Sunday, December 31, 2023

Palestinians Say Netanyahu 'Confessions' Reveal Truth of 'Genocidal War' in Gaza

The Foreign Ministry said that the Israeli prime minister's push for what he terms "voluntary migration" shows that ethnic cleansing of the besieged enclave is the real goal of the ongoing bombing and ground invasion.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a map of "The New Middle East" without Palestine during his September 22, 2023, address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

(Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Dec 26, 2023

Amid a ramping up of bombardments and military ground operations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he was working toward what he referred to as a "voluntary migration" of Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli newspaper Hayom Daily reported.

"Our problem is the countries that are willing to absorb (them), and we are working on it," he said, according to a translation from the Anadolu Agency.

The remarks earned a swift condemnation from Palestinian leadership.

In a statement posted on social media, the Foreign Ministry said that "frank and clear confessions reveal the truth about the goals of the genocidal war led by Netanyahu against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip," according to The Siasat Daily.

The ministry called for "a courageous international stance to immediately stop the war on the Gaza Strip and stop the crime of ethnic cleansing and displacement before it is too late."

It further said that "Netanyahu's confessions regarding the displacement of our people is a new blow to the countries supporting him in the genocidal war on Gaza Strip."

Hamas, meanwhile, said that Netanyahu's plan "would prolong the aggression," the Anadolu Agency reported.

"The Palestinian people will not allow to pass any plan that aims to obliterate their cause or to get them out of their lands and sanctities," the group said.

Netanyahu's remarks came during a Likud faction meeting, according to Hayom Daily. The prime minister was responding to a statement by Member of the Knesset Shani Danon.

"The world is already discussing this matter. Canadian immigration minister Mark Miller spoke about these matters publicly, as did Nikki Haley (the potential Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency)," Danon said, according to a translation from The Siasat Daily.

Danon recommended "forming a team in the State of Israel that will take care of this issue and make sure that anyone who wants to leave Gaza for a third country can do so."

"This must be organized, because of its strategic importance for the day after the war," he said.

Netanyahu responded that his government was working on it.

This isn't the first time it has been suggested or hinted that Israel aims for the expulsion of the civilian population of Gaza. Danon co-wrote an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal in November with fellow Knesset member Ram Ben-Barak arguing that Europe and the U.S. should help resettle refugees from the Gaza Strip. Another opinion piece published in The Jerusalem Post on Monday argued that the population of Gaza should be relocated to Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

A U.N. expert warned last week that a goal of forcible population transfer out of Gaza was the only "logical conclusion" of Israel's assault on the strip, which has internally displaced 85% of its 2.3 million people. Israel has killed more than 20,000 people in Gaza since Oct. 7, when Hamas attacked southern Israel and killed more than 1,100 people and took around 240 hostages.

In retaliation for the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas militants,Israel has cut off the flow of essential supplies into Gaza and flattened or damaged, homes, hospitals, schools, and businesses with heavy, U.S.-made bombs in what military historian Robert Pape called "one of the most intense civilian punishment campaigns in history."

So far, however, governments in the Middle East, Europe, and the U.S. have rejected any plans to transfer the population of Gaza to another country, according to Middle East Eye. Both Egypt and Jordan have refused to accept large numbers of Gazan refugees, wanting to avoid a repetition of the first Nakba, in which Israel forced more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948.

Smotrich touts revival of Gaza settlements after war, wants Gazans encouraged to leave

Finance minister advocates for ‘voluntary emigration’ of enclave’s residents, opposes fuel going into Strip; stands by 2015 comment calling PA a ‘burden’ and Hamas an ‘asset’

Today, 9:20 am

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich holds a joint press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (not seen) in Jerusalem, December 26, 2023. 
(Chaim Goldberg/FLASH90)

Israel should discuss the revival of civilian settlements within the Gaza Strip as part of its planning for the enclave once Hamas rule is toppled, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said Saturday night, while denying that any of Gaza’s approximately 2 million residents were innocent and calling for Israel to “encourage voluntary emigration” from the territory.

Speaking to Channel 12 news, the leader of the hard-right Religious Zionism party also doubled down on his refusal to transfer tax payments to the Palestinian Authority over concerns that the money will find its way to Gaza, sloughing off reported pressure from the United States on the matter and pushing back against insinuations that he and others had propped up Hamas as a convenient foil.

“We will be in security control, and we will need there to be civil [control],” Smotrich said. “I’m for completely changing the reality in Gaza, having a conversation about settlements in the Gaza Strip… We’ll need to rule there for a long time… If we want to be there militarily, we need to be there in a civilian fashion.”

Under pressure from Smotrich, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday canceled a scheduled war cabinet debate on shaping post-war Gaza, and said he would hold the discussion instead in the larger security cabinet. Smotrich is not a member of the tight-knit war cabinet, but he and fellow far-right leader Itamar Ben Gvir, minister of national security, do sit in the security cabinet.

The minister, who was arrested in 2005 while protesting Israel’s evacuation of its Gaza Strip settlements, also said Jerusalem could not allow Gaza to remain as a “hothouse of 2 million people who want destroy the State of Israel.”

“We want to encourage willful emigration, and we need to find countries willing to take them in,” he said.

In an Army Radio interview on Sunday morning, Smotrich returned to that point: “We need to encourage immigration from there. If there were 100,000-200,000 Arabs in the Strip and not two million, the whole conversation about the day after [the war] would be completely different,” he said. “They want to leave. They have been living in a ghetto for 75 years and are in need.”

He also told Army Radio: “I don’t think there’s anyone in Israel who doesn’t want to see Jewish settlements everywhere.”

Israel’s mainstream leaders have repeatedly dismissed the idea of reestablishing settlements in Gaza, though the military campaign in the Strip to fell Hamas following the October 7 massacres — when terrorists rampaged through Israeli communities, killing 1,200 people and taking some 240 hostages of all ages — has raised hopes among some stalwarts of the settlement movement.

An aid truck on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing, waits to cross into the southern Gaza Strip on December 6, 2023. (AFP)

Likewise, Jerusalem has denied claims that it is seeking to displace Gazans, an idea whose very mention elicits angry denunciations from Israel’s Arab allies.

During the interview, Smotrich noted his lack of power within the government, saying he opposes fuel being allowed into the Strip, but backing other humanitarian aid.

And in apparent acknowledgment of his tenuous political fortune (polls have shown his party struggling to reenter the Knesset if elections were held now), he seemed to offer an olive branch to erstwhile right-wing allies Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked, expressing remorse over his attacks on the pair for joining the previous government, which was cobbled together of parties from across the political spectrum.

“There were things I said that I shouldn’t have said. I’m a different person after October 7,” he said.

But Smotrich showed no softening of his position on the contention that PA money bound for Gaza’s civilian officials would end up going to terrorists.

“Not even a shekel will be transferred to Gaza,” he said. “Gazans are not innocent. I was against fuel [entering] and I still am. Fuel is power for terrorism and the tunnels. It is happening and it is bad — but I alone am not in charge of this government.”

Smotrich said he still agreed with and repeated a quote from a 2015 interview in which he said, “In the game of delegitimization… the Palestinian Authority is a burden and Hamas is an asset.” He claimed that the quote had been intentionally misinterpreted by critics as him saying the terror group was positive for Israel.

The snippet of the interview — conducted on October 7, 2015 — has repeatedly circulated on social media since the outbreak of the war.

