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Showing posts sorted by date for query biofuel. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2024

Converting cow manure to fuel is growing climate solution, but critics say communities put at risk

PIXLEY, Calif. (AP) — The stench of cow feces, urine and ammonia forces residents to keep windows and doors closed in parts of California's farming country. Some people constantly run air purifiers at home to counter the smell and, they say, fight off air-related ailments.

"We have a lot of health problems going around in this community and most of them are respiratory problems,” said Beverly Whitfield amid dairies in Pixley, a small town in Tulare County. She believes her allergies, her adult son's asthma and others' breathing issues are linked to pollution from nearby dairies.

Industrial-scale dairy farms already are among the biggest polluters in the San Joaquin Valley, a premier U.S. agricultural region with poor air quality. Now residents like Whitfield worry methane digesters, which can turn manure into a biofuel that is cleaner than traditional fuels like gasoline, could exacerbate health issues. Biofuel experts say digesters can reduce air pollution.

Dairy and digester capital

Home to about 1.7 million cows, California is the country's leading dairy producer and a large contributor of methane. Cow burps and manure emit the potent planet-warming gas, which over a shorter period is much more powerful than carbon dioxide.

In recent decades, digesters that convert manure and other organic waste into biogas to create electricity or to power vehicles have spread across the country.

The number's expected to grow since waste management practices such as digesters became eligible for funding from the Inflation Reduction Act — President Joe Biden’s law to combat climate change.

Most digesters are in dairies that capture methane from lagoons of cow manure and turn it into biofuel. Liquified cow manure commonly is stored in a covered digester where microbes from the animals' digestive systems produce gas. The gas then is cleaned and compressed into a liquid fuel that can be used as an energy source.

In the last decade, about 120 digesters have cropped up across California and roughly 100 more are in the pipeline. But a technology hailed as a cost-effective way to help the state reach its methane reduction goals has become controversial.

Environmental justice organizations say mostly low-income, Latino communities are dealing with pollution from nearby digesters, and they want California to stop providing financial incentives for more. Critics also say state policies favor industrial dairies, entrenching unsustainable animal agriculture.

Rebecca Wolf with the environmental group Food and Water Watch said the state is incentivizing dairies to keep running large operations that already pollute. “You're never going to stop polluting” with this system in place, she said.

Dairies argue the state's financial program plays an important role. “There’s got to be some financial incentive there to give up some portion of your land to operate these systems,” said dairyman Brent Wickstrom, whose digester recently went online.

Supporters point to the technology’s effectiveness at mitigating climate change. AgSTAR, sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, estimates manure-based digesters reduced greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2022. That's roughly the annual greenhouse gas emissions from more than 2 million passenger vehicles.

Supporters note that biofuel from methane reduces pollution by replacing fossil fuels like gasoline with cleaner vehicle fuel.

“This technology reduces odors and some local air pollutants,” said Sam Wade, director of public policy for the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas. “At the same time, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions."

Dairies, digesters and pollution

Residents near dairies complain about flies and strong odors.

“You don't want the doors open because you're afraid of all the smells,” said Whitfield, whose family left doors open when they moved to Pixley in the 1970s. "Everything's changed now with the dairies.”

Some dairies say digester tarps that cover manure reduce smells. “If anything, it should be keeping some of that odor in as opposed to making more,” said Wickstrom, the Merced County dairyman.

Studies have found people living near large dairies can experience fatigue, respiratory problems, burning eyes and runny noses if odors are concentrated enough. A 2017 University of Wisconsin study found digesters can increase ammonia emissions by up to 81%. Ammonia may form fine particulate matter that can enter lungs and the bloodstream. Long-term exposure to particulates has been linked to heart and respiratory issues.

“Having a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is good, but you also want to think about the human health impact,” said lead author Michael A. Holly, an associate professor at the Green Bay campus.

California air regulators said the Midwest study doesn't necessarily apply to this state's different meteorological conditions and types of digesters. They added that studies are underway to understand effects of digesters on ammonia emissions.

recent study funded by the California Air Resources Board found San Joaquin Valley dairy waste emissions contributed little to ozone and fine particulate matter concentrations.

“The air quality implications are basically zero, and really we can make a decision about whether or not digesters should be adopted based on greenhouse gas emissions,” said Michael Kleeman, lead study researcher and a University of California, Davis professor. “There's already so much excess ammonia in the agriculture-rich regions that (digesters) are not going to significantly influence the air quality.”

Maria Arevalo, a 74-year-old activist and former farmworker, believes her asthma and sleep apnea are linked to pollution from dairies near her home in Pixley. She sleeps with a machine to help her breathe. So do her son, 34, and grandson, 11.

