Saturday, September 25, 2021


N.W.T. father, son travel 2,000 km for cancelled surgery in Edmonton

Tyrone Raddi says son now on 'emergency cancellation list'

 due to high COVID-19 cases in Alberta

Tyrone Raddi and his 17-year-old son travelled from Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T., to Edmonton for surgery, only for it to be cancelled on the day it was scheduled to take place. (Submitted by Tyrone Raddi)

Jacob Lafferty travelled 2,000 kilometres with his father from their home in Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T., to Edmonton to get surgery on his elbow.

But it never happened.

"We flew down Sunday, went for our appointment Monday only to be told that everything is cancelled," said Lafferty's father, Tyrone Raddi.

Lafferty, 17, is one of several residents in the Northwest Territories currently in this predicament as surgeries across Alberta are being cancelled due to record numbers of COVID-19 hospitalizations that are seeing patients transported to other provinces. 

Raddi said it was nerve-wracking enough travelling from a small community that has never had a case of COVID-19, to a hotspot like Edmonton.

He had to book two days off work for the surgery, and his son, who is about to graduate in January, had to take time off school. Now, they'll have to do it all over again, possibly on short notice.

Raddi said they've been put on an "emergency cancellation list with no guarantee that we are going to get in due to the high number of cases in Alberta."

"I am lucky that I did have the time to take off."

Raddi poses for a photo after getting his COVID-19 vaccine at the Kitti Hall community centre in Tuktoyaktuk. The hamlet has so far not seen a single case of the novel coronavirus. (Submitted by Tyrone Raddi)

Record numbers of patients in Alberta ICUs

Alberta is facing soaring numbers of COVID-19 patients. As of Thursday, 226 of the 310 patients in the province's intensive care units (ICUs) had COVID-19.

Hospitals buckling under the load have had to cancel surgeries for Alberta patients as well as those in the N.W.T. who rely on the province for specialized care. 

"Having your surgery delayed can be extremely traumatising, particularly if you've been waiting a long time," said Dr. Verna Yiu, president and CEO of Alberta Health Services, at a Thursday news conference. 

"Delaying surgeries is something that we never want to do."

CBC News reached out to the government of the Northwest Territories' Department of Health and Social Services to get a better understanding of how many residents' medical travel and surgeries have been postponed, but didn't receive a response before this story was published.

Raddi and his son drove to Inuvik, then flew to Edmonton on a flight that made stops in Norman Wells and Yellowknife. (CBC)

Data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information shows that in 2019-20, N.W.T. residents were admitted to hospital overnight 955 times in the Edmonton area. The previous year, that number was 1,004. 

In addition, N.W.T. patients received 522 day surgeries in the Edmonton area in 2019-20, and 721 the previous year. 

Postponed surgeries and medical travel for N.W.T. patients in Alberta are happening at a time when the territory is facing its worst COVID-19 outbreak since the start of the pandemic.

As of Thursday, the territory's chief public health officer said 26 people have been hospitalized related to the current delta variant-driven outbreak. Twelve have been admitted to the ICU in Yellowknife since the pandemic began. 

Better communication needed

Raddi said his son is still experiencing discomfort with his elbow and would like the surgery done right away.

He said he understands why it was cancelled, but feels the situation could've been communicated better. If he'd known about the possibility of a cancellation, he said he may have made a different decision about whether to risk travelling to Edmonton. 

According to Raddi, the territorial government "needs to look after its residents instead of sending them down on trips where they know nothing is going to happen." 

"I really do think it was a waste of my time and my son's time with them knowing nothing was going to happen … I think it has to be a little bit better planned out from both sides."

'You should be ashamed of yourself': Nenshi sounds off against rural reeve on COVID-19 misinformation

Author of the article:Jason Herring
Publishing date:Sep 25, 2021 

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi speaks with media on Monday, July 5, 2021. 

A recent meeting of Calgary-area municipalities turned heated after a rural reeve shared misinformation on COVID-19 vaccines, leading to a sharp rebuke from Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi.

