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Saturday, April 06, 2024

Now we know how Hitler did it

Thom Hartmann
April 6, 2024

Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Phoenix (Gage Skidmore)


The Nazis in America are now “out.” This morning, former Republican Joe Scarborough explicitly compared Trump and his followers to Hitler and his Brownshirts on national television. They’re here.

At the same time, America’s richest man is retweeting antisemitism, rightwing influencers and radio/TV hosts are blaming “Jews and liberals” for the “invasion” of “illegals” to “replace white people,” and the entire GOP is embracing candidates and legislators who encourage hate and call for violence.

Are there parallels between the MAGA takeover of the GOP and the Nazi takeover of the German right in the 1930s?

It began with a national humiliation: defeat in war. For Germany, it was WWI; for America it was two wars George W. Bush and Dick Cheney lied us into as part of their 2004 “wartime president” re-election strategy (which had worked so well for Nixon with Vietnam in 1972 and Reagan with Grenada in 1984).

Hitler fought in WWI but later blamed Germany’s defeat on the nation being “stabbed in the back” by liberal Jews, their fellow travelers, and incompetent German military leadership.

Trump cheered on Bush’s invasion of Iraq, but later lied and claimed he’d opposed the war. Both blamed the nation’s humiliation on the incompetence or evil of their political enemies.

The economic crisis caused by America’s Republican Great Depression had gone worldwide and Hitler used the gutting of the German middle class (made worse by the punishing Treaty of Versailles) as a campaign issue, promising to restore economic good times.

Trump pointed to the damage forty years of neoliberalism had done to the American middle class and promised to restore blue-collar prosperity. Hitler promised he would “make Germany great again”; Trump campaigned on the slogan: “Make America Great Again.”

Both tried to overthrow their governments by violence and failed, Hitler in a Bavarian beer hall and Trump on January 6th. Both then turned to legal means to seize control of their nations.

Hitler’s scapegoats were Jews, gays, and liberals. “There are only two possibilities,” he told a Munich crowd in 1922. “Either victory of the Aryan, or annihilation of the Aryan and the victory of the Jew.”

He promised “I will get rid of the ‘communist vermin’,” “I will take care of the ‘enemy within’,” “Jews and migrants are poisoning Aryan blood,” and “One people, one nation, one leader.”

Trump’s scapegoats were Blacks, Muslims, immigrants, and liberals.

He said he will “root out” “communists … and radical left thugs that live like vermin”; he would destroy “the threat from within”; migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country”; and that under Trump’s leadership America will become “One people, one family, one glorious nation.”

Hitler called the press the Lügenpresse or “lying press.” Trump quoted Stalin, calling our news agencies and reporters “the enemy of the people.”

Both exploited religion and religious believers. Hitler proclaimed a “New Christianity” for Germany and encouraged fundamentalist factions within both the Catholic and Protestant faiths.

Every member of the Germany army got a belt-buckle inscribed with Gott Mit Uns (God is with us).

Trump embraced rightwing Catholics and evangelical Protestants and, like the German churches in 1933, has been lionized by their leaders.

Hitler made alliances with other autocrats (Mussolini, Franco, and Tojo) and conspired with them to take over much of the planet. Trump disrespected our NATO and European allies and embraced the murderous dictator of Saudi Arabia, the psychopathic leader of Russia, and the absolute tyrant who runs North Korea.

Both Hitler and Trump had an “inciting incident” that became the touchstone for their rise to illegitimate levels of power.

For Hitler it was the burning of the German parliament building, the Reichstag, by a mentally ill Dutchman. For Trump it is his claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him and the martyrdom of his supporters after their attempted coup on January 6th.

Hitler embraced rightwing Bavarian street gangs and brawlers, organizing them into a volunteer militia who called themselves the Brownshirts (Hitler called them the Sturm Abeilung or Storm Division).

Trump embraces rightwing militia groups and motorcycle gangs, and implicitly praises his followers when they attack people like Paul Pelosi, election workers, and prosecutors and judges who are attempting to hold him accountable for his criminal behavior.

While Trump has mostly focused his public hate campaigns against racial and religious minorities, behind the scenes he and his administration had worked hand-in-glove with anti-gay fanatics like Mike Johnson to limit the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

His administration opposed the Equality Act, saying it would “undermine parental and conscience rights.” More than a third (36%) of his judicial nominees had previously expressed “bias and bigotry towards queer people.” His administration filed briefs in the landmark Bostock case before the Supreme Court, claiming that civil rights laws don’t protect LGBTQ+ people.

His Department of Health and Human Services ended Obama-era medical protections for queer people. His Secretary of Education, billionaire Betsy DeVos, took apart regulations protecting transgender kids in public schools. His HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, proposed new rules allowing shelters to turn away homeless queer people at a time when one-in-five homeless youth identify as LGBTQ+.

German Pastor Martin Niemöller’s famous poem begins with, “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.” But, in fact, first Hitler came for queer people.

A year before Nazis began attacking union leaders and socialists, a full five years before attacking Jewish-owned stores on Kristallnacht, the Nazis came for the trans people at the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin.

In 1930, the Institute had pioneered the first gender-affirming surgery in modern Europe. It’s director, Magnus Hirschfeld, had compiled the largest library of books and scientific papers on the LGBTQ+ spectrum in the world and was internationally recognized in the field of sexual and gender studies.

Being gay, lesbian, or trans was widely tolerated in Germany, at least in the big cities, when Hitler came to power on January 30, 1933, and the German queer community was his first explicit target. Within weeks, the Nazis began a campaign to demonize queer people — with especially vitriolic attacks on trans people — across German media.

German states put into law bans on gender-affirming care, drag shows, and any sort of “public display of deviance,” enforcing a long-moribund German law, Paragraph 175, first put into the nation’s penal code in 1871, that outlawed homosexuality. Books and magazines telling stories of gay men and lesbians were removed from schools and libraries.

Thus, a mere five months after Hitler came to power, on May 6, 1933, Nazis showed up at the Institute and hauled over 20,000 books and manuscripts about gender and sexuality out in the street to burn, creating a massive bonfire. It was the first major Nazi book-burning and was celebrated with newsreels played in theaters across the nation. It wouldn’t be the last: soon it spread to the libraries and public high schools.

The conservative elite of Germany, particularly Fritz Thyssen, Hjalmar Schacht, and Gustav Krupp were early supporters of Hitler, as he promised to crush the German labor movement and cut their taxes.

Without the support of rightwing billionaires funding Cambridge Analytica and Trump’s campaign he never would have won the electoral college in 2016.

Hitler couldn’t have risen to power without the support of the largest outlets in German media. Some treated him as “just another politician,” normalizing his fascist rhetoric. Others openly supported him.

After his failed beer hall putsch, he was legally banned from public speaking and mass rallies but, in 1930, German media mogul Alfred Hugenberg — a rightwing billionaire who owned two of the largest national newspapers and had considerable influence over radio — joined forces with Hitler and relentlessly promoted him, much like the Murdoch media empire and 1,500 billionaire-owned rightwing radio stations across the country helped bring Trump to power in 2016 and still promote him every day.

Hitler’s first major seizure of dictatorial power was his use of the Weimar law Article 48 which, during a time of crisis, empowered the nation’s leader to suspend due process and habeas corpus, turn the army’s guns on people deemed insurrectionists, and arrest people without charges or trial.

Its American equivalents are the State of Emergency Declaration and the Insurrection Act, both of which Trump has promised to invoke in his first days in office if he’s re-elected in 2024.

Once Hitler had seized full control of the German government, he set about changing the nation’s laws to replace democracy with autocracy. His enablers in the German Parliament passed the “Enabling Act” that gave Hitler’s cabinet the power to write and implement their own laws.

Trump promises to use the theoretical “unitary executive” powers rightwing groups claim the president holds, but has never used in our history, to have his new cabinet rewrite many of our nation’s laws.

Hitler followed the Enabling Act, six months later, with the Act for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service which authorized him to gut the German Civil Service and replace career bureaucrats with toadies loyal exclusively to him. It was the end of any semblance of resistance to the Nazis or preservation of democracy within the new German government.

In his last three weeks in office, Trump issued an executive order called Schedule F that ended Civil Service protections for around 50,000 of America’s top government officials, including the senior levels of every federal agency, so he could replace them all with political appointees (Biden reversed it). The Heritage Foundation is reportedly now vetting over 50,000 people to fill these ranks if Trump is reelected and, as promised, reinstates Schedule F.

The last bastion of resistance to Hitler within the German government was the judiciary, and Hitler altered the German Civil Service Code in January 1937, giving his cabinet the power to remove any judges from office who were deemed “non-compliant” with “Nazi laws or principles.”

When Judge Jon Tigar of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Trump’s new rules barring people from receiving asylum in 2018, Trump attacked Tigar as “a disgrace” and “an Obama judge.” He added that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is “really something we have to take a look at because it’s not fair,” adding, “That’s not law. Every case that gets filed in the Ninth Circuit we get beaten.”

