Tuesday, January 05, 2021


Subscriptions to satellite alerts linked to decreased deforestation in Africa


Research News

MADISON, Wis. -- Deforestation dropped by 18 percent in two years in African countries where organizations subscribed to receive warnings from a new service using satellites to detect decreases in forest cover in the tropics.

The carbon emissions avoided by reducing deforestation were worth between $149 million and $696 million, based on the ability of lower emissions to reduce the detrimental economic consequences of climate change.

Those findings come from new research into the effect of GLAD, the Global Land Analysis and Discovery system, available on the free and interactive interface Global Forest Watch. Launched in 2016, GLAD provides frequent, high-resolution alerts when it detects a drop in forest cover. Governments and others interested in halting deforestation can subscribe to the alerts on Global Forest Watch and then intervene to limit forest loss.

The research was led by Fanny Moffette, a postdoctoral researcher in applied economics in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Moffette collaborated with Jennifer Alix-Garcia at Oregon State University, Katherine Shea at the World Resources Institute and Amy Pickens at the University of Maryland.

The researchers published their findings Jan. 4 in Nature Climate Change. They studied deforestation in 22 tropical countries across South America, Africa and Asia from 2011 to 2018.

Moffette and her co-authors set out to understand whether these kinds of automated alerts could achieve their goal of reducing forest loss, which has global climate implications. Land-use changes like deforestation account for 6 percent to 17 percent of global carbon emissions. And avoiding deforestation is several times more effective at reducing carbon emissions than regrowing forests.

"The first question was to look at whether there was any impact from having access to this free alert system. Then we were looking at the effect of users subscribing to this data to receive alerts for a specific area," says Moffette.

Simply being covered by GLAD did not help a country combat deforestation. Only those African countries in which organizations had actually subscribed to receive alerts saw a decrease in deforestation. Intuitively, this finding makes sense, says Moffette. Having access to information is good. But what you need to change the course of deforestation are people committed to using that information and acting.

However, deforestation did not decrease in South American or Asian countries, even where organizations subscribed to receive warnings. There are multiple potential causes for this continental discrepancy.

"We think that we see an effect mainly in Africa due to two main reasons," says Moffette. "One is because GLAD added more to efforts in Africa than on other continents, in the sense that there was already some evidence of countries using monitoring systems in countries like Indonesia and Peru. And Colombia and Venezuela, which are a large part of our sample, had significant political unrest during this period."

The GLAD program is still young, and as more governments and organizations sign on to receive warnings, and decide how to intervene at sites of deforestation, the system's influence may grow.

Developed by a team at the University of Maryland that includes one of Moffette's collaborators, GLAD made several improvements over its predecessors. It has very high spatial resolution, roughly 900 square meters, which is orders of magnitude more precise than older tools. And it can provide alerts up to every eight days if the skies are cloud-free when satellites re-image a section of Earth. Users can define custom areas to monitor. They then receive weekly emails, available in six languages, that contain geographic coordinates of the alerts within the monitored areas.

Going forward, the team is looking to evaluate the effect of new features of the monitoring platform, such as data that can inform forest restoration, while supporting efforts of organizations that try to intervene to halt deforestation.

"Now that we know subscribers of alerts can have an effect on deforestation, there's potential ways in which our work can improve the training they receive and support their efforts," says Moffette.


Alert system shows potential for reducing deforestation, mitigating climate change


Research News

CORVALLIS, Ore. - Forest loss declined 18% in African nations where a new satellite-based program provides free alerts when it detects deforestation activities.

A research collaboration that included Jennifer Alix-Garcia of Oregon State University found that the Global Land Analysis and Discovery System, known as GLAD, resulted in carbon sequestration benefits worth hundreds of millions of dollars in GLAD's first two years.

Findings were published today in Nature Climate Change.

The premise of GLAD is simple: Subscribe to the system, launch a free web application, receive email alerts when the GLAD algorithm detects deforestation going on and then take action to save forests.