The confrontation took place during the Sept. 17 Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) meeting, when Foothills County Reeve Suzanne Oel called into question the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

She said her statements reflected the views of her constituents, many of whom are opposed to the vaccines and province’s then-newly announced vaccine passport system.

“While some people believe the vaccine will protect them, others disagree. A note is that the experimental vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission. The safety trials have not been completed,” Oel said.

Those statements are false. Vaccines have been shown in clinical trials to reduce COVID-19 illness, a fact which is reflected in Alberta data, which has found vaccines are more than 90 per cent effective at preventing symptomatic illness due to COVID-19.

It’s also inaccurate to call the vaccines experimental, as both mRNA COVID vaccines approved for use in Canada — manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna — went through rigorous safety testing and use technology developed over the course of decades.

Nenshi jumped into the fray after Oel falsely claimed the vaccine was only tested on animals before being made available.

“What she has just said is 1,000 per cent false, and this is not a place for us to abide by those extremist views that are putting people in danger,” Nenshi said in the exchange, which was first reported by LiveWire Calgary.

“I was with an ICU nurse yesterday. People are dying every day. Yes, we have to have a diversity of views. We don’t have diversity of BS like that. That is completely untrue and saying things like that puts people at risk and you should be ashamed of yourself, Reeve Oel.”

The terse exchange continued when Oel said she had taken a risk in sharing the views in the forum, before Nenshi interrupted her, saying, “Lies are not opinions, Reeve Oel, and that is a lie. Stop educating yourself from YouTube videos, read the science.”

The CMRB consists of 10 Calgary-area municipalities, with a mandate to support the long-term sustainability of the region.

Elsewhere in the meeting, officials discussed confusion over the province’s vaccine passport plan as well as the acrimonious public climate around vaccines and mask use.
Alberta ICU staff say they're strained by rising demand for care, increasing backlash from patients


With Alberta’s health-care system now the focus of a military mission, the people who work within it say they're reaching a breaking point as stress compounds with negative patient interactions.

Dr. Erika MacIntyre, a critical care physician working in Edmonton’s Misericordia hospital ICU shared with CTV News Edmonton how some patients – who usually are not vaccinated – are verbally abusing health-care staff.

“There has been some individuals who have accused us of giving them COVID,” MacIntyre said. “That’s always a bit of an added stress because that is not the case.”

Rural mayors battle fourth wave, vaccine hesitancy
'People will suffer and will die': Emergency doctor says some health triage has begun in Alberta

She recalled another time where one ICU patient, whose condition had improved enough to be able to leave the ICU, offered harmful remarks to the very staff helping them recover.

“On the way out of the ICU, this individual called us killers,” MacIntyre said.

“Despite people’s vaccination status, despite their health, we do the best that we can to treat the individual,” MacIntyre added.

She said the worst stress on health-care workers, however, is the fact that no one knows when the situation in hospitals will improve.

“No day seems to be the same as the one before,” she added. “Everything is changing.

“It’s so much change. It’s hard to even know what form of change to talk about at this present time; the changes to staffing, to where we are.

“We don’t know when this is going to end. We all expect it to get worse before it gets better. So we’ve anticipated that.”


The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) told CTV News in a statement that after being called upon earlier this week, up to eight ICU nurses and aeromedical transport for critical care patients – both in and out-of-province – are ready to be deployable “within 24 hours.”

Surge capacity in hospitals continues to be added in ICUs, with occupancy 89 per cent yesterday to 83 per cent Friday.

That reduction is not necessarily good news, however.

According to Alberta Health Services (AHS), that six per cent decrease occurred as 18 surge spaces opened in the past 24 hours and some patients either recovered or died.

“It’s tragic that we are only able to keep pace with these sort of numbers because in part some of our ICU patients have passed away,” AHS CEO and president Dr. Verna Yiu said on Thursday. “This reality has a deep and lasting impact on our ICU teams.

“We are facing a fragile balance,” she added.

'A critical time': Alberta's top doctor calls out individuals trying to use fake COVID-19 vaccine cards

As of 12:15 p.m. Friday, there were 368 ICU beds open in Alberta, including 195 additional spaces – representing a 113 per cent increase over the baseline of 173 normal spaces, AHS said.

