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Showing posts sorted by date for query Nazanin. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Pardis Sabeti Dedicates Her TIME100 Impact Award to Mahsa Amini and the Protesters in Iran

Sun, October 2, 2022 at 8:54 AM·3 min

TIME100 Impact Awards: Singapore
Pardis Sabeti
Iranian-American biologist, Harvard University

Pardis Sabeti receives her award at the TIME100 Impact Awards on Oct. 2, 2022 in Singapore. Credit - Ore Huiying–Getty Images for TIME

When computational geneticist Dr. Pardis Sabeti took to the stage at Sunday night’s TIME100 Impact Awards in Singapore, she dedicated her achievement to Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Iranian woman whose death in police custody last month sparked a wave of protests in the country against the Iranian regime.

“I want to dedicate this award to Mahsa Jina Amini and the young Iranians right now who are fighting for their freedom, whose impact should be seen, should be supported and should be fought for,” she said to the crowd at the National Gallery Singapore.

Amini was detained by Iranian morality police for not wearing a hijab properly and died on Sept. 16 after reportedly suffering blows to the head. Since her death, dozens of demonstrators have been killed and many more arrested in Iran’s largest protests in almost three years.

Sabeti, herself a refugee from Iran whose family fled the country shortly before the 1979 Iranian Revolution, said that her achievements in infectious disease research were only made possible by the “freedom” and “opportunities” she experienced growing up in the U.S. Amini, she said, was planning on studying microbiology and one day medicine. “Those are the fields of my own research and my own life,” Sabeti said. “But her dream was unjustly cut short.”

Sabeti said that support for vulnerable people and those struggling against oppressive regimes is crucial to growing the kind of global solidarity needed to mitigate the harms of any future pandemic. “You see, viruses, they expose and they exploit the cracks in our society: the lack of justice, transparency, and equity,” she said. “The way we weather those storms is most dependent on the ways we choose to see each other and to fight together…to uplift every individual and empower every human on this earth.”

She called on the officials, executives and activists in the crowd to help restore internet access in Iran—which has been cut off in some areas by the authorities in an attempt to crack down on protests. “Every moment in darkness is a mortal threat to another young woman,” Sabeti said. “And for each of us, please see and share their stories”

Sabeti ended her speech with a dedication to Amini and other Iranian women who have lost their lives under the regime. “To Mahsa Jina, Neda [Agha-Soltan, an Iranian woman shot dead by a government sniper amid demonstrations in 2009], and all of those that are gone too soon, beh omid-e didar, we hope to see you again, and beh omid eh rooz eh azadi, with the hope for one day a day in freedom.”

The TIME100 Leadership Forum, held at the National Gallery Singapore, brought together CEOs and other business leaders from across the globe to discuss how they are using their platforms to build a better world. Speaking at the event were: former Google CEO and co-founder of Schmidt Futures, Eric Schmidt; Sandhya Sriram, the co-founder and group CEO of Singapore-based cultivated seafood company Shiok Meats; Neo Gim Huay, managing director of the Center for Nature and Climate at the World Economic Forum; Ari Sarker, Mastercard’s president for Asia Pacific; and Neeraj Aggawal, BCG’s Chairman for Asia Pacific.

Immediately following the Leadership Forum was the TIME100 Impact Awards, which featured actor and producer Alia Bhatt; Sabeti; Gregory L. Robinson, the former Director of the James Webb Space Telescope Program; and singer and actor Lea Salonga.

The TIME100 Leadership Forum and TIME100 Impact Awards in Singapore were produced by TIME in partnership with the Singapore Economic Development Board, the Singapore Tourism Board, Mastercard, BCG, and Concha Y Toro.

'Woman, life, freedom': L.A. protest over Iran draws thousands

Laura J. Nelson
Sat, October 1, 2022

Thousands of Iranian Americans turn out in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday to protest the death of Mahsa Amini. (Laura J. Nelson / Los Angeles Times)

Thousands of Iranian Americans marched through the streets of downtown Los Angeles on Saturday in solidarity with the protests that have rocked Iran since the death of a young woman in police custody three weeks ago.

At Pershing Square on Saturday morning, protest leaders with megaphones led chants of "zan, zendegi, azadi," or "woman, life, freedom," the rallying cry of the demonstrations that began in Iran and have spread to cities across the world.

The protests that followed the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died in detention after being arrested by the country's morality police for not wearing her hijab correctly, have become Iran's biggest anti-government demonstrations in years.

"If they can be in the streets in Iran, we can be in the streets here — it's the least we can do," said Leila Amadi, 22, of West Los Angeles, who carried a sign that read, "Be her voice." In a nod to the tricolor Iranian flag, Amadi wore a white top, green shorts and bright red lipstick.

Maz Jobrani, the Iranian American comedian and actor, livestreamed part of the demonstration on Instagram, chanting along with the crowd, "Say her name: Mahsa Amini."

"Everyone in America should know about this," Jobrani said. "This is a fight for freedom across the world. It's for democracy. It's to get away from authoritarianism. The people in Iran are fighting for democracy."

Southern California has the largest number of Iranian residents outside Iran. Protests were also planned in Orange County and San Diego, and more than a dozen other U.S. cities, including Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Miami, Denver and Washington D.C.

Thousands of Iranian Americans march in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday in solidarity with protests in Iran. (Laura J. Nelson / Los Angeles Times)

As the crowd inched up Hill Street and across 1st Street toward City Hall, flanked by drummers and motorcyclists, people chanted, "Democracy for Iran, regime change for Iran!"

Many demonstrators wore masks, sunglasses and hats to avoid being identified in photos and drone footage. Others declined to give their full names, saying they were afraid to endanger loved ones who lived in Iran.

"This is not the first time we've had to protest like this, and unfortunately, it won't be the last," said Fereshteh, a Los Angeles resident in her 40s who asked to only use her first name for fear that the government would arrest her when she returned to Iran to visit her parents.

She held a sign that read, "How many protesters has the Iranian government killed today?" with red handprints in the background. The reverse side of the sign showed photos of 20 people who have been killed during the demonstrations.

Amnesty International has said that a crackdown on demonstrations by Iran's clerical government has led to the deaths of at least 52 people since Sept. 17.

"We want world leaders to do something," she said. "We need help. Iran needs help. We can't do this without the help of other governments, especially the United States."

Visible in the crowd were dozens of pre-revolutionary Iranian flags, which feature a lion and sun at the center instead of the stylized red symbol of the Islamic Republic. Flown during the government of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and banned after the 1979 revolution, the flag is frequently seen at anti-government protests.

A woman named Shohleh, who left Iran 44 years ago, wrapped the flag around her shoulders as she marched toward City Hall. She said she felt compelled to attend the protests to support the struggle of Iranian women, but worried that social media posts and protests would not be enough.

"I hope things will change," she said. "But in my head and in my heart, I'm afraid they won't."

The march ended at Los Angeles City Hall, where the Iranian singer Googoosh addressed the crowd.

Other protesters gathered around a black pickup loaded with portable speakers that blasted "Baraye," the ballad by Iranian singer Shervin Hajipour that has become the anthem of the protests.

The crowd sang along with the song's final lyrics: "For women, life, freedom; for freedom, for freedom."

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

Iranian woman pictured dining without a headscarf thrown in Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's old jail

James Rothwell
Fri, September 30, 2022 

Donya Rad

Iran has arrested a young woman who defied morality police by eating in a restaurant without wearing a hijab, in an image that went viral on social media and inspired thousands of anti-regime protesters.

The photograph showed Donya Rad eating breakfast in a restaurant in Tehran, alongside a female friend who was also not wearing a headscarf.

The pair were silently protesting the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman killed in the custody of the Iranian morality police for improperly wearing a hijab. Her death has sparked mass protests across Iran which have led to more than 50 people being killed by riot police.

It came as another image emerged from Iran of a young woman, Minoo Majidi, standing next to the grave of her mother, who was also killed in the protests. Staring into the camera, Minoo is shown clutching her shorn long hair, which Iranian women are cutting off as a symbol of resistance against the regime.

