Thursday, August 12, 2021

Algeria combats wildfires, observes day of mourning

Heavy smoke rises during a wildfire in the forested hills of the Kabylie region, east of the Algerian capital Algiers Ryad KRAMDI AFP

Issued on: 12/08/2021 - 

Tizi Ouzou (Algeria) (AFP)

Blazes raged across northern Algeria on Thursday as the country observed a national day of mourning for dozens of people killed in the latest wildfires to sweep the Mediterranean.

The North African country has been in the grip of devastating fires since Monday that have claimed at least 69 lives -- 41 civilians and 28 soldiers.

Soldiers and civilian volunteers have joined firefighters on multiple fronts in the effort to extinguish the blazes that have been fanned by windy and tinder-dry conditions.

In Tizi Ouzou district, the area with the highest casualty toll, an AFP journalist reported entire sectors of forest going up in smoke.

Villagers forced to evacuate in order to escape the flames began trickling back to their homes, overwhelmed by the scale of the damage.

Deadly wildfires in northern Algeria Cléa PÉCULIER AFP

"I have nothing left. My workshop, my car, my flat. Even the tiles were destroyed," one of them told AFP.

But he said he had "managed to save his family", while adding that "neighbours died or lost their relatives".

- 'Surge of solidarity' -

Flags were flying at half-mast after President Abdelmadjid Tebboune declared three days of national mourning starting from Thursday.

Algerian authorities say they suspect widespread arson after so many fires erupted in such a short space of time.

The country's state prosecutor on Thursday ordered an investigation after a mob allegedly lynched a man they accused of sparking the wildfires.

Video footage posted online Wednesday showed a crowd beating to death 38-year-old Jamal Ben Ismail and setting him ablaze in the Tizi Ouzou district.

On the fourth day of the wildfires, efforts to overcome the blazes are continuing in many regions where civilians and soldiers often with limited means joined the fight.

Flags of Algeria fly at half-mast in mourning for the victims of the Kabylie region forest fires in Algeria's capital Algiers, on August 12, 2021 Ryad KRAMDI AFP

Images of trapped villagers, terrified livestock and forested hillsides reduced to blackened stumps have been shared on social media.

Algeria is also chartering two firefighting planes from the European Union.

France also announced the arrival in Algeria of two Canadair firefighting planes it has sent.

"They will help the rescue efforts to deal with the terrible fires," French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted.

Neighbouring Morocco, with whom Algeria has long had strained ties over the Western Sahara, also offered to help by providing two planes.

Burned houses stand amid charred trees, following a wildfire in the forested hills of the Kabylie region, east of the Algerian capital Ryad KRAMDI AFP

Faced with the scale of the disaster, pleas for assistance are multiplying in Algeria and beyond.

"Individuals and associations are mobilising... by organising collections of clothes, foodstuffs, medicines and hygiene products," said Algeria's TSA news website, calling it a "surge of solidarity".

Djaffar, a resident of the village of Agoulmim in Kabylie, expressed his gratitude on Berber TV.

"God bless them... We had no electricity and people brought in generators from all around," the exhausted villager said after his ordeal.

"The flames were so high, they destroyed everything. Suddenly it was like a volcano," he said.

- Heatwave -

High winds fuelled the rapid spread of the flames in tinder-dry conditions created by a heatwave across North Africa and the wider Mediterranean.

The authorities have raised the possibility of criminal behaviour.

Volunteers of the SIDRA Association NGO take part in an initiative with the Algerian Food Bank to send aid packages to victims of the Kabylie region forest fires in Algeria's capital Algiers, on August 12, 2021 Ryad KRAMDI AFP

Four suspected "arsonists" were arrested so far, but their identities or suspected motives have not yet been disclosed.

Armed forces chief Said Chengriha visited soldiers in Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia, another badly affected area. Prime Minister Aimene Benabderrahmane also visited Tizi Ouzou.

