoral strategy of harvesting the votes of alienated Tories suggests that keeping heads down and waiting for the breaks might not be the winning strategy Labour imagines. Rochdale suggests the electorate is tired of broken promises and ditched policies. Voters are smarter than Labour or Tories give them credit for. Faith in Westminster is rapidly collapsing.

Carol Turner is Labour CND Chair.


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