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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query biofuel. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Algae Biofuel Back From Dead, Now With Carbon Capture

Algae biofuel could have another moment in the sun, now that more federal dollars are pouring into carbon capture-and-recycling technology.

Algae biofuel could have another moment in the sun, now that more federal dollars are pouring into carbon capture-and-recycling technology
(photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL).

ByTina Casey
Published 2 days ago

Algae biofuel stakeholders have been stuck in the doldrums for years, but in an odd twist of fate, the fossil fuel industry could help algae make a comeback. Apparently the new plan is to pair algae farming with waste carbon from gas power plants and other industrial operations. In addition to biofuel, algae farming can also produce animal feed, fish food, nutritional supplements and toiletries for people, and bioplastic products.

Why Algae Biofuel?

CleanTechnica spilled plenty of ink on the area of algae biofuel research some years ago, during the Obama administration. Unlike other energy crops, algae can be grown in ponds or human-made structures without taking arable land out of circulation, and it has a rapid growth-to-harvest cycle. The high oil content of certain strains of algae is another leading attraction, and the algae R&D pathway can lead in a carbon negative direction.

On the down side, figuring out an economical way to cultivate algae and extract the oil at an industrial scale is a challenging endeavor, especially when the over-arching goal is to reduce carbon emissions rather than adding them.

The picture was looking bright in the early 2000s, up through the Obama administration. However, by the time former President Obama left office in 2016, oil prices were crashing. The relatively low cost of petroleum seemed to put the idea of a bioeconomy fueled by algae biofuel to bed.

Nevertheless, the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory was among those continuing to invest in algae research projects, and the algae field continued to branch off into new angles. In 2018, for example, the Energy Department was funding the algae bioplastics angle. In 2020 researchers were exploring the idea of hooking up with high speed 3-D printing. The Mars mission has also sparked a new burst of interest in the algae biofuel field.

Carbon Capture To The Rescue

In January of this year the Energy Department’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) launched the new AlgaePrize competition for students, aimed at developing “the next generation of bioeconomy professionals by expanding novel solutions to production, processing, and new product development on the way to gigaton-scale algae commercialization for fuel, food, products, and carbon dioxide utilization/sequestration.”

If you caught that thing about carbon dioxide, that’s where the happy dance for natural gas stakeholders comes in. Carbon capture from flue gas could turn out to be a value-added element that improves the bottom line for algae farming.

That’s where BETO seems to be heading. Last week the office announced a $16.5 million round of funding for six algae projects related to carbon dioxide capture.

The six projects were selected for their potential to demonstrate an improvement in carbon capture by algal systems leading to biofuels and other products, while also cutting costs and decreasing overall greenhouse gas emissions.

“Algae can grow on waste CO2, functioning as a carbon sink. This algae biomass can then be used to create low or no-emissions biofuels and bioproducts which displace GHGs,” BETO noted.

Natural Gas Hearts Algae Biofuel

Not all six of the new BETO-funded projects are focusing on carbon captured from flue gas. The Colorado School of Mines, for example, plans to put its pond-grown algae system through its paces using concentrated carbon dioxide from direct air capture.

Another awardee, Colorado State University, is working on an algal system that functions efficiently on atmospheric carbon.

Three of the other awardees are focusing on carbon dioxide from industrial fossil energy users including power plants: Dioxide Materials, MicroBio Engineering, and the University of Maryland’s Center for Environmental Sciences. A fourth awardee in the point source class is Global Algae Innovations, which is focusing more specifically on flue gas from a naphtha-fired power plant.

If the biofuel angle doesn’t work out at commercial scale, other aspects of the algae biofuel market could come into play.

Market analysts are forecasting growth in the algae market in the coming years. Consumers are on the prowl for healthy diet supplements, especially among the up-and-coming generation.

“Rise in the acceptance of algae-based food products and a growing popularity of vegan food are expected to emerge as trends in the algae market. Algae are already widely employed in bioplastics, cosmetics, food, bio-packaging, biofuel, and pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products,” observes the firm Transparency Market Research.

The Long Algae Biofuel Game Of ExxonMobil

All this activity puts the on-again, off-again algae biofuel journey of ExxonMobil into perspective.

ExxonMobil spearheaded the charge into shale gas after the Bush Administration lifted Clean Water Act regulations in 2006, and the company continued to double down on gas acquisitions even as prices plummeted.

The pell-mell rush into shale gas looked like a bad bet for any number of reasons, especially when gas prices cratered after 2005. Among other problems for the company, the issue of stranded fossil energy assets also began to rise in 2014 as shareholder activists demanded transparency. The Covid-19 pandemic didn’t help matters much. As of last year, the company was in so much financial trouble that it fell off the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

On top of all that, ExxonMobil’s notorious role in the repression of climate science is coming home to roost, now that climate-related catastrophes are impacting populations around the world and here in the US, too.

Nevertheless, gas is soaring again and ExxonMobil has a chance to wriggle back up on top, partly due to its interest in algae biofuel.