Each summer, Algeria endures seasonal wildfires, but rarely anything approaching this year's disaster.

Meteorologists expect the Maghreb heatwave to continue until the end of the week, with temperatures in Algeria reaching 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit).

An injured man looks on during a wildfire in Tizi Ouzou Ryad KRAMDI AFP

Across the border in Tunisia, where almost 30 fires have been recorded since Monday, the mercury hit an all-time record of 50.3 Celsius in the central region of Kairouan (centre).

Almost 30 fires have been recorded in Tunisia since Monday.

On the northern shores of the Mediterranean, deadly wildfires have been raging in Turkey and Greece for the past two weeks.

In Italy, where firefighters were battling more than 500 blazes overnight, Sicily recorded a temperature of 48.8 degrees Celsius (119.8 Fahrenheit) on Wednesday that is believed to be a new European record.

© 2021 AFP

Greek wildfires: 'a major ecological catastrophe', PM says


Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday described the devastating wildfires that burned across the country for more than a week as the greatest ecological catastrophe Greece had seen in decades. The fires broke out as the country roasted during the most intense and protracted heat wave experienced since 1987. Hundreds of wildfires erupted across the country, stretching Greece’s firefighting capabilities to the limit and leading the government to appeal for help from abroad. Hundreds of firefighters, along with planes, helicopters and vehicles, arrived from 24 European and Middle Eastern countries to assist.

Italian wildfires rage on after 49 degree heat record


Italian firefighters continued to battle blazes in Sicily as temperatures reached what may possibly be a record high in Europe.The region's agriculture-meteorological information service (SIAS) reported that the temperature rose to 48.8 degrees Celsius on Wednesday afternoon.

Sicily's temperature of nearly 120 degrees may be record for Europe

A fire is seen in the Ragusa area of Sicily, Italy, on Thursday. Firefighters are battling hundreds of blazes that are being aided by a heat wave. Photo by Francesco Ruta/EPA-EFE

Aug. 12 (UPI) -- The World Meteorological Organization is trying to determine if Sicily set a new record Wednesday for the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe, with a temperature of 119.84 degrees Fahrenheit.

The temperature was recorded by the Sicilian Meteorological Information Service for Agriculture amid a prolonged heat wave.

If the WMO confirms the temperature as a record, it will top the previous mark of 118.4 set in Athens, Greece, in 1977.

"We can't yet confirm or deny its validity," the WMO said in a Twitter post Thursday. "The WMO will seek to verify reports."

Lt. Col. Guido Guidi of Italy's Aeronautical Meteorological Service told The New York Times it may take some time to verify the record. He said data recorded by stations across the region need to be validated.

The hottest temperature ever recorded worldwide, according to the WMO, was set in Furnace Creek, Calif., in 1913 -- 134 degrees.

The mark in Sicily came a couple days after a United Nations climate change report said human-led increases in extreme weather conditions are unavoidable, but noted that there's still a small window open to dodge the worst effects.

Sicily registers record 49°C heat as Italy's wildfires rage on

Issued on: 12/08/2021 - 

A man refreshes himself at a fountain in Palermo, Italy, on August 11, 2021. 
© Alberto Lo Bianco/LaPresse via AP


Fires stoked by hot winds swept through southern Italy on Thursday, a day after a monitoring station in Sicily reported temperatures of 48.8 Celsius (119.84°F) which some scientists believe could be the highest in European history.

The record temperature, which still needs to be verified by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), was reported close to the city of Syracuse, in the southeast of the island of Sicily.

"If the data is validated, it could become the highest value ever recorded in Europe, beating the previous record of 48 degrees measured in Athens on July 10, 1977," meteorologist Manuel Mazzoleni wrote on, a specialist website.

Firemen said on Twitter they had carried out more than 500 operations in Sicily and Calabria in the last 12 hours, employing five planes to try to douse the flames from above. They said the situation was now "under control" on the island.