GLAD, launched in 2016, delivers alerts created by the University of Maryland's Global Land Analysis and Discovery lab based on high-resolution satellite imaging from NASA's Landsat Science program. The information is made available to subscribers via the interactive web application, Global Forest Watch.

"Before GLAD, government agencies and other groups in the business of deforestation prevention had to lean on reports from volunteers or forest rangers," Alix-Garcia said. "Obviously the people making those reports can't be everywhere, which is a massive limitation for finding out about deforestation activity in time to prevent it."

Changes in land use make a huge difference in how much carbon dioxide reaches the atmosphere and warms the planet, said Alix-Garcia, an economist in OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences.

"Reforestation is good, but avoiding deforestation is way better - almost 10 times better in some instances," she said. "That's part of why cost-effective reduction of deforestation ought to be part of the foundation of global climate change mitigation strategies."

Deforestation, Alix-Garcia adds, is a key factor behind the 40% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since the dawn of the industrial age, which in turn is contributing heavily to a warming planet. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the global average atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration in 2018 was 407.4 parts per million, higher than at any time in at least 800,000 years.

The annual rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past six decades is roughly 100 times faster than increases resulting from natural causes, such as those that happened following the last ice age more than 10,000 years ago, according to NOAA.

Alix-Garcia, study leader Fanny Moffette of the University of Wisconsin and collaborators at the University of Maryland and the World Resources Institute looked at deforestation in 22 nations in the tropics in South America, Africa and Asia between 2011 and 2018 - the last five years before GLAD and first two years after.

In Africa, the results were telling: Compared to the prior five years, the first two years of GLAD showed 18% less forest loss where forest protectors were subscribing to the system.

Using a concept known as the social cost of carbon - the marginal cost to society of each additional metric ton of greenhouse gas that reaches the atmosphere - researchers estimate the alert system was worth between $149 million and $696 million in Africa those two years.

There was no substantial change in deforestation in Asia or South America, however, but possible explanations for that are numerous and suggest GLAD can make a greater difference in those places in years to come, the researchers say.

"We think that we see an effect mainly in Africa due to two main reasons," Moffette said. "One is because GLAD added more to efforts in Africa than on other continents, in the sense that there was already some evidence of countries using monitoring systems in countries like Indonesia and Peru. And Colombia and Venezuela, which are a large part of our sample, had significant political unrest during this period."

The GLAD program is still young and as more groups sign up to receive alerts and decide how to intervene in deforestation, the system's influence may grow, she added.

"Now that we know subscribers of alerts can have an effect on deforestation, there are ways in which our work can potentially improve the training the subscribers receive and support their efforts," Moffette said.



Surprising news: drylands are not getting drier

New study--first to investigate the long-term effect of soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks in drylands--finds that soil moisture exerts a negative feedback on surface water availability in drylands, offsetting some of the expected decline


Research News




New Columbia Engineering study--first to investigate the long-term effect of soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks in drylands--finds that soil moisture exerts a negative feedback on surface water availability in drylands, offsetting some of the expected decline

New York, NY--January 4, 2021--Scientists have thought that global warming will increase the availability of surface water--freshwater resources generated by precipitation minus evapotranspiration--in wet regions, and decrease water availability in dry regions. This expectation is based primarily on atmospheric thermodynamic processes. As air temperatures rise, more water evaporates into the air from the ocean and land. Because warmer air can hold more water vapor than dry air, a more humid atmosphere is expected to amplify the existing pattern of water availability, causing the "dry-get-drier, and wet-get-wetter" atmospheric responses to global warming.

A Columbia Engineering team led by Pierre Gentine, Maurice Ewing and J. Lamar Worzel professor of earth and environmental engineering and affiliated with the Earth Institute, wondered why coupled climate model predictions do not project significant "dry-get-drier" responses over drylands, tropical and temperate areas with an aridity index of less than 0.65, even when researchers use the high emissions global warming scenario. Sha Zhou, a postdoctoral fellow at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the Earth Institute who studies land-atmosphere interactions and the global water cycle, thought that soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks might play an important part in future predictions of water availability in drylands.