In a post on Twitter, Donya Rad's sister, Dina, revealed that Iranian police had confronted them about the photograph before arresting Donya.

“Yesterday, after this photo was published, the security agencies contacted my sister Donya Rad and asked her to give some explanations,” the sister said.

“Today, after going where she was told, she was arrested. After a few hours of silence, Donya told me in a short call that she was transferred to ward 209 of Evin prison." That referred to an infamous jail in Tehran where British mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was also imprisoned before her release.

“Our family is very concerned about her wellbeing,” added Dina.

Minoo Majidi

The decision to arrest a woman for simply appearing in a photograph without a hijab reflects how the Iranian leadership has been spooked by the massive scale of the protests. Initially focused on the death of Ms Amini in police custody, they have quickly transformed into a campaign for the downfall of the Iranian regime.

Several other Iranian social media users have posted similar photographs of them venturing outside without headscarves, risking the wrath of riot police and Iranian security officers who seem to be sifting through high-profile internet posts to make arrests.

Campaigners and Iran affairs analysts have described the decision to arrest Donya as “brutal and sick”. Comparisons were also drawn with Rosa Parks, the black civil rights activist in the United States who, in 1955, refused to give up her seat to a white passenger.

Over the past week, extraordinary footage has shown Iranians engaged in running street battles with riot police, in some cases overpowering them. Many women are burning their hijabs on bonfires in the streets in protest as well as cutting off their hair.

In a letter on Friday, Iranian football fans asked Fifa to ban their national team from this year’s World Cup in Qatar over the crackdown.

“Why would Fifa give the Iranian state and its representatives a global stage, while it not only refuses to respect basic human rights and dignities but is currently torturing and killing its own people?” they wrote on behalf of the Open Stadiums campaign.

The Committee to Protect Journalists says at least 29 journalists have been arrested, including Nilufar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, female reporters who helped expose Amini's case.

Watch: Protests in Iran continue against regime for 15th straight day

Iranian writer Darvishi: The mullah regime is about to fall and doomed to collapse

Exiled Iranian writer Sepideh Darvishi who is leading the protests in Turkey against the murder of Mahsa (Jîna) Amini, stressed that “We want to live in a democratic and free country.”

Saturday, 1 Oct 2022,

Riots and protests against the murder of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Jina Mahsa Amini, by the morality police in Tehran have spread all over Iran. Iranians living in Istanbul rally together frequently in front of the Iranian Consulate and condemn the mullah regime which has killed dozens of protestors and arrested hundreds of them during the ongoing protest actions.

One of the Iranian protesters, exiled writer Sepideh Darvishi, spoke to ANF in Istanbul.


Iranian writer Sepideh Darvishi is one of the women persecuted by the oppressive state. 48-year-old Darvishi went into exile in Turkey 5 years ago due to oppression and threats she faced in her country. She is now leading the protests in Istanbul against the murder of Amini. She emphasized that the Iranian state is hostile to women the most, and that she was a direct witness and victim of it.


Darvishi stated that she was detained and tortured because she did not accept the offer to spy on behalf of the Iranian intelligence. “I am from Bextiari. I am a writer and a Christian. A few years ago, intelligence officers called “Sipahi” came to our church and asked me to spy for them. Because there are people who go to church and convert to Christianity due to the religious persecution based on sharia laws. It is forbidden to convert to Christianity in Iran, and they execute those who change their religion. They wanted me to identify the converts and inform intelligence officers. Since I did not accept this, I was detained and tortured. They beat me and threatened me with rape. They forced me to sign a false statement. I was sentenced to prison. As a last resort, I had to flee my country.”


Showing the traces of torture on her hands, Darvishi pointed out that she still could not hold a pen properly even after years.

Darvishi said that she was concerned about the recent developments in Iran, and she could not get news from her family in Tehran due to the internet cuts.


Emphasizing that the murder of Amini was the last straw for Iranians, Darvishi remarked that the mullah regime was now about to fall and doomed to collapse.

The Iranian writer recalled that men and women have been fighting shoulder to shoulder against the oppressive system in Iran. She said that as Iranians in exile, they are trying to raise their voice to support their people. “As Iranians, we want to live in a democratic and free country. This is our only demand, and we will achieve it by fighting,” she added.

Interview With Iranian Artist Parastou Forouhar: ‘The Regime Is Anti-Women’

As protests continue in Iran following the murder of a young woman by the 'morality' police, Iranian dissident artist Parastou Forouhar is full of anger but has some optimism.

After 30 years in exile, the Iranian artist is still demanding women's rights in her homeland.

Mahsa Amini would have turned 23 on September 21. She was arrested for allegedly not wearing her hijab. How could she have died in police custody for such a minor offense?

It wasn’t even about the refusal to wear a hijab. It was just about Mahsa Amani allegedly not wearing it properly! And, because of that, she was mistreated and beaten up terribly.

And now there are the women taking to the streets, the many protests. Only now there is an absolute refusal to wear veils. The women are burning them. They are doing it in public. Some women have been shot in the last few days.

How does this make you feel?

It makes me totally angry, furiously angry. And also deeply sad that young people are exposed to such brutality and cannot escape this violence. It’s like a trap. This religious dictatorship is a set of rules that is a function of paternalism. Generation after generation of Iranians have tried to achieve self-determination but are failing because of this brutality.

Your parents were murdered for political reasons in 1998. What do you fear in the current situation?

I am very worried. Especially because I notice that certain Internet messaging services such as WhatsApp have been suspended by the regime. The idea is to create isolation so that no news gets out. Whenever something like this happens, the government plans even harsher repression, mass arrests, or shoots indiscriminately into the crowd.

On Wednesday, it started with arresting people not only at demonstrations, but also activists, known activists, who were not at demos, but in their homes. They were stormed by security forces. That was really very violent. There continues to be no news of these people.

British-Iranian actress Nazanin Boniadi stated that there was a revolution against women in 1979. What we see today is a revolution led by women, she said. So you agree?

I think that many people who participated in the revolution in 1979 did not think that it was a revolution against women. They took to the streets hoping for freedom, independence and justice. But they were overcome by religious forces. Despite civil society protests, they seized power. Boniadi’s statement is a contraction. But I believe that the regime is anti-women. It is a kind of apartheid system against women who are not supposed to have the same rights as men.

You have been living in exile in Germany for a long time. Do you return to Iran and what can you do to influence the situation in your homeland?

I try to go to Iran every year on the anniversary of the death of my parents, Parvaneh and Dariush Forouhar. Still, it is dangerous because I was sued in Iran and sentenced to six years in prison on probation. Nevertheless, I went again last year. For me, it is an act of resistance to maintain a culture of remembrance and to insist on justice. I’m also doing what I can to publicise what’s happening, to tell what’s happening, to support the people on the ground. What needs to change has to happen from within. But democratic countries can also support this movement in Iran.

How much hope do you have that the protests will turn out differently this time?

That’s a difficult question. Every time I get my hopes up because these people are taking to the streets so bravely. This human will, this vision through resistance to bring about a better life for themselves and society, inspires me. But the experience of repression runs deep. One constantly has images of the brutality in one’s mind.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Iran arrests Europeans accused of role in unrest

Parisa Hafezi
Fri, September 30, 2022 


Death of woman in morality police custody kindled protests


Widening revolt against clerical establishment


Iran blames hostile West for stoking unrest


State media says 19 killed during attack on police station

DUBAI, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Iran, which has blamed "foreign enemies" for protests that swept the country after the death of a woman in police custody, has arrested nine European nationals for their role in the unrest, the Intelligence Ministry said on Friday.

The detention of citizens of Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and other countries is likely to ratchet up tensions between Iran and Western countries over the death of Mahsa Amini.

The escalation comes as more casualties were reported, with the state news agency saying 19 people may have been killed after security forces fired on armed protesters attacking a police station.

Tehran has responded to international condemnation of the case by lashing out at its critics, accusing the United States of exploiting the unrest to try to destabilise Iran.

