Showing posts sorted by date for query Rob Anders. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Rob Anders. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Conservatives Ban Mandela

Rob Anders of the Reform Alliance Conservative Party has always claimed Mandela was a communist and a terrorist.

Now he gets his wish as the Conservatives deny Winnie Mandela a visa and as usual give no reason for their actions.

Consider it payback, for when they were in Opposition and could not confront Nelson like Anders wanted them to.

Ironically he just as big a criminal as she is.

Canada Denies Visa to Winnie Mandela

Ottawa's decision to deny her entry brings Winnie Mandela to tears

Despite four consecutive election victories in the seemingly unassailable Tory stronghold, Anders has been at the centre of unwelcome attention for the Conservative party and its predecessors.

In 2001, he was the only MP to vote against making Nelson Mandela an honorary citizen of Canada and he defended his actions by calling Mandela a communist and a terrorist.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Free Labour = Free Of Unions

Critic howls over trade agreement Note the headline.....It's from the Edmonton Sun of course......And you know there is trouble when the Fraser Institute says its a good deal....This is the latest ne0-liberal/neo-con attack on workers and their unions.

Alberta's highly touted free trade agreement with B.C. is "a wolf in sheep's clothing," says the head of the Alberta Federation of Labour. Gil McGowan is warning other provinces that the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement, dubbed TILMA, "is not all sweetness and light."

But McGowan says union lawyers fear the deal will give companies the right to sue municipal and provincial governments and school boards that try to bring privatized services under the public umbrella.

He's also concerned the deal will result in a "dumbing down" of Alberta rules for trades training.

Liberal critic Bill Bonko says the deal should have been debated in the legislature if it was so good, rather than being negotiated behind closed doors.

But Jason Clemens of the Fraser Institute raves about the deal, saying the Yukon, Saskatchewan, Ontario and the Atlantic provinces are keen on it.

"This really could be a domino effect across the country to remove or dramatically reduce trade barriers," he said.

Also see: Legal advice on TILMA

For more on the TILMA go here and here

This is a provincial agreement that was drafted to meet the open corridor polices of NAFTA and the new North American Union proposed under the
Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) which will be discussed by the Three Amigos this summer in Kananaskis.

And it fits in with the agenda of the Harpocrites in Ottawa and their business cronies who are promoting this policy as well as the increased use of temporary workers.

The $10-billion plan to help manufacturing compete globally
Expand the temporary foreign worker program to make it easier to hire non-Canadians when there are no domestic citizens available.

Although governments can only influence manufacturers' success to a certain degree, the industry believes Ottawa could be doing much more to help.

The sector's wish list includes lower corporate income taxes, the elimination of provincial trade barriers, more investment in skills, and broader tax credits for industrial training and corporate research.
And let's not forget who Harper put in charge as Minister of Human Resources.

And there is a Conservative former MLA and anti-union candidate running in former Conservative MP John Williamson's federal riding here. After all Alberta has the worst labour laws in Canada. And is home to the Right To Work Movement which was once headed by Conservative MP Rob Anders.

As Jean Charest once said, back when he was leader of the Federal PC's, "Alberta sets the agenda for Canada."




Temporary Workers



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Friday, November 17, 2006

Harper Is No Statesman

Don Martin in the National Post sums up the latest Harper shoot from the lip international blunder. It seems every time Harper gets on a plane he suffers from Air Rage. He did it this summer over the war in Lebanon and now he does it to China. Truly he is no Statesman. And he doesn't appear to want to be.

After the Chinese leadership asked Harper for a meeting to ease rising tensions between the two countries, the Prime Minister insisted human rights would be on the formal agenda and no mere superpower could decree otherwise.No one in the PMO can explain why Harper waited for the Chinese to extend the invite, what made Harper think he could dictate the agenda and why this rookie Prime Minister failed to grasp the protocol for dealing delicately with concerns that rankle notoriously prickly Chinese leaders.

Business leaders don't like what they're hearing because warm government relations are essential to smooth Chinese trade relations. Experts say it was a mistake because Harper denied the Chinese a face-saving escape. Even friendly government forces in Alberta think Harper's heavy-handed tactics are off base.

Some observers see Calgary MP Jason Kenney, the Prime Minister's sidekick and notorious mainland nose-thumber, as the China clipper.

He defiantly met the Dalai Lama, a Tibetan holy man viewed as a separatist agitator by the Chinese, and was the cheerleader for giving him an honorary Canadian citizenship.