“I stand by every word,” he said, explaining that Israel has international backing to act against Hamas, now even more so due to its brutal atrocities of October 7, while the Biden administration still urges that money be transferred to the PA.

Washington insists that after the war, the PA — which Israel has accused of supporting terrorism through education, payment of stipends to terrorists, and a failure to condemn Hamas’s atrocities — should eventually fill the leadership vacuum to reunite the West Bank and Gaza under a single political entity and pave a path toward an eventual two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

At the same time, many in the defense establishment view the PA as a crucial partner in security coordination and ensuring relative calm in the West Bank.

The US concedes that the PA will need to be “rejuvenated” before it can take responsibility for the Gaza Strip.

In a “frustrating” call last weekend, US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that his government’s decision to withhold Palestinian tax funds following October 7 must be resolved, Axios reported Thursday, citing US and Israeli officials and a “source with knowledge of the issue.”

Netanyahu says Israel must control Gaza's border with Egypt • 

FRANCE 24 English
France 24 is a French public broadcast service. Wikipedia 

Dec 30, 2023
Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Saturday that the Philadelphi Corridor buffer zone that runs along Gaza's border with Egypt must be in Israeli hands. The area territory includes the Rafah Crossing, Gaza's only connection to the Arab world. The Israeli military believes there are tunnels full of ammunition and "a lot of long-range missiles" have been coming into Gaza through these tunnels from Egypt, says journalist Sami Sockol, reporting from Jerusalem.

Has Israel forfeited her right to exist?

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Benjamin Netanyahu

Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, former Nigerian Aviation Minister, in this piece, draws that attention of the global community to the horror going on in Gaza.

He argues that Israel which was a victim of Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust in Nazi Germany, now inflicts collateral damage on children, women, the aged, an unarmed populace, in Palestine.

In his words: “Needless to say I wholeheartedly and categorically condemn EVERYTHING that they said and did to the Jews, the Slavs, the Gypsies, the homosexuals, the disabled, the deformed and indeed the rest of humanity but my question is pertinent and needs to be answered.

That question is whether it is possible that Hitler prophetically foresaw and envisioned a mirror of his evil self in the Satanyahu’s of this world and decided to rid us of the insidious Zionist plot and barbarous plague that lay many years ahead?”

Below is the full essay:

Has Israel forfeited her right to exist?

Femi Fani-Kayode

The genocidal monster and strange little creature that appears in a video which I posted on X boastfully proclaiming that “every single Gazan is an enemy of Israel” & that “every man, woman and child in Gaza should be killed”, proves that the Jewish state is now a nation of demonically-inspired souls that are in the grip and power of satan.

The creature, whose name is Eliyahu Yossian and who is a former member of an elite Intelligence Unit of the Israeli Defence Force, spoke with the same murderous intention and homicidal obsession that his Jewish forefathers did 2,000 years ago when they insisted on the cold-blooded murder and crucifixion of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and when they proudly and foolishly proclaimed, “Let His blood be upon us and upon our children”.

For those that have not seen or heard the creature’s vile, venomous and incendiary contribution the video can be found on my X handle (@realFFK) or @intifada.

In case his display of madness was not enough to invoke your boiling and inconsolable rage, consider the words of yet another mentally ill malefactor.

This time it was a serving Israeli Army officer, fresh out of Gaza, who was recorded whilst proclaiming the following with a big smile on his face.

He said,

“we are looking for babies to kill! I have killed a girl who was around 12 but I want to kill a baby”.

For those that doubt that anyone could speak like this and are skeptical about my representation of his sentiments, kindly view them yourself on my X handle (@realFFK) or on @tparsi and @Khaledyoursy22.

If one is looking for good examples of what the English common law describes as “a diseased mind” and what Romans 1:28 of the Holy Bible describes as a “reprobate” one, these two troubled, twisted souls readily provide them.

Sadly this depravity is not limited to them alone and does not stop there.

It is a general, widespread malaise which is shared by most Israelis and particularly by those in the ruling Likud party, the Government, the Parliament (the Knesset), the security and intelligence agencies (Mossad and Shin Bet) and the Israeli Defence Force.

Permit me to share a few examples of their barbarous disposition.

Palestinian men, women and CHILDREN who have been arrested by the Israeli Defence Force in Gaza are routinely stripped naked and paraded through the streets before being spat on, tortured, mocked, defecated , urinated over and finally murdered.

Even in death they are not spared but are subjected to even more humiliation as their bodies are desecrated and mutilated and their vital organs are skillfully and clinically carved out and sent back to Israel for sale on the flourishing international and national black market for human parts!

I will not speak of the mass rape and group sodomy that Palestinian men, women and CHILDREN are subjected to by the Israeli Army.

I will not speak about the fact that the Israeli Army are using shells containing internationally-banned white phosphorus and that they have launched more than a thousand artillery strikes on densely populated areas since the start of their bloody war on the Gaza Strip on 7 October.

I will not speak about the fact that they burn little children from head to toe with their flame throwers, Nepam bombs and white phosphorus shells and the fact that the few that are left alive suffer the most excruciating form of unbearable pain before they eventually die.

I know this because I have seen the videos and they are far too troubling and graphic for me to post or share.

They were sent to me by my friend and brother His Excellency Abdullah Abu Sawesh, the Palestinian Ambassador to Nigeria

After watching them in absolute shock, horror and disbelief I wept for the children of Gaza and the people of Palestine and I told him that I honestly believe that all the demons had fled hell and had relocated to the State of Israel.

These are just a few of the unspeakable things and abominable atrocities that are being committed against innocent and defenceless Palestinians in the name of waging war against Hamas by the Jews and frankly it beggars belief and is utterly mind-boggling.

They are targetting and killing women, infants and babies as if they were shooting fish in a barrel.

All this yet the world sits back and does NOTHING whilst what is fast developing into the greatest massacre of non-combatants and civilians by one of the world’s most powerful armies is taking place right under our noses and before our eyes.

What a tragedy this is and what a terrible stain on humanity.

Yet despite the horrors that the Jews are subjecting the Palestinians to they insist on rejoicing about their shameless barbarity and unconciable cruelty with loud roars of triumph and wild, far-fetched notions and claims of victory.

Unknown to them, this so-called “victory” comes at a great cost.

I say this because given the savagery and barbarity that we are witnessing in Gaza, many are of the view that the Jewish state may have proved her historical and modern-day detractors right and FORFEITED her right to exist.

The notion that she should be wiped off the face of the earth is beginning to gain traction and appear attractive to millions of people throughout the world.

The relentless madness and murderous disposition of Prime Minister Bibi “Satanyahu”, the blood-lusting barbarity of the Israeli Defence Force and the insidious and malevolent intention of the Zionist lunatic fringe to unleash the world’s second holocaust on the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank and effect what Adolf Hitler described as the “Final Solution” by eliminating and exterminating every single Palestinian man, woman and child on the face of the earth have made many reconsider their position and come to the chilling conclusion that Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran and all the other notable individuals and state and non-state actors in world history and from time immemorial who believed that the Jews and the State of Israel should be erased from existence may have had a point.

Let me be clear.

As a strong believer in the resolutions of the Oslo Accords and the “two-state solution” and a believer in justice, equity and the Jewish state’s right to exist, I do NOT share this view and neither do I believe that Israel could ever be wiped out but if truth be told, as a consequence of events in Gaza and particularly the wilful and premeditated slaughter of women and children, many that think like me are beginning to reconsider their views.