Her neighborhood often smells of ammonia, she said, but many families can’t afford air conditioning and open windows to let breeze in. “These dairies shouldn’t be in areas where communities are.”

In her town of about 4,000 there are more cows than people. According to the nonprofit Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, Pixley's 26 dairies house approximately 140,000 cows. Nine have digesters operating on farms with thousands of animals, according to AgSTAR.

Recently, 15 members of Congress wrote opposing USDA's decision to make some large-scale farming practices, such as roofs and covers for waste management facilities, eligible for federal funding.

“The storage of hundreds of thousands of gallons of liquid manure ... pollutes the air and water of surrounding communities,” they said. "This inherently unsustainable manure storage system is only further entrenched by ... digesters.”

Tradeoffs of a climate solution

Researchers have found nearly 40% of methane emissions from human activity come from livestock and agriculture. EPA estimates each cow can produce 154 to 264 pounds (about 70 to 120 kilograms) of methane annually.

In California, supporters view digesters as important in helping the state meet climate goals and as a source of renewable natural gas for vehicles.

Biomethane improves air in cities "because trucks don't emit very much emission at all when they run on natural gas,” said Eric McAfee, CEO of the renewable fuels and biochemicals company Aemetis.

Joey Airoso, who's had a digester on his 2,900-cow farm since 2018, found that odors declined and nitrogen-rich remnants could be used as crop fertilizer. “That's a big deal environmentally because it alleviates extra nitrogen being put on," he said.

Colin Murphy, from the Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy at UC Davis, said that while digesters have benefits, they don’t solve air pollution “and don’t make it any more pleasant to live near one.”

Some valley residents who have complained about odors and respiratory issues say they have been told to move. But many have lived in small, rural towns long before dairies arrived — and relocating is not always financially feasible.

“Where are you going to move at? You don't have money to move,” said Whitfield, the Pixley resident with allergies.


Pineda reported from Los Angeles.

Cows stand in a corral at a Pixley, Calif., dairy farm on Monday, May 20, 2024. In recent decades, digesters that convert cow manure and other organic waste into biogas to create electricity or to fuel vehicles have spread nationally, and the number is expected to grow. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)


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Thursday, May 23, 2024


Charting a pathway to next-gen biofuels

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Christos Maravelias 



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From soil to sequestration, researchers at Princeton University and the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center have modeled what a supply chain for second-generation biofuels might look like in the midwestern United States.

These next-generation biofuels are emerging as a more sustainable substitute for fossil fuel-derived gasoline and diesel that, if carefully managed, could remove more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than they emit over the course of their lifecycle. And unlike conventional or first-generation biofuels, which are produced from crops like corn and sugarcane that could otherwise be used for food, second-generation biofuels are derived from agricultural waste or non-food crops grown on low productivity or recently abandoned land.

Yet as a still-nascent technology, these next-generation fuels must contend with considerable uncertainty about their role in a low-carbon energy future.

Previous studies on biofuels tend toward two extremes, either focusing on the ‘bio’ — incorporating crop growth, productivity, and land use data without considering downstream supply chain concerns in detail — or the ‘fuels’ — mapping out a supply chain and biorefinery design using overly simplistic land and crop data.

The Princeton study unites the two perspectives to provide a more comprehensive forecast of a supply chain for biofuels across an eight-state region in the Midwest, grounded in highly detailed data. Their findings were published May 22 in Nature Energy.

“What we’re doing with this study is bringing together two different approaches to studying biofuels,” said Christos Maravelias, the Anderson Family Professor of Energy and the Environment and professor of chemical and biological engineering. “A lot of high-quality data at fine spatial scales went into our analyses, giving us a much more holistic view of these systems.”

Optimization from crop growth to sequestration site

Supply chains for biofuels are complex. Feedstocks for biofuels must be grown and harvested from a fragmented network of land. Those feedstocks must then be transported to a centrally located refinery. At the refinery, several different technologies could convert the plant matter into liquid biofuel, and any carbon emissions produced through the conversion process can be captured and subsequently sequestered offsite.

Consequently, decisions made at every point along the supply chain could result in systems with widely diverging costs and emissions impacts, from the crop chosen as a feedstock to the distance between field and refinery and the technology used to convert the plant into biofuels.

“Even seemingly isolated or unrelated decisions, like how much incentive you plan to provide for carbon capture or which conversion technology you favor, can have dramatic impacts on the landscape design of a bioeconomy,” said co-author Caleb Geissler, a graduate student in chemical and biological engineering.

