Thursday, June 20, 2024

Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It’s clean and ready to rock the solstice.

 Revelers gather at the ancient stone circle Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, near Salisbury, England, June 21, 2023. Summer kicks off in the Northern Hemisphere once again with the summer solstice

By Brian Melley - Associated Press - Thursday, June 20, 2024

LONDON — Stonehenge monuments that have stood for thousands of years appear unscathed after climate protesters were arrested for spraying orange paint on them, an official said Thursday.

Workers cleaned the stones and the roughly 4,500-year-old monument was visibly undamaged, said Nick Merriman, the chief executive of English Heritage.

“It’s difficult to understand and we’re deeply saddened,” Merriman told BBC Radio 4. “It’s vandalism to one of the world’s most celebrated ancient monuments.”

The UNESCO World Heritage Site site reopened and was expected to host thousands of revelers celebrating the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, early Friday.

Stonehenge was built on a windswept plain in southern England in stages starting 5,000 years ago. Its origin and purpose remain somewhat of a mystery though the stone circle aligns with the summer solstice sunrise and winter solstice sunset, drawing crowds of spiritualists, druids and sun worshippers.

A 73-year-old man and 21-year-old woman were released on bail Thursday after being arrested a day earlier on suspicion of criminal damage, damaging an ancient monument and deterring a person from engaging in a lawful activity.

The climate change activism group Just Stop Oil took responsibility for the act Wednesday and released video showing a man it identified as Rajan Naidu blast a fog of orange from a fire extinguisher at one of the vertical stones.

People gathered at the site could be heard yelling “stop” and one person intervened, running up to Naidu and grabbing his arm. As the person struggled to pull him away from the monument, another man joined the tussle and and wrestled the paint can free.

The second protester, identified as Niamh Lynch, 21, managed to spray three stones before she was stopped.

Just Stop Oil said the paint was made of cornstarch and would dissolve in the rain.

Merriman said experts cleaned the orange powder from the stones because they were concerned about how it might react to water.

The publicity stunt was among a long line of disruptive acts by Just Stop Oil to draw attention to the climate crisis. The protests have halted sporting events, sullied famous works of art and caused traffic jams. The acts have led to convictions, jail terms and widespread criticism.

The Stonehenge demonstration was swiftly condemned by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who called it a “disgraceful act of vandalism.” His main opponent in the election next month, Labour leader Keir Starmer, called the group “pathetic” and said the damage was “outrageous.”

The group struck again Friday when it took credit for spray painting private jets at an airport outside London. Two women were arrested.

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Just Stop Oil activists paint Stonehenge orange; two arrested 


“It’s time for us to think about what our civilization will leave behind -- what is our legacy?” Niamh Lynch, an Oxford University student, said. “Standing inert for generations works well for stones -- not climate policy.” Photo courtesy Just Stop Oil

June 19 (UPI) -- Two British climate change activists from the group Just Stop Oil on Wednesday were taken into custody after spray-painting the ancient site at Stonehenge, the prehistoric megalithic structure, the color orange to protest the country's ongoing use of fossil fuels.

The local Wiltshire Police confirmed two arrests of Rajan Naidu, 73, and Niamh Lynch, 21, at the ancient Stonehenge site in southern England roughly 88 miles, southwest of the country's capital London.

"At around noon, we responded to a report that orange paint had been sprayed on some of the stones by two suspects," the Wiltshire police said in a statement. "Officers attended the scene and arrested two people on suspicion of damaging the ancient monument. Our inquiries are ongoing."

The vandalism to the ancient site came as thousands are expected to descend on the area the next day Thursday for the summer solstice, the earliest in 228 years since 1796.

"It's time for us to think about what our civilization will leave behind -- what is our legacy?" Lynch, an Oxford University student, said. "Standing inert for generations works well for stones -- not climate policy."

Just Stop Oil said the orange paint was made of cornstarch, "which will wash away in the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not," the group posted on X along with a video of Lynch and Naidu getting arrested.

Both Britain's major political party leaders condemned the group's actions as the country is barely two weeks out from a general election which the current conservative government is widely viewed as likely to lose.

"This is a disgraceful act of vandalism to one of the U.K.'s and the world's oldest and most important monuments," Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on X.

It came nearly a week after the Labor Party's manifesto recommitted Britain to ending all future oil and gas licenses if Labor wins the July 4 parliamentary election, as many have surmised it will, but Just Stop Oil contends the Labor's plan does not go far enough.

"The U.K.'s government in waiting has committed to enacting Just Stop Oil's original demand of 'no new oil and gas,'" a Just Stop Oil spokesperson said. "However, we all know this is not enough."

"Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions. We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything," Just Stop Oil said. "That's why Just Stop Oil is demanding that our next government sign up to a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030."

Photo courtesy Just Stop Oil

But Labor Party leader Keir Starmer called the "damage" done to Stonehenge "outrageous."

"Just Stop Oil are pathetic," Starmer put on social media Wednesday morning local time. "Those responsible must face the full force of the law."

In reply to Starmer about a half hour later, Just Stop Oil willingly took responsibility.

"We are accountable for our actions," the group posted on X Wednesday morning local time. "When will the oil and gas executives responsible for destroying the lives of millions of people face the full force of the law?"

