Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bacteria enlisted in French push for rare earths autonomy

Issued on: 20/07/2021
Glass jars containing pulverised electronics are injected with bacteria
 at a lab in western France by engineers aiming to extract rare earth metals 

Orléans (France) (AFP)

As Europe seeks to reduce its reliance on China for the rare earth metals needed for modern batteries and electronics, French researchers have found a potentially potent ally: bacteria that can help extract the elements from mine slag heaps.

The tonnes of discarded ore, which contain nickel, copper and cobalt, are the continent's only domestic source of rare earths, along with discarded phones, computers and other tech gear.

"Europeans have woken up to this dependence on China and said, 'We need to find alternative supply sources'," said Anne-Gwenaelle Guezennec, an engineer with the French Geological Survey (BRGM) in Orleans.

The 17 rare earth metals, also vital for magnets, wind turbines and other advanced applications, are found in minute quantities within various ores, most of which are in Asia.

Gritty powders in their pure states, they have unique physical and electronic properties that can enhance a range of materials, from chemical catalysts to magnets and glass.#photo1

But the mining and extraction techniques to obtain them are difficult, requiring toxic chemicals applied at high pressure and temperatures, consuming significant amounts of energy.

The French geologists are exploring instead more environmentally-friendly approaches.

"We enlist the very specific properties of certain micro-organisms, bacteria that we find in the subsoil," Guezennec said.

- Rock soup -

At the Orleans lab, the process starts by pulverising mounds of rocks, or "tailings," left over from traditional mining and dissolving them in liquid.

Different bacteria are then injected, depending on the metal sought, along with oxygen and common nutrients like potassium or nitrogen to "feed" the bacteria.

A bioreactor machine then heats and rapidly agitates the solutions, in colours like grey-green or mustard yellow, setting the extraction process in motion.#photo2

"The bacteria allows us to do this at relatively low temperatures, between 30 and 50 degrees (85-120 Fahrenheit)," Guezennec said.

"And it doesn't need to be pressurised, so these are very stable processes that are not very expensive."

After years of testing, the lab is preparing to launch tests for large-scale production, extracting rare earths and cobalt, copper and nickel from slag heaps in Finland and New Caledonia.

"This is really aimed at being used anywhere there are slag heaps that contain metal," Guezennec said.

But that process, requiring specialised equipment to remove the metals from the liquid using electrolysis, is beyond the lab's capacities.

"We're waiting for industrial players" to step in, Guezennec said.

- 'Urban mine' -

At a noisier part of the Orleans lab, piles of electronic trash clatter onto conveyor belts where powerful magnets pick out other magnets and other metallic parts from the rest of the detritus.

"Normally magnets make up 1.5 to 3 percent of a hard disk," said Nour-eddine Menad, an engineer at the lab's waste and raw materials unit.

"That means in two tonnes, you can recover 30 to 35 kilogrammes (65-75 pounds) of magnets," he said. "And a magnet contains 30 percent of rare earths."#photo3

Once anti-corrosion coatings of nickel and copper are removed, the magnets go through a multi-step process to separate the rare earths and other metals, this time using standard -- and more energy-consuming -- acidic solutions.

Exploiting this "urban mine" is crucial, said Yannick Menard, the head of the Survey's recycling programme.

"It's basically our only alternative to make an economy less dependent on Asian suppliers."

The Earth will be battered by ‘high-speed’ solar winds this weekend, according to the forecast. 
ON JULY 18, 2021

Solar storm forecast: ‘High-speed’ solar winds set to batter Earth this weekend.

This weekend, a million-mile-per-hour solar winds are projected to pound the earth, potentially triggering a geomagnetic storm above the world.

A flood of charged particles from the Sun is heading our way, according to space weather forecasters. The “high-speed” stream is expected to reach our planet sometime between Sunday and Monday (July 11 to 12). A hole has opened up in the Sun’s atmosphere and is spewing a stream of solar wind in Earth’s direction.

According to SpaceWeather.com, the stream might cause a minor solar storm in the Earth’s magnetosphere, which is an area of space dominated by the magnetic field of the planet.

At night, people living in northern or southern latitudes can expect to see gorgeous aurora.