Local media reported that trees and land were burning in the Madonie mountains some 100 km from the Sicilian capital of Palermo and in the small town of Linguaglossa, on the slopes of the Etna volcano.

"Our small town was really invaded by fire. It is a catastrophe ... We are living through some really sad moments," said Giovanna Licitra, from the village of Giarratana in the south of the island which was hit by fires on Wednesday.

Serious damage has also been reported in Calabria, the toe of Italy's "boot", where some families left their homes and a man died on Wednesday.

A woman refreshes at a fan nebulising water next to the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, on August 12, 2021. © Cecilia Fabiano/LaPresse via AP

Temperatures are expected to rise in several Italian cities including the capital Rome on Friday, when the heatwave could reach its peak, according to a health ministry bulletin.


Congolese warned not to use toxic 'volcano salt'

Issued on: 12/08/2021 -
Mount Nyiragongo erupted on May 23, killing 32 people and destroying several hundred homes in nearby Goma Guerchom Ndebo AFP/File

Goma (DR Congo) (AFP)

Nearly three months since the eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano in the east of the DR Congo, authorities warned local people on Thursday that a salt-like substance in the lava flows is unfit for human consumption.

The "whitish mineral substance" is being used by people in and around the small, local Bukumu kingdom "for domestic needs in the place of kitchen salt," the North Kivu governor's office said in a statement.

Scientific analysis revealed "siliceous substances insoluble in water, traces of heavy metals and traces of radioactive substances," the statement said.

"So it's not common kitchen salt (and) we strictly forbid the consumption of this substance, which is toxic," it said.

Mount Nyiragongo erupted on May 23, killing 32 people and destroying several hundred homes in nearby Goma.

© 2021 AFP


Touted as clean, ‘blue’ hydrogen may be worse than gas, coal

Peer-Reviewed Publication


ITHACA, N.Y. – “Blue” hydrogen – an energy source that involves a process for making hydrogen by using methane in natural gas – is being lauded as a clean, green energy to help reduce global warming. But Cornell and Stanford University researchers believe it may harm the climate more than burning fossil fuel.

The carbon footprint to create blue hydrogen is more than 20% greater than using either natural gas or coal directly for heat, or about 60% greater than using diesel oil for heat, according to new research published in Energy Science & Engineering.

Robert Howarth, professor of ecology and environmental biology at Cornell, together with Mark Z. Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford, authored the report.

Blue hydrogen starts with converting methane to hydrogen and carbon dioxide by using heat, steam and pressure, or gray hydrogen, but goes further to capture some of the carbon dioxide. Once the byproduct carbon dioxide and the other impurities are sequestered, it becomes blue hydrogen, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

The process to make blue hydrogen takes a large amount of energy, according to the researchers, which is generally provided by burning more natural gas.

“In the past, no effort was made to capture the carbon dioxide byproduct of gray hydrogen, and the greenhouse gas emissions have been huge,” Howarth said. “Now the industry promotes blue hydrogen as a solution, an approach that still uses the methane from natural gas, while attempting to capture the byproduct carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, emissions remain very large.”

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, Howarth said. It is more than 100 times stronger as an atmospheric warming agent than carbon dioxide when first emitted. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released on Aug. 9 shows that cumulatively to date over the past century, methane has contributed about two-thirds as much to global warming as carbon dioxide has, he said.

Emissions of blue hydrogen are less than for gray hydrogen, but only by about 9% to 12%.

“Blue hydrogen is hardly emissions free,” wrote the researchers. “Blue hydrogen as a strategy only works to the extent it is possible to store carbon dioxide long-term indefinitely into the future without leakage back to the atmosphere.”

On Aug. 10, the U.S. Senate passed its version of the $1 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which includes several billion dollars to develop, subsidize and strengthen hydrogen technology and its industry.

“Political forces may not have caught up with the science yet,” Howarth said. “Even progressive politicians may not understand for what they’re voting. Blue hydrogen sounds good, sounds modern and sounds like a path to our energy future. It is not.”

