Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Flying foxes in South Australia exposed to zoonotic viruses 


University of Adelaide researchers have found that South Australia's population of Grey-headed flying foxes, which took up residence in 2010, has been exposed to a number of viruses, including Hendra virus that can be transmitted to humans via horses. But they have not found evidence of exposure to Australian bat lyssavirus.
The research, published today in PLOS ONE, details three years of research into the local flying fox population and their exposure to paramyxoviruses (Hendra, Cedar and Tioman) and a rhabdovirus (Australian bat lyssavirus).
Hendra virus and Australian bat lyssavirus are classified as zoonotic viruses. Hendra virus for example can be transmitted to horses and then to humans by airborne droplets causing acute respiratory diseases and death. In the case of Australian bat lyssavirus, humans and other animals need to be bitten or scratched by a carrier. The risks posed by Hendra virus are extremely low with only seven cases in humans, all of whom had been in contact with infected horses, never directly from bats.
Dr Wayne Boardman from the University of Adelaide's School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences says given the Grey-headed flying foxes are known carriers of viruses, they wanted to understand if the local population of flying foxes had been exposed to them.
"Grey-headed flying foxes are essential ecosystem service providers contributing to large-scale pollination and seed dispersal and are a nationally threatened species," Dr Boardman said.
"They have this extraordinary ability to be infected with viruses but don't show any ill effects, except for one virus; the Australian bat lyssavirus. It's important to understand what risks they pose to humans.
"We have found the local population has developed antibodies for the Hendra, Cedar and Tioman viruses, meaning they have been exposed at some stage in their lives.
"What's good news for South Australia is that the local population has not shown exposure to Australian bat lyssavirus, which in humans causes serious illness including paralysis, delirium, convulsions and death.
"It's positive to discover that the risk of lyssavirus transmission in South Australia is lower than anticipated.
"However, this doesn't mean that flying foxes are safe to touch; only people with experience in handling these animals should ever come into contact with them."
The Grey-headed flying fox has made the Botanic Gardens in Adelaide home for the past 10 years, having come to South Australia from New South Wales and Victoria in search of a suitable climate and food.
The research on the local population has also revealed that Hendra virus levels were significantly higher in pregnant females; results that align with findings interstate. However, good body condition is a risk factor for a bigger proportion of the population being exposed to Hendra virus because the flying foxes are in better condition in winter than summer, which is the opposite of what has been found in the eastern states.
Dr Boardman said this means the flying foxes are finding plenty to eat here in winter time specifically, enjoying the introduced foods that are planted in gardens, along roads and in parklands, similar to the normal food source for those in the eastern states.
"The Grey-headed flying fox is certainly enjoying the local environment during the South Australian winter, but we have seen on numerous occasions that the heat in summer certainly knocks the population around so we are looking at ideas to help support them during heatwaves in summer using high level misters and sprinklers."
The research was carried out in partnership with CSIRO's Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong, South Australian Museum and Zoos South Australia.

A century of misunderstanding of a key tool in the economics of natural resources

In an article written in 1931, the American economist and mathematician Harold Hotelling published a model to describe the evolution of the prices of non-renewable resources. Following the 1973 oil crisis, the model aroused fresh interest: the growth theorist Robert Solow named the initial equation in this article 'the Hotelling rule', establishing it as a fundamental principle of the economics of non-renewable resources. However, the prices observed over the past century have never been in line with this equation*, something which has constantly puzzled economists.
Despite everything, the Hotelling rule still retains its central status in the economics of mineral and energy resources: it is on this basis that more sophisticated 'extensions' are constructed to account for market realities. Roberto Ferreira da Cunha, from the Berkeley Research Group (Brazil), and Antoine Missemer, a CNRS researcher attached to CIRED, the International Centre for Research on Environment and Development (CNRS/CIRAD/AgroParisTech/Ecole des Ponts ParisTech/EHESS), undertook a detailed and unprecedented examination of Harold Hotelling's archives**. By analysing the origins of the model, they conclude that its scope of validity is more limited t han commonly established, and decisively clarify the reasons for its empirical weaknesses.
Hotelling's drafts, as well as his correspondence, with oil engineers for example, point to a reinterpretation of the 1931 article. It turns out that the 'rule', which he had devised as early as 1924 for abstract assets, was in no way intended to be applied to the concrete case of mineral and energy resources. From 1925 to 1930, Hotelling himself identified unavoidable geological constraints that changed his initial result: increased production costs as extraction progresses, or the cost resulting from ramped up production. As he outlined, this transformed his model, which was then potentially able to describe bell-shaped production paths, such as those used in debates about peak oil.
The two researchers thus show that, if the Hotelling rule has such difficulty in passing the hurdle of empirical tests in the field of energy and mineral resources, it is because it was not designed for that! They propose to reconstruct the models used in this area, taking as a starting point an alternative Hotelling rule that is more in line with geological realities. More generally, their study questions the theoretical instruments used to address energy and environmental issues today. History, and in this case the history of economic thought, can help to take a fresh look at tools that, although considered well established, still deserve to be questioned.
This work was carried out as part of the project Bifurcations in Natural Resource Economics (1920s-1930s), funded by the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).
*- The equation states that, in a competitive situation, the price of such resources increases over time at the interest rate observed in the economy.
**- Thousands of pages, contained in 58 archive boxes, stored at Columbia University, New York. 20 to 30 documents taken from various files were identified and then used by the two researchers for their analysis.

