Friday, January 01, 2021


Ticketmaster to pay $10 million for hacking competitor

A photo of a Ticketmaster ticket in Los Angeles on February 12, 2009. Ticketmaster agreed to pay a $10 million fine in connection with a former employee computer hacking a competitor. Photo by Andrew Gombert/EPA

Dec. 31 (UPI) -- Ticketmaster on Wednesday agreed to pay a $10 million fine to settle charges it repeatedly hacked the computer system of a competitor to steal information, according to a statement released by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York.

The case resulted from the 2019 guilty plea by Zeehan Zaidi, the former head of Ticketmaster's Artist Services division, to conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and wire fraud.

Ticketmaster was charged with five counts of computer intrusion and fraud.

"Ticketmaster employees repeatedly -- and illegally -- accessed a competitor's computers without authorization using stolen passwords to unlawfully collect business intelligence," Acting U.S. Attorney Seth DuCharme said. "Further, Ticketmaster's employees brazenly held a division-wide 'summit' at which the stolen passwords were used to access the victim company's computers as if that were an appropriate business tactic.

"Today's resolution demonstrates that any company that obtains a competitor's confidential information for commercial advantage, without authority or permission, should expect to be held accountable in federal court," DuCharme said.

The tech website The Verge identified the victim as CrowdSurge, which eventually merged with another company and shut down altogether in 2018.

Ticketmaster said it was pleased to get the issue behind it and had long ago fired Zaidi.

Under the terms of the deferred prosecution agreement, Ticketmaster will pay a criminal fine, and maintain a compliance and ethics program for employees. Ticketmaster also must report to the office annually over the next three years on its compliance efforts.
U.N. agency condemns Iran's execution of child offender

The Iranian flag is shown. File Photo by Mohammad Kheirkhah/UPI | License Photo

Dec. 31 (UPI) -- The United Nations Human Rights Office condemned the execution of an Iranian man Thursday for a crime allegedly committed when he was 16 years old.

Mohammad Hassan Rezaiee was executed in Iran in the early morning even though execution of child offenders is strictly prohibited under international law. The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said the execution was the fourth confirmed for a child offender.

"The UN has repeatedly urged Iran to cease the appalling practice of executing child offenders, but we understand that at least 80 child offenders remain on death row," Shamdasani said in a statement. "The High Commissioner urges Iranian authorities to halt all executions of child offenders and immediately review their cases in line with international human rights law."

Rezaiee, who turned 30 this month, was arrested in 2007 at age 16 in connection with a group fight where a man was fatally stabbed. Human rights groups allege violations of his right to a fair trial and torture.

His conviction was based on "confessions" extracted under torture, his trial was "grossly unfair" and authorities failed to investigate the torture allegations, Amnesty International Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa Diana Eltahawy said in a statement earlier this month.

"Despite his young age, the authorities held him in prolonged solitary confinement, without access to his family and lawyer," Eltahawy's statement said. "They repeatedly tortured him to 'confess,' including by beating him with sticks, kicking and punching him, and whipping him with pipe hoses. In 2008, the trial court relied on his forced 'confessions' to convict and sentence him to death -- even though he retracted his 'confessions' at trial and said they were given under torture."

Shamdasani said that along with the "deeply troubling allegations" Rezaiee was forced to confess through torture, there were numerous other serious concerns about violations of his fair trial rights, and failure to pursue legal avenues to grant Rezaiee a retrial.

On Wednesday, United Nations experts urged members states to condemn a separate violation of international law in the United States. The U.N. experts said President Donald Trump's pardon last week of four former Blackwater Worldwide military contractors convicted of killing 14 Iraqis in 2007 violates U.S. obligations under international law. They urged member states to condemn the presidential action.

Clowns help hospitalized kids cope, study shows
By HealthDay News

Researchers say hospital clowns can help improve both physical symptoms and the psychological well-being of children and teens through laughter and play. File Photo by Francisco Guasco/EPA-EFE

Send in the clowns -- they could help hospitalized children cope with pain and anxiety.

New research shows that hospital clowns can help improve both physical symptoms and the psychological well-being of children and teens through laughter and play

For the study, researchers from Brazil and Canada reviewed databases to find clinical trials on the subject of hospital clowns published up until February 2020. They found 24 relevant trials involving 1,612 children and adolescents.