The group, known for leveling a series or similar past actions in protest of climate change, threw soup in 2022 over Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers painting in London as part of a protest against climate change the same year a man in the Netherlands in western Europe attempted to glue his head to Johannes Vermeer's iconic painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring" in a Dutch museum.

Just Stop Oil also gave warning of a "failure to commit to defending our communities" which, Just Stop Oil claims, citizens in other countries in Europe like Austria, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland "will join in resistance this summer, if their own Governments do not take meaningful action."

UK Supreme Court Hands Climate Activists Landmark Win in Oil Drilling Case

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jun 20, 2024

The UK Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that a local council unlawfully granted approval to an onshore oil drilling project as planners must have considered the emissions from the oil’s future use as fuels, in a landmark case that could upset new UK oil and gas project plans.

By a three-to-two majority, the Supreme Court allowed the appeal from Sarah Finch on behalf of the Weald Action Group? and other environmental organizations against Surrey County Council, which had granted planning permission to expand oil production from a well site at Horse Hill near Horley in Surrey, close to the Gatwick airport.

The judges wrote in the judgment that “It is an agreed fact that, if the project goes ahead, it is not merely likely but inevitable that the oil produced from the well site will be refined and, as an end product, will eventually undergo combustion, and that that combustion will produce greenhouse gas emissions.”

“It is not disputed that these emissions will have a significant impact on climate,” the judgment goes on to say.

Planning law has always assumed that the so-called Scope 3 emissions from the burning of the oil shouldn’t be considered. The Surrey County Council said it believed it was following the law at the time of granting approval for the Horse Hill development six years ago.

While the Supreme Court didn’t order the Surrey council to reject the planning approval, the precedent set with today’s ruling could make new project authorizations and planning more complex for companies in the UK.

UK Oil & Gas PLC, which holds the majority of the Horse Hill project, said in response that the Supreme Court’s ruling now retrospectively requires that the end-use combustion emissions must be included in the development's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and assessed as part of the grant of planning consent for the development.

The company now plans to work closely with Surrey County Council “to promptly rectify the situation, either via an amendment to the original 2018 planning application's EIA or via a new retrospective planning submission, for which there is recent planning precedent within Surrey.”

By Tsvetana Paraskova for

Future of all major UK fossil fuel schemes is in doubt as Supreme Court rules in favour of residents opposed to 'Gatwick Gusher' oil drilling site


PUBLISHED: 20 June 2024 | 

The future of all major UK fossil fuel schemes is in doubt after the Supreme Court today ruled in favour of residents opposed to the 'Gatwick Gusher' oil well.

Sarah Finch challenged Surrey County Council's decision to allow the expansion of an oil well site at Horse Hill, near Horley in Surrey, in 2019.

Ms Finch, acting on behalf of Weald Action Group, argued that the environmental impact assessment carried out before planning permission was granted - which only took into account the impact of extracting the oil - should have taken into account the 'downstream' emissions produced when the oil was burned.
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She challenged an earlier Court of Appeal ruling dismissing her case, having also lost a legal battle in the High Court.

And in a ruling today, Supreme Court justices ruled three to two in favour of allowing her appeal and quashed the decision to grant planning permission for the site.

Sarah Finch (seen celebrating the verdict today) challenged Surrey County Council's decision to allow the expansion of an oil well site at Horse Hill, near Horley in Surrey, in 2019

UK Oil & Gas Investments said they discovered 100billion barrels worth of oil reserves in the Weald Basin, near Gatwick airport (pictured, the well head at Horse Hill)

Speaking outside the UK's highest court in Westminster after the judgment, Ms Finch described the ruling as 'a massive vindication of what we've been saying'.

She told reporters: 'This means that in future, every fossil fuel development project that's of the size to meet environmental impact assessment requirements, they will have to assess the downstream emissions from the fuel when it's burned.

Read More
Gatwick Gusher is more Dorking than Dallas: Surrey becomes battleground for fight that could determine future of British energy exploration

'That is going to make it a lot harder for anyone to open a new oil or coal field and it has implications for some that have already been agreed but are subject to legal challenges.'

Later describing the decision as a 'huge win', Ms Finch continued: 'In climate science we hear a lot about tipping points, Amazon deforestation, melting permafrost, things that accelerate global warming in an unpredictable and frightening way.

'I think today we've seen a tipping point in the other direction. No longer will any planning authority be allowed to wave through fossil fuel production without fully considering the climate impact.'

'Together we have just made the future safer,' she added.

Friends of the Earth, which supported the legal challenge, said that the landscape surrounding planning permission for fossil fuel extraction has been 'fundamentally changed' by the ruling.

Katie de Kauwe, a lawyer for the campaigning group, said: 'This historic ruling is a watershed moment in the fight to stop further fossil fuel extraction projects in the UK and make the emissions cuts needed to meet crucial climate targets. It is a huge boost to everyone involved in resisting fossil fuel projects.'

Ms Finch had challenged an earlier Court of Appeal ruling dismissing her case, having also lost a legal battle in the High Court

She continued: 'This judgment will make it harder for new fossil fuel projects to go ahead. They can no longer claim that downstream emissions are someone else's problem. Now, when fossil fuel companies apply for planning permission, it follows from the Supreme Court's judgment, that the end-use emissions must be considered by the planning authority.

