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Showing posts sorted by date for query Ron Paul. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2024

Trump’s vaccine rhetoric sends chills through public health circles



Public health advocates are watching in growing alarm as former President Trump increasingly embraces the anti-vaccine movement.  

“I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate,” Trump said in a recent campaign rally in Richmond, Va. 

It’s a line Trump has repeated, and his campaign said he is only referring to school COVID-19 vaccine mandates — but that hasn’t eased fears that the GOP leader could accelerate already worrying trends of declining child vaccination.  

Trump “is an important voice. He has a big platform. And he uses that platform, in this case, to do harm. Because he’s implying by saying that we shouldn’t mandate vaccines, vaccines are in some ways ineffective or unsafe,” said Paul Offit, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.  

The ironic part, Offit noted, is that the Trump administration kickstarted Operation Warp Speed, which helped drug companies use a relatively new technology to make two very effective and safe COVID-19 vaccines in less than a year. 

Throughout the campaign, Trump has performed a complicated tap dance regarding COVID vaccines. He simultaneously wants to take credit for their speedy development but has also criticized their use and knocked his now former rivals for being too pro-vaccine.

In a post on Truth Social reacting to Biden’s State of the Union speech on Thursday, Trump again claimed credit for the COVID-19 shots.

“You’re welcome, Joe, nine month approval time vs. 12 years that it would have taken you!”

Every state and the District of Columbia requires children to get vaccinated against certain diseases before they start school, including measles, mumps, polio, tetanus, whooping cough and chickenpox. A plan to withhold federal funding would have widespread impact.  

“Like most states, Virginia requires MMR vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, polio, etc. So Trump would take millions in federal funds away from all Virginia public schools,” former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock (Va.) wrote in response to his campaign threat on X, formerly Twitter. 

Since the public health emergency ended last May, no state requires students to get the COVID-19 vaccine, while 21 states have laws specifically banning schools from requiring COVID-19 shots. 

Trump’s campaign says his comments only apply to states that mandate COVID-19 vaccines — making it essentially an empty threat. 

“If you actually listen to the entire section, and also if you’ve been following his speeches for the past year, he’s talking about COVID vaccines in addition to masks in the same breath. This isn’t anything new,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in an email. 

Experts say the politicization of vaccines has led to an increase in hesitancy and is sparking more outbreaks of preventable diseases like measles.  

There have been measles outbreaks in 15 states this year, most recently in Florida, where state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo did not recommend parents vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home from school as a precaution.  

Instead, he sent a letter to parents advising them to make their own decisions about school attendance.  

Ladapo was appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in 2021 and has since aligned himself with anti-vaccine sentiments, primarily about the COVID-19 shots.  

Ladapo told people not to get the most recent shot and has drawn sharp rebukes from the medical community — as well as federal health agencies — for claims that the shots alter human DNA, can potentially cause cancer, and are generally unsafe.  

Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, said he worries that Trump is signaling he will empower more people like Ladapo if he wins reelection. 

“I worry about any administration that doesn’t follow good evidence and good science, that they will put more and more people like them in their administration,” Benjamin said. 

“We know that Trump had some extraordinarily competent people [in his first term]. But we also know that he had some extraordinarily incompetent people, and that in many situations, some of the really incompetent people carried the day because they aligned with his philosophy,” Benjamin added. 

Robert Blendon, a professor emeritus of health politics at the Harvard School of Public Health, said the experience in Florida and the comments from Trump are part of a much broader Republican backlash against public health expertise and government mandates that can be traced to anti-COVID policies.   

“It isn’t that he’s just going after these anti-vaccine votes,” Blendon said of Trump. 

Trust in public health authorities has dropped precipitously among Republicans since 2021, and Blendon said Trump is a symbol of that. The anti-vaccine movement has never been associated with one particular political party, whereas the public health backlash is strongly Republican-centric.  

“That’s made it very, very powerful,” Blendon said. “There are Republicans in the House and Senate, who when they’re not investigating public health, want to cut back the budget … so it has caught on within the Republican base very widely.”  

Whether it’s anti-vaccine specifically or anti-public health more broadly, the sentiment is growing.  

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of kindergartners whose parents opted them out of school-required vaccinations rose to the highest level yet during the 2022-2023 school year.    

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a well-known vaccine skeptic who is running for president as an independent, has gained a major platform to spread misinformation and widely debunked claims about vaccines.   

He has falsely claimed vaccines cause autism, falsely declared the coronavirus shot is the world’s deadliest vaccine and questioned the safety of shots’ ingredients. 

Offit, the vaccine expert, said he thinks public health officials could have done a better messaging job on the COVID-19 shots, and that by mandating vaccines they “inadvertently leaned into a Libertarian left hook.”  

Still, Offit said he is concerned about the increasing anti-science rhetoric from politicians like Trump.  

“I feel like we’re on the edge of a precipice here … you have the most contagious of the vaccine preventable diseases coming back to some extent, and with Donald Trump basically casting aspersions on vaccines, that’s only going to worsen.” 


Dick Polman: Don’t forget Trump’s response to pandemic

In this April 2, 2020, file photo, a notice of closure is posted at The Great Frame Up in Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

PUBLISHED: March 10, 2024 

It’s perversely fitting that the anti-science quack whose imbecilic behavior during the pandemic resulted in an unnecessarily high death toll is now declaring that, if returned to power, he will withdraw all federal funds from public schools that require vaccines.

There’s a lot to unpack in that opening paragraph. The Lancet, a prominent medical journal, concluded in a ’21 report that Trump’s “appalling response” to the pandemic “expedited the spread of Covid” in the United States. As a result, as many as 40 percent of the 470,000 deaths that occurred on his watch could have been avoided, had he acted rationally.

But has Trump learned anything since? Of course not. At a recent Virginia rally, he indeed talked about punishing schools that mandate vaccines, a brain fart he first floated in Iowa a year ago.

As this country slowly goose-steps toward a MAGA Restoration, with roughly half the electorate too dumb or oblivious to take notice, Trump’s record on public health would seem to be relevant grist for fresh discussion. I know, the pandemic was so four years ago, ancient history by our standards — Gore Vidal was right when he quipped that U.S.A. stands for “the United States of Amnesia” — but since Trump was once an incumbent, perhaps we should treat him like one by re-inspecting his detestable actions.

And there’s no better time than right now, because last week, we marked the four-year anniversary of America’s first confirmed COVID-19 death. Four years ago this week, the CDC reported 60 confirmed cases. Four years ago this month, the entire nation virtually shut down.

Trump, we now know, was seriously briefed about the impending crisis long before it hit. But here’s what he said publicly on Feb. 26, 2020: “When you have 15 (infected) people, and the 15 within a couple days is going to be down close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done. …This will end. You look at flu season. (Covid) is a little bit different, but in some ways it’s easier. … It’s a little like the regular flu.”

But that’s not what he told Bob Woodward in an interview on Feb. 7: “It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu. … This is deadly stuff.”