The nine unidentified people were detained "during the riots or while plotting in the background," the ministry said in a statement carried by Iranian media.

Amini, a 22-year-old from the Iranian Kurdish town of Saqez, was arrested this month in Tehran for "unsuitable attire" by the morality police who enforce the Islamic Republic's strict dress code for women.

Her death has caused the first big show of opposition on Iran's streets since authorities crushed protests against a rise in gasoline prices in 2019. The demonstrations have quickly evolved into a popular revolt against the clerical establishment.

While analysts don't expect Iran's clerical rulers to fall, they are struggling to come up with a strategy to defuse the protests.

Rights groups said dozens of activists, students and artists have been detained and the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Twitter that it had learned that security forces had arrested at least 28 journalists as of Sept. 29.

A senior Iranian cleric called for tough action earlier on Friday against protesters.

"Our security is our distinctive privilege. The Iranian people demand the harshest punishment for these barbaric rioters," said Mohammad Javad Haj Ali Akbari, a leader of prayers that are held on Fridays in Tehran before a large gathering.

"The people want the death of Mahsa Amini to be cleared that enemies cannot take advantage of this incident."

Amnesty International said on Friday the government crackdown on demonstrations has so far led to the death of at least 52 people, with hundreds injured.


Despite the growing death toll and crackdown by authorities, videos posted on social media showed demonstrators calling for the fall of the clerical establishment.

Heavy shooting could be heard some videos as protesters chanted "Death to Khamenei", referring to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Activist Twitter account 1500tasvir, which has more than 150,000 followers, posted videos which it said showed protests in cities including Ahvaz in the southwest, Mashhad in the northeast and Zahedan in the southeast, where people were said to be attacking a police station.

Reuters could not verify the footage.

State television said "unidentified armed individuals" opened fire on a police station in Zahedan in the southeast, prompting security forces to return fire.

State news agency IRNA said 19 people were killed in Zahedan. A video on social media showed aid being given to several injured protesters by their comrades, one of whom was trying to limit bleeding from a man who appeared to be shot in the neck.

The semi-official Fars news agency said at least two people were killed and dozens injured, citing unspecified reports.

Protests have spread to restive southeast Iran, home to the Baluch ethnic minority, with demonstrators torching government offices in at least one city. Protesters are angered by Amini's death and the case of a local teenage girl whose family, backed by a local cleric, alleges was raped by a senior policeman, according to reports on social media.

Western human rights groups say that Iran, dominated by its Persian Shi'ite majority, discriminates against ethnic and religious minorities. Tehran denies this.

(Writing by Michael Georgy; Editing by Angus MacSwan, Alex Richardson and Toby Chopra)

A 20-year-old TikToker killed while protesting for women's rights has become a symbol of Iran's resistance

Kieran Press-Reynolds
Fri, September 30, 2022 

Violent protests have spread across Iran following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.

Hadis Najafi, a protester killed in the rallies, has emerged as a symbol of the demonstrations.

A video went viral that many claimed showed Najafi, although it was a different woman.

As antigovernment demonstrations continue across Iran following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody, a young female protester killed in the rallies has become the focus of online attention and tributes. Hadis Najafi, a 20-year-old who frequently posted on social media, has emerged as a symbol of the protests after reports say she was killed by security forces in the city of Karaj.

Najafi left behind TikTok and Instagram accounts that have become memorials to her life and pages in support of the demonstrations, with thousands of people liking and commenting on her photos and videos. Najafi's last post, on September 5, has over 16,000 comments and is filled with people paying tribute to her.

The protests erupted on September 16 and have since spread to 80 cities in Iran, according to The New York Times. Police have fired on protesters and state media has acknowledged at least 41 people have died in the rallies so far, according to The Guardian. Massive waves of people have demonstrated in support of the late Amini — who was arrested for allegedly breaking Iran's mandatory hijab rules — and called on the government to increase women's autonomy.

Women and younger citizens are taking over the internet in protest of Amini and Nafaji's deaths

The online reactions to Amini and Najafi's deaths and the ongoing demonstrations has been intense, even amid a widespread internet blackout in Iran that echoes previous attempts by the country's government to smother collective dissent. Activists have told reporters that Iranians are using numerous methods, such as VPNs, to evade internet censorship.

Numerous images and videos from the protests have been shared millions of times online. A viral video with over 10 million views shows women burning head scarves in a fire as people cheer them on, while footage of a woman cutting her hair at the funeral of her sister who was reportedly killed in the protests was widely shared across platforms.

Holly Dagres, a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, told Insider that what makes these demonstrations stand out from the long history of protests in Iran is that they are being led by a younger and more digitally aware generation than in previous years.

"The youth, Iranian Gen Z, who are taking the helms of these protests and saying they no longer want an Islamic Republic," Dagres said.

Over the last week, social media platforms have swarmed with videos of young adults charging the streets and crowds of people carrying signs and waving flags to demonstrate against the hard-line government. Other clips have gained traction featuring people chanting "death to the dictator." A trend has also taken off on TikTok where Iranian and Muslim women across the globe are cutting off their hair and slicing up hijabs to show solidarity with Iranian women fighting against the hijab mandates.

Meanwhile, many political leaders from other countries have spoken out online in support of the Iranian people. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced new sanctions against Iran and said he would "stop at nothing to ensure that this regime is held to account." US Vice President Kamala Harris tweeted a statement last week on holding "Iranian officials accountable for the senseless death of Mahsa Amini and other human rights abuses."

In an echo of the uproar over Amini's killing, Najafi has now also become a rallying point for protesters. Her instagram photos are flooded with tens of thousands of people liking and commenting on them, a hashtag of her name was used in almost 10,000 tweets within one hour on Monday afternoon, and supporters have posted numerous illustrations and videos dedicated to her.

Najafi's older sister also posted a video of the funeral following her sister's killing, which received over 270,000 likes in the less than a week it was uploaded. On social media platforms, Najafi's name has become a popular hashtag to spread word of protests and call for change.

"Every woman in this planet must have the opportunity to choose," one Twitter user wrote, using hashtags for Najafi and Amini's names. "What to wear and what to not. Without being harassed, or oppressed."
A video that many claimed showed Najafi went viral, but it turned out not to be her

Although many posts referencing Najafi solely use her name or an image of her, many included a video of a woman tying up a ponytail in a dimly lit street.

The video circulated widely on Sunday and Monday, with many people claiming it showed Najafi walking in the street without a head scarf in protest of the government. Since then, the actual woman in the video has spoken out saying she's not Najafi, according to multiple reporters.

Although the woman in the video clarified her identity, she told BBC Persian that she would fight for the "Mahsas and Hadis'."

"Gen Z is leading the protests in Iran right now and to see a beautiful, young woman gunned down in cold blood by security forces would move anyone," Dagres said about why Najafi has become a symbol for protesters, even if the viral video didn't actually show her. "There was something about that video of the young woman tying her hair, as if readying for battle, that spoke to many Iranians."

Iran's Soccer Team Covers Up Their National Emblem as Mahsa Amini Protests Continue

Natasha Dye
Thu, September 29, 2022

Iran wear jackets to cover up their country's symbols in protest

Robbie Jay Barratt/AMA/Getty

Players from Iran's national soccer team made a political statement before a World Cup warm-up match on Tuesday.

In a message to their country, Iranian team's entire roster took the field for their game against Senegal in black jackets, which pointedly covered up their nation's emblem on their jerseys during the national anthem.

The team's statement comes as the country continues to see civil unrest in response to the death of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old citizen who died under police custody. Amini was arrested earlier this month when law enforcement found her not wearing a hijab. She died after being transported to Tehran's Vozara Detention Center. Police maintain that Amini's death was caused by a heart attack she had suffered.

However, Amini's family, as well as United Nations experts, believe she died after authorities beat and tortured her, per Newsweek. Protests and demonstrations have since broken out across the country.