ExxonMobil has been investing in algae biofuel research since at least 2009, though its activity in the commercial aspect of algae farming has not been a straight line since then. In 2013, for example, the company seemed to lose interest in making quick entry into the algae biofuel market. Instead, it pivoted into foundational research under a 4-year contract with the firm Synthetic Genomics, Inc.

By 2018, the company was also collaborating with the Colorado School of Mines and Michigan State University on algae biofuel research, but a clear pathway to commercial-scale algae biofuel had yet to emerge.

The carbon capture angle could be a game changer. The outlook for algae biofuel looked gloomy indeed several years ago, but now that more federal dollars are pumping into point-source carbon capture the prospects have brightened.

ExxonMobil’s own investments in carbon capture could also come into play. By 2016, the company was already dipping into the idea that a carbon recycling solution at power plants could make a better case for carbon capture than the capture-and-sequestration model.

Next Steps For Algae

ExxonMobil, for one, is excited. The company lists the following benefits compared to corn ethanol and other biofuels made from land-based energy crops:Unlike making ethanol and biodiesel, producing algae does not compete with sources of food, rendering the food-vs.-fuel quandary a moot point.

Because algae can be produced in brackish water, including seawater, its production will not strain freshwater resources the way ethanol does.

Algae consume CO2, and on a life-cycle basis have a much lower emissions profile than corn ethanol given the energy used to make fertilizer, distill the ethanol, and to farm and transport the latter.

Algae can yield more biofuel per acre than plant-based biofuels – currently about 1,500 gallons of fuel per acre, per year. That’s almost five times more fuel per acre than from sugar cane or corn.

That’s all well and good, but it’s about time for ExxonMobil and other fossil energy stakeholders to stop digging more carbon up from the ground and start taking giant steps towards a more sustainable energy profile.

Capturing carbon dioxide at power plants is a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t change anything in terms of the local environmental impacts of fossil energy extraction, and it doesn’t make a dent in the amount of fugitive emissions escaping from drilling sites, transportation networks and storage facilities.

To the extent that algae farming at gas power plants enables more gas extraction, it’s just another form of greenhouse gas whack-a-mole.

Either way, it looks like algae farming at power plants has a window of opportunity. Last November ExxonMobil re-upped its collaboration with Synthetic Genomics, under the new name of Viridos. If you have any thoughts about that, drop us a note in the comment thread.

Follow me on Twitter @TinaMCasey.

Photo: Algae bioreactor for biofuel and other products (credit: Dennis Schroeder, NREL).

Thursday, December 28, 2023


NYK Plans Full-Scale Biofuel Trial Over Longer Period Validating Stability

bulker loading biofuel in Singapore
Frontier Jacaranda loaded biofuel in 2021 as part of progressive testing of the alternative fuel (NYK)




NYK will conduct full-scale trials of long-term use of biofuels starting in 2024 as the company looks to advance on its goals for reducing carbon emissions. The latest program comes as a progressive series of tests expanding the use of biofuel in partnership with its shipping customers.

“Moving forward from the previous short-term trials, NYK will comprehensively verify the safety and stable procurement of biofuels when used over a long period. Through this trial, NYK will establish a safe navigation system using biofuels and promote biofuel development,” according to the company’s announcement.

In this trial, NYK will use biofuel continuously for three months on multiple vessel types. After that, NYK will gradually extend biofuel use for a longer period for further validation. This test will explore the impact of extending the length of use of the fuel and issues such as storage of the fuel.

NYK highlights that while it has confirmed the safety of short-term biofuel use, it has not verified the impact of biofuels on the ship’s main engine, generator, motor, fuel supply system, etc. One of the key points they will be exploring is the quality of biofuels after a certain storage period.

Since fiscal 2019, the NYK Group has conducted short-term biofuel trials on about 10 vessels. NYK also needed to ensure the stability of biofuel procurement when used in more vessels.

The testing of biofuel has advanced since the first trial in 2019 when they tried biofuel on a dry bulk carrier Frontier Sky while the vessel was docked in Rotterdam. Working with shippers Anglo American and biofuel supplier Toyota Tsusho, they ran a longer test loading the fuel in Singapore aboard the bulk carrier Frontier Jacaranda for a voyage to South Africa in June 2021. A third bulk carrier, Frontier Sky, conducted a trial voyage from Singapore to India in November 2021.

Last year, NYK expanded the trials including operating a round trip between Singapore and South Africa aboard a Capesize bulker named Friendship. That test confirmed that biofuel can result in up to a 10 percent CO2 emissions reduction compared to conventional marine fuel.

NYK working with Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha which operates tugboats launched the first test of 100 percent concentration biodiesel on a ship. Starting in July 2022 they tested navigation on the higher concentration of biodiesel.

The upcoming test looks to extend the previous experience by increasing the period during which biofuel is used on the ship as well as involving an increasing number and type of vessels. It is a key part of the company’s goal to cut emissions by 45 percent from 2021 level by 2030.