In those trials, anxiety was the most frequently analyzed symptom, followed by pain, psychological and emotional responses, perceived well-being, stress, cancer-related fatigue and crying.

The results suggested that children and adolescents with both short-term and long-term illnesses who were in the presence of hospital clowns, either with or without a parent present, reported significantly less anxiety during a range of medical procedures.

They also experienced improved psychological well-being compared with standard care.

The study was published online this month in the BMJ.

Three trials that evaluated chronic conditions, including cancer, showed significant reductions in stress, fatigue, pain and distress in children who interacted with hospital clowns compared with standard care, the study authors said in a journal news release.

Only one trial found no difference in levels of distress between a group of children who interacted with hospital clowns and those who didn't, according to Luís Carlos Lopes-Júnior, from the Federal University of Espírito Santo, in Vitória, Brazil, and colleagues.

"Hospital clowns might contribute to improved psychological well-being and emotional responses in children and adolescents in hospital with acute or chronic conditions," the researchers reported.

"Our findings also support the continued investigation of complementary treatments for better psychological adjustment during the hospital admission process in pediatrics," they wrote.

Previous studies had suggested that hospital clowns could help to reduce stress and anxiety in children before and after surgery, but results were inconsistent.

The trials researchers examined were designed differently and of varying quality. Limitations of the study include differences in data collection, follow-up time points, severity and onset of conditions and risk of bias.More information

Discover how clown care works at Children's National hospitals.

Copyright 2020 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

Icelanders take New Year's fireworks to dizzying heights 

Icelandic people celebrate New Year's Eve and hope for a brighter 2021 as fireworks light up the sky in Reykjavik, Iceland. AFP/Halldor Kolbeins

REYKJAVIK - While New Year's Eve fireworks are hardly rare, Icelanders take the tradition to breathtaking heights, firing the dazzling incendiary devices from back gardens, streets, hilltops or city parks across their Nordic island.

Each year the nation's 365,000 inhabitants buy around 600 tonnes of fireworks, more than a kilo and a half per person, according to Statistics Iceland.

The bulk of the devices go up on New Year's Eve, turning the sky above the subarctic island into a glittering canopy from the capital Reykjavik to the smallest village.

"We sort of burn away the past year and make way for the new one, which I think we'll be very happy to do this year," said Dagrun Osk Jonsdottir, a doctoral student and expert on Icelandic folklore.

The tradition, dating to the early 20th century, is rooted in the Nordic bonfire, a much older custom that is banned this year anyway because of the pandemic.

Once too expensive for most Icelanders, fireworks became more accessible to the general public thanks to a fund-raising campaign launched in 1968 by the volunteer Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue (ICE-SAR).

While many of the fireworks are fired from private gardens, the New Year's Eve displays follow a common timetable.

A first-round, lasting around an hour and a half, begins around 8pm after the prime minister's year-end speech.

The sky goes dark and quiet for the next hour as just about every breathing person in Iceland -- a record 99.7 percent of the population in 2019 -- turns on the TV for "Aramotaskaup".

Warmed and amused by the show, Icelanders venture back out into the cold to set off their fireworks extravaganza in earnest. 

As with many traditions elsewhere, Icelanders' fireworks excesses have recently come under scrutiny.

In 2018, unfavourable weather combined with the fireworks to pollute Reykjavik's usually pure air with microparticles, reaching levels associated with megacities like Beijing or New Delhi.

The government is considering cutting the fireworks purchasing window to three days from the current 10.


German government at odds over armed drones

Issued on: 01/01/2021 
Israeli Heron TP drones are used for surveillance but can also be equipped with missiles 

Berlin (AFP)

Should the German army be equipped with killer drones? With less than a year to go before a general election, it's a question that has bitterly divided Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition government, testing NATO's patience.

German armed forces have so far only been allowed to use reconnaissance drones as part of military missions in Mali and Afghanistan, leaving it to other international partners to deploy armed drones.

In 2018, Germany signed a contract to lease five new Heron TP drones from Israeli manufacturer IAI with the initial purpose of using them only for surveillance, although they can be equipped with missiles if desired.

Merkel's conservatives and their centre-left Social Democratic (SPD) coalition partners agreed at the time that parliament would have the final say on any future arming of the drones.