Solar storm: Charged particles from the Sun can impact tech on Earth

Solar winds are charged particle or plasma streams that erupt from the Sun and travel into space.

According to NASA, these winds may reach speeds of up to one million miles per hour on average, but they can go even faster.

Hailing from the Sun’s corona – the inner atmosphere – the winds can mingle with Earth’s magnetic field and trigger a number of phenomena.

Among the weaker impacts are colourful aurora effects around the planet’s poles – Aurora Borealis in the north and Aurora Australis in the south.

Stronger winds, on the other hand, can sometimes cause a geomagnetic or solar storm.

Satellite operations, radio communications, and even power outages have all been reported to be disrupted by these space weather occurrences.

Satellites’ frictional drag can be increased by solar winds, and their orbits can be degraded to the point where they crash onto the planet’s surface.

Nicky Fox, of NASA’s Director of the Heliophysics Science Division, explained: “As the wind flows toward Earth, it carries with it the Sun’s magnetic field.

Solar storm: The Carrington Event was the biggest solar storm on record

“It moves very fast, the smacks right into Earth’s magnetic field.

“The blow causes a shock to our magnetic protection, which can result in turbulence.”

Solar winds can be especially damaging for astronauts who aren’t totally protected by our atmosphere.

The charged particles flowing towards Earth put them at risk of absorbing damaging radiation while also putting their spaceship at risk of destruction.

Solar storms have been known to cause havoc in various places of the planet in the past.

A solar storm in March 1989 caused a nine-hour blackout Hydro-Québec’s electricity transmission system in Canada.

Solar storm: The Carrington Event was the biggest solar storm on record

And in 1859, the infamous Carrington event is said to have triggered the largest solar storm of all time.

Triggered by a series of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – a massive release of plasma from the sun – the event is said to have burned through telegraph poles around the world.

NASA warned in 2014, “A similar storm today could have catastrophic effects on modern power grids and telecommunications networks.”

A National Academy of Science study estimates that such a storm today could cause more than 1.45 trillion pounds ($2 trillion) in damage – 20 times more than Hurricane Katrina.

And a Carrington-strength CME just missed us in July 2012.

Fortunately, the good news is that incoming solar winds are not expected to have a major impact on our planet.

Space Weather said, “A high-speed stream of solar wind is approaching Earth. ETA: July 11-12.

“The gaseous material is streaming out of an equatorial hole in the sun’s atmosphere.

“Minor geomagnetic storms and auroras are possible as the solar wind arrives.”


Using archeology to better understand climate change

climate change
Credit: CC0 Public Domain

Throughout history, people of different cultures and stages of evolution have found ways to adapt, with varying success, to the gradual warming of the environment they live in. But can the past inform the future, now that climate change is happening faster than ever before?

Yes, say an international team of anthropologists, geographers and earth scientists in Canada, the U.S. and France led by Université de Montréal anthropologist Ariane Burke.

In a paper published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor Burke and her colleagues make a case for a new and evolving discipline called "the archeology of ."

It's an interdisciplinary science that uses data from archeological digs and the palaeoclimate record to study how humans interacted with their environment during past climate-change events such as the warming that followed the last ice age, more than 10,000 years ago.

What the scientists hope to identify are the tipping points in climate history that prompted people to reorganize their societies to survive, showing how , a source of human resilience in the past, is just as important today as a bulwark against .

"The archaeology of climate change combines the study of environmental conditions and archaeological information," said Burke, who runs the Hominin Dispersals Research Group and the Ecomorphology and Paleoanthropology Laboratory.

"What this approach allows us to do identify the range of challenges faced by people in the past, the different strategies they used to face these challenges and ultimately, whether they succeeded or not."

For instance, studying the rapid warming that occurred between 14,700 and 12,700 years ago, and how humans coped with it as evidenced in the archeological record, can help climate specialists model possible outcomes of climate change in the future, Burke said.

Her paper is co-authored with UdeM anthropologist Julien Riel-Salvatore and colleagues from Bishop's University, Université du Québec à Montréal, the University of Colorado and the CNRS, in France.

Historically, people from different walks of life have found a variety of ways to adapt to the warming of their climate, and these can inform the present and help prepare for the future, the researchers say.