Japan’s First Mega-Yacht Cruise Ship Ordered and Will be Built in Portugal

cruise ship construction
Portugal's West Sea which is building exploration cruise ship received the order for Japan's firsth mega-yacht cruise ship (West Sea - Viana Shipyard)



The expansion of Japan’s cruise ship market is continuing with the news that a new mega-yacht cruise ship has been ordered. Traditionally marketing domestically to Japanese travelers, the cruise sector is seeing new growth in Japan as both NYK and Mitsui O.S.K. launched new investments while niche operators such as Peace Boat added a newer cruise ship.

The luxury mega-yacht was ordered last week by Japan’s Ryobi Holdings, a diversified company that includes operations in transportation and tourism. The transport group currently operates ferries and excursion boats as well as buses and a tour company.

“We plan to offer a different kind of cruise life experience, such as enjoying a visit to a remote island on a small boat,” writes Ryobi announcing its first cruise ship order. They explained that their plan will be Japan’s first yacht-style passenger ship. It will have features common in this sector including a marina in the stern for water activities, which will be the first on a newbuild in the Japanese market. MOL will also be introducing this feature when it takes over a cruise ship in 2024 acquired from Carnival Corporation’s Seabourn Cruises.

Ryobi has contracted West Sea – Viana Shipyard, a Portuguese shipbuilder started just a decade ago. The company has built river cruise ships for several of the major brands and starting in 2018 entered the ocean-going segment building luxury exploration cruise ships. West Sea is building a total of seven 9,900 gross ton cruise ships for a Portuguese company Mystic Cruises. Starting with the World Explorer in 2019, the ships are 413 feet (126 meters) with luxury accommodations for 200 passengers, The first of the ships are operating under charter while Mystic also launched Atlas Ocean Voyages to market its exploration cruises.

Ryobi reports that the ship will be approximately 360 to 390 feet (110 to 120 meters) in length and 9,000 to 10,000 gross tons, making it similar in size to the Mystic cruise ships. The plan is for just 60 staterooms with accommodations for 120 passengers plus 100 in crew.

The design will emphasize luxury and hospitality with the idea being that each passenger can feel like the owner of a mega-yacht. The cruise ship will operate mainly in Japan and southwest Asia.

The new Japanese cruise ship will be built at the Viana do Castelo shipyard and is scheduled for delivery in 2027. West Sea is valuing the order at around €100 million.

The concept of modern mega-yacht cruise ships was launched as the cruise industry developed with the first new ships known as the Sea Goddesses launched in the mid-1980s. The niche market has continued to grow and was elevated by Scenic Cruises which recently built two mega-yacht style luxury cruise ships as well as two similar ships for its Emerald Cruises brand. These ships are marketed internationally and will now be joined by the Ryobi ship. 

The Japanese cruise market is seeing a resurgence with NYK building a 52,200 gross ton cruise ship Asuka III at Meyer Werft, while MOL is using the ship acquired from Carnival Corp. to launch a new international cruise operation. MOL has also reported plans to build cruise ships for the Japanese market. The major international cruise brands also operate cruises marketed to Japan which is seen as a growing market for leisure travel.

Saturday, May 04, 2024


Belgium and Namibia to Develop Africa’s First Hydrogen Ship, Infrastructure

Namibia hydrogen
His Majesty King Philippe of the Belgians and H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba - President of the Republic of Namibia during the ceremonial filing at the hydrogen station (Cleanergy)



Partners from Belgium and the African nation of Namibia mapped out a plan to develop the continent’s hydrogen infrastructure for the production and export of the energy source as well as launching Africa’s first hydrogen-fueled vessel. It is part of an ambitious plan to make Namibia a frontrunner in the global green hydrogen economy and supply the alternative energy source both to passing ships and industrial users in Belgium, Germany, and other industrial clusters in Europe.

The plan was unveiled during an event at Walvis Bay, Namibia that included His Majesty King Philippe of the Belgians and Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia. During the event, they officiated at the ceremonial first filling of a dual-fuel truck at the hydrogen refueling station, which is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2024 as part of the Cleanenergy Green Hydrogen site. 

Cleanergy Solutions Namibia is a joint venture between CMB.TECH and the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, a privately held group of companies with interests ranging from food to technology, steel, marine engineering, and real estate. The Port of Antwerp Bruges and the Namibian Ports Authority are also participating.


H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba - President of the Republic of Namibia, His Majesty King Philippe of the Belgians, Sven Thieme - Executive Chairman Ohlthaver & List, Marc Saverys - Chairman of the CMB Board of Directors, Alexander Saverys - CEO of CMB.TECH during the launch ceremony


The Cleanenergy Green Hydrogen facility uses only solar energy for the on-site production of green hydrogen. Among the first projects will be the hydrogen refueling station used for hydrogen-powered trucks, port equipment, railway applications, and small ships. 

