Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Pro-Palestinian Movement Finds Its Footing As Biden Inches Left

Daniel Marans
Thu, May 16, 2024

Last Friday, a senior political aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) convened a group of progressive pro-Palestinian groups on a Zoom call to discuss strategy. The list of participants included representatives of the political arm of Jewish Voice for Peace, the Institute for Middle East Understanding Policy Project, IfNotNow and Americans for Justice in Palestine Action.

The call took place less than two days after President Joe Biden confirmed on CNN that his administration had paused an offensive weapons shipment to Israel and would withhold additional transfers if Israel launched a full-scale invasion of Rafah, the city in southern Gaza where 1 million Palestinians are taking refuge.

The Ocasio-Cortez aide appealed to the activists on the call to give Biden appropriate credit, given the historic nature of the step, and noted that Biden was already receiving fierce pushback from Israel supporters furious about the news.

It’s important we make clear to the White House that when the president moves in our direction, we’re willing to say so.Mike Casca, chief of staff to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)

“It’s important we make clear to the White House that when the president moves in our direction, we’re willing to say so,” said Mike Casca, Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, who was not the aide present on the call.

On the whole, advocates for Palestinian rights and a cease-fire in Gaza — inside Congress and out — were already marching in step with Ocasio-Cortez. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) joined her in praising Biden’s announcement. So, too, did the “uncommitted” movement, which had sought to pressure Biden through the Democratic primaries; Arab American Institute founder James Zogby; the Muslim group Emgage; the Center for International Policy; the liberal pro-Israel group J Street; the Jewish Democratic Council of America; the Center for American Progress; and Indivisible. Even IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace offered Biden qualified credit, though JVP did not post its statement on social media.

But the praise was not unanimous, with plenty of pro-Palestinian groups unwilling to give the president credit while the war’s horrific toll on Palestinian civilians grows and U.S. weapons and aid continue to flow.

Those dissenting voices might show the growing pains of a still-young and inchoate movement reluctant to acknowledge incremental progress in the face of ongoing bloodshed in Gaza. Or it could show how an uncompromising vanguard can complement the work of a pragmatic advocacy campaign.

Biden has long said he would never let political considerations determine his policy vis-a-vis Israel’s military assault on Gaza. Still, an administration staffer told HuffPost, there has been a discrepancy in the volume and tenor of complaints he’s gotten from the pro-Israel community after Biden’s CNN announcement and the recognition he’s received from groups that support the Palestinians.

“Not that we’re doing it for politics, but we notice the volume on the outside when people say something supportive or critical, and it’s equally notable when they don’t say anything at all,” said one White House official, who requested anonymity in order to speak without authorization.

President Joe Biden (right) embraces Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during an October visit shortly after Hamas' terror attack on Israelis. Biden has since grown frustrated with Netanyahu.
President Joe Biden (right) embraces Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during an October visit shortly after Hamas' terror attack on Israelis. Biden has since grown frustrated with Netanyahu. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/Getty Images

And it’s not the first time Biden administration officials have felt that way since Israel invaded Gaza.

For example, in late April, the White House floated the possibility of welcoming more Palestinian refugees from Gaza to the United States — a gesture to progressives’ humanitarian concerns, even if refugee resettlement hasn’t been one of their major asks. Republicans went to town blasting the idea, and even some swing-state Democrats were cool to it, but the left has not said much in response.

The facts are difficult for progressive groups to square. On one hand, Biden’s threat to cut off Israel was such a break with protocol that its most recent precedents date back at least three decades. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush withheld loan guarantees unless Israel agreed to freeze settlements in the West Bank.

For Biden, a committed Zionist who embraced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre of Israelis and kidnapping of hostages, the announcement was an especially stark shift in approach.

“It’s significant for any American president, but I think we should recognize how much of a change and a shift this constitutes for this president,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, which describes itself as “the home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans.” “There has to be a consistent policy and a consistent follow-through, and we need to see a lot more than we have seen. But this is a really important first step. And it indicates that the president is willing to say, ‘No more blank check.’”

If his red line is Rafah, he just needs to stop the weapons transfers entirely.Senior pro-Palestinian strategist

On the other hand, the conditions of Biden’s ultimatum to Israel grow murkier by the hour. Israel has begun military operations in Rafah, prompting nearly 450,000 people to flee the city under desperate conditions.