'This is a stunning victory for Sarah Finch and the Weald Action Group, after nearly five years of grit and determination, in going to court year after year against adversaries with far greater financial resources than they have.'

In the judgment, Lord Leggatt said 'it seems to me plain' that emissions created by burning oil extracted at the site 'are effects of the project', and as a result 'it follows that the council's decision was unlawful'.

In the ruling backed by Lord Kitchin and Lady Rose, he continued: 'The reasons accepted by the council for excluding the combustion emissions from consideration and assessing only direct greenhouse gas emissions from within the well site boundary are therefore demonstrably flawed'

He added: 'In my view, there was no basis on which the council could reasonably decide that it was unnecessary to assess the combustion emissions.'

A map showing the location of Horse Hill, just north of Gatwick Airport

Lord Leggatt also said that he could see 'no reason why combustion emissions that will occur elsewhere as a consequence of the operation of a project to extract oil should be regarded differently' from emissions generated by extracting the material.

The justice later added that while the law did not prevent planning authorities from approving projects which may harm the environment, the authority needed to reach a 'reasoned conclusion' on the impact.

But he said it was 'not a valid ground' to argue that the oil being refined elsewhere before being burned meant it did not need to be considered by the council as part of the environmental assessment.

Under the plans, the oil well site, run by Horse Hill Developments, would have seen the fossil fuel extracted over 20 years, producing around 3.3 million tonnes of oil.

County Council's decision to allow oil production ruled unlawful

By Michelle Monaghan | Journalist |
Thursday 20th June 2024

The Supreme Court has ruled that it was unlawful for Surrey County Council to grant planning permission for oil production to UK Oil and Gas (UKOG) at its Horse Hill site, near Reigate, as it failed to assess the impact of downstream greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

It rules out UKOG’s plans to drill for up to 3.3 million tonnes of crude oil for 20 years at the site, but also has huge implications for all future UK fossil fuel projects.

The judgement follows a legal challenge brought by Extinction Rebellion climate campaigner and former Surrey resident Sarah Finch, on behalf of the Weald Action Group.

Sarah’s legal fight was part of a wider campaign of opposition by Weald Action Group and supported by local Extinction Rebellion activists. She launched her case in 2019 and argued that, under the correct interpretation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations 2017. Environmental impact assessments must take into account downstream emissions caused by burning extracted oil.

The ruling marks the end of the legal campaign which she took to the Supreme Court after three Appeal Court judges were split over the lawfulness of Surrey County Council’s decision.

Sarah Finch (centre) with supporters (Extinction Rebellion)

Sarah said: “I am absolutely over the moon to have won this important case. The Weald Action Group has always believed it was wrong to allow oil production without assessing its full climate impacts, and the Supreme Court has shown we were right. “This is a welcome step towards a safer, fairer future. The oil and gas companies may act like business-as-usual is still an option. But it will be very hard for planning authorities to permit new fossil fuel developments. In the Weald, the North Sea or anywhere else – when their true climate impact is clear for all to see.”

XR campaigner and Weald Action Group member, James Knapp, from Dorking, added: “Today is a huge result for all Horse Hill campaigners from Weald Action Group, Extinction Rebellion and others.

“A journey of five years of fundraising to get us through the courts to achieve this key result, along with direct action against UKOG, including well site invasions, protest camps, gate lock-ons, slow walks, a rig climb and actions against the refinery.

“But today’s judgement leaves UKOG without planning permission to continue extraction at Horse Hill, and we are celebrating a great win, which will affect a huge number of other campaigns too.”

The ruling has huge implications for all future UK fossil fuel projects (Extinction Rebellion )

The ruling makes clear that downstream emissions must be taken into consideration in the environmental assessments of fossil fuel projects, dismissing court rulings which left the issue to planning authorities.

It also emphasised the importance of public participation as a way of increasing the democratic legitimacy of environmental decisions, and serving an educational function. As Lord Leggatt summarised: “You can only care about what you know about.”.

The majority ruling also rejected the argument that resulting GHG emissions are “outwith the control of the site operators with the Court stating that it found that such emissions “are entirely within their control”.

Fact Checker

Fact check: Nigel Farage slammed over World Economic Forum membership lie
Left Foot Forward 

'You can’t cancel our membership, we aren’t members, you absolute melt'

The Reform UK leader has been called out for sharing false information on social media in an attempt to gain support and whip up paranoia about global organisations.

Nigel Farage is at the forefront of the full-on culture war assault in politics, as he pushes his idea of patriotism and “Reclaiming Britain” which received its own full page in the Reform’s manifesto, I mean contract.

The former leader of UKIP and the Brexit Party has used this narrative to attack international organisations, such as the European Union and now the World Economic Forum. He previously blamed the fall-out from the Liz Truss government on a “globalist attack”.

On Wednesday, Farage claimed on X: “Reform UK will reject the influence of the World Economic Forum and cancel Britain’s membership of it.”