There were 304 total patients in ICU, the vast majority who are COVID-19 positive.

On Friday, the Central zone operated at more than 100 per cent of current capacity, with 26 ICU beds.

The South and North zones were operating at 89 and 87 per cent, respectively. The South zone has 36 beds while the North zone has 15.

The Edmonton zone, with 158 beds, had 84 per cent of current capacity filled while Calgary, with 133 ICU beds, had 75 per cent filled.

Dr. Paul Parks, Alberta Medical Association president, told CTV News that adding surge beds or capacity in one area means taking away from others.

“It’s a bit of a 'rob Peter to pay Paul,' every time we add a couple of beds, we impact the system somewhere else,” Parks said. “The whole point is that it’s not infinite.”

Opposition leader Rachel Notley said the CAF assistance requested by the province is helpful but the premier needs to go beyond medical evacuation assistance.

“I think that’s helpful but I think that’s a fraction of what we need,” Notley said.

“What’s really sad is that we are having to call on the Canadian Armed Forces, that we are having to call on the federal government and other provinces,” the Alberta NDP leader added. “We’ve allowed it (our system) to collapse to a scandalous level of incompetence. That needs to stop.”


Anishinaabe woman wonders why the Bay is selling orange shirts for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Hudson's Bay Co. says proceeds from sale of orange shirts

 will go to non-profit

Dani Lanouette was surprised to see the Hudson's Bay Co. is selling orange shirts ahead of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. (Submitted by Dani Louette, Hudsonsbay/Instagram)

With the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation coming up, many Canadians are trying to get their hands on an orange shirt, to commemorate what was previously known as Orange Shirt Day.

But recent social media posts led to some Indigenous people asking whether one major retailer was trying to profit off of the painful legacy of residential schools. 

In an Instagram post earlier this week, The Hudson's Bay Co. said it is selling orange shirts with the slogan "Every Child Matters."

Dani Lanouette, who is Anishinaabe from Neyaashiinigmiing and Algonquins of Barriere Lake, says she had posts from the retailer blocked on Twitter for years.

"But I saw a tweet … of a screenshot of the post, [and] I was like, 'oh man, I got to unblock them," she said.

"To see a company that has a very colonial history — a history of colonial violence within so-called Canada — to see that they were now selling orange shirts actually made me nauseous. It was so gross to me."

An Instagram story posted on the Hudson's Bay account says that Phyllis Webstad's orange shirt was 'lost.' (Hudsonsbay/Instagram)

A Hudson's Bay spokesperson told CBC the company did not mean to cause any confusion about the sale of the shirts, and said they were made available for purchase in collaboration with the Orange Shirt Society, a B.C.-based non-profit that works to create awareness of the effects of residential schools.

All of the proceeds from the sale of the orange shirts will go to the non-profit "to support their work to commemorate the residential school experience, to witness and honour the healing journey of the survivors and their families, and to the ongoing process of reconciliation," the spokesperson said in a statement sent to CBC on Saturday.

Role in colonization

The Hudson's Bay Co. is one of the oldest companies in Canada, and in fact existed long before Canada even became a country in 1867. Prior to then, the company actually served as a de facto government in parts of North America. 

"If we look at the area where the Hudson's Bay Co. kind of took over and set up all their trading posts and stuff, it's all Indigenous land," said Lanouette, who became interested in the history of the company as a teen.

In 1868, a huge chunk of land owned by the company was sold to the Dominion of Canada under The Rupert's Land Act, which resulted in a large part of the Prairies — including Manitoba — joining Canada.

The HBC spokesperson's statement said the company "recognizes the role it played in the colonization of Canada," and is proud to work with the Orange Shirt Society "as part of our commitment to truth and reconciliation."

But for Lanouette, the Bay's more recent history is problematic.

"When we look at their history, even within the past 100 or so years, [Hudson's Bay had a] role with Inuit [and] the high Arctic relocation program where families were taken from … northern Quebec to Nunavut," she said.

