Saturday, January 18, 2020

US Space Force mocked for unveiling camouflage uniforms


The US Space Force's new uniformImage copyrightUS SPACE FORCE
Image captionThe US Space Force posted a picture its new uniform on Twitter

The US Space Force has defended its newly unveiled camouflage uniforms after they were roundly mocked on social media.
The force, officially launched by US President Donald Trump last month, posted a picture of the uniform to its Twitter account.
The uniform in the picture has a woodland camouflage design with badges embroidered on the arm and chest.
Reacting to the uniform, many critics had the same question: "Camo in space?"

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One Twitter user asked: "Have they never seen space before?"
Another illustrated the difference between space and camouflage, which is designed to help military personnel blend in with their surroundings.

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The force explained its rationale in a tweeted response. It said it was "utilising current Army/Air Force uniforms" and "saving costs of designing/producing a new one" in doing so.
"Members will look like their joint counterparts they'll be working with, on the ground," the force added in the tweet.

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But the force may as well have been tweeting in a vacuum, as the derision continued unabated.

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Flanked by US troops, Mr Trump officially launched the force at an army base near Washington in December last year.
Mr Trump said the force would help the US military "deter aggression" in what he called "the world's newest war-fighting domain".
But the new military service, overseen by the US Air Force, is not intended to put troops into orbit.
Rather, it will protect US assets such as the hundreds of satellites used for communication and surveillance.
US Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett said the Space Force would comprise about 16,000 air force and civilian personnel.
The Trump administration has allocated $40m (£34m) to fund the force in its first year.

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In pictures: The sniffer dogs taking on Africa’s poachers

A springer spaniel on a leash with a toy in its mouth in a river in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Poachers in Africa, who are now armed with military-style weapons and even helicopters to hunt their prey, have a new adversary: dogs with a nose for detection.
Deployed in key locations across six African countries are around 50 detector dogs.
They have sniffed out contraband - elephant tusks, rhino horns and pangolin scales - leading to hundreds of arrests of traffickers and the disruption of smuggling routes.

A springer spaniel on a conveyor belt at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport looking at the hand of a handler - Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

There have been almost 400 seizures of illegal wildlife products since the programme, funded by the African Wildlife Foundation, started in 2011.
Will Powell, the director of Canines for Conservation, says it is "a public-private partnership" with governments that helps them develop dog units with their wildlife organisations.
"That includes strategy, standard operating procedures and veterinary protocol. With their help we select rangers and train them as detection dog handlers."

Two dog handlers with their dogs at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, outside the DHL warehouse, in Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Dog handling has become a sought-after job among employees of wildlife authorities in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Botswana and most recently Cameroon.
The handlers learn their skills over an eight-to-10-week period.
Handlers are carefully matched with their canine partners, which is important as some handlers have not been around dogs before, or have only known dogs as guard dogs.

A uniformed dog handler with her springer spaniel at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

They learn to love, care for and respect their dogs.
The recent graduating group from Cameroon is a case in point and there were a "few teary eyes", according to Mr Powell, when they headed home ahead of their canine partners.

A group of trainee dog handlers sitting on the ground and patting a dog on a lead in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Mr Powell selects the dogs in Europe, in countries where there is a culture of working dogs including the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
The dogs have already had some thorough training - but he brings them up to the equivalent of a PhD.
"We look for open, confident, level-headed dogs able to deal with distraction and travelling," says Mr Powell, a British citizen, who started his career training dogs to detect landmines.

A Malinois dog with its ears pricked to attention in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

"They must be gregarious and friendly to deal with a number of dog handlers."
Two breeds excel as detector dogs: Malinois and springer spaniels.
Malinois, which are Belgian shepherds, are famously intelligent, tough and can cope with heat.

A Malinois dog running during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The springer spaniels have good noses and a friendly nature.
And they have another advantage, Mr Powell explains.

Two springer spaniels running during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

"There is often a fear of dogs, and shepherds with pointy ears are regarded as scary while floppy ears, like a spaniel, look less aggressive. In areas where you are working around people it's easier to use spaniels."
Both breeds have a strong work ethic because they love to be busy.

A springer spaniel on a conveyor belt at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport sniffing luggage - Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The working life of the dog depends on the breed.
For the Malinois, that can be between 12 and 13 years. When their working life is finished, they are found appropriate homes or are returned to Mr Powell's base in Tanzania.
"We start by teaching the dogs to detect ivory as it's the hardest smell to detect. Rhino horn and pangolin scales are easier to pick up," he says.
"We now teach them to detect lion bones and teeth, which are trafficked for Chinese medicine now that tigers have been largely wiped out."

A Malinois dog on a lead sniffing blocks during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Training the dogs to a top level in detecting takes four to five months.
All the wildlife products they must find are hidden in a variety of realistic ways.

A springer spaniel on a lead walking past luggage, which has laid out on the grass, during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

In the field the dogs have found ivory and rhino horn concealed in coffee and chillies, as well as wrapped in layers of foil and plastic. They've even found a lion's tooth hidden in a thermos.
When dogs find something they are rewarded and given their toys. The shepherds have tougher toys to chew on than their soft-mouthed spaniel colleagues.

Will Powell holds a Malinois dog by a lead as it walks past luggage laid out on the grass during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The specially trained dogs go on to sniff luggage and cargo for ivory, rhino horn and pangolin scales.
Traffickers now know that detector dogs are checking international flights, so Canines for Conservation also works with the East African port authorities in Mombasa and Dar es Salam.

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The dogs make it more expensive, risky and dangerous for traffickers.
A case in point is Jomo Kenyatta International airport in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, where there were 51 seizures of illegal products in the first year. By 2019 it was down to a handful.

A springer spaniel walking over boxes at a warehouse in Jomo Kenyatta International Airport with a handler by their side - Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

"The traffickers know we are there. And it resulted in a seizure of 23kg [50lb] of rhino horn in Uganda," says Mr Powell.
"The guy bought the rhino horn in Nairobi but he knew about the dogs there so he took a bus to Entebbe, but was caught there."
Each location brings different challenges and strategies. For example, in Mozambique at Maputo airport handlers with detector dogs greet passengers when they walk in with their luggage carts.

Will Powell, with a dog sitting on a table, talking to trainees during a session in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Canines for Conservation have what they call the "Five Freedoms" at the heart of the dogs' welfare:
Dog handlers washing a springer spaniel in East Africa
Paul Joynson-Hicks

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All the dogs are fed dry biscuits donated by a French company, Royal Canin, which supports the programme.
And all the dogs live in kennels with gardens and places to relax.

A trainee dog handler lounging on the grass and playing with a dog in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The partner governments respect the Five Freedoms. And with every sniffer dog team, a trainer, employed by the African Wildlife Foundation, is embedded on the ground as a technical adviser.
"It's a collaboration but it's more than just the dogs," says Mr Powell.
"The success of the programme is down to the handlers and the governments. Credit where credit is due.
"And we all want to stop the illegal trade that threatens Africa's wildlife."

A dog handler holding the lead of a black dog that is sniffing containers at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Five Freedoms
  • 1.Freedom from hunger and thirst
  • 2.Freedom from discomfort
  • 3.Freedom from pain, injury or disease
  • 4.Freedom to express normal behaviour
  • 5.Freedom from fear and distress
Source: Canines for Conservation

All photographs subject to copyright