Worse still most people, quite erroneously in my view, no longer care to make a distinction between Zionism and Judaism and, as each day passes, they say more and more that the Jews and the Zionists are one and the same and are BOTH the enemies of not just the Arabs but of the whole of humanity!

That is where “Satanyahu” and his insidious supremacist philosophy, racist disposition and apartheid mindset has taken his country.

He has made more enemies for the Jews than any other leader in their 6000 year history.

Permit me to shed more light on his dark and sinister mindset and that of those that are members of his inner circle by sharing the following.

A few days ago on X @CensoredMen posted the following insightful and revealing contribution titled “Netanyahu’s Superstars”.

They wrote,

“Benjamin Netanyahu has a wide range of personalities serving inside his government but two names in particular separate themselves from the rest.

These two people are: Itamar Ben-Gvir (National Security Minister of Israel) and Bezalel Yoel Smotich (Finance Minister of Israel)

Before we continue I want you to know that these two men were PERSONALLY appointed by Netanyahu to their positions.

Now let us go through their highlight reels.

Itamar Ben-Gvir:

⁃ He believes that the Jewish tradition of spitting on Christians, Priests and Churches is perfectly fine and should NOT be punishable by law.

⁃ He is a firm Israeli Supremacist.

He proved this when he said:

‘The right of me, my wife and my children to move around the West Bank is more important than freedom of movement for the Arabs.’

⁃ He has pulled a gun on multiple Palestinian parking attendants in Tel Aviv.

⁃ He was notorious for having a portrait of Baruch Goldstein on his wall.

For those who do not know, Baruch was an American-Israeli terrorist who massacred 29 Palestinian worshipers in Hebron in 1994.

⁃ In June, he entered Al-Aqsa Mosque and declared Israel “in charge” to deliberately cause tension.

⁃ He has been convicted of all the following:

Incitement to racism.
Destroying property.

Possessing a “terror” organization’s propaganda material.

Supporting a “terror” organization.

Now that you have the rundown of Israel’s National Security Minister, let’s move onto Israel’s Finance Minister.

Bezalel Smotrich:

– In 2016 Smotrich made a statement in which he said Jewish mothers should not share maternity wards with Arab mothers.

– In February 2023 he was in favour of “wiping out” a Palestinian village and called for the Palestinian town of Huwara to be “erased”.

– In March 2023 he said “there is no such thing as Palestine and there are no such people as Palestinians.”

– In March 2023, Smotrich visited France and spoke at a podium featuring a map of “Greater Israel”.

“Greater Israel” includes:

The entirety of Palestine 

The entirety of Jordan 

Parts of Iraq 

Parts of Lebanon 

Parts of Syria 

Parts of Egypt 

Parts of Turkey 

Parts of Saudi Arabia 

I refer to these two as “Netanyahu’s Superstars”.


Because no matter what they say or do Netanyahu will always defend them and refuses to remove them from their positions inside the Israeli Government.

I hope this tweet gave you a better understanding of the mentality of Israel’s leadership”.

This is a useful contribution from @CensoredMen and I commend them for their courage.

It is not only disturbing but also revealing and one wonders whether there is any other Government in the world that harbours such deranged, psychopathic, vicious and Nazi-like thugs at the highest level within its ranks .

Could this have been the mindset that Adolf Hitler, another monster of history and author of the infamous and rabidly racist treatise titled ‘Mein Kampf’ (My Struggle), envisioned many years ago and attempted to warn the world against?

To be sure I deplore Hitler and all that he stood for and I have nothing but contempt for his Nazis and their despicable Aryan dream and vision.

Needless to say I wholeheartedly and categorically condemn EVERYTHING that they said and did to the Jews, the Slavs, the Gypsies, the homosexuals, the disabled, the deformed and indeed the rest of humanity but my question is pertinent and needs to be answered.

That question is whether it is possible that Hitler prophetically foresaw and envisioned a mirror of his evil self in the Satanyahu’s of this world and decided to rid us of the insidious Zionist plot and barbarous plague that lay many years ahead?

Much like the murderous, homicidal, conniving, treacherous, cruel, insidious and dark soul depicted in the Holy Bible by the name of Haman, Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews, wipe out their faith and take their land, worldly possessions and money whilst todays Jewish Zionists want to kill all the Arabs, wipe out their faith and take away all that they have.

Is it not an irony of fate that yesterday’s victims of terror, racism and genocide are today the greatest oppressors, terrorists and perpetrators of ethnic and religious cleansing?

Are the Zionists, led by Bibi and the lunatics in his cabinet, any different from Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Goring, Hess and all the other German Nazis?

The latter caused the death of no less than 50 million people in WW11 and the former may well cause the death of billions in what may end up being WW111.

Are the two not one and the same?

We can debate this from morning till night but the little Palestinian girl who has lost her entire family, including her parents, grandparents and siblings and that was beaten to a pulp, raped, sodomised, mutilated and burnt alive by the heartless butchers of the Israeli Defence Force will certainly tell you that there is no difference at all.

She will confirm to anyone that cares to listen that both the German Nazis and the Jewish Zionists are two sides of the same coin and that the only difference is that the latter literally own and control the United States of America and indeed the Western world.

Is it any wonder that South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to probe the State of Israel for genocide in Gaza?

Just last week in an open letter that yours truly wrote to Satanyahu titled, “An Open Letter To Bibi” I submitted that he was mentally ill and that he needed psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

My assessment was borne out of an honestly held opinion and strong conviction and not malice and my observation and counsel was later confirmed by no less a person than the famous Hollywood blockbuster film producer Roger Stone who said, in a widely publicised television interview a few days ago, that he had met Satanyahu and that based on what he had told him and the way he behaved at that meeting he had no doubt that the man was “raving mad”.

Stone’s assertion and assessment of the Israeli Prime Minister’s failing mental health coupled with the revelations by @Censoredmen exposing the reckless sociopaths and psychopaths that he insists on keeping in his cabinet has confirmed my views about Satanyahu.

He is totally and completely unhinged and the fact that his nation has a nuclear bomb which he has the power to set off at any time is indeed a sobering and frightful thought.

Something needs to be done before it is too late and the sooner the people of Israel insist on a ceasefire in Gaza, bring an end to the war, remove Satanyahu from power and either jail him or hand him over to the International Criminal Court where he will undoubtedly be successfully prosecuted and handed a life sentence for genocide, ethnic cleansing, mass murder, war crimes, crimes against humanity and infanticide, the better.

Yesterday the world rose up and came to the aid of the Jews when Hitler sought to eliminate them.

Today the world WILL rise up and come to the aid of the Palestinians.

It is just a matter of time.

O Israel, once loved and cherished by virtually all, you have now become a stench to everyone’s nose.

What a tragedy!

China calls on int'l community to promote ceasefire in Gaza

(Xinhua18:23, December 31, 2023

UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Friday called on the international community to promote a ceasefire in Gaza.

More than 80 days have passed since the outbreak of this round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and more than 2 million innocent people in Gaza have been plunged into an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, said Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

This is in spite of the fact that both the UN General Assembly and the Security Council have respectively adopted a number of resolutions, strongly calling for a ceasefire, for an end to the collective punishment of innocent people of Gaza, and for compliance by the occupying power with international law and international humanitarian law, he said.

The international community must pull all its efforts to promote a ceasefire, mitigate the catastrophe, and save lives, he told the Security Council.

