Sunday, June 23, 2019


The FBI Just Released Bigfoot’s Official File And It Is Beyond Fascinating

Andrew Daniels
Women's Health
June 22, 2019

Photo credit: Bettmann - Getty Images

The FBI’s Vault is a fascinating corner of the Internet, and a fantastic waste of time. The Bureau’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) library houses thousands of previously sealed or long-buried files on very famous-and very dead-celebrities, criminals, politicians, and other persons of interest. And they’re all on display for free public perusal, which is how you suddenly find yourself scrutinizing reports on everyone from Al Capone to Anna Nicole Smith for three hours one afternoon. No judging.

Now, the FBI usually doesn’t make such documents public until after the person dies, which makes the latest release from the vault-22 glorious pages concerning one Bigfoot-particularly notable for two reasons: It appears to be confirmation that a.) Bigfoot is dead, and b.) Bigfoot was real. Probably.

Bigfoot: FBI Records Vault (@FBIRecordsVault) June 5, 2019

The mythical creature known as Bigfoot-or, if you prefer, Sasquatch, Yowie, Skunk Ape, or Yayali-has a long, murky history. People swear they’ve been seeing him for centuries, usually in the woods of North America and often in the Pacific Northwest. And the part-hairy ape, part-hairy human, part-hairy bear-thing has inspired such fervor among his fanatics that the fiercest devotees have even gotten the government involved in their pursuit of the truth.

Bigfoot’s official file, which we gleefully examined in full like the proud investigative journalists we are, mostly follows the correspondence between the Bigfoot Information Center and Exhibition (BIC) in The Dalles, Oregon and the FBI’s Scientific and Technical Services Division from 1976 to 1977.

Photo credit: FBI

In 1976, BIC director Peter Byrne requested the FBI test a strange hair sample. “We do not often come across hair which we are able to identify and the hair that we have now, about 15 hairs attached to a tiny piece of skin, is the first that we have obtained in six years which we feel may be of importance.”

Photo credit: FBI

In a letter back to Byrne, the FBI admitted its lab “primarily conducts exams for law enforcement agencies in connection with criminal investigations,” but eventually agreed to inspect the hairs after several newspapers, including the New York Times and Washington Star-News, brought light to Bigfoot’s possible existence.

Photo credit: FBI

Eventually, after several months of follow-ups, which are documented in the file, the FBI delivered the results of the test to both Byrne and the organization that supported his research, the Academy of Applied Science. Sadly, Bigfoot was a bust.

“It was concluded as a result of these examinations that the hairs are of deer family origin,” the FBI wrote, crushing the dreams of Bigfoot believers everywhere.

View photos

Photo credit: FBI

While this is a disappointing revelation, by no means is the case closed. For all we know, the FBI could have Bigfoot documents it isn’t showing us, and this is all just a clever ploy to throw us off his scent.

In the meantime, we’ll keep searching-and hold out hope that the FBI finally releases the Loch Ness Monster’s file to keep us occupied until then.

'No explanation': Flying objects over Kansas City leave locals suspecting aliens
Two flying objects in Kansas City, Missouri, left locals suspecting aliens and the National Weather Service with "no explanation."
'No explanation': Flying objects over Kansas City leave locals suspecting aliens
Flying objects over Kansas City on Thursday night sparked the interest of locals and — for a while — had stumped people looking for answers. KMBC 9 in Kansas City said on Twitter it had fielded "several calls" regarding two strange orbs floating over Kansas City International Airport.



Military officials brief president and Congress on UFO sightings after growing concerns

Servicemen and women have brought frequent UFO sightings to the attention of the president and other lawmakers.
A veteran fighter-pilot saw an unidentified flying object outside his cockpit window on a U.S. military training mission in Florida in 2015.

“There’s a whole fleet of them. Look on the S.A. My gosh. They’re going against the wind. The wind is 120 knots to the West. Look at that thing dude!”

Many other UFO’s have been sighted by American military pilots.

The Navy briefed members of Congress on these sightings, calling the UFO’s a “threat to the safety and security of our aviators.”

“That was one of the most amazing things, to us or at least to me, is that these things would be out there all day. And the speeds that they were exhibiting, as well as the flight characteristics, there’s no platform or really energy source that I’m aware of that can allow something to stay in the air as long as these objects were,” said former Navy Fighter Pilot, Ryan Graves.

The UFO’s haven’t exactly kept their distance from the pilots.

“Someone accidentally had one of the objects fly in between his aircraft at a very close range and gained a visual. Realized it was very unlikely that it was a U.S. drone program,” said Graves.

