Tuesday, August 22, 2006

John Mark Karr's Fantasy

Having posted already about the media frenzy over JonBenet Ramasy where her family was put on trial and found guilty, now we have a similar frenzy over the fantasy confession of John Mark Karr, a pedophile who has a propensity towards studying child rape/murder cases. His confession smelled fishy from day one.

Karr had moved to Petaluma, Calif., the city that had been gripped by the 1993 abduction and murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas. According to his brother Nate, by that time Karr was working on a book about men who commit sex crimes against young girls and was preoccupied with the murders of Klaas and Ramsey.The Man Who Says He Did It

Steve Janke has suggested that he was fleeing Thailand and confessed in order to avoid Thai jail. While like Steve I think his confession is less than genuine and a cover for attention, I don't think it has anything to do with avoiding Thai jail.

Child sex exploitation is a major tourism industry in Thailand
, so his being arrested for this is unlikely. Rather I think the cooperation of the Thai police was given to take heat off their failure to do anything about the child sex industry in their country

I think that this is his chance for fifteen minutes of fame. As someone who exploits children he is at it again using the JonBenet case for his necrophillac fantasy, knowing it would create a media frenzy getting him the fame and fortune that other child killers he studied, got. Truly this guy is one sick puppy.

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Harpers Failed Promises

King Stephen is supposedly an economist so this should come as a shocker, or not....Inflation slips in July, but GST impact is minimal yep that's a failed promise, the GST tax cut had no economic impact.....

However a Conservative goverment success is one that rewards it's friends....
Big banks expected to report solid gold earnings

Bay Street gets the cream while main street gets the manure.

Another failure is
Don't hold your breath on wait-time promises

What was that about promise made promise kept?

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Death Of The Family Store

Andrew Young the former UN Ambassador and Mayor of Atlana, apologist for NIKE and big business sweat shops in the U.S. has lost his job at Wal-Mart. For making racist comments, but the reality is that his essential point is true.....In the interview, published Thursday in The Los Angeles Sentinel, a weekly, Young said Wal-Mart should displace mom-and-pop stores in urban neighborhoods.

Capitalism essentially replaces small self employed business with large corporate monopolies. The small self employed farmer and business owner are inefficient producers, whose existence is temporary in the expanding capitalist economy. Corporate farming replaces the inefficient deficit financed family farmer, managing many farms as Archer Daniel Midlands (ADM) does. The local corner store is replaced by the big box mall store, like Wal-Mart, which pays its workers the same as small business, while taking advantage of large scale warehousing and logistics to purchase goods and distrbute them cheaply.

Andy Youngs attack on 'Jews, Korean and Arabs' is typical of some Afro-Americans conspiracy mythology, that immigrants are to blame for their problems. American Blacks have been subjected to competition for work, housing, etc. with new immigrant populations, by the American ruling class. It has allowed that Ruling Class to appeal to their former slaves as being more 'American' than the foreigners, while assimilating immigrants, especially those from Europe, as being 'Whites'.

The attack on other visible minorities such as Jews, Koreans and Arabs, is the attack on the shop keepers who service the ghettos, and who are seen by their neighbours as having some sort of unfair advantage over the indigenous American population. As if they moved there deliberately to exploit the black population, when in fact they share, and have shared the same ghetto existance.

"You see those are the people who have been overcharging us," he said of the owners of the small stores, "and they sold out and moved to Florida. I think they've ripped off our communities enough. First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs."

It is racism borne of jealousy, the mistaken belief that the immigrants in the community have an advantage over the indigenous population, that is the Afro-Americans. It is nothing less than good old fashioned American nativism.
And is no less racist than the current White American nativist attacks on latino immigrants.

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Compromise Saves Softwood Deal

While claiming to have gotten more concessions from the Americans what has really saved the Harper Softwood Deal is lowered expectations of Canadian Lumber industry support...... "With Emerson softening his [95-per-cent] threshold requirement for approval, there wouldn't be enough companies to kill it," he said. Like the whole softwood deal this is a case of lowered expectations. And it is the end of Free Trade accords like NAFTA. Mr. Herman noted that for Canadian industry, it does not represent free trade but "managed trade that gives you some years of commercial peace. Many of us are concerned for what this means for dispute resolution under the NAFTA. Obviously it doesn't work," he said.