Why didn’t he share these early warnings with his fellow citizens so that they could be better prepared? He answered that during an interview with Woodward on March 19: “Really, to be honest with you. … I wanted to play it down. I still like playing it down.”

That’s why he fired Nancy Messonnier, a top CDC official, who’d made the mistake of committing public candor on Feb. 25 when she said that Americans should get ready for “significant disruptions” to their lives.

Then we got Dr. Trump’s miracle cures. He pitched hydroxychloroquine (“try it if you like … it’ll be wonderful, it’ll be so beautiful”) — which was deemed worthless by the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and the World Health Organization. And when Richard Bright, a prominent federal vaccine expert, stated that the drug “clearly lack(ed) scientific merit,” Trump fired him.

Undeterred as always, Trump flashed his medical credentials on the topic of disinfectants. Either half the electorate wants to restore this kind of thinking to the presidency, or, more likely, half the electorate doesn’t remember it, or know it even happened, or doesn’t care that it happened. Trump was talking to a science official who was off camera:

“So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked because of the testing. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that, too. … I see the disinfectant that knocks (Covid) out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

Suffice it to say that, during the Biden administration, the makers of Lysol haven’t felt compelled to issue a statement warning against internal uses of its cleaning project.

Five days after Trump’s 2017 Inaugural, I wrote that he would likely “get a lot of people killed.” That was a cinch prediction, and indeed he did. If we’re heedless enough to entrust our lives, yet again, to an anti-science sociopath, next time could well be worse.

Dick Polman is a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a writer in residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at
 Email him at

Donald Trump's Plan Would Destroy Funding for Schools in Republican States

By Andrew Stanton
Weekend Staff Writer

Published Mar 05, 2024 

Former President Donald Trump's plan to cut federal funding to public schools that require vaccination mandates sparked concerns about funding for schools in Republican states requiring most students to be immunized from diseases like measles and polio. However, a Trump spokesperson clarified he was referring to COVID-19 vaccines.

Trump said during a rally in Rock Hill, South Carolina, last month that he would not support federal funds for any schools requiring vaccine or mask mandates, a policy that would be a departure from even the most conservative of states. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all states and territories have some vaccine requirements in place, though mandates may differ in scope and exemptions.

"I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate," he said, eliciting cheers from the audience.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for Trump's campaign, told Newsweek that Trump was "talking about COVID vaccines in addition to masks in the same breath."

"This isn't something new he's saying," she said.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a press conference at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, on February 8. His pledge to defund schools that require vaccines could decimate school funding in Republican-led states.

In his remarks at the rally, the former president did not differentiate between whether this would apply to all types of vaccines, including those that have been required by schools for decades, or simply the COVID-19 vaccination, as some critics have raised concerns about the speed in which it was rolled out after the virus forced widespread shutdowns across the globe beginning in 2020.

Removing all vaccine requirements from schools could have serious impact on students, public health experts warned following his remarks.

"Hoping he doesn't really mean it, since it would create a public health catastrophe for the nation..." Dr. Peter Hotez, dean at the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, wrote in a post to X, formerly Twitter.

"I'm old enough to remember when polio ripped through the globe and put my 6-year-old friends into iron lungs," former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich wrote. "We dutifully lined up at school to get polio shots [without the howling of anti-vaxxers]. And we eradicated polio. Why has saving lives become political?"

Such a policy would pull funding from schools in areas run by Republicans

"Trump said in Richmond, that he will take all federal funds away from public schools that require vaccines. Like most states, Virginia requires MMR vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, polio, etc. So Trump would take millions in federal funds away from all Virginia public schools," wrote former GOP Representative Barbara Comstock, a Trump critic.

Virginia, which voted for Democrats in recent elections but backed Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin in 2021, requires 11 vaccines for students to attend schools or other child care facilities, according to the Virginia Department of Public Health.

Some of the states with the most conservative governors also require vaccines for schools.

Texas, for instance, requires students to be vaccinated against at least nine viruses, according to the Department of State Health Services. It allows exemptions when a medical reason exists or if parents or guardians have "reasons of conscience," including religious beliefs.

Florida, which has recently been struck by a measles outbreak, requires at least seven vaccines but also allows exemptions based on medical reasons and religious beliefs, according to the Florida Department of Health.

Trump was vaccinated against COVID-19 and has touted Operation Warp Speed, his administration's effort to quickly roll out the COVID-19 vaccine, as helping to save lives. His stance on vaccines has at times left him at odds with his most conservative voters, some of whom have rejected vaccines. While he has said the vaccine is safe, he has also opposed the government requiring individuals to get vaccinated if they
opt not to do so.

Did Trump Really Vow to Defund Schools

With Vaccine Mandates?

By Margaret Hartmann, senior editor for Intelligencer who has worked at New Yorker since 2012
MAR. 5, 2024

Trump speaks at a rally in Richmond, Virginia, on March 2, 2024. 
Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

During a rally in Richmond, Virginia, last weekend, Donald Trump made a number of wild, headline-generating remarks, from calling Joe Biden “Obama” to claiming that the current president’s border policies amount to a “conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America.” But one of his most incendiary comments didn’t garner much media attention.

“I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate,” Trump declared.

On Saturday night, Barbara Comstock, a former Republican congresswoman from Virginia, drew scrutiny to the comment in an X post. She said Trump was essentially promising to cut millions in federal funding to Virginia public schools, which require a variety of childhood immunizations.

Indeed, all 50 states have legislation requiring specific vaccination for students. This is nothing new: Massachusetts issued the first school-immunization requirement in 1853. Many states align these mandates with the recommended childhood-vaccination schedule from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but they’re set by state, not federal, law. According to the CDC, “These laws often apply not only to children attending public schools but also to those attending private schools and day care facilities.”

While cutting federal funding might thrill the anti-vaxxer contingent in Trump’s base, this would be a radical policy change sure to enrage the vast majority of parents nationwide. Plus, he hasn’t come out against vaccines before and was quite insistent on claiming credit for COVID shots thanks to Operation Warp Speed.

So it’s hard to believe Trump suddenly became an anti-vaxxer, though video confirms Comstock accurately quoted him in Richmond. And the line — sometimes phrased as “I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate, from kindergarten through college” — has actually appeared in numerous Trump speeches for at least a year.

The Trump campaign said this line refers solely to COVID-vaccination mandates for students, not older immunization requirements for diseases like polio, measles, and diphtheria.

“If you actually listen to the entire section, and also if you’ve been following his speeches for the past year, he’s talking about COVID vaccines in addition to masks in the same breath. This isn’t anything new he hasn’t said,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said via email.

Trump did not say the word COVID while discussing his education plans on Saturday, or in previous versions of his stump speech that featured similar phrasing. He said in Richmond:

On day one I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children. And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. I will keep men out of women’s sports, 100 percent. 

Many people were unclear on whether Trump was referring to COVID-vaccine mandates or all vaccine mandates. In recent days, a handful of education and public-health professionals came to the conclusion that he was talking about the latter policy and expressed concerns about new disease outbreaks and the widespread defunding of public schools.

