Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Sweden's 1st female prime minister quits hours later following budget defeat

Magdalena Andersson's resignation comes after coalition

 partner left the 2-party minority government

Social Democratic Party Leader Magdalena Andersson attends a news conference after the budget vote in the Swedish parliament in Stockholm Wednesday. Hours after being approved as Sweden's prime minister, Andersson resigned after the government's budget proposal was rejected in favour of one presented by the opposition. (Pontus Lundahl/TT/The Associated Press)

Hours after being tapped as Sweden's prime minister, Magdalena Andersson resigned Wednesday after suffering a budget defeat in parliament and coalition partner the Greens left the two-party minority government.

The government's own budget proposal was rejected in favour of one presented by the opposition that includes the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats, Sweden's third-largest party that is rooted in a neo-Nazi movement. The vote was 154-143 in favour of the opposition's budget proposal.

Andersson, leader of the Social Democratic Party, decided it was best to step down from the post more than seven hours after she made history by becoming the first woman to lead the country.

"For me, it is about respect, but I also do not want to lead a government where there may be grounds to question its legitimacy," Andersson told a news conference.

Andersson, who was finance minister before briefly becoming prime minister, informed parliamentary Speaker Andreas Norlén that she is still interested in leading a Social Democratic one-party government.

Norlén, the speaker of Sweden's 349-seat parliament, says he will contact Sweden's eight party leaders "to discuss the situation." On Thursday, he will announce the road ahead.

Andersson said that "a coalition government should resign if a party chooses to leave the government. Despite the fact that the parliamentary situation is unchanged, it needs to be tried again."

Sweden's Green Party spokespeople Per Bolund, left, and Marta Stenevi address a news conference after the budget vote on Wednesday. (Pontus Lundahl/TT News Agency/AFP/Getty Images)

Budget defeat prompts Greens to pull support

Even though the Green Party pulled its support for her government, it said it is prepared to stand behind Andersson in a new vote to tap a prime minister.

But the Greens said it was in the best interests of the party to pull support for her after the budget defeat.

"We have a united party behind us saying we cannot sit in government that implements a policy (the Sweden Democrats) negotiated. We must look our voters in the eye and feel pride," said Marta Stenevi, Green Party spokesperson as the party chose to resign from the government.

Per Bolund, the other Green Party spokesperson, said "that is something we deeply regret."

Earlier in the day, Andersson said she could "govern the country with the opposition's budget."

The approved budget was based on the government's own proposal but of the 74 billion kronor ($10.3 billion) that the government wanted to spend on reforms, just over 20 billion kronor ($2.8 billion) will be redistributed next year, Swedish broadcaster SVT said.

The approved budget aims at reducing taxes, increased salaries for police officers and more money to different sectors of Sweden's judiciary system.

Earlier in the day, lawmakers applauded after the vote in which Andersson was appointed Sweden's new prime minister. (Erik Simander/TT News Agency/The Associated Press)

Milestone marked earlier

Andersson's appointment as prime minister had marked a milestone for Sweden, viewed for decades as one of Europe's most progressive countries when it comes to gender relations, but which had yet to have a woman in the top political post.

Andersson had been tapped to replace Stefan Lofven as party leader and prime minister, roles he relinquished earlier this year.

Earlier in the day, 117 legislators voted yes to Andersson, 174 rejected her appointment while 57 abstained and one legislator was absent.

Under Sweden's constitution, prime ministers can be named and govern as long as a parliamentary majority — a minimum of 175 legislators — is not against them.

Sweden's next general election is scheduled for Sept. 11.


Environmentalists threaten Alberta Premier Kenney with lawsuit over inquiry remarks

'If Premier Kenney doesn't follow the good advice of his

 lawyers, he will be served'

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney speaks to the media while attending the Global Business Forum in Banff, Alta., on Sept. 26, 2019. A coalition oft environmental groups is threatening to sue Kenney for defamation. (Jeff McIntosh/Canadian Press)

A coalition of at least eight environmental groups is threatening to sue Alberta Premier Jason Kenney for defamation if he doesn't retract and apologize for statements saying a public inquiry found they spread misinformation about the province's oil and gas industry.