The protraction of the war will only cause more casualties on both sides, exacerbate the obstacles to humanitarian assistance, and undermine the prospects for a political settlement, he warned.

There is no safe place in Gaza and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who have been repeatedly forced to move, have nowhere else to go, said Geng.

"China urges Israel to immediately cease its indiscriminate military attacks and collective punishment of the people of Gaza and to provide the necessary conditions for humanitarian agencies to carry out their assistance work in Gaza," he said.

The current humanitarian situation in Gaza is extremely dire, with life-saving supplies nearly exhausted, the medical system paralyzed, social order on the verge of collapse, tens of thousands of pregnant women facing the threat of extreme starvation and newborns being deprived of feeding because of their mother's malnutrition, he said.

China calls on all parties to effectively and fully implement Security Council Resolution 2720, which seeks to boost humanitarian assistance in Gaza. China looks forward to the early establishment of a mechanism to ensure the safe and unimpeded entry of adequate humanitarian supplies into Gaza, he added.

The crux of the protracted Palestinian-Israeli issue lies in the failure to implement the two-state solution and the failure to guarantee the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people, he noted.

China calls for an international peace conference that is more broad-based and more effective, so as to expedite the formation of a timetable on the roadmap for the implementation of the two-state solution, Geng said, adding that China supports Palestine's full membership in the United Nations and the early resumption of direct negotiations between Palestine and Israel.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Wu Chaolan)
Historian Raz Segal blasts Israel’s ‘genocidal incitement’ against Gazans

‘Incitement in Israel is clear, explicit and unashamed,’ says Segal

Anadolu staff |31.12.2023 - 


Israeli historian Raz Segal blasted Israel’s aggression against the people of Gaza on Saturday and said that it amounts to “incitement to genocide.”

Segal told Breaking Points YouTube channel that the incitement is dealt with in Article 3 of the “The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, or the Genocide Convention for short -- an international agreement that criminalizes genocide and obligates countries to pursue the enforcement of its prohibition.

“Incitement to genocide, which usually happens actually in media discourses, but also in political discourses, sometimes in public spaces in various ways,” he said. “Anyone who follows Hebrew language sources” would know about the “genocidal discourse” in Israeli media and outdoor signs as well.

“I'm talking about, you know, huge signs hanging on the bridges of the Tel Aviv Freeway right after the 7th of October, calling to flatten Gaza, to destroy Gaza, written on them directly that the ‘image of triumph would be zero people in Gaza.’ Very direct, very explicit,” he said, noting Hamas’ surprise attack that resulted in the flare-up of the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“You don't need a degree in comparative literature to interpret these signs and statements in the media discourse and in the political discourse in Israel after 7th of October. We see clear incitement to genocide, right? Clear, clear incitement to genocide.”

Segal noted the Rwanda genocide as another example.

“One of the cases that comes close to this kind of society, immersed in a genocidal discourse, perhaps, is Rwanda and the Rwanda genocide in 1994,” he said. “We had journalists, radio channels and people inciting for genocide, for the murder of Tutsis in that case.”

“In the case of Rwanda, there was also a media case where journalists indeed stood trial and were convicted for incitement to genocide. So that's another element that actually differentiates genocide from other crimes and international law,” he said.

“Incitement in Israel is clear, explicit and unashamed. Just to give a recent example, journalist Zvi Yehezkeli on Channel 13 just openly and outright said that he thinks that at the beginning, Israel made a mistake because (its) attack on Gaza should have been much more actually violent and severe, and it should have killed 100,000 Palestinians right now,” said Segal.

“And the official response of Channel 13 was that ‘We're just expressing the plurality of positions in Israeli society.’ So this is outright unashamed, right? It's very common today in Israel, and it's something I think we should all be paying attention to.”

Since a cross-border attack by Hamas on Oct. 7, Israel has continued relentless attacks on the Gaza Strip, killing more than 21,000 Palestinians and injuring more than twice that number, according to Palestinian health officials.

Israeli authorities claim the Hamas attack has killed around 1,200 Israelis.

The Israeli onslaught has left Gaza in ruins, with 60% of the enclave's infrastructure damaged or destroyed, and nearly 2 million residents displaced amid acute shortages of food, clean water and medicine.


Tel Aviv targeting UNRWA to increase displacement, suffering

Tel Aviv targeting UNRWA to increase displacement, suffering

TEHRAN, Dec.31 (MNA) – The Palestinian Foreign Ministry says the Zionist regime has been targeting the UN agency for Palestinian refugees across the Gaza Strip (UNRWA) to force it to leave the territory and change Gaza's demographic characteristics.

The ministry made the remarks in a statement on Saturday concerning the Israeli regime's attacks on employees and facilities of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

According to the ministry, since the beginning of Israel's genocidal war against Gaza on October 7, the regime has killed hundreds of the agency's employees, destroyed its centers and schools, and obstructed its work and ability to perform its tasks, especially in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

It added that the regime's assaults on the UN agency are also in line with Israel's plans to forcefully displace the people of Gaza and change the demographic characteristics of the coastal territory.

"Such Israeli plans directly target the Palestinian issue and the rights of our people, most notably the right of return [to their homeland], and are an integral part of an official Israeli policy aimed at liquidating the Palestinian issue," the ministry noted.

It added that apart from the official goals declared for the regime's war on Gaza by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he is using genocide of Palestinian civilians as a means to achieve other strategic goals, which are gradually unfolding with each passing day.

Israel's genocide in Gaza has so far killed at least 21,672 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured over 56,000 others.

The regime has also cut off the flow of basic supplies such as water, electricity, medicines, and fuel, to one of the world's most densely-populated territories that houses over two million Palestinians.


Israel detains Palestinians in renewed West Bank incursions

At least 17 Palestinians injured from Israeli drone strikes on Tulkarem and Nur Shams refugee camps.

Israeli forces raid the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem
 [File: Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP]

Published On 31 Dec 2023

Israeli forces have arrested at least four Palestinians and wounded 17 others after conducting nightlong raids in the occupied West Bank cities during which they fired drones, according to Al Jazeera’s Nida Ibrahim.

Two overnight drone attacks on the Tulkarem refugee camp and nearby Nur Shams refugee camp caused the injuries, said Ibrahim, reporting from Ramallah, citing medical sources.

KEEP READINGlist of 4 itemslist 1 of 4
Six killed in Israeli strike on refugee camp in occupied West Banklist 2 of 4
‘Unparalleled’: Israeli army raids Ramallah, more occupied West Bank citieslist 3 of 4
Israeli forces confiscate cash during raids in occupied West Banklist 4 of 4
End ‘unlawful killings’ in occupied West Bank, UN tells Israelend of list

During the raids, Israeli forces also blocked the entrance to two hospitals in the area, delaying many of the wounded from receiving treatment.

It was the fourth time Israeli forces had stormed the area in less than a week, said Ibrahim, as they pursued a small group of armed men they regularly clash with during such incursions.

In Tulkarem, Israeli military vehicles fired “live rounds and flares” over the camp, while stationing snipers on the top of local buildings, reported the Palestinian Wafa news agency.

Israeli forces raided several other Palestinian towns overnight, including near Jericho, Hebron, and occupied East Jerusalem, in operations that are becoming a near-nightly occurrence.

On Friday, Israel arrested at least 14 Palestinians from West Bank towns.

During the incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least four Palestinians, according to Ibrahim, adding to more than 4,800 they have taken from the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the Gaza war broke out on October 7.