As expected, there are skeptics of this UFO activity, including Bill Nye and President Trump.

“It’s probably one part of the military not telling the other part of the military what they’re up top, for a good reason,” said Nye ‘The Science Guy’.

The president said that he had a very short briefing on the topic and wasn’t sure if he believed it.

Other skeptics believe that the objects could simply be military hardware being tested on classified missions unbeknownst to the pilots who spotted them.

A Navy official said that they are working with the Air Force and other branches to better understand what pilots are seeing.


Three Days Ago, DARPA Launched Some Balloons. Then People Started Seeing UFOs.

Andrew Daniels,
Popular Mechanics•June 21, 2019

Photo credit: Twitter/@NWSKansasCityMore

UFOs are having a bit of a moment right now. This week, Politico revealed that several Senators were briefed by the Pentagon about UFO sightings for unknown reasons, with President Trump admitting that he, too, was also in the loop. (“Do I believe it? Not particularly,” Trump said.) And on the same day we questioned the government’s renewed interest in mysterious aircraft, the National Weather Service in Kansas City stoked even more curiosity with a tweet alerting locals to two suspicious white orbs hanging out in the sky:

We honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City.- NWS Kansas City (@NWSKansasCity) June 21, 2019

Predictably, the tweet didn’t just cause a commotion in KC on Thursday night, but across the country, too. Generally, when we can’t initially explain a strange occurrence and there’s even the faintest possibility that extraterrestrials could be involved-especially when there’s a cool video of the strange object in motion, as shown below-we’re bound to indulge in some irresponsible speculation.

Alas, despite a few fleeting hours of ET excitement, we arrived at an answer for the floating orbs thanks to some sleuthing by Gizmodo. That site originally suspected the orbs could be the property of Google’s Project Loon, which sends large LTE balloons to places like Peru, a spot recently hit with an 8.0 earthquake that badly needed emergency cell service.

But Loon didn’t know anything about the UFOs. “While Loon does routinely fly balloons over the [U.S.] from our launch site in Nevada,” Loon’s Scott Coriell told Gizmodo, “we do not currently have balloons in the area where the sightings have been reported.”

Gizmodo then reached out to the Department of Defense, which didn’t technically claim ownership of the UFOs, but did say that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched three balloons from Cumberland, Maryland on June 18 in a flight test for its Adaptable Lighter Than Air (ALTA) program. A tweet from DARPA on that day confirmed the flight test:

Last night, DARPA launched 3 balloons from Cumberland, Maryland, in a flight test for the Adaptable Lighter Than Air prgm. Over next few days, ALTA will demonstrate capability for wind-borne navigation of a lighter-than-air vehicle over extended ranges. DARPA (@DARPA) June 18, 2019

Indeed, a “source with knowledge of DARPA’s programs” told Gizmodo that the balloons belonged to ALTA. So what’s that program, anyway?

ALTA’s mission is to “develop and demonstrate a high altitude lighter-than-air vehicle capable of wind-borne navigation over extended ranges,” according to the program’s brief description on its bare-bones website. ALTA balloons, which don’t have independent propulsion, can navigate changing altitudes in excess of 75,000 feet. ALTA is also developing a Winds Aloft Sensor (WAS), which will send real-time stratospheric wind measurements back to DARPA.

We first learned about ALTA last fall, when it was revealed that the program was testing the balloons to see if they can ride the wind and stay in the stratosphere indefinitely.

Right now, balloons can only stay in one area for a few days before shifting winds take them elsewhere. But as the MIT Technology Review reported, ALTA’s wind sensor-originally designed for NASA satellites-is built to spot wind speed and direction from long distances and recalibrate as necessary to stay in one area as long as needed.

That sensor, called Strat-OAWL (“stratospheric optical autocovariance wind lidar”) shines pulses of laser light into the air, and a telescope picks up the reflected light, per the Technology Review. “The wavelength of the reflected light is changed slightly depending on how fast the air it bounced back from is moving, a change known as doppler shift,” MIT reports. “By analyzing this shift, OAWL can determine the speed and direction of the wind.”

We don’t know additional details beyond what DARPA tweeted on Tuesday, so it remains unclear what this specific test is designed to accomplish (besides briefly getting our hopes up). But at least we’re now sure-well, pretty sure-that the UFOs floating above Kansas City last night come from the U.S. military, and not, sadly, some strange, distant galaxy.


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An investigation of the DNA of the crew of King Henry VIII's battleship 'Mary Rose', which sank in 1545, reveals more diversity than historians expected.