While the overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of K-12 vaccination requirements, there’s little chance that this brief line will cost Trump voters in November. First, it has largely gone unnoticed until now. And second, it’s an empty threat. Since the end of the federal public-health emergency, the few states that had COVID-vaccine mandates for students have dropped them, while 21 states still have laws specifically banning schools from requiring COVID shots. Also, the president doesn’t have the power to unilaterally withhold federal funding from school districts (Trump is reportedly looking to resurrect the president’s ability to block certain congressionally appropriated funds, but that would draw legal challenges).

Vowing to cut funding to “any school that has a vaccine mandate” might go over well with the people closely following Trump’s rallies right now. But it’s a line he can modify as the general election draws closer and will never have to make good on.

Most Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, are supportive of childhood vaccines, according to a March 2023 survey from the Pew Research Center. Only 10 percent of respondents said the risks of those vaccines outweigh the benefits, while 88 percent said the benefits outweigh the risks.

Thursday, March 07, 2024

States are trying to ban lab-grown meat. It’s a dumb mistake.

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu
A scientist works in a cellular agriculture lab at Eat Just in Alameda, Calif.

Republican lawmakers in Florida and Alabama may not seem like they’d have much in common with policymakers in Rome and Paris. But some elected officials in these Southern states appear to think that Italy and France are good models to emulate when it comes to taking away consumers’ freedom to buy the types of food they want to enjoy.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is one of these Republican proponents of government intervention into what Americans choose to eat, recently endorsing a ban on the sale of real meat grown from animal cells, even though such meat is FDA-approved as safe. The governor is following in Italy’s and France’s steps to squelch more efficient means of food production.

Despite the fact that meat grown from animal cells — called cultivated meat — isn’t yet sold in Florida or Alabama, its recent approval by the Food and Drug Administration has some in Tallahassee and Montgomery spooked enough that they’ve introduced legislation to ban its sale altogether. The hysteria now extends even to Washington, where a bill was just introduced in Congress to ban cultivated meat from school lunches.

Cultivated meat is not a plant-based alternative to animal meat. It’s real, actual animal meat, only it is grown from animal cells rather than animal slaughter. Two startups, Eat Just and Upside Foods, are now approved to sell their cultivated chicken in the U.S., each having undergone stringent safety testing reviewed by the FDA.

Republican state Rep. Tyler Sirois’s legislation would make it a criminal offense to sell such meat in Florida. He claims that this technology is an “affront to nature and creation.” Gov. DeSantis goes further, objecting that ”You need meat, okay? We’re going to have meat in Florida. Like, we’re not going to have fake meat. Like, that doesn’t work.”

In truth, Sirois and DeSantis seem less concerned about insulting nature and creation than they are about protecting cattlemen from competition. Sirois defended his bill by telling Politico: “Farming and cattle are incredibly important industries to Florida.”

As conventional meat consumption continues to rise around the globe, with the associated deforestation, skyrocketing emissions, and ravenous water use that comes with producing meat from animals, the search for sustainable alternatives is on. After all, study after study shows we need to raise fewer animals for food if we want to feed humanity without destroying our planet in the process. Unsurprisingly, peer-reviewed life cycle analyses show that if cultivated meat startups succeed, they could dramatically slash the environmental footprint of meat production.

But that will take time. While plant-based meat has already made it onto fast food menus, we’re still a long way from seeing cultivated meat show up grocery shelves, due to the industry’s lack of scale. Yet the progress toward a slaughter-free meat industry is slowly unfolding.

Already, many of the biggest meat companies have invested in alt-meat, and the world’s largest meat producer is actively building its own meat cultivation factory right now. Another meat-industry-backed start-up has already commenced construction of a commercial-scale meat cultivation factory in North Carolina. It’s clear that if America wants to remain the “meat basket” to the world, such innovation should be kept on-shore rather than allow Asia to dominate this field as it has with clean energy technologies like solar panels and wind turbines.

DeSantis and other like-minded policy-makers seeking to deny Americans the freedom to choose the meat they can eat may see a threat from innovative entrepreneurs working to bring cultivated meat to market. But those committed to a free market should ask if it’s really the state’s role to stamp out entrepreneurial competition to ensure incumbent industries always win.

Lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic should — at a minimum — not stand in the way of such efforts to improve agricultural efficiency. Rather, they should be helping to foster it, so that the U.S. can remain a leader in food production worldwide.

Paul Shapiro is the author of “Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World” and the CEO of The Better Meat Co.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Anti-Imperialism in the US Today

What it is and is not

Fidel Castro, who the world recognizes as a historic anti-imperialist figure, repeatedly warned that the main danger to humanity is US imperialism: “There is an enemy that can be called universal, an enemy whose attitude and whose actions…threaten the whole world, bully the whole world, that universal enemy is Yankee imperialism.” He fought to build a world united front against imperialism, of the world’s peoples and countries to oppose the barbarous actions of US imperialism. We see that anti-imperialist unity right now with United Nations votes and worldwide protests against the US-Israeli slaughters in Gaza, in what the New York Times in 2003 called “a second superpower.”

The US empire is opposed to not just revolutionary movements, but to any struggles that place national sovereignty above the interests of the US corporations. The US may pretend the issue is the defense of democracy and human rights, but its only concern is obedience to its dictates.

Imperialism uses human rights and democracy issues in countries it targets for “regime change” as a rationale for foreign interference. It cooks up human rights horror stories: killings of students in Nicaragua in 2018, Gaddafi’s plans for mass rape and murder in LibyaHamas mass killing and rape of civilians on October 7, Chinese genocide in Xinjiang, Iran’s killing of Mahsa Amin in 2022Evo Morales stealing an election in 2019Cuba’s repression of mass protests in 2021, Russia’s “unprovoked” intervention into Ukraine, Syria’s Assad chemical weapons attack on his own people, Venezuela’s President Maduro fixing electionsChavez’ supporters killing protestors in 2002, and on and on. The only truth is that the US corporate media constantly lie to us to win support for their interventions.

How Progressives Legitimize Imperialist “Regime Change” Propaganda 

Many progressive people swallow and even join in these disinformation campaigns in countries the US targets for regime change. They are not simply calling out human rights abuses “from the left,” but help legitimize US propaganda stories, becoming witting or unwitting conveyor belts for them into our movement. As a result, people come to believe that a country targeted for “regime change” may be unworthy of our solidarity against US aggression. Cast aside is the key issue: the US empire has no right to intervene in other countries, period.

In contrast, anti-imperialists focus on uncovering and bringing to light US disinformation and interference in the national sovereignty of other countries. For instance, what was sold as a popular uprising against Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega “dictatorship” was financed with hundreds of millions of US government dollars, or that the White Helmets, an alleged “humanitarian” group in the Syrian “revolution,” was funded by the British and US governments and its leader connected to British intelligence MI6.