But it's more than just Kenney freelancing on the file. Stockwell Day wrote a paper in favour of recognizing Taiwan while he was Conservative foreign affairs critic. Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay, after attacking China for industrial espionage, turned his political back on meeting the Chinese ambassador for too long. And if that wasn't enough evidence of chilling China relations, a Chinese human rights discussion process and a strategic partnership group set up by the Liberals are being mothballed.

Besides, if Harper insists on riding the high white horse to defend human rights, he'd better watch where he gallops. Violations are not exclusively a made-in-China concept.

Russia has been caught allegedly spying in Canada and been red-flagged by Amnesty International for deteriorating human rights protection. Funny how Harper went to Moscow in July and neglected to raise either concern with President Vladmir Putin.

And what about Dubya? The United States has been fingered for holding "thousands" of prisoners without charge or trial in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Guantanamo Bay naval base in Cuba. Will Harper scold George Bush? Doubt it.





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Gong Show Redux

Canada accuses Chinese envoy of spying on the homophobic fascist cult the Falun Gong. After having been embarassed by the Chinese government who snubbed a meeting with Harper, now the Harpocrites do a bit of tit for tat. Someone in Foreign Affairs that is a Sinologist should be advising this New Canadian Government that in one fell swoop they are undoing over thirty years of effective foreign relations with China. For the shear arrogance of ideology.

After becoming prime minister in 1968, Mr. Trudeau launched a review of Canadian foreign policy which placed a greater priority on Canada’s relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. This led to the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1970. In 1973, Pierre Trudeau became the first Canadian Prime Minister to visit China. Thursday, October 11, 1973

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's visit to China got off to an unusually brisk start yesterday,

Astounded onlookers watch Canada's prime minister ascend the steps of China's Great Hall of Leaders on Nov. 28, 1983. The visit had been kept under wraps. Even the Peking papers haven't written much about Pierre Elliott Trudeau's meeting with Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang. The two world power figures discuss nuclear disarmament over ornamental pots of Chinese tea. This is not Prime Minister Trudeau's first visit to China.



Conservative Cold Warriors



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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Gong Show

With Tories like Rob Anders, Jason Kenney and Stockwell Day supporting the fascist homophobic CIA cult; Falun Gong this was bound to happen; China snubs Harper

The untold story of Falun Gong
Master Li, the founder and leader of Falun Gong introduced his teachings to the United States in 1996. Since July, 1999 the group has received a great amount of media coverage because of its ban in China. However very little is known to the American public about Li and his core teachings to this day, as our media focuses solely on the group being victimized by an authoritative regime. This paper inquires into the origin of Master Li, the core of Falun Gong’s belief system and the rationale for the ban. In an effort to provide a fair and accurate analysis, this paper relies mainly on information found on Falun Gong’s own literature and websites.


bulletAccording to the New York Times, Li Hongzhi said that: "...interracial children are the spawn of the 'Dharma Ending Period,' a Buddhist phrase that refers to an era of moral degeneration. In an interview last year, he said each race has its own paradise, and he later told followers in Australia that, 'The yellow people, the white people, and the black people have corresponding races in heaven.' As a result, he said, interracial children have no place in heaven without his intervention."

Beliefs about homosexuality:

The Falun Gong movement appears to treat homosexuality -- presumably homosexual behavior not homosexual orientation -- as a degenerate behavior, on a par with sexual promiscuity:

bulletFounder and current leader Li Hongzhi delivered a lecture in Sydney, Australia in 1996. 7 In it, he made a passing reference to homosexuality:

"...the morality of human society has altogether declined. The moral values in people’s hearts have been corrupted. When there is no righteous mind, it means that the Fa [law, principle, way] is no longer effectual. When the Fa is no longer effectual in human society, mankind will decline. ...The change in human society has been quite frightening! People would stop at nothing in doing evil things such as drug abuse and drug dealing. A lot of people have done many bad deeds. Things such as organized crime, homosexuality, and promiscuous sex, etc., none are the standards of being human." (Emphasis ours).

bulletIn New York City during 1997, he said during a lecture:

"I often say that humankind has gone through different historical periods before arriving at this day. In other words, many, many times humankind was wiped out after experiencing catastrophes at different points in history. ...Some people talk about how great Greek culture was, but where did those people go? Today something from Greek culture can be found: The elements of Greek culture that have been left are definitely from the final period of Greek civilization’s development, and we’ve found that there was homosexuality in it as well, along with promiscuous sex, and in addition, life was really extravagant and wasteful, corrupt, and terribly degenerate; we can see that humankind had already deteriorated terribly....Aren’t humans in a dangerous state? Your government permits something, your country permits it, your nation permits it, and even you approve it in your thinking, but it isn’t necessarily good. That’s why if you look at today’s society you can see that drug use, drug trafficking, drug making, sex changes, homosexuality, sexual freedom, organized crime, etc., emerge in an endless stream. Selfishness and desires have made people enemies of one another and without any righteous thoughts. All kinds of phenomena of a degenerate human society abound." (Emphasis ours).

