Thursday, January 09, 2020

We won’t give up’: French protesters defiant on day 36 of pension strikes

Issued on: 09/01/2020 

A protester burns a flare during a rally against pension reform in Paris
 on January 9, 2020. © Alain Jocard, AFP

Text by:Charlotte WILKINS|

Video by:FRANCE 24Follow

Hundreds of defiant protesters took to the streets of Paris on Thursday for a fourth day of nationwide demonstrations against the French government’s controversial pension reform plans.

They came by bike, by scooter and on foot. There were train drivers, teachers, doctors and lawyers. Grey skies and rain showers did little to deter a sea of orange vests from the hardline CGT union, or Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) who came to show “solidarity” with opponents of the government’s pension reform.

As the strikes against French President Emmanuel Macron’s controversial pension overhaul entered their record-breaking 36th day, the protesters’ resolve showed no sign of waning.

They gathered in their hundreds at Paris’s protest central, the Place de la République. And just after 2pm – to the sound of klaxons, whistles and cheers, the raucous crowd began marching along the Boulevard de Magenta.

A group of drummers from the CGT union made their presence known. Drivers from the RATP sang songs about solidarity and a group of lawyers cried for Macron to “recule” (back off). Some let off plumes of pink smoke.

The hardline CGT union are out in force #manif9janvier— Charlotte Wilkins (@CharlotWilkins) January 9, 2020

“Macron is the king of bla bla but the servant of capitalism,” said one placard. “I gave birth at work, I don’t want to die at work” read another.

“We’re not giving up. We’re going right to the end,” said Grégorie Vassaux, 46, a nurse, who added that he’d been galvanised into attending the protest by Macron’s ‘haughty” New Year’s Eve address, where the president vowed to press ahead with the reform.

“We need to show him that we’re here,” said Vassaux, “and that we don’t want this reform.”

“It’s right that we work – and it’s important that we contribute to our country’s economy,” said Vassaux, “but we have a right to 10-15 years, where we’re in more or less good health, where we can enjoy life and our kids a bit more. With these reforms I will have to work until I’m 67.”

The main sticking point of Macron’s planned pension reforms includes pushing back the retirement age at which retirees would be eligible for full pensions from 62 to 64. Unions say the measure would make millions of people work longer for less.

A points-based pension system will cost us an arm (and a leg) says this poster on the sidelines of the march— Charlotte Wilkins (@CharlotWilkins) January 9, 2020

Other protesters claimed that unifying France’s 42 different pension schemes, some of which grant early retirement, into a single, universal points-based system, will widen the gap between rich and poor.

“Those who have a big salary will have a nice retirement,” said Violaine, 26, a teacher from outside Paris, “but those who are poor will stay poor. It’s not fair. I think it’s extremely hypocritical. The government talks about equality and solidarity but in reality the reform brings neither.”

Taking a toll on salaries

Violaine admitted the strike was taking a heavy toll on her salary. She’s only been striking on protest days, when unions stage rallies across the country, but she’s feeling the effects of a lower income.

“We’re not partying. We’re not shopping. We’re living on pasta,” she laughed. “But it’s worth it,” she added. “It’s called having a political conscience.”

Marie Sabrina, 34, a teacher from Seine Saint-Denis, 
said Macron “needs to listen to the street”. 
© Charlotte Wilkins, FRANCE 24

Train drivers from the RER B line, which connects the French capital with its international airports, had a kitty to encourage people to support them.

“We’re really touched to the bottom of our hearts by those who contribute to our kitty,” said Fabrice Archet, 46, a train driver from the RER B line, who said support from friends and family was keeping him afloat.

“It’s not necessarily the wealthy who give to our kitty – it’s often students and people who are struggling themselves.”

“We need to show the government that we won’t give up, that we’re here in the street and that he [Macron] needs to listen to us.”

Contempt for Macron

His words, and a contempt for Macron, were echoed by Marie Sabrina, 34, a teacher from Seine Saint-Denis. “It’s been a month since we’ve been protesting, and he’s not listening to us. He needs to listen to the street,” said Sabrina, for whom going on strike is a “sacrifice worth making”.