An ecologically friendly “green” hydrogen does exist, but it remains a small sector and it has not been commercially realized. Green hydrogen is achieved when water goes through electrolysis (with electricity supplied by solar, wind or hydroelectric power) and the water is separated into hydrogen and oxygen.

“The best hydrogen, the green hydrogen derived from electrolysis – if used wisely and efficiently – can be that path to a sustainable future,” Howarth said. “Blue hydrogen is totally different.”

This research was supported by a grant from the Park Foundation. Howarth is a fellow at the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.


Passing clouds cause some marine animals to make mini-migrations during the day

Business Announcement


ISS Image of Clouds Over Philippine Sea 



Every evening, small fish and microscopic animals called zooplankton journey to the ocean surface, where they feast on microscopic plants under the moonlight before returning to the depths at dawn. With data collected during the EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign in 2018 to the Northeastern Pacific Ocean, scientists have now shown that some zooplankton living in the twilight zone of the ocean at depths of greater than 300 meters swim up and down also in response to shifts in light due to cloud cover.

The nightly trek from the ocean depths to the surface has been called the largest migration on Earth, because of both the number of animals who make the nightly trek and how far these tiny creatures travel roundtrip. NASA has observed this global migration with a space-based laser on the CALIPSO satellite. Scientists have also documented these migrations during events such as eclipses, full moons and storms.

"The amount that they swim is pretty remarkable given their body length, said Melissa Omand, an associate professor of oceanography at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography. "It's like me in Rhode Island going to Boston and back every day," she said, roughly 80 miles.

Throughout the day, when clouds pass overhead, zooplankton make "mini-migrations" of about 50 feet on average. These add up to 30% of the average nightly migration distance, the team reported in a study published August 2 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The findings could have implications for scientists' knowledge of the metabolic requirements of zooplankton, which are key players in the marine food web and the transfer of carbon in the ocean.

The discovery comes from data collected during NASA's EXPORTS mission, which seeks to better understand the export and fate of carbon from the upper ocean to the deep using satellite observations and state of the art ocean technologies. Omand was one of the more than 100 scientists from nearly 30 research institutions that participated in the science campaign. During the expedition, they used an instrument called an acoustic doppler current profiler, or ADCP, to measure ocean currents. The instrument sends out pings of sound that bounce off suspended material in the water column, like particles or zooplankton. Some of those pings are reflected to the instrument, while others are scattered. 

When Omand went below deck to analyze the ADCP data on her computer, she noticed something intriguing. There were unusual "wiggles" in the data, signifying that something was moving up and down in the water column. Based on the frequency of the sound waves, 150 kHz, and the marine animals captured in nets of other concurrent EXPORTs experiments, that something was most likely zooplankton. She also noticed that those wiggles lined up with the changes in sunlight measured by the radiometer – a device that measures the intensity of sunlight – mounted on the ship.

To Omand, this implied that the zooplankton were swimming up and down as the light changed due to clouds passing overhead. She made a simple computer model that confirmed her suspicions: the zooplankton were following isolumes, or areas in the ocean with the same amount of light throughout. For example, when cloud cover prevented sunlight from reaching as deep in the ocean, the zooplankton would swim toward the surface to stay in water with their preferred brightness. When the clouds passed, they would swim back down. According to the model, the zooplankton were responding to changes in brightness of only 10% or 20% – an imperceptible difference to Omand and the rest of the crew standing on the ship deck.

"This finding poses some really good questions about whether there's an evolutionary or ecological advantage to this daytime behavior," said Omand. She notes, however, that this is just one series of observations in one spot in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. In addition, the ADCP data cannot pinpoint specific zooplankton species. These new results show that some twilight zone animals are considerably more active than previously thought. More information is needed to fully understand why zooplankton exert energy swimming up and down all day in response to small changes in light, and if this behavior is common among different zooplankton species and throughout oceans worldwide.