Any kind of military action remains a sensitive issue in Germany, a nation scarred by its past as the instigator of two world wars.

But calls have also grown louder in recent years for Germany, as a major European country with considerable political and economic clout, to take on more international responsibility in matters of defence and security.

Merkel's CDU/CSU conservatives have backed arming the remote-control drones, along with some SPD members. The liberal FDP and far-right AfD opposition parties are also in favour.

The opposition Greens and the far-left Die Linke are fiercely opposed.

The debate came to a head in mid-December when SPD co-leader Norbert Walter-Borjans and the chairman of SPD's parliamentary group, Rolf Muetzenich, unexpectedly spoke out against the arming of the unmanned aerial vehicles.

A vote in the German parliament has now been postponed indefinitely.

- 'Killing by joystick' –

"The line between defending the lives and limbs of our soldiers and killing with a joystick is very thin," Walter-Borjans said.

But the chairman of the prestigious annual Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger, disagrees.

"What does a pilot (of a fighter plane) do, if not kill by joystick, by pressing a button 50 kilometres away, without seeing his target, and firing an air-to-ground missile?"

Muetzenich said he wants a comprehensive ethical debate on "automated killing" by the Bundeswehr armed forces, which he says half of Germans oppose.

"It disturbs me that almost only the military -- those responsible for armaments and defence -- have a say, but never doctors or Church representatives," he said.

Andre Wuestner, the head of Germany's armed forces union, said there had been several years "of discussions on five, I stress, five armed drones".

The blockage has been criticised even within the SPD. The party's defence spokesman, Fritz Felgentreu, resigned in protest at the SPD's decision.

- 'Cowardice' –

German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, a close Merkel ally, has accused the junior coalition partner of "cowardice".

"We have drawn up operational principles, which stipulate that armed drones can only be used defensively by the Bundeswehr -- to protect its own people," she said.

Other conservatives, including the CDU's defence expert Henning Otte, have accused the SPD of trying to score points with left-wing voters in the run-up to the elections.

Secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg of the NATO military alliance has also waded into the spat.

"These drones can support our troops on the ground and, for example, reduce the number of pilots we put at risk," Stoltenberg told German news agency DPA, pointing to the use of the technology against the jihadist Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq.

NATO members France and Turkey are among those already using armed drones.

Armed drones, manufactured by Israel or Turkey, were also deployed by Azerbaijan against Armenia in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Weaponised drones are also a key part of a cross-border project, led by France, Germany and Spain and known as FCAS, to develop a new air-combat system for European forces by 2026.

In Germany, the issue won't be settled "during this parliamentary term", Walter-Borjans said, setting the stage for months of heated discussions between the warring parties before Germans head to the polls in September.

© 2021 AFP

Afghan dairy entrepreneur walks political tightrope to stay afloat

Issued on: 01/01/2021 -
The Milko factory in Afghanistan's Kandahar province has to tread a careful line with both the Taliban and government officials WAKIL KOHSAR AFP

Arghandab (Afghanistan) (AFP)

Brightly coloured milk bottles whizz off the production line at the Milko factory in Afghanistan's Kandahar province, the result of entrepreneur Ghami Mia treading a careful line with both the Taliban and government officials.

To keep Milko afloat, Mia has become adept at skillfully pleasing the warring rivals, which are preparing to restart peace talks next week in Qatar.

People from both sides want a share of his success.

"The Taliban only take their taxes, but the government take taxes and also our products," he explains.

The company's dairy products including flavoured milk drinks and ice creams have become well-loved throughout the region.

The company supplies some of the most dangerous towns in southern Afghanistan, such as Zabol, Ghazni and Lashkar Gah, encircled by Taliban territory.

With his clean-shaven face and affable smile, Mia says he just a pragmatic businessman who does what he needs to to make the company thrive.

"I want to continue living in Afghanistan, and working here. I don't want to go and invest abroad," he argues.

At war for 40 years, Afghanistan regularly ranks as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

Khan, a delivery driver for the dairy who goes by one name, says the local police are his biggest hurdle.

"They ask me for money... and if I don't have any, they want my goods," he explains.