Thus, Geissler said, the optimal landscape design depends on the starting goals: what quantity of biofuels should be produced, at what cost, and at what carbon intensity?

While the researchers cautioned that their model was not designed specifically as a decision-making tool, Maravelias said it provides valuable insights into the economics and environmental impacts of a future bioeconomy. And since second-generation biofuels have yet to achieve widespread commercialization, proactive research now can inform efforts to ensure the fuels are meaningfully implemented into the future energy system.

“The model accounts for all the components of the system, so we can use it to answer many different types of questions,” said Maravelias. “We can use it to identify the optimal way to produce a certain quantity of biofuels while minimizing economic costs. We can use it to identify the system that produces the same amount of fuel while minimizing environmental impacts. Or we could have it design a system that strikes some balance between the two.”

Highlighting the impact of policy

Using their model, the research team could also probe the role of policy incentives in shaping the preferred technologies and emissions impact of a biofuels supply chain.

For instance, the team found that the 45Q tax credit for carbon capture, which provides $85 per ton of sequestered carbon, sufficiently incentivized carbon capture across the system. However, tax credit values below $60 per ton of carbon — the 45Q tax credit was only worth $50 prior to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 — were insufficient to drive investment in carbon capture and sequestration. In this case, the system generated rather than removed carbon emissions, though it still produced far fewer emissions compared to today’s fossil fuels.

“Even if the value of an incentive changes, we still wanted our results to be informative,” said Geissler. “It’s also a way to inform policymakers about how varying incentives support different technologies and configurations for the system.”

And while current incentive schemes only assign a monetary value for the carbon captured at the refinery itself, the researchers also modeled alternative scenarios that sought to minimize emissions from the entire supply chain, including both direct emissions from transportation and indirect emissions embodied in the electricity used to power the system.

These alternative scenarios highlighted even more tradeoffs. The tax credit would have to be worth at least $79 a ton to begin incentivizing carbon capture at the refinery and worth around $100 per ton for carbon capture to be installed at every refinery. Below those values, it would often be more cost effective to reduce transportation and offset emissions from purchased electricity before investing in carbon capture.

The researchers even charted pathways that mitigated carbon emissions beyond financial incentives, using site-specific soil carbon sequestration potentials and management decisions, such as whether to fertilize, to yield a landscape design with the greatest overall environmental benefits.

“Because these next-generation biofuels are still emerging as a technology, the model we developed allows us to make sure we’re designing these systems properly,” Maravelias said. “It’s important to have as much information as possible now, before we lock ourselves into less-than-ideal technologies and system configurations.”

The paper, “Large-scale spatially explicit analysis of carbon capture at cellulosic biorefineries,” was published May 22 in Nature Energy. In addition to Maravelias and Geissler, Eric O’Neill, who performed the research while a graduate student at Princeton University, was first author of the paper. The work was supported by the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Studying bubbles can lead to more efficient biofuel motors

Clip: How bubbles form in a drop of biodiesel 



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By studying how bubbles form in a drop of biodiesel, researchers at the University of Gothenburg can help future engines get the most energy out of the fuel.

In an internal combustion engine, the fuel is distributed in small droplets in injection valves to maximise combustion.

In the engine, the fuel droplets are pressurised to turn into gas and burn. When gas is formed, bubbles form inside the droplets and it is these that the researchers at the University of Gothenburg have studied using femtosecond lasers.

Less emissions

“The bubbles have a significant impact on the atomisation of biodiesel in engines. Therefore, our research is very important to address fundamental questions about the efficiency of the biodiesel engine,” says Dr. Yogeshwar Nath Mishra, who led the study at the University of Gothenburg together with Professor Dag Hanstorp.

Researchers are trying to understand how and when the bubbles form in the fuel droplets. In the long term, this knowledge could lead to the development of a more efficient engine that burns more fuel than today, resulting in less environmentally harmful emissions.

“Research on biodiesel is crucial in our transition from fossil fuels to combat climate change. In engines, bubbling affects fuel combustion and contributes to the formation of larger droplets that do not evaporate and burn completely, leading to increased emissions,” says Dr. Yogeshwar Nath Mishra.

The droplet is levitated acoustically

Studying bubble formation in engine injection valves is difficult because of their structure, with narrow channels in metal bodies. But with the latest technology, physicists can set up an experiment in the lab that allows them to study the process in a millimetre-sized drop of biodiesel. First, a fuel droplet is levitated, i.e. trapped in the air, using a standing sound wave.