None of the players or staff from Iran's national team have made statements regarding the situation to the media since the match, but several members of the team have addressed the topic on social media. "My heart really broke for Mahsa Amini and the likes of Mahsa Amini who are innocent of this," team forward Sardar Azmoun wrote in Iranian on Instagram.

Additionally, Azmoun acknowledged the risk he and his teammates took when they spoke out against the country. "At worst I'll be dismissed from the national team," he wrote. "No problem. I'd sacrifice that for one hair on the heads of Iranian women. This story will not be deleted. They can do whatever they want."

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Another team competing in the 2022 World Cup, Denmark, will also use their jerseys to make a statement. BBC reported that Denmark's team has decided to wear a "toned down" version of their regular jerseys in protest against host country Qatar's human rights failures and poor treatment of migrant workers, specifically at World Cup facilities.

Hummel, Denmark's sportswear manufacturer, stated, "We wish to make a statement about Qatar's human rights record and its treatment of the migrant workers that have built the country's World Cup stadiums." The company added that the new look will represent "the color of mourning."

Hummel said that although it will continue to support the Danish national team, Hummel "does not wish to be visible" during the World Cup, alleging that the tournament "has cost thousands of lives."

Iran arrests soccer player for supporting protests, as World Cup team grapples with danger and defiance

Henry Bushnell
Fri, September 30, 2022 

A former Iranian national soccer player was arrested on Thursday for expressing solidarity with the protests sweeping Iran, as several members of the current national team also broke their silence to lend support.

Millions of Iranians have taken to streets in recent weeks to protest the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who'd been arrested for allegedly wearing her headscarf too loosely. The nearly unprecedented wave of dissent against the Iranian regime, and in support of women's rights, has prompted a swift crackdown by the country's security forces. The response has resulted in the death of at least 83 people, activists told Reuters.

The crackdown has extended to soccer — in that Hossein Mahini, a World Cup veteran and longtime defender for Iran's top club, Persepolis, was reportedly detained for publicly supporting the protests; but also in that the current national team, according to players, was living under strict orders to stay silent.

Most of the two dozen players slated to represent their nation at the 2022 World Cup in November did stay silent last week, as they gathered for their final training camp ahead of the tournament. They played two games as the Iranian soccer federation (IFF), under pressure from the government, restricted media access; and as two spectators, demonstrating peacefully, were ejected from one match by police; and as cities burned back home.

Hossein Mahini (13, bottom row, second from left) was a member of Iran's team at the 2014 World Cup. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein, File)

Sardar Azmoun, a star striker, broke the silence on Sunday in an Instagram post. "At worst, I’ll be dismissed from the national team; no problem," he wrote in Farsi, according to rough translations. "I’d sacrifice that for one hair on the heads of Iranian women. This story will not be deleted. They can do whatever they want. Shame on you for killing so easily; long live Iranian women."

Soon thereafter, the post was deleted. Later, an apology from Azmoun was posted, and silence was restored. Several players blacked out their Instagram profile pictures. But some Iranians, including those risking their lives in the streets, criticized the players for not taking a risk and speaking up.

When the players wore black jackets during the national anthem before their Tuesday game, some Western media interpreted it as a silent statement in solidarity with protesters. But one Iranian activist, who runs the @OpenStadiums Twitter account, told Yahoo Sports that "it was just their normal jacket." She didn't interpret it as solidarity; the "national team is very much under surveillance of the [Iranian security] forces and they won't let them specifically do that," she said. None of the players have spoken about it.

Iran players break silence, support women

When the training camp concluded, though, they began speaking. "The last few days in the national team camp have been really hard for us," defender Morteza Pouraliganji wrote.

"Hello, now it's time to write the things after finishing the camp that I really wanted to tell you," Azmoun wrote on Wednesday, alongside a picture of the Iranian women's volleyball team. "My heart really broke for Mahsa Amini," he wrote as part of a message expressing solidarity with Iranian women.

Alireza Jahanbakhsh, another star forward, posted a black square and wrote, in part, according to an Instagram translation: "Due to camp conditions and rules regarding avoiding cyberspace, we were not allowed to operate. We are the soldiers of [the Iranian] people and we will always stand by our people. ... It is not too much to ask for their simplest human rights. These people should be treated with more dignity and respect."

Midfielder Saman Ghoddos, who was born in Sweden and now plays in England, wrote in Farsi and English: "As an Iranian who wasn’t raised in Iran, I am thrilled and suprised [sic] by the courage of the women of my country. These kind and brave people deserve the best life. And to have the right to all the social services in modern world. In the protesting times, police have responsibility to protect them especially women and kids and put them under their protection. These people haven’t committed anything bad. They just want their human rights which they want to see happen. Long live my dear Iran and its amazing people."

In a separate caption, Ghoddos wrote: "Rest in peace to everyone who lost their lives fighting for freedom. #MahsaAmini."

The biggest wave of social media posts, however, came Friday after news surfaced that Mahini, who played 23 games for the national team from 2011-17, had been arrested for "promot[ing] disorder and chaos," according to Iranian state media. His house had also reportedly been raided. More than a dozen current national team players posted pictures of Mahini, 36, to their Instagram stories.

"Now footballers see how the actual situation [is]," the OpenStadiums activist, who protects her identity to avoid retribution from Iranian authorities, told Yahoo Sports.

Many of the posts, though, have been measured, and have opened the players up to continued criticism. Alongside a soccer picture on Wednesday, two weeks after Amini's death, goalkeeper Alireza Beiranvand wrote, vaguely: "The voice of the masses is the voice of God." One commenter asked him: "Did you wake up from sleep? How much is the World Cup worth to you? More than the lives of our own people?"

In this Sept. 19 photo taken by an individual not employed by the Associated Press and obtained by the AP outside Iran, a police motorcycle burns during a protest over the death of a young woman who had been detained for violating the country's conservative dress code, in downtown Tehran. (AP Photo)

Calls to expel Iran from World Cup

Multiple players have tried to frame their national team endeavors as representative of the Iranian people. To many, though, they are inextricably linked to the government.

"The Iranian [soccer federation], run by ex-commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, is an important ambassador of the Islamic Republic and is acting in line with the repressive regime," OpenStadiums wrote in a Friday open letter. "We do not believe this team represents us or our values as Iranian citizens any longer."

That letter, addressed to FIFA president Gianni Infantino, called on FIFA to expel Iran from the 2022 World Cup. It cited two FIFA statutes, one of which claims the global soccer governing body is "committed to respecting all internationally recognized human rights and shall strive to promote the protection of these rights."

The other states: "FIFA remains neutral in matters of politics and religion. Exceptions may be made with regard to matters affected by FIFA's statutory objectives."

FIFA did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday morning. Iran is scheduled to open its World Cup campaign on Nov. 21 against England, and conclude Group B play on Nov. 29 against the United States.

Danger for Iranian athletes

Mahini's arrest is not the first time the Iranian regime has punished athletes for opposing it. Most infamously, wrestler Navid Afkari was sentenced to death and executed in 2020. He'd been accused, without proof, of killing a security guard during anti-government protests in 2018, and allegedly tortured into a confession.

The national soccer team also has a history of activism, though much of it has been suppressed. In 2009, several players wore green wristbands during a World Cup qualifier in apparent support of an opposition presidential candidate who was disputing the results of an election. They were subsequently "retired" from the national team, according to reports at the time, though a few later returned.

One of them, Ali Karimi, who played for Bayern Munich during his 18-year career, has been a prominent and vocal supporter of the current protests, and critic of the regime. State-affiliated media have called for his arrest. His house was seized by authorities earlier this week, but he is reportedly out of the country and safe.

Voria Ghafouri, a veteran defender who played at the 2019 Asian Cup, has also been a frequent social critic. He was summoned by authorities in 2019 after he criticized Iran's foreign policy, and has not played for the national team since.

Iowa State students protest Iranian government's repression: 'We will be their voice!'