The groups, in a letter obtained by The Canadian Press, have given the premier a week before they say they would file a statement of claim against him.

"If Premier Kenney doesn't follow the good advice of his lawyers, he will be served with a lawsuit some time by the end of next week," said Paul Champ, a lawyer for the environmentalists.

The letter, delivered to Kenney's office Monday, is signed by the Dogwood Initiative, Environmental Defence Canada, Greenpeace Canada, Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Sierra Club Canada Foundation, Sierra Club of British Columbia Foundation, West Coast Environmental Law and Research Foundation and the Western Canada Wilderness Committee.

They point to Kenney's reaction to the inquiry, headed by Steve Allan, which looked into whether environmental groups were conspiring to landlock Alberta oil by spreading misinformation about its environmental impacts.

'Designed to undermine'

Allan's report, delivered in October, found that "no individual or organization ... has done anything illegal. Indeed, they have exercised their rights of free speech."

But the groups accuse Kenney of deliberately twisting Allan's findings in public statements, social media posts and government websites. Specific documents are referenced in the letter.

"These statements are defamatory as they assert that our clients have spread 'misinformation,"' the letter says.

"Your statements were designed to undermine the groups' reputations and credibility in the eyes of the public by falsely asserting that the Alberta Inquiry found that the groups were spreading misinformation."

The letter gives Kenney until Nov. 30 to retract and remove the statements as well as apologize. If he doesn't, Champ said, a statement of claim against him is almost complete and will be filed.

Kenney's spokesman Harrison Fleming responded in an email.

"We are not surprised that an organization which routinely pursues political activism through the courts is again threatening legal action. We will of course vigorously respond in court, if and when necessary."

A defamation action has to prove three things, said Fred Kozak, an Edmonton media and defamation lawyer. It has to show the offending comments identified the complainants, that the statements were published and that they would damage their reputation.

"[Those elements] would appear to be pretty straightforward," he said.

Commissioner Steve Allan's report, delivered in October, found no wrongdoing and could not determine how much of a role foreign money played in cancelling resource projects. (CBC)

Kozak said Kenney can argue that his comments were either true or fair comment based on the truth.

"The comment has to be grounded in fact. It's often the case where people get into a dispute over what's comment and what's fact."

Kozak said the complainants also have to show they've been harmed by the statements.

We rely on our good name in order to do the work that we do.- Tim Gray, Environmental Defence

"We rely on our good name in order to do the work that we do," said Tim Gray of Environmental Defence. "Having a senior political leader deliberately mischaracterizing what we do, making accusations that are unfounded, clearly is meant to undermine our effectiveness."

Some members of the complaining groups have allegedly suffered more direct damages, said an email from Keith Stewart of Greenpeace.

"Some of our activists have had to turn their social media accounts over to a friend to report, block and delete the hateful comments and commenters. Prominent climate advocates ... regularly get death threats."

Gray said the promised lawsuit is intended to stop political leaders from using their office as a bully pulpit.

"I think it's really dangerous to have senior political leaders doing this kind of thing against civil society. We just want it to stop."

It's an unusual case that both sides can use to drum up support, Kozak said.

"I don't think either side is interested in resolving this through an apology or clarification."

If a lawsuit is ultimately filed, Kozak said it would likely to take years to resolve.

N.S. councillor calls storm biggest rain event he’s likely seen in his lifetime

By Rebecca Lau Global News
Posted November 24, 2021 

Heavy rain flooded parts of the Maritime provinces on Tuesday, with Sydney, N.S. seeing more than 80 millimetres of rain through the day. Ingonish Beach, N.S. also set a new all-time single day record of 234 millimetres of rain.

A large, slow-moving storm brought torrential rain and strong winds to Atlantic Canada, flooding basements and washing out roads in western Cape Breton on Wednesday.

The situation has even blocked access to a hospital on the island.

A state of emergency was declared late Tuesday in Cape Breton’s Victoria County, where schools were closed and residents were warned to stay off the roads.