In 1953 and 1955, a group of 87 Inuit were persuaded by the Canadian government to leave their homes in Quebec, with promises of better hunting and the option to return in two years — promises that were broken.

"There was only a Hudson's Bay trading post up there," Lanouette says, and "they really [played] a role in the starvation of Indigenous peoples and in food insecurity today."

For her, the main issue with the Bay now selling orange shirts is the perception the company is profiting from the experiences of Indigenous survivors who were forced to attend residential schools, many of whom suffered horrific abuse.

"I think they should actually just be giving reparations without needing to sell anything or … rely on consumers to make that donation for them through purchasing a shirt," said Lanouette. 

She also questions how the Bay represented the personal story of Phyllis Webstad, which inspired the Sept. 30 Orange Shirt Day observances that came before the newly established National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

In 1973, on Webstad's first day at the St. Joseph Mission Residential School in B.C., the then six-year-old's favourite orange shirt — which had been given to her by her grandmother — was taken from her as soon as she arrived at the school. 

The orange shirt has since become a symbol of remembrance for those who were forced to attend the residential schools.

In an HBC Instagram story, the retailer stated Orange Shirt Day "grew out of Phyllis's account of losing her new orange shirt on her first day of school." 

That's not right, says Lanouette. 

"In reality, it was stolen from her."

With files from Erin Brohman

Calgarians gather downtown for Orange Shirt walk to support residential school survivors

By Radana Williams Global News
Posted September 25, 2021
The third annual Orange Shirt Day walk was held in downtown Calgary Sept. 25, 2021. Global News

As Canadians get set to observe the first Truth and Reconciliation Day on Sept. 30, a Calgary group held a walk and afternoon of community programming Saturday.

The Colouring It Forward Reconciliation Society started the day with the third annual Orange Shirt Day Walk along Stephen Avenue to honour and remember the victims of Canada’s residential school system.

Organizers say it’s a way to show solidarity with survivors.

“I think the biggest takeaway is to see both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people walking together to honour survivors of residential school, survivors of the ’60s Scoop, and the families who are supporting those survivors and who are trying to deal with intergenerational trauma,” said the society’s CEO Diana Frost.

“Just to see all the people who come out to show their support, show their love and their support for positive change.”

Frost said with the first instance of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on the horizon, this and other Orange Shirt events are more poignant than ever.

She wants to eventually move the annual event to fall in line with the statutory holiday so more people can take part.

“The only reason that we kept it on the weekend was because I want to wait a little longer until more organizations are observing the stat. Because this is so important for survivors to be able to come out with their families,” Frost said.

Frost adds she hopes people continue their support for survivors year-round, not just on Sept. 30.


Meet Blake Desjarlais, the Métis NDP candidate who just ended a Conservative stronghold in Edmonton Griesbach

NDP candidate bested Conservative incumbent by 1,468 votes

Blake Desjarlais says he will be the first two-spirit MP in the House of Commons. The NDP candidate unseated Conservative incumbent Kerry Diotte in Edmonton Griesbach in Monday's vote. (Nathan Gross/CBC)

Blake Desjarlais had already won Monday night but the victory wasn't real for him right away. 

The 27-year-old NDP candidate had unseated Conservative Kerry Diotte in the riding of Edmonton Griesbach, the first time someone who wasn't Conservative had won the riding. 

But on Wednesday, after all mail-in and special ballots were counted, it became official. 

After reserving comment until the official results were in, Desjarlais sat down for back-to-back, one-on-one media interviews on Thursday in his campaign office on 118th Avenue in Edmonton. 

"I just kept thinking in the back of my head, 'We're so close,'" Desjarlais said of the hours of waiting, where he thought about the people he met during weeks of door-knocking. 

"And throughout that time, I had an opportunity to reflect and think, 'How did they vote after that?'… It was a unique kind of torture, but we survived it and we're here and I'm excited."

Desjarlais is Métis, fluent in Cree and will be the first two-spirit member of parliament.

