Saturday, January 30, 2021


Canadians want online hate and racism curbed, even at cost of freedom of speech, poll finds

Most Canadians want the government and social media companies to do more to curtail hateful and racist behaviour online even if it diminishes freedom of speech and privacy, according to a national opinion survey.

The poll found a majority of respondents believed hateful and racist online content has increased over the past few years. Of daily social media users, 55 per cent said they have seen or experienced racist content online; 50 per cent sexist content; 46 per cent homophobic content; 46 per cent physical threats and 26 per cent sexual harassment.
© Provided by National Post The poll found broad support for ideas such as requiring social media companies to inform police of serious hate speech.

The findings add to fraught debates over free speech and censorship, the power of Big Tech, the boundary between opinions and abuse, and how best to maintain free speech in an omnipresent online world.

The poll was commissioned by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, a Crown corporation, and conducted by Abacus Data, an Ottawa-based public opinion research firm that surveyed 2,000 randomly selected Canadian residents from January 15 to 18.

By a two-to-one margin, respondents were more worried about online hate speech than they were about restrictions on freedom of speech and privacy protection.

Respondents were asked: “When it comes to regulating hate speech online, which of the following comes closest to your view?” They were given two options.

“I worry more about the impact of hate speech and racism on people it harms and the impact on society overall than on limits to people’s freedom of speech or protecting privacy,” was selected by 69 per cent of respondents.

Thirty-one percent of respondents selected: “I worry more about governments and social media companies being able to limit the rights of citizens to express themselves and protecting the privacy of users than the impact of hateful or racist behaviour online.”

The view was widely supported across demographics, according to the Abacus data, including all age groups and genders. The largest split on the sentiment was along ideological lines.

Of those describing their politics as being on the left, 81 per cent said they were more worried about hate speech and racism than limiting freedom of speech; 70 per cent of those describing their views as in the centre chose the same option, as did 50 per cent of those describing their politics as being on the right.

Further, 60 per cent of all respondents said the Canadian government should be doing more to prevent the spread of hateful and racist content online; 17 per cent rejected that idea and 23 per cent said they weren’t sure.

The idea of government intervention was rejected by eight per cent of the left, 15 per cent of the centre, and 38 per cent of the right.

Overall, almost all respondents believed online hateful and racist content is a problem in Canada: 49 per cent described it as a big problem, 44 per cent as a minor problem, and seven per cent as not a problem.

“Hate speech and racism are things that have always been with us, but social media platforms allow them to be disseminated under the veil of anonymity to much wider audiences,” said Mohammed Hashim, executive director of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation. “The fact that most Canadians see this as a problem is all the more reason why our government needs to make online hate speech regulation a policy priority,” he said.

The survey was done independently, and the government was not informed or consulted in its creation, he said.

That wide swaths of the Canadian public said they support government and tech companies being more interventionist isn’t surprising but should also be concerning, said Cara Zwibel, director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association’s Fundamental Freedoms Program.

“The tension between protecting freedom of expression and making sure that people are not subject to discrimination or hate are conflicts that have existed for a long time but have a different kind of scope and urgency because of the internet,” she said.

“This is a really complicated issue and I’m apprehensive of what the government is planning and what approach it might take.”

There can be nuance to unpopular opinion versus something seen as hateful, and the view may be different in a courtroom than on social media, she said.

“I don’t dispute that online expression can result in real-world harm. I do think it is a really tricky area to effectively regulate without potentially causing a lot of unintended damage,” Zwibel said.

The poll floated ideas on how to respond to online hate, and found broad support for each of them.

Ideas included: Requiring social media companies to quickly remove racist or hateful content when it is identified; requiring social media companies to inform police of serious hate speech; strengthening laws to hold perpetrators accountable for what they do online; increasing police training and resources to deal with online hate; and requiring social media companies to reveal the identity of users who spread hateful or racist material.