READ MORE: Nova Scotia’s Victoria County under state of emergency amid flooding, road washouts

The storm dumped between 100 mm and 150 mm of rain across large sections of Cape Breton, with some areas along the east coast of Victoria County receiving more than 200 mm of rain. Environment Canada said as of 11 a.m. on Wednesday, 278.4 mm had fallen in Ingonish River, and 263.3 mm had fallen in Ingonish Beach.

“We’ve had pretty well the biggest rain event I think I can ever remember in my lifetime,” said Larry Dauphinee, councillor for Ingonish Beach and the deputy warden for Victoria County.

“A lot of flooding, a lot of washouts on the roads, a lot of basements, flooding. But probably the biggest issue is the roadblocks or conditions on the Cabot Trail, which has taken off access to our hospital in Neils Harbour. And we have just recently with caution, can make the trip into Sydney, but we are still locked on the northern end going towards our hospital.”

Dauphinee said Wednesday morning that the situation is concerning because in the event of an emergency, people would have to drive to Sydney, which is “a two hour drive on a good day.”

“The transportation and the condition of the roads is probably most serious issue at this time,” he said.

He added that while flooding is common in the area, the amount of flooding these past couple of days has been “amazing.” The area is dotted with small landslides and washouts, he added.

“We did have one incident where an employee of a road maintenance crew — actually the road collapsed underneath him and his truck did go into the washout. He was able to get out and he’s doing OK now, but that was probably the most serious injury that we had,” he said.

READ MORE: Residents forced to evacuate Antigonish, N.S. trailer park by boat amid flooding

Jamie Chisholm, the eastern district director for the Department of Public Works, described the region as being in a “crisis mode” overnight.

“We are going to have a lot of damage. It’s going to take several weeks even longer for some of these structures to reestablish,” he said.
“We’ve had crews out all night and all day today, and they’re certainly trying to do what they can. But we have a lot to deal with here.”

Victoria and Inverness counties were hardest hit, where about 30 to 40 roads were flooded or washed out.

“We lost three or four bridges in the area,” Chisholm added.

Dauphinee said the good news as of Wednesday, is that the waters have receded “quite fast in most locations,” however the process now turns to surveying the damage and taking on repairs.

“Cleanup has started in a lot of the homes. The crucial thing for us right now is to do the the provincial department of highways are doing their assessment of the bridges and highways. We’re waiting for the reports on that and hopefully get everything open,” he said.

He added that some roads, such as the one going north of Ingonish and communities north of that roadway, where disruptions are likely to last for a couple of days until repairs can be made.

He also said the region is lucky, in that it isn’t in the same situation as British Columbia’s interior, where recent flooding has devastated communities.

“I guess we’re lucky we’re not like B.C., B.C., where everything is in the valley. The water holds for a long time. We’re lucky here. We’re out in the ocean. The high volumes of water once it comes down, off and out into the communities, goes to the ocean, so it does recede quite quick,” he said.

‘Definitely would not attempt to leave my house’

Meanwhile in Sydney, residents are also dealing with flooded neighbourhoods. Authorities have told people to stay off the roads and avoid travelling.

Resident Maurice Cooke spoke to Global News from inside his home, which is surrounded by water, and has no plans to leave for a while.

Water outside his driveway was halfway up the tires of his SUV.

“I feel if we had to, we could (leave) if it was a life and death situation … if like the house was on fire, maybe or something. I would definitely leave the house. But if it can be avoided, I definitely would not attempt to leave my house,” he said.

“There’s debris and trees that are down and the road. They have roads blocked off. So yeah, just I wouldn’t want to be out in this and put myself or anybody else in harm’s way.”

He added his family had emergency supplies to last a couple of days, and thankfully, the house still had power.

State of emergency declared in 2 Nova Scotia counties due to heavy rain, flooding

— With files from The Canadian Press, Amber Fryda

Storm washes away areas of Trans-Canada Highway in southwestern Newfoundland

Port aux Basques cut off in both directions

A culvert between Doyles and South Branch in Newfoundland and Labrador is completely wiped out by a rainstorm that's been pounding the province overnight and into the morning, with more rain expected. (Submitted by Carl Bissonnette)

The town of Channel-Port aux Basques is cut off from the rest of Newfoundland in both directions as heavy rain continues to fall over the area from a heavy storm that started Tuesday. 