The new study, published today by Nature Climate Change, is the first to show the importance of long-term soil moisture changes and associated soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks in these predictions. The researchers identified a long-term soil moisture regulation of atmospheric circulation and moisture transport that largely ameliorates the potential decline of future water availability in drylands, beyond that expected in the absence of soil moisture feedbacks.

"These feedbacks play a more significant role than realized in long-term surface water changes," says Zhou. "As soil moisture variations negatively impact water availability, this negative feedback could also partially reduce warming-driven increases in the magnitudes and frequencies of extreme high and extreme low hydroclimatic events, such as droughts and floods. Without the negative feedback, we may experience more frequent and more extreme droughts and floods."

The team combined a unique, idealized multi-model land-atmosphere coupling experiment with a novel statistical approach they developed for the study. They then applied the algorithm on observations to examine the critical role of soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks in future water availability changes over drylands, and to investigate the thermodynamic and dynamic mechanisms underpinning future water availability changes due to these feedbacks.

They found, in response to global warming, strong declines in surface water availability (precipitation minus evaporation, P-E) in dry regions over oceans, but only slight P-E declines over drylands. Zhou suspected that this phenomenon is associated with land-atmosphere processes. "Over drylands, soil moisture is projected to decline substantially under climate change," she explains. "Changes in soil moisture would further impact atmospheric processes and the water cycle."

Global warming is expected to reduce water availability and hence soil moisture in drylands. But this new study found that the drying of soil moisture actually negatively feeds back onto water availability--declining soil moisture reduces evapotranspiration and evaporative cooling, and enhances surface warming in drylands relative to wet regions and the ocean. The land-ocean warming contrast strengthens the air pressure differences between ocean and land, driving greater wind blowing and water vapor transport from the ocean to land.

"Our work finds that soil moisture predictions and associated atmosphere feedbacks are highly variable and model dependent," says Gentine. "This study underscores the urgent need to improve future soil moisture predictions and accurately represent soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks in models, which are critical to providing reliable predictions of dryland water availability for better water resources management."


About the Study

The study is titled "Soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks mitigate declining water availability in dryland."

Authors are: Sha Zhou 1,2,3,4,5; A. Park Williams 1; Benjamin R. Lintner 6; Alexis M. Berg 7; Yao Zhang 4,5; Trevor F. Keenan 4,5; Benjamin I. Cook 1,8; Stefan Hagemann 9; Sonia I. Seneviratne 10; Pierre Gentine 2,3
1 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
2 Earth Institute, Columbia University
3 Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering Columbia University
4 Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
5 Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management UC
6 Department of Environmental Sciences Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
7 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
8 NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
9 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Institute of Coastal Research, Germany
10 Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science ETH Zurich

The study was supported by NASA ROSES Terrestrial hydrology (NNH17ZDA00IN-THP) and NOAA MAPP NA17OAR4310127, Lamont-Doherty Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship.

The authors declare no competing interests.



DOI: 10.1038/s41558-020-00945-z


Columbia Engineering

Columbia Engineering, based in New York City, is one of the top engineering schools in the U.S. and one of the oldest in the nation. Also known as The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, the School expands knowledge and advances technology through the pioneering research of its more than 220 faculty, while educating undergraduate and graduate students in a collaborative environment to become leaders informed by a firm foundation in engineering. The School's faculty are at the center of the University's cross-disciplinary research, contributing to the Data Science Institute, Earth Institute, Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Precision Medicine Initiative, and the Columbia Nano Initiative. Guided by its strategic vision, "Columbia Engineering for Humanity," the School aims to translate ideas into innovations that foster a sustainable, healthy, secure, connected, and creative humanity.

Gas pressure depletion and seismicity

New study published in Geology


Research News




Boulder, Colo., USA: Europe's largest gas field, the Groningen field in the Netherlands, is widely known for induced subsidence and seismicity caused by gas pressure depletion and associated compaction of the sandstone reservoir. Whether compaction is elastic or partly inelastic, as implied by recent experiments, is key to forecasting system behavior and seismic hazard.