Some progressives’ back-handed apologetics for imperialist regime change date back at least to Leon Trotsky, who proclaimed, for example, “I consider the main source of danger to the USSR in the present international situation to be Stalin and the oligarchy headed by him.” (Stalin After the Finnish Experience, March 13, 1940) Whatever your view on Stalin’s conduct in the 1930s, the world knew that Hitler planned to annihilate Soviet Russia, welcomed by imperial Britain, France, and the US, before, and even after the Soviet Union was a World War II ally. But to Trotsky, the main danger to Russia and the revolution was the dictatorship, not imperialism. This approach of criticizing leaderships of targeted countries, not imperialist aggression, and not organizing movements against it, is too common among progressives today. It portrays an elementary lack of anti-imperialist consciousness.

Anti-imperialists understand that no country can have any real democracy — whatever you imagine that is — because the US is constantly working to impose subservient governments throughout the world. The empire regards the world as its domain, possessing 800-900 military bases outside its own borders. US imperialism is ever vigilant looking for a chance to overturn a “disobedient” government. “History teaches too eloquently that those who forget this do not survive the error,” said Castro. When targeted countries live under this ever-present threat, how can freedom and democracy flourish? They are forced to take measures to protect their people’s human right to national sovereignty.

Do targeted countries commit actual abuses? How could peoples ruled for centuries by imperial overlords, who treated them as human animals, not commit abuses when suddenly they came to power and had to deal with constant imperial pressure to overthrow them again? Even with outstanding revolutionary leaders such as Cuba’s Fidel, or Russia under Lenin, abuses were committed. Anti-imperialists place the blame where it primarily belongs: not on targets of US imperialism, but on centuries of imperialist abuse of their peoples – which only continued once those peoples came to power. 

Many Progressives’ Failure to Grasp US Imperialism’s Tools for Intervention

The US uses many tools to interfere in countries, turning to military invasion as a last resort when all else fails. The world’s leaders constantly experience this US meddling. Yet US people, even progressives, have little grasp of its scope. Julian Assange, who remains imprisoned for his invaluable work, gave us some idea how the US rulers operate behind our backs.

The US also intervenes through CIA-involved coups – at least 27 operations just in Latin America in the 21st century, almost all unknown to the public. The CIA and military spy agencies possess a publicly admitted budget of $100 billion for coups, assassinations, and other undercover terrorist actions against countries the corporate media lambasts as “human rights violators”.

US corporations bribe foreign government figures to sell out their people’s well-being to US interests. We know very little about how they constantly squeeze and blackmail governments, though Confessions of an Economic Hitman provides examples.

Few progressives understand how the US rulers weaponize their control of the international banking and trade system to wreck other economies. They have the power to shut down a country’s foreign trade and foreign funding. The US blockades countries, and forces other nations to comply – North Korea since 1950, Cuba since 1962. It blockades Syria, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela, even kidnapping their businesspeople as “money launderers” for engaging in legal trade. It employs economic warfare on 30 more countries, causing genuine human rights problems. Clearly, no country fighting to survive under these conditions can permit unrestricted freedom and democracy. That was first brought home by the benevolence and democracy of the Paris Commune, which enabled its enemies to crush it, slaughtering over 30,000 Communards.

The US uses its domination of the world media to paint targeted governments as nefarious actors. It controls nine of the top ten media companies, along with the internet and social media, such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Worldwide, they spread disinformation packaged as “news,” often a more effective weapon than US military might. Caitlin Johnstone noted, “Before they launch missiles, they launch propaganda campaigns. Before they roll out tanks, they roll out narratives.” These form an integral part of war campaigns, softening up our opposition to interventions, often so skillfully that they garner support for intervention among anti-war forces – witness the Libya, Syria, and Ukraine wars.

We know little of their use of US and foreign NGOs, both government and corporate funded ones, to influence a targeted nation’s community and popular organizations, as it did with environmental and indigenous groups seeking to overthrow Ecuador’s Rafael Correa and Bolivia’s Evo Morales. Even the “Arab Spring” of 2011 was manipulated to impose pro-imperialist regimes.

We know even less of this government and corporate funding and manipulation of alternative and progressive media outlets in our own country.

The proper work of anti-imperialists is uncovering and educating other working people about US coup attempts and terrorist actions, corporate arm-twisting of foreign figures, the weaponizing of international banking and finance through the dollar’s continued dominance, and the use of NGOs as regime change tools. This is authentic anti-imperialist work, not critiquing victimized countries’ real or concocted human rights abuses or their responses to US aggression.

The Rulers tell us in Advance who they Plan to “Regime Change” 

It is no mystery for progressive people who the US empire will target for “regime change” – ­it is typically well-publicized in advance with media propaganda onslaughts about abuses in some country. Or we are given direct statements, as when Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman interviewed General Wesley Clark in 2007, who revealed the US had planned in 2001 not just to attack Afghanistan, but seven other countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran, which it then did. Or, in 2008, Congress publicly approved President Bush’s request for $400 million “to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran.” A year later, the anti-government Green Movement broke out, followed by US-backed protests in 2017-19 and 2022. In 2012, Ron Paul detailed in Congress military plans to overthrow the Syrian government. Oliver Stone’s widely viewed 2016 film Ukraine on Fire examined the US-instigated coup by anti-Russian fascists, which overthrew a neutral government and installed a pro-NATO government threatening Russia.

Yet those public forewarnings did not stop many in the movement from supporting wars on these countries, including Amy Goodman herself. They often disguised both the US role and their support, even adapting the language of the empire itself: not as imperial wars against “disobedient” countries, but as popular democratic movements against dictatorship. In fact, many who declare themselves sworn enemies of the US empire nevertheless oppose the same governments as our imperial overlords: Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, Syria, North Korea. Building a united world front against imperialist brutality seems alien to them.

These progressive people’s approach to imperial war: initial opposition to imperial warmongering, then later support as the war propaganda heightens, camouflaging US-backed intervention as democracy and self-determination movements, harkens back to Marxist parties’ conduct a century ago, when they opposed imperial war until it broke out in 1914. They then squirreled around creating justifications for their betrayal.

While this illustrates the lack of anti-imperialist consciousness of many First World progressives, it also highlights corporate media’s power to sway peace advocates to support US imperial regime change – even while believing they are not. It shows the ease US rulers can still manipulate anti-war sentiment.

Anti-Imperialists must be vigilant in defending National Sovereignty against US Empire’s Operations 

Anti-imperialists oppose US meddling in the national sovereignty of other countries. It is the business of the peoples of other lands to solve their own problems, their fundamental democratic right to decide their country’s future by themselves. We must forever demand that the US leave them alone, so they can carry out their task. That is the most effective way we can defend their human rights.

Our task is building a movement that moves the Pentagon’s now over one trillion dollar budget from wrecking other countries to ending homelessness and hunger here, providing free national health care, affordable housing, and free education through university, often human rights enjoyed by the peoples in countries the US seeks to overthrow.