The province said there are road washouts five kilometres north and two kilometres south south of the community Wednesday afternoon.

Earlier in the day, the province's Department of Transportation reported multiple roads are washed out in the Codroy Valley area, including two parts of the Trans-Canada Highway near Doyles, which connect the region to the rest of the island.

The department reported the following road closures:

  • Trans-Canada Highway five kilometres southwest of Doyles intersection, both lanes are washed out.
  • Trans-Canada Highway 16 kilometres southwest of Doyles intersection, one lane washed out.
  • Trans-Canada Highway 25 kilometres northwest of Port aux Basques.
  • Route 406-11, Doyles Station Road, an alternate route is available.
  • Route 413-01, St. Andrews Road, an alternative route is available.
  • Loch Lomond Road, one lane is closed.
  • Upper Ferry Road, one lane is closed.
Wade Osmond has major flooding on his property which is situated near a brook in Port aux Basques. (Garrett Barry/CBC)

Environment Canada said Port aux Basques has received 143.4 millimetres of rain as of 11:30 a.m. NT Wednesday.

Roads are also closed in Red Bay in southern Labrador because of washouts. Tracey Road leading to Tracey Hill is closed until further notice, while areas of North Brook Road are damaged but open for the time being.

The town had received 50 millimetres of rain as of 7 a.m. AT, according to officials.

On Wednesday afternoon, Premier Andrew Furey said helicopters are on standby for emergencies, and so far there are no worries about supplies in the community. The province is not considering evacuating any homes yet, but officials and police are asking people to stay off of roadways.

WATCH | Drainage systems are starting to get overwhelmed

As a powerful rainstorm hammers southwestern Newfoundland, Port aux Basques Mayor Brian Button says drainage systems are starting to get overwhelmed. 4:59

Wade Osmond, who lives in Port aux Basques, woke to discover major flooding on his property that's located near a brook which he says is ready to burst from the rainfall flowing steadily from a pond above.

"If that breaks, we're in trouble."

Osmond also found about 2.5 centimetres of water in his basement and said he's worried about the rain that's still to come.

Water levels have risen at the Red Rocks turnoff near Port aux Basques. (Troy Turner/CBC)

More rain to come

Rodney Barney, a meteorologist with Environment Canada's weather officer in Gander, said the rain intensified early Wednesday morning, as meteorologists expect the system to bring 150 to 200 millimetres of rain to the area in total.

"We're still looking at another 12 to 18 hours of rain," he said. 

"It looks like through the morning hours is probably when the heaviest part of the shower activity will be occurring for today, then gradually winding down as we go into the afternoon and evening."

Barney said another 50 to 80 millimetres of rain could fall, with as much as 150 millimetres over high-elevation areas. 

Osmond said it's hard to watch, but noted others in the area have it worse. 

"At 6 a.m. this morning I was here, sitting and watching the water rise, watching everything that I worked hard for go down the tubes, down the drain," he said.

"But it is what it is and we have to deal with it and take it as it comes."

Ryan Moore was driving his truck along a stretch of road near Doyles when the asphalt beneath him crumbled. The Department of Transportation is reporting multiple washed out roads in the Codroy Valley area, including two parts of the Trans-Canada Highway near Doyles. (Submitted by Ryan Moore)

Winds gusted in excess of 130 km/h in the Wreckhouse area, but diminished slightly Wednesday morning reaching about 90 km/h, Barney said. He said the wind is expected to pick up again later Wednesday morning.

The brunt of the rainfall is confined to the southwest corner of the island, meaning the Port aux Basques area and as far east as La Poile can anticipate the storm to continue to soak the communities.

In a news release, the RCMP said Department of Transportation crews were working in the Codroy Valley areas to assess the damage.

'All I could hear was pavement cracking'

Ryan Moore, who lives in Doyles, was driving along a stretch of roadway Tuesday night when the asphalt beneath his truck gave way. 