The Port of Antwerp Bruges plans to invest approximately $265 million for the development of a hydrogen and ammonia storage and export facility at Walvis Bay which will be jointly run with the Namibian Ports Authority. They expect to develop the site within three to five years adjacent to the existing port both for the bunkering operations and the export to Europe.

“The port of Walvis Bay will also be in a unique position in Africa: our project will enable them to offer low-carbon logistics supply chains to their customers. This will pave the way for attracting additional logistics flows and investors,” said Alexander Saverys, CEO of CMB.TECH.

They look to leverage the experience of developing Hydrotug, the world’s first hydrogen-fueled tug supported by a fueling operation in Antwerp to develop Africa’s first hydrogen-powered vessel. Cleanenergy, together with CMB.TECH, the Port of Antwerp Bruges, and Namport will launch the vessel. It will be a Multifunctional Port Utility Vessel (MPHUV) powered by dual-fuel hydrogen engines. According to the partnership, the MPHUV's versatile design will enable the integration of different equipment needed for a range of port operations, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions during operations.


Partnership will launch Africa's first hydrogen-fueled vessel (CMB.TECH)


Given the ability of ports to act as hubs for hydrogen technology implementation and efforts to reduce carbon emissions, the partners said the Port of Walvis Bay and Namport emerge as an ideal partner to operate Africa's first hydrogen vessel. The port's involvement will provide invaluable insights into the vessel's specifications during development and refine the concept based on operational experience and feedback from users once it is commissioned.

Other elements of the project include a green hydrogen academy. Working with European universities as well as suppliers and customers they will educate a Namibian workforce for hydrogen operations. The partners said this is part of a 5-year plan that includes projects at different locations for ammonia bunkering, pipelines, and large-scale hydrogen and ammonia production.

Holland America’s Cruise Ship Rotterdam Begins Sustained Biofuel Pilot Test

cruise ship Rotterdam
Holland America's flagship Rotterdam will be testing 100 percent biofuel while sailing in the Norwegian fjords (Holland America Line)




Holland America Line’s flagship cruise ship, Rotterdam (99,935 gross tons) started a long-term test using 100 percent low carbon intensity biofuel while cruising the Norwegian fjord this season. It marks the next advancement in a series of tests by Carnival Corporation using cruise ships from Holland America and AIDA and moving from biofuel blends to 100 percent certified biofuel mirroring similar tests in other parts of the commercial maritime industry.

The cruise ship bunkered with the biofuel derived from feedstocks by GoodFuels and supplied by FincoEneries before leaving the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands on April 27. Built by Fincantieri and delivered on July 30, 2021, she is the newest ship operated by the line and one of the newest in the industry. Past experience has confirmed that the Holland America cruise ship can operate on biofuels without modifications to the engine or the fuel structure.

During the initial phase of this test, the Rotterdam will operate one of her four engines during cruises this month using the biofuel which is expected to yield an estimated 86 percent reduction in life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions. The fuel will be used while cruising in Norway’s fjords including Geirangerfjord and Naeroyfjord. The cruise line said there is a potential to expand to multiple engines during the summer as the test progresses. 

Carnival Corporation began its tests with biofuels in 2022. AIDA Cruises tested the use of regenerated biofuels in marine diesel engines together with research partners at the University of Rostock. Based on those tests, the cruise line proceeded to bunker a biofuel blend on July 21, 2022, aboard the AIDAPrima ( 125,572 gross tons), becoming the first larger-scale cruise ship to take on a blend of marine biofuel. Tests were conducted while the ship was cruising in Northern Europe between Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Norway. 

The cruise ship entered service in 2016 and was one of the first two cruise ships outfitted with dual-fuel engines that could also burn LNG supplied by trucks while alongside in the port. The AIDAPrima loaded a second delivery of biofuel in December 2022 receiving that time 140 metric tons of 100 percent biofuel. 

Holland America also conducted the first sustained trial of biofuel aboard its cruise ship Volendam (61,214 gross tons) in August and September 2022 while the vessel was docked in Rotterdam on a temporary charter to house Ukrainian refugees. For the first five days of that test, they used a 70-30 mix of biofuel and marine gas oil in one of the ship’s main auxiliary engines. For the next 15 days, they used 100 percent sustainable biofuel. They reported achieving a minimum 78 percent decrease in lifecycle CO2 emissions compared to marine gas oil emissions.

The cruise sector is catching up to other parts of the commercial shipping industry that have also tested biofuels. Royal Caribbean Group also began tests in 2022 and in the summer of 2023 tested sustainable biofuel blends on Royal Caribbean International’s Symphony of the Seas (228,000 gross tons) sailing from Barcelona and Celebrity Cruises’ Celebrity Apex (129,500 gross tons) sailing from Rotterdam. The company completed 12 consecutive weeks of biofuel testing in Europe calling it a “pivotal moment for Royal Caribbean Group’s alternative fuel journey.”

The tests of biofuels have been successful. The broad shipping industry however reports it is limited by the availability of biofuel.

