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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query orwellian. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024


Warrantless Surveillance Makes a Mockery of the Constitution

“Whether he wrote DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER, or whether he refrained from writing it, made no difference… The Thought Police would get him just the same… the arrests invariably happened at night… In the vast majority of cases there was no trial, no report of the arrest. People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record of everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: vaporized was the usual word.” ~ George Orwell, 1984

The government long ago sold us out to the highest bidder.

The highest bidder, by the way, has always been the Deep State.

What’s playing out now with the highly politicized tug-of-war over whether Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act gets reauthorized by Congress doesn’t just sell us out, it makes us slaves of the Deep State.

Read the fine print: it’s a doozy.

Just as the USA Patriot was perverted from its stated intent to fight terrorism abroad and was instead used to covertly crack down on the American people (allowing government agencies to secretly track Americans’ financial activities, monitor their communications, and carry out wide-ranging surveillance on them), Section 702 has been used as an end-run around the Constitution to allow the government to collect the actual content of your conversations (phone calls, text messages, video chats, emails and other electronic communication) without a warrant.

Now intelligence officials are pushing to dramatically expand the government’s spying powers, effectively giving the government unbridled authority to force millions of Americans to spy on its behalf.

Basically, the Deep State wants to turn the American people into extensions of Big Brother.

As Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) explains:

If you have access to any communications, the government can force you to help it spy. That means anyone with access to a server, a wire, a cable box, a Wi-Fi router, a phone, or a computer. So think for a moment about the millions of Americans who work in buildings and offices in which communications are stored or pass through.

After all, every office building in America has data cables running through it. The people are not just the engineers who install, maintain, and repair our communications infrastructure; there are countless others who could be forced to help the government spy, including those who clean offices and guard buildings. If this provision is enacted, the government can deputize any of these people against their will, and force them in effect to become what amounts to an agent for Big Brother – for example, by forcing an employee to insert a USB thumb drive into a server at an office they clean or guard at night.

This could all happen without any oversight whatsoever: The FISA Court won’t know about it, Congress won’t know about it. Americans who are handed these directives will be forbidden from talking about it. Unless they can afford high-priced lawyers with security clearances who know their way around the FISA Court, they will have no recourse at all.”

This is how an effort to reform Section 702 has quickly steamrollered into an expansion of the government’s surveillance powers.

We should have seen this coming.

After all, the Police State doesn’t relinquish power easily, the Surveillance State doesn’t look favorably on anything that might weaken its control, and Big Brother doesn’t like to be restricted.

What most Americans don’t get is that even without Section 702 in play, the government will still target the populace for warrantless, suspicionless mass surveillance, because that’s how the police state maintains its stranglehold on power.

These maneuvers are just the tip of the iceberg.

For all intents and purposes, we now have a fourth branch of government.

This fourth branch came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and yet it possesses superpowers, above and beyond those of any other government agency save the military.

It is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful.

It operates beyond the reach of the president, Congress and the courts, and it marches in lockstep with the corporate elite who really call the shots in Washington, DC.

The government’s “technotyranny” surveillance apparatus has become so entrenched and entangled with its police state apparatus that it’s hard to know anymore where law enforcement ends and surveillance begins. They have become one and the same entity.

The police state has passed the baton to the surveillance state.

On any given day, the average American is now monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by both government and corporate eyes and ears.

Every second of every day, the American people are being spied on by the U.S. government’s vast network of digital Peeping Toms, electronic eavesdroppers and robotic snoops.

Beware of what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, and with whom you communicate, because it will all be recorded, stored and used against you eventually, at a time and place of the government’s choosing.

Privacy, as we have known it, is dead.

Whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency is listening in and tracking you. This doesn’t even begin to touch on the complicity of the corporate sector, which buys and sells us from cradle to grave, until we have no more data left to mine. These corporate trackers monitor your purchases, web browsing, Facebook posts and other activities taking place in the cyber sphere and share the data with the government.

Just about every branch of the government—from the Postal Service to the Treasury Department and every agency in between – now has its own surveillance sector, authorized to collect data and spy on the American people. Then there are the fusion and counterterrorism centers that gather all of the data from the smaller government spies – the police, public health officials, transportation, etc. – and make it accessible for all those in power.

These government snoops are constantly combing through and harvesting vast quantities of our communications, then storing it in massive databases for years. Once this information—collected illegally and without any probable cause—is ingested into NSA servers, other government agencies can often search through the databases to make criminal cases against Americans that have nothing to do with terrorism or anything national security-related.

Empowered by advances in surveillance technology and emboldened by rapidly expanding public-private partnerships between law enforcement, the Intelligence Community, and the private sector, police have become particularly adept at sidestepping the Fourth Amendment.

Talk about a system rife for abuse.

Now, the government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying program because they’re only looking to get the “bad” guys who are overseas.

Don’t believe it.

The government’s definition of a “bad” guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding Americans on a staggering scale.

Indeed, the government has become the biggest lawbreaker of all.

It’s telling that even after it was revealed that the FBI, one of the most power-hungry and corrupt agencies within the police state’s vast complex of power-hungry and corrupt agencies, misused a massive government surveillance database more than 300,000 times in order to target American citizens, we’re still debating whether they should be allowed to continue to sidestep the Fourth Amendment.

This is how the government operates, after all: our objections are routinely overruled and our rights trampled underfoot.

It works the same every time.

First, the government seeks out extraordinary powers acquired in the wake of some national crisis – in this case, warrantless surveillance powers intended to help the government spy on foreign targets suspected of engaging in terrorism – and then they use those powers against the American people.

According to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the FBI repeatedly misused Section 702 in order to spy on the communications of two vastly disparate groups of Americans: those involved in the George Floyd protests and those who may have taken part in the Jan. 6, 2021, protests at the Capitol.

This abuse of its so-called national security powers is par for the course for the government.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, intelligence agencies conduct roughly 200,000 of these warrantless “backdoor” searches for Americans’ private communications each year.

No one is spared.

Many of the targets of these searches have done nothing wrong.

Government agents have spied on the communications of protesters, members of Congress, crime victims, journalists, and political donors, among many others.

