Saturday, August 15, 2020

US Congress passed "starve or sell" bill pressuring Sioux to give up Black Hills
On August 15, 1876, two months after the Battle of Little Big Horn, the US Congress passed a "starve or sell" bill providing that no further appropriations would be made for the subsistence of the Sioux Indian nation unless they gave up the Black Hills, where General George C. Custer had found gold in 1874.
Learn more about the US seizure of the Black Hills and Sioux legal efforts to have the land returned.
Liberia and South Korea established
On August 15, 1824, a group of freed slaves from the United States founded Liberia. South Korea was also established on August 15 in 1948.
Read the constitutions of South Korea and Liberia.
More This Day @ Law... 

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