 Stuart McDill reports.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

A 12-foot alligator was found on a Florida highway: 'He wasn't happy'

MarKeith Cromartie
June 20, 2019

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – It's not every day you see a 12-foot, 463-pound alligator wandering on an interstate. But that was the case earlier this month in Florida.

Broderick Vaughan, who has been trapping nuisance alligators in Leon County, Florida, for nearly 10 years, was in awe when he got the call about the behemoth wandering on Interstate 10 in Tallahassee.

“I’ve been the trapper here in Leon County since April 2010 and that was the third-biggest gator I’ve captured,” said Vaughan, the owner of Vaughan’s Gators. “That was a pretty big one and he wasn’t happy that we were trying to remove him.”

The Tallahassee Police Department and Florida Highway Patrol responded to calls at about midnight on June 3 about the massive reptile. The exit had to be closed for a few hours to keep drivers away from the huge gator, which had apparently wandered onto the highway.

The alligator was injured after being hit in the snout by a semi-truck. It was stunned and walking in circles when law enforcement officers arrived.

Vaughan was called and arrived less than an hour later. He was able to wrap his snare pole around the tired creature, tape its snout shut and load it on his truck using a hoist machine.

The gator was safely removed, but it had to be euthanized later because of the severity of its injuries.
Old spy images show just how fast ice is melting from the glaciers in the Himalayas
Climate Intelligence Agency CIA

Picture 3 million Olympic-size swimming pools full of water.
That's how much ice melts from glaciers in the Himalayas each year, a new study suggests, and climate change is the primary cause.
Even more concerning is that the ice melt has doubled in recent years: Himalayan glaciers have been losing the equivalent of more than a foot and half of ice each year since 2000 – which is double the amount of melting that took place from 1975 to 2000.
“This is the clearest picture yet of how fast Himalayan glaciers are melting over this time interval and why,” said study lead author Joshua Maurer, a Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
Overall, the Asian mountain range, which includes Mount Everest, has been losing ice at a rate of about 1% a year since 2000.
The big melt: Global warming predicted to melt massive Himalayan glaciers, disrupt food production
The melting also threatens the water supplies for hundreds of millions of people downstream who rely on it for hydropower, agriculture and drinking, across a large portion of Asia, said study co-author Jorg Schaefer, a climate geochemistry professor at Columbia.
“Disaster is in the making here,” Schaefer said.
Scientists used recently declassified Cold-War-era 3D satellite images to track the glacial retreat back to the mid-1970s. By analyzing 650 Himalayan glaciers, the researchers estimate that, of the region’s total ice mass present in 1975, 87% remained in 2000, and 72% remained in 2016.

South Korea Jeju Massacre haunts the memories of survivors
Ko Wan-soon was only 9 when an anti-communist South Korean "soldier" smashed the skull of her 3-year-old brother with a club.

UNITED NATIONS, June 20 (UPI) -- Ko Wan-soon was only 9 when an anti-communist South Korean "soldier" smashed the skull of her 3-year-old brother with a club, as anti-communist forces terrorized their village and executed civilians.
Ko, an "80-year-old grandmother," is a witness and survivor of one of the most brutal massacres in South Korean history. At the U.N. Symposium on Human Rights and Jeju 4.3 on Thursday, she called for awareness of the Jeju Massacre, or Jeju Uprising, when tens of thousands of victims may have been killed in the South while detained or tortured at the hands of anti-communist police from 1948 to 1954.
Bruce Cumings, the influential U.S. historian of Korea at the University of Chicago, said at the symposium the killings were undertaken by young men who had been kicked out of northern Korea by communists. Some of them formed the Northwest Youth League in the South and began to embark "on a campaign of terror in order to defeat communism" on Jeju Island, Cumings said.
Cumings, who once dubbed the massacre "our Srebrenica" in a book on the 1950-53 Korean War, said the U.S. military, which maintained operational control of the South's military and national police after Japan's surrender, had a role in the suppression during the massacre.
"The United States ruled Korea, even experts seem unaware," Cumings said.
"But the United States is seen as a kind of innocent bystander" to what took place, the historian said.
Cumings also said in classified U.S. documents that U.S. intelligence appeared aware, but documents show "very little mention of outrage about the slaughter."
U.S. officials instead praised first South Korean President Syngman Rhee's "vigorous" anti-communism in the documents, favoring his hard-line policies over those of Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Republic of China.
"It made me ashamed," he said.
The 4.3 Peace Park on Jeju Island, South Korea includes exhibits of how victims were tortured or killed during a massacre that has been kept hushed-up for decades in the country.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019