"I was kind of in shock. [The] airbags and everything went off and I jumped out," he said. 

"I looked behind me and there was just a black hole behind me … all I could hear was pavement cracking, it was pitch black so I couldn't really see what was going on."

Moore said he had actually sold that truck earlier in the day. Now it's a total write off. 

He said he nearly made it across the culvert when it caved in, his front wheel breaking through and bouncing the truck back onto hard ground on the other side. 

Areas of the Trans-Canada Highway near Doyles and the Codroy Valley have been washed away due to the storm. Police are asking motorists to stay off the highway between Cape Ray and North Branch due to heavy flooding. (Troy Turner/CBC)

"I've been driving that road my entire life and something didn't look right," he said. 

Moore is safe. He used the phone from a nearby neighbour's house to call for a ride home. He said a tow truck should be able to remove his now abandoned vehicle from the road early Wednesday morning. 

Ferry crossings cancelled

Meanwhile, Marine Atlantic ferry crossings between Port aux Basques and North Sydney, N.S., are cancelled on Wednesday because of the storm, leaving some passengers stranded who are trying to get home.

Jason Caron had been in Newfoundland for the last week, working construction on Walmart stores on the island. With the work completed, he was headed for home, until the ferry cancellations deflated his plan. 

Now he's unsure of when he'll get to leave. 

"We think maybe Tuesday will be possible, but we're still waiting on a response from Marine Atlantic," he said. 

According to Marine Atlantic's website, ferry crossings on Thursday could also be impacted by the storm. The company said the forecast will continue to be monitored and customers will be advised of any schedule changes.

Read more articles from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador

Great Barrier Reef 'gives birth' in massive coral spawning event

Ecologists hopeful after climate-related bleaching during 

 heat waves in 2016, 2017

Corals produce billions of offspring by casting sperm and eggs into the Pacific Ocean off the Queensland state coastal city of Cairns, Australia, on Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is spawning in an explosion of colour as the World Heritage-listed natural wonder recovers from life-threatening coral bleaching episodes. (Gabriel Guzman/Calypso Productions/The Associated Press)

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is spawning in an explosion of colour as the World Heritage-listed natural wonder recovers from life-threatening coral bleaching episodes.

Scientists on Tuesday night recorded the corals producing billions of offspring by casting sperm and eggs into the Pacific Ocean off the Queensland state coastal city of Cairns.

The annual spawning event lasts for two or three days.

The network of 2,500 reefs covering 348,000 square kilometres (134,000 square miles) suffered significantly from coral bleaching caused by unusually warm ocean temperatures in 2016, 2017 and last year. The bleaching damaged two-thirds of the coral.

Gareth Phillips, a marine scientist with Reef Teach, a tourism and educational business, is studying the spawning as part of a project to monitor the reef's health.

"It is gratifying to see the reef give birth," Phillips said in a statement on Wednesday. "It's a strong demonstration that its ecological functions are intact and working after being in a recovery phase for more than 18 months."

"The reef has gone through its own troubles like we all have, but it can still respond — and that gives us hope. I think we must all focus on the victories as we emerge from the pandemic," he said.

3 white men guilty of murdering Black man Ahmaud Arbery, WHITE Georgia jury finds

Arbery's killing in Georgia last year became part of a larger

 national reckoning on racial injustice

From left, Travis McMichael, his father, Gregory McMichael, and William 'Roddie' Bryan Jr., are seen in a combination of booking photos provided by the Glynn County, Ga., Detention Center. All three men were convicted on Wednesday of murdering Ahmaud Arbery in February 2020. (Glynn County Detention Center/The Associated Press)

All three white men charged in the death of Ahmaud Arbery — a 25-year-old Black man who was chased and shot in a Georgia neighbourhood in February 2020 — were convicted of murder Wednesday in the fatal shooting that became part of a larger national reckoning on racial injustice.

The convictions for Greg McMichael, son Travis McMichael and neighbour William "Roddie" Bryan came after jurors deliberated for about 10 hours. The men face minimum sentences of life in prison. It is up to the judge to decide whether that comes with or without the possibility of parole.

