Monday, June 01, 2020

George Floyd Protests: Thousands March against Racism in New Zealand (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A massive crowd turned out in the Cathedral Square, New Zealand’s Christchurch, to march in solidarity against racism with George Floyd, an African American man killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  • June, 01, 2020 -

George Floyd Protests: Thousands March against Racism in New Zealand (+Video)
“Black lives matter, indigenous lives matter, Muslim lives matter" is the ethos embraced by thousands taking part in protests across New Zealand, teh New Zealand Herlad.
Riots erupted in the United States after days of protests in the name of George Floyd, an African American man who died after being handcuffed and pleading for air as a white police officer knelt on his neck.
But New Zealand events on Monday were peaceful, despite several thousand people gathering in Auckland, and hundreds more in Christchurch, Dunedin and Wellington.
In one of the largest demonstrations seen in central Auckland in several years, protestors overflowed from Aotea Square into Queen St.
About 4.30pm, thousands of people arrived outside the American Consulate, took a knee and chanted “Are we next?” and “Black Lives Matter”.
The American flag appeared to have been removed from the US consulate building before the protest.
But the gathering remained entirely peaceful, with just a few police officers stationed at one end.
As well as talks, the Auckland event included a karakia from a Ngāti Whātua representative and a minute's silence for George Floyd.
In Wellington, more than 100 people marched on Parliament.
An official candlelight vigil is also planned in the capital this evening.
In Christchurch, more than 500 people have gathered to send a message that "the world will not accept racism".
More than 100 Black Lives Matter protesters also walked from Frank Kitts Park to Parliament in Wellington on Monday afternoon.
They chanted the names of African American victims of police brutality, told stories and shared their experiences.
While the protests were mostly focused on the death of George Floyd and other unarmed African Americans in the US, they also aimed at raising attention about police in New Zealand.

George Floyd Protests: Disturbing Video Shows Police Vehicle Ploughing into Crowds

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A disturbing video circulated online showing a patrol vehicle in New York plowing through a crowd during Saturday's protest amid the nationwide demonstrations over the death of Minnesotan George Floyd at the hands of police.

May, 31, 2020 

The terrifying footage, that garnered millions of views, starts with a Ford SUV facing multiple protesters who had installed a barricade blocking passage through a street in New York. The demonstrators are seen pelting things at the car and hitting it with their hands, RT reported.

With lights flashing and sirens turned on, the police car briefly waits for another vehicle to arrive. Once it approaches the crowd, both cruisers accelerate, smashing the makeshift barrier and running over people.

Police later justified the aggressive move, saying the officer driving hit the gas after spotting what they claimed was a flaming bag on top of the vehicle. The incident took place in Brooklyn, according to NBC New York.

The explosive video raised the ire of those online, as well as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who demanded that NYPD officers involved be suspended and brought to justice.

Meanwhile, police cars were set alight and vandalized elsewhere across New York, while demonstrations against police brutality effectively shut down lanes heading towards Brooklyn on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Shocking Video Shows FedEx Truck Run Over Man during George Floyd Protests
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A man was killed early Saturday morning in downtown St. Louis after he was dragged by a FedEx truck during protests over death of George Floyd.
May, 31, 2020

Video of the incident, which took place near North Broadway and O’Fallon Street at around 2:19am on Saturday, shows several protesters approach the large, white truck.

The driver of the truck was forced to take a detour after protests shut down Interstate 70, according to the findings of a preliminary investigation by the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, the Daily Mail reported

He then started driving down North Broadway toward Cass Avenue until he was forced to stop due to the presence of a large group of people.

While he was stopped, several individuals began taking packages and items from his truck.

According to the police, two men stood on the passenger side footboard and showed the driver they had guns.

In video posted to social media, several witnesses also reported seeing men with guns near the truck.

Investigators said the driver of the tractor-trailer was not aware that a man was caught on the converter dolly between the two trailers.

He told police that he feared for his life and honked the horn, according to KSDK-TV. He then kept on driving until he was stopped by police.

FedEx released a statement saying: ‘Our hearts go out to all those who are grieving the events of this week.

‘We are deeply saddened to learn of a tragic situation involving a demonstrator in St. Louis and one of our vehicles.

‘We offer our sincerest condolences to the family of the individual involved.

‘There is no higher priority for FedEx than safety, and we are cooperating fully with the investigating authorities at this time.’

The crowd dispersed after a few gunshots were fired. Police did not report any arrests.

Floyd’s death has sparked protests across the United States and fires and violent unrest in Minneapolis.

Tensions between police and minority residents have lingered in the St. Louis area since the 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson.

In Kansas City, Missouri, police used pepper spray on people marching through its Westport bar-and-entertainment district Friday night and Saturday morning.

Kansas City Police Capt. David Jackson said the pepper spray was used on about 50 ‘non-lawful protesters’ around 1am on Saturday in order to disperse them. Jackson said some in the crowd had thrown rocks and bottles, shattered three business windows and damaged police cars.

At least five people were arrested for offenses such as disorderly conduct, Jackson said.


Protesters take part in a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstrations PHOTOS

Slides 50: LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 01: Protesters take part in a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstration on June 01, 2020 in London, England. Protests and riots continue across American following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Chauvin, 44, was charged last Friday with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)Next Slid
Protesters take part in a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstration on June 1, in London, England.
Photo gallery by photo services