“He’s a banker. He just cares about finance and money – that he gives to his rich friends,” said Marie-Noël, an environmental educator, referring to Macron’s past as an investment banker. “He’s destroying the public sector – the education, health, and justice systems.”

Many protesters view Macron as remote and
 regal. Here his tenure is styled as “the restoration 
of the monarchy”. © Charlotte Wilkins, FRANCE 24

Many protesters remained defiant and determined. Jérôme de Pierre, 43, a school supervisor, said momentum was building at the school where he worked. Only two teachers out of 30 were working today, he explained, and twenty-eight were on strike. “We’re just at the beginning of the mobilisation,” he said.

“I don’t know if we’re at the beginning, the middle or the end of this protest movement,” said Archet. “What I do know is that we won’t give up – and I’m more motivated than ever before.”

French pension reform strikes enter sixth week with nationwide day of protest

Issued on: 09/01/2020

An SNCF railway worker on strike holds CGT labour union flags at the Nice railway station in France during the 36th consecutive day of strikes against the French government's pension reform plans on January 9, 2020. © Eric Gaillard, REUTERS
Text by:FRANCE 24Follow

French trade unions on Thursday brought tens of thousands of demonstrators onto the streets in a make-or-break push to force President Emmanuel Macron to abandon his planned pension reform.

France’s main unions called for Paris métro workers, state railway workers, power utility workers, dock workers, health workers, teachers, lawyers and pilots to participate in Thursday’s protests.

The interior ministry said 452,000 people nationwide answered the union leaders’ protest call, a significant decline since the first big day of action on Dec. 5, which brought 806,000 onto the streets

Just two out of 14 Paris métro lines were running as normal, with reduced service on all other lines, buses, trams and RER commuter trains.

France's national railway service, SNCF, reduced departures for five categories of trains.
Schools were shut and power generation by EDF, the country's main energy utility, was cut by about 10%.

The hardline CGT union called for anti-pension reform mobilisations to continue on Friday and Saturday.

Follow our live blog below for all the day's developments across the country.


France braces for major rallies, more transport disruptions as pension strike continues

Issued on: 09/01/2020 -

File photo of French state-owned SNCF company worker 
on strike. © Charles Platiau, REUTERS

Text by:FRANCE 24Follow|

Video by:Andrew HILLIAR

France’s powerful trade unions plan to “reinvigorate” industrial action against President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed pension reforms with nationwide demonstrations Thursday after talks between the government and union leaders earlier this week failed to break the deadlock.

France’s embattled commuters faced another day of disruptions as the longest continuous transport strikes in modern French history entered its 36th day with demonstrations planned across the country.

Reporting from Montparnasse railway station in Paris, FRANCE 24’s Andrew Hilliar noted that Thursday would mark the fourth major day of protests since the strike was called December 5, with “all the major unions calling on workers in various sectors to come out and take part in the strikes and, of course, the protests. We’re seeing Paris métro workers, state railways workers to continue the strike, but also dock workers, health workers, teachers, lawyers, pilots not just over pension reforms but over their own working conditions.”

Earlier this week, talks between the French government and unions aimed at ending the transport strike failed to break the deadlock over one of Macron’s most hotly contested retirement reform proposals.

As the standoff expanded to oil refineries, raising fears of petrol shortages, French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said that both sides needed to "budge a little".

While insisting the reforms would not be withdrawn, he made conciliatory noises about the government's proposals to extend the minimum age for receiving a full pension to 64 from 62.

‘Pivotal age’

The strikers believe that the new points system and calculation method for their pensions would take their whole career into account, rather than just its final six months. They fear this would lower their pensions in many cases.

They're not satisfied by what the government is calling the "pivotal age"; this is a formula that would allow people to retire at 62, but would encourage them to work for two more years to get a full pension.

Previously, train drivers retired at an average age of 53 years. Other SNCF employees retired at around 58.

The pivotal age formula has been rejected by all trade unions, however. It's also disapproved of by a majority of the French public, according to opinion polls.

“Some of the unions, the more hardline unions such as the CGT for example, they’re demanding that the French government withdraw the plan all together, they’re not willing to compromise,” explained Hilliar. “Some of the more moderate unions such as the CFDT, they’re willing to compromise over the pivot age and with the government making overtures to that effect, some say the government might be hoping to reach a separate agreement with the CFDT to try to break the backbone of the strikes.”