For example, traditional farming practices—many of which are still practiced today—are valid alternatives that can be used to redesign industrial farming, making it more sustainable in the future, they say.

Indigenous cultures have a major role to play in teaching us how to respond to climate change -in the Canadian Arctic, for instance, Indigenous people have a detailed knowledge of the environment that's key to be essential to planning a sustainable response, said Burke.

"Similarly, indigenous farmers all over the world cultivate a wide variety of crop types that won't all respond to changing climate conditions in the same way," she said. "They are preserving crop diversity in the global food chain and if and when the main crop types we currently rely on fail, this diversity could well prove to be a lifeline.

Another example is the readoption in northeastern North America of multi-cropping agriculture based on the "three sisters": corn, squash and beans. "There are archeological models for that," said Burke, "and the point is to use them to come up with more sustainable, locally scaled ways of farming that will ensure food security in the years to come.

"The archeology of  change: the case for cultural diversity," by Ariane Burke et al, was published July 19 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers find climate change impacts plankton, a key marine food source

More information: Ariane Burke el al., "The archaeology of climate change: The case for cultural diversity," PNAS (2021). www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2108537118
Provided by University of Montreal 
Land Plants Changed The Way Earth Regulates Its Own Climate

David Bressan
I deal with the rocky road to our modern understanding of earth

The ancient ancestors of all modern land plants - with 298,900 species among the most successful ... [+] D.BRESSAN

The carbon cycle, the process through which carbon moves between rocks, oceans, living organisms and the atmosphere, acts as Earth’s natural thermostat, regulating its temperature over long time periods.

In a new study, published in the journal Nature, researchers looked at samples from rocks spanning the last three billion years and found evidence of a dramatic change in how this cycle functioned about 400 million years ago, when plants started to colonize land.

“Our study suggests that the carbon cycle operated in a fundamentally different way for most of Earth’s history compared to the present day."

Specifically, the researchers noted a change in the chemistry of seawater recorded in the rock that indicates a major shift in the global formation of clay – the “clay mineral factory” – from the oceans to the land.

First author Boriana Kalderon-Asael, a PhD student at Yale University, said: “By measuring lithium isotopes in rocks spanning most of Earth’s history, we aimed to investigate if anything had changed in the functioning of the carbon cycle over a large time scale. We found that it had, and this change appears to be linked to the growth of plant life on land and silicon-using animal life in the sea.”

When clay forms slowly on land, it strongly favours lithium-6, leaving surrounding water enriched with the other, heavier isotope, lithium-7. Analysing 600 sediment samples at roughly 100 sites worldwide, the researchers found a rise in the levels of lithium isotope-7 in seawater recorded in the rock occurring between 400 and 500 million years ago.

One of sites sampled for the study - Middle-Upper Ordovician outcrop near Reedsville, Pennsylvania, ... [+] ASHLEIGH HOOD

“The shift, which occurred gradually between 400 to 500 million years ago, appears to be linked to two major biological innovations at the time: the spread of plants on land and the growth of marine organisms that extract silicon from water to create their skeletons and cells walls."

Clay minerals forms on land as a residue of chemical weathering, the primary long-term process through which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. Eventually, the clay minerals are washed into the sea , where they decay leading to carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere.

The researchers suggest a significant shift in this cycle was caused by the spread of land plants keeping soils and clays on land, stopping carbon from being washed into the ocean, and by the growth in marine life using silicon for their skeletons and cell walls, such as sponges, single-celled algae and radiolarians, leading to a drop in silicon in the seawater required for clay mineral formation.

“Before this change, atmospheric carbon dioxide remained high, leading to a stable, greenhouse climate. Since then, our climate has bounced back and forth between ice ages and warmer periods. This kind of change promotes evolution and during this period the evolution of complex life accelerated, with land-based animals forming for the first time," the study concludes.

Besides explaining the long-term evolution of Earth's climate, this discovery also helps understand human-made climate change.

“A less carbon-rich atmosphere is also more sensitive to change, allowing humans to influence the climate more easily through the burning of fossil fuels.”