Because the German Supreme Court was still, from time to time, ruling against Hitler’s Gleichschaltung or Nazification of the German government and legal code, and he had no easy legal mechanism to pack the court or term-limit the justices, in 1934 he created an entirely new court to replace it, which he called the People’s Court.

Trump packed the US Supreme Court with rightwing ideologues, many of whom are heavily beholden to oligarchs and industries aligned with Trump and the GOP. If they continue to go along with him — and there’s little to indicate they won’t — he won’t need to create a new court.

When Hitler took over the country in 1933, the military leadership was wary of him and his plans. While they shared many of his conservative views about social issues, most still held a strong loyalty to the German constitution.

It took him the better part of two years, with heavy support from his Brownshirts (who he’d by then integrated into the military) to purge the senior levels of the Army and replace them with Nazi loyalists.

The night before January 6th, newly-elected Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville joined Trump’s sons to help organize the coup planned for the next day. As the Alabama Political Reporter newspaper reported at the time:

“The night before the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol, Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville and the then-director of the Republican Attorneys General Association met with then-President Donald Trump’s sons and close advisers, according to a social media post by a Nebraska Republican who at the time was a Trump administration appointee.

“Charles W. Herbster, who was then the national chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Advisory Committee in Trump’s administration, in a Facebook post at 8:33 p.m. on Jan. 5 said that he was standing ‘in the private residence of the President at Trump International with the following patriots who are joining me in a battle for justice and truth.’ …
“Among the attendees, according to Herbster’s post, were Tuberville, former RAGA director Adam Piper, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, adviser Peter Navarro, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and 2016 deputy campaign manager David Bossie.”

Tuberville is now holding open the top ranks of the US military, presumably so if Trump is reelected he can pack our armed forces with people who won’t defy his orders when he demands they seize voting machines and fire live ammunition at the inevitable protestors.

When Hitler took power in 1933, he quickly began mass arrests of illegal immigrants, gypsies, union activists, liberal commentators and reporters, and (as noted earlier) queer people. To house this exploding prison population, he first took over a defunct munitions factory in Dachau; within a few years there were over a hundred of these camps where “criminals” were “concentrated and separated from society.” He called them concentration camps.

The New York Times reports that Trump is planning to “build huge camps to detain people,” and “to get around any refusal by Congress to appropriate the necessary funds, Mr. Trump would redirect money in the military budget.”

How many people? “Millions” writes the Times. And not just immigrants: Trump is planning to send his enemies to them, too.

Will he succeed in getting around Congress? He did the last time, with money to build his wall taken from military housing.

So far, that’s as bad as it gets: what he has already promised. But these are early days.

Hitler was unbothered by the deaths of German citizens, and was enthusiastic about the deaths of those he considered his enemies.

On April 7, 2020 all three TV networks, The New York Times and The Washington Post lead with the breaking story that Black people were dying at about twice the rate of white people from Covid. The Times headline, for example, read: “Black Americans Bear the Brunt as Deaths Climb.”

A month earlier Trump had shut down the country, but when this report came out he and Kushner did an immediate turnabout, demanding that mostly minority “essential workers” get back to work.

As an “expert” member of Jared Kushner’s team of young, unqualified volunteers supervising the administration’s PPE response noted to Vanity Fair’s Katherine Eban:

“The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy.”

It was, after all, exclusively Blue States that were then hit hard by the virus: Washington, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. And there was an election coming in just a few months.

Trump even invoked the Defense Production Act and issued an Executive Order requiring mostly minority slaughterhouse and meatpacking employees go back to work. It led to a half-million unnecessary American deaths and to this day neither Trump nor Kushner has ever apologized.

In the final years of the Third Reich, Hitler authorized his “final solution to the Jewish problem” that included building death camps in countries outside Germany to methodically exterminate millions of people. These were different from the hundreds of prisons and concentration camps he’d built within Germany for “criminals and undesirables,” although at those camps people were often worked to death or slaughtered when the war started going south.

So far, Trump and his people haven’t suggested the need for death camps in America, although Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott seem particularly eager to see immigrants die either from razor wire or gunshot.

But, then, the Nazis never officially announced their external death camps either; like Bush’s criminal “black sites” overseas where hundreds of innocent Afghans and Iraqis were tortured, often to death, they figured they’d never be found out.

There are few Americans alive today who remember Hitler, and for most of us the details of his rise to power are lost to the mists of time. But Donald Trump is bringing it all back to us with a fresh, stark splash of reality.

When I lived in Germany I worked with several Germans who had been in the Hitler Youth. One met Hitler. Another, Armin Lehmann, became a dear friend over the years and wrote a book about his experience as the 16-year-old courier who handed Hitler the news the war was lost and stood outside Hitler’s bunker room as he committed suicide.

They were good people, children at the time really, and were (they’ve all died within the last two decades) haunted by their experience.

It can happen here.

We’ve been sliding down this slippery slope toward unaccountable fascism for several decades, and this coming year will stand at the threshold of an entirely new form of American government that could mean the end of the American experiment.

To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice for our democracy to rise or fall will be in our hands.

NOW READ: How Donald Trump is spreading a dangerous mental illness to his supporters

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Haitian Community Defenders Fight US-Armed Death Squads and Puppet Governments
April 2, 2024
Source: Truthout

Image by Movement of Equality and Liberation for All Haitians

As the stars illuminate the dark alleyways of Solino, Ezayi’s heavy beige Timberlands stomp across the cracked concrete. He is on a mission. The night lookouts who stand guard at the western barricades against the marauding paramilitary gangs of the mass murderer Kempès Sanon do not have money to eat. When the night watchmen don’t eat during their shift, they get weak, drink kleren (moonshine) to trick their hunger and have a higher tendency to shirk their duties, or worse still, fall asleep. The enemy armed with modern weapons by the U.S. lurks around the corner. Washington bullets lull children, parents and grandparents to sleep under whatever furniture will protect them. Family members in the diaspora from East Flatbush, Brooklyn, to Little Haiti, Miami, call at all hours of the night, just hoping to hear a familiar voice.

The Haitian Bald Headed Party (PHTK) has tyrannically ruled Haiti since 2011. Now, as the guards sleep, warlord, escaped convict and mercenary Sanon prepares his next invasion of Solino, the second-biggest neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, after Cité Soley.

Ezayi, one of the coordinators of the Brigad Vijilans (self-defense brigades), makes the rounds to amass the 1,000 gouds ($7.63) needed for the dinner for eight of the people’s soldiers. A family two kilometers away deep in the Ri Ti Cheri area of the community responds that they can give 500 gouds. He calls Marius, a comrade who moonlights as a motorcycle taxi driver, and they complete the task. Ezayi is a leader of the Movement of Equality and Liberation for All Haitians (MOLEGHAF) who some call the Black Panthers of Haiti.

Solino’s son is always focused. Someone jokes about how his girlfriend has been looking for him for the past week. He does not bat an eyelash. The old crew teases Ezayi, calling him by his nickname, “Zizi, you haven’t seen a barber in a few years.” Another longtime friend chimes in: “Don’t bother him. He has no time to smile.” Ezayi has a singular focus: the defense of his first and only love, Solino.

The situation in Haiti is dynamic and popular leadership of organizations like MOLEGHAF, Fanmi Lavalas and Tèt Kole Ti Peyizan are spinning on a dime in order to respond.
The Fourth Pending U.S.-led Invasion of Haiti in 100 Years

The U.S. State Department, who unilaterally picked Ariel Henry to be Haiti’s prime minister in July of 2021, has now decided Henry no longer fits their interests and has forced him to step down. The Miami Herald reported that the Biden administration contacted Henry midflight urging him to form a transitional government. Henry was prevented from returning to Haiti on March 5 by paramilitary gangs who attempted to take the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, opening fire and hitting a plane bound for Cuba. Just as easily as the U.S. installed Henry against the people’s will, the FBI may have detained him in Puerto Rico. Perhaps the foreign policy establishment thinks that by sacking Henry and framing him as the fall guy they can convince an angry, hungry populace that this somehow represents change.

The imperial forces responsible for over half a million illegal U.S. guns in Haiti that fuel this unparalleled violence are now preparing their next move to keep Haiti subdued. For the past 18 months, the Biden administration has sought to facilitate what will be the fourth U.S.-led foreign invasion and occupation of Haiti in the last 100 years by deputizing Kenya, Benin, the Bahamas, and other western neocolonies to carry out the occupation. The U.S. will supply the money and weapons; the African and Caribbean colonial cannon fodder will provide the bodies. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has led a meeting of the CARICOM nations, a proxy force for U.S. power in the Caribbean, to appoint a transitional government and carry out the foreign invasion. The only Haitian representatives that can be considered for the U.S.-led transitional government have to agree to the occupation. The CIA remains active as well seeking a neocolony the U.S. can deputize to carry out this invasion.