Despite also contending with a lack of electricity and skilled labour, the owner has managed to grow the business employing hundreds of people and offering more than 30 products, using 250 of its own cows as well as relying on farmers in rural areas.

In Arghandab district, farmers line up to drop off their fresh milk at a Milko collection point, an opportunity that has substantially boosted the income of many.

"If the situation persists, we will be forced to close," Mia says.

"But I don't want to let the farmers down."

Belarus charges independent journalists with tax evasion

Four independent journalists who have been critical of President Alexander Lukashenko face seven years in prison on charges of "large-scale tax evasion." Journalists have been detained 477 times this year in Belarus.

Protesters have taken to the streets of Belarus since the election in August 2020 they say was rigged

Four staff at an independent Belarusian press association have been charged with tax evasion, a lawyer for the group's founder said Thursday.

Yulia Slutskaya, a journalist who founded the Belarusian Press Club in 2016, has been charged with "large-scale tax evasion," her lawyer Anton Gashinsky told AFP news agency. She will remain in pretrial detention until February 23.

Slutskaya is also a member of the board of the Belarus Association of Journalists (BAJ). She was detained last week when she returned to Belarus from holiday abroad.

The press club's director Sergei Olshevsky, program director Alla Sharko and Slutskaya's son Pyotr Slutsky have all been charged as co-conspirators. They face up to seven years in prison.
Months of protests

The former Soviet state has been gripped with protests since August. Opposition protesters say Alexander Lukashenko, who claimed victory in the presidential election and who has held power for 26 years, rigged the election.

Journalists have been detained 477 times this year according to the BAJ, including a DW correspondent, and many foreign journalists have had their accreditation revoked.

Mogens Blicher Bjerregard of the European Federation of Journalists called on the European Union to "react vigorously" and help secure the release of Slutskaya and her colleagues.

The EU sanctioned Lukashenko' regime earlier in the year. The UK and Canada bestowed a Media Freedom Award on the BAJ in November for its "perseverance and self-sacrifice in the face of increased targeted crackdowns on media" in Belaru

Egypt denies policemen were involved in Italian student murder

Egypt's public prosecutor has rejected Italy's claims that five Egyptian police officers were tied to the killing of student Giulio Regeni. The real perpetrator was "unknown," officials said.

Cambridge University graduate Giulio Regeni was in Egypt researching trade unions when he was killed in January 2016

Egypt's top prosecutor on Wednesday cleared five policemen of responsibility in the torture and killing of Italian student Giulio Regeni in 2016.

State prosecutor Hamada al-Sawy said that Egypt has no intention of "pursuing a criminal case in the murder, abduction and torture of Giulio Regeni because the perpetrator is unknown."

While investigators will continue to search for the murderer, the prosecution has "ruled out" any charges against the five in connection with the case, he added.

The prosecution did not offer an alternative suspect.

Egypt-Italy relations strained

The 28-year-old Cambridge University graduate was in Egypt researching trade unions when he was kidnapped in January 2016. His mutilated body was later found on the outskirts of Cairo. Regeni had also written articles critical of the Egyptian government under a pen name.

The prosecution said Regeni's parents had immediately collected their son's belongings from his Cairo residence after the announcement of his death, including his laptop. It added that the Italian side had rejected requests to hand over Regeni's laptop for inspection.

The statement also suggested that the unknown perpetrator had deliberately chosen January 25 — the anniversary of Egypt's 2011 Arab Spring uprising — for the killing, in an attempt to frame police for the crime.

The decision came nearly three weeks after Italian prosecutors had said they planned to charge four Egyptian officers over the murder of Regeni.

On December 10, Italian public prosecutor Michele Prestipino told a parliamentary commission in Rome there were "elements of significant proof" implicating Egyptian authorities.

"We are going to ask to begin a criminal action concerning certain members of the Egyptian security services," he said. "We owe it to the memory of Giulio Regeni," he added.

Regeni's death has strained diplomatic relations between Egypt and Italy, with Rome accusing Egyptian authorities of non-cooperation.

