Friday, May 12, 2023

THE LANCET PUB. HEALTH: Mailing at-home HPV sampling kits nearly doubles cervical screening uptake among hard-to-reach populations, US clinical trial suggests


Peer-reviewed / Randomised Controlled Trial / People

  • Clinical trial with 665 under-screened women in North Carolina (USA) investigated use of high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) self-collection kits to increase cervical cancer screening uptake.
  • Screening uptake among participants sent self-collection kits and given support to attend an in-person appointment was almost double (72%) the cervical cancer screening uptake in those only given appointment support alone (37%).
  • More than three quarters (78%) of these underserved participants who were mailed a hrHPV kit returned a sample, suggesting effective community outreach plays a key role in increasing screening uptake among women at highest risk of cervical cancer.
  • The authors say their findings, together with those from previous studies, provide evidence that HPV self-collection kits have the potential to increase uptake of cervical cancer screening in under-screened women. 

At-home high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) sampling kits can help increase cervical cancer screening among under-screened women from low-income backgrounds, according to findings from a US-based clinical trial published in The Lancet Public Health journal. 

The trial shows mailing kits to low-income, under-screened women and helping them book an in-person clinic appointment led to a two-fold increase in screening uptake compared to only offering assistance making an appointment. 

The main cause of cervical cancer is persistent infection with a hrHPV, which puts women at risk of developing precancerous cervical lesions. Cervical cancer disproportionately affects Black and Hispanic women in the USA, with the highest incidence among Hispanic women and the highest mortality among Black women. Regular hrHPV testing in accordance with national screening guidelines reduces the risk of women developing the disease. 

Current US guidelines on cervical cancer screening have several options. For women 21 years and over, a Papanicolaou (Pap) test every three years is recommended. For those 30 years and older, additional options include HPV cytology co-testing every five years or primary hrHPV testing every five years. 

While previous studies have shown hrHPV self-collection kits can help increase cervical cancer screening, little research has involved under-screened women in the USA. Limited data is available on the combined effectiveness of using hrHPV self-collection kits and offering help scheduling in-person screening appointments. 

Lead author Professor Jennifer S. Smith, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US, said: “Until now, most studies of whether HPV self-collection increases cervical cancer screening have been outside the USA, in countries with national screening registries and universal health care. Our findings suggest programmes that use mailed HPV kits with effective community outreach can greatly improve screening uptake among underserved, at-risk women in the USA.” [1]

The authors conducted a randomised clinical trial involving 665 under-screened women in 22 counties in North Carolina, USA. Intensive community outreach campaigns – including printed and radio advertisements, online postings, community events and organisations and via a social assistance helpline – were used to recruit participants from underserved, under-screened groups and of racial and ethnic diversity. 

The average age of participants in the trial – called My Body My Test-3 – which ran from 2016 to 2019, was 42 years, and more than half self-reported as Black or Hispanic (55%, 365/664 participants), uninsured (78%, 518/663), or unemployed (57%, 373/660). Women were only eligible for the trial if they had not received a Pap test in four years or more, or an hrHPV test in six years or more. 

Participants were either sent hrHPV self-collection kits and given help booking an in-person appointment, or only given help making an appointment. The main outcome was cervical cancer screening uptake within 6 months of enrolment, defined as a negative hrHPV test result or attending an in-person screening appointment. Participants who tested positive for hrHPV by self-collection were referred to in-clinic appointment for further tests. 

For participants who received mailed kits and help scheduling an appointment, cervical cancer screening uptake was almost double (72%, 317/438 participants) compared to those who received scheduling assistance only (37%, 85/227 participants). The benefits of home testing were similar regardless of participants’ age, time since last screening, race/ethnicity, insurance coverage, or level of education. 

Among participants sent hrHPV kits, more than three quarters (78%, 341/438 participants) returned a sample. Valid hrHPV results were obtained for 329 participants, of whom 52 (16%) tested positive for hrHPV and were referred for follow-up appointments that 22 (42%) attended. Further tests detected CIN2+ lesions – which can progress to cervical cancer – in two (<1%) participants, who then received treatment. 

Second author Dr Noel Brewer, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said: “Government approval of at-home HPV tests would have a huge impact. We could better reach those in rural areas where cervical cancer screening is hard to come by. Also, only the people who self-test positive would need to go to a clinic for screening. For the many Americans without reliable access, cervical cancer screening from home would ensure they can get life-saving preventive care.” [1]

The authors acknowledge some limitations to their study. While the outreach approach used may oversample more motivated women and somewhat limit the study’s generalisability, it enabled recruitment of large numbers of at-risk women from the general population who do not regularly use clinic services. Mailed hrHPV kits do not meet the needs of all under-screened, hard-to-reach women. Consistent with other studies, less than half of participants with positive hrHPV results attended an in-clinic appointment, highlighting the need for further efforts to ensure continuity to care among those with positive self-test results. The trial was also conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, so effects on screening uptake in the post-pandemic era could not be determined.