Any substantive move by government to impose restrictions on internet communications would undoubtedly be challenged in court as an infringement of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The poll found a majority of respondents believed hateful and racist online content has increased over the past few years. Of daily social media users, 55 per cent said they have seen or experienced racist content online; 50 per cent sexist content; 46 per cent homophobic content; 46 per cent physical threats and 26 per cent sexual harassment.


Canadians support government crackdown on hate and racism on social media, poll finds

A poll conducted in the wake of the storming of the U.S. Capitol by Donald Trump supporters and far-right groups has found that most Canadians want government action against online hate.
 Minister of Canadian Heritage Steven Guilbeault speaks during a discussion at the Prime Time 2020 conference in Ottawa, Thursday January 30, 2020.

Commissioned by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, the poll results also show that almost three-quarters of Canadians are concerned about the rise of right-wing extremism and terrorism.

The results were released Monday by the CRRF, a Crown corporation, as the Liberal government is preparing to introduce measures to regulate social media content.

“The fact that most Canadians see this as a problem is all the more reason why our government needs to make online hate speech regulation a policy priority,” said Mohammed Hashim, the foundation's executive director.

Read more: Neo-Nazis, extremists capitalizing on COVID-19, declassified CSIS documents say

During the 2019 federal election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he would require social media companies to remove illegal content such as hate speech within 24 hours or face "significant financial penalties."

The pledge remains unfulfilled, but the government said last week it would soon introduce legislation to regulate internet content.

Under the proposal, online platforms would have to "monitor and eliminate illegal content," said Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault's spokesperson Camille Gagné-Raynauld.

"That includes hate speech, terrorist propaganda, violent content, child sexual exploitation and the non-consensual sharing of intimate images," she said.

"We will also ensure that victims are heard and protected by providing them with a simplified, safe and independent complaint process."

Pressure on social media companies to crack down on hate

The Abacus Data poll, which surveyed 2,000 Canadians between Jan. 15 and 18, reported that 58 per cent felt hateful content on the internet was increasing, and 60 per cent wanted greater federal regulation.

Support for requiring social media companies to remove racist or hateful content within one day was pegged at 80%, while 10 per cent were opposed, the poll said.

It also reported approval of other measures, such as requiring social media companies to remove users who shared racist or hateful content on their platforms.

Read more: How the Toronto-registered websites of al-Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban were taken down

Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants have responded to major incidents of extremist violence such as the New Zealand mosque attacks by deplatforming users for violating their rules.

The siege at the U.S. Capitol during the confirmation of President Joe Biden’s election victory triggered another purge of far-right groups like the Proud Boys from mainstream platforms.

But Bernie Farber, chair of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, said allowing companies to police themselves had not worked.

“They self-regulate and they’re not doing a good job,” he said.

He said right-wing extremists were exploiting online platforms, which he called a “tool for some of the most pernicious hate groups on the continent and around the world.”

“They exist only because they are able to use these platforms,” he said. “That is why they’re growing. That is why we saw what happened in Washington. There have to be rules.”

Read more: Over 6,600 right-wing extremist social media channels, accounts linked to Canada, study finds

Twenty-five per cent of those polled were extremely concerned about the rise of right-wing extremism and terrorism, while 23 per cent were very concerned, 23 per cent were somewhat concerned and 20 per cent were “not that concerned.”

Youths aged 18 to 29, racialized Canadians and those on the political left were most likely to be concerned. Among the political right, 60 per cent were concerned and 36 per cent unconcerned about the issue.

The poll found that a third had seen online content inciting violence, while six per cent had experienced it. For racialized Canadians, the figures were significantly higher, at 41 per cent and 11 per cent.

“Across every item, racialized Canadians are more likely to report experiencing or seeing content online,” the poll said.

Overall, 49 per cent thought online hate and racism was a “big problem,” while 44 per cent considered it a “minor” problem. Youths and left-leaning Canadians were most likely to see it as a problem.

“We are encouraged that Canadians appear to be willing to support a strong framework for ensuring we minimize hate and harassment — even in the darkest corners of virtual society,” Hashim said.

The poll’s margin of error was 2.2 per cent, 19 times out of 20.