How is COVID-19 affecting the global economic order?

Scenarios for the global monetary system
Supply chains collapse, companies are facing bankruptcy, and mass unemployment ensues. Covid-19 has triggered a global financial crisis and is forcing states to develop rescue packages on a scale not seen before. In addition, the crisis has called into question the US dollar's hegemony and could redefine the global monetary system. A team of researchers from the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) has developed four scenarios that show how political decisions will shape the post-Corona world.
Scientific scenarios have become an important tool for political decision-makers as they tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. Models of the Corona Crisis developed by researchers, and predicting shocking infection and death rates, have persuaded governments around the world to adopt strict lockdown measures and reduce economic activities to a minimum. The magnitude of this decision is now becoming increasingly apparent. The measures adopted have triggered a global economic and financial crisis that is affecting both industrialized and - even more so - developing nations, jeopardizing efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Governments tackling this crisis face unprecedented challenges. Their task is made all the more difficult by the dearth of economic scenarios and models that could support decision-making in this situation.
In a collaboration between the IASS, Harvard University and Boston University, a team of researchers led by Steffen Murau, Joe Rini and Armin Haas has developed an innovative political-economic methodology to study the impact of global economic and financial crises precipitated by events such as the Covid-19 pandemic on the global monetary and financial systems. Their findings were recently published in the Journal of Institutional Economics.
The Covid-19 pandemic: A turning point in the global economic order?
At the outset of their study, the researchers examined the dynamics underpinning the development of the global monetary and financial system in recent decades. The team identified two trends that are of central importance in this context: First, while the US dollar is the centrepiece of the global financial system, a substantial share of this currency is now created by private financial institutions outside the USA, and thus outside the control of the United States' central bank, the Federal Reserve (Fed). This happens, for example, when banks outside the United States create deposits by issuing loans in US dollars to finance trade within global supply chains. The researchers refer to this as "offshore dollar creation". Second, shadow banks have become systemically relevant entities and are creating novel forms of credit instruments that researchers now refer to as "shadow money".
In the case of complex and privatized structures such as the offshore dollar-based monetary and financial system, crises are key drivers of change. It is in these moments that political decision-makers lay the groundwork for future developments. The global financial crisis of 2007 - 2009, which escalated following the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers, was one such moment. That crisis began in the shadow banking system and was essentially a bank run on offshore dollars and shadow money. The massive loss of confidence driving that crisis could only be mitigated through the introduction of an institutional innovation: a new form of cooperation between the central banks of the G7 countries - so-called "swap lines" - through which central banks outside the USA could borrow US dollars from the Federal Reserve to support domestic banks.
"In today's global dollar system, the Federal Reserve's US dollar swap lines are the ultimate safety net," explains Steffen Murau, who has researched this issue first at the IASS and then at Harvard University and Boston University. "The European Central Bank is the Federal Reserve's most important partner in this area. In times of crisis, the ECB can borrow US dollars from the Fed and then pass them on as loans to euro zone banks. The crucial issue for the future of the global US dollar system is how robust this safety net will prove to be."
"The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a new global crisis, the scale of which we still cannot foresee," says Armin Haas, who leads the research team at the IASS. "How political decision-makers respond to this crisis is crucial for the future development of the global economic order. Covid-19 is also a crisis of the global monetary and financial system based on offshore dollars".
This aspect has been the focus of research at the IASS since 2017: "In our research project, we studied scenarios both with and without systemic crises and developed four alternative scenarios," explains Haas. "The scenarios explore possible developments over the next two decades and, in light of the unfolding Covid-19 pandemic, are already proving to be highly relevant for policymakers."
Four scenarios for the global financial system in 2040
The researchers explore four possible development pathways in their analysis. The first two presuppose that the financial system continues to evolve - resolving crises with the instruments of the existing system, much as occurred in 2008. The other two explore possible developments resulting from a collapse of the system that the Fed failed to prevent.
The analyses explore the following four scenarios:
  • a continuation of the current US dollar hegemony;
  • the co-existence of competing monetary blocks;
  • the emergence of an international monetary federation; or
  • international monetary anarchy.
In the "business as usual" scenario (1), US dollar hegemony persists, with the USA maintaining its role as the central stabilizing factor in the financial system. In this scenario, Trumpism and its policy of "America First" prove to be passing fads. The Eurozone, meanwhile, remains mired in a backlog of much-needed reforms and China fails to establish itself as a rival financial centre.