“We then energise the droplet with our femtosecond laser, which focuses light energy at a point inside the droplet for a very short time, 100 femtoseconds, 10-13 seconds. This forms the gas bubbles, the number, growth and fine distribution of which are studied using a high-speed camera,” explains Dag Hanstorp, Professor of Physics at the University of Gothenburg.

Many applications

The results, published in Nature Scientific Reports, have provided significant insights into the phenomenon of bubble formation that are not only useful in the development of more efficient fuels and combustion engines.

“Bubble formation is important in industries such as chemical engineering for example carbonated drinks, ultrasonic imaging, boiling processes for heat transfer and processes such as gas release from water bodies and cloud formation. But what we have achieved is basic research. There is still a lot of development to be done before it can be used,” says Dag Hanstorp.

Video clip: How bubbles form in a drop of biodiesel.

Pictures thats shows how bubbles form in a diesel droplet through the interaction of multiple femtosecond laser pulses. The process is documented in a high-speed camera.


Yogeshwar Nath Mishra/University of Gothenburg

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


NYK, Tsuneishi and Drax Study Biofuel Bioship Design for Bulkers

Concept looks to use biomass as a decarbonization fuel for smaller bulkers (NYK)




A new study is getting underway exploring the development of a biomass-fueled bioship, which would be the first of its kind in the world. Biomass in pellet form made by compressing sawmill and forestry residue is being promoted as an alternative fuel that is gaining traction in Japan and elsewhere.

Japan’s NYK Line and its NYK Bulk & Projects Carrier company launched a partnership with Tsuneishi Shipbuilding and Drax Group, a British renewable energy company, to develop the technology and the first ship powered by biomass. The companies said the installation of a biomass plant could provide a 22 percent reduction in well-to-wake carbon emissions. If the development project is successful, they will jointly study the possibility of building a bioship by the end of 2029.

“After study of biomass fuel plant and gasifier system, Drax, Tsuneishi Shipbuilding, NYK, and NBP have concluded a memorandum of understanding for the feasibility study on the development of the world’s first wood pellets-powered super low-emission vessel. This is an important step towards decarbonized society,” said Masashi Suda, President of NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers.

NYK highlights that it has experience with biomass as its use grows in Japan as a fuel source for power plants which traditionally were mostly coal-fired. NYK transports biomass manufactured by Drax in Canada to Japan. 

They highlighted the technology possibly as a solution for the smaller handysize bulkers which they said will be more difficult to decarbonize due to their smaller size and smaller fuel capacity. Handysize bulkers are the ones used to transport biomass to Japan.

As part of the project, the companies will conduct research to develop the new shipping technology, including an onboard biomass fuel plant, which would be required to build a bioship. They are also exploring how other renewable technologies could be used to reduce both the emissions and fuel costs of shipping biomass.

“This MoU is an important step in the development of the technology required to power and launch the world’s first bioship, which will support Drax’s decarbonization goals but could also drive the innovation needed to transform shipping and cut carbon emissions and fuel costs in global supply chains,” said Paul Sheffield, Drax Group’s Chief Commercial Officer.

Biomass is a controversial fuel source. Environmentalists argue there are better sustainable and low-emission fuels than using precious forestry resources.

Drax has received strong support from the UK government which looks to incorporate biomass into its strategy. The company already operates a power station in Yorkshire. It burns 6.4 million tonnes of biomass annually contributing more than six percent of the country’s electrical supply.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024


Fortescue’s Ammonia-Fueled Ship Runs Propulsion and Maneuverability Tests

Forescue Green Pioneer
Fortescue Green Pioneer completed ammonia propulsion and maneuverability tests using ammonia and biofuel (Fortescue)




Sea trials continue for the first vessel operating on ammonia, an offshore supply vessel converted by Australia’s Fortescue. Earlier this year, the vessel completed the first marine bunkering of ammonia, and now after a second bunkering undertook the next phase of its ongoing sea trials.

The testing and trials are being conducted with the cooperation and close supervision of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, where the vessel is registered. The MPA developed stringent safety protocols and reports it conducted Ammonia plume modeling and drone surveillance to support safety and incident planning and response. With a lack of maritime regulations in place for ammonia as a fuel. the MPA is using these first trials to develop the model for safe handling and operation of ammonia-fueled vessels.

Fortescue completed the conversion of the 2010-built MMA Leveque (3,100 dwt) in 2023 into the world’s first operational ammonia-fueled vessel. One of the four Cummins engines was converted for ammonia. The 246-foot PSV made her debut as the Fortescue Green Pioneer in late in 2023 and received the first notations from DNV and Singapore for ammonia operations after loading three tonnes of liquid ammonia and conducting seven weeks of tests in February and March 2024.