Compromise is key

Some MPs from Macron's ruling Republique En Marche party have proposed an alternative. One of them, Hubert Julien-Laferrière, says the pivotal age formula can't be applied to everyone:

"We need a pivotal age that can adapt to the different types of careers and to the hardest jobs. Because today, we can observe a difference in the life expectancy, depending on the person's career and occupation. After 60 years of age, the difference in the life expectancy can be as much as a decade".

The areas the government seems ready to enact a compromise on are the issues of elderly people's employment and the difficult of some occupations. It's expected to announce a draft plan on these issues within two weeks.

New negotiations have been arranged for Friday on the pension funding issue. However, further demonstrations are currently arranged for the coming weekend.

(FRANCE 24 with AFP, REUTERS and AP)
Students who have been sexually assaulted are being let down by ‘inadequate’ support from universities, regulator warns

Institutions face fines and deregistration if they fail to respond to harassment reports


Students who have been sexually assaulted or harassed are often being let down by “inadequate” support and “ineffective” reporting procedures in universities, the regulator has warned.

Universities could face sanctions, including fines and deregistration, if they fail to respond to reports of harassment and sexual misconduct, the Office for Students (OfS) said.

The watchdog is calling on institutions to have robust procedures in place to address complaints of sexual abuse and ensure students know how they can report concerns.

Universities should make training available to all staff and students, including consent workshops, to help prevent incidents from taking place on campus, the OfS has urged.

It comes after research revealed that more than half of university students have experienced unwanted sexual behaviour including inappropriate touching, being followed and being forced into sex.

Campaigners previously warned that students have been forced to share sexual abuse allegations on social media due to universities failing to listen to them and subjecting them to poor treatment.

The OfS’s proposals, which are now open for consultation, warn of “widespread reports” of harassment and sexual misconduct that are not being adequately addressed by universities.

Institutions should clearly set out how they will prevent and respond to these complaints, as well as the behaviour expectations they have of students, staff and visitors.

There should be proper policies and processes in place for students to report and disclose incidents, the consultation says, including easy-to-understand information on how to do so.

Nicola Dandridge, the chief executive of the OfS, said: “We continue to hear accounts of students experiencing harassment, sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct.

“Too often students say they are not getting the support they need if they suffer this unacceptable behaviour, and that reporting systems are not clear or effective.”

Read more
Cambridge don resigns from college after sexual harassment complaints

She added: “We need to do more for the students who are still being let down by ineffective procedures and inadequate support.

“Our proposed statement of expectations sets out the basis of fair, clear and robust processes that we expect all higher education providers to have in place to respond effectively to harassment and sexual misconduct. Where we see evidence of serious failings, we have the regulatory powers to intervene.”

Universities must be registered with the OfS if they want students to receive tuition fee loans. The OfS has a range of powers to sanction institutions – including financial penalties and revoking a registration.

Rachel Watters, the NUS’s women’s officer, said: “We need urgent responses to tackle sexual harassment and violence in colleges and on campus. Historically, efforts towards tackling issues of sexual violence on university campuses have been shouldered by the most marginalised students.”

A spokesperson for Universities UK, an organisation that represents vice-chancellors, said: “Universities are committed to ensuring students and staff have a safe university experience, free from harassment and hate crime, which allows them to thrive in their learning and work.

“Universities welcome the opportunity to demonstrate the progress they are making on this important issue.”



The Taiwanese electronics firm was previously reported to have backed out of its five-year investment.

It was earlier reported that Foxconn had called off its plans of building more manufacturing units in the state of Maharashtra. However, a new report says that the Taiwanese electronics firm hasn’t cancelled the deal.