Ezayi and his community see colonialism as Haiti’s number one enemy. In a February public statement analyzing the current political situation they wrote:

The American imperialists and their allies weakened all political strategies available to the oppressed.… Then they denigrated all symbols of sovereignty, undermining all means for national life. This is one reason why, until today, there is no political party capable of challenging Ariel Henry at the head of the country. It is a form of totalitarian power, where the poor masses are subjugated under the grip of the PHTK. Even democratic words have lost their value.

On March 2, paramilitary forces stormed the Haitian National Penitentiary and another prison helping over 4,000 prisoners escape. Among the escapees, there were prisoners accused of petty crimes years ago who had never seen a judge, and there were others convicted of violent and sexual crimes. A group of Colombian mercenaries imprisoned for their involvement with U.S. intelligence and the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse begged for their lives. Footage emerged of thousands of the escapees gathered in Vilaj de Dye, the seaside slum where the notorious PHTK-affiliated Izo is in charge. As a massive crowd chanted “Ariel: Izo has gotten rid of you,” analysts were left to wonder if this power move by the paramilitary forces was meant to buttress their ranks with more shock troops with an immanent U.S.-sponsored military invasion just weeks away.
Bwa Kale Is Personal

Bwa Kale was the impromptu name given to the organic self-defense movement that sprang up in Port-au-Prince on April 24, 2023. Gang boss Ti Makak’s Laboule death squad was moving in on Kanapé Vè, a stable, better-off-than-most neighborhood in Port-au-Prince.

The police intercepted the kidnappers and assassins and arrested them. A local crowd realized the intentions of Ti Makak’s homicidal crew, who were high on kleren, and dragged them out of the police truck, stoning and burning them. The citizen’s self-defense movement known as Bwa Kale had officially begun.

Exasperated by mercenaries raping, looting and massacring their communities, neighborhoods set to kicking the sanguinary criminals out. The decentralized movement exploded, inspiring neighborhoods across the sprawling city to take every measure to defend themselves from government-linked death squads.

Bwa Kale’s momentum was transformative for Solino. Located on the border of the Kempès and PHTK-dominated Belè, Ezayi’s neighborhood has been the number one target of the PHTK as it sought to expand west across Port-au-Prince. The families of Solino, like the Republican families of the Spanish Civil War and the Red Army families during the Nazi onslaught of the Soviet Union, have but one slogan: “No pasarán!” (They shall not pass!)

During Kempès death drive in the summer of 2023, Ezayi’s father sought to escape with his life. Like many residents swarmed by U.S. bullets and the stampede of fleeing community members, his father was murdered. It is this loss and love that contextualizes Ezayi’s superhuman, hyper focus on his singular mission — to save Solino.
A Nation Full of Leaders

Haiti’s enemies censor the very memory of ancestral resistance.

One of the many subtle racist tropes against Haiti seeks to deceive us into thinking “there is no leadership” or “all leaders are corrupt,” as the cliches go. The more accurate framing is that all United States and PHTK-sponsored leaders are bought off and manipulated. As investigative journalist Jake Johnston’s recently released book Aid State: Elite Panic, Disaster Capitalism and the Battle to Control Haiti shows, U.S. policy empowers and works with corrupt political leadership in Haiti because they can be relied upon to do the U.S.’s bidding. The U.S. has economic, diplomatic, military and political interests in Haiti. (Paul Farmer wrote The Uses of Haiti to address this very question.) Economists inform us, for example, that Haiti has the second-largest deposits of the rare mineral iridium in the Southeast Department. Bill and Hillary Clinton and their foundation have been two foreign personifications of foreign meddling in Haiti under the guise of humanitarian aid. It was Hillary Clinton who flew into Port-au-Prince in 2010 to offer the U.S.’s full endorsement of neo-Duvalierest Michel Martelly as president even though he had no popular support. The Haitian people teach us that in the paramilitary continuum that has led to the quagmire of today, Washington has supported three iterations of the paramilitary state, first under Martelly, then Moïse, and up until March 11, Ariel Henry. The U.S. will oversee the next handpicked successor. The media fury around U.S.-trained 2004 coup leader, Guy Philippe, indicates that Washington may work through him.

Meanwhile, those leaders who refuse to sell out to imperial interests are repressed and murdered. Peter Hallward’s Damming the Flood: Haiti and the Politics of Containment documents the U.S.-engineered coup and 2004 military invasion that saw the democratically elected president kidnapped and 7,500 elected officials booted from office. Haiti produces leaders like it produces mangos, coconuts and children’s smiles. But like Ezayi, these anonymous global heroes are under the gun. This researcher asked every witness and family member available who pulled the trigger on March 21, 2023? Was it G-9, G-Pèp or the police? Every answer contradicted the last.

There are dozens of engineers, doctors, mothers, organic intellectuals, teachers, youth cultural workers, masons, feminists, students and cultural workers across different neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince who lead their communities every day. Haiti does not suffer from a lack of talent; it suffers from the active repression of its talent and potential. The millions of sitwayen angage (engaged citizens) were architects of the February 7, 2021, national uprising that sought to remove the Haitian PHTK’s second dictator, Jovenel Moïse, from power. There are too many organic leaders to count.

How much easier is it to subscribe to racist tropes that every politician is corrupt in Haiti than to stand with the nameless, faceless, internet-less, electricity-less, social media-less leadership that resists every day?

In one interview with a foreign reporter, Ezayi explained that the modern-day “gang phenomenon” started with Washington’s imposition of dictator Michel Martelly in 2011. The ruling PHTK bragged about being “legal bandits” above the law and employing murderous gangs to do their enforcement because unlike the military or police, they could not be held accountable. The armed bands transformed almost overnight into government death squads armed with hundreds of thousands of U.S. weapons. Veteran Haitian community organizer and educator Jafrik Ayiti has pointed out some of the smoking guns linking the gangsters in flip flops down below in the oppressed communities and the Haitian state and business interests hidden away in the pristine hills of Petyonvil perched atop the city.

It is the incorruptible leadership of regular Haitians that the imperial U.S. government and its underlings most fear — and consequently target for liquidation.

At a meeting off Avenue John Brown in downtown Port-au-Prince, Naydi, Ezayi’s right-hand man, a MOLEGHAF leader and an agronomist, laid to waste the old paternalistic colonial myth. “Look at us. How many leaders are gathered right here? We have educators, doctors, lawyers, journalists. Men anpil chay pa lou (With many hands, the burden is lighter). Pipi gaye pa fè kim. (Dispersed pee-pee does not make foam),” he told attendees. “We are all leaders or we are all dead. We don’t have the luxury of quarreling with one another about who is a leader and who is not. We are all leaders.”

While Haiti’s exploiters and enemies repress and bury such examples of popular sovereignty, the internationalist movement needs to elevate their voices and examples to build global solidarity with the nation of 12 million people.
Baz La (The Base)

Any comrades who have to do an errand outside of the 27 neighborhoods of Solino are expected to check in every hour. If Ezayi has not heard from one of his trusted lieutenants, he gets nervous and starts calling them frantically. Tèt fwèt lè bagay cho (Keep a cool head when things heat up) is one of his guiding slogans.

In Fò Nasyonal last month, he spoke at a semi-clandestine meeting one neighborhood away. “We don’t need Kenya to invade us. We don’t need Taiwan to invade us. We don’t need a fourth U.S. occupation. If these foreign powers really wanted to help us, why don’t they support us so we can defend ourselves?”

“The paramilitaries have all the high-powered U.S. weapons while we defend ourselves with machetes, bottles, Molotov cocktails and handguns, if we can get ahold of them,” Ezayi said. “They want to disempower us, yet again. They make it look like we cannot help ourselves. If the U.S. would just get out of our way — for once!”

Two men appear on a motorcycle outside the meeting. Unknown to the young comrades serving as lookouts, they ask for Ezayi and another leader. The second line of defense perceives something is wrong. Microseconds and centimeters save lives in 2024 Port-au-Prince. The MOLEGHAF security signals the security detail inside the locked doors. The unknown assailants draw guns and bogart their way into the meeting. Ezayi is long gone, scaling a wall in the back where the formatè yo (trainers of cadre) painted a Che Guevara and Jan Jak Desalin mural.

Later on, back at the base, passing a small cup of bwa kochon (pig wood) moonshine around, Ezayi explains that, “If you don’t have a plan B and C in this city, you won’t last long. Port-au-Prince is Sniper City.” Afraid of death, he chuckles with the zetwal, as he mentally outlines the 20-some-odd tasks that await before night falls.
The Stars

Ezayi knows how to deal with foreign reporters. He knows they have mastered the art of getting the scoop they want by throwing some dirty dollars around and ignoring any inconvenient details. On this day, he was not in the mood for any shenanigans. A Haitian fixer, Wachlèt, had brought two reporters from France 24 to Solino. The foreign network had paid him handsomely. More than one Haitian journalist has been murdered trying to get a hot take for foreign networks. With the goud at 131 for one U.S. dollar and skyrocketing inflation, hunger leaves the Haitian employee no choice. The fixer knew the agreement. He could make his living, but he had to invest some of the money he received from foreigners, or he would be forced out.