Prejudice sparked interest in social justice issues

His birth mother, Brenda, was a victim of the Sixties Scoop, a time the Canadian government took Indigenous children away from their parents and placed them in the homes of white families. Brenda ended up in multiple foster homes, Desjarlais said. 

As an adult, Brenda struggled with substance use. Desjarlais said she supported herself by working as a sex worker on the 118th Avenue strip, where his campaign office is located today. 

Brenda became pregnant so she reached out to her sister Grace for help, an act Desjarlais described as "very hard and courageous." 

Grace travelled to Edmonton by bus and was there when Desjarlais was born at the University of Alberta Hospital. She adopted him after winning a legal battle with the child welfare system. She brought Desjarlais back to Fishing Lake Métis Settlement, about 278 kilometres northeast of Edmonton. 

"Something rare happened, something that most Indigenous children [don't] ever have the opportunity, which is to survive and to go back home, to have their language, to have onto them their inheritance, the cultural one, spiritual one," Desjarlais said. 

Desjarlais returned to Edmonton at 16 to attend high school, where he says he faced prejudice and saw the structural biases within the education system. 

WATCH | Meet Canada's first two-spirit MP:

Canada's first two-spirit MP

2 days ago
Edmonton Griesbach MP-elect Blake Desjarlais speaks about his background and upbringing and how it led to his interest in social justice. 1:07

"Death threats, teachers telling you you have the history wrong, people telling you your language is dead, that you're a conquered people," he said. 

"It hurts. And it's what sparked my interest for social justice, sparked my interest for seeing people where they're at the most vulnerable, trying to make sure that we have dialogue between often difference of opinion." 

After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science, Political Science and Government from the University of Victoria, Desjarlais worked as a project co-ordinator in the institution's office of Indigenous Affairs. His current position is director of public affairs and national operations with the Métis Settlements General Council. 

Ground game

The federal riding of Edmonton Griesbach is a puzzle the federal NDP has tried to solve. The riding has the counterintuitive voting patterns of many Edmonton electoral districts. Voters choose NDP MLAs for the provincial legislature, but steadfastly elect Conservative members of Parliament. 

Janis Irwin, now the MLA for Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood, finished second to Diotte in 2015 by 2,800 votes. Mark Cherrington, the 2019 nominee, fell about 12,000 votes short.  

Irwin, now a campaign veteran, helped Desjarlais with the door-to-door canvassing for the 2021 effort. 

Desjarlais was joined on the campaign trail by Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley (second from left) and Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood MLA Janis Irwin (second from right). (Blake Desjarlais/Instagram)

Desjarlais said the ground game is what put his campaign over the top. They focused on the areas north of Yellowhead Trail, which includes neighbourhoods like Calder, Rosslyn and Delwood that are home to many new Canadians. 

"We knocked on thousands of doors. We made tens of thousands of phone calls," he said. "We met with hundreds and hundreds of organizations."

Desjarlais is excited to join Edmonton Strathcona's Heather MacPherson as one of the NDP's two Alberta MPs. 

He feels both a sense of pride and humility that Edmonton Griesbach voters chose him to represent them in Ottawa. 

"It feels like a tremendous honour and gift that I will never take for granted," he said. "And I hope folks can trust that. "


This haunting vision of climate change could concentrate minds at Cop26

Jonathan C Slaght’s nature writing has much greater impact than Boris Johnson’s speech at the UN
Jonathan C Slaght describes trying to find the largest living species of owl in remote Russian forests. Photograph: Amur-Ussuri Centre for Avian Biodiversity

I’ve been reading Jonathan C Slaght’s wonderful book Owls of the Eastern Ice, his account of four seasons trying to locate and protect the largest living species of owl in the remote Russian forests of Primorye, bordering North Korea. The Blakiston’s fish owl is a creature that seems entirely made of mythology. The threats to its continued existence include radioactive rivers and deforestation as well as the by-products of climate change: increasing floods, wildfires, typhoons.