The Biden administration has not clarified exactly what it considers a full-scale invasion of Rafah, but it apparently does not see the operations currently underway as running afoul of the president’s red line. And on Tuesday, the White House notified Congress it had greenlighted an additional $1 billion in weapons transfers for Israel, including tank shells, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds, though not the 2,000-pound bombs that Biden paused delivery of last week.

“The Rafah invasion is already happening,” said a senior pro-Palestinian strategist who requested anonymity to speak without authorization. They were unimpressed with Biden’s announcement: “If his red line is Rafah, he just needs to stop the weapons transfers entirely.”

On Friday, the State Department also released its long-awaited assessment of whether Israel is violating international and U.S. law. The report said it is “reasonable” to believe U.S. weapons provided to Israel have been used illegally but avoided judging specific incidents and ruled U.S. aid and weapon sales to Israel could continue.

Displaced Palestinians pack their belongings before leaving an unsafe area in Rafah, Gaza, on Wednesday. About 450,000 Gazans have fled the city amid Israeli military operations.
Displaced Palestinians pack their belongings before leaving an unsafe area in Rafah, Gaza, on Wednesday. About 450,000 Gazans have fled the city amid Israeli military operations. AFP via Getty Images

As a result, the report seemed to at once incur the wrath of conservative Biden critics while disappointing even allied groups, such as J Street, which endorsed Biden’s reelection in April 2023.

“The report makes it very clear that there is reason to believe that international law has been violated, and yet the administration did not lay out what accountability looks like,” said Ben-Ami, who lamented that Biden’s May 8 announcement of a red line in Rafah was not tied to the report’s findings.

Perhaps anticipating these developments, some pro-Palestinian politicians and groups refused to commend Biden for pausing the bomb shipment.

A spokesperson for Just Foreign Policy, an anti-interventionist group, noted Israel already has enough U.S.-supplied weapons to do as it wishes in Rafah. A spokesperson for Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the only Palestinian American in Congress, observed that mere weeks earlier, Biden had signed a bill granting Israel $14 billion in emergency military and civilian aid.

On May 9, the Institute for Middle East Understanding Policy Project unleashed a series of complaints about Biden on X, formerly Twitter, arguing that, absent more action, Biden’s comments “mean little after seven months of genocide.” And Waleed Shahid, a prominent pro-Palestinian communications strategist, snarkily translated the CNN headlines about the interview as “Biden recognizes U.S. weapons have killed Palestinian civilians in Gaza but once again stops short of restricting or ending arms sales to Israel.”

The negative feedback — or silence — was enough to spark concern from Jeet Heer, a columnist in The Nation, that the left was losing the capacity to recognize its own progress.

I commend the president for what he did, and I need to see him do a lot more.Abbas Alawieh, National Uncommitted Movement

“Denigrating this sea change runs the risk of undermining the great historical achievement of the anti-war and pro-Palestinian movement,” Heer wrote.

Heer seized on a quote from Abbas Alawieh, a former senior congressional aide turned leader of the Uncommitted National Movement. Alawieh was quoted in The New York Times on Friday as saying that Biden’s move was “extremely overdue and horribly insufficient.”

Alawieh insisted to HuffPost that he had been quoted out of context and that he believes advocates must both recognize Biden’s shift and push for a complete end to the war. “I commend the president for what he did, and I need to see him do a lot more,” he said.

Regardless, there is some basis for fears that Biden’s pivot has not generated enough progressive support. And it’s a risky move, as restricting weapons or aid to Israel has long been a political taboo that invariably sparks fierce opposition from the country’s influential defenders in the U.S.

The Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations all condemned Biden’s ultimatum, as did the Democratic Majority for Israel PAC, which has endorsed his reelection. Democratic mega-donor Haim Saban warned Biden of the political consequences of his decision, claiming there are more “Jewish voters, who care about Israel than Musli[m] voters that care about Hamas.”

And 26 moderate House Democrats sent a letter to Biden on Friday expressing their disapproval of his withholding of a shipment of bombs and demanding a classified briefing about his decision.