Israel regularly holds Palestinians in jail without charge under a system of administrative detention that rights groups say is a tool to “persecute Palestinians”.

Ibrahim said Palestinians view the raids as a reminder of “who has the upper hand — who has the control” over their lives.

Since October 7, Israeli military raids and settler attacks have killed over 300 Palestinians, including 79 children, prompting the United Nations last week to urge for an end to the “unlawful killings”.

More than 500 people have been killed in the occupied territory this year, according to​ the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, making it “the deadliest year on record” for Palestinians.
Death of the Russian ship Novocherkassk: what exploded on it

By Alexey Lenkov 
On Dec 31, 2023

News has emerged from Russian authorities concerning a casualty, four wounded individuals, and damage to the sizable amphibious ship, Novocherkassk. The ship was docked at the port of Feodosia during an attack by the Ukrainian air force, employing Storm Shadow missiles. Ukraine alleges the total destruction of the ship. Video evidence suggests the ship caught fire before a significant explosion transpired onboard.

Photo credit: Twitter

The Russian Ministry of Defense has yet to provide specifics about the damage. Nevertheless, videos and photographs seemingly taken during the assault, which have surfaced on social media, depict a sizable detonation.

Determining the explosion’s location isn’t overly challenging – presuming all the footage was recorded in Feodosia, there’s only one extensive dock featuring marine cranes, located within the commercial port. Morning photos appearing on social media showcase buildings on the dock.

Judging by the commentary, these images present the remnants of a ship once docked at the port. Determining the charred and severely damaged metal pieces that once formed the ship’s superstructure is difficult, with the ship type nearly impossible to confirm.

However, as the Russian Ministry of Defense has admitted to the substantial damage if not destruction of the Novocherkassk LST in Feodosia, it’s highly plausible that the debris shown may indeed belong to the ship

While many of the videos in circulation are tough to geolocate, large similarities in the depicted explosions across different clips suggest a single event – a massive explosion at Feodosia commercial port on the night of December 26, 2023. Markers such as port infrastructure and cranes visible across different shots affirm this observation.

Within a short span, satellite images of the ship, both pre and post-impact began surfacing online. These images captured on December 5th and 26th are instrumental in our understanding of the incident.
Photo credit: Maxar Technologies

They clearly indicate the ship’s location at Feodosia port’s pier before the explosion, the sinking of the ship post the explosion, and visible signs of damage to the pier buildings. But it’s worth noting that despite the massive explosion, all the port cranes and the nearby lighting mast stood unaffected.

The powerful explosion also had its proof in the form of video evidence and comments by eyewitnesses. Various social media posts also reported ship wreckage scattered across the city.

Photo credit: Maxar Technologies

In one such video, Anastasia Kalugina, a correspondent for Vesti TV channel, talks about a substantial piece of metal wreckage, presumably from the ship, found in Feodosia. The clip, seemingly a live broadcast portion, also mentions damage to windows in nearby residences.

However, it’s challenging to confirm whether the wreckage belonged to the Novocherkassk large landing ship. The video circulating on social media has clear signs of editing, and we couldn’t locate the original upload on the Vesti website. The video seems to be mostly shared via social media platforms.

Another report from Vesti TV channel elaborates on the aftermath damage. Windows of houses in the vicinity of the port were shattered and the ceiling in secondary school number 10, located approximately 800 meters away from the explosion site, got damaged as per the Vesti correspondent’s information.

The Storm Shadow missile carries a penetrating warhead weighing 450 kilograms, but the explosive component is lesser than the actual weight. It functions in two stages — the first part penetrates the target’s shell and the second part penetrates further before exploding inside.

Video evidence suggests a high-intensity explosion. In one of the clips, viewers can see fire and smoke reaching a height 8-10 times that of the port cranes in the vicinity.

The most likely explanation is that some cargo on the LST triggered the explosion. This is because the missile’s warhead isn’t that powerful and the ship already appeared to be on fire before the explosion. Noticeably, there was no sound signaling the arrival of a missile before the explosion.
What was in the hold?

The magnitude of the explosion implies that the ship might have been transporting explosive materials. There have been past instances where Russia leveraged large landing vessels to deliver military cargo.

Social media speculations hint that the Landing Ship Tank [LST] may have been carrying ammunition or Shahed drones. These drones are known to be frequently used by Russia for launching attacks on Ukraine from Crimea’s territory.

Further credence to the theory that the detonated cargo on Novocherkassk may have resulted in such a severe explosion comes from the fact that the ship was docked, potentially in the middle of unloading.

Determining the precise nature of the cargo is challenging without close inspection of the debris scattered throughout the port and its surrounding areas.

One theory suggests that the blast could have stemmed from the ship’s own ammunition, including 57-mm AK-725 anti-aircraft guns and a pair of Grad launchers on board. If onboard ammunition had erupted, particularly rockets for the Multiple Launch Rocket System [MLRS], the subsequent spread and resonating sounds of secondary detonation would have been evident.

The same principle applies to other forms of ammunition – secondary explosions from shells or rockets in flammable warehouses typically follow the initial explosion and are clearly audible.

Nevertheless, arriving at an accurate conclusion using the currently available data – comprising videos, photos, and social media narratives – is challenging.
Across all of Crimea

The Russian Defense Ministry reported an assault on Feodosia by two Su-24 aircraft, which were intercepted roughly 125 kilometers northeast of Nikolaev. There has been talk of Ukrainian Su-24s, redesigned to fire Storm Shadow/Scalp missiles, launching these attacks from the Black Sea.

Claims of Storm Shadow missiles being defeated over the peninsula are routinely made by the Russian Defense Ministry and Crimean occupation authorities. However, in scenarios such as the attack on a ship repair yard or the incident where the Black Sea Fleet headquarters suffered major missile damage, the missiles traveled a relatively short distance, with both targets located in Sevastopol.

The Feodosia port, where the Novocherkassk fell, and the Kerch naval factory, targeted by a missile strike on a warship in early November, sit at the peninsula’s farthest end from the standard Ukrainian missile launch route. To successfully hit targets in Feodosia or Kerch, the missiles would need to traverse over 200 kilometers across the Crimean Peninsula, which is generally well-shielded against aerial attacks.

One plausible reason for the successful strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on targets along Crimea’s eastern coast might be Russia’s absence of surveillance equipment, particularly airborne radar. Su-24s are fairly outdated aircraft, equipped for launching Western missiles solely because of their significant payload capacity and the presence of a two-member crew.

Modern Russian fighters, superior to their Ukrainian counterparts, could take down such an aircraft before reaching the attack line. However, this would require an A-50 scout aircraft or another form of airborne radar, along with a squadron of interceptors, to maintain a perpetual presence in Crimean airspace.

Meanwhile, Ukraine capitalizes on data from NATO reconnaissance aircraft that routinely patrol the Black Sea. This data presumably aids the Ukrainian Armed Forces in assessing Crimea’s air defense system and evading interception during missile launches.


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How The Russian State Ramped Up The Suppression Of Dissent In 2023: 'It Worked In The Soviet Union, And It Works Now'

December 31, 2023
By Robert Coalson

St. Petersburg artist Aleksandra Skochilenko was sentenced in November to seven years in prison for an anti-war protest.

There wre no mass protests in Russia in 2023. There were no hair-raising scenes of riot police in helmets and body armor beating students and shoving elderly demonstrators into police vans.

Nonetheless, the harsh repression of dissent was the daily business of President Vladimir Putin’s security forces, with the action shifted to pretrial detention centers, the courts, and the prison system.