Slaght’s extraordinary adventures on its behalf are like scenes from the end of the world. Rather than rely on the prime minister’s prep school arguments for a revolution in how the planet is managed at the forthcoming Cop26 gathering in Glasgow, organisers might be better advised to leave a copy of Slaght’s book at every world leader’s bedside. If they picked it up in the jet-lagged early hours they might find their dreams haunted, as mine have been, by huge, endangered owls swooping low through their subconscious, reminding them what survival might mean.


COVID-19 in Sask.: Record-breaking hospitalizations reported every day for a week

Almost a third of 492 new cases reported Saturday are in the 20 to 39 age group

COVID-19 testing at Evraz Place in Regina. The seven-day average of daily new cases has now risen to 477, or 39.6 new cases per 100,000 people. (Matthew Howard/CBC)

The number of active COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan continued to rise on Saturday, with 492 new cases reported.

Four more people have died from the illness, according to the latest update on the province's online COVID-19 dashboard. There have now been 667 COVID-19 deaths in Saskatchewan since the pandemic began.

Almost a third of the new cases (31 per cent) are in the 20 to 39 age group, the update said.

The province is now reporting 4,751 active COVID-19 cases, up by 17 from the day before and a nearly 200 per cent increase from this time last month

The seven-day average of daily new cases is now 477, or 39.6 new cases per 100,000 people. 

Saskatchewan reported a record-breaking 282 people in hospital on Saturday, including 63 in intensive care — also a record number.

Saturday's update marks a full week in which Saskatchewan's record for COVID-19 hospitalizations has been broken daily. 

Approximately 80 per cent of those hospitalized as of Saturday were not fully vaccinated, the province's update says.

The new cases reported Saturday are located in the following zones:

  • Far northwest: 28.
  • Far north central: one.
  • Far northeast: 16.
  • Northwest: 85.
  • North central: 30.
  • Northeast: 15.
  • Saskatoon: 127.
  • Central west: 11.
  • Central east: 20.
  • Regina: 47.
  • Southwest: 32.
  • South central: 20.
  • Southeast: 32.

Location information was pending for 28 more cases.

A total of 1,113,989 COVID-19 tests have now been performed in Saskatchewan.



Alberta’s ‘Best Summer Ever’ Ends With an Overwhelmed Medical System

A surge of Covid-19 cases has forced the province to ask for military assistance in airlifting patients to hospitals across the country.

By Ian Austen
Sept. 24, 2021

Premier Jason Kenney was roundly criticized by public health experts in June when he declared victory over the coronavirus and made Alberta the first province to largely lift pandemic restrictions.

Jason Kenney, the premier of Alberta, in his office in Calgary
.Credit...Amber Bracken for The New York Times

“We finally have the upper hand on this virus and can safely open up our province,” Mr. Kenney said at a podium with a sign declaring the province was “open for summer.” Over at his United Conservative Party’s website, supporters could buy caps embroidered with the slogan: “Best Summer Ever, Alberta 2021.”

Last week, Mr. Kenney was back with a less triumphal message: the declaration of a public health emergency, while reimposing more restrictions for the second time this month, and appointing a new health minister.

As of Thursday, Alberta had 20,180 active Covid cases, nearly half of all cases in Canada, straining intensive care units at hospitals to the point that the provincial government has asked for military assistance to fly patients thousand of miles to be treated in other provinces. Since Mr. Kenney lifted restrictions on Canada Day, Covid has killed 308 people in Alberta.

“I know that we had all hoped this summer that we could put Covid behind us once and for all; that was certainly my hope,” Mr. Kenney said on Sept. 16. “It is now clear that we were wrong, and for that I apologize.”

Many members of Alberta’s medical community bluntly dismissed Mr. Kenney’s comments for coming, in their view, weeks too late to stem the crisis, and said that his new public health measures were far short of what was needed.

“We’re already at the point where our health care system has functionally collapsed,” Dr. Ilan Schwartz, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Alberta, told me on Friday. “Yet we have a society continuing as if nothing is awry.”