"The current Covid-19 crisis is putting extreme pressure on the global privatized US dollar system. But the Federal Reserve's interventions in March and April have stabilized the system for the time being, allowing it to continue along its current development path. In doing so, the Federal Reserve is acting as the de facto global central bank," says Steffen Murau. "The eurozone, on the other hand, is in troubled waters. Once again, the issue of Eurobonds is putting the EU to the test and revealing the gulf between reality and European aspirations to strengthen the euro's international role."
In contrast, the second scenario sees the establishment of competing monetary blocs, with the EU and China emerging as two significant rivals to the USA. In this scenario the latter no longer stands as the guarantor of global stability, while the Eurozone successfully overcomes its deficits and China succeeds in internationalizing its currency, the renminbi. These developments result in the further regionalism of world trade and the financial system.
"The pandemic is exposing the failings of America's welfare state. The collapse of the US economy could weaken the geopolitical position of the United States in the medium term. China, on the other hand, has a head-start when it comes to overcoming the effects of the pandemic and could use this to its advantage in the trade war opened by Trump," Murau explains.
In the third (revolutionary) scenario the Federal Reserve proves unable to withstand the global crisis and the global US dollar system implodes in a series of defaults and bankruptcies of leading private financial institutions. However, the scenario assumes that the G20 succeeds in creating an alternative global monetary system at the height of the crisis; a system built not around a single national currency, but around an international organization. In this scenario, the international monetary hierarchy has shifted, with national currency areas now operating alongside each other. In the EU, the Member States reintroduce their former currencies, but retain the euro as a regional supranational unit of account. Offshore credit money creation is completely abolished. While shadow banks continue to operate in some states, elsewhere governments push for tougher regulation aimed at eliminating shadow money.
"The Federal Reserve's rescue efforts run counter to the policies of the Trump Administration, which has probably not yet grasped the scope of these interventions. The question is whether the Fed can maintain this level of commitment in the medium term, especially in the event of Trump's re-election. It is not impossible that a chain of circumstances could take the Fed's swap network to breaking point - an event that would be comparable to the Bank of England's cancellation of the gold standard in 1931," says Armin Haas. "Naturally, there's a touch of liberal utopia to our third scenario. However, proposals for this kind of system have been around in various forms for at least 150 years."
In the fourth scenario, following the collapse of the existing system based on private offshore dollar creation, efforts by the G20 to establish an alternative monetary and financial system founder and eventually fail. Instead, international monetary anarchy reigns. As a consequence, the international payments system grows increasingly unreliable, international value chains break down and barter arrangements become commonplace in international trade. The result: a hard-hitting global depression that compels states to experiment with different institutional arrangements in order to tackle the challenges. These experiments lay the foundations for the development of a new system at some point in the future.
"This is the only scenario in which crypto-currencies are of more than marginal importance," says Joe Rini, who has previously worked in the fintech sector. "In our view, the strong path dependency of the global dollar system makes it unlikely that crypto will emerge as a genuine alternative - unless, of course, the current system implodes. Crypto currencies have been largely ignored in the context of the Covid-19 Crisis and have failed to profit from it so far. But this could quickly change in the event of an uncontrolled systemic collapse."
Charting a course for the transformation towards sustainability
"Our scenarios are not intended to be exact predictions of the future, nor are they normative assessments or institutional blueprints," explains Armin Haas. "What they do is extrapolate existing trends and create a space of possibility in which we can explore the development of the international monetary system along different development pathways through to 2040."
"The ideas presented in these scenarios are already being discussed in expert circles. What we have done is to link these ideas to political and economic development pathways and to highlight the central role of shadow banks and offshore money creation," says Haas. "These scenarios emphasize the decisive role of the US Federal Reserve as the creditor of last resort for the global dollar system and its ability to tackle the crisis."
The development of scenarios to explore the future of the international monetary and financial system dovetails with the mission of the IASS to analyse and support global transformations towards sustainability. "Exploring the implications of different scenarios for the ecological transformation of our societies is integral to our research programme." After all, "financing for transitions towards sustainability will either be provided through the global financial system - or they will not take place," says Armin Haas. "Efforts to create a sustainable and climate-friendly global economy cannot succeed in the absence of a functioning global monetary and finance system."
Armin Haas: Will the new Corona virus infect the financial system? (VIDEO)