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Conservative Corruption

Is spelled Rob Anders. Our favorite self righteous right whinger, member of the Fraser Institute Rat Pack along with Kenney and Levant, found with his fingers in the taxpayer till. Lawsuit alleges MP faked office expenses

Now the Liberals see a sick dog and attack.
Liberals call for police probe of Tory MP over fraud allegation

The Progressive Bloggers chimed in with I told you so.

Even the Blogging Tories were aghast. Well one was. The rest were strangely silent over this turn of events. Silent as the grave.

Isvantffy versus Anders
Long-time Calgary MP Rob Anders' staffer James Isvantffy has dropped a bomb shell at the Court of Queen's Bench in Calgary. In his wrongful dismissal claim, Isvantffy makes allegations of fraud within the office of the controversial MP.

Tory corruption in Alberta, say it ain't so.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

UrgentAction-NO Troops In Afghanistan

Email your MP, email all the MP's and tell them NO to extending our mission in Afghanistan. Support our Troops! Bring them home now! Emails for all MP's are below.

All Members of Parliament

Member Party Riding Prov. E-mail
Mr. Guy André BQ Berthier–Maskinongé PQ Andre.G
Mr. Gérard Asselin BQ Manicouagan PQ Asselin.G
Mr. Claude Bachand BQ Saint-Jean PQ Bachand.C
Ms. Vivian Barbot BQ Papineau PQ Barbot.V
Mr. André Bellavance BQ Richmond–Arthabaska PQ Bellavance.A
Mr. Bernard Bigras BQ Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie PQ Bigras.B
Mr. Raynald Blais BQ Gaspésie–ÃŽles-de-la-Madeleine PQ Blais.R
Ms. France Bonsant BQ Compton–Stanstead PQ Bonsant.F
Mr. Robert Bouchard BQ Chicoutimi–Le Fjord PQ Bouchard.R
Ms. Diane Bourgeois BQ Terrebonne–Blainville PQ Bourgeois.D
Ms. Paule Brunelle BQ Trois-Rivières PQ Brunelle.P
Mr. Serge Cardin BQ Sherbrooke PQ Cardin.S
Mr. Robert Carrier BQ Alfred-Pellan PQ Carrier.R
Mr. Paul Crête BQ Rivière-du-Loup–Montmagny PQ Crete.P
Mr. Claude DeBellefeuille BQ Beauharnois–Salaberry PQ DeBellefeuille.C
Ms. Nicole Demers BQ Laval PQ Demers.N
Ms. Johanne Deschamps BQ Laurentides–Labelle PQ Deschamps.J
Mr. Gilles Duceppe BQ Laurier PQ Duceppe.G
Ms. Meili Faille BQ Vaudreuil-Soulanges PQ Faille.M
Ms. Carole Freeman BQ Châteauguay–Saint-Constant PQ Freeman.C
Ms. Christiane Gagnon BQ Québec PQ Gagnon.C
Mr. Roger Gaudet BQ Montcalm PQ Gaudet.Ro
Mr. Michel Gauthier BQ Roberval PQ Gauthier.M
Ms. Monique Guay BQ Rivière-du-Nord PQ Guay.M
Mr. Michel Guimond BQ Charlevoix–Montmorency PQ Guimond.M
Mr. Maka Kotto BQ Saint-Lambert PQ Kotto.M
Mr. Yvon Lévesque BQ Nunavik–Eeyou PQ Levesque.Y
Mr. Jean-Yves Laforest BQ Saint-Maurice–Champlain PQ Laforest.J
Mr. Mario Laframboise BQ Argenteuil–Mirabel PQ Laframboise.M
Ms. Francine Lalonde BQ La Pointe-de-l'ÃŽle PQ Lalonde.F
Ms. Carole Lavallée BQ Saint-Bruno–Saint-Hubert PQ Lavallee.C
Mr. Marc Lemay BQ Abitibi–Témiscamingue PQ Lemay.M
Mr. Yves Lessard BQ Chambly–Borduas PQ Lessard.Y