Those opposed to Covid-19-related public health measures protested this month at the Foothills Medical Center in Calgary.
Credit...Jeff Mcintosh/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press

Dr. Schwartz is among many in the province’s medical community who began raising the alarm during the summer, as the Delta variant combined with Alberta’s comparatively low vaccination rates prompted a rise in infections and hospital admissions. (With just 61.9 percent of Albertans fully vaccinated compared with the national rate of 69.7 percent, the province is second only to Saskatchewan for having the lowest rate of vaccine take-up.)

At the beginning of September, Alberta introduced some pandemic control measures. But Dr. Schwartz said that they were inadequate and often ineffective.

“As if an alcohol curfew of 10 p.m. could ward off the virus,” he said. Rather than keeping crowds from packing nightclubs, Dr. Schwartz added, the measure only meant that “people were just going out to party earlier.”

On the day of Mr. Kenney’s apology, his government announced a variety of renewed restrictions and rules, including those involving masks. But given the level of severity of the situation, Dr. Schwartz said that the new safety measures would not be nearly enough to prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed. Alberta, in his view, needed to introduce a “hard lockdown” where most things other than essential retail and services would be closed.

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He particularly noted, with disapproval, the plans to allow N.H.L. games to take place in front of tens of thousands of fans in Calgary and Edmonton. While fans will need proof of vaccination or a recent negative test result to enter, several news outlets have reported that Alberta’s vaccine document, like Ontario’s, can be easily edited or faked using only minimal computer skills.

“We really have no option but to go into a hard lockdown, what we’re calling a firebreak,” he said. “Basically, we have a raging forest fire — Albertans are familiar with the imagery. We’re calling for removing some of the combustible elements, in this case people, out of the way.”

Instead, Mr. Kenney’s government has mostly promised to give more resources to hospitals. However, Dr. Schwartz said that such extra resources were impossible to provide because of shortages of trained medical staff.

He did not foresee Alberta’s situation improving until the government shut the province down.

“I never would have imagined that this could happen in Canada,” Dr. Schwartz said. “We’re at such a desperate point. It’s extremely demoralizing to health care workers. It’s terrifying to patients and to individuals who are chronically ill. That the government hasn’t implemented a meaningful hard lockdown at this point, while perhaps politically unpopular, it boggles my mind.”

Where We Left Off

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with his wife Sophie Grégoire and their children Ella-Grace and Xavier, on election night in Montreal.
Credit...Christinne Muschi/Reuters

In an election that somehow seemed both interminable and yet over in a flash, Canada now finds itself with a Liberal minority government in a Parliament that looks pretty much like the one that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had dissolved to allow a vote.

Our coverage included an analysis I wrote with Dan Bilefsky of how Canada got back to where it began. You can find The Times’s Election Day article here, and here’s our Election Day briefing.

For those of you who missed it, I offered four takeaways from the campaign in a special edition of this newsletter. And my political profile of Mr. Trudeau appeared shortly before Monday’s vote.

Trans Canada

Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei, leaving her home in Vancouver on Friday.
Credit...Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press, via Associated Press

After more than 1,000 days, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, the two Canadians jailed by China in apparent retaliation for the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, the Chinese telecom executive, were on their way home Friday night after a day of developments. First Ms. Meng, the chief financial officer at Huawei, appeared virtually in an American court to settle a fraud case against her by admitting some wrongdoing. She then went to a court in Vancouver, where it was announced that the United States had dropped its extradition request related to those fraud charges, which had led to her arrest at that city’s airport in 2018. Ms. Meng left Vancouver for China at about the same time that Mr. Kovrig and Mr. Spavor were released by the Chinese authorities and boarded a flight for Canada.

Manohla Dargis, a New York Times film critic, wrote that after attending the Toronto International Film Festival, where screenings were held in largely empty cinemas because of the pandemic, “I was reminded that a film festival isn’t simply a series of back-to-back new movies. It’s also people, joined together, and ordinarily jammed together, as one under the cinematic groove.”

A native of Windsor, Ontario, Ian Austen was educated in Toronto, lives in Ottawa and has reported about Canada for The New York Times for the past 16 years. Follow him on Twitter at @ianrausten.