Group: Pakistani Baloch dissident buried amid high security

QUETTA, Pakistan — A Pakistani dissident and civil rights activist who died in exile in Canada last month was returned to Pakistan and laid to rest in her home village in southwestern Baluchistan province under tight security, activists said Monday.
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Only immediate family members of 37-year-old Karima Baloch were allowed to attend her funeral Sunday in the village of Tump in Baluchistan.

Her supporters claim that Pakistani troops had sealed off the village and prevented them from attending her burial. Her remains were brought to Pakistan from Canada earlier Sunday.

Baloch’s body was found Dec. 22 near Toronto’s downtown waterfront, a place that she liked and often visited, a day after she was reported missing. Toronto police have not treated her death as suspicious though there were allegations by her supporters that she was killed.


A fierce critic of Pakistani spy agencies that are often accused of abducting activists in Baluchistan and elsewhere in Pakistan, Baloch was granted asylum in Canada in 2016. Her death has raised suspicions among rights activists, who on Monday denounced authorities for holding the funeral in near secrecy.

“It is appalling to see how Karima Baloch’s dead body was treated," said Mohsin Dawar, a lawmaker from Pakistan's former tribal regions who campaigns for Pashtun minority right but like Baloch, has also criticized Pakistani spy agencies.

“It is not difficult to understand how this will deepen the divide and fuel separatism," he tweeted. "Is this the strategy to deal with the Baloch insurgency, to sprinkle salt on the wounds of Baloch?"

There was no immediate comment from the government, but a video that surfaced on social media shows soldiers turning back several mourners who are heard in the footage saying they wanted to pay their last respects to Baloch.

Angered over the situation, a Baloch nationalist group — the Baloch Solidarity Committee — issued a call for a daylong strike and complete shutdown in Baluchistan on Monday. Its statement said Pakistani troops spirited Baloch's coffin away on its arrival from Canada and foiled a move by her supporters to hold her funeral in Karachi, instead taking her remains to her home village.

Later on Sunday, hundreds of Baluch activists rallied in Karachi, denouncing the government for not allowing that Baloch's funeral be held in the city.

They chanted antigovernment slogans and demanded justice for Baloch, who they say was a “voice of the Baloch people” that was “silenced.” The activists insisted she did not die a natural death though they offered no evidence to support their allegation.

Baluchistan has for years been the scene of a low-level insurgency by small separatist groups and nationalists who complain of discrimination and demand a fairer share of their province’s resources and wealth.

Although there are also militant groups in Baluchistan that stage attacks on soldiers, separatists also often attack troops in the province, prompting authorities to detain suspects. Human rights activists often blame security forces of illegally holding people. Such detainees are usually not charged and do not appear in court, which draws protests from their families and rights activists.


Associated Press writer Munir Ahmed in Islamabad contributed to this report.

Abdul Sattar, The Associated Press

Vaccine inequality may have an economic impact, says report

A report by Vaccine inequality may have an economic impact, says report ( inequality may have an economic impact, says report ( International Chamber of Commerce says that developed countries will still be hit hard by COVID-19 if poorer countries don't get better access to vaccines.
Government stuck on 'narrow' approach to tackling wealth inequality, economist says

© Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, pictured here in November 2020, kicked off consultations this week for her first budget.

The government is barely scratching the surface when it comes to using its taxation tools to fight against wealth inequality, according to an economist frequently cited by Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland before her political career.

Freeland's updated mandate letter, published earlier this month, directs her to "identify additional ways to tax extreme wealth inequality." But so far, that seems limited to "very gingerly" closing some stock option loopholes, Miles Corak said in an interview on CBC Radio's The House.

If the government wants to make substantial efforts to reduce wealth inequality and its "corrosive" effects on social mobility, Corak told host Chris Hall, the first place to start is to stick with the taxation principle of "a dollar is a dollar" and treat income and capital gains the same way. Currently, only half of capital gains — the increase in value of investments, such as stocks — qualify as taxable income.

"That's a huge benefit to the well-to-do," Corak said. "That is the elephant in the room."