Foxconn. Image: Reuters
The previous reports stated that Maharashtra’s minister for industries Subhash Desai said, “There is no chance of Foxconn exercising its commitment for investment in the state, as it is facing some problems related to its business.” He mentioned that the company had an "internal dispute" with Apple, one of its largest clients, owing to which it was cancelling the deal.
However, Foxconn has now denied the reports with a statement from its parent company Hon Hai. It also stated that the claim of an “internal dispute” with one of its major clients was also inaccurate. In the report by Focus Taiwan, Hon Hai said that it will establish 10-12 facilities in India this year.
Back in 2015, Foxconn had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Maharashtra state government for an investment of $5 billion (Rs 35,000 crore) over five years. The firm had planned to set up a manufacturing plant near Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) in Navi Mumbai. It also planned to buy 44 acres of land in the same area’s special economic zone (SEZ). According to Hon Hai’s statement, the group’s production in India is going on smoothly.

New York could legalise cannabis this year, governor says Move could generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue 
Recreational cannabis is currently legal in 11 US states
Recreational cannabis is currently legal in 11 US states ( Getty )

New York governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday pledged for the second year in a row to legalise recreational cannabis, looking for his state to become the nation’s 12th to do so and saying that it could generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

Mr Cuomo, a Democrat, made the legalisation of cannabis a key priority as he outlined his agenda for 2020, saying taxes imposed by a regulatory scheme could bring some $300m (£230m) into the state’s coffers and confront injustices in enforcement of drug laws.

“For decades, communities of colour were disproportionately affected by the unequal enforcement of marijuana laws. Last year we righted that injustice when we decriminalised possession,” Mr Cuomo said in his annual State of the State address, according to a transcript of the speech released by his office.

“This year let’s work with our neighbours New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, to coordinate a safe and fair system and let’s legalise adult use of marijuana,” Mr Cuomo said.

Last year, in his 2019 State of the State speech, Mr Cuomo had also declared his intention to legalise cannabis, citing the potential revenues and harm to poorer communities, but the effort foundered in the Democrat-controlled state legislature.

Where is cannabis legal in the US?
Show all 11

In addition to the 11 states where recreational use of marijuana is already legalised, New York joins several others expected to make that push in 2020, including neighbouring New Jersey, which tried and failed to pass such a bill last year.

Cannabis remains illegal under federal law and critics say legalisation at the state level is bad health policy, citing studies which show that the drug can be addictive and affect brain development in young people, in addition to the dangers associated with any kind of smoking.

Officials at the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have said that vitamin E acetate, a cutting agent used in cannabis vape cartridges, may play a role in an outbreak of vaping-related lung injuries.

Mr Cuomo in his State of the State speech boasted that New York had “led the way” in banning flavoured vaping and urged passage of laws restricting the sale and advertisement of flavoured e-cigarettes.

“After all the millions of lives lost, big tobacco has come back to life in a different wrapper. They are now in vaping products. We know well the danger of nicotine addiction and we don’t yet know the dangers of vaping, but young Americans are dying to find out,” Mr Cuomo said in his speech.


Three quarters of domestic abuse victims trying to flee partner hit with ‘insidious’ technological abuse

Exclusive: ‘Previously you could remove and extract yourself from the abuse. It is now harder. It is easy to feel like you have lost control,’ says expert

Maya Oppenheim Women's Correspondent @mayaoppenheim
Thursday 9 January 2020 09:18

Refuge say they have seen a rise in tech abuse cases which involve abusers using smart locks, webcams and smart heating systems to 'monitor, control and gaslight' victims in the past two years
Refuge say they have seen a rise in tech abuse cases which involve abusers using smart locks, webcams and smart heating systems to 'monitor, control and gaslight' victims in the past two years 

Three in four domestic abuse victims have been exposed to “controlling, humiliating or monitoring” behaviour by their former partners using technology, new figures show.

Refuge, the UK’s largest provider of shelters for domestic abuse victims, found 4,004 women seeking help last year – around three-quarters of the total – had faced abuse from their ex-partner perpetrated via technology.

The tech abuse includes current or former partners using smartphones or their children’s iPads and games consoles to track a woman’s location, sharing so-called revenge porn on the internet or repeated phone calls and messages or harassment via social media.

Refuge say they have seen a rise in tech abuse cases which involve abusers using smart locks, webcams and smart heating systems to “monitor, control and gaslight” victims in the past two years.

Sandra Horley, chief executive of Refuge, thinks such cases were underreported because many women are simply unaware of what is happening to them. She said: “As technology becomes more advanced and more readily available, perpetrators will continue to find new ways of using it to facilitate abuse. Frontline staff at Refuge have recorded an alarming rate of tech abuse cases.