The proposal received support from his followers, however, it also got completely shredded for being utterly untrue. Many social media users hit back with the fact that the UK can’t cancel its membership, because it’s not even a member.

BBC Verify journalist Shayan Sardarizadeh wrote on X: “The UK is not a member of the World Economic Forum, nor is any other country on earth.”

Broadcaster James O’Brien responded to Farage: “Britain is not a member of the World Economic Forum. The man’s a joke. But make no mistake, plenty of conspiracy theorists & other idiots will lap this up…”

Otto English on X wrote: “Maybe if he put the pints down for a moment he’d be able to do a bit of research.”

Another X user wrote: “You can’t cancel our membership, we aren’t members, you absolute melt.”

One former diplomat attempted to clear it up for Farage: “The World Economic Forum’s “members” are private sector firms. You see the list here:

“The WEF invites Heads of State and Government to attend Davos, but most send a Minister instead, who uses it as a convenient way to take a bunch of side meetings.”

Last week Farage was laughed at after telling the audience during ITV’s election debate that he “always told the truth.”

Hannah Davenport is news reporter at Left Foot Forward
Telegraph goes into meltdown with ‘Tory wipeout’ front page
Left Foot Forward

Labour is predicted to end up on 516 seats, with the Liberal Democrats on 50, while Reform end up with zero seats.

The Telegraph has produced an astonishing front page showing the unprecedented scale of Tory losses which are predicted to take place across the country at the general election, predicting a ‘Tory wipeout’.

The Savanta and Electoral Calculus poll for the paper predicts that the Tories will slump to just 53 seats, with around three-quarters of the Cabinet voted out.

Labour is predicted to end up on 516 seats, with the Liberal Democrats on 50, while Reform end up with zero seats.

The Telegraph reports: “This is the first poll of its kind to forecast Labour to win more than 500 seats. No other poll has predicted that the Tories would win so few seats.

“The polling from Savanta for The Telegraph consulted around 18,000 people between June 7 and June 18, capturing views throughout the last fortnight of the election campaign.”   

Should the poll findings prove accurate, Rishi Sunak would become the first sitting prime minister ever to lose their seat at a general election.

The paper dedicated its entire front page to the results of the poll, producing a map comparing the 2019 results which show constituencies up and down the country covered in blue only to be replaced with a sea of red based on the new poll.

The frontpage has been widely shared on social media, with one user writing: “Extraordinary front page of the Telegraph website this evening. They’ve dedicated their entire first screen to the results of a devastating new poll…”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward
Protesters tried to break into Netanyahu's residence, 3 hospitalized, 9 arrested

JUNE 18, 

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered Monday in front of the Knesset for a demonstration urging early elections and a deal with Hamas to secure the release of the hostages held in Gaza, The Times of Israel reports.

Many of the demonstrators then marched toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home where violent clashes broke out with police, with at least three people requiring hospitalization.

Police said they had allowed the demonstration to unfold until some of the participants sought to break through crowd control fences set up around the perimeter of Netanyahu’s residence. At least nine were arrested, according to police.

Protest organizers accused police of using excessive force, again employing a water cannon against protesters outside Netanyahu’s home.

According to the report, there was also a chant about Netanyahu’s “guilt” over the failures of October 7 and another with a demand for new elections.

Netanyahu has repeatedly said elections should not be held while the war in Gaza is still ongoing. The next general elections are formally scheduled for October 2026.

Since the attack by Hamas, which killed some 1,200 Israelis and foreigners in Israeli communities, Israel's military campaign has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians, according to Palestinian health ministry figures. Around 250 people were taken hostage by Hamas. Some 120 hostages are still in Gaza.


Singapore faith leader jailed for swindling, abusing followers

A Singaporean faith leader was jailed for 10 years on Wednesday for swindling millions of dollars from her followers and using violent punishments to discipline those who disobeyed her, local media reported.

Woo May Hoe was sentenced to 10-and-a-half years in prison, according to Singapore-based Channel NewsAsia (CNA), a rare case of cult-like crime in the wealthy financial hub. 

Woo convinced some 30 followers into believing she was a deity and defrauded them of more than $10 million over several years, according to court documents.

Woo had told her followers that their payments would be used for getting rid of their “bad karma”.

They were told the funds were being sent to a spiritual figure in India called Sri Sakthi Narayani Amma or financing the construction of new temples, the court documents said. 

She punished followers if they disobeyed her by caning them, forcing them to eat faeces or pulling their teeth out with pliers.

Health officials found she had paranoid schizophrenia at the time of her offences but that she was aware of the illegal nature of her acts, according to CNA.

“The accused’s actions have completely shattered the lives of her followers, leaving them in dire financial circumstances and causing permanent physical disability to some,” the prosecutors said in their sentencing submissions to the court.

In 2020, Singapore police arrested 21 members of a local chapter of South Korea’s Shincheonji Church of Jesus (SCJ). 

They were detained for being members of an unlawful society. 

Under Singapore law, anyone convicted of being a member of an unlawful society can be jailed for up to three years as well as be fined up to $3,700.

Australian Military Demos Fractl Laser Weapon in Victoria

Fractl counter-UAS Directed Energy Weapon System. Photo: CPL Jacob Joseph/Australian Army

JUNE 19, 2024

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has tested its Fractl Portable High Energy Laser at the Puckapunyal Military Area in Victoria.