The next round began by loading a further four tonnes of liquid ammonia, along with diesel and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, a second-generation biofuel. Between April 23 and May 2, they conducted trials involving propulsion and maneuverability. The trials also included tests to validate the management of nitrogen-based emissions. They also assessed the vessel’s engine capability to operate on varying amounts of biofuel in combination with ammonia.

The trials took place in the Raffles Reserved Anchorage off Singapore. They are looking to complete the certification of the vessel and demonstrate the ammonia-fueled operations for the future of the maritime industry.

During February and March, the vessel completed a series of fuel trials. During those tests, the vessel was at anchor demonstrating the ammonia storage system, associated piping, gas fuel delivery system, retrofitted engines, and seaworthiness.

Fortescue is working with research institutes, industry partners, and government agencies including the MPA and DNV. The company plans to use the PSV to drive awareness of ammonia and demonstrate its operations for the marine sector. 

Several other pioneering projects are also expected to proceed, including NYK is leading an effort in Japan to convert its LNG-fueled tug to begin operations later this year fueled by ammonia. So far, only a handful of ship owners have ordered ammonia-fueled vessels as they wait for these demonstrations and the commercial introduction of the engines and fuel systems required to adopt ammonia as a marine fuel.

USCG Agreement Sets Development Pathway for First Hydrogen-Power US Towboat

hydrogen powered towboat
Rendering of the design for the Hydrogen One towboat (Elliott Bay Design Group)



The project that has been underway for the past several years to develop the U.S.’s first hydrogen-power towboat reached a critical agreement with the U.S. Coast Guard that provides a pathway forward. Maritime Partners, which is leading the project, signed a Design Basis Agreement with the USCG for the Hydrogen One towboat that will use a novel technology that produces hydrogen aboard the ship eliminating the challenges of bunkering and storing hydrogen.

“The signing of this agreement opens the pathway for us to deploy our technological capabilities,” said Bick Brooks, co-founder and CEO of Maritime Partners. “With this, Hydrogen One is one step closer to becoming the world’s first vessel to utilize hydrogen generator technology greatly reducing emissions, increasing efficiency, and providing a model for cleaner energy use as the industry continues to seek ways to decarbonize.”

The DBA process was established by the U.S. Coast Guard to set the rules for new and novel technology proposed for installation on marine vessels. By reaching the agreement, they explained that the project would be working towards an agreed-upon framework with the U.S. Coast Guard for the design, arrangement, and engineering aspects of the power system and associated safety systems. It established a plan for the review, inspection, and eventual certification of the Hydrogen One.

The towboat is being designed as a first-of-its-kind vessel using new, cleaner, fuel cell technology that works by converting stored methanol to hydrogen. The produced hydrogen is output, on-demand, to the fuel cell to generate power for the vessel.

When the project was revealed in 2021, they said the towboat would be nearly 89 feet (27 meters) and designed to push barges from the Port of New Orleans along the Mississippi River and its tributaries. They projected the vessel will be able to travel for up to about four days at a speed of 6 knots, or cover a total of 550 miles, with a load between fueling. The concept called for a propulsion system capable of generating up to 2,700 HP propulsion power, with 1,700 HP generated by the fuel cell and the remainder from batteries.

The partners report that a string of successful tests of the technology were completed in Sweden in 2023. They said it demonstrated the viability of the technology as the sole power generation source for the vessel’s propulsion.

Maritime Partners worked with several industry leaders on the Hydrogen One project, including Seattle-based Elliott Bay Design Group, which is designing the towboat, and Intracoastal Iron Works which was selected as the shipyard to build the vessel. e1 Marine, which holds the license for the technology also worked with RIX Industries, Power Cell Group, among others, to work through the U.S. Coast Guard requirements. ABB Marine & Ports reported in 2021 that it would also participate in the project providing the electrical propulsion plant, including motors, transformers, and the integration of the fuel cell system.

Only a handful of hydrogen-powered vessels have entered service, mostly in Europe. In the U.S. the Sea Change ferry went through a long development process which experienced delays after the hull was launched in 2021 before it finally arrived in San Francisco in 2023. By entering the DBA process, the goal is to ensure a smooth process to move the Hydrogen One through design and into operation.

Saturday, May 04, 2024


Belgium and Namibia to Develop Africa’s First Hydrogen Ship, Infrastructure

Namibia hydrogen
His Majesty King Philippe of the Belgians and H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba - President of the Republic of Namibia during the ceremonial filing at the hydrogen station (Cleanergy)



Partners from Belgium and the African nation of Namibia mapped out a plan to develop the continent’s hydrogen infrastructure for the production and export of the energy source as well as launching Africa’s first hydrogen-fueled vessel. It is part of an ambitious plan to make Namibia a frontrunner in the global green hydrogen economy and supply the alternative energy source both to passing ships and industrial users in Belgium, Germany, and other industrial clusters in Europe.