Bart Verberne and colleagues sought evidence for a role of inelastic deformation through comparative microstructural analysis of unique drill-core, recovered from the seismogenic center of the field in 2015, 50 years after gas production started, versus core recovered before production (1965). Quartz grain fracturing, crack healing, and stress-induced Dauphiné twinning are equally developed in the 2015 and 1965 cores, with the only measurable effect of gas production being enhanced microcracking of sparse K-feldspar grains in the 2015 core.

Interpreting these grains as strain markers, Verberne and colleagues suggest that reservoir compaction involves elastic strain plus inelastic compression of weak clay films within grain contacts.


Drill core from seismically active sandstone gas reservoir yields clues to internal deformation mechanisms
Berend A. Verberne; Suzanne J.T. Hangx; Ronald P.J. Pijnenburg; Maartje F. Hamers; Martyn R. Drury; Christopher J. Spiers

Paper URL:

GEOLOGY articles are online at http://geology.geoscienceworld.org/content/early/recent. Representatives of the media may obtain complimentary articles by contacting Kea Giles at the e-mail address above. Please discuss articles of interest with the authors before publishing stories on their work, and please make reference to GEOLOGY in articles published. Non-media requests for articles may be directed to GSA Sales and Service, gsaservice@geosociety.org.


Reawakened geyser does not foretell Yellowstone volcanic eruptions, study shows



Analysis of Steamboat Geyser also finds relationship between column height and reservoir depth


Research News




When Yellowstone National Park's Steamboat Geyser -- which shoots water higher than any active geyser in the world -- reawakened in 2018 after three and a half years of dormancy, some speculated that it was a harbinger of possible explosive volcanic eruptions within the surrounding geyser basin. These so-called hydrothermal explosions can hurl mud, sand and rocks into the air and release hot steam, endangering lives; such an explosion on White Island in New Zealand in December 2019 killed 22 people.

A new study by geoscientists who study geysers throws cold water on that idea, finding few indications of underground magma movement that would be a prerequisite to an eruption. The geysers sit just outside the nation's largest and most dynamic volcanic caldera, but no major eruptions have occurred in the past 70,000 years.

"Hydrothermal explosions -- basically hot water exploding because it comes into contact with hot rock -- are one of the biggest hazards in Yellowstone," said Michael Manga, professor of earth and planetary sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, and the study's senior author. "The reason that they are problematic is that they are very hard to predict; it is not clear if there are any precursors that would allow you to provide warning."

He and his team found that, while the ground around the geyser rose and seismicity increased somewhat before the geyser reactivated and the area currently is radiating slightly more heat into the atmosphere, no other dormant geysers in the basin have restarted, and the temperature of the groundwater propelling Steamboat's eruptions has not increased. Also, no sequence of Steamboat eruptions other than the one that started in 2018 occurred after periods of high seismic activity.

"We don't find any evidence that there is a big eruption coming. I think that is an important takeaway," he said.

The study will be published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Manga, who has studied geysers around the world and created some in his own laboratory, set out with his colleagues to answer three main questions about Steamboat Geyser: Why did it reawaken? Why is its period so variable, ranging from 3 to 17 days? and Why does it spurt so high?

The team found answers to two of those questions. By comparing the column heights of 11 different geysers in the United States, Russia, Iceland and Chile with the estimated depth of the reservoir of water from which their eruptions come, they found that the deeper the reservoir, the higher the eruption jet. Steamboat Geyser, with a reservoir about 25 meters (82 feet) below ground, has the highest column -- up to 115 meters, or 377 feet -- while two geysers that Manga measured in Chile were among the lowest -- eruptions about a meter (3 feet) high from reservoirs 2 and 5 meters below ground.

"What you are really doing is you are filling a container, it reaches a critical point, you empty it and then you run out of fluid that can erupt until it refills again," he said. "The deeper you go, the higher the pressure. The higher the pressure, the higher the boiling temperature. And the hotter the water is, the more energy it has and the higher the geyser."

To explore the reasons for Steamboat Geyser's variability, the team assembled records related to 109 eruptions going back to its reactivation in 2018. The records included weather and stream flow data, seismometer and ground deformation readings, and observations by geyser enthusiasts. They also looked at previous active and dormant periods of Steamboat and nine other Yellowstone geysers, and ground surface thermal emission data from the Norris Geyser Basin.