Corak, a professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, is best known for his work contributing to the "Great Gatsby curve" — a chart showing the relationship between inequality and lack of social mobility. That research was frequently referred to by Freeland in her former career as a journalist and author.

Government approaches leave much off the table: Corak

But as the deputy prime minister begins consultations ahead of her first budget as Canada's finance minister, Corak said the government's actions may not be living up to the economic inequality challenge Freeland described seven years ago before entering politics. It depends, he said, on how the government interprets its own promises around taxing extreme wealth inequality and making the rich pay their "fair share."

If the budget "just focuses on a very narrow interpretation of those phrases, I think a good deal will be left off the table in a way that Minister Freeland, the author, might somehow regret," Corak said.

The idea of closing stock option loopholes and even beefing up enforcement by the Canada Revenue Agency is not as significant as the wealth tax proposed by the federal NDP or debated in the United States, Corak said.

To truly attack wealth inequality he said, more ambitious action is needed, including eliminating the taxation gap between capital gains and income, and implementing something like an inheritance tax.

The economist said Freeland was an informed observer of the challenges facing many Canadians, and she was a principled person sincerely acting to benefit Canadians.

"But she's also a capable politician," he said. "And sometimes in politics, where you stand depends upon where you sit. And she sits in the seat of the minister of finance."


Provinces sitting on millions in unspent federal pandemic spending, report says

OTTAWA — A new report on billions of dollars the federal government has sent to provinces to help safely reopen the economy suggests much of the money is sitting unused.
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Today's report also suggests that federal efforts to stretch the financial impact of those dollars is falling short as many provinces have bucked cost-matching requests.

The analysis by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says six out of 10 provinces haven't spent all the money the federal government has sent their way, including for things like personal protective equipment.

Author David Macdonald says some of the money may yet be spent, but notes the longer it remains unspent, the less likely it ever will be spent.

Macdonald's analysis is based on a review of provincial and federal spending announcements, reconciling duplications, as well as provincial spending documents.

Federal and provincial governments are allocating hundreds of billions in direct spending and liquidity support to help workers, families, front-line workers and businesses make it through the pandemic.

The federal treasury has managed the lion's share of COVID-19 spending — accounting for about $8 in every $10 of aid, according to the federal Finance Department's math.

"They are the ones spending the money, they're the ones creating the funds and to a large degree setting the agenda of where they would like those funds to go," Macdonald said.

Included in the spending is $24 billion the federal Liberals sent to provinces in the fall under the "safe restart" agreement that was supposed to help make it safer for daycares, schools and businesses to reopen.

The report notes that money is sitting idle from a fund aimed at topping up the wages of workers deemed essential like those in long-term care facilities and grocery stores. Provincial governments were supposed to chip in for part of the top-up.

Macdonald says six out of 10 provinces haven't used the money available to them, with Alberta leaving the most on the table by far at almost $336 million.

He also says some return-to-class money hasn't been spent, particularly in Quebec.

Other provinces like Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick appear to have ignored a federal request to match funding to cash-strapped municipalities, Macdonald says.

There is no immediate explanation for why, but Macdonald says it was possible that the federal government decided to give smaller provinces a break on the cost-matching requirements to ease the strain on their own finances.

He notes that larger provinces did pony up matching dollars.

Combined, the underspending and lack of cost-matching raise questions for the government about its plan to spend between $70 billion and $100 billion over three years to prod an economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Macdonald says the stimulus bump from the planned spending could be diminished if provinces don't spend money sent to them, or don't match funding when asked.

That may require the Liberals to put tight rules on forthcoming spending, he says.

"If provinces aren't willing to go along, there may well be provinces that would be left out of, say, new federal spending on child care and new federal spending on long-term care if they're unwilling to go along with federal priorities or federal standards," he said.

"Otherwise, the provinces are clearly going to call the federal bluff."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 26, 2021.

Jordan Press, The Canadian Press
'Thank god for Canada': Harriet Tubman on the US$20 bill is a triumph for the Great White North

© Provided by National Post Portrait of Harriet Tubman taken just after the end of the U.S. Civil War.