"But it's such a cool thing to have a window into the daytime lives of these little animals," Omand said, "and hopefuly this sheds light on the cues these animals are using and why they do what they do." 

By Sofie Bates
NASA's Earth Science News Team

NASA satellites help plan future for Palau fish stocks

Business Announcement


A marine aquaculture project 



It’s the weekend, and freshly caught fish sizzles on the grill. The view: an unforgettable beach and the cobalt blues of the Pacific Ocean in the backdrop.


This is not paradise. It’s a typical Sunday for many people in Palau, an archipelago nation in Micronesia.


“We would go to the Rock Islands, spend a couple of nights there, and we would go fishing,” recalled Fabio Siksei, a fisheries specialist with Palau’s Bureau of Marine Resources, about growing up near the country’s famed Rock Islands Southern Lagoon. “Most Palauan kids have almost the same experiences growing up.”


People in Palau, a small nation with a population of about 20,000, consume more wild fish per capita than nearly any other country in the world. But in recent years, populations of rabbit fish and other staples of their cultural diet began to dwindle because of a combination of factors, including increasing food demand and changing ocean conditions.


To meet the country’s need for food supplies and keep traditions alive for future generations, Siksei and others are working with international scientists to build sustainable aquaculture farms in the ocean. Their projects are using NASA’s satellites to help protect the nation’s pristine waters, coral reefs, and shorelines.

“We found that fish stocks were declining due to [our waters] being unable to produce enough to maintain the population of the fish, and that was reason enough for the fishermen to start thinking about management issues,” Siksei said. “We talked with fishermen about ensuring that our fish are there and our resources are there, also about ensuring that our culture continues to thrive for generations to come, because fish is a big part of our life.”


With more than 300 small islands amounting to a landmass about twice the size of Washington D.C., Palau is one of the tiniest nations in the world. Surrounded by a 200-mile radius of scenic ocean and coral reefs that make for a scuba diver’s paradise, the country’s economy relies primarily on tourism and fishing.


But even though tourism serves as an important driver for the economy, Palau’s islands are under pressure to provide the resources to sustain the hundreds of thousands of people who visit the country in normal, non-pandemic times, Siksei said.


For several years, Siksei and others in Palau have been working with scientists at The Nature Conservancy to manage the aquaculture sector and find the best locations within Palauan shores to build marine aquaculture farms necessary to meet future food production needs.


The idea, Siksei said, is to breed fish and shellfish without disrupting marine ecosystems and other aspects of the country’s nature, culture and economy. For that, the team is focusing on rabbit fish and giant clams, two types of seafood entrenched within the cultural history of the nation.


“We don't want to stop people from fishing or stop people from doing what they usually do,” Siksei explained. “We're trying to find a way where they can continue to make a living and enjoy these resources.”


The Potential of Marine Aquaculture


As part of a nation that cherishes its natural resources, the government and fishermen of Palau teamed up with scientists at the Nature Conservancy more than 30 years ago to establish marine protected areas, improve the management of fisheries, and meet other environmental and societal needs.


In its early stages, the collaboration included conversations with aquaculture farmers who needed to gain a better understanding about the circulation of the ocean, the ideal distance to farm from the shore, and other parameters that can make aquaculture economically and environmentally viable for the country.


The team is also integrating several layers of satellite data into maps that the people of Palau can use to assess their objectives when setting up aquaculture farms. In recent years, the team also secured support from NASA’s Earth Science Applied Sciences Program, and is now producing interactive mapping tools Palauans can use to identify areas that can serve as a better fit for sustainable aquaculture.

Marine aquaculture has much more potential to be sustainable than other forms of animal protein production, said Robert Jones, who leads The Nature Conservancy’s global aquaculture program. But when done the wrong way, farms situated in the ocean can put more stress on marine ecosystems. Preventing that problem is one of the key goals that the project seeks to address.




“Almost every coastal country in the world has an aquaculture development plan, and all of them are saying we need to boost production to meet increased demand for animal protein and seafood,” Jones said. “But there's so few people who actually know how to do the right industry planning and siting work to ensure the environment is protected while achieving development goals.”