Ezayi had a bad feeling about these reporters. He used Wachlèt to translate. He asked them what they knew about Haiti. He quizzed them on their thoughts on France and European nations’ support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The reporters failed the test. Ezayi asked for the money, gave Wachlèt his cut, took the rest and threw it in their chests. He told them they had five minutes to exit Solino.

Ezayi stays put behind the barricades, responding to interview requests if his cell phone signal cooperates. On Radio Ibo, one of the biggest radio stations in a country where electricity is rare, took to the airwaves to ask a question of the PHTK government: “Where is the Petro Caribbean money that you stole from us? Do you know how they answer us? With massacres. Kidnappings. Rape. Human rights violations. They make us refugees in our own city. They assassinate us. This is the government we are dealing with. That is the function of these paramilitary gangs. To take power away from us. To depopulate our poto mitan, the neighborhoods that have long been the backbone of resistance.”

Later in the evening, neighbors, local kids and comrades in arms yell to him “Anfom Zizi? (What’s good?)” when he passes by. They aspire to one day fill his Timberland boots. He jumps into the next interview confident the ancestors will hear the people’s prayers.

One night, he sees two neighborhood kids begging for some loose change. He calls their attention. “Evans and Emmanuel: Get over here!” he demands. “What did I tell you about begging, you rascals? Come on, let’s go!” He put his arm on each of their shoulders and walked them to the sausage cart. “When you’re hungry, come talk to your uncles. We Haitians have never begged, and never will.”

He tells them to look up at the stars with him, dropping ancestral, love-life lessons on the 10-year-old orphans of the paramilitary war: “You see those stars up there? You see how clearly they illuminate the sky for us? The blan [the imperialists/white man] and aloufa [oligarchs] cannot see those zetwal [stars]. With all of their Hollywood, Times Square and lights, they are too full of themselves to care about the peace of others and appreciate God’s beauty.”

A Message for Haiti’s “Barbecue” Cherizier: Be Like Malcolm

Haiti on Fire, Part II
By Ron Daniels
March 31, 2024
Source: Vantage Point Vignettes

Haiti is on fire now in large part because of the terrorism being inflicted on the First Black Republic by a notorious gang leader Jimmy Cherizier, who goes by the name “Barbecue.” For months a heavily armed coalition of gangs called the G-9 Alliance under his command has controlled the majority of the Capital of Port Au Prince. But it is the most recent brazen attacks on police stations, government offices, the airport, the seaport, hospitals, pharmacies, schools and prisons where thousands of inmates were released that has catapulted Barbecue into the international news. The world is now his stage as he boldly strides around giving interviews to the BBC, CNN, MSNBC and journalists from news outlets everywhere.

Barbecue claims to be interested in rescuing the nation from a parasitical elite and corrupt politicians. He recently threatened “civil war” if the current illegitimate Prime Minister Ariel Henry does not resign. Henry is presently stuck in Puerto Rico and unable to return to the country. Under pressure, he has agreed to resign once a Presidential Counsel is formed to select an Interim Government. This development has not deterred Barbecue’s militia from “barbecuing” hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the Capital region, wreaking deadly havoc on women, children and the elderly, causing what the U.N. is declaring a humanitarian disaster.

Barbecue is a bad man, a death dealing bandit who must be neutralized, deterred, or persuaded to discontinue his horrific behavior. Is there any hope for redemption, reformation, transformation of Barbecue? He’s a former officer in the Haitian National Police, who was fired for police misconduct and brutality. He has also been accused of participating in several massacres. Barbecue has expressed his admiration for the ruthless dictator, Jean Claude “Popa Doc” Duvalier, who ruled Haiti with a bloody iron fist from 1957 – 1971. But, when I first read about the mysterious Barbecue, he was quoting Malcolm X. Apparently, he also fancies himself a modern-day Black Robin Hood, attacking the elite in defense of Haiti’s impoverished masses. This Jekyll and Hyde political persona doesn’t add up?

Haiti is on fire and Barbecue’s G-9 militia constitutes an existential threat to the current plan and process by the Montana Accord Movement and its allies (which I support) to create a path towards a genuine, Haitian conceived democracy. In a recent article in Reuters, University of Virginia Haiti politics expert Robert Fatton said even if there is a different kind of government, “the reality is that you need to talk to the gangs.” Professor Fatton concluded: “If they have that supremacy, and there is no countervailing force, it’s no longer a question if you want them at the table,” he said. “They may just take the table.” That’s not good. There must be a way out of this dilemma.

Perhaps, there is hope in the Malcolm X side of Barbecue’s persona. Malcolm never committed the kind of atrocities that Barbecue is accused of committing. But, as Alex Haley notes in The Autobiography of Malcolm X, “He rose from a hoodlum, thief, dope peddler, pimp… to become the most dynamic leader of the Black Revolution.” I confess that this may be naïve on my part, but perhaps Barbecue can be induced, incentivized to dramatically and productively change his behavior. Perhaps, he is not beyond redemption. Not that he will hear it, but in my summary remarks at a recent Forum/Rally on Resolving the Crisis in Haiti at the historic Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC, I challenged Barbecue to “stop quoting Malcolm and start acting like Malcolm.”

My message to Barbecue is, in the spirit of Malcolm X, stop terrorizing the people and start defending the people; stop destroying neighborhoods and communities and start building and preserving them; become a true liberator by directing your militia to feed, cloth, educate and provide healthcare for the people like the Black Panther Party did in the era of the 60’s in the U.S. They were inspired by Malcolm.

There are likely institutions and leaders in Haiti, beginning with the faith community, that are willing to extend a hand to encourage you and your allies to engage in a process of truth and reconciliation to heal the wounds of the first Black Republic inflicted by your forces. The ultimate outcome could be an exchange of guns for jobs and social economic benefits which your transformed organization could dispense. It’s that “swords into ploughshares” thing.

Come to the Table Barbecue and use your ingenuity and leadership skills to develop social and economic programs to enhance the education, skills and opportunities of the people as part of a process of building the new Haiti. The choice is yours. Be like Malcolm and become an agent for liberation and development or become a pariah, a social outcast whose legacy will be death and destruction heaped on your own people. The choice is yours!

Resolving the Crisis in Haiti: Dr. Ron Daniels delivers summary remarks at Rally/Forum

March 21, 2024, Washington, DC — Dr. Ron Daniels delivers closing remarks at Forum/Rally “Resolving the Critical Crisis in Haiti – The Role of the Montana Accord Movement”.

Haiti on Fire, Part I: The Montana Accord Movement to the Rescue

March 4, 2024
Vantage Point Vignettes
Comments and Commentary by Dr. Ron Daniels

Haiti, our first Black Republic, is a virtual failed state where vicious gangs tied to the parasitical elite, and gangs with their own wannabe leaders or criminal kingpins control most of the Capital of Port Au Prince and much of the country. Ariel Henry, an unelected, illegitimate, and inept “Prime Minister” has a tenuous hold over what passes for a “government.”

The well-armed rampaging gangs are terrorizing the country utilizing kidnapping for ransom, extortion, trafficking in drugs and assaulting and raping women unchecked. They are attacking police stations and killing members of the National Police, attacking prisons, and releasing prisoners and attacking and killing each other over turf. They are also in deadly competition with each other to take over the government or at least emerge as the dominant force that will be the de facto government.

Haiti is on fire and as the people suffer and demand the resignation of an illegitimate Prime Minister, what is the posture of the U.S. government and the Core Group of nations and multilateral bodies? Unfortunately, tragically the U.S. is propping up a recalcitrant, illegitimate, shaky Henry regime despite massive opposition from the people. Rather than insisting that Henry relinquish the reins of power, the U.S. and its allies are negotiating with him and preparing to finance a Kenyan-led military force to “restore order.” The U.S. and its allies are arrogantly and blatantly ignoring rather than respecting and supporting the wishes of the Haitian people. We’ve seen this movie before. Unfortunately, even heads of state in the Caribbean, who should be good-faith facilitators, have recently acquiesced to negotiating with Henry rather than demanding his immediate departure from office.

Haiti is on fire. That’s the bad news. But the good news is that there is a remarkable, broad-based civil society movement involving hundreds of organizations and leaders from across the political spectrum who have boldly and courageously come forward to devise a plan, process and strategy to put out the fire, to extinguish the raging conflagration; firefighting freedom fighters committed to advancing a “Haitian Solution” to rescue the first Black Republic from what one leader has termed the “criminal enterprise” which is spreading death and destruction across the land. This powerful, people-based effort is called the Montana Accord Movement (MAM). These courageous leaders are determined to raise Haiti from the ashes to create a sustainable, people-based democracy.