Trafigura Joins Pioneers Ordering Ammonia-Fueled Vessels from HD Hyundai

ammonia fueled product tanker
Belgium's Exmar placed the first order with Hyundai Mipo for ammonia-fueled tankers now followed by Trafigura as pioneers in the segment (Exmar)




Global commodities trader Trafigura group is joining the growing list of pioneers committing to ammonia-fueled vessels. The company has ordered four dual-fueled product tankers for LPG or ammonia transport as part of the group’s growing efforts to decarbonization. With the vessels scheduled for delivery in 2027, Trafigura will be at the forefront of ammonia-fueled propulsion.

The company provided only a few basic details reporting that it ordered four medium gas carriers capable of using ammonia for propulsion when they are delivered. The vessels, which will be used to transport ammonia or LPG, will be built at HD Hyundai Mipo Dockyard in Ulsan, South Korea. Hyundai reported the order is valued at $286 million.

In placing the order, they join a select group of shipping companies that have already moved forward on ammonia while the engine technology is still being perfected and the infrastructure for bunkering is just being explored. Earlier this year Fortescue and Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority reported the first-ever ammonia bunkering and tests on the Fortescue’s converted offshore supply vessel renamed Fortescue Green Pioneer. Worldwide, DNV calculates that there are just 19 vessels on order for ammonia-fueled propulsion with most of the orders for bulkers and only two gas carriers, so far. Only two shipyards, Hyundai Mipo and Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding in China have received orders for ammonia vessels.

“We are excited to embark together with HD Hyundai Mipo on this ambitious project which supports our commitments to decarbonizing shipping and will help us to develop the global low-carbon ammonia bunkering infrastructure needed for zero-carbon shipping to become a reality,” said Andrea Olivi, Head of Wet Freight for Trafigura.

Trafigura is one of the world’s largest charterers of vessels, responsible for more than 5,000 voyages a year with around 400 ships currently under management. The company highlights its commitment to helping to develop low-carbon fuels and vessels while highlighting the range of programs it is testing. They purport to be one of the few operators to have tested a full range of alternative shipping fuels including LNG, methanol, LPG, and biofuels on its owned and chartered vessels. 

Investments are also being made by Trafigura in wider efficiency measures such as silicone hull coating, wake equalizing ducts, ultrasonic propeller antifouling technology, and continuous underwater hull cleaning and propeller polishing. It has also co-sponsored the development of a two-stroke engine by MAN Energy Solutions that can run on green ammonia and is investing in onboard carbon capture technology.

Trafigura looks to lead the industry by example. They are committed to reducing the carbon intensity of its shipping fleet by 25 percent by 2030.

Energy Insetting is the Key to Unlock the Potential of Future Fuels

Illustration courtesy BV



The maritime industry is facing an ever-tightening regulatory environment in its efforts to achieve its ambitious net-zero target by the middle of this century. For meaningful progress to be achieved, the industry needs two things: practical solutions, together with a detailed understanding of the actual impact of various long and short-term measures on the industry’s future decarbonization pathway.

This extends beyond purely technical considerations, encompassing the entire value chain, and accounting for the broader economic context in which the transition is taking place. It also requires approaching the question using the right lens, by considering shipping’s “greenhouse gas (GHG) budget” to 2050, rather than solely focusing on the emissions levels at the end of the journey. To limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius, in line with the Paris Agreement, we need to account for all emissions released into the atmosphere until the point of carbon neutrality is reached. 

Putting those principles into practice, Bureau Veritas (BV) has recently published a report outlining potential decarbonization trajectories for the maritime industry through five distinct scenarios, each considering several parameters such as socio-economic forecasts for the evolution of demand for maritime transport, the possible speed for the uptake of green fuels, and technical efficiency improvements in shipping.

Our study reveals that for shipping to keep within its carbon budget, all available levers will need to be actioned at different points in time over the next three decades.

A central role for energy efficiency

In practice, our study demonstrated two clear findings. The first is that operational and technical efficiency measures and energy-saving technologies need to be actioned in the short term, when emissions are at their highest. This will involve embracing practical solutions such as reducing speed, voyage optimization, weather routing, energy-saving devices, and wind-assisted propulsion, which will all help to drive decarbonization.

Our modeling confirmed the potential hefty cumulative impact of operational and technical efficiency measures in keeping shipping within its “GHG budget” to 2050. BV’s simulations show that without action to reduce speed or waiting time - while ocean transportation volumes grow - GHG emissions would be 92% higher by midcentury, with 44% more emissions over the period than if these levers had been actioned.

Although future fuels are widely acknowledged as the preeminent solution, the limited availability of biofuels and e-fuels generated from wind and solar sources to replace fossil fuels reflects the monumental investment required for adoption at scale. The industry cannot afford to wait for innovative fuel and propulsion technologies to achieve commercial viability before taking action.