They concluded that variations in rainfall and snow melt were probably responsible for part of the variable period, and possibly for the variable period of other geysers as well. In the spring and early summer, with melting snow and rain, the underground water pressure pushes more water into the underground reservoir, providing more hot water to erupt more frequently. During winter, with less water, lower groundwater pressure refills the reservoir more slowly, leading to longer periods between eruptions. Because the water pushed into the reservoir comes from places even deeper than the reservoir, the water is decades or centuries old before it erupts back to the surface, he said.

In October, Manga's team members demonstrated the extreme impact water shortages and drought can have on geysers. They showed that Yellowstone's iconic Old Faithful Geyser stopped erupting entirely for about 100 years in the 13th and 14th centuries, based on radiocarbon dating of mineralized lodgepole pine trees that grew around the geyser during its dormancy. Normally the water is too alkaline and the temperature too high for trees to grow near active geysers. The dormancy period coincided with a lengthy warm, dry spell across the Western U.S. called the Medieval Climate Anomaly, which may have caused the disappearance of several Native American civilizations in the West.

"Climate change is going to affect geysers in the future," Manga said.

Manga and his team were unable to determine why Steamboat Geyser started up again on March 15, 2018, after three years and 193 days of inactivity, though the geyser is known for being far more variable than Old Faithful, which usually goes off about every 90 minutes. They could find no definitive evidence that new magma rising below the geyser caused its reactivation.

The reactivation may have to do with changes in the internal plumbing, he said. Geysers seem to require three ingredients: heat, water and rocks made of silica -- silicon dioxide. Because the hot water in geysers continually dissolves and redeposits silica -- every time Steamboat Geyser erupts, it brings up about 200 kilograms, or 440 pounds of dissolved silica. Some of this silica is deposited underground and may change the plumbing system underneath the geyser. Such changes could temporarily halt or reactivate eruptions if the pipe gets rerouted, he said.

Manga has experimented with geysers in his lab to understand why they erupt periodically, and at least in the lab, it appears to be caused by loops or side chambers in the pipe that trap bubbles of steam that slowly dribble out, heating the water column above until all the water can boil from the top down, explosively erupting in a column of water and steam.

Studies of water eruptions from geysers could give insight into the eruptions of hot rock from volcanoes, he said.

"What we asked are very simple questions and it is a little bit embarrassing that we can't answer them, because it means there are fundamental processes on Earth that we don't quite understand," Manga said. "One of the reasons we argue we need to study geysers is that if we can't understand and explain how a geyser erupts, our hope for doing the same thing for magma is much lower."


The research, led by UC Berkeley graduate student and first author Mara Reed, resulted from a collaboration that started in one of the annual summer workshops put on by the Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research, or CIDER. Other co-authors are Carolina Munoz-Saez of the University of Chile and Rice University in Texas, Sahand Hajimirza of Rice University, Sin-Mei Wu of the University of Utah, Anna Barth of Columbia University in New York, Társilo Girona of the University of Alaska, Majid Rasht-Behesht of Brown University in Rhode Island, Erin White of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Marianne Karplus of the University of Texas and Shaul Hurwitz of the U.S. Geological Survey in California.

Pollutants rapidly changing the waters near Ieodo Island


Research News

There has been frequent occurrence of red tide in coastal waters around Korea where the sea turns red. Red tide is a phenomenon in which phytoplankton proliferate as nutrient or sewage flow into seawater, making it appear red. This not only causes damage to the fisheries industry but also affects the marine ecosystem.

Professor Kitack Lee and Ph.D. candidate Ji-Young Moon (first author) of POSTECH's Division of Environmental Science and Engineering have confirmed that the inflow of nitrogen pollutants since the 1980s has disturbed the nutrient balance in the northeast Asian waters and is changing the species of phytoplankton responsible for red tide. The team also found that the fastest change in the oceanic conditions caused by this inflow of nitrogen pollutants is happening in the waters near the Ieodo Ocean Research Station, located downstream of the Changjiang River of China. These findings were recently introduced in the journal Limnology and Oceanography.