Also See

American Exceptionalism


Free Trade

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Bigfoot Blog

I found a blog dedicated to the Yeti aka the Sasquatch. The real thing not the ones in commercials for beer or beef jerky.

CTV.ca | Controversy brews over BC sasquatch statue

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For more stories on dinosaurs and cryptozoology see my Live Journal Heresiology

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As I predicted

See my Smoking At Home Will Be Banned I was doing a humble Johathan Swift imitation when fiction became fact; Landlords using Quebec's new smoking ban to weed out smokers

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Sri Lanka A Marxist View

I am posting this as a backgrounder on the crisis in Sri Lanka, between the competing nationalist movements of the Sinhalese and Tamils, from a Marxist perspective, one that is not often heard in the western media. The article is well worth reading for the history of this conflict and the role of the Left socialist parties in Sri Lanka. The author has his own website with excellent articles as well.

Whither JVP?
By Vasantha Raja

Thus, a wider campaign to democratically transform Sri Lanka’s post-colonial state structure – the Pandora’s Box that gave rise to all ethnic troubles since independence – would be the most prudent path.

No partial or regional solution that leaves the central government intact will solve Tamil/Muslim problems. On the contrary, a prospective northern Tamil state besieged by southern enmity may well end up as the albatross of all Tamils – rather than a guarantor of their democratic aspirations.

Perhaps, the answer is to unite all Tamil parties in a democratic vision, and build bridges to southern movements committed to radical democratic change of the entire state structure.

Above all, profound changes in the Tamil campaign along above lines may help close the JVP-LTTE gap indeed.

For, unlike the two corrupt elitist capitalist parties – the UNP and the SLFP – the ‘Marxist’ JVP understands equality as the focal point of democratization.

In fact, the JVP has suffered immensely under both SLFP and UNP governments, when over 60,000 Sinhala youth were killed. And the JVP knows what post-independence Sri Lankan regimes are all about. So, it would be a misfortune if the Tamils failed to harmonize their aspirations with the southern campaign for social, political and economic emancipation.

But, to win the trust sincere dialogue is necessary. Respecting Tamils’ ‘right to divorce’ should be the starting point to convince them that keeping the marriage is in everyone’s interest.

Perhaps, the time has arrived for all nationalist movements – Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim - to rise beyond narrow nationalist perspectives and merge with the unfolding social revolution to reach a common goal: the democratic transformation of the capitalist state and revolutionising the economy on socialist values.

Also see

Paper Tigers

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Too Much Democracy?

Is democracy a threat to capitalism? Fox News thinks so. On The Cost of Freedom yesterday they actually posited this thesis. That promoting democracy abroad may not be such a good thing cause in the Middle East these guys and these guys get elected. Of course then again they may have a point since at home in Amerika democracy is under threat... from the neo-con right....Losing our Democracy to the "New Authoritarians"

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CIA Reading Your Health Files?

OTTAWA (CP) - Software that will help sort millions of Canadian health records was developed by a company funded through the CIA's venture capital partner, sparking concerns about the confidentiality of patient data. Privacy advocates are raising questions about Canadian use of the Initiate Systems indexing program given its creator's financial connection to In-Q-Tel - a private firm that helps the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency zero in on promising technology.

The CIA has a venture capital company? So we should call them the Capitalist Intelligence Agency, heck why not they have always acted as an outsourcing intelligence company for American Big Business......

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Butt Out

Once again the social fascists and morality squad called City Council in Edmonton are planning to beat up on nicotine addicts.
Smokers may face fines for dropping butts Already forced to huddle outside doorways just to get a hit of nicotine, the much maligned tobacco connoisseur could soon be subject to a new burden -- heavy fines. The result of forcing smokers to throw out butts in the trash would be this;
Cigarette butt blaze costs pub $160,000 EDMONTON - A south-side drinking establishment suffered extensive fire damage early Friday morning when cigarette butts started a fire in a wastebasket.

Instead of fining smokers, how about putting ashtrays out on the street. Nope that would be much to sensible and cost effective.

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