Travis McMichael stood for the verdict, his lawyer's arm around his shoulder. At one point, McMichael lowered his head to his chest. After the verdicts were read, as he stood to leave, he mouthed "love you" to his mother, who was in the courtroom.

Moments after the verdicts were announced, Arbery's father, Marcus Arbery Sr., was seen crying and hugging supporters outside the courtroom.

"He didn't do nothing," the father said, "but run and dream."

Ahmaud Arbery, 25, was killed while out jogging in the port city of Brunswick, Ga., on Feb. 23, 2020. (Marcus Arbery/Handout via Reuters)

The McMichaels grabbed guns and jumped in a pickup truck to pursue the 25-year-old Black man after seeing him running in their neighbourhood outside the Georgia port city of Brunswick in February 2020. Bryan joined the pursuit in his own pickup and recorded cellphone video of Travis McMichael fatally shooting Arbery.

Though prosecutors did not argue that racism motivated the killing, federal authorities have charged them with hate crimes, alleging that they chased and killed Arbery because he was Black. That case is scheduled to go to trial in February.

Shooting captured on video

The jury sent a note to Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley soon after returning to court Wednesday morning asking to view two versions of the shooting video — the original and one that investigators enhanced to reduce shadows — three times apiece.

Jurors returned to the courtroom to see the videos and listen again to the 911 call one of the defendants made from the bed of a pickup truck about 30 seconds before the shooting.

The disproportionately white jury received the case around midday Tuesday and spent about six hours deliberating before adjourning without a verdict.

People react outside the Glynn County Courthouse after the jury reached a guilty verdict in the trial of the three men in Brunswick, Ga., on Wednesday. (Marco Bello/Reuters)

The McMichaels told police they suspected Arbery was a fleeing burglar when they armed themselves and jumped in a pickup truck to chase him. Bryan joined the pursuit when they passed his house and recorded cellphone video of Travis McMichael blasting Arbery at close range with a shotgun as Arbery threw punches and grabbed for the weapon.

On the 911 call the jury reviewed, Greg McMichael tells an operator: "I'm out here in Satilla Shores. There's a Black male running down the street."

He then starts shouting, apparently as Arbery is running toward the McMichael's idling truck with Bryan's truck coming up behind him: "Stop right there! Damn it, stop! Travis!" Gunshots can be heard a few second later.

Multiple charges for each defendant

The graphic video of the shooting death leaked online two months later, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation took over the case and arrested the three men. Each of them was charged with murder and other crimes.

Defence attorneys contended the McMichaels were attempting a legal citizen's arrest when they set off after Arbery, seeking to detain and question him as a suspected burglar after he was seen running from a nearby home under construction.

Travis McMichael testified that he shot Arbery in self-defence. He said Arbery turned and attacked with his fists while running past the idling truck where Travis McMichael stood with his shotgun.

Prosecutors said there was no evidence Arbery had committed crimes in the defendants' neighbourhood. He had enrolled at a technical college and was preparing at the time to study to become an electrician like his uncles


Conservatives advance challenge of ruling imposing House vaccine mandate

Rachel Aiello Online Politics Producer
Published Tuesday, November 23, 202

OTTAWA -- The Conservatives have advanced their promised challenge of the ruling that imposed the House of Commons vaccine mandate.

Chief opposition whip Blake Richards raised the question of privilege on Tuesday, in one of a series of Conservative concerns raised over in their view, their rights as MPs to do their jobs are being infringed upon.

“This question of privilege doesn't relate in any way to disputing vaccines, or their very vital role in conquering the COVID 19 pandemic… What I'm questioning here is the jurisdiction of the board to be able to make that decision,” Richards said in the House of Commons, going on to cite sections of the parliamentary rulebooks in making his case.

At issue for the Conservatives is the “improper conduct and precedent set” by the Board of Internal Economy (BOIE) in deciding to implement the mandate ahead of Parliament’s return, during a closed-door meeting. The board is a long-standing cross-party committee of nine MPs in House leadership roles, including Conservatives.