If done with inappropriate procedures, aquaculture can lead to poor water quality near Palau’s shores. That’s especially significant for fish farms, since fish also produce waste that can muddy the water and change ocean conditions, blocking some of the sunlight that organisms like coral need to survive.


“If you have fish in a pen, they poop,” Jones said about the cage or net system used in aquaculture farms. “If we have coral in the proximity of that plume coming out of the fish pen, that can really damage [the coral's] ability to survive. It puts further stresses on the coral that’s already experiencing [stress] from climate change.”


Fish Farms Seen From Space


Jones’s team integrates several layers of satellite data into maps that the people of Palau can use when setting up aquaculture farms—including maps that estimate the clarity of the water. That’s important for giant clam farms, which also need sunlight to penetrate the water to survive.


“We can look at the area and find out where you might have a better chance of sunlight reaching the giant clams to help produce their energy,” said Jonathan MacKay, a Marine Spatial Scientist with The Nature Conservancy and NOAA, who leads the team’s data and mapping efforts.


To create these maps, which analyze chlorophyll concentrations and the cloudiness of the water, MacKay uses satellite data from the MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites. He also uses sea surface temperature data from the NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments Program.


“Part of this project is also looking ahead at climate change, and how that might affect things like sea surface temperature,” MacKay said. “We can see where warm water sits in the lagoon and see if there's maybe not a lot of ocean circulation with water sitting still and warming up more than the surrounding waters.”


One of the highlights of the mapping tools relies on satellite images that estimate the bathymetry, or underwater depth, of shallow areas in the ocean. To do that, the project team uses data from Landsat 8, a joint mission of NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey that has been tracking changes on the surface of the planet since 1972, and generating the longest continuous record of its kind.


The maps also include nearly 30 layers that overlay vital environmental data, such as locations of dugongs and other marine animals protected by the government of Palau—as well as social data on World War II historic sites or scuba diving sites that play an important role for tourism.


A Promising Tool for a Global Challenge


Already, these mapping products are being shared with people in Palau through an online web map and hands-on training modules focusing on geographic information systems, remote sensing, and other key topics needed to establish new marine aquaculture farms.


Led by MacKay and hosted by The Nature Conservancy’s conservation training website, these courses are administered in partnership with the Palau Community College to students from various backgrounds of the government, such as the country’s Environmental Quality Protection Board.


Helping Palauans to continue using the maps with new data layers in the future is a top priority for Siksei, Jones, and MacKay. And it’s an aspect of their work that NASA values tremendously, according to Maurice Estes, who helps manage the NASA program that supports the project, because it can offer a promising toolset for coastal communities worldwide that depend on the ocean and fisheries for food supplies.


“They’ve developed a novel method in terms of using Landsat data to estimate the bathymetry in shallow areas,” Estes said. “The challenge of sustainable food supplies being addressed by this project is a global challenge.”

Facial recognition AI helps save multibillion dollar grape crop

Grant and Award Announcement


ITHACA, N.Y. – New technology, using robotics and AI, is supercharging efforts to protect grape crops and will soon be available to researchers nationwide working on a wide array of plant and animal research.

Biologist Lance Cadle-Davidson, an adjunct professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS) at Cornell University and a research plant pathologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), is working to develop grape varieties that are more resistant to powdery mildew, which can show up in infrared before they are visible to the naked eye. But his lab’s research has been bottlenecked by the need to manually assess thousands of grape leaf samples for evidence of infection.

So Cadle-Davidson’s team developed prototypes of imaging robots that could scan grape leaf samples automatically – a process called high-throughput phenotyping – through the USDA-ARS funded VitisGen2 grape breeding project and in partnership with the Light and Health Research Center. This partnership led to the creation of a robotic camera they named “BlackBird.”