Phillip Sitter, Ames Tribune
Fri, September 30, 2022 

Iranian students and recent graduates of Iowa State University sought to make not only their voices heard Thursday, but also the voices of their friends, family and other fellow citizens at home fighting government repression while mostly silenced to the world by internet censorship.

Iran has seen protests and the government's subsequent crackdown in recent weeks after the death of a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, in the custody of the country's so-called "morality police," who arrest women whom they perceive have improperly covered their hair with a hijab.

Women in Iran have been required to wear hijabs in public since the 1979 Islamic Revolution brought to power the country's religious authorities.

Amini collapsed at a detention center, fell into a coma and died three days later, after having been reportedly beaten on the head, according to a statement by acting U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif.

Amini's death came after expanded street patrols by the morality police, and the Human Rights Office had received "numerous, and verified, videos of violent treatment of women, including slapping women across the face, beating them with batons and throwing them into police vans," Al-Nashif's statement added.

Iranian students at Iowa State University protest against the Iranian government for brutality against women in front of the university Parks Library on Thursday in Ames. The students gathered after Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, was killed last week by the Iranian “morality police” for not fully covering her hair.

More: How protests in Iran over Mahsa Amini's death 'forever moved the debate' over women's rights

"Today, Mahsa Amini is Iran's George Floyd," said a recorded statement broadcast at Thursday's protest on Iowa State's campus near Parks Library, referencing a Black Minneapolis man murdered in custody by a white police officer in 2020, which sparked protests in the U.S.

About 50 people took part at the beginning of Thursday's protest, shouting pleas for justice for Amini and Iran, saying women and Iran deserve freedom.

"Those who have no choice, we will be their voice!" was one chant.

Some women at the protest cut their hair in public as an act of defiance against the Iranian regime.

Most students and recent graduates who spoke with the Ames Tribune during and before the protest did not use their full names and often partly covered their faces with cloth masks because of the risk of retribution from the Iranian government, especially against their family and friends at home.

The regime's reach could extend inside the U.S. The U.S. Department of Justice announced in August that a member of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had been charged in a murder-for-hire plot targeting former national security adviser John Bolton. Last year, four Iranians were charged in a kidnapping plot against an Iranian dissident U.S. citizen in New York City.

Zohreh Parvini, who's from the city of Kermanshah and just started a doctorate program at Iowa State, said given how people are risking their lives much more so in Iran to protest, "That's the least we could do here," to give people hope.

Sarah, who's from the Iranian capital of Tehran and recently defended her doctorate, said the government's shutdown of the internet to censor information about the protests affects phones and apps, too.

The use of virtual private networks can at least temporarily get people access, but people like Zohreh's parents aren't tech-savvy enough to use VPNs.

“Mary,” using a family nickname for her, who helped organize the protest and spoke with the Tribune on Wednesday, graduated last spring with a master's degree from Iowa State. She's from Tehran and has lived in the U.S. since 2019.

Her sister in Iran uses VPNs, so she at least hears from her every couple days, “‘We are fine. Don’t worry.’”

An Iranian student at Iowa State cuts her hair in a show of defiance Thursday. Thousands of Iranian people are protesting for the rights of women and their bodies.

Mary knows she’s taking a risk by speaking out. Her parents are scared for her.

“If I don’t get to go back to Iran, OK, I accept that,” and she can visit her family abroad, she said.

That risk is worth it to her because she sees the bravery of girls in her country, taking off their headscarfs and burning them in front of the police, risking being shot. “If they are that brave to do that on the streets, I need to do my part.”

A lot of her friends go out to protest every night, and their social media posts educate people on what to do if they’re shot or arrested. “We are just trying to amplify their voices and help them as much as we can,” by the letting the world know what’s happening.

Mary said she's had one experience with the morality police, when she was 18. She said it's a common thing for women to be approached by the morality police walking down the street. A van pulls up, women are pushed inside and taken to a police station.

At the station, “just like a criminal,” women are booked and have their picture taken for the state’s records.

The stops are random, Mary said. Some women are just unlucky to live and work close by a police station and have to deal with them more often.

“We’ve had a lot of people dead in their custody, for many different reasons, but this time, this was different," Mary explained.

Amini was a woman from outside the city, visiting with her brother. And people don’t buy the government’s story that Amini had a heart attack.

“We are sure that she was beaten to death. This is a 22-year-old, innocent girl, not protesting,” Mary said.

Mary said reformists have been at work for decades in Iran, but, “We are just right now sure that this government is not going to accept any reforms. Enough is enough. We just don’t need this regime controlling our oil money, our reputation, our bodies, even if we’re covering our hair or not. I’m just hoping for a big revolution to come.”

She’s proud of feminist movements in the U.S., but “you cannot be a feminist and you cannot talk about women’s rights if you do not amplify the voices of women right now in Iran protesting. They’re in a true war. They’re getting shot for this.”

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement the nation condemns Amini's death, and "We mourn with her loved ones and with the Iranian people."

The U.S. imposed sanctions on several top morality police, intelligence, military and paramilitary leaders, and acted to try to open the flow of digital information to people in Iran.

There is no active Iranian student organization at Iowa State, but Iran has been the fifth most-represented nation by international students at the university since at least the fall of 2017, according to enrollment data, with 124 Iranian students on campus this fall.

Amin, a recent graduate from Tehran, said Thursday the volunteers who organized the protest raised money from students and Iranian faculty members, and are hoping to get an Iranian Students and Scholars Association set up this year.

How Iowa universities handle investments with companies operating in Iran

The Iowa Board of Regents is required by state law each year to report universities' investment ties with companies that do business in Iran. The state's public universities had no direct holdings in any such companies as of June 30, according to the latest report.

Iowa State University and the University of Iowa did have indirect holdings with several companies that do business in Iran. Indirect funds are part of managed investments, such as mutual funds.

Iowa State's indirect holdings with companies doing business in Iran totaled more than $377,000 — mostly with Volkswagen, Siemens and POSCO, a South Korean steelmaker. The University of Iowa's indirect holdings totaled more than $1.9 million, also mostly among the same companies, with the addition of Porsche.

The University of Northern Iowa's investment portfolios are mingled with the University of Iowa's, according to Josh Lehman, spokesperson for the Board of Regents.

The Board of Regents is part of a statewide contract with ISS ESG, an investment analysis company, to scrutinize companies using public sources. The board then sends letters each year to companies to encourage them to cease prohibited operations, but divestment of indirect holdings in those companies is not required, Lehman said.

Iowa law requires the same scrutiny of companies that do business in Sudan or boycott Israel, and the board reports on those investments as well. "The board holds no direct investment in individual companies that requires divestment," Lehman said.

He said the universities' investment portfolios maintain liquidity, add flexibility in making long-term investments and grow endowment funds, among other financial roles. "Faculty and staff retirement funds have no correlation with the university-managed investments," he added.

Phillip Sitter covers education for the Ames Tribune, including Iowa State University and PreK-12 schools in Ames and elsewhere in Story County. Phillip can be reached via email at He is on Twitter @pslifeisabeauty.

This article originally appeared on Ames Tribune: Iranian community at Iowa State protests government repression at home

‘LOTR: The Rings Of Power’s Nazanin Boniadi Calls For Action After Death Of Mahsa Amini In Iran – Guest Column

Nazanin Boniadi
Fri, September 30, 2022 

Editor’s note: The death of Mahsa Amini earlier this month after being detained by Iran’s morality police for allegedly not wearing her hijab according to official dictates has sparked outrage and protests within the Islamic Republic and around the world, with Global Day of Action for Iran set for Saturday with rallies around the globe (more information below). Currently seen as one of the stars of Prime Video’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Iran-born actress and Amnesty International UK ambassador Nazanin Boniadi reflects on Amini’s tragic death and the potentially pivotal time for her homeland.

Two months ago, in San Diego Comic-Con’s Hall H, I dedicated my The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power character Bronwyn to the brave women of my homeland Iran, who have been at the forefront of the fight for freedom for more than four decades. Little did I know in that moment how significant those words would be today.