The Fractl is Canberra’s first directed energy weapon designed to neutralize aerial drones moving at 100 kilometers (62 miles) per hour.

Built and delivered by Melbourne-based industry partner AIM Defence, the capability fires a concentrated laser with “less than the amount of power it takes to boil a kettle” at the speed of light to burn through steel.

The suitcase-sized solution can localize threats as small as a 10-cent coin at 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) away.

The ADF wrote that the weapon is operated silently and motionlessly, adding that unfamiliar personnel can also learn the platform within minutes.

“You push a button to track the drone and the computer takes over, then you push another button to ‘pull the trigger’ just like a video game,” ADF Corporal Patrick Flanagan explained.

“With your index finger you can quickly change your aim between the drone’s video camera, centre mass or one of the propellers.

“It only takes seconds to knock out the camera and two or three seconds to disable the rotor.”   
Fractl counter-UAS Directed Energy Weapon System controller. Photo: CPL Jacob Joseph/Australian Army

Weapon With ‘Endless Magazine’

According to ADF, an additional Fractl test was conducted alongside armored teams to evaluate the weapon’s counter-unmanned aerial system (c-UAS) function before the Puckapunyal trial.

“They consumed a lot of ammunition and were hitting the target at very close range,” ADF Robotic and Autonomous Systems Warrant Officer 2 Eli Lea stated. “There was no margin for error.”

“Laser weapons essentially have an endless magazine as long as there’s power.”

“Modern fire control systems specifically designed to track and engage drones are what’s needed.”

Preparing for Advanced Threats

The ADF further highlighted the importance of the Fractl and similar anti-drone solutions to address the emergence of autonomous aircraft in modern warfare.

Fractl counter-UAS Directed Energy Weapon System. 
Photo: CPL Jacob Joseph/Australian Army

“Drones come in all shapes and sizes and you need a variety of tools to defeat the threat,” Lea said.

“Shooting small multi-rotor UAS out of the sky is particularly challenging. A directed-energy weapon that can detect, track and engage those types of targets is a part of that tool set.”

“The lessons from Ukraine are that drones are a genuine problem and if we don’t do anything about it, we’re going to get a rude awakening in the next fight.”


As Zimbabwe’s economy collapses, traditional healers are selling wealth advice on TikTok

Locally known as sangomas, spiritual guides are gaining fame online, but they face criticism from their peers.

Emily Scherer for Rest of World


As Zimbabwe’s economy worsens, traditional healers have built a business out of promising people wealth and financial freedom.
Many have moved their services online, predominantly on TikTok.
Critics argue that they exploit spirituality for profit, raising ethical concerns.

Sitting on a couch and speaking into her phone camera, Gogo Shumba carefully outlined step-by-step instructions: Take a 10-rand note — “the green one” — and a handful of salt. Dip it in water for three days. Then, dry out the note and keep it in your wallet.

“Your money problems will be taken care of,” she concluded.

Shumba, 36, was addressing viewers who had joined her TikTok livestream to learn how to get rich. The Zimbabwean traditional healer, or sangoma in the local dialect, has been giving spiritual advice on TikTok for nearly two years, and has around 31,000 followers on the Chinese social media platform.

Traditional healer from Zimbabwe makes people rich” has become a popular content category on TikTok, and Shumba is one of the many sangomas offering spiritual guidance and special prayers to their followers. While such services have been part of Zimbabwe’s culture for centuries, TikTok has helped traditional healers find a global audience. Some of their most active followers are from other African countries, as well as the U.S. and the U.K. As they advise people on TikTok about how to get rich, the platform has helped the sangomas improve their financial conditions. In their community, however, TikTok sangomas are often looked down upon and face opposition from more orthodox peers.

“We have seen that with Pentecostal church leaders and their use of radio and television. We have seen people flocking to those churches seeking fortune,” Oswelled Ureke, a senior lecturer of television studies and digital media production at the University of Johannesburg, told Rest of World. “There could be a connection between the difficulties that people face in life and their consultations of sangomas. But it might also be that it’s just for entertainment purposes.”
Traditional healer Shumba has been giving spiritual advice on TikTok for nearly two years. @sty2lis

The southern African country has been dealing with an economic crisis marked by hyperinflation, high unemployment, and rising poverty.

Lesley Chihera, a 29-year-old Harare-based hairdresser, started consulting sangomas on TikTok in 2020. She had lost her livelihood due to the pandemic lockdowns, and was unable to visit the prophets she had regularly consulted. Now, she follows a network of TikTok sangomas and is convinced that their counseling will help her overcome financial distress.

“Right now, I really need money and that is why I am on TikTok sessions,” Chihera told Rest of World. “God-willing and your vadzimu [family spirits] permitting, things can change for the better with help of TikTok sangomas.” Following the sangomas’ advice, she has dumped eggs and old currency notes in the middle of the road to ward off evil spirits, among other things.

For the healers, TikTok has been a financial boon. A sangoma charges anywhere between $80 and $300 for a consultation, depending on the service and the location of the client.

