Thursday, December 01, 2005

Harper Hates Government

"I believe that all taxes are bad," Harper said "Better taxes are lower taxes. Government has money to waste, government has money to steal, government has money to spend on benefits for a few. It's time for benefits for mainstream Canadians, hard-working people who pay their taxes and play by the rules." So the Harper hates government why is he running for Prime Minister and why is his neo-con Republican Lite party running to be the government if they hate taxes so much. Taxes fund the government. The government then spreads the wealth around through programs like oh Healthcare, Transfer payments, CPP/OAS, the military, etc. Whats with the rightwing speak about 'benefits for the few'..who are these 'special interests' farmers? Seniors? University Students? Autoworkers? Are these not hard working Canadians ?
Now there has been alot of talk about the hidden agenda the the Conservatives have. It ain't hidden its right here. Its the Harpers former employer, the National Citizens Coalition Agenda for Canada.

We call our vision "The Agenda for Canada".

The Agenda for Canada addresses these key issues:

Financial Accountability
Canada needs to cut big government spending, find innovative ways to get a better return on our health-care investments, and allow Canadians to keep more of the money they earn.

Representative Accountability
The scandals must stop. Canadians need to push for a democratically elected senate, a strong military, a privatized CBC and more direct democracy.

Individual Freedoms and Responsibility
Canada needs to entrench property rights, repeal the gag law and end the Wheat Board monopoly. Canada needs to restore rights to union workers, end CRTC censorship and restore language rights to English speaking Quebeckers.

If Canada’s political leaders will not promote a new vision for Canada, then the NCC will. But we need your help!

Have a read through our Agenda for Canada and let us know what you think. Or, better yet, help us fund an ad campaign that will make the Agenda for Canada part of the national debate.

We need to let Canadians know that there is another option to the failed big government solutions of the past.

Your generous contribution to this campaign can make the Agenda for Canada a reality. With your support we can print more Agenda for Canada booklets, print newspaper ads, run radio commercials and use the internet to get the message out.

Now more than ever Canada needs a positive vision. The NCC’s Agenda for Canada is that vision. Help us get the message out.

From Black to Iraq and Back

Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

Lord Black
is on his way to Jail, like his role model Al Capone.
Black granted $20m bail after pleading not guilty to fraud

And like Capone he is protesting his innocence, for in his mind he has committed no crime. He is after all a Baron of Capitalism, and for him it was business as usual. But his days of wine and roses are soon to become days of whining about the nosy lawyers and media he has so vilified in the past. And like his other hero and role model, Randolph Hearst, his cumupeance is based on their shared belief in the idea that the rules do not apply to men like them.

The Wall Street Journal article noted that he had a portrait of Capone on the wall of his directors’ room in New York —

Conrad Black & the Hollinger Kleptocracy

Press tycoon Conrad M. Black and other top Hollinger International Inc. officials pocketed more than $400 million in company money over seven years and Black's handpicked board of directors passively approved many of the transactions, a company investigation concluded. A report by a special board committee singled out director Richard N. Perle, a former Defense Department official, who received $5.4 million in bonuses and compensation.

This was published in 2004 and a year later Lord Black is on his way to the big house. What's interesting is that Richard Perle was not just dipping into the Hollinger funds but profiting as well from his advice to the White House and his role in the War in Iraq.

Richard Perle -- who journalist and film-maker John Pilger describes as one of George W. Bush's thinkers -- later pops up again in the 2000 Project for the New American Century document, which lays out the neocon vision for US domination of the land, seas, skies and space. Pilger writes in December 2002: "I interviewed Perle when he was advising Reagan; and when he spoke about 'total war', I mistakenly dismissed him as mad. He recently used the term again in describing America's 'war on terror'. 'No stages,' he said. 'This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there.

Plamegate’s Soft Underbelly

Two of the major figures in the production of phony intelligence in the run up to war were Richard ‘Prince of Darkness’ Perle and his disciple Doug "Deer in the Headlights" Feith. They busied themselves during the Bush I and Clinton years with the former in the Pentagon, supervising a massive transfer of military aid to Turkey, and the latter the principal of a firm that was a registered foreign agent representing … wait for it … the Turks. Conveniently enough, Marc Grossman was ‘deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Turkey from 1989-1992. Two years later, he was appointed ambassador, representing U.S. political, commercial, and military interests in Turkey until June 1997.’

The cronyism of the international ruling class and its pals in the White House knows no bounds, nor shame. The trial of Black will reveal that cronyism to be incipent in the entire neo-con upper echelons in Washington and internationally. Far more important than the Plamegate affair, this could bring down the American Right Wing and its administration in Washington. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Thanks to the gigantic ego of Lord Black.