Writing in a linked Comment, Runzhi Wang, MD, and Jenell Coleman, MD, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who were not involved in the study, said: “This study provides the required evidence that high-risk HPV testing on self-collected samples can be an effective strategy for hard-to-reach populations.” They also call for developments to optimise the entire cervical cancer prevention process in the USA, saying: “Optimisation includes policy reforms to remove financial barriers to diagnostic tests and treatment; community outreach and education campaigns; and improved access to quality care through transportation services, expanded Medicaid eligibility, and skilled clinicians.”


This study was funded by the US National Institutes of Health. It was conducted by researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

[1] Quote direct from author and cannot be found in the text of the Article.

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Study shows hospital policy allowing nurses to initiate C. difficile testing could reduce infection spread and associated morbidity

Findings published in AJIC suggest policy change expedites availability of test results, and could help decrease clinical and economic burden of C. difficile infections

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Arlington, Va., May 11, 2023 – A new study published today in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) suggests that allowing bedside nurses to independently order testing for C. difficile significantly decreased the amount of time to receive test results as compared to requiring physician approval. The findings suggest that the testing policy change could potentially decrease the risk of additional patient infections and the corresponding hospital economic burden.

Individuals with C. difficile infection (CDI) can be asymptomatic or have symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to severe and life-threatening inflammation of the colon. CDI is responsible for 223,000 healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) resulting in more than 12,000 deaths and $6.3 billion in costs in the United States annually. [1],[2] Despite numerous implementation strategies to address prevention of the infection, it remains one of the most common HAIs.[3],[4] Early detection, isolation and contact precautions, environmental cleaning, and appropriate antibiotic treatment greatly decrease the rate of morbidity and mortality and can prevent further spread to other patients, decreasing the overall clinical and economic impact.

“Given the implications of CDI on both a hospital and patient level, incentives exist for improving approaches to the prevention and spread of this infection in the clinical environment,” said Ashley Bartlett, MD, Fargo VA Healthcare System, Fargo, ND, and the lead author on the published study. “Our findings suggest that allowing bedside nurses with appropriate training to order C. diff testing based on patient symptomology could be a valid strategy to help healthcare systems achieve this goal.”

At a single site within the Veterans Affairs (VA) Healthcare System in Fargo, ND, infectious disease and nursing staff developed a policy change allowing nurses to independently order stool samples for new patients displaying CDI symptoms, rather than requiring a physician’s electronic signature. Researchers then evaluated the effectiveness of the new policy by comparing the frequency of tests being ordered, the time to obtain test results, the number of positive and negative tests, and the time to initiate treatment for positive C. difficile tests for the 44 months prior to and 59 months after the change.

  Results show:

  • After the policy change, there were a relatively even proportion of physicians and nurses ordering the stool PCR labs (51.1% vs 48.9%, respectively).
  • The percent of positive and negative tests results before and after the policy change was relatively unaffected (13.9% vs. 11.5% respectively), suggesting that allowing nursing staff to order stool samples does not lead to increased unnecessary laboratory resource use or financial burden to the hospital.
  • Following the policy change, the average difference in time to obtain the test result after the PCR lab order was statistically significant before, versus after, the policy change (mean [sd]; 2.1 (1.3) vs. 1.3 (0.7) hours; p<0.1).
  • The average difference in time to obtain the test result after the PCR lab order between nurses and physicians was also statistically significant after the change (mean [sd]; 1.2 (0.7) vs. 1.3 (0.7) hours; p=.02).
  • There was no significant difference in time to initiate treatment before and after the policy change (1.7 hours vs. 1.7 hours). The authors suggest this was because the process of notifying physicians to initiate antibiotic treatment did not change – nurses did not receive test results directly, nor could they order antibiotics.

“We need practical strategies to reduce the significant burden of C. diff infections,” said Patricia Jackson, RN, BSN, MA, CIC, FAPIC, 2023 APIC president. “This study highlights one such strategy that healthcare facilities should consider to expedite appropriate C. diff testing and speed up implementation of appropriate treatment and infection control measures.”