The plan was unveiled during an event at Walvis Bay, Namibia that included His Majesty King Philippe of the Belgians and Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia. During the event, they officiated at the ceremonial first filling of a dual-fuel truck at the hydrogen refueling station, which is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2024 as part of the Cleanenergy Green Hydrogen site. 

Cleanergy Solutions Namibia is a joint venture between CMB.TECH and the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, a privately held group of companies with interests ranging from food to technology, steel, marine engineering, and real estate. The Port of Antwerp Bruges and the Namibian Ports Authority are also participating.


H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba - President of the Republic of Namibia, His Majesty King Philippe of the Belgians, Sven Thieme - Executive Chairman Ohlthaver & List, Marc Saverys - Chairman of the CMB Board of Directors, Alexander Saverys - CEO of CMB.TECH during the launch ceremony


The Cleanenergy Green Hydrogen facility uses only solar energy for the on-site production of green hydrogen. Among the first projects will be the hydrogen refueling station used for hydrogen-powered trucks, port equipment, railway applications, and small ships. 

The Port of Antwerp Bruges plans to invest approximately $265 million for the development of a hydrogen and ammonia storage and export facility at Walvis Bay which will be jointly run with the Namibian Ports Authority. They expect to develop the site within three to five years adjacent to the existing port both for the bunkering operations and the export to Europe.

“The port of Walvis Bay will also be in a unique position in Africa: our project will enable them to offer low-carbon logistics supply chains to their customers. This will pave the way for attracting additional logistics flows and investors,” said Alexander Saverys, CEO of CMB.TECH.

They look to leverage the experience of developing Hydrotug, the world’s first hydrogen-fueled tug supported by a fueling operation in Antwerp to develop Africa’s first hydrogen-powered vessel. Cleanenergy, together with CMB.TECH, the Port of Antwerp Bruges, and Namport will launch the vessel. It will be a Multifunctional Port Utility Vessel (MPHUV) powered by dual-fuel hydrogen engines. According to the partnership, the MPHUV's versatile design will enable the integration of different equipment needed for a range of port operations, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions during operations.


Partnership will launch Africa's first hydrogen-fueled vessel (CMB.TECH)


Given the ability of ports to act as hubs for hydrogen technology implementation and efforts to reduce carbon emissions, the partners said the Port of Walvis Bay and Namport emerge as an ideal partner to operate Africa's first hydrogen vessel. The port's involvement will provide invaluable insights into the vessel's specifications during development and refine the concept based on operational experience and feedback from users once it is commissioned.

Other elements of the project include a green hydrogen academy. Working with European universities as well as suppliers and customers they will educate a Namibian workforce for hydrogen operations. The partners said this is part of a 5-year plan that includes projects at different locations for ammonia bunkering, pipelines, and large-scale hydrogen and ammonia production.

Holland America’s Cruise Ship Rotterdam Begins Sustained Biofuel Pilot Test

cruise ship Rotterdam
Holland America's flagship Rotterdam will be testing 100 percent biofuel while sailing in the Norwegian fjords (Holland America Line)




Holland America Line’s flagship cruise ship, Rotterdam (99,935 gross tons) started a long-term test using 100 percent low carbon intensity biofuel while cruising the Norwegian fjord this season. It marks the next advancement in a series of tests by Carnival Corporation using cruise ships from Holland America and AIDA and moving from biofuel blends to 100 percent certified biofuel mirroring similar tests in other parts of the commercial maritime industry.

The cruise ship bunkered with the biofuel derived from feedstocks by GoodFuels and supplied by FincoEneries before leaving the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands on April 27. Built by Fincantieri and delivered on July 30, 2021, she is the newest ship operated by the line and one of the newest in the industry. Past experience has confirmed that the Holland America cruise ship can operate on biofuels without modifications to the engine or the fuel structure.

During the initial phase of this test, the Rotterdam will operate one of her four engines during cruises this month using the biofuel which is expected to yield an estimated 86 percent reduction in life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions. The fuel will be used while cruising in Norway’s fjords including Geirangerfjord and Naeroyfjord. The cruise line said there is a potential to expand to multiple engines during the summer as the test progresses. 