The challenge is, our challenge as allies and friends of the First Black Republic is to persuade, demand, compel the U.S. government, the Core Group and our sisters and brothers from CARICOM to insist that Henry relinquish power immediately. Equally important, the U.S. and all external international players should immediately acknowledge and support the Montana Accord Movement plan, process and strategy as the way forward toward sustainable democracy and development in Haiti. To achieve this righteous outcome, we the people must rise-up to support the Montana Accord Movement to save Haiti. Let’s do it. #SaveHaiti, SupportMAM

Review the Montana Accord Plan Here —


Ron Daniels
Dr. Daniels is the founder and president of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century, a progressive, African-centered, action-oriented resource center dedicated to empowering people of African descent and marginalized communities. A veteran social and political activist, Dr. Ron Daniels was an independent candidate for president of the United States in 1992. He served as the executive director of the National Rainbow Coalition in 1987 and the southern regional coordinator and deputy campaign manager for Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign in 1988. He holds a B.A. in History from Youngstown State University, an M.A. in Political Science from the Rockefeller School of Public Affairs in Albany, New York and a Doctor of Philosophy in Africana Studies from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati. Dr. Daniels is a Distinguished Lecturer Emeritus at York College, City University of New York.

Tuesday, April 02, 2024


The math problem that took nearly a century to solve

UC San Diego mathematicians unlock the secret to Ramsey numbers





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We’ve all been there: staring at a math test with a problem that seems impossible to solve. What if finding the solution to a problem took almost a century? For mathematicians who dabble in Ramsey theory, this is very much the case. In fact, little progress had been made in solving Ramsey problems since the 1930s.

Now, University of California San Diego researchers Jacques Verstraete and Sam Mattheus have found the answer to r(4,t), a longstanding Ramsey problem that has perplexed the math world for decades.

What was Ramsey’s problem, anyway?

In mathematical parlance, a graph is a series of points and the lines in between those points. Ramsey theory suggests that if the graph is large enough, you’re guaranteed to find some kind of order within it — either a set of points with no lines between them or a set of points with all possible lines between them (these sets are called “cliques”). This is written as r(s,t) where s are the points with lines and t are the points without lines.

To those of us who don’t deal in graph theory, the most well-known Ramsey problem, r(3,3), is sometimes called “the theorem on friends and strangers” and is explained by way of a party: in a group of six people, you will find at least three people who all know each other or three people who all don’t know each other. The answer to r(3,3) is six.

“It’s a fact of nature, an absolute truth,” Verstraete states. “It doesn't matter what the situation is or which six people you pick — you will find three people who all know each other or three people who all don't know each other. You may be able to find more, but you are guaranteed that there will be at least three in one clique or the other.”

What happened after mathematicians found that r(3,3) = 6? Naturally, they wanted to know r(4,4), r(5,5), and r(4,t) where the number of points that are not connected is variable. The solution to r(4,4) is 18 and is proved using a theorem created by Paul Erdös and George Szekeres in the 1930s.

Currently r(5,5) is still unknown.

A good problem fights back

Why is something so simple to state so hard to solve? It turns out to be more complicated than it appears. Let’s say you knew the solution to r(5,5) was somewhere between 40-50. If you started with 45 points, there would be more than 10234 graphs to consider!

“Because these numbers are so notoriously difficult to find, mathematicians look for estimations,” Verstraete explained. “This is what Sam and I have achieved in our recent work. How do we find not the exact answer, but the best estimates for what these Ramsey numbers might be?”

Math students learn about Ramsey problems early on, so r(4,t) has been on Verstraete’s radar for most of his professional career. In fact, he first saw the problem in print in Erdös on Graphs: His Legacy of Unsolved Problems, written by two UC San Diego professors, Fan Chung and the late Ron Graham. The problem is a conjecture from Erdös, who offered $250 to the first person who could solve it.

“Many people have thought about r(4,t) — it’s been an open problem for over 90 years,” Verstraete said. “But it wasn’t something that was at the forefront of my research. Everybody knows it's hard and everyone’s tried to figure it out, so unless you have a new idea, you’re not likely to get anywhere.”

Then about four years ago, Verstraete was working on a different Ramsey problem with a mathematician at the University of Illinois-Chicago, Dhruv Mubayi. Together they discovered that pseudorandom graphs could advance the current knowledge on these old problems.

In 1937, Erdös discovered that using random graphs could give good lower bounds on Ramsey problems. What Verstraete and Mubayi discovered was that sampling from pseudorandom graphs frequently gives better bounds on Ramsey numbers than random graphs. These bounds — upper and lower limits on the possible answer — tightened the range of estimations they could make. In other words, they were getting closer to the truth.

In 2019, to the delight of the math world, Verstraete and Mubayi used pseudorandom graphs to solve r(3,t). However, Verstraete struggled to build a pseudorandom graph that could help solve r(4,t).

He began pulling in different areas of math outside of combinatorics, including finite geometry, algebra and probability. Eventually he joined forces with Mattheus, a postdoctoral scholar in his group whose background was in finite geometry. 

“It turned out that the pseudorandom graph we needed could be found in finite geometry,” Verstraete stated. “Sam was the perfect person to come along and help build what we needed.”

Once they had the pseudorandom graph in place, they still had to puzzle out several pieces of math. It took almost a year, but eventually they realized they had a solution: r(4,t) is close to a cubic function of t. If you want a party where there will always be four people who all know each other or t people who all don’t know each other, you will need roughly t3 people present. There is a small asterisk (actually an o) because, remember, this is an estimate, not an exact answer. But t3 is very close to the exact answer.

The findings are currently under review with the Annals of Mathematics

“It really did take us years to solve,” Verstraete stated. “And there were many times where we were stuck and wondered if we’d be able to solve it at all. But one should never give up, no matter how long it takes.”

Verstraete emphasizes the importance of perseverance — something he reminds his students of often. “If you find that the problem is hard and you're stuck, that means it's a good problem. Fan Chung said a good problem fights back. You can't expect it just to reveal itself.”

Verstraete knows such dogged determination is well-rewarded: “I got a call from Fan saying she owes me $250.”

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Ivermectin: Dr. Pierre Kory and the Wonder Drug That Wasn’t

Dr. Pierre Kory, co-founder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, testifies during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing titled “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II,” on December 8, 2020.                                                                                        Photo credit: © Tom Williams/Congressional Quarterly via ZUMA Press


Ivermectin has fused with MAGA politics.

This past July, the UK-based anti-vaccine World Council for Health (WCfH) held its third annual “World Ivermectin Day,” inviting their international network to celebrate the antiparasitic drug’s efficacy against the COVID-19 virus — in the face of facts.

Several familiar names in ivermectin hawking spoke at their Twitter/X spaces event, most notably Dr. Pierre Kory — a Wisconsin physician and co-founder of the pro-ivermectin Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC, a WCfH coalition partner organization) — who plugged his conspiratorial new book The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic.

Kory returned to a UK audience in December as an “expert” guest on a panel for “Democracy, Truth, and Freedom” hosted by disgraced MP Andrew Bridgen, who was kicked out of the Tory party for his anti-vax extremism. 

In a room rented on the parliamentary campus, Kory and a small group of fringe US physicians who have been involved with right-wing politics spread shoddy data, blatant disinformation, and fear over vaccine safety — while congratulating each other on being the truth-tellers of the pandemic. 

Despite Kory’s bravado on the global stage, his ivermectin crusade has not fared well back home. A lawsuit against a Wisconsin hospital system, brought by the nephew of a patient who was denied ivermectin before dying of COVID-19, was shot down by the state’s Supreme Court last spring. The American Medical Association and Wisconsin Medical Society had filed an amicus brief on behalf of the hospital system being sued, noting that the plaintiff had largely relied on Kory’s “opinion testimony” and that “the studies on which his opinion is based — including his own — have been thoroughly discredited.” 

They further highlighted that:

Additional research determined that meta-analyses touting ivermectin’s effectiveness, including Dr. Kory’s, had surveyed “largely poor-quality studies.” Indeed, one of the studies on which Dr. Kory relied was “potentially fraudulent” and included duplicated data. The journal that published Dr. Kory’s survey subsequently issued an expression of concern, which questioned Dr. Kory’s conclusions about ivermectin.

Kory fell ill with the virus in the summer of 2021 despite taking his own medicine, yet continues to push it as a “wonder drug” and has sold merchandise of himself as a cartoon superhero on the FLCCC website. Over the course of the pandemic, he has become a pariah of the global evidence-based medical community and a darling of the far-Right. 

To understand how a previously respected Wisconsin critical-care doctor inexplicably ruined his reputation over an anti-parasitic — and, far more importantly, caused chaos for global public health during a crisis — we must go back to the dawn of COVID-19.