The anti-imperialist, anti-war, and human rights movement here would be much more developed, more powerful, more tied to world revolutionary struggles if the time progressives spent on the defects of countries the US targets were instead devoted to exposing US interference in those peoples’ lives. We need to explain to our fellow working people the methods the US rulers use behind our backs for “regime change,” and for manipulating progressive and working class movements here at home.

We see an inkling of a world united front against imperialism with the movement against the US-Israeli barbarity in Gaza, one which also exposes the habitual deceit of corporate media. The $18 billion the US provided to maintain Israeli apartheid in 2023 was almost the $20 billion needed to end homelessness here. The $111 billion spent just since 2022 for Ukraine warwhich many progressives did support  – with Biden wanting $60 billion more – could make public university free ($79 billion a year) and end hunger ($25 billion as of 2016). UN climate scientists say $300 billion a year would stop the rise in greenhouse gases, a mere quarter of the US military budget. We can never achieve these humanitarian goals while the US rulers know they can sway progressives with their regime change propaganda. But we can achieve them by developing an anti-imperialist stand of unconditionally opposing all US empire’s schemes for “regime change.”

Stansfield Smith, Chicago ALBA Solidarity, is a long time Latin America solidarity activist, and presently puts out the AFGJ Venezuela Weekly. He is also the Senior Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Read other articles by Stansfield.

Monday, February 05, 2024

'We must...condemn hate in all forms': Biden says of Wall Street Journal's Dearborn piece

Kylie Martin, Detroit Free Press
Updated Sun, February 4, 2024 

President Joe Biden and other political leaders came to the defense of Dearborn on Sunday, two days after the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece labeling Dearborn as the "America's Jihad Capital."

"Americans know that blaming a group of people based on the words of a small few is wrong. That’s exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, and it shouldn’t happen to the residents of Dearborn – or any American town," Biden posted on X. "We must continue to condemn hate in all forms."

The Wall Street Journal's piece, with the headline "Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital," triggered an online outpouring of hate toward the city. That led Mayor Abdullah Hammoud to announce Saturday that Dearborn police would increase their presence in places of worship and other major infrastructure points in the city.

"This is a direct result of the inflammatory @WSJ opinion piece that has led to an alarming increase in bigoted and Islamophobic rhetoric online targeting the city of Dearborn," Hammoud posted on X.

More: Dearborn mayor calls for increased police after WSJ opinion piece

In another post, Hammoud listed Dearborn's accomplishments, saying it is the fastest growing city in Michigan, the No. 1 travel destination in Michigan, the home of Ford Motor Co., the coffee, food and culture capital of Michigan and one of the most diverse cities in Michigan.

Biden's post supporting Dearborn came just days after a crowd protested the president's scheduled campaign visit to Michigan last Thursday because of his continued support for Israel in its war in Gaza against Hamas.

Other political leaders, including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, U.S. Rep. Haley Stevens, and U.S. Senator Gary Peters also posted messages of support for Dearborn on Sunday.

"Dearborn is a vibrant community full of Michiganders who contribute day in and day out to our state.," said Whitmer. "Islamophobia and all forms of hate have no place in Michigan, or anywhere. Period."

"Another example of hate directed at a community that is already hurting, resulting in fear, vitriol, and threats of violence. Dearborn was my home for almost 40 years with the man I loved. My neighborhood and friends were supportive, caring, and dedicated," said Dingell.

"Dearborn and communities throughout Southeastern Michigan are diverse, welcoming, joyful places. The hateful words of a few should never be used to demonize entire faiths or communities," said Stevens. "To our Arab neighbors, you are welcome here. Islamophobia is never the answer."

"Dearborn is a diverse & vibrant community. The @WSJ column that calls this incredible Michigan city a national security threat is not only anti-Arab, anti-Muslim & wrong — it endangers the entire Dearborn community. I'm committed to the safety & security of all Michiganders," Sen. Peters wrote in a post on X.

The Wall Street Journal piece, authored by Steven Stalinsky, said Imams and politicians in Dearborn side with Hamas against Israel and Iran against the U.S.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Biden, politicians show support for Dearborn after opinion piece stirs hate

Biden condemns ‘anti-Arab hate’ after Wall Street Journal op-ed labels Michigan city ‘America’s jihad capital’

Alex Gangitano
Mon, February 5, 2024 

President Biden called out “anti-Arab hate” against Dearborn, Mich., residents after an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal called the city “America’s jihad capital.”

“Americans know that blaming a group of people based on the words of a small few is wrong. That’s exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, and it shouldn’t happen to the residents of Dearborn – or any American town,” the president wrote Sunday on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“We must continue to condemn hate in all forms,” he added.

The opinion piece cited by Biden was published Friday with the headline “Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital” and subhead “Imams and politicians in the Michigan city side with Hamas against Israel and Iran against the U.S.”

It highlighted the protests in Dearborn and said people there “in support of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran.” Arab Americans make up the majority of the population of Dearborn.

The city’s mayor, Abdullah Hammoud, said he is “glad” Biden “recognizes the severity and danger” of the piece published by the Journal.

“The unfortunate reality is Islamophobia has become an acceptable form of hate. Those who demonize or stereotype Muslims or Arab Americans quickly find bigger platforms and greater notoriety,” he said on X.

The mayor had ordered an increase in security across the city Saturday in response to the op-ed.

Biden visited Michigan last week, and tensions with Arab Americans loomed over his visit. He did not visit Dearborn, nor did he meet with any Arab American leaders.

Biden condemns anti-Arab hate after WSJ opinion piece calls Dearborn 'jihad capital'

 Sun, February 4, 2024 

A 2020 Ford Explorer hybrid police vehicle in Dearborn Michigan

By Kanishka Singh

(Reuters) -President Joe Biden on Sunday denounced anti-Arab rhetoric in response to a Wall Street Journal opinion piece targeting Dearborn, Michigan, that the mayor called "bigoted" and "Islamophobic."

The WSJ published the piece on Friday headlined as "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital", suggesting the city's residents, including religious leaders and politicians, supported Palestinian Islamist group Hamas and extremism. The column drew outrage from Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, as well as several U.S. lawmakers and rights advocates from the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee.

The mayor said on Saturday he had ramped up the city's police presence at houses of worship and other public places after "an alarming increase in bigoted and Islamophobic rhetoric online targeting the city of Dearborn." As of Sunday afternoon, there were no reports of any unrest in Dearborn, a suburb of about 110,000 people that borders Detroit.

Biden, while not referring directly to the WSJ or the article's author, said on social media platform X it was wrong to blame "a group of people based on the words of a small few."

"That's exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, and it shouldn't happen to the residents of Dearborn – or any American town," Biden said on the platform formerly called Twitter.

The city has one of the highest percentages of Arab Americans among U.S. cities, with census figures showing it is about 54% Arab American.

"Reckless. Bigoted. Islamophobic," Hammoud said on Saturday about the WSJ piece written by Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Biden, who is running for re-election, has himself faced criticism and protests from Dearborn and from anti-war voices around the country for his administration's support for Israel in its operations in Gaza.