The government has claimed that its spying on Americans is simply “incidental,” as though it were an accident, but it fully intends to collect this information.

As journalist Jake Johnson warns, under an expanded Section 702, U.S. intelligence agencies “could, without a warrant, compel gyms, grocery stores, barber shops, and other businesses to hand over communications data.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, “The Securities and Exchange Commission is deploying a massive government database – the Consolidated Audit Trail, or CAT – that monitors in real time the identity, transactions and investment portfolio of everyone who invests in the stock market.”

Journalist Leo Hohmann reports that the government is also handing out $20 million in grants to police, mental health networks, universities, churches and school districts to enlist their help in identifying Americans who might be political dissidents or potential “extremists.”

Ask the government why it’s carrying out this far-reaching surveillance on American citizens, and you’ll get the same Orwellian answer the government has been trotting in response to every so-called crisis to justify its assaults on our civil liberties: to keep America safe.

What this is really all about, however, is control.

What we are dealing with is a government so power-hungry, paranoid and afraid of losing its stranglehold on power that it is conspiring to wage war on anyone who dares to challenge its authority.

When the FBI is asking banks and other financial institutions to carry out dragnet searches of customer transactions – warrantlessly and without probable cause – for “extremism” indicators broadly based on where you shop, what you read, and how you travel, we’re all in trouble.

You don’t have to do anything illegal.

For that matter, you don’t even have to challenge the government’s authority.

Frankly, you don’t even have to care about politics or know anything about your rights.

All you really need to do in order to be tagged as a suspicious character, flagged for surveillance, and eventually placed on a government watch list is live in the United States.

As long as the government is allowed to weaponize its 360 degree surveillance technologies to flag you as a threat to national security, whether or not you’ve done anything wrong, it’s just a matter of time before you find yourself wrongly accused, investigated and confronted by police based on a data-driven algorithm or risk assessment culled together by a computer program run by artificial intelligence.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it won’t be long before Big Brother’s Thought Police are locking us up to “protect us” from ourselves.

At that point, we will disappear.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police Stateand a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair DiariesWhitehead can be contacted at Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

Friday, February 04, 2022

Trump's race-war fantasies continue to escalate — while the mainstream media pretends not to notice

Chauncey Devega, Salon
February 03, 2022

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets fairgoers while campaigning at the Iowa State Fair on August 15, 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. 
(Photo by Win Mcnamee for Agence France-Presse.)

Every day, Donald Trump becomes more his horrible true self. He commands the loyalty of tens of millions of people. He does not even pretend to be a statesman who loves America. He is a political cult leader, a sociopath and a model of antisocial and dangerous behavior. As psychologists and other public health experts have warned, Trump has "infected" many of his most loyal followers with the same mental pathologies.

Trump has an erotic attachment to violence, as do many of his followers. They are tied together by the Big Lie and other sadistic, and anti-human fictions. TrumpWorld is a malignant and vile alternate universe — one that longs to devour and consume the world as it actually exists.

Nearly every day we learn more evidence about Donald Trump and his cabal's attempted coup. In the face of the Justice Department's flaccid approach to those crimes (at least to this point), Trump and his agents continue to attack American democracy, the rule of law and the Constitution, now in plain sight.

Last Saturday at a rally in Conroe, Texas, Trump communicated his clear intent to cause mass mayhem and destruction in the United States — in essence, his willingness to burn it all down — should he ever face punishment for the crimes he committed as president.

Trump told his followers: "If these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protests we have ever had in Washington. D.C., in New York, in Atlanta and elsewhere because our country and our elections are corrupt."

He repeatedly described the prosecutors investigating him in New York, Washington and Atanta as "racist." (All four are Black.) He also attacked them as being "mentally sick" and said they were committing "prosecutorial misconduct at the highest level."

Trump also told the crowd in Conroe that "in 2024, we are going to take back that beautiful, beautiful house that happens to be white, that is so magnificent and that we all love. We are going to take back the White House." All these remarks were read off a teleprompter, rather than improvised.

Trump is a master performer who knows his audience very well. In no way were they uncomfortable with his white supremacist invective and implicit invitations to violence. They applauded. This should not be surprising: Public opinion research has repeatedly shown that Trump's voters are motivated by a sense of white victimology and racial grievance politics, and by a belief that white people like them should remain dominant in our increasingly diverse country.

During his Conroe speech, Trump acted as a political crime boss and dictator in waiting, promising (preemptive) pardons for his followers who engage in political violence and other criminal or terrorist acts on his behalf.

"If I run and if I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly," he said. "We will treat them fairly. … And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons. Because they are being treated so unfairly."

This fits into a larger pattern. At his rally in Arizona several weeks earlier, Trump made false claims about the pandemic and health care that were framed in explicitly racial terms:

The left is now rationing lifesaving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating — just, denigrating — white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you're white you don't get the vaccine, or if you're white you don't get therapeutics. It's unbelievable to think this. And nobody wants this. Black people don't want it, white people don't want it, nobody wants it. ... In New York state, if you're white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical health — think of it, if you're white you go right to the back of the line. ... This race-based medicine is not only anti-American, it's government tyranny in the truest sense of the word.

Trump's statements are more than stochastic terrorism or other implied threats. These are direct instructions to his followers about who their enemies are. Trump has recently focused his attention on Black people, even more than usual. At the Philadelphia Inquirer, Will Bunch suggests that we should "drill down on arguably the most important and alarming word in Trump's statement: racist":

At first blush, it seems to come out of left field, in the sense of what could be racist about looking into a white man's role in an attempted coup or his cooked financial books? Except that it happens that three of the key prosecutors investigating Trump — the Fulton County district attorney, Fani Willis, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and new Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg — as well as the chair of the House committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, are all Black.

Thus, it's both alarming and yet utterly predictable that Trump would toss the gasoline of racial allegations onto his flaming pile of grievances, knowing how that will play with the Confederate flag aficionados within the ex-president's cult. In tying skin color into his call for mobs in Atlanta or New York, Trump is seeking to start a race war — no different, really, from Dylann Roof. Roof used a .45-caliber Glock handgun, while Trump uses a podium and the services of fawning right-wing cable-TV networks. Sadly, the latter method could prove more effective.