The new administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has fast-tracked efforts to feature famed abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the US$20 bill, a change that was first announced in 2016. Below, an updated version of a post first published in 2016 arguing the Canadian case for why there could be no greater figure on the world’s most circulated banknote.

If Canada could have hoped for anyone on a United States Treasury Note, it would have to be Harriet Tubman.

Here was a woman who lived in Canada, who risked her life to turn people into Canadians and stands as a testament that when it came to basic human freedom, the so-called “land of liberty” couldn’t hold a candle to a cold, agrarian British colony. “I wouldn’t trust Uncle Sam with my people no longer, I brought ’em all clear off to Canada,” Tubman told her biographer in 1869.

Tubman will be taking the place of seventh president Andrew Jackson, one of four men featured on U.S. money who owned slaves — and a president who ironically hated central banking.

“We’re ecstatic that we can call her one of our own,” said Rochelle Bush, historian for Tubman’s former church in St. Catharines, Ont. Between the 1851 passage of the Fugitive Slave Act and the opening shots of the Civil War 10 years later, Tubman was a well-known attendee at the Salem Chapel British Methodist Episcopal Church.

That is, when she wasn’t slipping back over the border to smuggle more people to Canada via the Underground Railroad. In total, Tubman freed roughly 300 former slaves by bringing them to Canadian soil, and hundreds of their descendants remain in the country to this day. Within Tubman’s own family tree, in fact, Bush estimates there are roughly 100 descendants living in Ontario and British Columbia.

As Bush noted, it’s a further testament to Canada that some of these Tubman descendants look black, while others look white. “Thank god for Canada; interracial marriage was accepted,” she said. In several former slave states, meanwhile, interracial marriage would not be legalized until 50 years after Tubman’s death.

Canada’s history is not free of chattel slavery. Notably, James McGill, the founder of McGill University, owned black household slaves. But as a component part of the British Empire, Canada was subject to London’s 1834 effective abolition of the practice , which occurred a full 31 years before slavery was completely abolished in the U.S.

Nevertheless, U.S. history has long been unusually coy about pointing out where the Underground Railroad actually ended. Often, textbooks will merely say that slaves were fleeing “north.” While early passengers on the Underground Railroad were initially able to stop their journey in the free Northern states, that ended in 1850 with the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act, a notoriously coercive measure that made it a crime for Northerners to shelter escaped slaves, even if they lived in a state where slavery had already been rendered illegal. From that point forward, the Underground Railroad had to be extended beyond U.S. borders into British territory

Tubman has already been adopted as a figure important to Canadian history. She was briefly in the running to feature on Canada’s $10 bill, and has been named by Parks Canada as a person of national historic significance. Saint Catharines is also home to the Harriet Tubman Public School, complete with a life-sized bronze statue of Tubman.

Kathleen Powell, manager of the St. Catharines Museum, similarly touted that “someone from St. Catharines” would be on a U.S. banknote (which, incidentally, currently costs CDN$25.40).

The honour will soon make Tubman among the most recognizable visages in the world, up there with Albert Einstein and the ubiquitous portrait of Mao Zedong. United States currency is used well beyond the country’s borders, and greenbacks remain the official or unofficial means of monetary exchange in several Central American countries and unstable corners of Africa. And among this vast array of international transactions, it’s the $20 that changes hands the most.

“There’s more $20 bills than human beings out there,” said Douglas Mudd, director of the Edward C. Rochette Money Museum in Colorado. The choice of Tubman is of sort of a no-brainer, said Mudd. In her 90 years, Tubman ran the gamut of United States history; a former slave, an abolitionist, a Civil War hero and an early suffragist. And, like any archetypal American hero, she always carried a gun. “In one person, she covers a number of different bases,” he said.

And, unlike a lot of the more political choices for U.S. money, support for Tubman is definitively nonpartisan. The conservative National Review, for one, praised the addition of a “gun-toting, Jesus-loving spy” in place of “overheated pompous populist” Andrew Jackson.