The Northeast Asia region, including Korea, China, and Japan, has seen an increase of nitrogen pollutants because of the rapid population growth and industrialization in modern times. As the nitrogen pollutant flows into the sea as a result of floods and monsoons, northeast Asian waters have experienced an unexpected massive fertilization. Many scientists have warned that these nitrogen pollutants not only increase harmful algae bloom in the coastal waters, but also lead to deterioration of water quality and changes in the formation of marine ecosystem species.

The researchers analyzed the nutrient concentration data and the occurrence of red tide in the East China seas and coastal waters of the Korean Peninsula in the past 40 years since the 1980s. The results show that a wide range of oceans in this region have changed from being nitrogen deficient to phosphorus (P) deficient, while at the same time the concentration of nitrate (N) has been higher than that of silicate (Si). In particular, it has been confirmed that the major phytoplankton in Korea's coastal waters are also changing from diatoms to dinoflagellates.

The research team explained that this is direct evidence that the nutrient regime in the northeast Asian marginal sea is changing as the amount of nitrogen pollutants is increasing, which is further creating phytoplankton species and disrupting the marine ecosystem.

At the same time, the team verified that the fastest place to see these oceanic changes due to the inflow of nitrogen pollutants was in the waters around Ieodo Ocean Research Station.

"Since the changes in the waters near Ieodo Ocean Research Station will soon occur in the waters near the Korean Peninsula, long-term observation of the concentration of nutrient in the coastal waters and changes in the ecosystem are necessary," proposed Professor Kitack Lee who led the study. He added, "The findings can be used as important scientific evidence for establishing environmental policies, such as setting nitrogen pollutant emissions."


This study was conducted as part of the National Institute of Fisheries Science's Impact and Prediction of Oceanic Acidification due to Climate Change and the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency's Ocean Carbon Circulation Response with Climate Change and the Interrelationship Study (I


Risk of extinction cascades from freshwater mussels to a bitterling fish

Decline of unionid mussels heightens hybridisation of native and introduced bitterling fish


Research News

Bitterling fishes (Subfamily: Acheilognathinae) spawn in the gills of living freshwater mussels obligately depending on the mussels for reproduction. On the Matsuyama Plain, Japan, populations of unionid mussels--Pronodularia japanensisNodularia douglasiae, and Sinanodonta lauta--have decreased rapidly over the past 30 years. Simultaneously, the population of a native bitterling fish, Tanakia lanceolata, which depends on the three unionids as a breeding substrate, has decreased. Furthermore, a congeneric bitterling, Tanakia limbata, has been artificially introduced, and hybridisation and genetic introgression occur between them. Here, we surveyed the reproduction and occurrence of hybridisation between native and invasive species of bitterling fishes. We collected mussels in which these bitterlings lay their eggs, kept them separately in aquaria, collected eggs and larvae ejected from the mussels, and genotyped them using six microsatellite markers and mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences.

The introduced T. limbata was more abundant, had a longer breeding period, and produced more juveniles than the native T. lanceolata. Hybrids between the two species occurred frequently, and in total 101 of the 837 juveniles genotyped were hybrids. The density of P. japanensis was low, at most 0.42 individuals/m2Nodularia douglasiae and S. lauta have nearly or totally disappeared from these sites. Hybrid clutches of the Tanakia species occurred more frequently where the local density of P. japanensis was low. The mussels were apparently overused and used simultaneously by three species of bitterlings.

The decline of freshwater unionid populations has heightened hybridisation of native and invasive bitterling fishes by increasing the competition for a breeding substrate. We showed that a rapid decline of host mussel species and an introduction of an invasive congener have interacted to cause a rapid decline of native bitterling fish. The degradation of habitat and the introduction of invasive species interact to cause a cascade of extinctions in the native species. In our study, obligate parasite species are threatened because the host species are disappearing, resulting in a serious threat of coextinction.


Freshwater unionid species endemic in Japan.