The WSJ did not respond to a request for comment. Stalinsky said he stood by his piece and added that videos compiled by his institute showed that "shocking anti-U.S. and pro-jihad sermons and marches" had taken place in the city. Reuters was not able to independently verify the location or the date of when the videos were filmed.

Rights advocates have noted a rise in Islamophobia, anti-Palestinian bias and antisemitism in the U.S. since the eruption of war in the Middle East in October.

Among anti-Palestinian incidents that raised alarm were a November shooting in Vermont of three students of Palestinian descent and the fatal stabbing of a 6-year-old Palestinian American in Illinois in October.

Some Democratic members of the U.S. Congress like Representatives Pramila Jayapal and Ro Khanna, and Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow, also condemned the WSJ opinion piece, with Jayapal demanding an apology from the newspaper.

The latest eruption of war in the Middle East began on Oct. 7 when Hamas attacked Israel, killing 1,200. Israel has since assaulted Hamas-governed Gaza, killing over 27,000, according to the local health ministry. Nearly all of Gaza's 2.3 million population is displaced. The densely populated enclave also faces starvation.

(Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Washington;  Editing by Dan Burns and Lisa Shumaker)

Dearborn mayor blasts 'inflammatory' Wall Street Journal op-ed calling city 'Jihad Capital'

Daniel Arkin and Kristy Hutter and Lisa Salinas and Rima Abdelkader
Mon, February 5, 2024 

The mayor of Dearborn ramped up security measures this weekend after The Wall Street Journal published an opinion article referring to the Michigan city as “America’s Jihad Capital” — a headline that drew sharp criticism from Muslim advocacy groups and elected officials.

The op-ed, published Friday afternoon, suggested that Dearborn’s residents — including Muslim faith leaders and politicians — support Hamas and the Iran-backed group Hezbollah. Dearborn is home to about 110,000 people, with a sizable population of Muslims and Arab Americans.

The article was “extremely inflammatory and, upon it being published, we received many calls from faith leaders across the community who no longer felt safe,” Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud said in an interview Sunday with MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin.

Hammoud, who was elected Dearborn’s first Arab American mayor in 2021, confirmed that he increased the city’s police presence at houses of worship and other major public places after what he described on the social media platform X as an “alarming increase in bigoted and Islamophobic rhetoric online targeting the city of Dearborn.”

“Stay vigilant,” Hammoud wrote.

The opinion article was written by Steven Stalinsky, the executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a nonprofit monitoring group based in Washington. The Wall Street Journal did not immediately respond to requests for comment Monday morning.

In a statement, Stalinsky said in part that his “article is not political — it is about national security” and decried what he said are “anti-US and pro-jihad sermons and marches” in the city.

The article drew fierce outcry from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee and lawmakers. In a statement Saturday, the Michigan chapter of CAIR said it welcomed the boosted security precautions and denounced the “inflammatory anti-Muslim commentary.”

Michigan Sens. Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow, both Democrats, denounced the Journal op-ed in posts on X. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said on X that the newspaper “should immediately apologize to the residents of Dearborn and to Muslims everywhere.”

Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, the Democratic majority whip, wrote on X that the headline was “not only irresponsible, it’s downright dangerous.”

“Michigan is a diverse, beautiful place where hate, bigotry, racism and demonization have no place,” McMorrow added.

President Joe Biden, while not referring directly to the Journal op-ed or the article’s author, said on X that it was “wrong” to blame “a group of people based on the words of a small few.”

“That’s exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, and it shouldn’t happen to the residents of Dearborn — or any American town,” Biden wrote. “We must continue to condemn hate in all forms.”

Biden has faced criticism from anti-war and pro-Palestinian activists nationwide over his administration’s support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli military’s operations in Gaza. When the president visited Michigan last week, for example, protesters waving Palestinian flags chanted, “Genocide Joe has got to go.”

Hammoud on Sunday night replied directly to Biden’s post on X, writing in part: “I’m glad President Biden @POTUS recognizes the severity and danger of the @WSJ article. It’s equally important that his administration recognize the rhetoric and decision making that created the climate for it to be written in the first place.”

CAIR, the leading Muslim civil rights group in the U.S., reported in late January that it received some 3,578 complaints of anti-Muslim or anti-Palestinian bias incidents in the last three months of 2023, following the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel and Israel’s military assault on the Gaza Strip. The organization said that figure represents a 178% increase in incoming complaints compared to a similar period in 2022.

Muslims across the U.S. have expressed deep fear and anxiety in recent months, particularly in light of a series of high-profile violent incidents, including the fatal stabbing of a 6-year-old Palestinian American boy, Wadea Al-Fayoume, in Chicago in October and the shooting of three Palestinian college students in Vermont over Thanksgiving weekend.

More than 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’ shock attack in Israel on Oct. 7. Israel’s subsequent military offensive in Gaza has killed more than 27,000 people, according to Palestinian health authorities. The war in Gaza has displaced nearly all of the Palestinian enclave’s population of 2.3 million people and created a humanitarian crisis.

This article was originally published on

Dearborn, Mich., will increase police presence after op-ed calls it ‘America’s jihad capital’

Sarah Fortinsky
Mon, February 5, 2024 

Mayor Abdullah Hammoud of Dearborn, Mich., on Saturday ordered an increase in security across his city after an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal called the city “America’s jihad capital.”

“Effective immediately — Dearborn police will ramp up its presence across all places of worship and major infrastructure points,” Hammoud wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

“This is a direct result of the inflammatory @WSJ opinion piece that has led to an alarming increase in bigoted and Islamophobic rhetoric online targeting the city of Dearborn,” he added. “Stay vigilant.”

Hammoud earlier had criticized the opinion piece as “Reckless. Bigoted. Islamophobic.”

“It’s 2024 and the @WSJ still pushes out this type of garbage,” he wrote, adding, “Dearborn is one of the greatest American cities in our nation.

In an interview with The Associated Press, the op-ed’s writer, Steven Stalinsky, defended his piece and said he did not intend for it to stir up anti-Muslim hate.

“Nothing in my article was written to instigate any sort of hate,” Stalinsky said to the AP. “This is a moment for counterterrorism officials to be concerned.”

In the months since the war between Israel and Hamas began, incidents of Islamophobia and antisemitism have skyrocketed.

Last week, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said it received 3,578 complaints during the last three months of 2023, a 178 percent increase from the same period the previous year.

President Biden touched on the WSJ article, writing in a post Sunday, “Americans know that blaming a group of people based on the words of a small few is wrong. That’s exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, and it shouldn’t happen to the residents of Dearborn — or any American town. We must continue to condemn hate in all forms.”

Hammoud praised Biden’s response to the WSJ article but criticized the administration’s support for Israel.

“I’m glad President Biden @POTUS recognizes the severity and danger of the @WSJ article. It’s equally important that his administration recognize the rhetoric and decisionmaking that created the climate for it to be written in the first place,” Hammoud

Dearborn community leaders condemn history of bigotry targeting Arab Americans

Niraj Warikoo, 
Detroit Free Press
Mon, February 5, 2024 

For more than 40 years, Dearborn's residents have faced inaccurate stereotypes of the city based on anti-Arab racism that often spikes during war and foreign policy tensions.