Entertainment mogul Haim Saban is among the Democratic mega-donors who strenuously objected to Biden's threat to cut off weapons if Israel fully invades Rafah in the Gaza Strip.
Entertainment mogul Haim Saban is among the Democratic mega-donors who strenuously objected to Biden's threat to cut off weapons if Israel fully invades Rafah in the Gaza Strip. Michael Buckner/Variety via Getty Images

“It’s a lesson in how to alienate everyone,” said a pro-Israel Democratic strategist who requested anonymity to speak freely about his party’s leader. “He has not assuaged the Arab American community in particular, ... and while I think the pro-Israel community recognizes that he has been the strongest pro-Israel president we have ever had, there is nonetheless a tremendous sense of concern, worry, disappointment and even anger.”

The White House has also been disappointed in pro-Palestinian activists’ reticence about what a second  Donald Trump presidency would mean for U.S. policy on Israel and the Palestinians. Trump, who blessed Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands like no president before him, has criticized Biden’s paused weapon shipment. Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, David Friedman — a major ally to the West Bank settler movement — has, among other extreme stances, called for throwing the “idea of Palestinian statehood onto the ash heap of history.”

Activists who support Palestinians’ human rights argue that the only political incentive that Biden should need to accede to their demands of a complete halt to weapon transfers is the public polling that suggests Biden’s handling of the war is hurting him with key demographic groups, including young people, progressives and voters of color. Though the war in Gaza is not a top concern for young voters at large, according to multiple surveys, the tight contests that Biden is likely to face in battleground states leave little margin for error.

Matt Duss, executive vice president of the Center for International Policy, is among those who consider it important to recognize Biden’s leftward step.

But he warned the Biden administration against giving credence to those who argue that the heat he is still getting from pro-Palestinian activists is a reason to dismiss them out of hand.

“There is a large and growing and diverse progressive left right now. There’s consensus about a lot of things, and there’s disagreements about some others,” said Duss, who previously advised Sanders on foreign policy. “But it’s become abundantly clear in the polling over many years, and especially in the last few months, that the president needs to pay attention to his left flank after decades of only paying attention to his right flank.”


AI analyst says plumbers and electricians'

 jobs are safe, but AI models like GPT-4o

 'will impact any job that has data'

  • GPT-4o and other multimodal AI models could soon change the way we work.

  • An AI analyst said plumbers and electricians' jobs are safe, but "AI will impact any job that has data."

  • But computer workers will likely need to learn how to work with AI.

OpenAI's newest model and others like it could dramatically reinvent the workplace wheel.

GPT-4o, the company's newest multimodal model, can input and output a combination of text, audio, and images. The technology represents a major advancement of the artificial intelligence of the recent past.

OpenAI announced the model in a series of demo videos on Monday, showcasing the technology's improved vision and voice abilities. The videos elicited both wonder and mockery, with people quickly making comparisons to the 2013 sci-fi movie "Her" and Elon Musk saying the reveal made him "cringe."

While it's too early to predict how exactly the model will disrupt the workforce, GPT-4o and other multimodal models will inevitably change the way we work, said Maribel Lopez, an AI analyst and founder of research and strategy consulting firm Lopez Research.

"The concept of multimodal models will impact a lot of different industries because it handles text, video, and audio," Lopez told Business Insider.

But not all of those impacts will necessarily be negative, Lopez said. For example, electricians, plumbers, and other tactile workers could use multimodal AI to make their jobs easier, she said.

"For workers who fix specialized equipment, AI might be very helpful in troubleshooting or fixing problems," Lopez said. "But it won't replace them because they have to be there to do it."

While some companies are working on AI robots that can do physical work, those models are typically better suited for repeated menial tasks like welding bolts than complex blue-collar labor.

However, other industries could have more of a challenge adapting to the implementation of multimodal AI in the workplace.

"AI will impact any job that has data," Lopez said, pointing to industries like supply chain and finance.

The general consensus is that anywhere from 20% to 30% of tasks completed by "computer workers" will eventually be offset by AI, Lopez said. But that doesn't mean computer workers will find themselves unemployed.

Using paralegals as an example, Lopez said their jobs could shift from tracking down documents and writing up summaries — two tasks that can take a person hours but which AI can complete in minutes — to tasks yet unknown.

"The AI challenge is that it forces all of us to enhance our skillsets," Lopez said. "It will be a change for all of us."

And it appears that OpenAI doesn't want GPT-4o to feel like doomsday for computer workers, either.

The company included a demo video showing the technology acting as a personal assistant, suggesting changes to code in real time, and offering a one-sentence summary of text.