Mr. Yvan Loubier BQ Saint-Hyacinthe–Bagot PQ Loubier.Y
Mr. Marcel Lussier BQ Brossard–La Prairie PQ Lussier.M
Mr. Réal Ménard BQ Hochelaga PQ Menard.R
Mr. Serge Ménard BQ Marc-Aurèle-Fortin PQ Menard.S
Mr. Luc Malo BQ Verchères–Les Patriotes PQ Malo.L
Ms. Maria Mourani BQ Ahuntsic PQ Mourani.M
Mr. Richard Nadeau BQ Gatineau PQ Nadeau.R
Mr. Christian Ouellet BQ Brome–Missisquoi PQ Ouellet.C
Mr. Pierre Paquette BQ Joliette PQ Paquette.P
Mr. Gilles Perron BQ Rivière-des-Mille-Îles PQ Perron.G-A
Ms. Pauline Picard BQ Drummond PQ Picard.P
Mr. Louis Plamondon BQ Richelieu PQ Plamondon.L
Mr. Jean Roy BQ Matapédia–Matane PQ Roy.J
Mr. Benoît Sauvageau BQ Repentigny PQ Sauvageau.B
Mr. Thierry St-Cyr BQ Jeanne-Le Ber PQ St-Cyr.T
Ms. Caroline St-Hilaire BQ Longueuil PQ St-Hilaire.C
Ms. Louise Thibault BQ Rimouski–Témiscouata PQ Thibault.L
Mr. Robert Vincent BQ Shefford PQ Vincent.R
Mr. James Abbott Cons. Kootenay–Columbia BC Abbott.J
Ms. Diane Ablonczy Cons. Calgary–Nose Hill AB Ablonczy.D
Mr. Harold Albrecht Cons. Kitchener–Conestoga ON Albrecht.H
Mr. Mike Allen Cons. Tobique–Mactaquac NB Allen.M
Mr. Dean Allison Cons. Niagara West–Glanbrook ON Allison.D
Ms. Rona Ambrose (c.m.) Cons. Edmonton–Spruce Grove AB Ambrose.R
Mr. Rob Anders Cons. Calgary West AB Anders.R
Mr. David Anderson Cons. Cypress Hills–Grasslands SK Anderson.Da
Mr. John Baird (c.m.) Cons. Ottawa West–Nepean ON Baird.J
Mr. Dave Batters Cons. Palliser SK Batters.D
Mr. Leon Benoit Cons. Vegreville–Wainwright AB Benoit.L
Mr. Maxime Bernier (c.m.) Cons. Beauce PQ Bernier.M
Mr. James Bezan Cons. Selkirk–Interlake MB Bezan.J
Mr. Jean-Pierre Blackburn (c.m.) Cons. Jonquière–Alma PQ Blackburn.J
Mr. Steven Blaney Cons. Lévis–Bellechasse PQ Blaney.S
Ms. Sylvie Boucher Cons. Beauport PQ Boucher.S
Mr. Garry Breitkreuz Cons. Yorkton–Melville SK Breitkreuz.G
Mr. Patrick Brown Cons. Barrie ON Brown.P
Mr. Gord Brown Cons. Leeds–Grenville ON Brown.G
Mr. Rod Bruinooge Cons. Winnipeg South MB Bruinooge.R
Mr. Blaine Calkins Cons. Wetaskiwin AB Calkins.B
Mr. Ron Cannan Cons. Kelowna BC Cannan.R
Mr. Lawrence Cannon (c.m.) Cons. Pontiac PQ Cannon.L
Mr. Colin Carrie Cons. Oshawa ON Carrie.C
Mr. Bill Casey Cons. North Nova NS Casey.B
Mr. Rick Casson Cons. Lethbridge AB Casson.R
Mr. Mike Chong (c.m.) Cons. Wellington–Halton Hills ON Chong.M
Mr. Tony Clement (c.m.) Cons. Parry Sound–Muskoka ON Clement.T
Mr. John Cummins Cons. Delta–Richmond East BC Cummins.J
Mr. Pat Davidson Cons. Sarnia–Lambton ON Davidson.P
Mr. Stockwell Day (c.m.) Cons. Okanagan–Coquihalla BC Day.S
Mr. Dean Del Mastro Cons. Peterborough ON DelMastro.D
Mr. Barry Devolin Cons. Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock ON Devolin.B
Mr. Norman Doyle Cons. St. John's North NF Doyle.N
Mr. Rick Dykstra Cons. St. Catharines ON Dykstra.R
Mr. David Emerson (c.m.) Cons. Vancouver Kingsway BC Emerson.D
Mr. Ken Epp Cons. Edmonton–Sherwood Park AB Epp.K
Mr. Ed Fast Cons. Abbotsford BC Fast.E