About APIC

Founded in 1972, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) is the leading association for infection preventionists and epidemiologists. With more than 15,000 members, APIC advances the science and practice of infection prevention and control. APIC carries out its mission through research, advocacy, and patient safety; education, credentialing, and certification; and fostering development of the infection prevention and control workforce of the future. Together with our members and partners, we are working toward a safer world through the prevention of infection. Join us and learn more at

About AJIC

As the official peer-reviewed journal of APIC, The American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) is the foremost resource on infection control, epidemiology, infectious diseases, quality management, occupational health, and disease prevention. Published by Elsevier, AJIC also publishes infection control guidelines from APIC and the CDC. AJIC is included in Index Medicus and CINAHL. Visit AJIC at


“Does clinician-initiated Clostridioides difficile testing improve outcomes of patients with Clostridioides Difficile infection?” by Ashley Bartlett, Anna Montgomery, Kimberly Hammer, Siddharth Singhal, and Tze Shien Lo, was published online in AJIC on May 11, 2023. The article may be found at:


Ashley Bartlett, MD, Fargo VA Healthcare System, Fargo, North Dakota, USA

Anna Montgomery, MPH (corresponding author:, Palo Alto VA Healthcare System , Palo Alto, California, USA

Kimberly Hammer, PhD, Fargo VA Healthcare System, Fargo, North Dakota, USA

Siddharth Singhal, MD, Fargo VA Healthcare System, Fargo, North Dakota, USA

Tze Shien Lo, MD, Fargo VA Healthcare System, Fargo, North Dakota, USA

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[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Clostridioides difficile Infection. Published 2019.

[2] The Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare. (2016). Reducing Clostridium Difficile Infections Project. Oakbrook Terrace: The Joint Commission.

[3] Sandhu BK, McBride SM. Clostridioides difficile. Trends Microbiol. 2018;26:1049–1050.

[4] Kang M, Abeles SR, El-Kareh R, et al. The effect of Clostridioides difficile diagnostic stewardship interventions on the diagnosis of hospital-onset Clostridioides difficile infections. Joint Commission J Quality Patient Safety. 2020;46:457–463.


Ancestral mitoviruses discovered in mycorrhizal fungi

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots 



A new group of mitochondrial viruses confined to the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomeromycotina may represent an ancestral lineage of mitoviruses.

Mitochondria are organelles in the cells of almost all eukaryotes — organisms with cells that have a nucleus. They were originally free-living bacteria capable of generating energy in the presence of oxygen; then engulfed by an ancestral eukaryotic cell where they became mitochondria, the site of cellular respiration and many important metabolic processes. In humans, dysfunctions of mitochondria are associated with aging and many diseases.

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. As former bacteria, there are also viruses that infect mitochondria, known as mitoviruses, which evolved from bacteriophages. While mitoviruses have been found in fungi, plants, and invertebrates, they are not well studied.

Associate Professor Tatsuhiro Ezawa at Hokkaido University, Professor Luisa Lanfranco at University of Turin, and Dr. Massimo Turina at National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Torino led an international team to discover a new group of mitoviruses, called large duamitoviruses. Their findings were published in the journal mBio.

“In their current form, mitoviruses are RNA molecules within mitochondria that encode only the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) used for genome replication,” explains Ezawa. “They are hypothesized to affect the virulence of plant pathogens and plant resilience to abiotic stress. Most interestingly, mitoviruses are transmitted not only vertically to progeny via mitochondrial division but occasionally also horizontally between distant species.”

The team analyzed the RdRp enzyme from 10 new mitoviruses and sequences from previous research and public databases. This analysis revealed the existence of peculiar large duamitoviruses that are exclusive to the Glomeromycotina, a group of mycorrhizal fungi which are very widespread in nature and provide several benefits to the host plants. 

These large duamitoviruses possess two structurally distinct characteristics: they encode larger than average RdRp (~1,036 amino acids long) with a unique amino acid motif, and the UGA codon is rarer than in other mitoviruses. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis showed that the large duamitoviruses were evolutionarily distinct from other mitoviruses and likely represent an ancestral lineage.

“One of our most interesting discoveries is that the large duamitoviruses appear to be exclusive to glomeromycotina,” Lanfranco described. “We analysed the global distribution of all the mitovirus RdRp sequences included in our study, and we found that large duamitoviruses were globally distributed in ecological niches occupied by glomeromycotinian fungi. Although other fungi are found in these niches, all currently available large duamitoviral sequences could be only associated with glomeromycotinian fungi.”

The team hypothesizes that there is a transmission barrier that prevents the horizontal transfer of large duamitoviruses. Future work will focus on understanding these barriers, on confirming that large duamitoviruses represent an ancestral lineage of mitoviruses, as well as elucidating the functional significance of their exclusive presence in glomeromycotina.