Filipino activists decide not to sail closer to disputed shoal, avoiding clash with Chinese ships

Wed, May 15, 2024 

In this photo provided by Atin-Ito/Akbayan Party, activists and crew members distribute fuel to fishermen as groups from a nongovernment coalition called Atin Ito, Tagalog for This is Ours, sailed at the South China Sea on Wednesday May 15, 2024. About 100 Filipino activists on wooden boats have decided not to sail closer to a fiercely disputed shoal in the South China Sea on Thursday to avoid a confrontation with dozens of Chinese coast guard and suspected militia ships guarding the area.
 (Atin-Ito/Akbayan Party via AP)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — About 100 Filipino activists on wooden boats have decided not to sail closer to a fiercely disputed shoal in the South China Sea on Thursday to avoid a confrontation with dozens of Chinese coast guard and suspected militia ships guarding the area.

Accompanied by journalists on four boats, the activists will distribute food packs and fuel to Filipino fishermen about 58 nautical miles (107 kilometers) southeast of Scarborough Shoal and then sail back home, Emman Hizon and other organizers said.

Chinese and Philippine coast guard and accompanying ships have had a series of increasingly hostile territorial faceoffs at Scarborough, which is surrounded by the Chinese coast guard, and at Philippine-occupied Second Thomas Shoal since last year. The Chinese ships have used powerful water cannons and employed blocking and other dangerous maneuvers that led to minor collisions, injured several Filipino navy personnel and strained diplomatic ties.

The United States has repeatedly warned that it's obligated to defend the Philippines, its longtime treaty ally, if Filipino forces, ships or aircraft come under an armed attack in the region, including in the busy South China Sea. That has sparked fears a conflict could involve Washington if the territorial disputes escalate out of control.

The activists and fishing community leaders, who belong to a nongovernment coalition called Atin Ito, Tagalog for This is Ours, provided aid to Filipino fishermen and floated symbolic territorial buoys on Wednesday on their way to Scarborough's outlying waters to assert Philippine sovereign rights over the atoll. But two Chinese coast guard ships started shadowing them Wednesday night, according to Hizon and the Philippine coast guard.

A group of 10 activists managed to evade the Chinese blockade by at least 46 ships in the outlying waters on Wednesday and distributed food and fuel to Filipinos fishing closer to the atoll. That was cited by the activists in declaring that their mission was a success.

“We managed to breach their illegal blockade, reaching the vicinity of Bajo de Masinloc to support our fishers with essential supplies,” said Rafaela David, an activist leader who led the voyage to the disputed waters. “Mission accomplished.”

The Philippine coast guard deployed three patrol ships and a light plane on Wednesday to keep watch on the activists, who set off from western Zambales province. Dozens of journalists joined the three-day voyage.

In December, the group mounted an expedition to another disputed shoal but cut the trip short after being tailed by a Chinese ship.

China effectively seized Scarborough Shoal, a triangle-shaped atoll with a vast fishing lagoon ringed by mostly submerged coral outcrops, by surrounding it with its coast guard ships after a tense 2012 standoff with Philippine government ships.

Angered by China’s action, the Philippine government brought the territorial disputes to international arbitration in 2013 and largely won, with a tribunal in The Hague ruling three years later that China’s expansive claims based on historical grounds in the busy seaway were invalid under the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The ruling declared Scarborough Shoal a traditional fishing area for Chinese, Filipino and Vietnamese fishermen, but China refused to join the arbitration, rejected the ruling and continues to defy it.

Two weeks ago, Chinese coast guard and suspected militia ships used water cannons on Philippine coast guard and fisheries ships patrolling Scarborough Shoal, damaging both ships.

The Philippines condemned the Chinese coast guard’s action at the shoal, which lies in Manila's internationally recognized exclusive economic zone. The Chinese coast guard said it took a “necessary measure” after the Philippine ships “violated China’s sovereignty.”

Aside from the Philippines and China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan have also been involved in the long-seething territorial disputes.

Indonesia has also had skirmishes with Chinese vessels in resource-rich waters stretching from its Natuna islands to the margins of the South China Sea, which Beijing has claimed virtually in its entirety.

The Indonesian navy has fired warning shots in the past and seized Chinese fishing boats it accused of encroaching into Indonesian waters.

