Monday, March 30, 2020

A Comparative Political Economy of Industrial Capitalism

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R. C. Mascarenhas

About this book

This comparative study of industrial capitalism is an examination of state-economy relations in mixed economies ranging from the interventionist German and Japanese to the less interventionist Anglo-American. Following the postwar consensus that resulted in the 'golden age' (1950-1973) and ended with the energy crisis, the Anglo-American economies adopted neoliberalism while Germany and Japan remained interventionist. This resulted in the emergence of national types of capitalism. While analyzing the increased competition between them, R.C.Mascarenhas also notes the influence of globalization as well as 'alternative capitalism' with the survival and re-emergence of industrial districts.
competitioneconomyGermanyglobalizationInstitutioninterventionneoliberalismpolitical economy

Authors and affiliations
R. C. Mascarenhas
Department of Political Science 
University of Melbourne Australia

Copyright InformationPalgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited 2002
Publisher NamePalgrave Macmillan, London 

R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 1-5

Historical, Institutional and Philosophical Foundations of Capitalism
Front Matter
Pages 7-7

Comparative Political Economy: An Institutionalist Approach
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 9-29

Developments in Modern Industrial Capitalism
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 30-44

State and the Economy
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 45-63

Recent Developments and Changes in Industrial Organization
Front Matter
Pages 65-65

Changing Nature of Capitalism: Large-Scale Enterprises
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 67-95

Globalization and Its Effects on Capitalism
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 96-112

Alternative Models of Capitalism
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 113-132

Comparative Studies of Modern Capitalism
Front Matter
Pages 133-133

Types of Capitalism: Anglo-American
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 135-166

German Capitalism: The Social Market Model
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 167-198

Japan: The East Asian Developmental State
R. C. Mascarenhas
Pages 199-225

Comparative Perspective of Industrial Capitalism
R. C. Mascarenhas

Pages 226-233

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