Tanya Chisu became a traditional healer in 2018. For the first few years, Chisu, now 21, struggled to find clients and relied almost exclusively on a few referrals. In October 2022, she joined TikTok to “learn more about spiritual things from other, more experienced healers,” she told Rest of World. Over time, Chisu developed a following of her own.

“Now I make more than $1,500 [in a month],” she said. “Sometimes $2,000 per month.” Money and fertility issues are the most popular topics for consultations. The income from TikTok has helped Chisu gain “financial freedom.” She is currently saving up to buy a car.

Sekuru Kanengo, a Harare-based sangoma, has nearly 1,900 followers on TikTok. He charges $200 per consultation from local clients, and $300 from international clients, according to an automated message from the WhatsApp number linked to his TikTok page.

“Spirituality and technology do not mix. They are like water and oil.”

Earlier this year, Sekuru Tasvu, a traditional healer who has around 430 followers on TikTok, was in the news for spending $30,000 on his lavish wedding. Tasvu charges between $80 and $300 per consultation, depending on the service, according to information on his WhatsApp profile.

But the Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association does not recognize the work of sangomas who offer services through TikTok, spokesperson Prince Mutandi told Rest of World.

“Most of these TikTok and social media sangomas are thieves masquerading as traditional healers,” Mutandi said. “Spirituality and technology do not mix. They are like water and oil.”

Grace Mhofela, a Harare-based entrepreneur who has consulted a sangoma on TikTok in the past, told Rest of World she found her to be “bogus.”

“All they demand after approaching them is money,” Mhofela said. “In my case, I had lost money to thieves … I had no money and one sangoma asked me to pay $200 to consult with her.”

Chisu dismissed the allegations, saying she and many others are “genuine” sangomas who are simply “comfortable using technology.”

“[Social media] gives a platform for the expression of things that would normally occur offline, and because of its affordances, it helps people from different walks of life to access the services of sangomas,” Ureke said. “Whereas, in offline spaces, they would have had to travel long distances to go and consult sangomas face-to-face.”
Chris Muronzi is a business and tech journalist based in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Who’s actually using Threads? Young protesters in Taiwan

Despite Meta’s promise to crack down on political content in the app, Taiwanese activists are using it to organize.

Photography by Shanshan Kao for Rest of World

24 MAY 2024

Meta’s Threads platform has become a new gathering space for young, progressive users in Taiwan.

During the ongoing protests in Taiwan, users are calling for participation and organizing supplies on Threads.

Meta’s promise to reduce political content on its platforms is causing concerns that users will lose nascent political communities.

As thousands of people gathered outside Taiwan’s legislature on Tuesday to protest against a bill that would give more power to China-friendly parties, Yuan, who was volunteering at a nearby church, noticed that the large crowd was running short on supplies.

He fired off posts on the Threads app listing items that protesters needed, such as snacks, bottled water, and plastic bags. Supplies arrived within minutes.

“My Threads page was like a wishing well,” Yuan, who requested to be identified with part of his first name for privacy reasons, told Rest of World. “We got everything we asked for.”

A 32-year-old bar owner in Taipei, Yuan has been lurking on Threads since Meta launched the Instagram-linked alternative to X last year. He posted on the app for the first time last weekend to help organize a protest against the island’s opposition lawmakers. His posts about the protests have been “liked” thousands of times.

Threads, which had 150 million monthly active users globally by April, is doing exceptionally well in Taiwan, where it’s commonly loosely transliterated as cui — because the “th” sound doesn’t appear in Mandarin. It works like X, allowing users to post 500-character-long text posts as well as audio, photos and short videos. Despite its small population of 23 million, Taiwan had 1.88 million active users on Threads from May 5 to 11, behind only the U.S., Japan, and Brazil, according to app-tracking site

Demonstrators at a protest outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei, Taiwan on May 24, 2024.

While young Taiwanese users discuss everything from relationships to celebrity gossip on Threads, the app has gradually become a gathering space for progressives, who favor independence from China to defend the island’s democracy. Despite Meta’s pledges to tame down political content on its platforms, Taiwanese users are flocking to Threads specifically for that purpose. Meta did not immediately respond to a Rest of World request for comment.

The Chinese government claims Taiwan to be its own territory, and has threatened to take it back by force. As President Lai Ching-te, with the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), was inaugurated, opposition lawmakers from Kuomintang and the Taiwan People’s Party, which favor a more conciliatory stance towards China, pushed for a bill to increase the parliament’s oversight over the executive branch.

“It feels like we are starting fresh [on Threads].”

Young supporters of the DPP believe it to be an attempt to undermine the president’s power and Taiwan’s democracy. Thousands of people took to the streets this week, and many of them spread the news on Threads.

Chili Lee, a 32-year-old tattoo artist in Taipei, told Rest of World that she decided to join the protest on May 17 after seeing a Threads video showing a DPP lawmaker getting pushed off the legislature podium. When she joined the large demonstration on Tuesday, Lee checked Threads constantly for updates about where the crowd was moving. She read that the church Yuan was volunteering at was handing out food, and ended up getting a bowl of rice noodle soup. She shared a photo on Threads. “The ‘likes’ made me feel I had a duty to update internet users on what was happening,” Lee said. “I’m happy that I’m not alone in caring about politics.”
Chili Lee (right) and her husband Ken Lee joined the protests after seeing a video on Threads.