A supply chain challenge

Moving the needle on fuel production requires pragmatic solutions to unlock the necessary investments to reach the required scale. As such, the second clear finding from our research established the importance of embracing energy insetting as a means of stimulating the at-scale production of renewable and low-carbon fuels, connecting fuel buyers and sellers across the value chain, while also addressing the cost disparity between conventional and very-low-carbon fuels.

The widespread adoption of low-carbon fuels by the shipping industry will entail significant costs to shipowners and operators compared to fossil fuels. However, energy insetting provides a solution that can help bridge the price gap, whilst making a tangible impact on Scope 3 emissions across value chains.

Digital certificates, known as insets, are issued according to the level of emissions savings achieved using renewable and low-carbon fuels, compared to conventional fossil fuels. These emissions are evaluated using a proof of sustainability (PoS) delivered by an independent body to attest to the sustainability credentials of a given fuel. These insets can then be exchanged using a book-and-claim methodology, which allows the certificates to be verified and exchanged digitally, on a dedicated registry.

Unlike offsets, insets are internationally recognized as concrete reductions realized within the supply chain. So, rather than engaging in compensation through external schemes such as reforestation, insets improve the net environmental performance of the industry as a whole, based on reliable assurance verification. This involves practical measures to monetize the estimated GHG emission savings enabled by using renewable or low-carbon marine fuels and will enable end consumers concerned with sustainable sourcing and supply to exercise their purchasing power to guide upstream decisions.

Ultimately, the development of different iterations of energy insetting could be a vital tool the industry needs to send clear market signals to stimulate the production of renewable and low-carbon fuels at scale.

Furthermore, the use of digitalization to record and validate these emissions savings has the dual benefit of connecting a variety of stakeholders throughout the supply chain. It removes the geographical barriers that arise from sourcing through physical supply chains, bringing the supply and demand sides of low-carbon fuel development together, uniting energy providers, carriers, forwarders and cargo owners, as well as the end consumer. The long-term emergence and efficiency of markets rely on trust and the circulation of information.

It is widely acknowledged that immediate and impactful action needs to be taken to achieve the maritime sector’s decarbonization targets, but these goals will not be achieved without unprecedented levels of collaboration and consensus between different stakeholders across the entire value chain.

While this level of cooperation may strike many within the industry as counterintuitive, it is only by embracing benefit-sharing models – such as energy insetting methodologies – that the industry will achieve its net-zero ambition.

Paul Delouche is the Strategy, Acquisitions, and Advanced Services Director at Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Do biofuels harm the planet more than gasoline?
A new study suggests that biofuels can mitigate only 37 percent of the CO2 released by burning the biofuel.

Janet S. Carter/AP/File
Corn kernels peer out from the husk of an ear of corn in a North 
Carolina cornfield. Biofuel is made from the stalks and leaves of corn.

August 27, 2016

Corn ethanol and biodiesel biofuels may be more environmentally damaging than petroleum gasoline, according to a new study from the University of Michigan Energy Institute (UMEI),

The surprising finding comes after the research team, led by UMEI researcher John DeCicco, analyzed the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbed as the crops grow and then released when they are burned as biofuel. They calculated that the aggregate US crop yield can remove only 37 percent of the CO2 that burning biofuel releases into the air.

“What we found is that when you actually look at how quickly crops like corn and soybeans pull CO2 from the air and compare that with the emissions that occur when the biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel are burned, you find out that they are not carbon neutral like everyone has been assuming,” Dr. DeCicco tells The Christian Science Monitor.

That's a flawed premise, argues Daniel Schrag, a geology professor at Harvard who advises the EPA on bioenergy climate impacts. He says that biofuels don't have to be carbon neutral to be an environmentally preferable alternative to petroleum gasoline.

“For about 10 years there have been very careful studies of corn ethanol and all of the fossil carbon that is used to make it ... and those studies have gotten a range of answers, but it is about a 20 percent reduction of net emissions relative to gasoline,” says Professor Schrag in an interview with the Monitor. “Nobody ever thought corn ethanol was carbon neutral, because there are lots and lots of fossil inputs to it.”

The biofuel debate has raged for years, with critics worried about the impact of the additional land deforested to convert to corn fields, and proponents arguing for biofuel as a green alternative to gasoline. Another group says that it is really too soon to tell.

The conversation has generally been dictated by the food vs. fuel debate. This focuses on the indirect consequences of biofuel crop production, such as land use and deforestation, which create a ripple effect felt by the entire global food market.

DeCicco decided to question the basic life cycle analysis model that previous studies relied on, some of which had assumed that biofuel is carbon neutral and that only production-related greenhouse gas emissions need to be taken into account when comparing biofuel to fossil fuels.

Whether you burn biofuel ethanol or petroleum gasoline, he argues, the same amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. So comparing the fuels' environmental impacts comes down to how efficiently that carbon can be removed from the air, he says – and forests are better at that than cornfields.
"The United States uses 40 percent of its corn harvest to make ethanol, but that does not mean mean we eat 40 percent less corn-based products," DeCicco tells the Monitor.