Ms. Diane Finley (c.m.) Cons. Haldimand–Norfolk ON Finley.D
Mr. Brian Fitzpatrick Cons. Prince Albert SK Fitzpatrick.B
Mr. Jim Flaherty (c.m.) Cons. Whitby–Oshawa ON Flaherty.J
Mr. Steven Fletcher Cons. Charleswood–St. James MB Fletcher.S
Mr. Royal Galipeau Cons. Ottawa–Orléans ON Galipeau.R
Ms. Cheryl Gallant Cons. Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke ON Gallant.C
Mr. Peter Goldring Cons. Edmonton East AB Goldring.P
Mr. Gary Goodyear Cons. Cambridge ON Goodyear.G
Mr. Jacques Gourde Cons. Lotbinière–Chutes-de-la-Chaudière PQ Gourde.J
Ms. Nina Grewal Cons. Fleetwood–Port Kells BC Grewal.N
Ms. Helena Guergis Cons. Simcoe–Grey ON Guergis.H
Mr. Art Hanger Cons. Calgary Northeast AB Hanger.A
Mr. Stephen Harper (c.m.) Cons. Calgary Southwest AB Harper.S
Mr. Dick Harris Cons. Cariboo–Prince George BC Harris.R
Mr. Luc Harvey Cons. Louis-Hébert PQ Harvey.L
Mr. Laurie Hawn Cons. Edmonton Centre AB Hawn.L
Mr. Loyola Hearn (c.m.) Cons. St. John's South NF Hearn.L
Mr. Russ Hiebert Cons. South Surrey–White Rock–Cloverdale BC Hiebert.R
Mr. Jay Hill Cons. Prince George–Peace River BC Hill.J
Ms. Betty Hinton Cons. Kamloops–Thompson BC Hinton.B
Mr. Rahim Jaffer Cons. Edmonton–Strathcona AB Jaffer.R
Mr. Brian Jean Cons. Athabasca AB Jean.B
Mr. Randy Kamp Cons. Dewdney–Alouette BC Kamp.R
Mr. Gerald Keddy Cons. South Shore–St. Margaret's NS Keddy.G
Mr. Jason Kenney Cons. Calgary Southeast AB Kenney.J
Mr. Ed Komarnicki Cons. Souris–Moose Mountain SK Komarnicki.E
Mr. Daryl Kramp Cons. Prince Edward–Hastings ON Kramp.D
Mr. Mike Lake Cons. Edmonton–Beaumont AB Lake.M
Mr. Guy Lauzon Cons. Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry ON Lauzon.G
Mr. Pierre Lemieux Cons. Glengarry–Prescott–Russell ON Lemieux.P
Mr. Tom Lukiwski Cons. Regina–Lumsden–Lake Centre SK Lukiwski.T
Mr. Gary Lunn (c.m.) Cons. Saanich–Gulf Islands BC Lunn.G
Mr. James Lunney Cons. Nanaimo–Alberni BC Lunney.J
Mr. Peter MacKay (c.m.) Cons. Central Nova NS MacKay.P
Mr. Dave Mackenzie Cons. Oxford ON Mackenzie.D
Mr. Fabian Manning Cons. Avalon NF Manning.F
Mr. Inky Mark Cons. Dauphin–Swan River MB Mark.I
Mr. Colin Mayes Cons. North Okanagan–Shuswap BC Mayes.C
Mr. Ted Menzies Cons. Macleod AB Menzies.T
Mr. Rob Merrifield Cons. Yellowhead AB Merrifield.R
Mr. Larry Miller Cons. Grey–Bruce–Owen Sound ON Miller.L
Mr. Bob Mills Cons. Red Deer AB Mills.B
Mr. James Moore Cons. Port Moody–Westwood–Port Coquitlam BC Moore.J
Mr. Rob Moore Cons. Fundy NB Moore.R
Mr. Rob Nicholson (c.m.) Cons. Niagara Falls ON Nicholson.R
Mr. Rick Norlock Cons. Northumberland–Quinte West ON Norlock.R
Mr. Gordon O'Connor (c.m.) Cons. Carleton–Lanark ON Oconnor.G
Mr. Deepak Obhrai Cons. Calgary East AB Obhrai.D
Ms. Bev Oda (c.m.) Cons. Clarington–Scugog–Uxbridge ON Oda.B
Mr. Brian Pallister Cons. Portage–Lisgar MB Pallister.B
Mr. Christian Paradis Cons. Mégantic–L'Érable PQ Paradis.C
Mr. Daniel Petit Cons. Charlesbourg PQ Petit.D
Mr. Pierre Poilievre Cons. Nepean–Carleton ON Poilievre.P
