Saturday, December 10, 2005

Cheeky Comments

I have left a cheeky comment on bloggingtory Stephen Taylors CTV blog article Kyoto hypocrisy

And one here about the Conservative tax cuts being called bribes. Choice Is Important

Who Really Stands Up For Canada

Well no sooner had I pointed out that both the NDP and Conservatives are using Stand Up as a slogan on their web sites than a day later, and a loonie shy, the young flogger at CPC Energy caught on to this little fact. He got quite verklempt about it all. Literally gets his knickers in a twist over it. Me thinks he doth protest too much.

Tch,Tch, shouldn't draw attention to the obvious....and then advertise your opponents use of the slogan and include a graphic to prove the point. That's called advertising for the NDP. Good Go. Keep up the good work promoting the NDP, oh anonymous CPC flogger.

And speaking of the anonymous floggers at the Conservative web site, it appears their secret identities may have been revealed by none other than the anonymous blogger Phantom Observer. He has upset some Blogging Torys with his expose. One of them complains that it's rather rich for anonymous to out anonymous.
Doesn't anyone take themselves seriously enough to like, blog with their own names?

Why Every Conservative Should Vote; Ignatieff

A Vote for Ignatieff
Is a Vote For
The Security State
State Security

A tip o the blog to
His blog campaign against Ignatieff, one of many blogs commenting on this, has created the largest backlash campaign against any candidate since Trent Lott in the U.S.

A Confused Alberta Liberal

Who supports the Federal Tory's and for some reason thinks he belongs in Progressive Bloggers and Blogging Tories, but only flags BT on his page. He maybe the blogospheres first case of multiple personality blogging. I am speaking of Alberta Avenue aka Calgary Observer aka Running for Alberta.

In his latest blog ramble; Limousine Liberals, he uses one of those classic neo-con red baiting strategies; putting down left wing media figures like Chomsky and Moore for being ahhuh, wait for it, middle class.

Owning a big house or having stock holdings is enough to send Mr. Liberal-Conservative into a tizzy, a literal apoplexy of joy for uncovering some sort of unsavoriness in being left wing and middle class.

Well at least they don't have Filipina nannies. That is the ultimate status symbol of the American Ruling Class.

AA/CO/RFA is definitely a Blogging Tory as sure as he is definitely not a Progressive Blogger.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Conservative Blog Bashed by Blogging Tory

Well its not just those of us on the left wing of the blogosphere, or the MSM election blogs that have a problem with the Conservative Party Web Site Blog.

Its taken a week but finally a bloggingtory;
Blue Blogging Soapbox has given up in frustration and vented.

"Just to be clear, I think the CPC Campaign Blog sucks. I don't know why they even call it a blog.

1. No permalinks
2. No trackbacks
3. No comments
4. Anonymous poster - come on - it's an election campaign. If it's a paid staffer blogging, then identify the person. If it's a volunteer, at least give us a screen name and an email for feedback and comment.

There is no way to link to individual posts, other than providing a link to that week's posts. It's as bad as Kinsella's musings page, masquerading as a blog."

Oh I like the cut of your jib fella. That last line was choice. It's a real good comparison. Hmm maybe WK is ghostblogging.....

Praise from the Right for NDP TV AD

So even the rightwhingnutz in the blogosphere like the new NDP TV AD called 'The Gift'.

Now THIS is a good ad
Political Staples
Very effective. An attack with humour. Perfect.

1st NDP ad
Dispatches from the Socialist Gulag
but they do know how to make a good TV ad. I just saw it this morning on Newsworld & I laughed my ass off. Very funny & very well done, which cannot be said lamentably about the Tory ads.

Who Said This?

Ok, now this is scary. I must have lived in Alberta for 51 years too long. I find this makes sense. Scary, very scary.

"A ban. That's fine, you can say ban handguns. That's like saying ban sugar, ban coffee, ban cigarettes, ban anything. You can say 'ban it.' You can pass legislation to ban them. But it's not going to stop the bad guys from getting a hand-gun and shooting someone."

Harpers Russian Pension Plan

ThePolitic says that Harpers pension announcement is just what folks need. And then in fine old red baiting conservative tradition he uses Russia as an example of the success of free market pension reform. Yep I kid you not.

"If we are charitable to Harper and assume this is not just a campaign promise led by polls and pundits, he may be realising what it took the people of the USSR almost 75 years to find: private citizens can allocate resources for their own well-being far more efficiently than bureaucrats in some distant government office."

So I had to leave him a reply; "Thats why the Soviet Union became a basket case economy, with baba’s begging in the streets that they used to sweep for an assured income, benefits and housing…yep they sure did come a long way….."

Klein Chokes

Well no sooner had the special privileges of the aristocracy around King Ralph been announced than the backlash swept over them.

While the peasants must butt out in public the King and his clowns could smoke in their offices in their castle on the shores of the North Saskatchewan. But the public outcry was a little too much.
Public butts in; MLAs butt out

King Ralph choked when he and his courtiers arrogance was shoved back in their faces.

Liberal Endorses Edmonton Strathcona NDP Candidate

In an Edmonton Journal article yesterday profiling Edmonton Strathcona NDP candidate Linda Duncan, was the following endorsement from a local Liberal;

Elly de Jongh, a long-time Liberal who also is helping McLellan in Edmonton Centre, has known Duncan since they worked together on saving river valley communities in the 1970s. "I think she would be a real asset for Ottawa," de Jongh said. "

I would be putting that quote out in the campaign literature and on the front of her web page.

As I have said Edmonton Strathcona this time around is a two way fight between the Conservatives and the NDP.

And congrats to the Duncan Team running their web site they have added 'Citizens Media', comments and links to the blogosphere on their 'In the News' page.

Take note Brad Lavigne.