Once again, they find themselves under scrutiny amid an Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has brought renewed attention to the city with the highest percentage of Arab Americans.

Arab American Civil Rights League founder Nabih Ayad speaks during a news conference of the Arab American Civil Rights League outside the Dearborn Police Department on Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, denouncing an opinion piece published in The Wall Street Journal headlined "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital."

A recent opinion piece published in the Wall Street Journal with an inflammatory headline that read "America's Jihad Capital" has sparked fears they will be targeted once more. Arab Americans and their supporters, including the head of the Detroit NAACP, gathered Monday outside Dearborn police headquarters to denounce the piece and welcome visitors to experience the city's hospitality, food and diversity.

"We are Arab Americans and we are proud of who we are," said Osama Siblani, a community advocate and publisher of The Arab American News, a Dearborn-based newspaper that has been publishing in English and Arabic for nearly 40 years. "And this person is not going to take it away from us. The Wall Street Journal will not make us shake. ... We are not scared. You know why we're not scared? Because we know the Constitution. ... We are a hospitable and welcoming community."

Siblani spoke at a news conference organized by the Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL), a Dearborn-based civil rights group, that featured civil rights activists and Arab American advocates. Some called upon the Wall Street Journal to apologize and retract the opinion piece written by Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a group that says it monitors extremists, but has faced criticism from some activists for unfairly targeting Muslims and Arabs.

Osama Siblani, publisher of The Arab American News, speaks during a news conference of the Arab American Civil Rights League outside the Dearborn Police Department on Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, denouncing an opinion piece published in The Wall Street Journal headlined "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital."

"This ... places a target on our community's back and makes many in our community feel unsafe," Wayne County Commission Sam Baydoun said at the news conference. "This irresponsible form of journalism is unacceptable. And whoever was behind it must be held accountable."

Baydoun and other speakers noted that many Arab Americans proudly serve in the U.S. military and in law enforcement in Michigan. In addition to the news conference, two Arab American leaders joined presidential candidate Cornel West as he visited Dearborn and posted a video on X that condemned the article. The Dearborn-based American Human Rights Council also released a statement Monday calling the piece irresponsible.

Stalinsky's piece, published online Friday afternoon, was slammed Saturday by Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, who leads a city of almost 110,000 residents, 54% of them Arab American.

"Reckless. Bigoted. Islamophobic," Hammoud wrote. "Dearborn is one of the greatest American cities in our nation."

Over the weekend, his views were echoed by a number of other elected officials, including the two U.S. senators from Michigan, Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, some House representatives and state legislators, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and even President Joe Biden.

'We must...condemn hate in all forms': Biden says of Wall Street Journal's Dearborn piece

More: Whitmer blasts 'cruel and ignorant' WSJ column on Dearborn

"Americans know that blaming a group of people based on the words of a small few is wrong," Biden wrote.

Hammoud last month turned down an invitation to meet with Biden's campaign manager during her visit to Dearborn because of the president's support for Israel's attacks in Gaza.

Biden and Hammoud found common ground on criticizing the opinion piece, though Hammoud followed up with another tweet that suggested Biden's policies fostered the environment that led to the opinion piece. Hammoud said the Biden administration needs to “recognize the rhetoric and decision making that created the climate for it to be written." Arab Americans have criticized Democrats in Michigan for their strong support for Israel.

In a statement to the Free Press on Monday sent through a MEMRI official, Stalinksy defended his article and asked Hammoud to condemn what he said were "speeches and sermons by extremist imams."

Stalinksy said there are what he characterized as "shocking anti-U.S. and pro-jihad sermons and marches that are going on openly in his city. And it must be pointed out that these events took place in the direct center of Dearborn, at locations such as the Henry Ford Centennial Library and the Ford (Community &) Performing Arts Center."

Stalinsky's op-ed focused on Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran's government, three groups the U.S. government has said support terrorism. In Dearborn, there are some who reject labeling the groups terrorist entities because they see them protecting communities where they have roots. Some in Dearborn's Lebanese Shia community, for example, view Hezbollah as a resistance group that successfully fought off Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon, where they have family ties, in 2006. Stalinksy said his article was "not political — it is about national security."

Stalinsky added that "it is deeply troubling that I have not seen one reaction in the media which has talked about the content of my article or asked any of the critics if they have seen them. The media hysteria and online frenzy have solely focused on the mayor’s statement."

Civil rights advocates are concerned there will be a renewal of war on terrorism tactics that have targeted their communities. Even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Arab Americans were racially profiled at airports and faced what was called "secret evidence" used against them in trials. In 1985, amid tensions after hijackings in the Middle East, the New York Post ran a cover story on Dearborn headlined "Beirut, USA" that falsely claimed Islamic militias ran Dearborn's streets. After 9/11, the war on terrorism led to even greater scrutiny, with federal agents increasing raids, arrests and criminal cases involving Arab American and Muslim suspects.

Nabih Ayad, an attorney who founded the ACRL, spoke Monday about how over the past 20 years, Dearborn was falsely labeled a city under Islamic law, sharia, and was targeted by anti-Islam evangelists, including a Quran-burning pastor and a Christian extremist who brought a pig's head to taunt Muslims at the annual Arab International Festival in 2012. The annual festival had to be canceled because of the soaring insurance costs due to tensions brought about by the harassment. There were other cases of mosques being threatened, Ayad said.

Ayad said that while there may be an occasional person saying something extreme at a rally in Dearborn, that should not be used to target the entire city. Stalinksy said in his article that some imams, such as Ahmad Musa Jebril, have made statements suggesting support for the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas. But the article failed to mention that Jebril has often been ostracized and excluded in Michigan's Muslim centers because of his extremist views, the Free Press reported in 2017.

Local Muslim leaders have said they're not aware of Jebril leading any mosque in Michigan. He once spent 6½ years in federal prison for financial crimes.

"You take supposedly a statement or two, whether it's founded or unfounded, by an individual and you want to ... (take a) broad brush against this community, it's simply unjust and unfair," Ayad said.

"It's like saying all the Black Lives Matter movement" is problematic because there may be one person who expressed anti-white views, Ayad said.

Stalinksy's op-ed also referenced a rally on Oct. 13 outside the Henry Ford Centennial Library in Dearborn that was smaller in size than a larger rally at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center on Oct. 10. The Oct. 13 rally at the library featured some speakers who called for Palestinian resistance, appeared to support the Oct. 7 attack, and praised the late Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran and the late Iranian military officer Qasem Soleimani, who was killed by the U.S. in military strikes in 2020. Most of the other numerous pro-Palestinian rallies held in metro Detroit have not featured open support for Iran's government.

Also on Monday, Whitmer blasted the opinion piece as "cruel and ignorant," using stronger language that her tweet Sunday on the piece. The Associated Press said it was unable to reach the Wall Street Journal for comment Sunday.