Mr. Jim Prentice (c.m.) Cons. Calgary North Centre AB Prentice.J
Mr. Joe Preston Cons. Elgin–Middlesex–London ON Preston.J
Mr. James Rajotte Cons. Edmonton–Leduc AB Rajotte.J
Mr. Scott Reid Cons. Lanark–Frontenac–Lennox and Addington ON Reid.S
Mr. Lee Richardson Cons. Calgary South Centre AB Richardson.L
Mr. Gerry Ritz Cons. Battlefords–Lloydminster SK Ritz.G
Mr. Andrew Scheer Cons. Regina–Qu'Appelle SK Scheer.A
Mr. Gary Schellenberger Cons. Perth–Wellington ON Schellenberger.G
Ms. Bev Shipley Cons. Middlesex–Kent–Lambton ON Shipley.B
Ms. Carol Skelton (c.m.) Cons. Saskatoon–Rosetown–Biggar SK Skelton.C
Ms. Joy Smith Cons. Kildonan–St. Paul MB Smith.J
Mr. Monte Solberg (c.m.) Cons. Medicine Hat AB Solberg.M
Mr. Kevin Sorenson Cons. Crowfoot AB Sorenson.K
Mr. Bruce Stanton Cons. Simcoe North ON Stanton.B
Mr. Brian Storseth Cons. Westlock–St. Paul AB Storseth.B
Mr. Chuck Strahl (c.m.) Cons. Chilliwack–Fraser Canyon BC Strahl.C
Mr. David Sweet Cons. Ancaster–Dundas–Flamborough–Westdale ON Sweet.D
Mr. Myron Thompson Cons. Wild Rose AB Thompson.M
Mr. Gregory Thompson (c.m.) Cons. St. Croix–Belleisle NB Thompson.G
Mr. David Tilson Cons. Dufferin–Caledon ON Tilson.D
Mr. Vic Toews (c.m.) Cons. Provencher MB Toews.V
Mr. Bradley Trost Cons. Saskatoon–Humboldt SK Trost.B
Mr. Garth Turner Cons. Halton ON Turner.G
Mr. Merv Tweed Cons. Brandon–Souris MB Tweed.M
Mr. Dave Van Kesteren Cons. Chatham-Kent–Essex ON VanKesteren.D
Mr. Peter Van Loan Cons. York–Simcoe ON VanLoan.P
Mr. Maurice Vellacott Cons. Saskatoon–Wanuskewin SK Vellacott.M
Ms. Josée Verner (c.m.) Cons. Louis-Saint-Laurent PQ Verner.J
Mr. Mike Wallace Cons. Burlington ON Wallace.M
Mr. Mark Warawa Cons. Langley BC Warawa.M
Mr. Chris Warkentin Cons. Peace River AB Warkentin.C
Mr. Jeff Watson Cons. Essex ON Watson.J
Mr. John Williams Cons. Edmonton–St. Albert AB Williams.J
Ms. Lynne Yelich Cons. Blackstrap SK Yelich.L
Mr. André Arthur Ind. Portneuf PQ Arthur.A
Mr. Omar Alghabra Lib. Mississauga–Erindale ON Alghabra.O
Mr. Mauril Bélanger Lib. Ottawa–Vanier ON Belanger.M
Mr. Larry Bagnell Lib. Yukon YT Bagnell.L
Mr. Navdeep Bains Lib. Mississauga–Brampton South ON Bains.N
Ms. Sue Barnes Lib. London West ON Barnes.S
Ms. Colleen Beaumier Lib. Brampton West ON Beaumier.C
Mr. Don Bell Lib. North Vancouver BC Bell.D
Ms. Carolyn Bennett Lib. St. Paul's ON Bennett.C
Mr. Maurizio Bevilacqua Lib. Vaughan ON Bevilacqua.M
Mr. Raymond Bonin Lib. Nickel Belt ON Bonin.R
Mr. Ken Boshcoff Lib. Thunder Bay–Rainy River ON Boshcoff.K
Mr. Scott Brison Lib. Kings–Hants NS Brison.S
Ms. Bonnie Brown Lib. Oakville ON Brown.B
Mr. Gerry Byrne Lib. Humber–St. Barbe–Baie Verte NF Byrne.G
Mr. John Cannis Lib. Scarborough Centre ON Cannis.J
Ms. Brenda Chamberlain Lib. Guelph ON Chamberlain.B
Mr. Raymond Chan Lib. Richmond BC Chan.R
Mr. Denis Coderre Lib. Bourassa PQ Coderre.D
Mr. Joe Comuzzi Lib. Thunder Bay–Superior North ON Comuzzi.J
Mr. Irwin Cotler Lib. Mount Royal PQ cotlei
Mr. Roy Cullen Lib. Etobicoke North ON Cullen.R