“Put simply, tech abuse is the misuse of everyday technologies and devices by perpetrators, for the purposes of controlling, humiliating or monitoring their victims. It almost always occurs alongside other forms of physical or sexual violence, psychological and economic abuse.

“Women frequently come to Refuge having suffered harassment online, account hacking, spoofing, online identity theft, and revenge pornography. Often, the devices and social media platforms that represent a woman’s vital line of communication to the outside world will be the very same ones used by her perpetrator to isolate and abuse her.”

Jemima*, a 29-year-old teacher who was physically, sexually and emotionally abused by her 43-year-old partner, said he subjected her to tech abuse and stalked her for almost four years after they broke up.

“It was relentless,” she said. “He harassed me through Facebook. I blocked him and what he called his ‘stalker profile’ – a fake account to monitor other people on Facebook – so he would ask other people to check my account and screenshot who I was with and where I was. He would create fake profiles on Facebook and add me. He would email colleagues or career contacts. He was very insidious. I felt like every day I was looking over my shoulder.”

She added: “He wanted to control me in the relationship. He controlled what I wore and ate, what friends I had, where I lived, where I worked and monitored my everyday movements – constantly ringing me or door-stepping me at work. But he carried on controlling me after we broke up. I think he wanted to scare me by knowing he still had control. I felt like I was never going to live a life he didn’t know about. I felt very low. I got a diagnosis of PTSD.”

Jemima said he would also stalk her indirectly by contacting colleagues and friends and eventually moved into her local area in south London after learning where she was living from social media. She then moved into a refuge with an anonymous location provided by Solace Women’s Aid.

Dr Leonie Tanczer, an academic based at UCL who specialises in tech abuse, said there are cases where abusive former partners buy smart toys such as dolls or teddy bears, on the internet or in high street shops which have a GPS location connected to them that abusers can exploit.

She said abusive ex-partners may give such toys as presents to their child and are then able to trace their ex’s movements via the item.

Dr Tanczer added: “You can also get a normal teddy bear and put a GPS device in it or buy spy cameras to put in houses which secretly film. You can also install dedicated malicious spyware on smartphones, laptops and tablets that allows perpetrators to monitor victims.

“Tech abuse feeds the anxiety and worries that victims and survivors hold. It changes the nature of abuse. Previously you could remove and extract yourself from the abuse. It is now harder. It is easy to feel like you have lost control. It is so overwhelming. You may get paranoid because you don’t know what you can trust.”

Elise*, a domestic abuse victim who is in her late thirties, was traced by her ex-partner while in one of Refuge’s shelters last year. The abuse survivor, who came to the refuge with a young child, received a message from her abusive ex-partner saying: “I know where you are.”

Her support worker discovered her ex had access to her email account which had her location settings turned on after looking through her phone.

“From that, he had been able to access her location in real-time, her calendar with the details of all of her appointments with solicitors, doctors, the jobcentre etc,” Jane Keeper, Refuge’s director of operations, said. “He could see the search history on her maps and also had access to her internet search history.”

She added: “Knowing her location in the refuge was a huge safety risk to her, other residents, and staff. She had to pack her bags and move to another refuge in the middle of the night. The support worker helped her to close her email account and secure her device. She was given a burner phone, and the support worker also helped her to change all the passwords and account settings for her online banking as he had also been withdrawing money from her account without her knowledge.”

The perpetrator continued to stalk her on social media and posted threats to her and the child on his account but was eventually taken to court, Ms Keeper added.

Refuge, which has been running a specialist tech abuse service since 2017, has launched a chatbot, an easy-to-navigate platform that allows women to find out how to safeguard their everyday devices, on their website this week.

*Jemima and Elise’s names have been changed to protect their identities.

Anyone who requires help or support can contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline via their website


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has lost contact with one of its exoplanet-hunting CubeSats ASTERIA.
The Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics (ASTERIA) is a briefcase-sized satellite that was deployed on 20 November 2017 to seek out exoplanets — any planets that orbit a star and lie outside our solar system.
The short-term missions of ASTERIA were to demonstrate that the technology required to find exoplanets can be shrunk in size to fit into a small Cubesat, and its long-term missions were to show that CubeSats could assist larger exoplanet missions like NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Satellite Survey (TESS).