Climate change threatens food security of many countries dependent on fish

Climate change threatens food security of many countries dependent on fish
School of Jackfishin Sipadan Island, Malaysia. Credit: Emily Darling, Director, Coral Reef Conservation, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Millions of people in countries around the world could face an increased risk of malnutrition as climate change threatens their local fisheries.

New projections examining more than 800 fish species in more than 157 countries have revealed how two major, and growing, pressures— and over-fishing—could impact the availability of vital micronutrients from our oceans.

As well as omega-3 fatty acids, fish are an important source of iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamin A. A lack of these vital micronutrients is linked to conditions such as maternal mortality, stunted growth, and pre-eclampsia.

Analyses by an international team from the UK and Canada and led by scientists from Lancaster University reveal that  change is the most pervasive threat to the supply of essential micronutrients from marine fish catches, and threatens the supply of vital micronutrients from fisheries in 40 percent of countries. Fisheries micronutrient supplies were found to be less vulnerable to overfishing.

Countries among those whose fisheries micronutrient sources are at risk from climate change tend to be tropical nations and include East Asian and Pacific countries such as Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Timor Leste, as well as Sub-Saharan African countries such as Mozambique and Sierra Leone.

This vulnerability to climate change for these nations' fisheries is particularly acute given dietary deficiencies in calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin A are particularly prevalent in the tropics. And these tropical countries are also less resilient to disruptions of their fisheries by climate change because they strongly rely on fisheries to support their national economies and their population's diets and have limited societal capacity to adapt.

The study, which is outlined in the paper 'Micronutrient supply from global marine fisheries under climate change and overfishing', is published today by Current Biology.

Previous studies, most notably research into the micronutrient content of fish, which was led by Professor Christina Hicks and published by Nature, showed that fish are unequal when it comes to their nutritional content. A range of factors, such as diet, sea water temperature and energetic expenditure influence the amount of micronutrients that fish contain. Tropical fish tend to be richer in micronutrients than cold water species.

When it comes to resilience to climate change and fishing, again not all fish are equal. Earlier studies by Professor William Cheung and colleagues have shown large fish species that have a small range tend to be more vulnerable to climate change. While species that take longer to reach maturity and grow slower, are more vulnerable to fishing—because it takes longer for their stocks to replenish.

Climate change threatens food security of many countries dependent on fish
Coral reef fishes, fish market, Ambilobe, Madagascar. Credit: Eva Maire, Lancaster University

Their findings show only a weak link between the micronutrient density of an individual fish species' and its vulnerability to climate change or overfishing.

However, when the scientists looked at countries' overall fisheries catches then their findings revealed a clear impact from climate change on the overall availability of micronutrients for around 40 percent of nations—threatening the food security of millions of people living in these countries.

A key reason for why climate change is such a threat comes down to the species of fish that the countries are targeting as part of their catches.

Some tropical nations' fishers are targeting micronutrient-dense species that have an increased vulnerability to climate change, such as Indian and short mackerels (Rastrelliger kanagurta and Rastrelliger brachysoma), bonga and hilsa shads (Ethmalosa fimbriata and Tenualosa ilisha) and dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus).

However, there is a silver-lining to the study's findings which offers some hope for the future. Some countries may be able to adapt their fisheries to switch from  and instead target alternative -rich species that are also resilient to both climate change and overfishing, but which are currently under-represented within catches.

Dr. Eva Maire, of Lancaster University and Lead author of the study, said: "As climate change and over-fishing are significant and growing pressures on global fish stocks, it is essential for the dietary requirements of millions of people to know the extent that these pressures will have on the availability of micronutrients in our seas in the future.

"We have shown that climate change is the most pervasive threat to the supply of vital micronutrients for many countries around the world, and in particular in the tropics.

This study draws on the 'FishNutrients' model, a recently released finfish nutrient composition database.

"These data open up a whole new area of research and are crucial to address global food security challenges" said co-author Aaron MacNeil, Associate Professor in the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University. "Our research highlights that efforts to improve food security and to tackle malnutrition there is a need to integrate fisheries, climate and food policies to secure these micronutrients for existing and future generations."

Professor William Cheung, co-author from the University of British Columbia, said: "As well as highlighting the growing threat of climate change to the  of millions of people, our study also offers hope for the future. Armed with nutritional information about different  , many countries have the capacity to adapt their fisheries policies to target different more resilient . By doing this then these nations can ensure a more reliable supply of micronutrients for their people."