Philippines seeks to ensure safety of civilian mission in South China Sea

Updated Wed, May 15, 2024 

A China Coast Guard ship is seen from a Philippine fishing boat at the disputed Scarborough Shoal

MANILA (Reuters) -The Philippines has sent three coast guard vessels to ensure the safety of a civilian flotilla sailing to a shoal in the South China Sea, where Manila and Beijing have been embroiled in heated stand-offs over competing claims.

The three-day mission to hand out provisions for fishermen anchored at the contested Scarborough Shoal is being led by a group called Atin Ito (This is Ours), along with five commercial fishing vessels, organisers said. Around 100 smaller fishing boats will also join the initial part of the trip.

The coast guard was not part of the civilian mission which sailed on Wednesday, but it will provide safety and security for the civilian volunteers, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) spokesperson Jay Tarriela told reporters.

A PCG aircraft deployed to monitor the situation at Scarborough Shoal on Wednesday spotted 19 Chinese vessels, including one Chinese navy ship around the area where PCG said it also monitored two floating barriers at the southeastern entrance of the shoal.

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV has reported the Chinese Coast Guard recently held routine drills at the shoal.Atin Ito led a similar mission in December to deliver supplies to troops stationed at Second Thomas Shoal, but it cut short its journey due to what it described as shadowing and harassment by Chinese coast guard ships.

China said on Wednesday it has indisputable sovereignty over the shoal which it calls Huangyan Island and its adjacent waters.

"If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill and infringes on China's territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction, China will defend its rights in accordance with the law. The relevant responsibilities and consequences are entirely borne by the Philippine side," foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a media briefing.

Echoing the foreign ministry's comment, CCTV said Chinese Coast Guard conducted "routine rights protection and law enforcement activities" in waters around the disputed shoal on Wednesday.

The coast guard urged the Philippines to immediately "cease its violations" and said it would resolutely safeguard the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, CCTV added.


Located inside Manila's exclusive economic zone, the Scarborough Shoal is coveted for its bountiful fish stocks and a stunning turquoise lagoon that provides safe haven for vessels during storms.

It was seized by China in 2012 after a stand-off with the Philippines, and Beijing has since maintained a constant deployment of coast guard and fishing trawlers, some accused by Manila of being maritime militia.

China has not acknowledged the presence of militia in the South China Sea.

"China's actions in the West Philippine Sea reveal not strength, but a glaring weakness," Rafaela David, a co-convenor of Atin Ito, said in a statement. "When it resorts to intimidating small, civilian fishing vessels with military might, it showcases a narrative built on fear rather than legitimate authority."

The West Philippine Sea (WPS) is Manila's term for waters in the South China Sea that fall within its 200-nautical mile EEZ.

Atin Ito said it has installed symbolic buoys within the Philippine EEZ containing the words "WPS ATIN ITO".

China claims almost all the South China Sea, including parts claimed by the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam.

A 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration found that China's sweeping claims have no legal basis.

(Reporting by Karen Lema; Additional reporting by Mei Mei Chu in Beijing; Editing by John Mair and Subhranshu Sahu)
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Canada says its commercial milk tests negative for bird flu

Wed, May 15, 2024 

FILE PHOTO: Cattle wait their turn to be milked on a farm near Rosser, Manitoba

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Canadian government officials said samples of commercially sold milk as of May 14 have shown "no evidence" of H5N1 bird flu after enhanced testing aimed at alleviating Canadians concerns following the virus' detection in some U.S. dairy cattle.

Dairy cattle in nine U.S. states have been found to have the virus, prompting warnings to dairy workers even as the threat to the general population is considered low.


Canadian inspectors already tightened import requirements on U.S. breeding cattle this month after the first confirmed case of the H5N1 virus in a dairy herd in March and only the second human case in two years was identified in a dairy farm worker in April, raising concerns about the spread of the virus to animals and people.


"We understand that Canadians may be concerned about the safety of milk and milk products... The method used to test foods for (H5N1) is very sensitive and will detect fragments of the virus, even if the virus is not infectious," the Canadian government said in a notice posted on Tuesday.


As of Tuesday, Canadian Food Inspection Agency laboratories found no evidence of disease after testing 142 retail milk samples from across the country, the government of Canada said. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has also tested milk samples and said it found no signs of live virus but cautioned against drinking unpasteurized raw milk.

(Reporting by Susan Heavey; editing by Caroline Humer and Bill Berkrot)