DeCicco explains that as cropland once used for food is transferred to fuel use, food must be produced elsewhere, meaning that more grasslands and forests are converted to production. However, grasslands and forests can neutralize more carbon dioxide than crops, he says.

Schrag says that this ignores the long-term perspective, when biofuels make up for carbon loss from forests.

“In their approach time scale does not come into it,” he tells the Monitor. “They are looking at crop yield data and assuming that you should balance the carbon cycle based on how much crops you produce.”

Michael Wang, a researcher at the Argonne National Laboratory, tells the Monitor that he also questions the study's carbon accounting, arguing that the study does not properly account for the carbon uptake or that corn production for both ethanol and for food increased over the period of the study.

“The carbon uptake by the US farming systems is calculated based only on grain harvest," Dr. Wang tells the Monitor. "Carbon uptake embedded in above- and below-ground biomass is ignored in the paper with a simple assumption that carbon in these biomass sources are oxidized back to the air."

Additionally, the research received funding from the American Petroleum Institute, which critics say is grounds for skepticism, but the UMEI researchers stated that “the analysis, results and conclusions presented [in their study] are those of the authors alone.”

Other experts have come out in support of the research. Tim Searchinger, a researcher at the Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Program at Princeton University, said that the research was very narrow, but useful.

“This article is saying that if you think the reason biofuels are helping to solve climate change is because the US is increasing its production of crops and that increased production of crops offsets the carbon release from burning the biofuels, you’re wrong. That is not what is happening,” Mr. Searchinger tells the Monitor. “What reduces carbon in the atmosphere is not the biofuel, it is the plant growth.”

DeCicco says that the solution is not to make biofuel more efficient, but to invest in reforestation.

“We should not be trying to make biofuels at all, any time soon,” DeCicco tells the Monitor. “It is much better to reforest and restore ecosystems.... Reforestation is a much better way to remove CO2 than anything we can do with biofuels.”

Corn-based ethanol is environmentally damaging in the short run

It turns out production of corn-based ethanol has a tremendous environmental cost, according to a new $500,000 government-funded study released on Sunday.
While corn-based ethanol proves better in the long-run, the study, published in peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change, says the biofuel initially produces seven percent more greenhouse gases at first than conventional gasoline. This conclusion challenges the Obama administration’s stance for corn-ethanol policies — which calls cellulosic ethanol a better, low-polluting alternative to petroleum.
The Environmental Protection Agency passed the Energy Independence and Security Act in 2007 to include specific volume standards for renewable fuel as well as renewable fuel categories. It also specifies criteria for both renewable fuels and for the feed stocks used to produce them. The recent study basically argues that biofuels won’t meet the standards in this law to qualify as renewable fuel.
Administration officials and the EPA, however, criticized the study as flawed. In a statement, EPA spokeswoman Liz Purchia argued that the study “does not provide enough information relevant to the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from corn stover ethanol.”
An EPA spokeswoman, Liz Purchia, said in a statement that the study “does not provide useful information relevant to the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from corn stover ethanol”

Friday, February 25, 2022

How new microalgae technologies can hasten the end of our reliance on oil

The Conversation
February 25, 2022

Chokniti Khongchum/Shutterstock

Microalgae have been used by the Chinese for medicinal and nutritional purposes for thousands of years in the belief they could cure almost any health condition. The idea that microalgae have extraordinary healing powers isn’t as far-fetched as some might think. Though the ancient Chinese believed the microalgae was responsible for health-improving benefits, we now know that it was in fact the biochemical compounds produced by these microscopic creatures that provided the “magic”.

There are approximately 100,000 species of microalgae, each with their own distinct set of properties. This diversity allows microalgae to flourish in almost every environment on Earth. Mostly they exist in aquatic habitats such as fresh or wastewater, but they have been found in moist soil – and even snowbanks too.

Microalgae are usually described as being green, and this is true for species such as B. braunii and C. vulgaris. But there are other species, such as C. officinalis, which is red or F. spiralis, which is brown. Each classification produces different types or quantities of biochemical compounds, making some more useful for certain applications than others.

Over the past few decades research has demonstrated the huge potential of microalgae, especially in the production of biofuel – fuel that is created from plant material or animal waste. I wanted to review this research to provide a framework to establish the most suitable microalgae species for large-scale biofuel production that can ultimately rival oil and gas giants and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

The magic of micoalgae

Microalgae have a unique ability to convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into a wide range of biochemical compounds. Despite being classed as animals, they metabolise the same way as plants, producing oxygen to replenish what we humans consume. This cycle acts as a carbon capture system, whereby harmful CO₂ in the atmosphere is converted to useful oxygen. Microalgae also produce a wide range of other compounds found inside the cells, and these are what make microalgae so good at combating the effects of global warming.