New evidence shows giant meteorite impacts formed parts of the moon's crust

Research of an Apollo 17 sample, led by the ROM, has revealed that the formation of ancient rocks on the Moon may be directly linked to destructive events
TORONTO, CANADA (May 11, 2020) - New research published today in the journal Nature Astronomy reveals a type of destructive event most often associated with disaster movies and dinosaur extinction may have also contributed to the formation of the Moon's surface.
A group of international scientists led by the Royal Ontario Museum has discovered that the formation of ancient rocks on the Moon may be directly linked to large-scale meteorite impacts.
The scientists conducted new research of a unique rock collected by NASA astronauts during the 1972 Apollo 17 mission to the Moon. They found it contains mineralogical evidence that it formed at incredibly high temperatures (in excess of 2300 °C/ 4300 °F) that can only be achieved by the melting of the outer layer of a planet in a large impact event.
In the rock, the researchers discovered the former presence of cubic zirconia, a mineral phase often used as a substitute for diamond in jewellery. The phase would only form in rocks heated to above 2300 °C, and though it has since reverted to a more stable phase (the mineral known as baddeleyite), the crystal retains distinctive evidence of a high-temperature structure. An interactive image of the complex crystal used in the study can be seen here using the Virtual Microscope.
While looking at the structure of the crystal, the researchers also measured the age of the grain, which reveals the baddeleyite formed over 4.3 billion years ago. It was concluded that the high-temperature cubic zirconia phase must have formed before this time, suggesting that large impacts were critically important to forming new rocks on the early Moon.
Fifty years ago, when the first samples were brought back from the surface of the Moon, lunar scientists raised questions about how lunar crustal rocks formed. Even today, a key question remains unanswered: how did the outer and inner layers of the Moon mix after the Moon formed? This new research suggests that large impacts over 4 billion years ago could have driven this mixing, producing the complex range of rocks seen on the surface of the Moon today.
"Rocks on Earth are constantly being recycled, but the Moon doesn't exhibit plate tectonics or volcanism, allowing older rocks to be preserved," explains Dr. Lee White, Hatch Postdoctoral Fellow at the ROM. "By studying the Moon, we can better understand the earliest history of our planet. If large, super-heated impacts were creating rocks on the Moon, the same process was probably happening here on Earth".
"By first looking at this rock, I was amazed by how differently the minerals look compared to other Apollo 17 samples," says Dr. Ana Cernok, Hatch Postdoctoral Fellow at the ROM and co-author of the study. "Although smaller than a millimetre, the baddeleyite grain that caught our attention was the largest one I have ever seen in Apollo samples. This small grain is still holding the evidence for formation of an impact basin that was hundreds of kilometres in diameter. This is significant, because we do not see any evidence of these old impacts on Earth."
Dr. James Darling, a reader at the University of Portsmouth and co-author of the study, says the findings completely change scientists' understanding of the samples collected during the Apollo missions, and, in effect, the geology of the Moon. "These unimaginably violent meteorite impacts helped to build the lunar crust, not only destroy it," he says.
ROM Contact:
Kim Tait
Teck Endowed Chair of Mineralogy
Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
Opened in 1914, the Royal Ontario Museum showcases art, culture and nature from around the world and across the ages. Among the top 10 cultural institutions in North America, Canada's largest and most comprehensive museum is home to a world-class collection of 13 million art objects and natural history specimens, featured in 40 gallery and exhibition spaces. As the country's preeminent field research institute and an international leader in new and original findings, the ROM plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of the artistic, cultural and natural world. Combining its original heritage architecture with the contemporary Daniel Libeskind-designed Michael Lee-Chin Crystal, the ROM serves as a national landmark, and a dynamic cultural destination in the heart of Toronto for all to enjoy.