Aleksandr Cherkasov

“It is a return to the repressive system of the post-Stalin period,” said human rights activist Aleksandr Cherkasov of Memorial, which has been banned in Russia. “Maybe this has been ordered [from above] -- that is possible. But it is the same logic as the campaigns of the Soviet Union.

“Now Putin has returned to the same thing, but the difference is that he is not just maintaining some kind of stability but is undertaking social engineering, building a new country,” he added. “The scope of the repression turns out to be sufficient: One person is imprisoned and 100 have their hands tied because they already have an administrative offense, and the next violation means prison. It worked in the Soviet Union, and it works now.

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Most dramatically, the year saw increasingly long prison terms handed down in cases widely seen as politically motivated. Opposition politician Aleksei Navalny was handed a 19-year prison term in August on an extremism conviction. Navalny denounced the sentence as “Stalinist.”

Fellow opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza was sentenced to 25 years on treason and other charges in April. In November, St. Petersburg artist Aleksandra Skochilenko was sentenced to seven years in prison for an anti-war protest.

According to the end-of-the-year report by OVD-Info, a rights project that monitors and reports on repression in Russia, typical prison terms for anti-war charges in 2023 were from 36 to 77 months. Typical sentences for publications on the Internet were between 34 and 65 months.

'Satanic Work'

The OVD-Info report presents a clear picture of the Kremlin’s suppression of basic freedoms, using a tangle of new or recently modified laws criminalizing the spread of what the state deems “false” information about the armed forces, “justifying” terrorism, “rehabilitating” Nazism, and so on. The laws are notable for their vague language and unpredictable application.

In 2023, at least 2,830 cases were filed under the law on “discrediting” the armed forces -- Article 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, or KoAP. This represented a small downturn from the previous year, when people arrested at anti-war protests were routinely charged under that article.

More ominously, however, there was a significant uptick in prosecutions under Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code, which criminalizes the “repeated” discrediting of the armed forces. That law stipulates prison terms up to five years for defendants who have already been punished under KoAP 20.3.3. For instance, on December 28, 86-year-old Orthodox Archbishop Viktor Pivovarov was charged under the law in the Krasnodar region.

“I said during interrogation that the current government is acting illegally,” Pivovarov, whose small confession is separate from the state-allied Russian Orthodox Church, told RFE/RL. “It is the heirs of those who carried out the Bolshevik coup in 1917 and is continuing their Satanic work.”

Siberian journalist Maria Ponomarenko was sentenced in February to six years in prison, after spending nearly a year in pretrial detention.

2023 also saw a dramatic uptick in the application of the criminal law against disseminating “false” information about the war in Ukraine, particularly cases allegedly motivated by “political hatred” (Criminal Code Article 207.3). At least 794 defendants were charged under the article in 2023, OVD-Info reported. Siberian journalist Maria Ponomarenko was one of the most prominent defendants convicted under this article. In February, she was sentenced to six years in prison, after spending nearly a year in pretrial detention.

In May, she was transferred to a prison more than 1,000 kilometers away from her under-aged children, and in November she was charged with attacking a prison official, which could add another five years to her sentence.

'Significantly Harsher'

There were also at least 16 criminal cases opened in 2023 on the charge of “justifying terrorism,” which is covered by Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code. Many of the cases involved people who commented on the wave of attacks on military recruiting offices around Russia or on the attacks that damaged the Crimea Bridge, which connects Russia to the occupied Ukrainian peninsula.

Also in 2023, lawmakers criminalized the “justification” of extremism, which OVD-Info analysts predicted could portend a coming wave of prosecutions for anyone commenting on any individual or organization figuring on the Kremlin’s list of purported extremists.

Lawmakers also added Article 280.4 to the Criminal Code in 2023, criminalizing statements or actions running counter to national security. In recent months, at least 134 cases have been opened under the new law, at least 10 of which were connected with statements criticizing Russia’s 2022 military mobilization for the war against Ukraine.

EU Calls On Russia To 'Immediately Release' RFE/RL Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva

At least 43 journalists were caught up in the wave of repressions in 2023 on a variety of charges usually related to statements about the war in Ukraine. Two American journalists -- Evan Gershkovich of The Wall Street Journal and Alsu Kurmasheva of RFE/RL -- were arrested in Russia in 2023 and remain jailed in pretrial detention.

In 2023, 217 individuals and organizations were added to the Justice Ministry’s list of “foreign agents.” Fifty-three organizations were declared “undesirable” in Russia, compared to 23 in 2022. The nonexistent “international LGBT social movement” was banned as extremist on November 30. At least 75 Jehovah’s Witnesses were charged with crimes related to “extremism” in 2023.

There were at least 45 cases under laws criminalizing the “rehabilitation of Nazism,” including a case in Kurgan where a man was fined 2 million rubles ($22,300) for lighting a cigarette using the local eternal flame war memorial. Volunteers with the banned Memorial human rights group were charged under the article after it was discovered that three of the tens of thousands of names included in the group’s database of victims of Stalinist repression were people who had collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.

“This year laws concerning public statements, ‘foreign agents,’ and ‘terrorist activity’ were made significantly harsher,” said OVD-Info analyst Yelizaveta Shtiglits. “Apparently, the latter was in response to the attacks on recruiting centers and railroad lines. They have begun adopting new laws on public statements, including calls for anti-government activity or the repeated display of banned symbols and so on.”

What The Future Holds

In April, the United Nations Human Rights Council appointed Bulgarian activist Mariana Katzarova as the first-ever UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Russia.

She told Current Time, the Russian-language network run by RFE/RL in cooperation with VOA, that the situation in Russia is “very difficult.”
"The foundation of civil society has been destroyed,” says Mariana Katzarova, the first UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Russia.

“This doesn’t mean that activists and rights monitors are not still working in the Russian Federation,” she said, noting that she has received more than 200 reports from activists in the country so far. “They are working, but the foundation of civil society has been destroyed.”

Since Moscow’s unprovoked massive invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, she said, “we see…a situation in which all lawmaking and state activity is aimed at stifling the voices of the people, the voices of civil society, and the anti-war messages of the people.”

“I believe that the war became possible because of the enormous repressions within Russian society,” Katzarova added.

Such trends will continue and intensify in 2024, OVD-Info’s Shtiglits said.

“We can’t forget that during the last year a whole raft of new articles have been added to the security agencies’ arsenal that will enable them to even more actively prosecute expressions of opinion or cooperation with various organizations,” she said. “The laws on state-security crimes have been made significantly harsher.”

Written by RFE/RL’s Robert Coalson with reporting by Current Time

Robert Coalson is a senior correspondent for RFE/RL who covers Russia, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe.

Hooked on volcanoes? 
Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

Lava seen spewing from an eruption near Grindavik, Iceland, on Dec 19.
PHOTO: Reuters


LONDON/BUDAPEST - As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy.

Madam Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

She had already visited Iceland the previous month, but it was too soon. Although the authorities had by that time evacuated the nearly 4,000 inhabitants of the nearby town of Grindavik, weeks passed before the volcano - which lies about 40km south-west of Reykjavik - erupted on Dec 18.

"I had a crazy notion of going to Reykjavik for the day to fly over the volcanic eruption," she said. She arrived with her son and his girlfriend on Dec 22 to find that lava flows had already diminished.

"We're disappointed that the volcanic activity has ceased, but we will still have a beautiful day in Reykjavik."