Generally, the products from microalgae can be grouped into three classes: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (fats). But research has found that there are several other high-value biochemical compounds that have significant applications in a wide range of different industries. For example, microalgae produce compounds known as carotenoids, more commonly known as dyes or pigments. These compounds are responsible for giving salmon its pink colour, as the food they eat contains high quantities of carotenoids.

Another high-value class of compounds are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). These compounds are part of the lipid family and play a vital role in supplying the cells with energy. Microalgae have been deemed one of the richest sources of these compounds, which help treat the effects of diabetes and arthritis.

But how is it possible for these organisms to produce oil that can be used in cars? The petrol and diesel currently used is derived from crude oil that was formed millions of years ago from dead sea creatures. But modern biofuel is produced from living organisms on a real-time basis.

How biofuel is produced

Biofuel made from microalgae is currently one of the most promising fossil fuel alternatives to sustain the world’s energy demand. This is no easy task, especially having to compete with a highly profitable industry that has been established for more than a century. But unlike oil, which is non-renewable, biofuel is a renewable and sustainable source of fuel. Unfortunately, the economics of biofuel can’t yet compete with traditional fossil fuels. It all boils down to the bottom line, and currently the scale-up technology required isn’t here yet.

Microalgae don’t directly produce biofuel – they produce lipids (fats). To make biofuel these fats must be converted through a process known as transesterification. The process involves removing as much water as possible, known as dewatering, but this requires significant amounts of energy, resulting in high operating costs. As a result, the overall process becomes too expensive to compete with the oil and gas industry, despite its positive environmental impact.

Economics aside, the future for microalgae cultivation and lipid extraction is extremely promising. The development of hybrid technologies will accelerate the global shift to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. These include cell factories that use gold nanoparticles – subatomic particles similar to atoms that form the building blocks of physical matter – to increase production rates and increase efficiencies.

Another potential solution is a process known as “milking”. Traditional cultivation methods for microalgae mean they are destroyed after the cultivation period has ended, which limits the full potential of what each cell can offer. Just like milking a cow, the process can be repeated without killing the cow, and the same goes for microalgae. By repeatedly removing high-value compounds from the same culture of microalgae, the high production cost issues can be removed, resulting in a sustainable and scalable process for the future.

This would result in biofuel becoming cost competitive with current fossil fuels, helping to accelerate the shift towards alternative energy sources. Unfortunately, the prospect of competitive biofuel production has some way to go before it can rival fossil fuel prices and quantities. But these developing technologies have the potential to speed up the transition needed to help the world reach its 2050 emissions targets.

Callum Russell, Chemical Engineering PhD, University of the West of Scotland

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Interview: Chevron's Robert Wolf on the Growing Popularity of Biofuel

Biofuel plant operated by Renewable Energy Group, Emden, Germany (Chevron file image)
Biofuel plant operated by Renewable Energy Group, Emden, Germany (Chevron file image)



Biofuel is one of the simplest options available for vessel operators to lower emissions today, without waiting for new equipment or new technology. According to the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, biofuel can cut net carbon emissions by 20 percent (for a typical 30 percent biofuel / 70 percent MGO blend). Formulations for marine diesel engines are available in many major ports, and the fuel's popularity is rising among operators and charterers who want to control emissions right away.

For more information, TME recently caught up with Robert Wolf, Senior Manager Strategic Initiatives at Chevron-owned Renewable Energy Group, a leading producer and distributor of biofuel bunkers. 

Where is the maritime industry at today with the uptake of biofuels? Is it moving beyond a trial phase?

I think trialing is not needed anymore, specifically on the technology side. It's now more about the pricing and the commitment from the shipowners.

Fuel costs are very important to the cost structure of each shipowner. The general approach is still that they take what is needed in order to either fulfill their customer demand, fulfill regulation, or fulfill their own carbon reduction targets that they have as a company. But price is always a discussion point. There's nobody who says, "let's take a B100 [100% blend] and I'll pay the premium." Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that yet.

The general range of blends used in the market today is somewhere between a B20 and a B50, depending on the incentive structure. The Dutch government has a very interesting incentive structure, so there we see that the B30 and B50 are being used a lot. In Singapore, it's B24.

Where are your production sites for biofuel? 

We have 11 production facilities for biofuels in total. 10 of those are biodiesel plants and one is for renewable diesel. They're predominantly in the Midwest. 

There is a lot of additional renewable diesel production volume that is anticipated to come online in the US in the next couple of years. Also in the past few months, you see the same kind of investments going into Europe. These production facilities are coming online in combination with production of sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF, which has much tighter tolerances for quality.

What are the challenges ahead for meeting the global demand for biofuel?

The main challenge is about the efficient allocation of the global supply of biofuel feedstocks. And I think that that should be done based on energy input and on environmental impact.

That is something that we as a renewable fuels producer are actively lobbying with government. We want to make sure that the government has a view that you can only use one feedstock molecule once. And it needs to be allocated in such a way that all different kind of lower carbon fuel solutions will have the right allocation for the future, because the world needs it all.   - TME