Mr. Rodger Cuzner Lib. Cape Breton–Canso NS Cuzner.R
Mr. Jean-Claude D'Amours Lib. Madawaska–Restigouche NB Damours.J
Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal Lib. Newton–North Delta BC Dhaliwal.S
Ms. Ruby Dhalla Lib. Brampton–Springdale ON Dhalla.R
Mr. Stéphane Dion Lib. Saint-Laurent–Cartierville PQ Dion.S
Mr. Ujjal Dosanjh Lib. Vancouver South BC Dosanjh.U
Mr. Ken Dryden Lib. York Centre ON Dryden.K
Mr. Wayne Easter Lib. Malpeque PE Easter.W
Mr. Mark Eyking Lib. Sydney–Victoria NS Eyking.M
Ms. Raymonde Folco Lib. Laval–Les ÃŽles PQ Folco.R
Mr. Joe Fontana Lib. London North Centre ON Fontana.J
Ms. Hedy Fry Lib. Vancouver Centre BC Fry.H
Mr. John Godfrey Lib. Don Valley West ON Godfrey.J
Mr. Ralph Goodale Lib. Wascana SK Goodale.R
Mr. Bill Graham Lib. Toronto Centre ON Graham.B
Ms. Albina Guarnieri Lib. Mississauga East–Cooksville ON Guarnieri.A
Mr. Mark Holland Lib. Ajax–Pickering ON Holland.M
Mr. Charles Hubbard Lib. Miramichi NB Hubbard.C
Mr. Michael Ignatieff Lib. Etobicoke–Lakeshore ON Ignatieff.M
Ms. Marlene Jennings Lib. Notre-Dame-de-Grâce–Lachine PQ Jennings.M
Ms. Susan Kadis Lib. Thornhill ON Kadis.S
Ms. Nancy Karetak-Lindell Lib. Nunavut NU Karetak-Lindell.N
Mr. Jim Karygiannis Lib. Scarborough–Agincourt ON Karygiannis.J
Ms. Tina Keeper Lib. Churchill MB Keeper.T
Mr. Wajid Khan Lib. Mississauga–Streetsville ON Khan.W
Mr. Jean Lapierre Lib. Outremont PQ Lapierre.J
Mr. Dominic LeBlanc Lib. Beauséjour NB LeBlanc.D
Mr. Derek Lee Lib. Scarborough–Rouge River ON Lee.D
Mr. Lawrence MacAulay Lib. Cardigan PE MacAulay.L
Mr. Gurbax Malhi Lib. Bramalea–Gore–Malton ON Malhi.G
Mr. John Maloney Lib. Welland ON Maloney.J
Ms. Diane Marleau Lib. Sudbury ON Marleau.D
Mr. Keith Martin Lib. Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca BC Martin.K
Mr. Paul Martin Lib. LaSalle–Émard PQ Martin.P
Mr. Bill Matthews Lib. Random–Burin–St. George's NF Matthews.B
Mr. John McCallum Lib. Markham–Unionville ON McCallum.J
Mr. David McGuinty Lib. Ottawa South ON McGuinty.D
Mr. Joe McGuire Lib. Egmont PE McGuire.J
Mr. John McKay Lib. Scarborough–Guildwood ON McKay.J
Mr. Dan McTeague Lib. Pickering–Scarborough East ON McTeague.D
Mr. Gary Merasty Lib. Churchill River SK Merasty.G
Mr. Peter Milliken Lib. Kingston and the Islands ON Milliken.P
Ms. Maria Minna Lib. Beaches–East York ON Minna.M
Mr. Brian Murphy Lib. Moncton–Riverview–Dieppe NB Murphy.B
Mr. Shawn Murphy Lib. Charlottetown PE Murphy.S
Ms. Anita Neville Lib. Winnipeg South Centre MB Neville.A
Mr. Stephen Owen Lib. Vancouver Quadra BC Owen.S
Mr. Massimo Pacetti Lib. Saint-Léonard–Saint-Michel PQ Pacetti.M
Mr. Bernard Patry Lib. Pierrefonds–Dollard PQ Patry.B
Mr. Jim Peterson Lib. Willowdale ON Peterson.J
Mr. Marcel Proulx Lib. Hull–Aylmer PQ Proulx.M
Mr. Yasmin Ratansi Lib. Don Valley East ON Ratansi.Y
Ms. Karen Redman Lib. Kitchener Centre ON Redman.K
Mr. Geoff Regan Lib. Halifax West NS Regan.G
Ms. Lucienne Robillard Lib. Westmount–Ville-Marie PQ Robillard.L