Madam Lane will probably not have to wait long before the next eruption. Iceland, which is roughly the size of the United States' state of Kentucky and has fewer than 400,000 residents, boasts more than 30 active volcanoes.

That makes the north European island a prime destination for volcano tourism - a niche segment that attracts thousands of thrill-seekers every year to sites in places ranging from Mexico and Guatemala to Sicily, Indonesia and New Zealand.

The decreased activity of the volcano near Grindavik quelled worries of a repeat of the travel chaos caused by ash from a major eruption of the island's Eyjafjallajokull volcano in 2010.

But for local tour agencies planning to take tourists to the site, it was a missed opportunity. Recent eruptions - like the ones in 2021 of Fagradalsfjall volcano in south-west Iceland - have drawn thousands of visitors.People gathering to observe the eruption of the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii on Dec 1, 2022.
PHOTO: Reuters

Troll Expeditions - which offers tours to Iceland's ice caves, glaciers, geothermal pools and a range of volcano trips - said tourist bookings to Iceland dropped before the Grindavik eruption owing to the earthquakes preceding it. But the eruption itself quickly brought back interest.

"People are very excited to see the volcano. Unfortunately, the eruption has paused for the moment," the company said by e-mail, noting that it was the fourth eruption in the area in the past three years.

"The other eruptions have been great for tourism, as they have been so-called 'tourist eruptions' where you can get quite close to the crater and witness the lava flow."

Iceland's former president, Mr Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, was already encouraging visitors to get ready for January.

"The predictions are that in two weeks the eruption might start again! Book your flight now so you can witness the earth being created!" he said in a Dec 23 post on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

For dedicated 'lava chasers', nothing beats an arduous climb to the top of a volcano, the walk around a crater and the smell of sulphur in the air.

Often eruptions can be predicted well in advance, leaving plenty of time for evacuations and warnings.

When Mauna Loa in Hawaii, the world's largest active volcano, erupted in late 2022 for the first time since 1984, thousands of awestruck onlookers flocked to see its glowing lava streams. Hawaii's Emergency Management Agency had already said there were no signs that lava would threaten populated areas.

But in some other cases, tourists have paid with their lives.

At the start of December 2023, Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupted, killing 22 climbers who perished near the crater. Marapi is one of the most active volcanoes on Sumatra island and previously erupted in January and February 2023.

Indonesia, which straddles the so-called "Ring of Fire" around the rim of the Pacific Ocean, is home to more than 100 active volcanoes.
A volcano spewing lava and smoke as it erupts near Grindavik, Iceland, on Dec 18.
PHOTO: Reuters

White Island in New Zealand, which is also known by the Maori name of Whakaari, has been closed since a disaster in 2019 when a volcanic eruption killed 22 people, mostly tourists. It used to regularly host visitors, though eruptions were not uncommon.

Despite such incidents, visiting volcanoes remains popular and, by managing risks properly, the chance of accidents can be minimalised, said Dr Tom Pfeiffer, a geologist and volcanologist who runs VolcanoDiscovery, a company in Germany.

It organises tours to volcanoes around the world in small groups, taking about 150 people a year to places such as Java, Sulawesi, Sicily, and Iceland. Dr Pfeiffer said interest in visiting volcanoes fluctuates a little, depending on how much media attention they get, but is generally pretty steady.

"I'm sure the average number of accidents of volcano tourists is much lower than the average number of mountain sport accidents," he said by e-mail. "This also holds despite the fortunately very rare cases of big disasters like the recent one at Marapi."

Dr Pfeiffer said many of the accidents that did occur were due to a lack of preparation or information, or excess risk-taking. Relying on local advice from the authorities, volcano observatories and relying on guides with extensive experience could all mitigate the chances of anything going wrong.

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"In case of doubt, we never take the risk," he added.

Iceland has witnessed diverse eruptions in recent years, from ones where lava flows from fissures - like the one last week - to explosive ones of ice-covered volcanoes that spew ash plumes, where fire meets ice. Many of them have been major tourist draws, with the risks well flagged by the local authorities.

The area around Grindavik remains closed off for now, and the Icelandic Meteorological Office said on Dec 27 that magma continued to accumulate under Svartsengi on the Reykjanes peninsula, meaning there is a chance of a fresh eruption.

Mr Arnar Mar Olafsson, director-general of the Icelandic Tourist Board, said some travellers had not respected the closure zone around the eruption site and had to be turned away because they were heading towards the volcano.

"People really want to get close and to go closer and see, but they don't really realise often how dangerous it is," he said.

Source: Reuters


Crisis in Confidence 2023


Gallup covered a wide variety of measures of American public opinion this past year, many of which have been admirably addressed in the recent review by my colleagues Mohamed Younis and Mary Claire Evans. Four big-picture trends in particular caught my attention -- trends that, taken together, have significant import for the future of our democracy.

The first of these is the continuing decline in Americans’ confidence in institutions. As my colleague Lydia Saad summarized in her report on Gallup’s findings earlier this year: “Americans’ confidence in institutions in 2023 represents the continuation of the historic confidence deficit recorded a year ago. None of the 15 institutions rated annually managed to repair their images, with many remaining at or near their all-time lows.” The downward trend in confidence varies by institution, of course. But as Lydia notes, the big-picture conclusion is that Americans are less and less likely to say they have confidence in society’s way of dealing with things like healthcare, education, the role of big business and governance.

Along these same lines, Americans’ overall satisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S. is very low (19% in November), as are approval of Congress and ratings of the economy.

The second trend is the increasing tendency for people to say that certain behaviors relating to sexual reproduction and marriage are morally acceptable. In other words, there is less agreement on normative restrictions on our behavior, and more of what was formerly taboo in our culture has now moved within the realm of acceptability.

The third trend is the decline in Americans’ identification with a religion and a concomitant decrease in religious behavior. These trends have been underway for quite a while, particularly the increase in the percentage of Americans who say they don’t have a religious identity -- otherwise known as the religious “nones.” Additionally, fewer Americans are members of churches or other religious institutions, and church attendance (although still difficult to measure with the pandemic’s disruption) is down.

Religion has historically been an authoritative force underlying and legitimating moral and values norms and, in some instances, society’s systems and structures. As religion’s influence wanes, people can become more likely to view these aspects of society as arbitrary or irrelevant.

The fourth trend is the well-documented increase in political polarization -- the power of one’s political identity to shape one’s outlook not only on politics, but on society, the economy and culture. My review earlier this year showed that Republicans and Democrats differ, often significantly, on most of the 24 policy and lifestyle issues we measured. (The increase in the power of political identity in Americans’ lives has accompanied the decrease in the power of religious identity in Americans’ lives. Some humans looking for a source of authority to help anchor their worldviews and approach to life may be turning to politics to fill the vacuum created by religion’s decreased relevance.)

These trends suggest a general crisis in confidence among Americans, or what I would call a decline in normative legitimacy. This can have consequences. Sociologists tell us that societies must have shared expectations of the ways to handle major societal challenges -- accepted standards and ways of approaching the core elements of society’s functions. Otherwise, chaos rules. Societies also need informal rules (norms) governing behavior that don’t involve actual legal restrictions.

What Is to Be Done?

The question of interest, of course, is how should society deal with this shift in perceptions of legitimacy?