Protestors have been using a range of apps, including Facebook, Line, and Discord, to coordinate the leaderless protests, but many have found Threads to be the most effective in connecting with people outside their own social circles.

Singer Hana Hsu, who has used Threads to discuss politics since 2023, has been calling on the app’s users to join the protests since last weekend. During the demonstration, she informed fellow activists on Threads where they could confront China-leaning lawmakers. When she saw users posting they were joining alone, she connected them to others by tagging them together on Threads. “I hope no one is left by themselves,” Hsu told Rest of World.

Jason Liu, a former journalist who runs the popular podcast May I Ask, posted recordings from the protest scene, where people chanted slogans like “Defend democracy.” As a new platform, Liu told Rest of World, Threads is able to amplify the voices of ordinary users. “There is so much misinformation and fake accounts in Taiwan,” he said. “Everyone is looking for something real. Threads is proving to be doing just that.”

“The ‘likes’ made me feel I had a duty to update internet users on what was happening.”

X has never become mainstream in Taiwan. During the last major protest, the 2014 Sunflower Movement, student activists communicated through a mix of Facebook, local forums, and YouTube livestreams, participants told Rest of World.

But the youth have now found those platforms to be obsolete and too conservative. “It feels like we are starting fresh [on Threads],” Huang Tzu-ning, a 26-year-old education worker, told Rest of World. Huang, who began posting on the day of Taiwan’s presidential election, has been interacting with high school and university students about how to participate in politics. “Facebook no longer has these young groups.”

Katherine Chen, a communications professor at the National Chengchi University in Taiwan who also works on Meta’s Oversight Board, told Rest of World that Threads has created a bubble for young, progressive Taiwanese people, with less interference from older internet users and advertisements. The platform has created a new opportunity for the DPP to mobilize support, she said.
A demonstrator holds a meme mocking two opposition lawmakers, downloaded from Threads.

But freshly created political communities could be fragile as Meta promises to reduce the amount of political content users can see. Facebook began limiting political content in 2021, and Meta said this year that Instagram and Threads would also stop recommending political content, unless it came from accounts users were following. “Our goal is to preserve the ability for people to choose to interact with political content, while respecting each person’s appetite for it,” Meta’s head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, wrote on Threads in February.

Meta would likely focus on reducing political content in English to fend off criticisms from the U.S. public that it has been fueling polarization, according to Tama Leaver, a professor of internet studies at Curtin University in Australia. He told Rest of World that while the company might find the relatively civil discussions on Taiwan unalarming at the moment, rules could change. “It is entirely possible that Meta could flip the switch tomorrow, and visible and obvious political content could get significantly downplayed,” Leaver said.

Taiwanese users told Rest of World they worry how long Threads would be willing to host their activism. Huang, the education worker, called on users to add each other on messaging apps Line and Telegram, so people could stay in touch even if the algorithm on Threads stops promoting politics. That post got more than 2,300 likes.

“My worry is that the Taiwanese on our side rely too much on this place,” Huang said. “After all, this is a commercial platform run by the notorious Meta.”
Viola Zhou is a Rest of World Senior Reporter based in New York City.
Singapore doubles down on lab-grown meat as Silicon Valley backs off

Global funding in the cultured meat industry dropped by 75% in the last year. Singapore sees its chance to become a world leader, backing local and international firms.

19 JUNE 2024 •

Singapore is the only country where cultivated meat can be purchased in a shop.
Quick approvals and government support have lured several U.S., European cultivated meat firms.

High cost of production, scaling up, and consumer skepticism remain challenges.

Huber’s Butchery, in Singapore’s upscale Dempsey Hill neighborhood, has long drawn shoppers looking for more than just cold cuts. Starting last month, the deli’s freezer section has stocked shredded chicken grown from cells in a lab, the first time anywhere in the world that cultivated meat can be bought in a store, its manufacturer said.

Cultivated meat has been available at a handful of restaurants in Singapore and the U.S. for a couple of years. But the launch of Good Meat 3 — from California-based food technology firm Eat Just — at Huber’s is a high point for the industry that has been in the doldrums lately. Investor interest is flagging, and cultivated meat has been banned in Italy, and in the U.S. states of Alabama and Florida.

The retail launch “is more than a milestone for the company, it is also a milestone for the cultivated meat industry,” Josh Tetrick, Eat Just’s co-founder and chief executive, told Rest of World. The formulation of its new product uses just 3% cultivated chicken in order to sell at a lower price point so more people can try it, he said. “Singapore’s population has always demonstrated a remarkable openness to new technologies in food and elsewhere, making it the perfect marketplace for novel foods like cultivated meats.”

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Unlike plant-based meats that have become commonplace with brands such as Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat, cultivated meat has struggled to get off the ground after an initial wave of enthusiasm.

The tissue-engineering techniques behind cultivated meat have long been used in making vaccines and drugs: Animal fat and tissue are grown in a lab from cells, then processed into a variety of proteins. The obvious advantages are that it needs less land and water to produce, and can lower greenhouse gas emissions. But cultivated meat is expensive to produce and hard to scale, and has struggled to hold investor interest.