Detroit branch NAACP President the Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony speaks during a news conference of the Arab American Civil Rights League outside the Dearborn Police Department on Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, denouncing an opinion piece published in The Wall Street Journal headlined "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital."

The Rev. Wendell Anthony, a longtime Black leader in Michigan who is president of the Detroit chapter of the NAACP, joined Arab American leaders on Monday, saying the article was "not only misinformation, it's disinformation. ... Our nation is plagued by Islamophobia, white supremacism, antisemitism, racism, genderism and ageism. There are just too much isms going around."

Abed Ayoub, a Dearborn native who is national director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said that the type of rhetoric in the opinion piece has consequences, noting the stabbing death of a 6-year-old boy, Wadee Alfayoumi, of Palestinian descent near Chicago in October in what officials have called a hate crime motivated by bigoted views against Palestinians, and the November shooting of three Palestinian Americans in Vermont.

"That's what these consequences look like," Ayoub said.

Previous Free Press stories and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Contact Niraj Warikoo: or X @nwarikoo.

'It brings fear to community members': Wall Street Journal op-ed sparks Dearborn safety concerns

Brandon Hudson
Mon, February 5, 2024

DEARBORN, Mich (FOX 2) - Days later, some Dearborn business and community leaders are still talking about the Wall Street Journal opinion piece that caused a lot of controversy.

On Monday, we saw an added security outside the Islamic Center of America Mosque on Ford Road. It is a direct response from Mayor Abdullah Hammoud and police to the WSJ's opinion piece, calling Dearborn "America’s Jihad Capital."

"This article, it brings fear to community members," said Hamzah Nasser. "We don’t know what can happen from an article like that.

"As soon as that article came out, police presence was all over."

Nasser is the owner of Haraz Coffee and is no stranger to standing up for his community and culture.

Back in December, he was one of several Dearborn business owners to close for a day. It was part of a protest calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Nasser says the Wall Street Journal commentary has sparked a lot of dialogue.

FOX 2: "What can you do now?"

"We’d love to invite everyone. anyone who has any misperception about Dearborn. we’d love to invite them here," he said. "This is where I grew up. My whole life, my whole childhood is Dearborn. Even my successful business, the success came out of this beautiful community, who supported this business."

This is not the first time that Dearborn has been misrepresented nationally.

Last fall, FOX News and then-Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis both misused photos of local Arab American protesters demonstrating for Palestine, not Hamas, following the Middle East conflict in Gaza.

Local and national Arab leaders believe the Wall Street Journal article could fan the flames.


Dearborn mayor ramps up police patrols after "Islamophobic rhetoric" in WSJ op-ed

Dearborn community leaders push back on Wall Street Journal piece calling it the 'Jihad Capital'

National leaders like Abed Ayoub — who runs the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee — wants to help Dearborn fight back against a damaging perception.

"Nationally, we’re going to follow Dearborn’s lead, that’s why we’re here," he said. "That’s why we’re coming here to provide the resources and tools that are needed, but also to support and uplift efforts the locals are doing."

The ADC is working to take actions against the Wall Street Journal and is working with city leaders.

Michigan city ramps up security after op-ed calls it 'America's jihad capital'

Associated Press
Sun, February 4, 2024 

Rep. Abdullah Hammoud, D-Dearborn, speaks during a campaign rally for presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in Dearborn, Mich., March 7, 2020. Dearborn is ramping up its police presence in response to fallout from an opinion piece that described the city, which has the nation’s highest Muslim population per capita, as “America’s jihad capital.” Hammoud, who is now the mayor of Dearborn, tweeted on Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, that city police increased security at places of worship and major infrastructure points as a “direct result” of the Wall Street Journal opinion piece titled, “Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital.”
 (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) — Dearborn, Michigan, is ramping up its police presence in response to fallout from an opinion piece that described the city, which has the nation’s highest Muslim population per capita, as “America’s jihad capital.”

Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud on Friday tweeted that city police increased security at places of worship and major infrastructure points as a “direct result” of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece titled, “Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital.”

Hammoud posted on the X platform, formerly known as Twitter, that the item published Friday “led to an alarming increase in bigoted and Islamophobic rhetoric online targeting the city of Dearborn.”

Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute, who authored the opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, said in an interview with The Associated Press that he wanted to draw attention to protests in Michigan and elsewhere across the U.S. in which people have expressed support for Hamas since the start of the war with Israel.

More than 27,000 Palestinians, mostly women and minors, have been killed in Gaza since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, according to the Health Ministry in the Hamas-ruled territory. Hamas killed more than 1,200 people and kidnapped about 250 more, mostly civilians, in the attack.

“Nothing in my article was written to instigate any sort of hate,” Stalinsky said. “This is a moment for counterterrorism officials to be concerned.”

The Wall Street Journal did not immediately respond Sunday to requests for comment left by The Associated Press via email and voicemail. An email sent to a Dearborn spokeswoman also was not immediately returned Sunday.

In a tweet referencing Dearborn on Saturday, President Joe Biden condemned “hate in all forms.”

“Americans know that blaming a group of people based on the words of a small few is wrong,” Biden’s post read. “That’s exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, and it shouldn’t happen to the residents of Dearborn – or any American town.”

Dearborn community leaders push back on Wall Street Journal piece calling it the 'Jihad Capital'

Camille Amiri
Mon, February 5, 2024

FOX 2 (WJBK) - Police patrols in Dearborn are on alert after a Wall Street Journal opinion piece referred to the city as 'America's Jihad Capitol.'

Community leaders and Muslim advocacy groups are defending the city, which has the largest Muslim population in the US.

"How dare you talk about this community and say that we are a jihadist state," said Nabih Ayad, Arab American Civil Rights League.

Arab American leaders are demanding a retraction from the Wall Street Journal after the paper published the opinion piece Friday.

Mariam Charara is with the Arab American Civil Rights League.

"Words have consequences," Charara said. "The inflammatory and dehumanizing language you served as fuel for fire that ignites the bigotry, intolerance, and ultimately violence against innocent civilians we have seen in this country."

"Make no mistake about it, we’re not talking about the Palestinian issue, we're not talking about the political issue, we're not talking about any other issue," said Ayad. "We're talking about the safety of this community."

Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, the president of the Detroit branch of the NAACP was also in attendance.

Related: 'It brings fear to community members': Wall Street Journal op-ed sparks Dearborn safety concerns

"The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, 'Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.' In the recent article entitled 'Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital,' published by the Wall Street Journal on Feb. 3, written by Steven Stalinsky, herein lies a key example of the ignorance of the facts of life in the City of Dearborn."

Abed Ayoub represents the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

"We've got to just step back and ask ourselves when is enough, enough," Ayoub said. "Is it when a child gets shot and killed in the city? Is it when a mosque is attacked? When is enough, enough? The Wall Street Journal needs to ask itself the same question. Because they will be held responsible if anything happens inside this city or to any Arab American or Arab across the country."

FOX 2 reached out to the Wall Street Journal for comment, it has yet to respond.