We can look at these shifts in American public opinion as representing a report card on how America is doing these days (the people’s answer: not well!). The decline in confidence in such institutions as education, the healthcare system, the media, big business and, in particular, the nation’s political system can be viewed as rational responses on the average American’s part as they evaluate how these institutions are fulfilling (or not fulfilling) their objectives. And the decline in adherence to moral and values norms may be rational as well, under the assumption that norms have to evolve. Some 100 years ago, norms essentially prevented women from participating in many aspects of society and, particularly in the South, norms prevented Black Americans from participating in many economic, social and political aspects of society. Most would argue that changing those norms has been beneficial for society.

From this perspective, we can take the public seriously and define the crisis in normative legitimacy as a call to action -- highlighting the deficiencies in American society that need addressing.

Indications of a More General Growing Cynicism

There may, however, be more to the decline in perceptions of legitimacy than just a specific response to malfeasance in the nation’s institutions and a need to update obsolescent norms. We may be entering an era defined by fundamentally skeptical, cynical and negative views of social institutions and structures. We can call this the age of arbitrariness -- the idea that social constructs are arbitrary and have no inherent legitimacy.

There are a number of possible reasons for this. Americans are in a much more intensive information environment today, and much of the information that does reach us is one-sided, critical, partisan and reaction-generating in nature -- designed to tap emotions and increase clicks and views. And there is no question that political polarization is essentially defined by the view that policies and approaches associated with the other party are illegitimate, wrong and injurious to the nation. This increases the general tendency for Americans to adopt as second nature a more critical, if not cynical, view of systems and structures. (One recent example is the big drop in the public’s trust in higher education, particularly among Republicans, who, data show, are critical of the alleged takeover of the nation’s colleges and universities by liberal elites.)

Plus, the incentive structure in many aspects of today’s political realm encourages politicians to spend time criticizing and discrediting their opponents and their proposals more than it encourages them to talk about big-picture positive solutions. This too can amplify a climate of cynicism. (This occurs despite survey evidence that Americans would like politicians to seek compromise rather than adhere to partisan and ideological rigidity.)

And contemporary talking points on both sides of the political aisle tend to encourage the public to adopt a jaundiced view of society’s institutions. Conservatives focus on criticisms of the “corrupt Washington establishment,” the “deep state” and the Washington “swamp.” Liberals focus on criticisms of those who have power, wealth and privilege as oppressors of minority and disadvantaged segments of society. Both of these approaches can decrease confidence and trust in the way society is arranged.

Bottom Line

Survey data provide a valuable indication of a deepening crisis of legitimacy facing our society. All societies must have shared agreement on solutions, norms and accepted ways of behaving. But agreement among U.S. residents on the value of many institutions is decreasing, and there is less and less acceptance of norms that proscribe a number of moral behaviors.

The apparent increase in cynicism about society’s institutions is fueled partly by partisanship, which conditions us to be skeptical of the other side’s arguments and positions. Cynicism is also fueled by the elite class’s tendency to view life as a conflict between those with power and wealth and those without -- conditioning us to view policy-related arguments and positions as illegitimate efforts to maintain a status quo that benefits some and not others. And cynicism is fueled by growing populist criticism of what are perceived as elite, out-of-touch politicians and institutions.

Certainly, as I noted, a logical solution to the public’s loss of confidence is to fix what is wrong -- that is, improve government, healthcare, education, the economy and so forth. But the very nature of a critical worldview, and the structures of U.S. government that require consensus to achieve policy change on most issues, operates to lower the probability of majority approval for such policies.

Clearly, something needs to be done. We as a society are focused more on internal conflict and what’s going wrong than on what society needs to do to functionpositively and on what can go right. Our society faces a whole host of crucial challenges and threats -- both external and internal -- and a deeply cynical and divided population of citizens who don’t have much confidence in the society’s institutions and values isn’t a solid foundation upon which to find solutions


Frank Newport, Ph.D., is a Gallup Senior Scientist. He is the author of Polling Matters: Why Leaders Must Listen to the Wisdom of the People and God Is Alive and Well. Twitter: @Frank_Newport


A year in movies: strikes, spectacles, and cinema's surprising resilience


2023 has been a huge test for the U.S. entertainment industry. The remnants of COVID-19, historic strikes which saw the end of work for several months, the rise of streaming platforms changing the rules of the game. But despite significant assaults on the business, U.S. cinema has been surprisingly resilient, according to one entertainment expert. 

Karen Krizanovich, a film journalist and writer based in Chicago, shared her insights on the evolving landscape of the U.S. entertainment industry with CGTN Europe, shedding some light on the challenges and trends that emerged in 2023.

One of the key events this year, she said, was when more than 170,000 people working in the U.S. entertainment business, including high profile actors, walked out on their jobs. One of the biggest examples of industrial action in the industry, the strike came about over the dramatic changes in the industry following the arrival of online streaming services like Netflix and the possibility of computer-generated script writing. 

Reflecting on the aftermath of the four-month-long hiatus, Krizanovich explained that many productions were halted, others were delayed, while a few proceeded as scheduled. But the extended period of crew unemployment prompted a scramble to resume productions, creating a domino effect, impacting numerous projects.

"The knock on effect is, number one, we've got a huge industry that's desperate for work and really in bad trouble as far as that goes," Krizanovich told CGTN Europe. "But also the studios and smaller independents are really wondering about where their money's going to go best and where they're going to optimize this need for new productions." 

One of the key events this year was when more than 170,000 people working
 in the U.S. entertainment business went on strike. /CGTN Europe

Krizanovich also addressed the uncertainty surrounding anticipated movie releases. Several highly anticipated films, including the second part of 'Dune', faced delays as studios refrained from releasing them without a robust promotional strategy. 

"The studios are not going to release these unless they've got other things in the pipeline. So this is why they're holding back," she said. The absence of proper film promotions, owing to the strikes, further complicated release plans. 

"If you think about it, films are promoted by their actors," said Krizanovich. "At film festivals, we've had the designers and the directors talking, which has been really strange."

Despite the ongoing knock on effect, that will now change. And luckily, it wasn't all doom and gloom for Hollywood this year.


Two standout movies of 2023, 'Barbie' and 'Oppenheimer', have given new hope for the industry, Krizanovich said, stating they had been significant contributors to reinvigorating the cinematic experience after COVID-19.

"They've done very, very well. Gerta Gerwig's Barbie has earned over $1.18 billion so far, and it's still delighting audiences all over the place. And Oppenheimer, which is three hours of science and spectacular visuals, has done almost 1 billion itself," said Krizanovich.

There's an evolving dichotomy where audiences are starting to weigh the decision between watching content at home or experiencing it in theaters. /CGTN Europe

Regarding the impact on cinema attendance, Krizanovich said these films had reignited 'event cinema'. She stressed the significance of such large-scale productions in drawing audiences back to theaters, fostering an environment for shared experiences. 

Essentially, they put the family fun back in move-going. And while the industry hasn't fully rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, she was optimistic about the gradual return of audiences to cinemas.

Meanwhile, in the world of streaming wars, Netflix has maintained its lead this year, followed distantly by Hulu. Krizanovich said the revelation of viewership data by Netflix had been a game-changer - the release of which was demanded during the writers' and actors' strike - providing critical insights into the streaming platform's success.

But there was an evolving dichotomy with streaming and movie-going where audiences are starting to weigh the decision between watching content at home or experiencing it in theaters, she said.

"I think streaming is here to stay. I think it's good television like HBO used to be," she stressed. "But I think the world is expanding in terms of what's available for people to watch in filmed entertainment."