Fish nutrition database to help combat malnutrition across the globe

More information: Current Biology (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.067
Journal information: Nature  Current Biology 

Provided by Lancaster University 
Epicenter of major Amazon droughts and fires saw 2.5 billion trees and vines killed

Date: July 19, 2021

Source: Lancaster University


Triggered by the 2015-16 El Niño, extreme drought and associated mega-wildfires caused the death of around 2.5 billion trees and plants and emitted 495 million tons of CO2 from an area that makes up just 1.2 per cent of the entire Brazilian Amazon rainforest, and 0.01 per cent of the whole biome.

A major drought and forest fires in the Amazon rainforest killed billions of trees and plants and turned one of the world's largest carbon sinks into one of its biggest polluters.

Triggered by the 2015-16 El Niño, extreme drought and associated mega-wildfires caused the death of around 2.5 billion trees and plants and emitted 495 million tonnes of CO2 from an area that makes up just 1.2 per cent of the entire Brazilian Amazon rainforest, and 1 per cent of the whole biome.

The stark findings, discovered by an international team of scientists working for more than eight years on a long-term study in the Amazon before, during and after the El Niño, have significant implications for global efforts to control the atmospheric carbon balance.

In normal circumstances, because of high moisture levels, the Amazon rainforest does not burn. However, extreme drought makes the forest temporarily flammable. Fires started by farmers can escape their land and trigger forest fires.

According to climate predictions, extreme droughts will become more common and, until now, the long-term effects of drought and fires on the Amazon rainforest, and particularly within forests disturbed by people through activities such as selective or illegal logging, were largely unknown.

Examining the Amazonian epicentre of the El Niño -- Brazil's Lower Tapajós, an eastern Amazonia area around twice the size of Belgium -- the research team, led by scientists from Lancaster University, the University of Oxford, and The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation found the damage lasts for multiple years.

The study revealed that trees and plants in drought-affected forests, as well as burned forests, continued to die at a rate above the norm for up to three years after the El Niño drought -- releasing more CO2.into the atmosphere.

The total carbon emissions from the drought and fires in the Lower Tapajós region alone were higher than a whole year's deforestation within the entire Amazon. And, as a result of the drought and fires, the region released as much over a three-year period as some of the world's worst polluting countries' yearly carbon emissions -- exceeding the emissions of developed countries such as the UK and Australia.

After three years, only around a third (37%) of the emissions were re-absorbed by plant growth in the forest. This shows that the Amazon's vital function as a carbon sink can be hampered for years following these drought events.

Dr Erika Berenguer, lead author of the report from Lancaster University and the University of Oxford, said: "Our results highlight the enormously damaging and long-lasting effects fires can cause in Amazonian forests, an ecosystem that did not co-evolve with fires as a regular pressure."

The scientists gathered data by regularly revisiting 21 plots across a mixture of primary forest, secondary re-growing forest and forests where people have selectively logged. The results from these plots were then extrapolated to the region.

Although previous research has shown human-disturbed forests are more susceptible to fires, it was unknown if there was any difference in the vulnerability and resilience of trees and plants in these forests when drought and fires happen.

The study showed that while many trees died in primary forest affected by drought, the loss of trees was much worse in secondary and other human-disturbed forests. The researchers found that trees and plants with lower wood density and thinner barks were more prone to dying from the drought and fires. These smaller trees are more common in human-disturbed forests.

The researchers estimate that around 447 million large trees (greater than 10cm Diameter at Breast Height) died, and around 2.5 billion smaller trees (less than 10cm DBH) died across the Lower Tapajós region.

The researchers also compared the effect on different forest types from drought alone, as well as the combined stresses of drought and fire.

Tree and plant mortality was higher in secondary forests from drought alone when compared with primary forests. Impact from drought was not higher in human-modified forests, but was significantly greater in those human-modified forests that experienced a combination of drought and fire.

Carbon emissions from those forests burned by wildfires were almost six times higher than forests affected by drought alone.