The BlackBird robot can gather information at a scale of 1.2 micrometers per pixel – equivalent to a regular optical microscope. For each 1-centimeter leaf sample being examined, the robot provides 8,000 by 5,000 pixels of information.

Extracting useful information from such a large, high-resolution image was the challenge for engineer and computer scientist Yu Jiang, an assistant research professor in SIPS’ Horticulture Section at Cornell AgriTech – and his team used AI to solve it.

Using breakthroughs in deep neural networks developed for computer vision tasks like face recognition, Jiang applied this knowledge to the analysis of microscopic images of grape leaves. In addition, Jiang and his team implemented the visualization of the network inferential processes, which help biologists better understand the analysis process and build confidence with AI models.

Working together, Cadle-Davidson’s team tests and validates what the robots see, enabling Jiang’s team to teach them how to identify biological traits more effectively. The results are astounding, Cadle-Davison said. Research experiments that used to take his entire lab team six months to complete now take the BlackBird robots just one day.

“It has revolutionized our science,” Cadle-Davidson said. “And we’re finding that Yu’s AI tools actually do a better job of explaining the genetics of these grapes than we can do sitting at a microscope for months at a time doing backbreaking work.”

In July the team was awarded a two-year, $150,000 grant from the Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture Research Innovation Fund to begin upgrading the BlackBird robot to see beyond the red-green-blue color spectrum and into infrared.

If the researchers can develop tools to help farmers detect disease early, it would enable farmers to target fungicide sprays before infection spreads, meaning less fungicide and fewer lost crops. They’re also working to integrate AI more effectively with scientists in data analysis.

They were also awarded a $100,000 grant from the USDA-ARS to disseminate BlackBird to ARS field offices working on other crops that do the same kind of high-throughput phenotyping work.

“We hope to find collaborative labs who can join us in taking advantage of this tool,” Jiang said. “We see potential applications for this research in plant studies, animal fields or medical purposes.”

For additional information, see this Cornell Chronicle story.

Low-cost 3D method rapidly measures disease impacts on Florida’s coral reefs

FAU Harbor Branch technique can be used for widespread coral disease intervention, mitigation and management strategies

Peer-Reviewed Publication


SfM 3D rotating model 



Stony coral tissue loss disease manifests as lesions of necrotic tissue that spread across coral colonies, leaving behind dead coral skeletons. Since 2014, this highly virulent disease has contributed to substantial declines of reef-building coral in Florida, impacting more than 20 coral species. The need for widespread reef monitoring and novel surveys are imperative for disease mitigation strategies. However, the various techniques currently used all require individual evaluation and often rely on visual estimates by divers in the field. 

A low-cost and rapid 3D technique is helping scientists to gain insight into the colony- and community-level dynamics of the poorly understood stony coral tissue loss disease. Researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute adapted Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry to generate 3D models for tracking lesion progression and impacts on diseased coral colonies. By combining traditional diver surveys and with 3D colony fate-tracking, the team determined the impacts of disease on coral colonies at study sites throughout Southeast Florida in St. Lucie Reef, Jupiter, Palm Beach and Lauderdale-by-the-Sea.  

Results of the study, published in PLOS Onedemonstrated that the prevalence of stony coral tissue loss disease varied significantly across location, but not through time. St. Lucie Reef and Lauderdale-by-the-Sea sites were highly impacted by coral disease, while study sites in Jupiter and Palm Beach had lower disease prevalence. The highest disease values observed in this study were between 21 to 43 percent at St. Lucie Reef. However, no site reached the highest reported disease prevalence values of 60 percent observed near Miami in 2014.

“We observed an increase in disease prevalence during the spring of 2018, which was honestly unexpected. Prevalence values for other described coral diseases such as white syndrome, white band, black band, and white pox often increase during the summer months as water temperatures increase,” said Joshua D. Voss, Ph.D., senior author, an associate research professor at FAU Harbor Branch and executive director of the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology. “Stony coral tissue loss disease prevalence does not appear to have a strong positive correlation with temperature as has been observed for other coral diseases, but potential environmental cofactors that may drive disease prevalence need to be examined further.” 