Trump's threats against Willis and James carry particular resonance at this moment, given that President Biden has announced his historic intention to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

Donald Trump is an entrepreneur of racial and ethnic violence. In that sense, he is not dissimilar to leaders in places like Rwanda or the former Yugoslavia, who used fear, lies, stereotypes and other dehumanizing and eliminationist rhetoric and threats of violence to encourage ethnic genocide. Trump has made it clear that he wants a "race war", where black and brown people are targeted for widescale violence by white people. There may be thousands, or tens of thousands (or even more) of white people willing to follow his orders. The danger is extreme.

The thousands of Trump's followers who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, represent a deeper and broader group in American society who are becoming more radicalized and less restrained. While some of Trump's attack force may face incarceration, many have not been deterred in the least, and are only becoming more resolute and determined.

Fascist intimidation and threats of violence are being normalized across American society. Right-wing paramilitaries and street thugs are attempting to claim public space through marches, "protests" and other actions designed to signal their growing power and influence — and, most importantly, to intimidate those Americans who believe in pluralism and democracy.

Trump's fantasies of race war are only one part of a larger strategy aimed at turning America into a 21st-century apartheid state. Republicans intend to make it almost impossible for a Democratic candidate to win the presidential election — and many state and local elections as well. They are using the moral panic around "critical race theory" and other culture-war issues to impose an Orwellian reshaping of America's schools, where it will be illegal to tell the truth about American history or to discuss subject matter deemed to be "unpatriotic" or somehow "uncomfortable" for white people.

In Florida and other states, Republicans are using state authority and resources to silence dissent and protest. This includes laws that encourage right-wing vigilante violence, and the creation of "election police" intended to intimidate and harass Black and brown people as well as liberals, progressives and other "enemies" of "real America".

What should the American people do? Who is going to save democracy? Not the Department of Justice. The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack has limited powers to hold Trump and his cabal responsible. The Democratic Party has repeatedly shown that it lacks even a basic understanding of how to explain or address the existential dangers posed by Trump and the Republican fascists.

The mainstream media has continued to fail in its primary task as guardians of democracy. Instead of clearly, consistently and forcefully telling the truth about Donald Trump and the neofascist movement, the news media remains addicted to horserace journalism, "both-sides-ism" and other forms of false equivalency.

Writing at Media Matters, Eric Kleefeld summarized these failures:
Mainstream media outlets should be treating all of this as a five-alarm fire for American democracy and the U.S. Constitution. But instead, Politico's Playbook on Sunday pondered how Trump's declarations might affect Republican messaging and prospects for the midterm election….

The New York Times positioned Trump's comments in terms of supposed Republican infighting and messaging: "The statement signifies an increase in the intensity of the former president's push to litigate the 2020 election and comes days after Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, issued a public warning to Republican candidates to 'respect the results of our democratic process' during an interview with CNN." (The alleged conflict among Republicans is also exaggerated by mainstream media outlets.)
The Washington Post ran a piece Sunday evening, titled "Trump's Texas trip illustrates his upsides and downsides for Republicans and their midterm hopes." Immediately after the paragraph detailing Trump's offer of pardons to January 6 rioters, along with his incitement of new demonstrations against district attorneys, the article proceeded to discuss what this might mean for Republican candidates in primary and general elections ...

And in a separate but also consequential example of missing the real message, The Associated Press said that Trump's "offer represents an attempt by Trump to further minimize the most significant attack on the seat of government since the War of 1812."
Trump didn't just "minimize" what happened, he is actively trying to seed more of it.

Pro-democracy Americans will need to organize across society with the goal of pressuring the Democratic Party, major corporations and other elites into pushing back forcefully against the Republican fascist movement's attacks on American democracy and freedom. Pro-democracy Americans will also need to organize on the local level to resist, survive and defeat the rising fascist tide.

In the end, it will be the American people, through direct action and mass mobilization — strikes, boycotts, direct action and other types of corporeal politics — who must save American democracy.

On his eponymous TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," Fred Rogers told children (and the many adults who were watching as well) that if they were in trouble they should "look for the helpers." America needs Fred Rogers' wisdom now. The helpers are our neighbors and other members of the community who are willing to struggle and suffer to protect America's multiracial democracy and to create a more humane society. The helpers are those who have been sounding the alarm, sometimes at great personal risk, about the dangers of Trump's regime. But in the end we are adults, not children. The most essential helpers are looking back at us in the mirror.

Monday, March 29, 2021


Why the Equality Act is no big threat to religious freedom

If push comes to shove, expect the Supreme Court to step in.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, center, speaks about the Congress Equality Act on Feb. 25, 2021, with, from left, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.; Sen. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y.; Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.; Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I.; Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

(RNS) — Listen to its opponents and you’d think the Equality Act, which the House of Representatives passed Feb. 25, is designed to destroy the free exercise of religion in America.

“No person of faith or religious institution, whether school, church, synagogue, mosque, business, or non-profit, will escape the Orwellian reach of the Equality Act,” said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

The act, claim the Catholic bishops, “codifies the new ideology of ‘gender’ in federal law, dismissing sexual difference and falsely presenting ‘gender’ as only a social construct” as well as riding “roughshod over religious liberty.”

RELATED: The Supreme Court ups the ante on religious liberty

It would, according to the Heritage Foundation, “make mainstream beliefs about marriage, biological facts about sex differences, and many sincerely held beliefs punishable under the law.”

And my favorite, from Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values: “If bigots were bent on eliminating Orthodox Judaism from American soil, it is difficult to imagine a more ruthlessly efficient tool than the Equality Act.”

Woah. As the current guy says, here’s the deal:

The Equality Act would prevent discrimination against LGBT people by amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to explicitly include sexual preference and gender identity along with sex. Such discrimination would be prohibited in employment, housing, public accommodation, education, federally funded programs, credit and jury service.