NASA engineers prepare the ASTERIA spacecraft in April 2017 prior to its launch. Image credit: NASA
The last successful communication with ASTERIA was on 5 December 2019. NASA hopes to continue its attempts to get in touch with it till March 2020. ASTERIA's mission was completed in February 2018, after which it was tasked with three mission extensions.
The CubeSat, as per a statement, observed a handful of nearby stars and successfully demonstrated that it could achieve precision measurements of the stars' brightness. Scientists are looking at the collected data to find if ASTERIA spotted any distant worlds. The dips in a star's light can indicate if an orbiting planet passing between the satellite and the star.
"The ASTERIA project achieved outstanding results during its three-month prime mission and its nearly two-year-long extended mission," said JPL's Lorraine Fesq, the ASTERIA program manager in a press release.
"Although we are disappointed that we lost contact with the spacecraft, we are thrilled with all that we have accomplished with this impressive CubeSat."


WHICH JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE KNOWN AS: Neues von „Hubble“: Weltraumteleskop entdeckt „Godzilla-Galaxie“YEP GODZILLA GOT A GALAXY NAMED AFTER HIMSELF

The Hubble Space Telescope, managed jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), has taken a stunning new image of a barred spiral galaxy located some 232 million light-years from Earth, in the northern constellation of Perseus. Dubbed UGC 2885, or LEDA 14030, the spiral galaxy is 8,16,000 light-years wide — roughly 8 times the size of the Milky Way Galaxy. Astronomers also think it contains ten times the number of stars as the Milky Way.

UGC 2885 has also acquired the nickname 'Rubin’s Galaxy' after astronomer Dr Vera Rubin, by Dr Benne Holwerda from the University of Louisville, who observed the galaxy with the Hubble telescope.

Galaxy UGC 2885 may be the largest one in the local universe. It is 2.5 times wider than our Milky Way and contains 10 times as many stars. This galaxy is 232 million light-years away, located in the northern constellation of Perseus.

"Dr Rubin measured the galaxy’s rotation, providing evidence for dark matter that makes up most of the galaxy’s mass," Dr Holwerda said. His research into the size and features of UGC 2885 has been inspired largely by the work of Vera Rubin in the 1980s. Holwerda and his colleagues from Canada and the United States are studying the galaxy to understand what led to its enormous size.

"It’s as big as you can make a disk galaxy without hitting anything else in space," Holwerda said. "Did the monster galaxy gobble up much smaller satellite galaxies over time? Or did it just slowly accrete gas to make new stars?"

Holwerda thinks the galaxy appears to be "puttering along, slowly growing." UGC 2885 is situated in a fairly isolated locale, without many galaxies in striking distance to crash into and disrupt the shape of its disk. But it is close enough to Earth for Dr Holwerda and his co-authors to make some finer observations. For instance, the number of globular star clusters that appear in UGC 2885's halo.

"It is close enough for Hubble observations to resolve the globular cluster population," the astronomers said.

Another thing the team hopes to study using UGC 2885 are scaling trends — how important physical properties like mass, size, luminosity and colour of galaxy clusters relate to others in the same galaxy or others.

"[Many] scaling relations between the globular cluster population and parent galaxy have been observed, but these differ for disk and spheroidal galaxies [which are more massive]," said Holwerda. "This galaxy is an ideal test case of these scaling relations as it lies between spiral and massive ellipticals."

The team of astronomers are expected to present their findings on 8 January 2020 at the 235th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Honolulu, Hawai'i



Jakarta floods on New Year's Day due to heavy rains; 
16 killed, thousands displaced in Indonesian capital [Photos]

FP Staff Jan 2, 2020 

A fleet of flooded taxis is seen at the operator's submerged parking lot following overnight rain in Jakarta. 16 people died after Indonesia's capital was hit by its deadliest flooding in years, as torrential rains on New Year's Eve left vast swathes of the megalopolis submerged. Getty Images