These findings highlight how interference by people can make the Amazon forests more vulnerable and underline the need to reduce illegal logging and other large-scale human disturbances of forests in the Amazon, as well as investments in fire-fighting capabilities in the Amazon.

Professor Jos Barlow of Lancaster University and the Universidade Federal de Lavras, and Principal Investigator of the research, said: "The results highlight the need for action across different scales. Internationally, we need action to tackle climate change, which is making extreme droughts and fires more likely. At the local level, forests will suffer fewer negative consequences from fires if they are protected from degradation."

Story Source:

Materials provided by Lancaster University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:
Erika Berenguer, Gareth D. Lennox, Joice Ferreira, Yadvinder Malhi, Luiz E. O. C. Aragão, Julia Rodrigues Barreto, Fernando Del Bon Espírito-Santo, Axa Emanuelle S. Figueiredo, Filipe França, Toby Alan Gardner, Carlos A. Joly, Alessandro F. Palmeira, Carlos Alberto Quesada, Liana Chesini Rossi, Marina Maria Moraes de Seixas, Charlotte C. Smith, Kieran Withey, Jos Barlow. Tracking the impacts of El Niño drought and fire in human-modified Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021; 118 (30): e2019377118 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2019377118


Unsustainable Arctic shipping risks accelerating damage to the Arctic environment

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

The economic and environmental pros and cons of melting Arctic ice creating shorter shipping routes through the polar region are weighed up in ground-breaking research from UCL experts in energy and transport.

They conclude that  must properly assess the environmental trade-offs and costs in addition to the commercial benefits and opportunities in Arctic shipping. The authors also want to see more incentives to drive technological developments that will accelerate the uptake of green fuels and technologies.

The Arctic is the fastest-warming region on the planet.

Shorter Arctic shipping routes, which mean less fuel used are already used by a handful of ships, when areas of the Arctic ice melt during the summer. But the period when these routes are navigable is predicted to extend with increases in global warming and, if warming fails to remain within the 1.5⁰C/2⁰C limit set out in the Paris agreement, permanent Arctic ice may be a thing of the past.

The research, published in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, looked at the financial competitiveness of Arctic shipping, considering the impact of emissions from these vessels on the environment.

They looked at two policy scenarios, one being business-as-usual, where there is no policy on emissions, and the other operating under an Arctic specific zero-emissions policy, where ships which could run using energy from renewable sources were considered.

When environmental costs are ignored, fossil fuel based residual fuel oil is cheaper than alternative fuels. However, when the environmental impacts of accelerating climate change and the adverse effects of ship emissions on human health are considered, residual fuel ships are no longer feasible because of their contribution to greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions.

The experts conclude that, in the second scenario, green ammonia fuel cell ships are the most commercially viable and that policies which facilitate the introduction of such zero carbon fuels and zero  technologies should be encouraged. Green ammonia is an example of a  that can be emissions free in both its production and use, given a green electric infrastructure.

Lead author Joseph Lambert (UCL Energy Institute) said: "Significant change is under way in the Arctic region due to global warming and from a shipping perspective we should prepare for what this means through assessing all the opportunities, risks and trade-offs that aren't exclusively financial. These routes may become more financially competitive as global warming increases and Arctic ice retreats, but more factors must be considered. It is critical that the Arctic ice maintains its permanency—in order to stay within  targets and to protect the region's ecology."

Co-author Dr. Tristan Smith (UCL Energy Institute), who supervised the research, said: "This is a novel work that shows the  alongside the environmental costs for the Arctic route, as well as showing how certain technology choices, that could be incentivised through policy, could significantly reduce the  that would otherwise arise from Arctic shipping. The paper shows a clear justification for governments to intervene now to prevent a melting Arctic's enabling of a reduction in shipping  because of further acceleration of the degradation of this crucial ecosystem."

The researchers say impacts that need to be explored include the effects of ecological damage, and how  can be structured to address the environmental concerns.

Permafrost carbon feedbacks threaten global climate goals

More information: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practicewww.x-mol.com/paper/1416116890403282944
No. of voters picking Hong Kong’s Election Committee plunges by 97% under ‘patriots only’ overhaul

While the committee will gain major new powers under changes ordered by Beijing, it will become less democratic than ever.