Excessive crowding of a native Tanakia lanceolata (orange fin) and invasive Tanakia limbata (olive brown body) of a mussel, Pronodularia japanensis, seen at the bottom center in the image.

Researchers discover a new tool for reconstructing ancient sea ice to study climate change



Research News




PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] -- Sea ice is a critical indicator of changes in the Earth's climate. A new discovery by Brown University researchers could provide scientists a new way to reconstruct sea ice abundance and distribution information from the ancient past, which could aid in understanding human-induced climate change happening now.

In a study published in Nature Communications, the researchers show that an organic molecule often found in high-latitude ocean sediments, known as tetra-unsaturated alkenone (C37:4), is produced by one or more previously unknown species of ice-dwelling algae. As sea ice concentration ebbs and flows, so do the algae associated with it, as well as the molecules they leave behind.

"We've shown that this molecule is a strong proxy for sea ice concentration," said Karen Wang, a Ph.D. student at Brown and lead author of the research. "Looking at the concentration of this molecule in sediments of different ages could allow us to reconstruct sea ice concentration through time."

Other types of alkenone molecules have been used for years as proxies for sea surface temperature. At different temperatures, algae that live on the sea surface make differing amounts of alkenones known as C37:2 and C37:3. Scientists can use the ratios between those two molecules found in sea sediments to estimate past temperature. C37:4 -- the focus of this new study -- had been long considered a bit of problem for temperature measurements. It turns up in sediments taken from closer to the Arctic, throwing off the C37:2/C37:3 ratios.

"That was mostly what the C37:4 alkenone was known for -- throwing off the temperature ratios," said Yongsong Huang, principal investigator of the National Science Foundation-funded project and a professor in Brown's Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Science. "Nobody knew where it came from, or whether it was useful for anything. People had some theories, but no one knew for sure."

To figure it out, the researchers studied sediment and sea water samples containing C37:4 taken from icy spots around the Arctic. They used advanced DNA sequencing techniques to identify the organisms present in the samples. That work yielded previously unknown species of algae from the order Isochrysidales. The researchers then cultured those new species in the lab and showed that they were indeed the ones that produced an exceptionally high abundance of C37:4.

The next step was to see whether the molecules left behind by these ice-dwelling algae could be used as a reliable sea ice proxy. To do that, the researchers looked at concentrations of C37:4 in sediment cores from several spots in the Arctic Ocean near the present-day sea ice margins. In the recent past, sea ice in these spots is known to have been highly sensitive to regional temperature variation. That work found that the highest concentrations of C37:4 occurred when climate was coldest and ice was at its peak. The highest concentrations dated back to the Younger-Dryas, a period of very cold and icy conditions that occurred around 12,000 years ago. When climate was at its warmest and ice ebbed, C37:4 was sparse, the research found.

"The correlations we found with this new proxy were far stronger than other markers people use," said Huang, a research fellow at the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society. "No correlation will be perfect because modeling sea ice is a messy process, but this is probably about as strong as you're going to get."

And this new proxy has some additional advantages over others, the researchers say. One other method for reconstructing sea ice involves looking for fossil remains of another kind of algae called diatoms. But that method becomes less reliable further back in time because fossil molecules can degrade. Molecules like C37:4 tend to be more robustly preserved, making them potentially better for reconstructions over deep time than other methods.

The researchers plan to further research these new algae species to better understand how they become embedded in sea ice, and how they produce this alkenone compound. The algae appear to live in brine bubbles and channels inside sea ice, but it may also bloom just after the ice melts. Understanding those dynamics will help the researchers to better calibrate C37:4 as a sea ice proxy.

Ultimately, the researchers hope that the new proxy will enable better understanding of sea ice dynamics through time. That information would improve models of past climate, which would make for better predictions of future climate change.


Other coauthors on the study were Markus Majaneva, Simon Belt, Sian Liao, Joseph Novak, Tyler R. Kartzinel, Timothy Herbert, Nora Richter and Patricia Cabedo-Sanz. The work was supported by the National Science Foundation (EAR-1762431).