Residents cross the floods that inundated their settlements to flee to high land in Cibitung Regency, West Java. The heavy rain that occurred for more than 15 hours since 31 December caused massive floods in Jakarta. Getty Images

A rescue team evacuates residents from their flooded houses in Jakarta. Monsoon rains and rising rivers submerged at least 169 neighborhoods and caused landslides in the Bogor and Depok districts on Jakarta's outskirts, National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Agus Wibowo said. Getty Images

Residents wade through a flooded neighborhood in Tanggerang on the outskirts of Jakarta. Video and photos showed cars floating in muddy waters while soldiers and rescuers in rubber boats helped children and elders forced onto the roofs of flooded homes. The floods inundated thousands of homes and buildings in poor and wealthy districts alike, have forced authorities to cut off electricity and water and paralysed transport networks, said National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Agus Wibowo. AP

A rescue team evacuates residents from their flooded houses in Jakarta. National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Agus Wibowo said, 120,000 rescuers were helping people evacuate and installing mobile water pumps as more downpours were forecast. He vowed his city administration would complete flood-mitigation projects on the two rivers. Getty Images

Children play in a flooded neighborhood in Tanggerang on the outskirts of Jakarta, which is home to 10 million people and 30 million live in its greater metropolitan area. It is prone to earthquakes and flooding and is rapidly sinking due to the uncontrolled extraction of groundwater. AP
NASA/ESA celebrates Hubble telescope completing 30 years with 13 spectacular gems from space [Photos]
tech2 News Staff Jan 08, 2020 
The galaxy NGC 3256 has a distorted shape as a result of a past galactic merger between two spiral galaxies. It is located around 100 million light-years away from Earth. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

This is the most comprehensive image, ever assembled, of an evolving universe and contains around 10,000 galaxies. This image is a result of a study conducted by astronomers called the Ultraviolet Coverage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field project. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

This image shows a part of the Veil Nebula, that is located around 2100 light-years from Earth. This brightly coloured cloud of glowing debris spans approximately 110 light-years. The section of the nebula is known as the Witch’s Broom Nebula. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

This image is the birth announcement of a young star named IRAS 14568-6304. It is cloaked in a haze of golden gas and dust. The dark region swirling around is known as the Circinus molecular cloud that has a mass around 250,000 times that of the Sun and is filled with gas, dust and other young stars. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

This 2016 image from the Hubble telescope captures one of the largest gatherings of hot, massive and bright stars in the Milky Way, in the star cluster Trumpler 14. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

Hubble captured this image in 2011 and it features the fine detail and perfect spiral structure of NGC 634 galaxy. It is located 250 million light-years away from Earth, in the constellation of Triangulum. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

The 2011 composite image of Sh 2-106 shows a newly formed star at the centre that is shrouded in dust and gas. The glowing blue light is hydrogen gas. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

This is a 2018 composite image of the ringed planet Saturn that is pictured with six of its 82 known moons. From left to right, the moons visible in this image are Dione, Enceladus, Tethys, Janus, Epimetheus, and Mimas. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

This 2012 Hubble image of the NGC 5189 is particularly dramatic and unveiled new details of the object. The intricate structure of the stellar eruption looks like a giant and brightly coloured ribbon in space. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

A star-studded view of the Milky Way galaxy was captured in 2016 by Hubble when it pointed its cameras towards the Sagittarius constellation. The stars with red hues are red dwarfs and are much cooler than the Sun. They are either at the end of its life or much smaller in mass. The blue hues indicate hot, young, or massive stars, many times the mass of the Sun. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

In January 2002, a moderately dim star known as V838 Monocerotis in the constellation of Monoceros suddenly became 600,000 times brighter than our Sun. A Hubble snapshot shows remarkable details in the shells of dust that were lit up during the stellar eruption. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

Hubble captured a stunning close-up shot of part of the Tarantula Nebula, which is the most luminous nebula of its type in the local Universe. This star-forming region is rich in ionised hydrogen gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small galaxy which neighbours the Milky Way. Image credit: ESA/Hubble

The Hubble telescope revealed a rainbow of colours in the dying star, IC 4406. Like many other planetary nebulae, IC 4406 shows a high degree of symmetry. The nebula's left and right halves are nearly mirror images of each other. Image credit: ESA/Hubble