More from Deadline
Iran Regime Rounds Up Showbiz & Sports Personalities; Singer Shervin Hajipour, Soccer Player Hossein Mahini Among Detainees

By now, most of you have heard of the name Mahsa “Zhina” Amini, the 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman who was arrested on September 13 by Iran’s “morality police” for violating the country’s draconian dress code for women, and who entered a coma and died just three days later while in custody. Mahsa’s family — who have said she had no pre-existing health conditions — were denied access to her medical records. When her father visited the coroner’s office, her body was fully covered and he could only see a glimpse of her leg, which was bruised. Other women who were arrested with Mahsa have provided witness testimony that she pleaded with the police to show mercy as they beat her inside the patrol van.

And one only need watch the countless videos from Iran of peaceful protesters being beaten, to understand the brutality the security forces are capable of. The regime is rounding up the likes of singer Shervin Hajipour, star soccer player Hossein Mahini and others for speaking out. More than 70 protesters have reportedly been killed since protests started on September 16, including women and children, and hundreds more injured by security forces. Iranian authorities have reported at least 1,200 arrests during the protests including prominent activists and journalists.

The image of Mahsa in a coma in a hospital bed went viral online and across social media. And the hashtag #MahsaAmini was shared globally more than 150 million times — almost double the population of Iran. It is of little surprise that the Iranian authorities have felt so threatened by this movement that they have once again disrupted the internet in Iran to stop people from organizing and to be able to crack down on protests with impunity.

What we have witnessed in the two weeks since Mahsa’s untimely death, is nothing short of the first female-led revolution of our time. Iranian women caused a paradigm shift as they took to the streets to burn their compulsory hijabs and cut off their hair in protest, while men joined them en force. As have several high profile Iranian athletes, actors and filmmakers. Celebrated Iranian actress Katayoun Riahi courageously gave an interview from Iran without her mandatory headscarf, in solidarity with Mahsa. She said that “people are no longer afraid of prison because Iran has become a prison itself.”

As women in the U.S. are experiencing the reversal of hard won gains in bodily autonomy, Mahsa’s fate reminds us to stay vigilant and never take our freedoms for granted. She forced the world to reckon with our complacency in protecting the rights of women, but as protesters started chanting “Woman! Life! Freedom!” — the antithesis of the anti-woman, pro-martyrdom regime that crushes their liberties — slogans started to include “death to the dictator,” and it became increasingly obvious that their demands were not only about compulsory clothing regulations, but for an end to the entire theocratic system. And as men have joined in this chant, women have included them in the struggle by rhythmically chanting back “Man! Motherland! Liberty!” — a unity that is striking fear in the heart of a system built on the oppression and segregation of women. It is an undeniable fact that any government that is anti-woman is anti-human.

Since the inception of the Islamic Republic in 1979, women in Iran have not only been fighting against compulsory hijab but also for their right to choose what they can study and what jobs they can hold. Women are forbidden from becoming judges and from holding the highest political positions in the country. There are no laws that protect women from domestic or gender-based violence.

The bitter reality is that the Islamic Republic has become an apartheid state for women, who are segregated from men in the workplace, in classrooms, and at beaches; are banned from attending sports arenas, riding bicycles, and singing solo in public; and have to sit at the back of the bus.

To negate these as “cultural differences” dismisses the countless Iranian women who are risking everything for their basic rights. It is offensive, and more importantly it is a dangerously false narrative designed to protect the existing systems of patriarchal misogyny within such counties. Cultural norms do not need to be enforced by threat of death.

It’s hard to believe that this is the same country in which women won the right to vote eight years before women in Switzerland and that once boasted a lauded national ballet company.

Perhaps it is precisely the understanding of the fragility of our freedoms that has galvanized the world around Mahsa and the plight of women in Iran. Not since the anti-apartheid movement of South Africa have we seen this level of global attention to the fight to end any kind of segregation anywhere.

But how do we — the creative community — turn our outrage into meaningful action and prevent the Iranian authorities from crushing yet another uprising? One way is to use our profile and platforms to spotlight the injustice, like we did in this video released today featuring Oscar winners Olivia Colman and Ariana DeBose, Succession‘s Brian Cox, Kate Beckinsale, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The Handmaid’s Tale’s Bradley Whitford and more.

There is a lesson to be learned from Alfre Woodard, Danny Glover, Blair Underwood and several other longtime anti-apartheid activists in the creative community, who in 1989 founded Artists for a Free South Africa and were pivotal in helping turn the tide of apartheid. They successfully used their platforms to attract media attention, mobilize people to support the struggle, and created transnational networks. And that’s exactly what we need for Iran right now. Here’s how you can help:

1. Since there are no domestic avenues for justice in Iran, Amnesty International has launched a global action calling on people across the world to sign a petition targeting UN member states, asking them to urgently set up an independent UN mechanism to investigate and ensure accountability for the most serious crimes under international law committed in Iran. We are also calling on people to target their home government’s ministry of foreign affairs to support the establishment of this investigative mechanism.

2. We need the world to send a strong message to the Iranian authorities that their crimes will not remain uninvestigated and unpunished. Please continue to amplify the voices of the Iranian people on social media by following and sharing information from credible activists and organizations. Please use the correct hashtags in these posts: #MahsaAmini and #IranProtests. The Islamic Republic cyber army has been busy trying to disrupt the momentum by introducing the wrong spellings for these hashtags.

3. Show up to protests and network with Iranian activists for strategic actions, like making informative videos.

4. Donate to credible, Iran-focused human rights organizations — such as Human Rights Activist News Agency (HRANA), Abdorrahman Boroumand Center and Amnesty International Iran — that document and report rights abuses. And apps like Toosheh that help Iranians circumvent censorship and gain internet freedom.

As creatives, we rely heavily on the freedom of expression in our work, so we must do everything we can to protect it wherever it is violated. Artists have a unique ability to reach the masses and impact substantive change, which is perhaps why the silencing of artists has become a hallmark of oppressive states like the Islamic Republic. We owe it to our counterparts in Iran to stand with them as they fight for their most basic rights.

So, now I’m asking you — our greater artistic community — to join us in our fight to end gender apartheid in Iran. In the words of Bronwyn, who asked the Southlanders in Episode 5 of The Rings of Power as a call to action: “Who among you will stand with me? Who among you will stand and fight?”

More information on the Global Day of Action for Iran can be found here.

Kurdish exiles back Iran protests but deny organizing them

Iran-Protests Kurdish Opposition Protesters gather in Sulaimaniyah on Sept. 28, 2022, protest the killing of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian Kurdish woman after she was arrested in Tehran by morality police for wearing her headscarf improperly. Iran has accused Kurdish opposition groups in exile of orchestrating the wave of protests across the country over the past two weeks. But Kurdish activists say the government is just trying to scapegoat them to distract from the domestic anger fueling the unrest. (AP Photo/Hawre Khalid, Metrography)

Fri, September 30, 2022 at 11:12 AM·6 min read

SULIMANIYAH, Iraq (AP) — Dara Qureshi scrolls through the contacts on his phone, each name an alias for activists across the border in neighboring Iran, where protests have been raging for two weeks.

Qureshi, a member of one of many Iranian Kurdish opposition parties exiled in Iraq, responds to one of them, “Brwa,” who asks how to access Starlink, a satellite constellation operated by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, after the business magnate promised to allow Iranians affected by state-imposed internet restrictions to use it.

“What is your advice, comrade?” writes the unknown activist. Qureshi makes inquiries, knowing there are only a few precious minutes before the internet will cut out for the person on the other side.

The support that Kurdish exiles like Qureshi have given to protesters in Iran have fueled allegations by Iranian authorities that the protests, which have spread to over 40 cities, were entirely organized and buttressed by foreign elements.

But Iranian Kurdish exiles say their role is small. They say the Iranian government is trying to scapegoat them to divert attention away from the widespread anger fueling protests that erupted nationwide, have brought in multiple ethnic groups and have been focused on the government's treatment of women.