Phylogenetic analysis of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzyme sequence shows that large duamitoviruses are the most ancestral group of mitoviruses (Tatsuhiro Ezawa).

Large duamitoviruses consist of 23% of the glomeromycotinian mitoviruses (left) that are about one-third of the 5,343 mitoviruses detected in the soil samples collected worldwide. Sampling sites from which large duamitoviruses were detected are mapped (triangles, right). (Tatsuhiro Ezawa).


Tatsuhiro Ezawa

How bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics

Peer-Reviewed Publication


How bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics

Bacteria can rapidly evolve resistance to antibiotics by adapting special pumps to flush them out of their cells, according to new research from the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia.

Antimicrobial resistance is a growing problem of global significance. The rise of resistant “superbugs” threatens our ability to use antimicrobials like antibiotics to treat and prevent the spread of infections caused by microorganisms.

It is hoped that the findings will improve how antibiotics are used to help prevent further spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Prof Mark Webber UEA’s Norwich Medical School, and the Quadram Institute, said: “Knowing the details of the mechanisms bacteria develop to become resistant is a key step to understanding antimicrobial resistance. We hope that this kind of work to understand when and how resistance emerges can help us use antibiotics better to minimise selection of resistance.”

The team studied how exposure to antimicrobials leads to the emergence of resistance.

Broadly, superbugs’ defences against antibiotics involve inactivating or evading drugs, stop them getting into their cells, or getting them out of their cells before they can have any effect. But exactly how they do this is still being worked out.

In this new study Dr Eleftheria Trampari from QI, Prof Webber, and colleagues recreated the evolutionary stresses that lead to antimicrobial resistance by exposing Salmonella bacteria to two different antibiotics.

The bacteria were allowed to grow and reproduce in two different states that mimic how they live in the environment.

Some were planktonic - floating in a liquid broth - but others were in biofilms. Bacteria form biofilms on surfaces, as a way of protecting themselves against stresses and most bacteria in the real world exist in a biofilm.

Hundreds of generations of bacteria were grown and exposed to the antibiotics, and in this evolution simulation, survival of the fittest selected those bacteria best adapted to cope with the presence of the antibiotics.

To identify how these ‘winners’ had become resistant, the researchers sequenced the genomes of the resistant bacteria, to identify which genes had changed compared to their non-resistant ancestors.

They found that both antibiotics selected different mutations in a molecular pump that Salmonella uses to get rid of toxic compounds from inside its cells. With colleagues from the University of Essex and University of Cagliari, they found that these two different changes altered how the pump worked in totally different ways. One made it easier for the pumps to catch drugs, the other made it easier for drugs to slide through the pump.

A search of a databases of genomes of Salmonella isolates found that one of these mutations has also arisen multiple times in the real world, in Salmonella from patients, livestock and food in the UK, US and EU, as far back as 2003.

The findings confirm a primary role for these pumps as the first line of defence against antimicrobials.

“This work simulates what happens in the real world where bacteria are constantly exposed to varying concentrations of antimicrobials” said Dr Eleftheria Trampari from the Quadram Institute and first author on the study. “Studying how resistant strains emerge and predict which drugs they will not respond to can be helpful in developing diagnostics and treatment strategies”.

The study was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, part of UKRI.

‘Functionally distinct mutations within AcrB underpin antibiotic 2 resistance in different lifestyles’ is published in the journal Antimicrobials and Resistance.

Researchers track antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolated from swine

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Researcher image 



The spread of drug-resistant microbes has become a global health concern that threatens our ability to treat infections. The widespread use of antimicrobials in livestock, such as swine farms, exacerbates this problem. Therefore, we need surveillance systems to monitor these microbes to support the public health authorities. To this end, researchers have tracked the antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from swine.

Antimicrobials are essential for preventing and treating infections in humans and animals. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, 70% of all antibiotic sales in the US are used for livestock production. However, microbes change over time to combat these chemicals, eventually becoming resistant. As a result, infections become harder to treat. Concerningly, these resistant organisms can spread from farm animals to humans, creating a bigger health crisis.

The researchers focused on E. coli since these bacteria are ubiquitous in the intestinal tract of humans and pigs, and they are good indicators to test whether meat and meat products have been contaminated. E. coli can also acquire and transfer resistance genes to other bacteria in the intestinal tract, making them ideal for monitoring programs of livestock and humans.