19 JULY 2021

The number of people eligible to choose members of Hong Kong’s powerful new-look Election Committee has dropped by almost 97 per cent following a political overhaul ordered by Beijing to ensure that only “patriots” run the city.

A total of 7,891 voters registered for the Election Committee election in September this year, according to a statement by the Registration and Electoral Office on Sunday. In the last election for the body in 2016, there were 246,440 voters.
File photo: Tom Grundy/HKFP.

The powers of the committee, whose only task previously was to elect the Chief Executive, have been greatly expanded under the overhaul. It will now select 40 members of a new-look 90-strong Legislative Council and will nominate all candidates for LegCo.

The committee’s membership will rise from 1,200 to 1,500 and many more of its members will be chosen by pro-Beijing groups.

The political overhaul announced in March will reduce the number of directly elected seats in LegCo from 35 out of 70 to 20 out of 90. Candidates will be vetted by a pro-Beijing panel.

The Hong Kong government says the sweeping changes will ensure the city’s stability and prosperity after the pro-democracy protests and unrest of 2019. But the overhaul prompted international condemnation, as it makes it much more difficult for pro-democracy candidates to stand.

Under the new electoral list, the education sector has 1,725 voters, the highest sector among all groups, Stand News reported. But this compares with 80,000 voters from the sector in the last election, as only organisations and not individuals are allowed to register as voters for the the 14 elected seats this year.

Local media also reported that 404 bodies have registered as “grassroots organisations,” a new group. They included such entities as the Modern Mummy Group, Tai Kok Tsui Friends, and “Chinese Arts Papercutting Association,” iCable reported.

Modern Mummy Group told RTHK that it was affiliated with the New Territories Association of Societies, a pro-establishment association chaired by lawmaker Leung Che-cheung.
Electoral staff count votes in the 2012 Legislative Council Election. File photo: GovHK.

On March 30, Beijing passed legislation to ensure “patriots” govern Hong Kong. The move reduced democratic representation in the legislature, tightened control of elections and introduced a pro-Beijing vetting panel to select candidates. The Hong Kong government said the overhaul would ensure the city’s stability and prosperity. But the changes also prompted international condemnation, as it makes it near-impossible for pro-democracy candidates to stand.

The government also announced new arrangements for media outlets and political organisations to inspect the provisional register of voters.

There will be a five-day period to view the register, from Sunday to Thursday. Applicants can only register for a 45-minute slot each day, for a maximum of three days. They are also not allowed to take photos, record, or write down any information.

The restrictions came after the High Court ruled in an appeal last year that only media outlets, political organisations, and candidates in the election are allowed to inspect the register.
Over 90% of Hong Kong industrial estate tenants facing eviction oppose redevelopment plan

Representatives for the estates in Kowloon Bay, Fo Tan and Cheung Sha Wan slammed the government for not responding to them.

08:10, 20 JULY 2021

An overwhelming majority of tenants at four government-run factory estates have said they are opposed to a clearance and redevelopment plan, urging the administration to halt plans immediately.

Around 93 per cent of 479 respondents from Yip On Factory Estate in Kowloon Bay, Sui Fai Factory Estate in Fo Tan, and Wang Cheong Factory Estate in Cheung Sha Wan said they objected to the demolition of the three sites, a survey published on Monday showed

Representatives from four factory estates facing demolition are joined by incumbent and former district councillors at a press conference on July 19. Photo: Candice Chau/HKFP.

The Housing Authority announced plans in May to redevelop the three factory estates and Kwai On Factory Estate in Kwai Chung for public housing. The proposal could provide over 4,000 flats in 2031.

Tenants were given 18-months notice and an option to bid for vacant units in Chun Shing Factory Estate in Kwai Chung, and Hoi Tai Factory Estate in Tuen Mun.

Representatives of the four industrial estates said that the government did not hold any consultation with the tenants before announcing the plans.

Incumbent and former district councillors from Sha Tin, Kwun Tong, and Sham Shui Po also said that the councils were not notified nor consulted by the Housing Department or the Housing Authority.

Justin Tsang, representative of Wang Cheong Factory Estate in a press conference on July 19, 2021 opposing the government’s clearance plan. Photo: Candice Chau/HKFP.