Let it be noted that the Supreme Court, in last year’s 6-3 Bostock decision, determined that the Civil Rights Act’s existing prohibition of employment discrimination on grounds of sex already extends to sexual preference and gender identity. It’s also worth noting that the vast majority of Americans (including two-thirds of Republicans) support laws banning discrimination against LGBT people.

Here’s the issue, however: The Equality Act stipulates that the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act cannot be used to obtain an exemption from the Equality Act’s discrimination prohibitions. RFRA, it states, “shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title.”

How big a deal is this?

RFRA requires courts to employ the standard of review known as “strict scrutiny” when a plaintiff claims that the federal government has violated the plaintiff’s religious freedom. That means the government must prove that a law or ordinance advances a “compelling” government interest and that it does so by “the least restrictive means.” 

Under the Equality Act (i.e., without recourse to RFRA), a plaintiff wishing, say, to refuse wedding services to a same-sex couple on religious grounds would be faced with a different constitutional standard, one enunciated by the late Justice Antonin Scalia in Employment Division v. Smith (1990), in which two drug rehab employees claimed taking hallucinatory peyote was a ritual of their Native American faith.

Smith, the court’s worst free-exercise decision ever, did not just do away with the court’s existing strict scrutiny standard of review; it didn’t even employ weaker established tests of “intermediate scrutiny” (furthering an “important” government interest by “substantially related” means) or “rational basis” (furthering a “legitimate” government interest in a “rationally” related way). Smith holds, baldly, that so long as a law is “neutral” and “generally applicable” it cannot be challenged on free-exercise grounds.

Why did Scalia, a devout Roman Catholic, impose so profound a limitation on religious liberty? At the time, free-exercise cases were usually brought on behalf of small religious minorities — such as the Native Americans in Smith. While Scalia agreed that laws specifically aimed at religious practices or communities should be struck down as unconstitutional, he didn’t want courts fostering a situation where, as he wrote, “each conscience is a law unto itself.”

Religious bodies and civil libertarians were appalled. Persuaded by a large coalition of them (including the Catholic Church and the American Civil Liberties Union), a nearly unanimous Congress passed RFRA with the object of requiring the Supreme Court to reinstate strict scrutiny as its constitutional standard and thereby restore religious freedom. 

The court would eventually slap down Congress’ imposition of strict scrutiny for constitutional adjudication (you don’t get to tell us how to interpret the Constitution) but allowed RFRA to apply to federal (not state) laws and ordinances. That’s why Congress has the power to make RFRA inapplicable to anti-discrimination law.

Should the Equality Act pass the Senate and be signed by President Joe Biden (as he has promised), opponents predict a parade of horribles. Menken, for example, claims that whenever a religious body avails itself of a restaurant, catering hall, funeral home or other “public accommodation,” it would be precluded from enforcing its own gender-based rules — such as, in the case of Orthodox Judaism, same-sex seating.

I’m not so sure about that. What I’d be prepared to put money on, however, is that if such a parade actually started, the Supreme Court would step in, very likely reversing Smith and restoring strict scrutiny as its free-exercise test. But we shouldn’t imagine that things would then revert to the status quo ante.

Prior to Smith, the justices were pretty deferential to the government when it wanted to declare a compelling interest in a free-exercise case. In 1986, for example, an Orthodox Jewish Air Force chaplain was denied the right to wear a yarmulke on base because of the military’s asserted need to “foster instinctive obedience, unity, commitment, and esprit de corps.”

More relevant to the Equality Act is the court’s 1983 decision upholding the IRS’ revocation of Bob Jones University’s tax-exempt status for refusing to permit interracial dating or marriage on the grounds that this was forbidden by the Bible.

Since then, the court’s deference has shifted to the religious side, as in its unanimous 2012 Hosanna Tabor decision that federal anti-discrimination laws do not apply to religious organizations’ selection of religious leaders — a decision that did not rely on RFRA at all. The readiness of the court to overturn state restrictions on in-person worship since the arrival of Amy Coney Barrett on the bench puts an exclamation point on this trend.

Under the circumstances, it might be wise for proponents of the Equality Act to consider compromising on an alternative bill, the Fairness for All Act, which was introduced in 2019 and again this year by U.S. Rep. Chris Stewart.

Modeled on a Utah law passed in 2015 with the support of both The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and gay rights leaders in the state, it would write protections for LGBT people into the Civil Rights Act while explicitly protecting the possibility of religious exemptions under RFRA. 

Partisans on both sides of the Equality Act hate the Fairness for All Act. So don’t be holding your breath.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

'What the hell is that?' Fox News' Geraldo buries Tomi Lahren for defending 'thuggish' trucker protests

Brad Reed
February 09, 2022

Fox News' Geraldo Rivera on Wednesday called out Tomi Lahren for supporting the "Freedom Convoy" in Canada that is disrupting life for residents in the city of Ottawa.

During a discussion about the anti-vaccine protests taking place in Canada, Rivera accused Lahren of whitewashing their behavior.

"Their behavior has been nothing short of thuggish in Ottawa," he said. "They kept people in the neighborhood awake all night revving their engines, blowing their horns. They've deprived Ottawa of business, of tens of millions of dollars, now they're blockading the international bridges."

Rivera concluded by telling Lahren that "to give these guys the mantle of freedom fighters is appallingly naïve."

Lahren responded by comparing the truckers to America's founders and said that Rivera would have called George Washington and Thomas Jefferson "thugs" and "degenerates" were he alive during the Revolutionary War.

Rivera, however, was not having it, and he was offended that Lahren would compare people carrying swastikas and Confederate flags to America's founders.

"What the hell is that about?" he asked incredulously. "They have been very destructive! 40 percent of Canada's trade goes over the bridge they have blocked!"

Watch the video below.

'What the hell is that?' Fox News' Geraldo buries Tomi Lahren for defending 'thuggish' truckers

WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany visibly stunned as Ari Fleischer stomps on Canada's anti-vax 'Freedom Convoy'

David Edwards
February 09, 2022

Fox News/screen grab

Fox News conservative contributor Ari Fleischer left network hosts without a response on Wednesday after he revealed his opposition to a Canadian "Freedom Convoy" protest that was purportedly started by truckers who oppose vaccine mandates.