Italy has rejected multiple theories from Egypt, including that Regeni had been working as a spy, or that he was the victim of a criminal gang.

mvb/aw (dpa, AFP)
A late Trump salvo, US rejects UN budget over Israel, Iran

Issued on: 31/12/2020 -
Kelly Craft, seen here in September 2020 has voted against the UN budget in one of her last acts as US ambassador to the world body Patrick Semansky POOL/AFP/File

United Nations (United States) (AFP)

President Donald Trump's outgoing administration on Thursday fired a late salvo against the United Nations by voting against its budget, citing disagreements on Israel and Iran, but it found virtually no international support.

Only Israel voted with the United States, with 167 nations in favor, as the General Assembly closed the year by approving the $3.231 billion UN budget for 2021.

Kelly Craft, the US ambassador to the United Nations, voiced objections that the budget would fund a 20th anniversary event for the 2001 UN conference on racism in Durban, South Africa, where the United States walked out in solidarity with Israel over what it said was a fixation by Muslim-majority countries against the Jewish state.

The United States, the biggest funder of the UN, "called for this vote to make clear that we stand by our principles, stand up for what is right and never accept consensus for consensus's sake," Craft said on the General Assembly floor.

"Twenty years on, there remains nothing about the Durban Declaration to celebrate or to endorse. It is poisoned by anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias," she said.

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said that the Durban conference "will become another meeting demonizing the Jewish state -- it will be used once again to slander us and to launch false accusations of racism against Jewish self-determination."

The General Assembly separately approved a resolution backing follow-up efforts on the Durban conference.

That resolution passed 106-14 with 44 abstentions. The United States and Israel were joined in voting no by Western powers including Britain, France and Germany.

Craft also complained about how the United States received almost no support in the world body in September when it declared that UN sanctions against Iran had come back into force.

The Trump administration said it was triggering UN sanctions due to alleged Iranian violations of a nuclear deal negotiated by former president Barack Obama, but even US allies scoffed at the argument that Washington remained a participant in an accord that Trump had loudly rejected.

"The US doesn't need a cheering section to validate its moral compass," Craft said.

"We don't find comfort based on the number of nations voting with us, particularly when the majority have found themselves in an uncomfortable position of underwriting terrorism, chaos and conflict."

Craft said that the US vote would not change its UN contribution, including 25 percent of peacekeeping expenditures and some $9 billion a year in UN-channelled humanitarian relief.

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to seek a more cooperative relationship with the UN including stopping a US exit from the World Health Organization, which Trump blamed for not doing more to stop Covid-19.

© 2020 AFP


Microfabricated elastic diamonds improve material's electronic properties


Research News

Overcoming a key obstacle in achieving diamond-based electronic and optoelectronic devices, researchers have presented a new way to fabricate micrometer-sized diamonds that can elastically stretch. Elastic diamonds could pave the way for advanced electronics, including semiconductors and quantum information technologies. In addition to being the hardest materials in nature, diamonds have exceptional electronic and photonic properties, featuring both ultrahigh thermal and electric conductivity. Not only would diamond-based electronics dissipate heat more quickly, reducing the need for cooling, they can handle high voltages and do so with greater efficiency than most other materials. Because of a diamond's rigid crystalline structure, practical use of the material in electronic devices has remained a limiting challenge. Subjecting diamond to large amounts of strain, which should alter the material's electronic properties, is one way to potentially overcome these obstacles. However, precisely controlling the strain across amounts of diamond needed for device applications has yet to be fully achieved. Here, Chaoqun Dang and colleagues present an approach for engineering diamond that exhibits uniform elastic strain. In a series of experiments, Dang et al. show how their microfabricated, micrometer-sized, single-crystalline diamond plates can elastically stretch - upwards of 10% - along several different crystallographic directions at room temperature. They could recover their length and shape, following these experiments. What's more, the authors show that this highly controllable elasticity can fundamentally change the diamond's electronic properties, including a near 2 electron volt bandgap reduction.

Stretching diamond for next-generation microelectronics


Research News




Diamond is the hardest material in nature. But out of many expectations, it also has great potential as an excellent electronic material. A joint research team led by City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has demonstrated for the first time the large, uniform tensile elastic straining of microfabricated diamond arrays through the nanomechanical approach. Their findings have shown the potential of strained diamonds as prime candidates for advanced functional devices in microelectronics, photonics, and quantum information technologies.

The research was co-led by Dr Lu Yang, Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MNE) at CityU and researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). Their findings have been recently published in the prestigious scientific journal Science, titled "Achieving large uniform tensile elasticity in microfabricated diamond".