Bad MATH+: The Genesis of Pierre Kory

In May 2020, a few months after the pandemic hit the US, Kory testified remotely at a US Senate hearing as a guest of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) about the MATH+ hospital protocol for COVID-19 that he and his team, then referring to themselves as the Front-Line Critical Care Working Group, had developed. Kory identified his team members at the time as Drs. Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri, Joseph Varon, and José Iglesias. “MATH” stood for methylprednisolone (a steroid), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), thiamine (vitamin B1), and heparin (an anticoagulant), with the “+” indicating drugs of potential interest, including ivermectin.

The team’s COVID-19 protocol was adapted from Kory’s mentor and FLCCC co-founder Marik’s controversial vitamin C for sepsis protocol, published in the journal CHEST in 2017. The efficacy of this sepsis protocol has been thoroughly disproven, despite Marik’s accusations of “statistical obfuscation” in the studies failing to uphold his positive results. Questions had even been raised about potentially fraudulent data in his study, though, as Kory’s book boasts, they took legal action against the doctor who made those accusations, pressuring him to walk them back. Regardless, the huge mortality reduction reported in Marik’s paper has not been reproducible, the gold standard of scientific validity, and one study found increased sepsis mortality with vitamin C. 

In April 2020 Marik went on former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s podcast to promote their MATH+ COVID-19 hospital protocol — his vitamin C for sepsis ‘HAT’ protocol plus methylprednisolone — hoping to get the attention of the White House. Marik claims he tried to interest the World Health Organization (which, at the time, was not recommending steroids for COVID-19 treatment), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Institutes of Health as well — but did not get a response. His team did, however, get the attention of Johnson.

In his first appearance before the Senate — for the remote “How New Information Should Drive Policy” roundtable — Kory railed against the exclusion of steroids from the existing COVID-19 hospital protocol. To his credit, he would be proven correct about steroids having a role in the fight against the virus. 

A non-FLCCC critical care doctor (who wishes to remain anonymous, given the retaliatory behaviors of certain FLCCC members and their allies) explained that the initial hesitation on steroids was prompted by early reports from China that they were not beneficial in decreasing mortality or length of stay but could increase viral shedding — and by additional concern that they may cause worse outcomes, as they can with flu. This ICU physician added that the MATH+ protocol’s stepwise increase in steroid dosage “lacked supporting data.” 

A February 2021 randomized control trial (RCT) out of Cleveland Clinic published in JAMA found vitamin C ineffective at lessening COVID-19 symptoms, with a November 2021 meta-analysis of RCTs further backing its lack of efficacy against the virus. But Marik and the FLCCC continue to promote his vitamin C for sepsis protocol and the MATH+ protocol — which has expanded to include more drugs and vitamins — on their website.  

In the spring of 2020 the FLCCC still presented itself as an organization that supported evidence-based medicine, trying to positively contribute to America’s imperfect response to COVID-19, and had been correct about both steroid and anticoagulant usefulness against the virus. They had only barely added ivermectin as an optional medication in their protocol as part of the “+” portion of MATH+ as the drug was gaining some traction in global research into the repurposing of existing medications — though these promising ivermectin studies would fail to hold up to scrutiny

During the May 2020 Senate hearing, Kory claimed they had sent their protocol to the White House multiple times. Johnson — who stressed the need for early treatment and plugged the Right’s ivermectin predecessor, hydroxychloroquine — assured Kory he had passed it on to Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows. 

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) at the 2016 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)

 in National Harbor, MD. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

Also featured at Johnson’s virtual roundtable was a physician who did get the ear of the president, Dr. Scott Atlas, who would come on as a Trump adviser in July 2020 and for whom the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis’s (HSSCC) damning report The Atlas Dogma: The Trump Administration’s Embrace of a Dangerous and Discredited Herd Immunity via Mass Infection Strategy is named. 

In late 2020, Kory et al. published their MATH+ protocol in the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine (JICM), based on two centers where it had been implemented: United Memorial Hospital in Houston (where Varon worked) and Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, VA (where Marik worked).

At the time of its publication there was significant pushback from the medical community to this paper. The major issue was the non-randomized control study design, which compared the death rates at their two MATH+ sites to previously published observational data to report a “more than 75% absolute risk reduction in mortality.” In November 2021, their MATH+ paper was retracted by JICM after a tip-off from Marik’s hospital about issues with the integrity of the mortality data he had put forth. The retraction notice read:

The article has been retracted after the journal received notice from Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia (“Sentara”) raising concerns about the accuracy of COVID-19 hospital mortality data reported in the article pertaining to Sentara.

The same day as the retraction, Marik sued Sentara hospital over their banning of ivermectin for COVID-19 — ivermectin being the antiparasitic medication that was added to the MATH+ protocol after their submission to JICM, as the group latched on to the promise of the drug and stepped into the deeply political “early treatment” movement.

Ivermectin is what the FLCCC became known for, with Kory returning to the Senate in December 2020 to testify on the efficacy of the antiparasitic — in the US principally prescribed for veterinary use as a dewormer, but a mainstay of global health where worm infections in humans are more common — against COVID-19. In so doing, he became the face of the ivermectin movement in the US and inspired anti-vax cranks worldwide — including prominent proponent Joe Rogan, on whose Spotify podcast he would appear in June 2021. 

That same summer, former FLCCC member Dr. Eric Osgood left the organization in a “panic” as they failed to incorporate the newly available life-saving vaccines into their protocols, claiming “he had his ‘oh shit’ moment, registering the effect the group was having on social media and the way its message was being received.” 

Ivermectin: The New Hydroxychloroquine

Kory’s FLCCC would not stop with just COVID-19. It moved on to promoting ivermectin for long-COVIDRSV, and the flu

In the summer of 2023, Kory latched on to anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign, appearing at his health policy round table alongside a number of well-known cranks. Kennedy — who continues to say that ivermectin is the wonder drug Kory claimed — has tweeted that Kory is “honest, brave, and sincere,” which is, given what we’ve learned of Kennedy’s own nature, something of a red flag. Kory’s organization, registered as a 501c3 and part of a network of Kennedy-aligned anti-vax nonprofits, was revealed to have received massive amounts of right-wing money, including on the sly through donor advised funds, as reported in Rolling Stone and Wisconsin Watch.

Prior to ivermectin, right-wing politicians in the US had tried pushing hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID-19. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) — created in a partnership with the Trump reelection campaign — burst onto the scene with a July 2020 press conference, “The White Coat Summit” in front of the Supreme Court, pushing their “cure.” Their stunt was live-streamed by Breitbart and tweeted about by Trump, who had been promoting HCQ since March 2020 — in the face of strong pushback from the medical and scientific communities. Fronted by future insurrectionist Dr. Simone Gold, the rogue pro-Trump physicians also decried lockdowns and masks. The politicization of COVID-19, vaccination, and public health generally — a pressing goal of the far-Right — had been achieved.

At the time, the FLCCC publicly distanced itself from AFLDS by tweeting:

The physicians and associates of the Frontline Covid19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) are neither affiliated nor aligned in any way with the group calling itself “America’s Frontline Doctors” that demonstrated outside the U.S. Supreme Court on July 28th. In fact, the FLCCC strongly rejects the entirety of group’s [sic] claims — including that there is a cure for COVID-19 and that there is no need to wear masks. (Emphasis added.)

However, Kory would go on to collaborate with members of the AFLDS openly, participating alongside AFLDS member Dr. Ryan Cole on Johnson’s anti-vax panels, and applaud Gold, whose AFLDS would hawk ivermectin as well as HCQ, as a “tireless medical freedom fighter” in his book. This praise comes despite her involvement in the attempt to overthrow democracy, her ongoing involvement with MAGA extremists, and an AFLDS member’s disturbing stalking and ambushing of the president of the California Medical Board for one of their propaganda films

Prior to endorsing ivermectin, Kory contributed to the political early treatment movement as a co-author on an August 2020 preprint paper pushing back against the results of the major RCT that found no use for HCQ against COVID-19 earlier that summer. He would also appear on another pro-HCQ preprint posted in December 2020 — the same month he promoted ivermectin to the US Senate.

The exact timeline of when ivermectin became the new HCQ is difficult to parse out. There was a fair amount of overlap, as the Right’s fight for HCQ continued even as its star was fast fading and ivermectin’s rising — with the whole thing playing out in the overheated arena of a fierce battle for the White House. 

Despite the theatrics of AFLDS, the FDA had already rescinded its emergency use authorization for HCQ the month before their “summit.” This left conservative politicians — like Johnson, who had written to Trump urging action on HCQ in April 2020 — scrambling. 

report from the HSSCC detailed Johnson and his allies’ attempt to strongarm the FDA into re-authorizing HCQ throughout the summer of 2020. However, in an August 2020 email included in the same HSSCC report, Johnson confessed that outside Trump and a few insiders, the administration didn’t “want to touch HCQ with a 100’ pole,” and acknowledged “the moral aspect — the lives lost” by their continuing to push for the drug that did not work against the virus. 