Throughout the week, Fox News has provided favorable coverage of the protest despite polls that show most Ottawa residents want the demonstrators to go home.

"The facts are important," Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany told Fleischer. "These guys were essential workers, they couldn't have a supply shortage, they're driving their trucks across the border then all the sudden on Jan. 15 there's this new Orwellian restriction put in place and they're looking around, saying, did the science change? Why Jan. 15 do we suddenly -- we're no longer essential?"

Fleischer expressed sympathy for the truckers but said that he disagreed with their tactics.

"I have a different take on this," he revealed. "I've been caught in enough New York City traffic snarls where I couldn't move for two hours because Occupy Wall Street took over all the streets in New York City -- many of the streets in New York City in certain areas."

"You don't have the right no matter how good your cause is to do that to your fellow citizens," the pundit continued. "I do not support blocking traffic, interfering with the mobility of other people, which includes their getting health care, their carrying out the things they need in life to be on time for."

He added: "And so I oppose it whether it's Occupy Wall Street or a group I'm sympathetic toward. Good goals but bad tactics. I think you alienate more people by doing this."

Fleischer admitted that the protest is "kind of fun to watch on TV."

"But these tactics backfire and I don't like them being done by anybody," he remarked. "Stay off the streets. Don't shut down the rights of other people to go where they need to go."

McEnany had no response for Fleischer. Instead, she moved on to a question attacking Ottawa police for tactics used against right-wing protesters.

Watch the video below from Fox News.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Beyond Passive Resistance: Against Democratic Surrender in a Time of Fascitization

 DECEMBER 10, 2021Facebook

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

Sixty percent of the U.S. populace backs Roe v. Wade and just 27 percent back its undoing even as the nation’s right-wing Supreme Court is strongly predisposed to reverse the decision by next summer. Where is the call for millions in the streets to defend women’s right to control their bodies over and against this anti-democratic outrage? Where is the uprising against a government structure and social order that permits this and numerous other forms of authoritarian insanity? It’s shocking to hear liberal talking heads say (basically) “oh well there goes Roe v. Wade for a generation, until we can get the votes and a better court back some day.” Are these shrugging accommodationists aware that the nation’s right-wing Minority Rule party is actively and effectively working (in the name of “stop the steal”) to permanently suppress and nullify votes and elections and policies that don’t go their patriarchal, white-nationalist way? How do they not understand that, as the leading feminist and communist Sunsara Taylor notes:

“the assault on abortion is not taking place in isolation…[it] is part of a larger fascist remaking of society…Already, fascist mobs are invading every sphere of public life. They are threatening school board members, public health officials, election workers and more. And the Republican Party has not only purged itself of anyone who firmly opposed the violent coup attempt by Trump’s supporters on January 6, it has been moving aggressively to so thoroughly corrupt the election processes that they will either win regardless of the popular vote or be able to unleash violent mobs to nullify an election they lose. A win for them in decimating abortion rights would accelerate their momentum. The idea that the ‘pro-choice movement’ could then just retreat into local elections and build up power over years and decades (a ‘strategy’ put forward by Amy Littlefield…as well as by many ‘pro-choice leaders’…) a complete fantasy out of touch with what is really going on.”

Big Pro-“Life” Lies

Many pro-abortion rights liberals are sharp and eloquent when it comes to deconstructing the hypocrisy of the Christo-fascist right’s claim to be “pro-life.” As liberals rightly observe, it is two-facedness on steroids to (absurdly) denounce vaccine and mask mandates as authoritarian government assaults on Americans’ freedom to control their own bodies while supporting government turning women into incubators through forced motherhood. In the Orwellian world of the Republifascist right, public health mandates to stem a deadly pandemic that has so far killed 5.3 million people including 790,000 US-Americans are “authoritarian” government tyranny, but state-mandated forced motherhood is not. At the same time, as progressively inclined liberals observe, the “pro-life” right opposes family cash assistance, the expansion of Medicaid, Food Stamps and other government programs to protect lower- and working-class- kids against the nation’s extreme inequalities. Once a poor kid is born, especially a Black or brown one, the “pro-life” right could care less about the quality of his or her life.

Liberals and progressive are skilled at pointing these contradictions out. But, given the broader neofascist assaults on the rule of law and on what’s left of bourgeois democracy that the right is undertaking (more on this below), there’s little chance of reinstating Roe in future decades without a massive protest movement on behalf of the nation’s 75 million-plus women of child-bearing age. And given the capitalogenic ecocide currently underway, a problem that the right wishes to escalate, it’s not clear that there will be a future worth saving and rights worth advancing in coming decades. A truly sophisticated critique of the absurdity of “pro-life” politics would note that that politics is linked to anti-environmental policies that are hastening the literal end of livable ecology – of material life itself.

The “Stench” of “a System of Governance That Has Been the Envy of the World for 240 Years”

And more to the main point of this essay, why should we put up in any timeframe with the open farcicality of a “democratic” government that is prepared to wipe out a key social, human right, and health protection backed by most of the nation’s citizens? The liberal Supreme Court justice Sonya Sotomayor worries that the Supreme Court might not survive “the stench” of a Roe reversal that will be the transparently partisan-political outcome of Donald Trump appointing three right high court justices. Let’s hope it doesn’t. It isn’t just the likely coming anti-Roe decision in Dobbs v. Jackson (more proof that we are still living in the Trump era under Biden) that stinks. Another foul odor surrounds the absurdly powerful Supreme Court having the power to cancel a hard-won human right like the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the first place. What sort of functioning popular and democratic government would allow such a thing?

Would we ever like to truly confront and replace our foolishly venerated 18th Century charter, which was crafted by and for slaveowners, merchant capitalists, and wealthy publicists and politicos for whom popular sovereignty was the ultimate nightmare? That US Constitution grants God-like “judicial review” power to an unelected body appointed by an undemocratically elected national chief executive and approved by an upper legislative branch that is apportioned in open defiance of the basic democratic principle of one person, one-vote (right-wing rural and white states like Wyoming, Montana, Iowa, and South Dakota have the same number of US Senators as giant and diverse states like California and New York). All this and of course much more about the U.S.-American charter is absurd from a pro-democracy standpoint. (The system was already tilted well to the at once patriarchal, white-supremacist, fundamentalist right long before the Republicans started their nonstop post-2020 attack on voting rights and election integrity.)