Carnival Corporation began its tests with biofuels in 2022. AIDA Cruises tested the use of regenerated biofuels in marine diesel engines together with research partners at the University of Rostock. Based on those tests, the cruise line proceeded to bunker a biofuel blend on July 21, 2022, aboard the AIDAPrima ( 125,572 gross tons), becoming the first larger-scale cruise ship to take on a blend of marine biofuel. Tests were conducted while the ship was cruising in Northern Europe between Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Norway. 

The cruise ship entered service in 2016 and was one of the first two cruise ships outfitted with dual-fuel engines that could also burn LNG supplied by trucks while alongside in the port. The AIDAPrima loaded a second delivery of biofuel in December 2022 receiving that time 140 metric tons of 100 percent biofuel. 

Holland America also conducted the first sustained trial of biofuel aboard its cruise ship Volendam (61,214 gross tons) in August and September 2022 while the vessel was docked in Rotterdam on a temporary charter to house Ukrainian refugees. For the first five days of that test, they used a 70-30 mix of biofuel and marine gas oil in one of the ship’s main auxiliary engines. For the next 15 days, they used 100 percent sustainable biofuel. They reported achieving a minimum 78 percent decrease in lifecycle CO2 emissions compared to marine gas oil emissions.

The cruise sector is catching up to other parts of the commercial shipping industry that have also tested biofuels. Royal Caribbean Group also began tests in 2022 and in the summer of 2023 tested sustainable biofuel blends on Royal Caribbean International’s Symphony of the Seas (228,000 gross tons) sailing from Barcelona and Celebrity Cruises’ Celebrity Apex (129,500 gross tons) sailing from Rotterdam. The company completed 12 consecutive weeks of biofuel testing in Europe calling it a “pivotal moment for Royal Caribbean Group’s alternative fuel journey.”

The tests of biofuels have been successful. The broad shipping industry however reports it is limited by the availability of biofuel.

Trafigura Joins Pioneers Ordering Ammonia-Fueled Vessels from HD Hyundai

ammonia fueled product tanker
Belgium's Exmar placed the first order with Hyundai Mipo for ammonia-fueled tankers now followed by Trafigura as pioneers in the segment (Exmar)




Global commodities trader Trafigura group is joining the growing list of pioneers committing to ammonia-fueled vessels. The company has ordered four dual-fueled product tankers for LPG or ammonia transport as part of the group’s growing efforts to decarbonization. With the vessels scheduled for delivery in 2027, Trafigura will be at the forefront of ammonia-fueled propulsion.

The company provided only a few basic details reporting that it ordered four medium gas carriers capable of using ammonia for propulsion when they are delivered. The vessels, which will be used to transport ammonia or LPG, will be built at HD Hyundai Mipo Dockyard in Ulsan, South Korea. Hyundai reported the order is valued at $286 million.

In placing the order, they join a select group of shipping companies that have already moved forward on ammonia while the engine technology is still being perfected and the infrastructure for bunkering is just being explored. Earlier this year Fortescue and Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority reported the first-ever ammonia bunkering and tests on the Fortescue’s converted offshore supply vessel renamed Fortescue Green Pioneer. Worldwide, DNV calculates that there are just 19 vessels on order for ammonia-fueled propulsion with most of the orders for bulkers and only two gas carriers, so far. Only two shipyards, Hyundai Mipo and Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding in China have received orders for ammonia vessels.

“We are excited to embark together with HD Hyundai Mipo on this ambitious project which supports our commitments to decarbonizing shipping and will help us to develop the global low-carbon ammonia bunkering infrastructure needed for zero-carbon shipping to become a reality,” said Andrea Olivi, Head of Wet Freight for Trafigura.

Trafigura is one of the world’s largest charterers of vessels, responsible for more than 5,000 voyages a year with around 400 ships currently under management. The company highlights its commitment to helping to develop low-carbon fuels and vessels while highlighting the range of programs it is testing. They purport to be one of the few operators to have tested a full range of alternative shipping fuels including LNG, methanol, LPG, and biofuels on its owned and chartered vessels. 

Investments are also being made by Trafigura in wider efficiency measures such as silicone hull coating, wake equalizing ducts, ultrasonic propeller antifouling technology, and continuous underwater hull cleaning and propeller polishing. It has also co-sponsored the development of a two-stroke engine by MAN Energy Solutions that can run on green ammonia and is investing in onboard carbon capture technology.

Trafigura looks to lead the industry by example. They are committed to reducing the carbon intensity of its shipping fleet by 25 percent by 2030.