El Niño-linked decreases in soil moisture could trigger massive tropical-plant die offs

New insights could help farmers, water managers in tropical regions prepare for impact on crops
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., May 11, 2020--New research has found that El Niño events are often associated with droughts in some of the world's more vulnerable tropical regions. Associated with warmer than average ocean temperatures in the eastern Pacific, El Niños can in turn influence global weather patterns and tropical precipitation, and these changes can lead to massive plant die-offs if other extreme factors are also at play.
"We know a lot about El Niño in terms of its impact on weather and surface water resources," said Kurt Solander, a research hydrologist in the Computational Earth Science group at Los Alamos National Laboratory and lead author of the paper. "This new study drills down to reveal how El Niño can affect the moisture content of soil, which controls the growth of plants, the food we eat, and how much water from land gets fed back into the atmosphere through evaporation."
In the paper, Solander and Los Alamos colleagues Brent Newman and Chonggang Xu analyzed changes in soil moisture content in the humid tropics after three "Super El Niño" events from the past--1982-83, 1997-98, and 2015-16. They found that during these years the most severe and consistent decreases in soil moisture occurred in regions like the Amazon basin and maritime Southeast Asia, with some of the changes potentially being significant enough to become a factor responsible for large-scale plant die off. In contrast, some other tropical areas, such as tropical East Africa, will likely see an increase in soil moisture during major El Niño events.
The team used a global dataset based on computer models and historic satellite observations of near-surface soil moisture. By extracting data from the rooting zone from the humid tropics, predicted soil moisture changes during the super El Niños could be examined at local scales. The team combined these data with on-site measurements, collected across the tropics, to verify the accuracy of the satellite and computer models. They were then able to identify ways to improve the estimates of soil moisture changes during El Niño events, and showed that El Niño induced responses varied from significant increases or decreases to minimal change relative to what occurs during non-El Niño years and spatial location.
Super El Niño events typically happen every 15 to 20 years, with mild to moderate events coming every three to five years. The most immediate impact of this new information is that it can help governments or farmers in these areas prepare for the consequences of decreased soil moisture, or understand that crops will need more water during these events.
"Scientists can predict these events with a moderate degree of confidence three to six months in advance," Solander said. "With this new information, water managers in these areas can, for example, regulate how much water they retain in a reservoir to compensate for the expected decreases in available moisture for local agricultural crops."
The work is part of ongoing research at Los Alamos studying spatial patterns of precipitation recycling, which effectively determines how much moisture plants return to the atmosphere. In plant-dense regions like the Amazon basin, researchers at Los Alamos hope to provide insight on atmospheric moisture feedbacks from vegetation as plants adjust to climatic warming, which in turn helps researchers understand how precipitation will change on a global scale.
The paper, "The pan-tropical response of soil moisture to El Niño)" was published in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. [doi:10.5194/hess-24-2303-2020] The research was funded by the Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments-Tropics, supported by the United States Department of Energy, Office of Science, and the Office of Biological and Environmental Research through the Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Program.
About Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution engaged in strategic science on behalf of national security, is managed by Triad, a public service oriented, national security science organization equally owned by its three founding members: Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle), the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS), and the Regents of the University of California (UC) for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.
Los Alamos enhances national security by ensuring the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, developing technologies to reduce threats from weapons of mass destruction, and solving problems related to energy, environment, infrastructure, health, and global security concerns.