Justin Tsang, the tenant representative for Wang Cheong Factory Estate, said that it would be difficult for tenants to relocate due to the heavy machinery and moving costs.

Tsang said that many of the city’s industrial buildings were used for commercial purposes, and tenants of the four estates would not be able to move to the other buildings. He also raised concerns over other industrial buildings’ weight-bearing capacity.

Almost all dissatisfied

Close to 99 per cent of the respondents said they were dissatisfied with the government’s relocation plan, and the representative for Yip On Factory Estate Stephen Ma said that the option to bid for vacant units in two other estates was in vain.

“There are 60 [vacant] units open for closed bids by over 2,000 tenants – you can imagine that this relocation plan is in vain,” said Ma. “But I still admire their [the government’s] courage to spin.”

Vice Chairman of Kwun Tong District Council Mok Kin-shing. Photo: Candice Chau/HKFP.

Vice-chair of Kwun Tong District Council Mok Kin-shing – whose term ended on Tuesday – questioned the government’s plan to build more public housing in the district without considering other supporting facilities.

“Over the past five years, Kwun Tong – under the development of the Housing Department – saw the completion of ten projects,” said Mok. “It’s questionable whether building more public housing in such a small district is liveable.”
Government unresponsive

The representatives also complained about the government’s reluctance to reach out to them. Ma said that he met with an assistant manager from the Housing Department who said the government would give a response within a month’s time – but he has not been contacted by officials since their meeting on June 11.
Fanny Wong, representative of Sui Fai Factory Estate. Photo: Candice Chau/HKFP.

Fanny Wong, representative of the Sui Fai Factory Estate, said that the department only agreed to meet with her after she made an open appeal to the manager for New Territories West on Fathers’ Day last month.

Wong said that the department then contacted individual tenants using hidden phone numbers to gauge their attitude. The representative slammed the government for being “sneaky” and attempting to divide the tenants.

Tsang and Mr. Cheng, representative of Kwai On Factory Estate, said they contacted the government last month, but have yet to receive any response.

Update 19:03: A spokesperson for the Housing Authority (HA) said: “It is public information that HA has been conducting studies on the feasibility to redevelop its factory estates for public housing use, and that HA may redevelop individual factory estates subject to the study results,” adding that it was mentioned in last year’s Policy Address that some factory estate sites could be used for public housing development.

The authority said that they have “met the representatives of the four factory estates on various occasions to explain the detailed arrangements” and that the government will consult the district councils in the second half of this year.

Thai protesters clash with police as 
Covid-19 cases continue to surge

Story by Reuters
 Mon July 19, 2021

Police fire water cannon at protesters demanding the government be held accountable for its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

(CNN)Police used tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets to disperse protesters trying to march on Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha's office on Sunday to demand he resign over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its economic impact.
Police said eight officers and at least one reporter were injured during the clashes, and 13 protesters were arrested.

Protest organizers called for the demonstration to end just after 6 p.m. but a stand-off between police and hundreds of protesters continued for several hours before officers dispersed the crowd just before the start of a 9 p.m. curfew in force in the Thai capital.
Police intervened with force after some protesters tried to dismantle barbed wire and metal barricades set up by the authorities to block roads from Democracy Monument to Government House where the Prime Minister works.

Deputy police spokesman Kissana Phathanacharoen said the protesters attacked police with "ping-pong bombs, sling shots and fire crackers". He added that the police actions followed laws and regulations and fully complied with international standards in controlling crowds.

Street protests against the Prime Minister have been held in recent weeks by several groups, including Prayuth's former political allies, as frustrations grow over the mounting coronavirus infections and the damage the pandemic has done to the economy.

Many protesters on Sunday carried mock body-bags to represent coronavirus deaths.
"The government has been poor at managing the situation and if we don't do anything there will be no change," protester Kanyaporn Veeratat, 34, told Reuters.

The protest marked one year since the first of a wave of large-scale street protests led by youth groups that attracted hundreds of thousands of people across the country.

On Monday, Thailand reported 11,784 new Covid-19 cases -- its fourth consecutive day of record infections -- and 81 related deaths, bringing total fatalities to 3,422 with 415,170 total cases registered.