This is what Joe Biden idiotically considers a shining, world-leading model of popular self-rule. Just days after winning a presidential election that remained in question as the pandemofascist party of Trump continued their long rolling coup attempt, Biden, a  died-in-the-wool defender of the status quo, offered these fine words of conciliation and appeasement: “Democracy’s sometimes messy. It sometimes requires a little patience as wellBut that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years with a system of governance that’s been the envy of the world.”

Patience? Seriously?

This was an offensive and inane comment, a slap in the face of the multiple millions of Black Americans who endured more than three generations of torturous and murderous chattel slavery after US-American independence and who in the South were thrown into the century long neo-slavery of Jim Crow terrorism. The reparations due Black Americans for four centuries of racial oppression have yet to be even slightly paid,

Patience? Black people didn’t win the right to vote in the US South until 1965, eleven generations after the first Black people were brought to North America, in chains, and one century after a massive Civil War brough a formal end to slavery. This right is had been getting rolled back by the Republicans for years. It is being attacked with special virulence in “red states” since the 2020 election – Amerikaner revenge for how nonwhite votes cost the racist Trump a second term. The franchise wasn’t extended to women until 1920, nearly five generations after the country was founded. The powerful and malapportioned US Senate wasn’t directly elected by voters until 1913. Workers weren’t granted the legal right to organize unions until 1937 (when the corporate-liberal National Labor Relations Act was ruled constitutional) – another right that has been savagely rolled back over subsequent years. Women did not win the basic human right to medically safe abortions until 1973 – this after decades of feminist struggle that the partisan and patriarchal high court is now poised to noxiously cancel.

Three of that court’s members were appointed by the openly misogynist, multiply accused sex offender and open fascist sociopath Trump. One of the three right-wing Trump-placed jurists, Brett Kavanaugh, is a credibly accused rapist. Another is Amy “Coat Hanger” Barrett, a literal “handmaid” who was a member of People of Praise, a right-wing “charismatic Christian group” that calls female members’ advisers “handmaids” and gives men authority over their families.

And now we have bourgeois feminist leaders calling for patient activism to restore Roe’s protection against the de facto female bondage of compulsory pregnancy sometime in the hopefully not-too-distant culture. As Taylor notes:

“…instead of calling forward furious outpourings of the millions of people who do not want to see women forced to choke on their dreams as their bodies and futures are hijacked by a patriarchal state that coerces them into bearing children against their will, the so-called women’s movement is largely doing the opposite. Shamefully, many are promoting feel-good fairy tales and the deadly delusion that all this isn’t really that bad and we have a lot to celebrate anyhow. You really can’t make this shit up…Listen to what Amy Littlefield, a pro-choice writer who makes a big deal of the fact that her views are informed by and reflect her conversations with at least 50 abortion rights activists, had to say on Democracy Now!: ‘I think the most important thing that I saw was not what was going on inside the Supreme Court which is sort of confirmation that they’re going to do what the Christian Right has been planning for decades, but what I saw outside was an abortion rights movement that was really emboldened, that was prepared, that was debuting the messaging that is going to be needed to rebuild a mass movement to change the culture and to reshape the fight in the years to come after the right to legal abortion falls.’…While it is posed mostly as an afterthought in her comments, it should not be missed that Littlefield is explicitly capitulating in advance to the fall of legal abortion rights. She, like almost every “pro-choice leader” these days, is looking at the fascist majority on the court as a reason to accept a fascist ruling and work within its limits, rather than as a reason to reject and step outside of the terms of this system and its institutions. This is all the more damning right now as there are examples all over the world—from Mexico to Poland to Argentina—of women standing up in society-shaking outpourings of mass fury against abortion restrictions and in some cases wrenching victories from even viciously patriarchal states…Is anything less needed here now? We are talking about the enslavement of half of humanity” (emphasis added)

In an especially pathetic part of her Democracy Now! appearance, Amy Litttlefield, the liberal-bourgeois Nation’s “abortion access correspondent,” suggested thar the right-wing “can’t stop” abortions because abortion pills are available. Littlefield quoted the activist Amelia Bonow on how “Republicans might have the courts, but we are out here having abortions. They can’t stop them.” Sorry, no: a government taken over by the neofascist Gilead party (the Amerikaner Republicans) can and will use its monopoly on the legitimate use of force to severely punish those who access abortion pills (pills that don’t actually cause abortions, it should be noted.)

“The caveat to [Bonow’s argument], and it’s a huge caveat obviously,” Littlefied said, “is that what the state can do and has done is criminalize people for involvement in self-managed abortion. We are likely to see that even further when Roe falls.” A big qualification indeed: masses of US-Americans are incarcerated, their lives ruined, for small-scale marijuana possession.

Could we please get serious here? To even remotely insinuate that it won’t matter for the government to make abortions illegal is indefensible advance capitulation. It helps keep people off the streets and thereby increases the likelihood of Roe’s reversal.

“The Prospect of Democratic Collapse”

Littlefield’s submissiveness and false hope are symptomatic of the Weimar-like surrender culture that pervades what passes for liberal and left politics as the nation falls further down into the authoritarian abyss. Barton Gellman has recently taken to the pages of The Atlantic with some harsh truth-telling about the grave state of US-American bourgeois democracy. As Gellman explains:

‘Trump’s next coup has already begun. January 6 was practice. Donald Trump’s GOP is much better positioned to subvert the next election. Technically, the next attempt to overthrow a national election may not qualify as a coup. It will rely on subversion more than violence, although each will have its place. If the plot succeeds, the ballots cast by American voters will not decide the presidency in 2024. Thousands of votes will be thrown away, or millions, to produce the required effect. The winner will be declared the loser. The loser will be certified president-elect…The prospect of this democratic collapse is not remote. People with the motive to make it happen are manufacturing the means. Given the opportunity, they will act. They are acting already. “The democratic emergency is already here,” Richard L. Hasen, a professor of law and political science at UC Irvine, told me in late October. Hasen prides himself on a judicious temperament. Only a year ago he was cautioning me against hyperbole. Now he speaks matter-of-factly about the death of our body politic. “We face a serious risk that American democracy as we know it will come to an end in 2024,” he said, “but urgent action is not happening.”