Emotional well-being while home gardening similar to other popular activities, study finds

As civic leaders and urban planners work to make cities more sustainable and livable by investing in outdoor spaces and recreational activities such as biking and walking, Princeton researchers have identified the benefit of an activity largely overlooked by policymakers -- home gardening.
The researchers found that, across the study's population, the level of emotional well-being, or happiness, reported while gardening was similar to what people reported while biking, walking or dining out, according to a study published in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning. Home gardening was the only activity out of the 15 studied for which women and people with low incomes reported higher emotional well-being than men and medium- and high-income participants, respectively.
"This has implications for equity in food action planning considering that people with lower incomes tend to have less access to healthy food options," said corresponding author Anu Ramaswami, Princeton's Sanjay Swani '87 Professor of India Studies, professor of civil and environmental engineering and the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI). "Gardening could provide the health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables, promote physical activity, and support emotional well-being, which can reinforce this healthy behavior."
The benefits of gardening on happiness were similar across racial boundaries and between urban and suburban areas, said first author Graham Ambrose, a research specialist in Princeton's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In addition, whether people gardened alone or with others made no difference, and people who kept vegetable gardens reported a higher level of average emotional well-being than people who worked in ornamental gardens.
The findings came from a study of 370 people in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area for which people used a cellphone app called Daynamica to report their emotional well-being while engaged in any of 15 daily activities. The app was developed by study co-author Yingling Fan, a professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Minnesota, who led a larger emotional well-being study as a part of the National Science Foundation-funded Sustainable Healthy Cities Network led by Ramaswami. Co-author Kirti Das, a postdoctoral research associate in civil and environmental engineering at Princeton, was instrumental in recruiting participants from a range of communities and in implementing the survey.
As part of ongoing research into urban food systems in Ramaswami's Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Systems Lab, she and Ambrose contributed questions to the survey that specifically related to household vegetable gardening. While the social and environmental benefits of community gardens are hot topics in urban research, available data seem to fall short when it comes to gardening in individual households, Ambrose said.
"People know where community gardeners garden, but it is hard to know who is gardening at home, which our group uniquely identified," Ambrose said. For example, study authors found that 31% of participants engaged in home gardening for about 90 minutes per week on average, compared to 19% who engaging in biking (an average of 30 minutes each week) and 85% who walked (an average of one hour and 40 minutes each week).
"Many more people garden than we think and it appears that it associates with higher levels of happiness similar to walking and biking," Ramaswami said. "In the movement to make cities more livable, gardening might be a big part of improving quality-of-life."
The researchers found that home gardening was among the top five activities in terms of how meaningful an activity felt to people while engaging in it.
"The high levels of meaningfulness that respondents reported while gardening might be associated with producing one's own food," Ambrose said. "The boost to emotional well-being is comparable to other leisure activities that currently get the lion's share of infrastructure investment. These finding suggest that, when choosing future well-being projects to fund, we should pay just as much attention to household gardening."
A few cities have conducted pilot household gardening projects with promising results. For example, a project operated by the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh provided participants with materials and training to start a garden at home. In 2017, three years after the project began, 70% of participants were still actively gardening.
The researchers of the current study plan to replicate this work among community gardeners in order to compare the emotional benefit of household gardens versus community gardens, Ramaswami said. These results will be important for food action planning in cities such as Minneapolis where Ramaswami has an ongoing project with community members and organizations, as well as the City of Minneapolis, to develop a food action plan.
The paper, "Is gardening associated with greater happiness of urban residents? A multi-activity, dynamic assessment in the Twin-Cities region, USA," was published in the June 2020 issue of Landscape and Urban Planning. This research was conducted as part of the Sustainable Healthy Cities Network, an NSF-funded collaboration between universities, cities, governments, nongovernmental organizations and industry partners working together to develop the science and practical knowledge necessary for achieving sustainable, healthy and livable cities.
Scientists reveal solar system's oldest molecular fluids could hold the key to early life
The oldest molecular fluids in the solar system could have supported the rapid formation and evolution of the building blocks of life


The spherical interlocking structure is indicative of formation in water, allowing scientists the measure the chemistry of the remnant solution trapped between grains.


TORONTO, May 11, 2020 -- The oldest molecular fluids in the solar system could have supported the rapid formation and evolution of the building blocks of life, new research in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals.

An international group of scientists, led by researchers from the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) and co-authors from McMaster University and York University, used state-of-the-art techniques to map individual atoms in minerals formed in fluids on an asteroid over 4.5 billion years ago.