FRASER RIVER BC Cryptozoology Part 2: plawiuk LAKE MONSTERS
Continued from Part 1

Is the Royal Canadian Navy Missing a Great Opportunity?

multi-beam echo sounder
Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/Canadian Hydrographic Service
BY PIERRE LEBLANC 2019-06-11 18:02:59
Hydrographic surveys are required to produce nautical charts, and updated surveys allow for safer and more efficient marine transportation in Canada’s northern waters.
At a recent Canadian Maritime Advisory Council meeting in Ottawa, I was disappointed to learn again that the Royal Canadian Navy still had no plan to install multi-beam echo sounders (MBES) on the Arctic offshore patrol ships (AOPS) which are under construction now.
I was also concerned with the fact that only approximately eight percent of the Canadian Arctic has been surveyed to modern standards and only a total of about 14 percent is done to a modern or adequate standard. Hydrographic surveys are required to produce nautical charts, and updated surveys allow for safer and more efficient marine transportation in Canada’s northern waters.
To assist the Canadian Hydrographic Service increase the percentage of Arctic oceans done to modern or adequate standards, the Canadian Coast Guard has already equipped four of its icebreakers with MBES; with two more planned and funded for the CCGS Henry Larson and CCGS Pierre Radisson to take place in the next two years.
Retrofitting AOPS with MBES will obviously be more expensive than if the systems were installed while under construction. That would naturally require minor modifications to the existing plans, but it would be more cost effective in the long-run. The funding could potentially come in part from the important and successful Ocean Protection Plan.
Traffic is rapidly increasing with the fast disappearing Arctic ice. The summer of 2018 saw a total of 167 ships entering the Arctic and completing more than 400 voyages. More traffic will naturally lead to more marine accidents in poorly surveyed areas of the Arctic. On August 17, 2018, the cruise ship Akademik Ioffe ran aground in a poorly charted area of the western Gulf of Boothia near Kugaaruk, Nunavut. Two of the five Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers in the Arctic were dispatched to provide assistance. Fortunately, there were no casualties and only minor environmental damage.
One could argue that the best way to do search and rescue is to prevent accidents in the first place. Modern marine charts will certainly contribute to reduce the possibility of more grounding. The Akademik Ioffe was the third cruise ship to run aground in the Canadian Arctic after the MV Clipper Adventurer in 2010 and Hanseatic in 1996. With increasing activity in poorly-charted areas, our luck may soon run out.
When Coast Guard vessels are dispatched for a search and rescue mission they may not be available to support the essential annual sealift to the Arctic communities. A delay in delivering the annual sealift for a lack of icebreaking support will cost the shipping companies. If the sealift cannot take place there will be significant impacts. Last summer, when a multi-year ice plug blocked some of the resupply of a few western communities, some construction projects had to be delayed by one year and the cost of airlifting the essential goods was in the millions of dollars.
The AOPS will be patrolling the Arctic. Would it not be great if they could carry out both opportunistic and targeted hydrographic surveys while patrolling in Arctic waters? When operating in poorly surveyed areas, those ships could be proceeding forward at slow speed. It seems to be one of the tailor-made tasks for those ships.
Accurate charts will bring significant benefits. More efficient routing for the resupply of communities will reduce the cost for operators and reduce the environmental impact by reducing ship emissions. It would allow those ships to circumvent ice blockages safely using alternative routes surveyed and charted. Search and rescue could be done faster by allowing ships to take more direct routes and to proceed safely at the best speed. Accurate charts would contribute to the commitments made by Canada to improve its search and rescue capacity under the Arctic Council’s Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement.
The Royal Canadian Navy has helped in the past with temporary MBES systems on the Kingston-class Marine Coastal Defence Vessels. That could be an option for the AOPS except that towed systems have limitations especially in ice-infested waters. They would similarly require modifications to the brand new vessels to mount the required hardware. Inboard systems, designed and installed during ship building, are by far the preferred solution.
The patrolling and mapping of the waters in the Arctic Archipelago will also have an important sovereignty dimension.
Pierre Leblanc is a retired colonel and former commander of the Joint Task Force North and program manager of the North Warning System. He is also with Arctic Security Consultants.
This article was originally published in The Hill Times.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Will there be a counter-revolution this time? by Gilbert Achcar
The seasons after the Arab Spring
Revolt if not revolution in Sudan and Algeria: is this the next phase of a profound change in the Arab world? The uprisings haven’t repeated the mistakes of 2011.