The protests erupted after a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, died in custody. Morality police in the Iranian capital, Tehran, arrested her for allegedly not wearing the mandatory Islamic headscarf properly.

This week, Iran sharply stepped up its military operations against Iraq-based Iranian Kurdish opposition groups, launching three sets of drone and missile attacks targeting their party bases in northern Iraq, killing at least nine. The strikes drew condemnation from Iraqi officials and the international community. Iran’s ambassador to Iraq was later summoned by the Foreign Ministry.

Iran also has cracked down on others after Amini's death, announcing Friday that it has arrested nine foreigners over the demonstrations.

The London-based Amnesty International said Friday it has acquired leaked government documents showing that Iran ordered its security forces to “severely confront” protesters. It said security forces have killed at least 52 people since protests over the Amini’s death began nearly two weeks ago.

Iranian state TV has reported that at least 41 protesters and police have been killed since the demonstrations began Sept. 17. Hundreds of people have been arrested.

The Kurdish opposition parties say their reach is limited to majority Kurdish regions in western Iran.

“It’s true the political parties here issued a call for protests, but the ones who went into the street and organized are inside Iran; it has nothing to do with party proclamations,” said Rosaline Kamangir, 32, an Iranian women’s rights activist and a Kurd who is regularly in touch with female protesters inside Iran.

“The organizers are local, and perhaps they see eye-to-eye with the parties, ultimately they are acting based on their own beliefs,” she said.

The opposition groups jointly issued calls for a general strike and protests in the western Kurdish region of Iran after the death of the 22-year-old Amini.

With her family origins in the Kurdish city of Saqqez, Amini’s death has sparked particular anger in Iran’s Kurdish regions. Kurds refer to her by her Kurdish name, Zhina. Iranians often have an official name and another they use more regularly, and Mahsa is a Persian name on her official records.

The Kurdish majority areas are home to a decades-old separatist movement that precedes the 1979 Islamic revolution, and in past decades it has morphed into a low-level guerrilla insurgency that trades fire with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

But the protests have not taken a particularly Kurdish nationalist tone. Instead, as in the rest of the country, Amini has become a symbol of the oppression of women, rallying anger against Iran's repressive policies. Many women protesters burned their hijabs during the rallies and cut off their hair.

“I didn’t know Mahsa, but her death pushed me to protest,” said Nisreen, a woman in the Kurdish Iranian town of Bukan. “Her death made me angry. Women in Iran are oppressed, we have no opportunities,” the 34-year-old said, speaking to the AP via WhatsApp on condition her last name not be used, fearing reprisal.

The first protest she attended in Bukan began peacefully, “then the shooting and arrests started,” she said. On one occasion, the person standing next to her was hit.

Opposition parties have clout in her area, she said. “But that is not why I am protesting.”

Every household in Iran’s Kurdish regions knows someone linked to the Kurdish opposition parties in exile or has a family member who belongs to them, activists and residents said.

Banned inside Iran, the main parties based in Iraq are the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Iran; Komala, which has Marxist leanings; and the Kurdistan Free Life Party, or PJAK.

“Everyone among us has a relative protesting in Iran, everyone knows someone who has been arrested,” said Kawser Fattahi, 33, a member of Komala, her fingers trembling while holding up a cigarette. Two of her cousins in Iran were taken and haven’t been heard from in a week, she said. Qureshi’s uncle was detained during a protest in Bukan.

Fattahi had been at her Komala party’s headquarters compound in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Koya when it was bombed in one of the Iranian strikes. She spoke to the AP in Sulimaniyah, where she arrived Wednesday.

After the bombings, party members dispersed from their compound and took up residence with friends or in the rugged mountains.

Fattahi left her hometown Bukan in Iran a few years ago, fearing arrest because of her political activities distributing party leaflets.

Her mother and brother are both protesting, she said. The last time she saw them was when they crossed the border illegally to see her some months back.

Like most party members she keeps two phones, one for daily use in Iraq and another, to speak to relatives and party affiliates back home.

Because of the danger in crossing the border from Iraq, the opposition parties’ presence and activities inside Iran have always been limited. Social media is used to encourage supporters to take part in protests and conduct general strikes, said Fattahi.

But now, with widespread internet outages in Iran, their supporters have not been able to access social media.

“Most of our communication requires the internet,” said Qureshi. “And when they call us, it’s always from an unregistered number.”

Kamangir received hundreds of messages a day at the start of the protests in mid-September. Now she receives bursts of updates every two days, she said.

“Today, it’s gone dark,” she said.
Iranian protesters battle internet censorship and risk crackdowns to post videos from Mahsa Amini rallies

Lindsay Dodgson
Thu, September 29, 2022

Iranians are protesting in the streets after the death of Mahsa Amini.
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Footage has circulated on social media of protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini.

Iranians have maneuvered around internet outages and restrictions implemented by the government.

Though there are risks, internet-savvy Iranians are willing to take the chance.

In one video that has been viewed nearly 100,000 times on TikTok, an Iranian girl speaks with her parents about how nobody is safe in their country, saying "the regime kills and doesn't feel guilty," according to creator @persian_femme's translation. The girl, who says in the video that she's 14-years-old, has her face blurred.

As Iranian authorities have periodically shut off internet access in the country since the start of antigovernment protests in earlier this month, videos of protestorsactivists, and average citizens in their homes have broken out onto Instagram and TikTok and been shared with audiences all over the world. A wave of footage has shown women in Iran protesting in the streets, including cutting their hair and removing their hijabs, in solidarity with Mahsa Amini — a woman who died in police custody on September 16, who witnesses say was beaten for allegedly breaking Iran's compulsory rules on wearing a hijab.

Iranians have been able to document the brutality they currently face through savvy social media use, maneuvering around internet outages and restrictions on WhatsApp and Instagram. The hashtag #MahsaAmini has appeared on hundreds of thousands of Instagram posts, millions of tweets, and TikToks with over 700 million views in total. But there are also dangers to being so transparent on the internet and fears that authorities could use protesters' posts against them.

"Iranians know that if they actually take photos, videos, they put themselves in danger — that's a thing they definitely know," journalist Niki Mahjoub, who has covered women's rights in Iran and the ongoing protests, told Insider. "But with all of that, they want to change the Islamic Republic narrative about what happened … Nobody should be killed because they just don't want to wear hijabs."
Internet blocks have happened before, and Iranians know how to get around them

The Supreme Council of Cyberspace is responsible for the controls being placed on the internet in Iran, which it has said is a matter of "national security."

"Of course, their definition of national security includes repressing anyone who stands up for their rights," Mahsa Alimardani, a senior researcher with human rights organization Article 19, told Insider. Controls have spread so far as to restrict all direct messaging on video games, for example.

"They also want there to be no flow or documentation of the crimes of the Islamic Republic," Alimardani said. "Social media does not allow them to control the narrative and propaganda they often try to push through the state-controlled media."

On state-controlled television, protestors are depicted as "violent rioters destroying ambulances," Alimardani added, while citizen media has alleged that ambulances have been used to transport armed security forces for the purpose of arresting protestors.

Social media posts have also aided in documenting death counts in the protests, Alimardini said. Iranian officials have acknowledged at least 41 deaths in the demonstrations, although rights groups and activists contend that the actual number is greater.

Iran has shut down access to the internet multiple times in the past as protests have flared, most notably instituting a near total shut down in 2019 after increases in fuel prices drove demonstrators into the streets. Hundreds were killed in security force's crackdown following the internet blackout, according to rights groups.

Women have been cutting their hair and removing their hijabs in solidarity with Mahsa Amini.
picture alliance/Getty Images

Demonstrators in this year's protests have been more effective at circumventing internet censorship through tools such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that mask their location, with several activists in Iran telling the Los Angeles Times that their methods for avoiding government tracking them online have advanced in recent years.

"Iranians learned how to play hide and seek with the government," Mahjoub told Insider. "They choose different platforms to work with the way that they want to tell the story."