Findings from the study also indicated that total colony area and healthy tissue area on fate-tracked colonies decreased significantly over time, capturing the amount of coral tissue lost to disease. However, disease lesions themselves did not change in size over time and were not correlated with total colony area. These results suggest that targeting intervention efforts on larger colonies may maximize preservation of coral cover.

“Since stony coral tissue loss disease is a progressive and necrotic infection, the area of tissue loss, or proportion of tissue loss, may represent more impactful metrics for quantifying the severity of infection as opposed to disease lesion area or percent affected tissue,” said Ian Combs, the study’s lead author and recent M.S. graduate from Voss’ lab at FAU Harbor Branch. “Traditional coral surveys combined with 3D photogrammetry can provide greater insights into the spatiotemporal dynamics and impacts of coral diseases on individual colonies and coral communities than surveys or visual estimates of disease progression alone.”


The composite of photographs show stony coral tissue loss disease lesions on a colony of Montastraea cavernosa. (a) a photograph of fate-tracked, stony coral tissue loss disease-infected coral colony, (b) rendered SfM 3D model, (c) characteristic of stony coral tissue loss disease lesion, and, (d) necrotic tissue.


Florida Atlantic University, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

Since 2014, Florida’s Coral Reef has experienced an ongoing outbreak of the newly-described coral disease responsible for widespread coral death throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic. The disease first appeared in the summer of 2014 following the dredging of Government Cut in Miami-Dade County. In subsequent years, reports of stony coral tissue loss disease infections have increased and spread from Miami-Dade County along the Florida Reef Tract and into the wider Tropical Western Atlantic. To date, the disease has spread north to the northern terminus of the Florida’s Coral Reef in Martin County and south to the Dry Tortugas in Monroe County, with additional outbreaks observed in at least twelve territories throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic.

The ultimate goal of this work is to increase widespread application of this and similar techniques to improve the design, implementation, and success of coral disease intervention, mitigation, and management strategies.

“Quantitative 3D approaches such as the method we used can improve our understanding of the ecology and impacts of coral diseases on coral reef ecosystems, and may guide colony selection in future disease intervention strategies,” said Voss. “We’ll use this information to optimize our efforts to slow disease outbreaks in Southeast Florida and the Dry Tortugas.”

Combs is now a coral reef ecosystem biologist at Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium. Additional co-authors on the study include Michael Studivan, Ph.D., a graduate of FAU’s integrative biology doctoral program and an assistant scientist at the University of Miami CIMAS/NOAA AOML; and Ryan Eckert, an FAU integrative biology Ph.D. student in the Voss Lab. 

This research was supported by awards to Voss from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (B430E1 and B55008), the Environmental Protection Agency (South Florida Geographic Initiative award X7 00D667-17), and the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (award NA16NOS4820052). Additional funding was awarded to Combs by the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Foundation through the Indian River Lagoon Graduate Research Fellowship.

- FAU -

About Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute:
Founded in 1971, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University is a research community of marine scientists, engineers, educators and other professionals focused on Ocean Science for a Better World. The institute drives innovation in ocean engineering, at-sea operations, drug discovery and biotechnology from the oceans, coastal ecology and conservation, marine mammal research and conservation, aquaculture, ocean observing systems and marine education. For more information, visit


About Florida Atlantic University:
Florida Atlantic University, established in 1961, officially opened its doors in 1964 as the fifth public university in Florida. Today, the University serves more than 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students across six campuses located along the southeast Florida coast. In recent years, the University has doubled its research expenditures and outpaced its peers in student achievement rates. Through the coexistence of access and excellence, FAU embodies an innovative model where traditional achievement gaps vanish. FAU is designated a Hispanic-serving institution, ranked as a top public university by U.S. News & World Report and a High Research Activity institution by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. For more information, visit