Images of popular protests that recall the revolutionary movement of 2011 have dominated news fromI the Arabic-speaking world for months. Uprisings began in Sudan on 19 December and in Algeria with the marches of Friday 22 February. They revived memories of the huge, peaceful demonstrations early in the Arab Spring that shook Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and Syria.
Commentators have been more cautious this time, asking questions rather than commenting directly, mindful of the bitter disappointment that followed their initial euphoria over the Arab Spring. The repression of the 2011 uprising in Bahrain, crushed after only a few weeks with the help of the other oil monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), could have been the exception, given the unique characteristics of that club of states. But two years later the region entered a counter-revolutionary phase, with a new chain reaction going the other way. Bashar al-Assad launched a new offensive in Syria in spring 2013 with the help of Iran and its regional allies. Then came the army-backed establishment of a repressive regime in Egypt, and the return to power of members of Tunisia’s ousted government; in Cairo and Tunis, forces linked to the Muslim Brotherhood hijacked the initial revolutionary impetus. Emboldened by 2013’s developments, remnants of the former regimes in Libya and Yemen formed opportunistic alliances with groups that had jumped on the bandwagon of the revolution and shared their hostility to the Muslim Brotherhood. Their attempts to take power by force ended in civil war. Enthusiasm gave way to melancholy in the ‘Arab Winter’ as the totalitarian terrorist enterprise ISIS gained a foothold. Though this latest avatar of Al-Qaida was eventually crushed in Iraq and Syria (groups operating under the same franchise remain active in Libya, the Sinai peninsula and outside the Arab-speaking world), other counter-revolutionary forces remain on the offensive. The Assad clan continues its reconquest of most of Syria’s territory with the help of Russia and Iran. In Egypt, President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi’s despotic regime, careless of the potential impact of rebellions in Sudan and Algeria, has adopted a constitutional amendment that allows him to remain in power until 2030 (1). READ ON ALSO SEE SUDAN CRISIS Gilbert Achcar is professor of development studies and international relations at SOAS, University of London. His publications include Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising, Stanford University Press/Saqi Books, 2016
BOOK LAUNCH: Morbid Symptoms by Gilbert Achcar | Saqi Books 4 October 2016. Event to mark the publication of Gilbert Achcar's Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising. Since the first wave of uprisings in 2011, the euphoria of the “Arab Spring” has given way to ... Gilbert Achcar is Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at SOAS, University of London.
Professor Gilbert Achcar | Staff | SOAS University of London Professor of Development Studies and International Relations ... of the Arab Uprising (2013); and Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising (2016).
By Gilbert Achcar جلبير الأشقر - Jadaliyya Gilbert Achcar is Professor of Development Studies and International ... His recent books include The Clash of Barbarisms: The Making of the New World ... New Texts Out Now: Gilbert Achcar, Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising ... the Arab Uprising (Stanford: Stanford University Press and London: Saqi, 2016).
Gilbert Achcar | The Nation Gilbert Achcar is a professor at SOAS, University of London. His many books include The Clash of Barbarisms (2002, 2006); Perilous Power: The Middle East. ... and US Foreign Policy, co-authored with Noam Chomsky (2007); The Arabs ... recently, Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising (2016).


Wed, Jun 5, 1:44 AM (13 days ago)

Dear Friends of the Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists:

On June 3, the Sudanese military and militia forces attacked the peaceful sit-in outside the Army Command in Khartoum, where thousands of protesters have gathered since 6 April to demand a peaceful transition to civilian rule after mass protests brought down the 30-year despotic rule of Omar al-Bashir. 

Over 35 have been killed, hundreds injured, and the encampment set on fire. Counter-revolution has reared its bloody head in Sudan carried out by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the Transitional Military Council. This past weekend al-Burhan coordinated with US-ally Saudi Arabia and other regional powers who undoubtedly green-lit this escalation of violence. It comes after a successful two day general strike last week where over 80% of the country shut down demanding civilian rule.

The Sudanese people have responded by calling for an indefinite political general strike and mass civil disobedience around the country to bring down the regime and bring about democracy and immediate civilian rule. We stand with the Sudanese people fighting for freedom and democracy and call for an end to massacre, repression, and counter-revolution in Sudan. 

Below is the link to an online panel on the state of the Sudanese and Algerian uprisings which will help you learn more about the critical importance of these struggles and the need for immediate solidarity with them.

The Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists is reaching out to all our friends and subscribers and inviting you to share ideas for solidarity work. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Attachments areaPreview YouTube video The State of the Sudanese and Algerian Uprisings