In response, Iran has a sprawling surveillance apparatus that it uses to monitor online activity and in-person protests. Last month, an Iranian official stated that authorities would use facial recognition technology to enforce its mandatory Hijab laws. Bot accounts have also targeted Iranian Instagram users who post feminist content, according to Coda Story, swarming women's accounts with fake followers.

But there is also a lot of renewed hope associated with the movement driving recent demonstrations. Amini's death has brought the whole country together, Mahjoub said, uniting people with different backgrounds and opinions, because "it's not a thing that a government should do — kill somebody."

This solidarity is spreading further thanks to Iranians finding ways around government censorship. They are "amongst the most tech savvy population in the world," Alimardani said.

"This is not only a women led movement, but it's a Gen Z led movement," she said.
"Solidarity is crucial — it helps embolden and empower protesters knowing their fellow Gen Z peers outside of Iran are sharing content and standing with them."

Iranian women have been rebelling against restrictions since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 – with renewed hope that protests this time will end differently

Pardis Mahdavi, Provost and Executive Vice President, The University of Montana

Thu, September 29, 2022 

Women holding up photographs of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini during a demonstration in Arbil, the capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region, on Sept. 24, 2022.
Safin Hamed/AFP via Getty Images

Shouts of “death to the dictator” and “woman, life, freedom” are reverberating throughout the streets of Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman, while in custody of the “morality police” in Tehran.

These protests have echoes from past resistance movements. For the past two decades I have been studying gender and sexual politics in post-revolutionary Iran through on-the-ground ethnographic fieldwork. For some 40 years following the Feb. 11, 1979, Iranian Revolution, when Ayatollah Khomeini came to power and overthrew the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, people have been rising up against the brutality of the regime in both urban and rural areas.

Today, these protests have been gaining increased momentum and international attention, giving many Iranians inside and outside of Iran some glimmers of hope.

Islamists’ resistance to westernization

Support for the Revolution grew out of many Iranians’ desire to bring equality and democracy to Iran. They criticized the monarchy as being overly deferential to the United States and were frustrated with increasing gaps between rich and poor.

The Islamists were most critical of westernization, which they saw as violating Islamic tenets and leading Iranians morally astray. They vowed to return Iran to Iranians and to re-center Iranian culture.

To do so, the Islamist regime juxtaposed its rule with everything that it believed to be wrong about “the West.” At the top of the list of critiques was what the regime viewed as loose morals. These loose morals were exemplified in the consumption of alcohol and women’s wearing miniskirts and heavy makeup and flaunting their hair and curves of their bodies in public.

As Khomeini ushered in the Islamists to power, a new era of austerity was born. Khomeini replaced the shah’s brutal police squad, SAVAK, with an equally if not more brutal Revolutionary Guard and created a new unit referred to as the “morality police.”

This era is perhaps best exemplified in the Khomeini quote that was painted across buildings and billboards in Tehran: “The Islamic Republic is not about fun, it is about morality. There is no fun to be had in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
Controlling women’s fertility

Alongside the changes at home, Khomeini also engaged the country in a decadelong war with its neighbor Iraq.

Worried about the rising death toll coming out of the Iranian Revolution, combined with increasing numbers of soldiers needed for the Iran-Iraq war, the Islamists realized that they would need to increase their population quickly, according to demographic researchers. Thus, in the 1980s Khomeini instituted a series of policies in Iran to encourage families to have more children.

As a result, the birth rate in Iran in the 1980s swelled to an average of 3.5 children per family, up 30% from the prior decade.

A decade later, the Islamists realized that the population boom would need government support. Infrastructure would have to be strengthened and jobs created. The government did a complete turnaround and replaced its policy with family planning messages broadcast on the radio and television encouraging families to have fewer children. Sex education courses and free family planning resources were required for all couples who wished to be married. By 1994 the number of women using family planning was up 30% from 1989.

When the new millennium was ushered in, fully two-thirds of the country’s population was under the age of 21. These young people were born into the Islamic Republic of Iran that Khomeini and the Islamists had created: Women were told to wear long black cloaks from head to toe, covering every inch and curve of their bodies; the most brutal people were members of the morality police, watching every move and any strands of hair that escaped covering. If young people were found holding hands, attending a party or reading a book, they were deemed immoral by the whims of a mercurial regime.

This generation had never known the supposed opulence of the monarchy. And as its members became more frustrated and more educated, the critiques of Iran’s past drilled into them by the Islamists made less sense.
Challenging the morality police

Mohammad Khatami, who took over as president in August 1997, sought to harmonize Islamic rule with the needs of a changing population and a modernizing world.

Young people, who formed the majority of the population, had found their voice. They began challenging the morality police by pushing their headscarves back millimeter by millimeter, holding hands in public and organizing spontaneous street gatherings.

Between 2000 and 2007, I conducted ethnographic fieldwork in the cities of Tehran, Shiraz, Esfahan and Mashad, following what young people referred to as Iran’s Sexual Revolution. The resisters demanded a more democratic regime focused on solving issues like unemployment and infrastructure challenges rather than on policing their bodies. During my research in Iran on sexual and social movements, I also had several run-ins with the morality police and experienced their brutality firsthand.

These young people’s revolution was fought through the language of morality using their bodies, their choices in outerwear, makeup and hairstyles. They defied the morality police by sliding their headscarves back, wearing layers of makeup and eye-catching outerwear, dancing in the streets and holding hands or kissing in public.

The government responded by cracking down and tightening its grip on the moral behavior of young people. Increased raids and public floggings were meant to send a strong message. But young people persisted in their resistance.

In 2005, when conservative candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected president, the sexual revolution came under heightened threat.

Unlike his predecessor, Ahmadinejad had no interest in finding ways to work with the growing youth population of Iran or in more progressive interpretations of Islam. He ordered the morality police to crack down on young people, raiding homes and parties and arresting women on the streets who dared to violate Islamist rules. Public floggings increased, as did arrests of scholars, feminists and journalists. The conservatives wanted to send a message.

The emboldened young revolutionaries continued pushing for change. These movements came to a head in 2009 when, despite not receiving the popular vote, Ahmadinejad was reelected as president.

Led by the same young people who resisted the morality police during the sexual revolution, a new movement was born in the immediate aftermath of the 2009 elections. This was called the “Sabze,” or Green Movement. People took to the streets of Iran chanting “where is my vote?” and “not my president.”

An Iranian sporting a green ribbon on her arm lights a candle in front of a picture of Neda Agha-Soltan, a young Iranian woman who was killed in 2009. 
Marwan Naamani/AFP via Getty Images

A catalyzing moment for this movement was the chilling murder of Neda Agha-Soltan. She was killed in June 2009 simply for being at one of demonstrations where one of the bloodiest clashes between protesters, the Revolutionary Guard and the morality police took place. Her death was captured on film and shared with the world.

On the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution in 2019, the streets of Iran were once again filled with resisters, many of whom had participated in street protests since the early 2000s. These same children of the revolution and Iran-Iraq war organized efforts such as #MyStealthyFreedom that featured women photographing themselves without headscarves in public in Iran and joining the global #MeToo movement.
Demanding accountability

By 2019 disenchantment with the regime had spread from the highly educated young people in the urban centers to even many of the most religiously devout families in some rural areas who had been previous supporters of the regime.

Iranians of all backgrounds facing rising oil prices and unemployment as a result of years of sanctions were increasingly losing faith in their government. Many no longer subscribed to the rhetoric about restoring moral order.

Today’s street protests are taking place in more than 50 cities throughout the country and have drawn the attention and support of the international community. These protests are both a refrain of past protests as well as a renewal of courage and hope.

As in the past, since Sept. 16, 2022, activists are taking to the streets to challenge a regime steeped in a rhetoric of harshly interpreted morality rather than governing with the best intentions of the people. And as in the protests of 2009 and 2019, they are calling for accountability of the government’s shortcomings, as well as highlighting the poverty that rages throughout the country – along with the pain of the people.

This article is republished from The Conversation, an independent nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. It was written by: Pardis MahdaviThe University of Montana