"This is the first time showing the extremely large, uniform elasticity of diamond by tensile experiments. Our findings demonstrate the possibility of developing electronic devices through 'deep elastic strain engineering' of microfabricated diamond structures," said Dr Lu.

Diamond: "Mount Everest" of electronic materials

Well known for its hardness, industrial applications of diamonds are usually cutting, drilling, or grinding. But diamond is also considered as a high-performance electronic and photonic material due to its ultra-high thermal conductivity, exceptional electric charge carrier mobility, high breakdown strength and ultra-wide bandgap. Bandgap is a key property in semi-conductor, and wide bandgap allows operation of high-power or high-frequency devices. "That's why diamond can be considered as 'Mount Everest' of electronic materials, possessing all these excellent properties," Dr Lu said.

However, the large bandgap and tight crystal structure of diamond make it difficult to "dope", a common way to modulate the semi-conductors' electronic properties during production, hence hampering the diamond's industrial application in electronic and optoelectronic devices. A potential alternative is by "strain engineering", that is to apply very large lattice strain, to change the electronic band structure and associated functional properties. But it was considered as "impossible" for diamond due to its extremely high hardness.

Then in 2018, Dr Lu and his collaborators discovered that, surprisingly, nanoscale diamond can be elastically bent with unexpected large local strain. This discovery suggests the change of physical properties in diamond through elastic strain engineering can be possible. Based on this, the latest study showed how this phenomenon can be utilized for developing functional diamond devices.

Uniform tensile straining across the sample

The team firstly microfabricated single-crystalline diamond samples from a solid diamond single crystals. The samples were in bridge-like shape - about one micrometre long and 300 nanometres wide, with both ends wider for gripping (See image: Tensile straining of diamond bridges). The diamond bridges were then uniaxially stretched in a well-controlled manner within an electron microscope. Under cycles of continuous and controllable loading-unloading of quantitative tensile tests, the diamond bridges demonstrated a highly uniform, large elastic deformation of about 7.5% strain across the whole gauge section of the specimen, rather than deforming at a localized area in bending. And they recovered their original shape after unloading.

By further optimizing the sample geometry using the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard, they achieved a maximum uniform tensile strain of up to 9.7%, which even surpassed the maximum local value in the 2018 study, and was close to the theoretical elastic limit of diamond. More importantly, to demonstrate the strained diamond device concept, the team also realized elastic straining of microfabricated diamond arrays.

Tuning the bandgap by elastic strains

The team then performed density functional theory (DFT) calculations to estimate the impact of elastic straining from 0 to 12% on the diamond's electronic properties. The simulation results indicated that the bandgap of diamond generally decreased as the tensile strain increased, with the largest bandgap reduction rate down from about 5 eV to 3 eV at around 9% strain along a specific crystalline orientation. The team performed an electron energy-loss spectroscopy analysis on a pre-strained diamond sample and verified this bandgap decreasing trend.

Their calculation results also showed that, interestingly, the bandgap could change from indirect to direct with the tensile strains larger than 9% along another crystalline orientation. Direct bandgap in semi-conductor means an electron can directly emit a photon, allowing many optoelectronic applications with higher efficiency.

These findings are an early step in achieving deep elastic strain engineering of microfabricated diamonds. By nanomechanical approach, the team demonstrated that the diamond's band structure can be changed, and more importantly, these changes can be continuous and reversible, allowing different applications, from micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), strain-engineered transistors, to novel optoelectronic and quantum technologies. "I believe a new era for diamond is ahead of us," said Dr Lu.


Dr Lu, Dr Alice Hu, who is also from MNE at CityU, Professor Li Ju from MIT and Professor Zhu Jiaqi from HIT are the corresponding authors of the paper. The co-first authors are Dang Chaoqun, PhD graduate, and Dr Chou Jyh-Pin, former postdoctoral fellow from MNE at CityU, Dr Dai Bing from HIT, and Chou Chang-Ti from National Chiao Tung University. Dr Fan Rong and Lin Weitong from CityU are also part of the team. Other collaborating researchers are from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, and Southern University of Science and Technology.

The research at CityU was funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

DOI number: 10.1126/science.abc4174