For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft. Elected officials in Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states have studied Donald Trump’s crusade to overturn the 2020 election. They have noted the points of failure and have taken concrete steps to avoid failure next time. Some of them have rewritten statutes to seize partisan control of decisions about which ballots to count and which to discard, which results to certify and which to reject. They are driving out or stripping power from election officials who refused to go along with the plot last November, aiming to replace them with exponents of the Big Lie. They are fine-tuning a legal argument that purports to allow state legislators to override the choice of the voters.

By way of foundation for all the rest, Trump and his party have convinced a dauntingly large number of Americans that the essential workings of democracy are corrupt, that made-up claims of fraud are true, that only cheating can thwart their victory at the polls, that tyranny has usurped their government, and that violence is a legitimate response…Even in defeat, Trump has gained strength for a second attempt to seize office, should he need to, after the polls close on November 5, 2024. It may appear otherwise—after all, he no longer commands the executive branch, which he tried and mostly failed to enlist in his first coup attempt. Yet the balance of power is shifting his way in arenas that matter more.

Trump is successfully shaping the narrative of the insurrection in the only political ecosystem that matters to him. The immediate shock of the event, which briefly led some senior Republicans to break with him, has given way to a near-unanimous embrace…Trump has reconquered his party by setting its base on fire. Tens of millions of Americans perceive their world through black clouds of his smoke. His deepest source of strength is the bitter grievance of Republican voters that they lost the White House, and are losing their country, to alien forces with no legitimate claim to power. This is not some transient or loosely committed population. Trump has built the first American mass political movement in the past century that is ready to fight by any means necessary, including bloodshed, for its cause.’

Sleepy Time with Weimar Joe (Thanks, Obama)

Who is standing up to this authoritarian (I would say fascist) trajectory, which feels almost locked in and creates this strange sense that the Amerikaner (Republican) Party is still very much the ruling political organization even as the other major ruling class party holds the White House and (slim and doomed) majorities in both houses of Congress? Not the Democrats. For all the buzz one can pick up on the “existential” menace to democracy and the rule of law one can pick up in the more liberal sections of corporate media (e.g., The Atlantic), “Democrats, big and small D,” Gellman writes, “are not behaving as if they believe the threat is real. Some of them, including President Joe Biden, have taken passing rhetorical notice, but their attention wanders.” The “inauthentic opposition” Democrats are the party of passive and hollow resistance, junior partners in the nation’s ongoing fascitization. As he introduced a two-day virtual White House “Summit for Democracy,” with 100 nations participating, meant to highlight the danger of authoritarianism around the world, Joe “Nothing Will Fundamentally Change” Biden could barely bring himself to scratch the surface of the authoritarian threat in his own country. “Weimar Joe” mumbled standard and evasive bourgeois pablum that must have caused some participants to wonder if he any idea of where the supposed “world’s greatest democracy” itself is headed:

“In the face of sustained and alarming challenges to democracy, universal human rights, and all around the world, democracy needs champions…I wanted to host this summit because … here in the United States we know as well as anyone that renewing our democracy and strengthening our democratic institutions requires constant effort….American democracy is an ongoing struggle to live up to our highest ideals and to heal our divisions and recommit ourselves to the founding idea of our nation captured in our Declaration of Independence, not unlike many of your documents…[it is] the defining challenge of our time.”

Sleepy Time Joe added that though democracy can be fragile, he believed it is “inherently resilient” and capable of “self-correction” and “self-improvement.” Really? Then why can’t Biden and his party call out the white nationalist Amerikaner Party of Trump, Gosar, Boebert, Gaetz, Carlson, Hannity, Rittenhouse, Taylor-Greene, Flynn, Gallagher, Arpaio, and Q for what it is, a fascist political organization with its political operatives and AR-15s aimed straight at the hearts of democracy, constitutional rule of law, social justice and livable ecology? Why haven’t Biden and the dismal dollar Dems made serious efforts to slash student debt, raise the federal minimum wage, re-empower union organizing and collective bargaining, reign in police brutality, cancel the arch-reactionary Senate filibuster rule, and pass major voting rights protections? Why the pitiful capitulation on the sadistic bourgeois butchering down of the Build Back Better bill? Why the pathetic delay and half-heartedness in punishing the “fascist traitors” (Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin’s accurate language) who tried to carry out of a coup on January 6, starting with Trump himself? Why the refusal to expand the Supreme Court to dilute its utterly preposterous 6-3 right-wing majority, far to the starboard side of public opinion? And why the continuing frankly ridiculous calls for bipartisan cooperation with a political party that has gone fascist and says in no uncertain that it wants to eliminate all opposition, which it calls “scum” (and the like), by violence “if necessary”?

“America[ns] First…We’re Actually All on One Team”

We owe the doddering Wall Street plaything Biden’s tragicomic presence on the center stage of history to the ultimate hollow man, the “vacuous to repressive neoliberal” Obama, who knew privately that Trump was a “fascist” and then said this in the Rose Garden right after Trump won the democracy-flunking Electoral College in November 2016:

“Now, everybody is sad when their side loses an election. But the day after, we have to remember that we’re actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage. We’re not Democrats first. We’re not Republicans first. We are Americans first. We’re patriots first. We all want what’s best for this country. That’s what I heard in Mr. Trump’s remarks last night. That’s what I heard when I spoke to him directly. And I was heartened by that. That’s what the country needs — a sense of unity; a sense of inclusion; a respect for our institutions, our way of life, rule of law; and a respect for each other. I hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition, and I certainly hope that’s how his presidency has a chance to begin…The point is …that we all go forward, with a presumption of good faith in our fellow citizens — because that presumption of good faith is essential to a vibrant and functioning democracy. That’s how this country has moved forward for 240 years…It’s how we have come this far. And that’s why I’m confident that this incredible journey that we’re on as Americans will go on…, I think of this job as being a relay runner — you take the baton, you run your best race, and hopefully, by the time you hand it off you’re a little further ahead, you’ve made a little progress…I want to make sure that handoff is well-executed, because ultimately we’re all on the same team (emphasis added).”