Ron Johnson, COVID, email

Photo credit: US HousePDF

Johnson would further harry the FDA in two separate hearings later that year. In November, Johnson hosted a panel to argue support for “early treatment,” featuring a slew of personal anecdotes and deeply flawed studies from across the globe. In particular, Dr. Harvey Risch argued in favor of HCQ, citing unpublished research from the Brazilian hospital system Prevent Senior with a WordPress link in his official submitted testimony. 

Risch and Johnson’s American pro-HCQ colleagues’ involvement with politically aligned research out of Brazil is further discussed in the aforementioned HSSCC report. HCQ research conducted at Prevent Senior was politically motivated and carried out unethically, “manipulating medical records and data from scientific experimentation, which was conducted without obtaining the participants’ informed consent.” 

Poor quality research out of South America would prove central to the ivermectin movement as well. And Risch would write in support of Marik in his legal filing against Sentara and serve on leadership of the anti-vax group The Unity Project alongside Kory.

Johnson’s December hearing would provide more of the same anecdotal statements, questionable studies, and anti-lockdown fear-mongering — and a star-making turn for Kory, who passionately claimed, “Ivermectin is effectively a miracle drug against COVID-19.”

By October 2020, ivermectin had been upgraded from “an optional component to an essential component” of the FLCCC’s MATH+ protocol. In his book, Kory speaks of finding researcher Juan Chamie’s graphs of a supposedly successful ivermectin distribution program in Peru and “trembling” in awe as he studied them in the fall of 2020. He highlighted Chamie’s role as an FLCCC analyst in his December 2020 testimony and featured his graphs, which had quickly made their way through social media in late 2020. They were picked up by Fox News’s Laura Ingraham — who had previously pushed HCQ on Fox and to Trump directly in Spring 2020 — on Twitter just five days prior to the hearing.

Peru would have the highest COVID-19 death rate in the world in 2021. And Chamie would appear as a co-author on controversial ivermectin research out of Brazil alongside Kory. 

It was around the time of this second Senate appearance that the FLCCC conspicuously departed from any faux support for mainstream thought and professional consensus. This also coincides with their being brought on board by the international pandemic disinformation network that AFLDS was already tapped into, a hub of which was the UK-based Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART).

The secretive HART group suffered a leak of their internal messaging system, which revealed their coordination with right-wing government and media and their manipulation of social media. Included in the leaked messages was a January 2021 email from the interim executive director of the FLCCC, Sean Burke, to a Polish self-identified AFLDS affiliate, Artur Bartosik, copied into the chat log. The message alerted the network to the emergence of Kory, Marik, and their group — and brought their ivermectin regimen to the existing global early-treatment platform previously occupied by HCQ.

Artur Bartosik Chat

Photo credit: GitHub chat room screenshot.

Screenshots, chatrooms

Photo credit: GitHub chat room screenshots.

Dr. Tess Lawrie — formerly listed as a HART member — who runs the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development group, claims on the BIRD website that it was inspired by Kory’s December 2020 Senate testimony. She is also a member of The Unity Project with Kory; and her ivermectin meta-analysis, published in the same journal as Kory’s, was also slapped with an expression of concern. Her other group, WCfH, would go on to platform the FLCCC as well as their Brazilian ivermectin-pushing counterpart, Médicos Pela Vida (Doctors for Life), which has its own deep online network and ties to Brazil’s right wing.

The FLCCC in Brazil

In addition to his work promoting ivermectin in the US, Kory was involved with publications based on research into the drug in Brazil. Like Trump, Brazil’s then-President Jair Bolsonaro was keen on downplaying the threat of the virus, which he referred to as “a little flu.” Kory is on two problematic papers (published by the known “predatory” journal Cureus) focused on the Brazilian town of Itajaí, which were highly cited by the global ivermectin movement. Kory’s involvement with work of Bolsonaro allies — such as the mayor of Itajaí who allowed the town to become a regional ‘laboratory’ in 2020 — is indicative of his reliance on far-right politics to bolster his “wonder drug” claims.

The studies are first-authored by Dr. Lucy Kerr of Médicos Pela Vida (MPV), which, like the FLCCC, is listed as a coalition partner of the WCfH. Also on the papers is Brazilian Dr. Flavio Cadegiani — added as an FLCCC clinical advisor in August 2021 — who promoted their Itajaí ivermectin research in a WCfH video alongside Kerr in April 2022.

At the time of the project, the mayor of Itajaí called Kerr a “pioneer in the fight for ivermectin,” while a pulmonary specialist at Hospital das Clínicas at the University of São Paulo Medical School cautioned, “There is a political narrative and a disinformation strategy in place to minimize the pandemic and make people think there’s an easy solution.”

One of the Kerr papers was corrected in March 2022 to reflect undisclosed financial conflicts of interest, including Kory’s position with the FLCCC and Kerr and Cadegiani’s payments from ivermectin manufacturer Vitamedic. A representative for Vitamedic admitted that between 2019 and 2020 they experienced a “600 percent increase in [sales of] ivermectin.” The company, along with Kerr’s MPV, was condemned in May of last year by the Brazilian Federal Court in the Rio Grande do Sul estate for “collective moral and health damages” resulting from their promotion of this false cure.

Furthermore, Cadegiani was involved in deeply troubling research performed in the Amazonas region into androgen receptor antagonist proxalutamide for COVID-19 — another “cure” touted, in addition to ivermectin and HCQ, by Bolsonaro — which registered 200 deaths. The Brazilian doctor performed his work without proper registration in that part of the country and with some study participants reportedly not knowing they were being experimented on. Research regulators have called his work the worst violations of human rights and medical ethics in the country’s history.

Despite accusations of “crimes against humanity” against him, the FLCCC and MPV proudly announced that the Regional Council of Medicine of the Amazonas estate had dropped all charges against Cadegiani last spring following an investigation — accountability for the powerful in Brazil being rare under both Bolsonaro and the right-wing regional institutions that survived his fall from power — with Kerr’s organization going so far as to call Cadegiani “Brazil’s greatest living scientist.” 

Following a retraction of a proxalutamide-for-COVID-19 paper of his in Frontiers in Medicine, Cadegiani took to Twitter to attack the journal as “corrupt” and accuse them, without evidence, of accepting bribes. This proxalutamide paper, retracted in June 2022, is cited in the FLCCC’s most recent “MATH+” protocol published in February of last year as well as their latest “I-CARE Early Covid Treatment” protocol published in December.

In addition to raising concerns about the political and financial conflict of interest issues with the Itajaí study, outside researchers have also questioned the methods and findings of the Cureus papers. A small team of independent researchers have re-analyzed the Kerr studies in a preprint paper currently pending peer-reviewed publication, which claims the reported benefits of ivermectin in reducing “infection, hospitalization, and mortality are entirely explained by statistical artifacts.” An author of this reanalysis paper has publicly called for the two Cureus papers to be retracted. While the reanalysis does not explain the motive for the statistical issues, the payments from Vitamedic and the political allegiances of the authors seem to answer that question. 

This was not the end of Kory’s involvement with Brazil, however. Kory, despite having no pediatric training, has recently been advocating against pediatric COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the country, as reported by Children’s Health Defense’s blog “The Defender.” Ahead of testifying remotely this February, Kory posted on Twitter/X, claiming he would “drop some truth bombs.”

The same day, Kory spoke in person at the International Crisis Summit in Washington, DC, hosted by CPAC and Johnson, continuing to promote ivermectin for COVID-19. A few days later, the seventh major study to show the inefficacy of ivermectin for COVID-19 released its results — results Kory called “fraudulent.” 

Is There Accountability in America?

Lack of accountability for Cadegiani in Brazil is unsurprising, as several charges against Bolsonaro were also shelved in 2022 by a politically aligned prosecutor after the country’s senate recommended the ex-president be charged with “crimes against humanity” and “charlatanism” for his promotion of false COVID-19 treatments such as HCQ and ivermectin.

There’s similarly been no accountability for the US politicians who promoted some of the same snake oils as did Bolsonaro and argued against vaccination, to disastrous ends. Johnson — who hosted Kory, Risch, Cole, and The Unity Project star members McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone at his anti-vax “Second Opinion Panel” in January 2022 during the deadly omicron wave — narrowly eked out a victory for a third term in the November 2022 midterm elections. 

Despite his early pandemic failures, a failed coup, and mounting criminal charges, Trump is the GOP nominee for the 2024 election. And then there is Kennedy, whose current presidential campaign would not have been possible without the anti-science antagonism of the MAGAs throughout during the pandemic. 

Additionally, there’s been a lack of medical licensing accountability for physicians involved in this deeply politically aligned early-treatment movement in the US, whom individuals like Cadegiani — recipient of an award for “research excellence” at the FLCCC’s recent conference, and, like Kory, given the superhero treatment in the FLCCC’s merchandise store — cling to for ongoing support. An investigation by The Washington Post, published last July, details the stagnation of the American state medical boards’ actions against doctors who have spread deadly COVID-19 misinformation. 