“I believe that the Board of Internal Economy decision represents a major breach of the ancient privileges of this House, and in fact could set a very troublesome precedent,” Richards said, adding that it’s electors and not MPs who should be deciding who can and cannot enter the House.

The rules state that in order to enter Hill buildings, all MPs and their staff, as well as all others who work on the Hill, either have to be fully vaccinated or have a valid medical “contraindication.” In order to get inside, those with exemption have to show a recent negative test result to the House authorities who have been put in charge of confirming who is cleared to come onto the premises.

Under these parameters, only those who are unwilling to be vaccinated but not medically exempt would be unable to enter.

With the exception of a few MPs, including one who currently has COVID-19, the entire Conservative caucus was present for the opening day of the new Parliament, meaning they all have either been vaccinated or, as Leader Erin O’Toole told CTV News, “in some limited circumstance” have a medical exemption.

O’Toole had signalled back in October that this challenge was coming, amid questions at the time over how many of his caucus members remained unvaccinated.

O’Toole has said that all of his members will “respect and abide by” the rules, before and after the Speaker rules on this matter.

Re-elected House Speaker Anthony Rota told MPs he will consider the matter and get back to the House at a later date with a decision. “I believe I have enough information to determine whether it's a prima facie case,” Rota, who is chair of the BOIE, said.

If Rota finds MPs’ privileges have been breached, Richards said his party would be proposing a motion “which would allow this House directly to pronounce itself on a vaccination or test mandate for members to access the precinct.”

“Some may say that the board's decision should be upheld because it's about safety, and I agree that in pandemic times it is right that we should take appropriate precautions. However, that does not mean the rights of Parliament should just be tossed out,” said Richards.

All MPs in the Liberal, Bloc Quebecois, NDP, and Green caucuses are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and fully supportive of the mandate, so it remains to be seen how far the Conservative challenge will get.

Responding to Richard’s concerns, MPs from these parties who are also on the board voiced opposition to the Conservatives’ position.

Bloc Quebecois whip Claude DeBellefeuille called the mandate necessary given the current pandemic circumstances, and defended the authority that the Board has to make these kinds of rulings.

“This Parliament and previous parliaments have given specific instructions and bylaws to the board… to quote ‘make policy decisions to govern the use of funds, goods, services, and premises for the House, its committees, and members,’” said NDP House leader Peter Julian.

Julian also referenced the risk MPs pose both to their colleagues and their constituents given their high-travelling jobs and frequent interactions with the public.

The NDP has previously suggested that the Conservatives are out of touch for thinking there should be one set of rights for them as there are for all other Canadian adults looking to dine-in or board a plane.

“I don’t see a substance behind a question of privilege on this basis, I think this is smart, prudent public policy that was put into place by the Board of Internal Economy and it is something that should be upheld,” Julian said.

Others used the debate to bring up their discomfort with the ongoing lack of transparency from the Conservatives when it comes to being forthright about who in their caucus may be unvaccinated.

“I do not feel safe to use the opposition lobby, it's overcrowded. Even with masks we need to maintain physical distance, we need to be careful and I'm particularly vulnerable and feel vulnerable in that space, as I'm not confident that all the other people sharing it are double vaccinated,” said Green Party MP Elizabeth May. “I feel my privileges to do my work as a member of Parliament are impeded by not being able to use the opposition lobby until matters of public health and safety are completely and rigorously observed in this place.”

As part of a forthcoming motion to re-impose hybrid sittings that would see physical distancing and virtual proceedings return to the House, the government is looking to beef up the language around what would qualify as a valid medical exemption.

This move comes after concerns were raised that if there are multiple Conservatives with exemptions, it would be in Government House Leader Mark Holland’s view, “statistically improbable.”

The motion would update the board ruling to clarify that “reasons for medical exemptions follow the guidance from the Ontario Ministry of Health document entitled ‘Medical Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccination’ and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI).”

The government motion is expected to be tabled and debated on Wednesday. The Conservatives are against reviving virtual proceedings, arguing that the Liberals have used them to evade accountability.