Energy Insetting is the Key to Unlock the Potential of Future Fuels

Illustration courtesy BV



The maritime industry is facing an ever-tightening regulatory environment in its efforts to achieve its ambitious net-zero target by the middle of this century. For meaningful progress to be achieved, the industry needs two things: practical solutions, together with a detailed understanding of the actual impact of various long and short-term measures on the industry’s future decarbonization pathway.

This extends beyond purely technical considerations, encompassing the entire value chain, and accounting for the broader economic context in which the transition is taking place. It also requires approaching the question using the right lens, by considering shipping’s “greenhouse gas (GHG) budget” to 2050, rather than solely focusing on the emissions levels at the end of the journey. To limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius, in line with the Paris Agreement, we need to account for all emissions released into the atmosphere until the point of carbon neutrality is reached. 

Putting those principles into practice, Bureau Veritas (BV) has recently published a report outlining potential decarbonization trajectories for the maritime industry through five distinct scenarios, each considering several parameters such as socio-economic forecasts for the evolution of demand for maritime transport, the possible speed for the uptake of green fuels, and technical efficiency improvements in shipping.

Our study reveals that for shipping to keep within its carbon budget, all available levers will need to be actioned at different points in time over the next three decades.

A central role for energy efficiency

In practice, our study demonstrated two clear findings. The first is that operational and technical efficiency measures and energy-saving technologies need to be actioned in the short term, when emissions are at their highest. This will involve embracing practical solutions such as reducing speed, voyage optimization, weather routing, energy-saving devices, and wind-assisted propulsion, which will all help to drive decarbonization.

Our modeling confirmed the potential hefty cumulative impact of operational and technical efficiency measures in keeping shipping within its “GHG budget” to 2050. BV’s simulations show that without action to reduce speed or waiting time - while ocean transportation volumes grow - GHG emissions would be 92% higher by midcentury, with 44% more emissions over the period than if these levers had been actioned.

Although future fuels are widely acknowledged as the preeminent solution, the limited availability of biofuels and e-fuels generated from wind and solar sources to replace fossil fuels reflects the monumental investment required for adoption at scale. The industry cannot afford to wait for innovative fuel and propulsion technologies to achieve commercial viability before taking action.

A supply chain challenge

Moving the needle on fuel production requires pragmatic solutions to unlock the necessary investments to reach the required scale. As such, the second clear finding from our research established the importance of embracing energy insetting as a means of stimulating the at-scale production of renewable and low-carbon fuels, connecting fuel buyers and sellers across the value chain, while also addressing the cost disparity between conventional and very-low-carbon fuels.

The widespread adoption of low-carbon fuels by the shipping industry will entail significant costs to shipowners and operators compared to fossil fuels. However, energy insetting provides a solution that can help bridge the price gap, whilst making a tangible impact on Scope 3 emissions across value chains.

Digital certificates, known as insets, are issued according to the level of emissions savings achieved using renewable and low-carbon fuels, compared to conventional fossil fuels. These emissions are evaluated using a proof of sustainability (PoS) delivered by an independent body to attest to the sustainability credentials of a given fuel. These insets can then be exchanged using a book-and-claim methodology, which allows the certificates to be verified and exchanged digitally, on a dedicated registry.

Unlike offsets, insets are internationally recognized as concrete reductions realized within the supply chain. So, rather than engaging in compensation through external schemes such as reforestation, insets improve the net environmental performance of the industry as a whole, based on reliable assurance verification. This involves practical measures to monetize the estimated GHG emission savings enabled by using renewable or low-carbon marine fuels and will enable end consumers concerned with sustainable sourcing and supply to exercise their purchasing power to guide upstream decisions.

Ultimately, the development of different iterations of energy insetting could be a vital tool the industry needs to send clear market signals to stimulate the production of renewable and low-carbon fuels at scale.

Furthermore, the use of digitalization to record and validate these emissions savings has the dual benefit of connecting a variety of stakeholders throughout the supply chain. It removes the geographical barriers that arise from sourcing through physical supply chains, bringing the supply and demand sides of low-carbon fuel development together, uniting energy providers, carriers, forwarders and cargo owners, as well as the end consumer. The long-term emergence and efficiency of markets rely on trust and the circulation of information.

It is widely acknowledged that immediate and impactful action needs to be taken to achieve the maritime sector’s decarbonization targets, but these goals will not be achieved without unprecedented levels of collaboration and consensus between different stakeholders across the entire value chain.

While this level of cooperation may strike many within the industry as counterintuitive, it is only by embracing benefit-sharing models – such as energy insetting methodologies – that the industry will achieve its net-zero ambition.

Paul Delouche is the Strategy, Acquisitions, and Advanced Services Director at Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.