What a F’ng joke. Another great “Thanks, Obama” moment!

Consistent with his vapid Rose Garden bromides, the asinine pacifier and newly minted oligarch Obama is now beseeching the Republifascists to show more respect for democracy because that’s “what makes America exceptional.” You really can’t make up shit like that. But that’s Barack Von “Hollow Resistance” Obombdenbug, a high school bench-warmer and Citigroup Dem whose neoliberal ex-presidency is turning out even worse than his neoliberal presidency, if that’s possible.

A Sea Change in Class Rule Form?

Just to be clear, bourgeois democracy is a cloak for class dictatorship, with democracy tolerated only insofar as it does not interfere with profitable capitalist control of the means of production, investment, and distribution. Fascism is a real and relevant, indeed horrible break in the dictatorship’s form, one that makes it immeasurably more difficult if not impossible to resist that underlying class dictatorship. The US-American variant of bourgeois democracy has been fading and declining little by little for decades (see Carl Boggs, Fascism Old and New: America at the Crossroads for a masterful historical and institutional analysis of how and why). In 2016-2021 the fascist cat was let out of the bag like never before (see my new book This Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals, and the Trumping of America for an in-depth discussion of how this is true and why it happened) Anyone who denies the menace after January 6th and what’s happening in the Amerikaner GOP and the “red states” now is simply not paying proper and informed attention.

It’s not clear that the ruling class is prepared to stop the new white nationalism from consolidating power in 2024-25 or frankly that it even could stop that if it so desires. And does it so desire? Do the nation’s owners really want to keep the fascism at bay? Some parts of the bourgeoisie are white-nationalist Darwinian monsters themselves, virulently revanchist in relation to the social movement gains won for and by Black, brown, immigrant, female, and gay people during and since the 1960s. Much, perhaps even most of the contemporary ruling class would prefer to retain the democratic and rule of law cloak. But so what? As long as the parasitic profits keep flowing, the wealthy Few probably couldn’t really care less on the whole.

Perhaps the nation’s rulers can read the handwriting on the wall: the planet is full, the frontiers are closed, a new potential hegemonic power is on the rise. There’s no more Great Evasion[s] (William Appleman Williams) of the nation’s savage contradictions of race and class. It really is “barbarism or socialism.” Long subjected to what Henry Giroux rightly calls The Terror of Neoliberalism, the nation is now so savagely and insanely unequal – the top US thousandth possessed nearly as much wealth as the nation’s bottom 90% even before COVID-19 increased upward concentration – that the “democratic” cloak is perhaps seen as no longer possible or desirable for Superpower’s owners.

A US-American superstructural sea change beyond (what’s left of) bourgeois democracy to a type of consolidated if nationally distinctive fascism does not have to be all at once or “revolutionary” (a key point in Carl Boggs’ aforementioned book). It does not have to follow in strict accord with European models from a century ago (again, see Boggs). Contrary to something I have heard over and over again from a certain kind of fascism-denying Marxist over the last six years, it does not require an actual revolutionary Left and proletariat – the classic first enemy of 20th Century Italian, German, and Spanish fascism. At the same time, much of the Amerikaner base of one of the nation’s two and only two viable political parties (the more structurally empowered of those two parties by far) actually believes (has been led to believe) that a radical Left Marxist threat is real. And you can almost see why they would, with Fatherland (FOX) News and the Tucker Carlson the Hour as their windows on the world. A major party presidential candidate who called himself (inaccurately) a socialist (Bernie Sanders) made remarkably strong and popular nomination runs in 2016 and 2020 and we saw the biggest mass popular rebellion in US history (the remarkable George Floyd-Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake summer of 2020) last year. These hopeful progressive developments and the public health measures required to stem the capitalism-hatched pandemic provide some seeming credibility for the anti-Left, neo-McCarthyite paranoia driving fascism. Add in white Amerikaner fears of a declining white population percentage and the incredible saturation of this nation by guns, including military style weapons, and this is no time to be citing European history to downplay the far-right menace in the USA. Bear in mind that classic fascism wasn’t just about crushing radical Left threats. It was also very much about race — about white nationalism — and about a related sense of national decline and so much more. Read Mein Kampf and Hitler’s 1930s speeches.

Radical Change is Already Locked In: Which Kind do You Want?

The situation is very dire. Trump or some other and potentially more competent and disciplined white nationalist Gilead authoritarian seems likely to hold the White House with an Amerikaner Congress and judiciary in his pocket in coming years. It is bad, really bad, but perhaps also an opportunity: many of the older constitutional and rule of law ways of ruling are going away but perhaps the old and failed passive resistance can also disappear and be replaced by a revolutionary movement.

Dire, but perhaps it is also a moment of revolutionary opportunity. We have run out of time and space NOT to think and fight big, beyond single-issue and reformist silos. There are no non-radical resolutions for the current, many-sided social, political, and environmental crisis, of which the undoing of Roe – the reimposition of the female slavery of forced full pregnancy – is one albeit big and important symptom. The only question will be if the coming radical resolution will be (a) barbarian, fascist, unequal, hierarchical, patriarchal, ecocidal, arch- reactionary, terminal, and pro-death or (b) popular, democratic, egalitarian, eco-socialist, revolutionary, pro-life (differently understood!), and a prologue to real human liberation.

And here the ball is significantly in the court of the big soft liberal and progressive center. “The best lack all conviction,” the British poet William Butler Yeats once wrote, “while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” I spend a lot of printer ink and some vocal energy on the “worst” (the Republifascist right), but I strongly suspect that “the best” — with all their fatalism, resignation, individualism, and withdrawal — are actually the bigger and more determinant problem. How to get “the best” over and out of themselves, up from their (understandable) couches and ghettoes of despair, and out from their internal exile? Anybody who has the magic formula, please share. It would be a game-changer