Studying the ROM's iconic Tagish Lake meteorite, scientists used atom-probe tomography, a technique capable of imaging atoms in 3D, to target molecules along boundaries and pores between magnetite grains that likely formed on the asteroid's crust. There, they discovered water precipitates left in the grain boundaries on which they conducted their ground-breaking research.

"We know water was abundant in the early solar system," explains lead author Dr. Lee White, Hatch postdoctoral fellow at the ROM, "but there is very little direct evidence of the chemistry or acidity of these liquids, even though they would have been critical to the early formation and evolution of amino acids and, eventually, microbial life."

This new atomic-scale research provides the first evidence of the sodium-rich (and alkaline) fluids in which the magnetite framboids formed. These fluid conditions are preferential for the synthesis of amino acids, opening the door for microbial life to form as early as 4.5 billion years ago.

"Amino acids are essential building blocks of life on Earth, yet we still have a lot to learn about how they first formed in our solar system," says Beth Lymer, a PhD student at York University and co-author of the study. "The more variables that we can constrain, such as temperature and pH, allows us to better understand the synthesis and evolution of these very important molecules into what we now know as biotic life on Earth."

The Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite was retrieved from an ice sheet in B.C.'s Tagish Lake in 2000, and later acquired by the ROM, where it is now considered to be one of the museums iconic objects. This history means that the sample used by the team has never been above room temperature or exposed to liquid water, allowing the scientists to confidently link the measured fluids to the parent asteroid.

By using new techniques, such as atom probe tomography, the scientists hope to develop analytical methods for planetary materials returned to Earth by space craft, such as by NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission or a planned sample-return mission to Mars in the near future.

"Atom probe tomography gives us an opportunity to make fantastic discoveries on bits of material a thousand times thinner than a human hair," says White. "Space missions are limited to bringing back tiny amounts of material, meaning these techniques will be critical to allowing us to understand more about the solar system while also preserving material for future generations."



Opened in 1914, the Royal Ontario Museum showcases art, culture and nature from around the world and across the ages. Among the top 10 cultural institutions in North America, Canada's largest and most comprehensive museum is home to a world-class collection of 13 million art objects and natural history specimens, featured in 40 gallery and exhibition spaces. As the country's preeminent field research institute and an international leader in new and original findings, the ROM plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of the artistic, cultural and natural world. Combining its original heritage architecture with the contemporary Daniel Libeskind-designed Michael Lee-Chin Crystal, the ROM serves as a national landmark, and a dynamic cultural destination in the heart of Toronto for all to enjoy.