“It is important to monitor the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in the swine industry because in 2022 the US was the third largest producer and consumer of swine meat and products, after the European Union and China,” said Hamid Reza Sodagari, a postdoctoral research associate in the Varga lab. “Although it is a big problem, to the best of our knowledge this paper is the first surveillance study in the US that looks at antimicrobial resistance in E. coli from swine at slaughter.”

The study used publicly available surveillance data of cecal samples, which were collected from the intestine after slaughter. The researchers focused on market swine and sows in the US between 2013 and 2019, and used the data compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety Inspection Service under the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System for Enteric Bacteria program.

“Federal agencies often don’t have the manpower to carry out such long-term and detailed analyses. Alternatively, for most researchers such studies are challenging because usually they track samples on a smaller scale. In this paper, however, we were able to look at more than 3,000 samples across several years,” said Csaba Varga (IGOH), an assistant professor of  epidemiology.

Using different statistical methods, the researchers found that since 2013, the number of antimicrobials to which E. coli is resistant has either remained steady or increased over the years. In particular, the resistance to ceftriaxone, an important antimicrobial drug in both human and veterinary medicine, increased from 0.8% in 2013 to 7.7% in 2019. Even though these numbers are not high compared to the resistance to other antimicrobials, the increasing trend is concerning.

“We don’t know why there is an increasing trend. It may be caused by mobile genetic elements, which can transfer antimicrobial resistance from one bacterium to another. We need to do further research at the molecular level to understand the reason for the increase,” Sodagari said.

“We are not blaming anyone for this problem. Our study is meant to show that there is an issue and that surveillance systems are very important to show the changes in resistance,” Varga said. “By gathering this data, we hope that the public health authorities will be able to develop mitigation strategies.”

The study “Evaluating Antimicrobial Resistance Trends in Commensal Escherichia coli Isolated from Cecal Samples of Swine at Slaughter in the United States, 2013-2019” was published in Microorganisms and can be found at 10.3390/microorganisms11041033.

Bacteria killing material could tackle hospital superbugs

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Researchers have used a common disinfectant and antiseptic to create a new antimicrobial coating material that effectively kills bacteria and viruses, including MRSA and Covid-19.

Scientists at the University of Nottingham’s School of Pharmacy took chlorhexidine, often used by dentists to treat mouth infections and for pre-surgical cleaning, and used it to coat the polymer, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). The new study published in Nano Select shows that this new material was found to be effective in killing the microbes responsible for a range of infections and illnesses and could be used as an effective antimicrobial coating on a range of plastic products.

Plastics are widely used in medical settings, from intravenous bags and implantable devices to hospital beds and toilet seats. Some microbial species can survive in a hospital setting despite enhanced cleaning regimes, leading to an increased risk of patients getting infections whilst in hospital which then need antibiotic treatment. These microorganisms can survive and remain infectious on abiotic surfaces, including plastic surfaces, for extended periods, sometimes up to several months.

Dr Felicity de Cogan, Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Science of Biological Medicines led this study, she said: “As plastic is such a widely used material that we know can harbour infectious microorganisms we wanted to investigate a way to use this material to destroy the bacteria. We achieved this by bonding a disinfectant with the polymer to create a new coating material and discovered not only does it act very quickly, killing bacteria within 30 minutes, it also doesn’t spread into the environment or leach from the surface when touched. Making plastic items using this material could really help tackle the issue of antibiotic resistance and reduce hospital acquired infections.”

The researchers used a special imaging technique called Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) to examine the material at molecular level. This revealed the material was antimicrobial and rapidly killed microbes and after 45 minutes the surfaces were still clear of these microbes. It was also effective against SARS-COV-2, with no viable virions found after 30 minutes. Additionally, the surfaces were also effective in killing chlorhexidine-resistant strains of bacteria.

The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn increased attention to hospital-acquired infections, as it has been estimated that 20% of all patients hospitalized with COVID-19 contracted the virus while already in hospital. It has been estimated that in 2016/17, 4.7% of adult hospital inpatients contracted an infection whilst in hospital, with 22,800 patients dying due to these infections despite these deaths being preventable. The most common pathogens that cause hospital-acquired infections are Escherichia coliStaphylococcus aureus, and Clostridium difficile. Outbreaks of infection in the clinic are frequently caused by strains resistant to antimicrobial drugs.

Dr de Cogan continues: “Research has shown that contaminated surfaces, including plastic surfaces, can act as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance genes, encouraging the spread of antimicrobial resistance across bacterial species through horizontal gene transfer despite deep cleaning practices. It is paramount that new technologies are developed to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms to vulnerable patients and address the ever-increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance.

“This research offers an effective way to do this and the material could be added to plastic materials during manufacture, it could also potentially be used as a spray.”