Highlighted in the report is the fact that AFLDS currently is facing an HCQ wrongful death lawsuit in Nevada and that a Wisconsin physician — following the FLCCC guidelines — remotely prescribed ivermectin for a COVID-positive patient who died four days later of a “probable COVID-19 infection.” This past month, after a year-long effort, Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, had his Washington state medical license restricted owing to his telehealth prescription of ivermectin, among other violations. The initial January 2023 letter he received from the Washington Medical Commission highlighted that some patients sought him out to get on FLCCC protocols.  

Last August, following the Post’s investigation, Kory and Marik announced that the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) had alerted them that their board certifications were to be revoked for their spread of “false or inaccurate medical information.” Johnson, naturally, leapt to their supportreferring to the ABIM as part of the “COVID cartel” on Twitter/X, while Kory took to his substack to rail against the certification organization and medical journals.

While Marik claims he willingly gave up his medical license, Kory — who charges $2,350 for a series of telehealth appointments in his Leading Edge clinic, claiming to specialize in long-COVID and vaccine injuries — has somehow not lost his. Seemingly for insurance against a potential future loss of licensure, Kory has set up a practice with the Crow Indian tribe that does not fall under the jurisdiction of state medical boards. 

In September 2022, just ahead of Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signing a COVID-19 misinformation physician licensing accountability bill into law, Kory and Johnson co-authored an opinion piece for Fox News, calling the legislation “insane” and arguing “doctors could lose their licenses simply for expressing an opinion” — which is putting what they’ve done rather lightly.

Kory is now the leading name on a lawsuit — also featuring his new political ally RFK Jr. and Children’s Health Defense — against the California Medical Board and California attorney general over infringement of physician free speech, conflating free speech and professional speech and covering for themselves.

Last summer, Kory’s first far-right ally Johnson made headlines for falsely claiming the pandemic was pre-planned by unnamed elites and that the FDA had finally, quietly approved ivermectin for COVID-19. Ignoring the conspiratorial nonsense of the former comment, the latter untrue statement ties back to a lawsuit filed against the FDA by Marik. The FLCCC co-founder and two other physicians, sued the FDA/HHS in June 2022 over the agencies’ warning against using ivermectin for COVID-19, claiming this interfered with the physicians’ practice of medicine. AFLDS filed an amicus brief in this case on behalf of the plaintiffs.

The suit was dismissed in December 2022 but the physicians have controversially revived their case with the right-wing-friendly Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, leading a representative from the FDA to correctly state they cannot stop a physician from prescribing any drug off-label — including ivermectin — in the appellate court. This was not an endorsement of ivermectin for COVID-19, but Johnson and other members of the right ran with it to the press and social media, as it served to uphold the early-treatment mirage just a bit longer.

Kory — whose tweets were included in JAMA study on physician-propagated COVID-19 disinformation online — has done plenty on the internet to shamelessly keep this act going. In his increasing desperation, he has pushed wild conspiracies about the vaccines on his substack and Twitter/X. These include the notion that massive numbers of people have died from the vaccine, as promoted by the conspiracy film Died Suddenly, and the physiological impossibility that the mRNA vaccinated can “shed” particles to make the unvaccinated sick from “spike disease.” 

Kory’s insistence to his large following that those pushing vaccines are evil and have knowingly done harm — and his targeting of specific individuals, like MAGA boogeyman Dr. Anthony Fauci and vaccine expert Dr. Peter Hotez — are beyond unethical and dangerous given how extreme the anti-vax movement has become. To save himself and keep his act afloat, Kory is putting the safety of science-based, ethically practicing health care workers — a group to which he once belonged — at risk.

In his transition to a Kennedy-grade anti-vaxxer, he has come out against all vaccines — unfortunately not limited to nonsense ramblings online. Back home, Kory testified against adding the meningitis vaccine to the Wisconsin pediatric vaccine schedule, and that addition was successfully blocked by the state’s GOP last year, putting kids at risk from a deadly disease. 

In December, Kory — who is now pushing a short film adaptation of The War on Ivermectin — appeared on Ingraham’s Fox News show as well as less mainstream conspiracy-peddling outlets to suggest the vaccines — not COVID-19 — are responsible for an increased death rate in working-age people in the US. This vaccine hysteria Kory helped stoke has led to preventable COVID-19 deaths and the current rise in measles cases driven by vaccine hesitancy.

To err is human. To intentionally deceive, for the benefit of oneself at the expense of human life to the extent that Kory has, is villainous. His true superpower appears to be evading accountability for it. A recent poll from the University of Pennsylvania showed that, in addition to waning vaccine confidence nationally, 26 percent of Americans believe ivermectin is a useful treatment for COVID-19. One has to wonder whether they would feel the same way if they knew the truth of the man behind the myth of the wonder drug.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Pierre Kory?

To be clear, the FDA’s messaging against ivermectin for COVID-19 — the now-infamous “You are not a horse” tweet — was problematic, but not for the reason Marik claims. By mocking those taking the anti-parasitic promoted by Kory in the US Senate in this way — and so reducing a complex, well-funded international effort against public health to a punchline — the FDA only further alienated those who believed him. It plays perfectly into the narrative the far-Right uses of “elites” looking down on their followers.

And why shouldn’t they have believed what Johnson’s guest had to say? In such times of crisis, citizens should ideally be able to look to their elected leaders for guidance. In times of a health crisis, they should be able to trust doctors who have sworn an oath to protect and do no harm. They shouldn’t have to contend with unethical politicians comfortable using a pandemic as a power grab, doctors willing to play along, and medical boards unwilling to rein in their own for fear of political backlash.

These have been abnormal times, beyond the pandemic which hit the US under the Trump administration. Trump laid the groundwork for MAGA’s disdain for “mainstream” doctors like Fauci who spoke out against the president’s insistence that HCQ could solve the pandemic ahead of his reelection attempt. And, in the process, Trump elevated a fringe group of cranks and hucksters to national and global prominence.

Ivermectin, a continuation of Trump’s HCQ Big Lie, was spearheaded by MAGA loyalist, and agent of Trump’s Election Big Lie, Johnson. Had it not been for the desperation of the far-Right, Kory may very well have remained a respected physician in the critical care world and an otherwise globally unknown name. 

Now ivermectin has fused with MAGA politics — as witnessed by advertisements for ivermectin-containing kits overlaid on coverage of a recent Trump rally, and Donald Trump Jr. hawking those same kits on his podcast.

Kory, having turned his back on medicine and reason, has morphed into a political bad actor and propagandist. The audience he has targeted to radicalize against “The Establishment,” although they have contributed mightily to America’s political ruination, should not be viewed as villainous. They are victims of an elaborate disinformation campaign egged on by unscrupulous politicians and further fueled by an infusion of dark money. This COVID-19 disinformation network has disproportionately harmed GOP voters. 

If there is any hope of bringing those held captive by this arm of MAGA conspiracy-mongers back to the reality fold and beginning to heal the great societal divide pandemic politics have so exacerbated, there must be more thoughtful outreach across the aisle and a focus on the MAGA-targeted demographic in the “Middle America” Kory and Johnson call home. 

This will require both those conned by the Kory types and those who resent those who have been conned to understand the depths and danger of this deadly anti-truth movement. It will also require both sides to call for accountability for doctors like Kory, politicians like Johnson, and medical institutions that stayed all too silent even as they were ferociously attacked. 

While the GOP-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic — which appears to be following guidelines laid out for them by the Heritage Foundation, shot callers of the far-Right — is unlikely to engage in a needed investigation into this matter, pressure can and should be put on Democrats, reasonable Republicans, and the non-GOP-controlled media to do so. 

After years of lies about miracle cures — and data as well as “lives lost” that show their failure — it is high time the ugly truth comes out about the doctors and politicians who formed an unholy alliance against global public health. 

They must be brought to answer for the massive damage they have caused — both domestically and internationally — in derailing the pandemic response with their pushing of snake oil and campaigning against the vaccines. 

This group is deeply aligned with far-Right politics and they will abuse social media, right-wing press, and the courts to obfuscate the reality of their malfeasance and bury the consequences their actions have had on the public.

Ivermectin is not and never was a wonder drug for COVID-19, no matter what Kory and his coterie continue to say. In 2024 the drug’s promotion is a barometer for doctors, politicians, and members of the media. It goes a long way to answering the questions: Who can be trusted? Who respects science, public health, and truth — and who does not? Accountability, which Kory is so actively fighting, is the antidote for the plague of disinformation that has been destructively mounted on the back of the pandemic, with the aid of doctors who have broken bad. 

In his quest for a public health miracle and personal heroism, Kory latched onto a false cure. Worse, he has refused to let go in the face of reality and the destruction he’s caused. Lacking the humility to admit he was wrong, Kory has become a case study for the corrupting potential of hubris and proximity to power — far from the hero image he hawks.