Hayabusa2 reveals more secrets from Ryugu

Ryugu's interaction with the sun changes what we know about asteroid history
In February and July of 2019, the Hayabusa2 spacecraft briefly touched down on the surface of near-Earth asteroid Ryugu. The readings it took with various instruments at those times have given researchers insight into the physical and chemical properties of the 1-kilometer-wide asteroid. These findings could help explain the history of Ryugu and other asteroids, as well as the solar system at large.
When our solar system formed around 5 billion years ago, most of the material it formed from became the sun, and a fraction of a percent became the planets and solid bodies, including asteroids. Planets have changed a lot since the early days of the solar system due to geological processes, chemical changes, bombardments and more. But asteroids have remained more or less the same as they are too small to experience those things, and are therefore useful for researchers who investigate the early solar system and our origins.
"I believe knowledge of the evolutionary processes of asteroids and planets are essential to understand the origins of the Earth and life itself," said Associate Professor Tomokatsu Morota from the Department of Earth and Planetary Science at the University of Tokyo. "Asteroid Ryugu presents an amazing opportunity to learn more about this as it is relatively close to home, so Hayabusa2 could make a return journey relatively easily. "
Hayabusa2 launched in December 2014 and reached Ryugu in June 2018. At the time of writing, Hayabusa2 is on its way back to Earth and is scheduled to deliver a payload in December 2020. This payload consists of small samples of surface material from Ryugu collected during two touchdowns in February and July of 2019. Researchers will learn much from the direct study of this material, but even before it reaches us, Hayabusa2 helped researchers to investigate the physical and chemical makeup of Ryugu.
"We used Hayabusa2's ONC-W1 and ONC-T imaging instruments to look at dusty matter kicked up by the spacecraft's engines during the touchdowns," said Morota. "We discovered large amounts of very fine grains of dark-red colored minerals. These were produced by solar heating, suggesting at some point Ryugu must have passed close by the sun."
Morota and his team investigated the spatial distribution of the dark-red matter around Ryugu as well as its spectra or light signature. The strong presence of the material around specific latitudes corresponded to the areas that would have received the most solar radiation in the asteroid's past; hence, the belief that Ryugu must have passed by the sun.
"From previous studies we know Ryugu is carbon-rich and contains hydrated minerals and organic molecules. We wanted to know how solar heating chemically changed these molecules," said Morota. "Our theories about solar heating could change what we know of orbital dynamics of asteroids in the solar system. This in turn alters our knowledge of broader solar system history, including factors that may have affected the early Earth."
When Hayabusa2 delivers material it collected during both touchdowns, researchers will unlock even more secrets of our solar history. Based on spectral readings and albedo, or reflectivity, from within the touchdown sites, researchers are confident that both dark-red solar-heated material and gray unheated material were collected by Hayabusa2. Morota and his team hope to study larger properties of Ryugu, such as its many craters and boulders.
"I wish to study the statistics of Ryugu's surface craters to better understand the strength characteristics of its rocks, and history of small impacts it may have received," said Morota. "The craters and boulders on Ryugu meant there were limited safe landing locations for Hayabusa2. Finding a suitable location was hard work and the eventual first successful touchdown was one of the most exciting events of my life."
Journal article
T. Morota, S. Sugita, Y. Cho, M. Kanamaru, E. Tatsumi, N. Sakatani, R. Honda, N. Hirata, H. Kikuchi, M. Yamada, Y. Yokota, S. Kameda, M. Matsuoka, H. Sawada, C. Honda, T. Kouyama, K. Ogawa, H. Suzuki, K. Yoshioka, M. Hayakawa, N. Hirata, M. Hirabayashi, H. Miyamoto, T. Michikami, T. Hiroi, R. Hemmi, O. S. Barnouin, C. M. Ernst, K. Kitazato, T. Nakamura, L. Riu, H. Senshu, H. Kobayashi, S. Sasaki, G. Komatsu, N. Tanabe, Y. Fujii, T. Irie, M. Suemitsu, N. Takaki, C. Sugimoto, K. Yumoto, M. Ishida, H. Kato, K. Moroi, D. Domingue, P. Michel, C. Pilorget, T. Iwata, M. Abe, M. Ohtake, Y. Nakauchi, K. Tsumura, H. Yabuta, Y. Ishihara, R. Noguchi, K. Matsumoto, A. Miura, N. Namiki, S. Tachibana, M. Arakawa, H. Ikeda, K. Wada, T. Mizuno, C. Hirose, S. Hosoda, O. Mori, T. Shimada, S. Soldini, R. Tsukizaki, H. Yano, M. Ozaki, H. Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, T. Okada, Y. Shimaki, K. Shirai, Y. Iijima, H. Noda, S. Kikuchi, T. Yamaguchi, N. Ogawa, G. Ono, Y. Mimasu, K. Yoshikawa, T. Takahashi, Y. Takei, A. Fujii, S. Nakazawa, F. Terui, S. Tanaka, M. Yoshikawa, T. Saiki, S. Watanabe and Y. Tsuda. Sample collection from asteroid 162173 Ryugu by Hayabusa2: Implications for surface evolution. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz6306
Funding and support
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (Grant Nos. 17H06459, 19H01951, 17H01175, 17KK0097, 19H00727, 18H01267, 18K11610, 19K03955, 16H04044, 19K03958). JSPS Core-to-Core program "International Network of Planetary Sciences." NASA EW and PDART programs. NASA/Solar System Workings (NNH17ZDA001N/80NSSC19K0548) and Auburn University's intramural research grant. OSIRIS-REx under Contract NNM10AA11C issued through the NASA New Frontiers Program. NASA Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Program. French space agency CNES and Academies of Excellence: Complex systems and Space, environment, risk, and resilience, part of the IDEX JEDI of the Université Côte d'Azur. European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 870377 (project NEO-MAPP).
Useful links
Previous research on Ryugu
Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Graduate School of Science
Research contact
Associate Professor Tomokatsu Morota
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, 113-0033 Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)70-3179-8040
Email: morota@eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
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