Kissinger, Perle Leave Hollinger International Board
Nov. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Hollinger International Inc. said directors including Henry Kissinger and Richard Perle are leaving the board, one week after former chief executive Conrad Black was charged with helping to steal $51.8 million from the company. Kissinger, Perle, Richard Burt, Daniel Colson, Shmuel Meitar and James Thompson, all sued for allegedly disregarding the looting of the company, won't stand for re-election at Hollinger's Jan. 24 annual meeting, the Chicago-based company said today in a statement. The board will shrink to 11 members

Two years ago, 'ingrates' began asking awkward questions; today Black faces up to 40 years' jail

Even by the bruising standards of the newspaper business, there has been a large element of schadenfreude for those watching Black's tumble from grace. A hardline conservative, he courted power and influence, gave up Canadian citizenship for a British title and peopled the Hollinger board with the likes of former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, former Pentagon adviser Richard Perle and Alfred Taubman, the former Sotheby's chairman who in 2002 was jailed for price-fixing. Margaret Thatcher sat on an informal panel of advisers.

He has not emerged well from the public scrutiny. Lawsuits have portrayed him as a bully with "absolute power" over the rest of the board. He allegedly repeatedly threatened to sue or remove directors unless they bent to his will. A series of embarrassing emails has not helped. The Hollinger report contained a message Black sent to a former colleague in 2002, musing on the subject of the corporate jet. "There has not been an occasion for many months when I got on our plane without wondering whether it was really affordable," he wrote. "But I'm not prepared to re-enact the French Revolutionary renunciation of the rights of nobility. We are proprietors after all, beleaguered though we may be."

In a telling insight, Black said in the foreword to David Nasaw's book on press baron William Randolph Hearst; "All his life, Hearst had a conviction, often outrageous but sometimes magnificent, that the rules that applied to others didn't apply to him."

Warren Kinsella's Hero

Making Warren Happy.
Chretien files Gomery sponsorship challenge
"This couldn't come at a worse time for (Liberal Leader Paul Martin)," said CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief Bob Fife.

Take That Paul Martin

CBC vs. CTV Election Blogs

CBC has a blog on its site, covering the blogs covering the election. Its a one man show written by John Bowman. It has no links to any other blog sites nor does it seem interested in adding any other blog comments. John seems to have penchant for ONLY commenting about rightwhingnut bloggers. Do I detect a bias here? Could it be that the CBC long hated for its supposed liberal/left bias by the rightwhingnuts is sucking up to the right?

On the other hand CTV's Election Blog is written and edited, by a collective! Bill Doskoch who has his own very good blog. Also CTV Parlimentary Reporter David Akin, who also has his own blog, and writers Angela Mulholland, Corey Bellamy and the anonymous CTV Election News Editor
. And they are cherry picking comments from the blogosphere and are open to bloggers comments. They have links to the Party Blogs and to the various political blogs; BloggingTories, Liberal Bloggers, Dippers and Progressive bloggers etc.

And the winner is....CTV.

Hey CBC clean up your act or I will take down my I Support CBC banner on my blog (ohh scary threat that).

GST Fall Out

With a bit of cut and paste here is what folks think of the Harpers proposed creation of a 5% GST. While consumption taxes are regressive in principle, they do impact more on the rich than the poor. So consider this another tax break for you know who.....

Speaking at a suburban electronics store near Toronto, Harper said the tax relief will save Canadians a total of $4.5 billion. While he he admitted that will not necessarily stimulate investment, he said "it's more effective in stimulating consumption Heading into the holiday season, the idea of consumers paying less GST is a happy thought for Future Shop salesman Jafra Husein. "As a retailer we love it," he told CTV News. "It motivates the buyer." Among the criticisms levelled at the GST cut is the disportionate 'savings' it would afford people who spend more. Lower-income Canadians, because they're not spending as much, would not realize as much savings. New Brunswick Finance Minister Jeannot Volpe says Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's promise to slash the GST would hurt this province. But party loyalty hasn't stopped Volpe, also a Conservative, from criticizing the plan. He says municipalities that have finally received a piece of the GST will suffer without it. "One per cent is over $90 million for us," said Volpe. "It means that the money will have to come from somewhere else." Finance Minister Ralph Goodale said reducing the GST favours the rich on Thursday.In an interview with CBC Newsworld, Goodale said lowering consumption taxes such as the GST is good for people who spend a lot of money. "The biggest savings will go to the biggest spenders," he said. Herbert Grubel, a senior fellow at the right-wing Fraser Institute and a former Reform MP, Grubel and Harper, also a trained economist, were once caucus colleagues, told the Vancouver Sun last month that "cutting the GST rather than business or personal income taxes may be good politics, but it is definitely very bad economics."Grubel and several other economists say business and personal income taxes are a much stronger drag on the economy because they create a disincentive for consumers. Jim Davies, who teaches economics at the University of Western Ontario in London, "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid," he said.

Liberals and Organized Crime

Viola! I have discovered the deep undercover investigative journalism source for the Harpers link of the Liberals with Organized Crime. Don't know why the Globe and Mail didn't figure this out.

Harpers Special Prosecutor

More Chretien Funnies

Harper on SM

Canadians didn't know.
The Harper has a kinky side.
As he showed
when he came out this summer
as a Leather Boy.

"When I'm prime minister I will not whip our cabinet,"Harper said.

Decision to hit same-sex unions fast could pay off for Harper

On The Dark Side

Power! Give Me Power!