The more than $3 billion put into cultivated meat worldwide over the last decade is a fraction of the investments in other technologies, such as renewable energy, which are also aimed at reducing emissions. “The biggest obstacle to cultivated meat reaching the masses … is the broad underinvestment in R&D and manufacturing infrastructure, especially from governments,” Mirte Gosker, managing director of the nonprofit Good Food Institute Asia Pacific, told Rest of World.

Singapore’s foray into alternative proteins began in earnest in March 2019, with its “30 by 30” vision to sustainably produce 30% of its nutritional needs locally by 2030 — up from 10%. Alternative protein is a key part of this plan. But its strategy “goes beyond simply meeting its own domestic needs,” said Gosker.

“The biggest obstacle to cultivated meat reaching the masses … is the broad underinvestment in R&D and manufacturing infrastructure.”

“As a small country with limited natural resources, Singapore cannot single-handedly feed the world,” she said. “But it can serve as the place where companies from all around the world come to work with top-tier research agencies and food-tech partners to refine their formulations, eliminate inefficiencies in their manufacturing process, and explore new techniques and ingredients that could help them drive down costs.”

Singapore was the first country to approve cultivated meat, with the nod for Eat Just’s chicken nuggets in December 2020. The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) recently greenlit Australia-based Vow’s cultivated quail for restaurants — the second company to receive a local license, and just the fourth globally. Later this year, SFA is expected to approve cultivated chicken and pork from French firm Vital Meat and Dutch company Meatable, respectively.

There are about a dozen local alternative-protein startups in the country, and some 15 from Europe, the U.S., South Korea, Israel, and Hong Kong. While investments in other countries may be larger, “one of Singapore’s greatest strengths is the tight-knit innovation community which facilitates seamless collaboration between startups, researchers, and government agencies,” Gosker said.

The government has so far committed some $230 million towards alternative proteins — from grants to training researchers to building capabilities in bioprocessing and other complementary technologies. Singapore “invested very heavily in getting technological expertise into its government regulatory departments,” Simon Eassom, chief executive of Food Frontier, an Australia-based think tank, told Rest of World. “That means it’s able to fast-track a lot of these applications safely.” Applications only take half, or a third, of the time to process, compared to Australia or the U.S., he said.

Singapore is the “perfect spot” for testing, George Peppou, co-founder and chief executive of Vow, told Rest of World. The speed of approvals is the “driving reason” why Vow launched its cultivated quail in Singapore, he said. “We have an application with the FDA, but we’re not intending to launch in the U.S. anytime soon … It’s a very expensive market to launch in, and now it’s so politically sensitive, it wouldn’t be worth the investment.”
A selection of cultivated seafood products from Singapore’s Umami Bioworks, prepared for a tasting event in October 2022. Umami Bioworks

The United States and Israel approved the sale of cultivated chicken and beef in June 2023 and January 2024, respectively. Australia and New Zealand are jointly assessing Vow’s cultivated quail for approval. China added cultivated meat to its five-year plan for food in 2022, while South Korea set up a regulatory framework for cultivated meat this year. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are also investing heavily.

Meanwhile, Singapore’s Islamic Religious Council declared cultivated meat halal earlier this year, expanding the potential consumer base in the multiethnic country. In April, state-backed sustainable food firm Nurasa opened a food innovation center that offers food-tech startups facilities such as 100-liter bioreactors to help produce at scale. Some of Eat Just’s Good Meat 3 was produced there.
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“Shared developmental resources like this can help solve specific problems in the value chain and bottlenecks that many companies share,” Mihir Pershad, who moved from the U.S. state of Maryland to Singapore, told Rest of World. Pershad’s Umami Bioworks, which makes cultivated seafood, has secured R&D grants and meetings with potential overseas customers through the Singapore government, he said.

Worldwide, there are nearly 200 cultivated meat companies. Although prices in the nascent industry have declined since the first lab-grown beef burger debuted in 2013 at a staggering $330,000, they still need to fall to under $10 per kilo — roughly a tenth of current costs — to be competitive in the mass market, estimates the Good Food Institute.

Cultivated meat may reach cost parity with conventional meat by 2030, with the market worth about $25 billion by then, according to McKinsey & Company. But investor interest has flagged: The industry raised just $226 million last year, a steep fall from $922 million in 2022, according to the Good Food Institute. Several Silicon Valley startups have collapsed or shelved expansion plans. Eat Just is also under pressure in the U.S.

Startups are also still finding investors: Cellivate Technologies, a Singapore company focused on cell-based solutions for the cultivated meat industry, recently beat out nearly two dozen startups in Southeast Asia to win a business reality TV show, with commitments of about $3 million from venture capital firms.

“There is much more work to be done to prove that cultivated meat can be made at large scale,” said Eat Just’s Tetrick. “[But] this year, we will sell more servings of cultivated chicken than have been sold in any year prior.” As for its newest product, Huber’s Butchery is “pretty much selling most of what is supplied to us,” Andre Huber, the executive director, told Rest of World. “Response has been great.”

Sandy Ong is an independent science and tech journalist based in Singapore.