Mr. Pablo Rodriguez Lib. Honoré-Mercier PQ Rodriguez.P
Mr. Anthony Rota Lib. Nipissing–Timiskaming ON Rota.A
Mr. Todd Russell Lib. Labrador NF Russell.T
Mr. Michael Savage Lib. Dartmouth–Cole Harbour NS Savage.M
Mr. Francis Scarpaleggia Lib. Lac-Saint-Louis PQ Scarpaleggia.F
Mr. Andy Scott Lib. Fredericton NB Scott.A
Ms. Judy Sgro Lib. York West ON Sgro.J
Mr. Mario Silva Lib. Davenport ON Silva.M
Mr. Raymond Simard Lib. Saint Boniface MB Simard.R
Mr. Scott Simms Lib. Bonavista–Exploits NF Simms.S
Mr. Lloyd St. Amand Lib. Brant ON St.Amand.L
Mr. Brent St. Denis Lib. Algoma–Manitoulin–Kapuskasing ON St.Denis.B
Mr. Paul Steckle Lib. Huron–Bruce ON Steckle.P
Ms. Belinda Stronach Lib. Newmarket–Aurora ON Stronach.B
Mr. Paul Szabo Lib. Mississauga South ON Szabo.P
Mr. Andrew Telegdi Lib. Kitchener–Waterloo ON Telegdi.A
Mr. Lui Temelkovski Lib. Oak Ridges–Markham ON Temelkovski.L
Mr. Robert Thibault Lib. West Nova NS Thibault.R
Mr. Alan Tonks Lib. York South–Weston ON Tonks.A
Mr. Roger Valley Lib. Kenora ON Valley.R
Mr. Joseph Volpe Lib. Eglinton–Lawrence ON Volpe.J
Mr. Tom Wappel Lib. Scarborough Southwest ON Wappel.T
Mr. Bryon Wilfert Lib. Richmond Hill ON Wilfert.B
Mr. Blair Wilson Lib. Vancouver–Sunshine Coast BC Wilson.B
Mr. Borys Wrzesnewskyj Lib. Etobicoke Centre ON Wrzesnewskyj.B
Mr. Paul Zed Lib. Saint John NB Zed.P
Mr. Charlie Angus NDP Timmins–James Bay ON Angus.C
Mr. Alex Atamanenko NDP Southern Interior BC Atamanenko.A
Ms. Catherine Bell NDP Vancouver Island North BC Bell.C
Mr. Dennis Bevington NDP Western Arctic NT Bevington.D
Ms. Dawn Black NDP New Westminster–Coquitlam BC Black.D
Mr. Bill Blaikie NDP Elmwood–Transcona MB Blaikie.B
Mr. Chris Charlton NDP Hamilton Mountain ON Charlton.C
Ms. Olivia Chow NDP Trinity–Spadina ON Chow.O
Mr. David Christopherson NDP Hamilton Centre ON Christopherson.D
Mr. Joe Comartin NDP Windsor–Tecumseh ON Comartin.J
Ms. Jean Crowder NDP Nanaimo–Cowichan BC Crowder.J
Mr. Nathan Cullen NDP Skeena–Bulkley Valley BC Cullen.N
Ms. Libby Davies NDP Vancouver East BC Davies.L
Mr. Paul Dewar NDP Ottawa Centre ON Dewar.P
Mr. Yvon Godin NDP Acadie–Bathurst NB Godin.Y
Mr. Peter Julian NDP Burnaby–New Westminster BC Julian.P
Mr. Jack Layton NDP Toronto–Danforth ON Layton.J
Mr. Wayne Marston NDP Hamilton East–Stoney Creek ON Marston.W
Mr. Pat Martin NDP Winnipeg Centre MB Martin.Pd
Mr. Tony Martin NDP Sault Ste. Marie ON Martin.T
Mr. Brian Masse NDP Windsor West ON Masse.B
Ms. Irene Mathyssen NDP London–Fanshawe ON Mathyssen.I
Ms. Alexa McDonough NDP Halifax NS McDonough.A
Ms. Peggy Nash NDP Parkdale–High Park ON Nash.P
Ms. Penny Priddy NDP Surrey North BC Priddy.P
Ms. Denise Savoie NDP Victoria West BC Savoie.D
Mr. Bill Siksay NDP Burnaby–Douglas BC Siksay.B
Mr. Peter Stoffer NDP Sackville–Eastern Shore NS Stoffer.P
Ms. Judy Wasylycia-Leis NDP Winnipeg North MB Wasylycia-Leis.J

(c.m.) indicates a cabinet minister.
(p.s.) indicates a parliamentary secretary.
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