Appearing on a U.S. treasury note has a way of thrusting people into immortality. Alexander Hamilton was an influential Secretary of the Treasury, to be sure, but it was likely his face on the $10 bill that kept his legend strong centuries after his death. It was the prospect of taking Hamilton off the money, in fact, that inspired a revival in the Founding Father’s life story, including the hit Broadway musical Hamilton.

Canadians, of course, have a bad habit of smugly talking up their country in the presence of Americans, but Bush said it’s entirely fine now to “proclaim it to everybody” that the woman on the $20 bill appreciated Canada’s policy of not forcing those of African heritage to work for free.

Of course, in addition to former slaves, Canada also took in the people who had once owned them.

After the Civil War, in which Tubman served as a valuable Union spy and armed scout, British North America accepted many exiled Southerners from the defeated Confederacy, including Confederate president Jefferson Davis . “Canada was the gateway to freedom,” said Bush, “not only for freedom-seekers (the name for Underground Railroad refugees) but for Confederates as well.”
Union wants meat-plant workers on early COVID-19 vaccine list

CALGARY — The president of a union representing employees at some of the largest meat-packing plants in the country says there needs to be a discussion about making the COVID-19 vaccine more readily available to essential workers
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Thomas Hesse of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 401 says he realizes there's a shortage of the vaccine right now. But once that is remedied, he says, workers at large operations such as the Cargill meat-packing plant in High River, Alta., and the JBS Canada plant in Brooks, Alta., shouldn't have to wait too long.

"In the coming months at some point someone's going to make a decision about who gets the vaccination. Will there be a priority? Will there be any prioritization of any so-called essential workers?" he asked in an interview with The Canadian Press.

The two plants, which together normally process about 70 per cent of Canada's beef supply, were hot spots for COVID-19 outbreaks last spring.

Cargill's plant, south of Calgary, shut down for two weeks in April because of an outbreak that initially affected 350 of its 2,200 workers. Eventually nearly half the workers contracted the novel coronavirus and two employees died.

COVID-19 forced JBS to reduce its production to a single shift a day for a month, which added to a backlog of cattle at feedlots. The plants brought in safety measures that included temperature testing, physical distancing, and cleaning and sanitizing before they returned to normal operations.

Packing-plant employees are still at risk, Hesse said.

"In a Cargill or a JBS or other manufacturing facility in Alberta, there'll be a couple of thousand workers in a big box still working in relative proximity," he said.

"These are essential workers. They're at higher risk. This is clearly an occupational disease. Many of them want to have access to a safe vaccine."

Hesse said the union plans to hold a town-hall meeting Sunday to hear members views and what to do if getting a vaccination becomes a condition of employment.

An official with Cargill said the company is working with health authorities and medical experts to make sure its employees have access to vaccines when they become available without jeopardizing the priority being given to health-care workers

"We will prioritize our front-line workers whenever we can, as they continue to work tirelessly to keep our food system going strong," said Daniel Sullivan in an email.

"Because we know vaccines don't work without vaccinations, we also will join local health authorities in promoting the importance of vaccination among our employees."

JBS USA said it will offer all its employees a $100 bonus, including those in Brooks, if they get vaccinated in the future.

"Our goal is to remove any barriers to vaccination and incentivize our team members to protect themselves, their families and their co-workers," said CEO Andre Nogueira.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 27, 2021

— Follow @BillGraveland on Twitter

Bill Graveland, The Canadian Press
Canada's Richest 44 People Add $53.6B In Wealth As 20% Of Low-Income Jobs Vanish

© Provided by HuffPost Canada

Canada is facing the spectre of “the greatest rise in inequality on record” as investors’ portfolios soar in value while hundreds of thousands of people join the ranks of the unemployed, anti-poverty group Oxfam Canada says in a new report.

The country’s 44 billionaires ― as listed by Forbes magazine ― have collectively added $63.5 billion in wealth since stock and bond markets began recovering in March of 2020, Oxfam found.

Worldwide, the ultra-rich have recovered from the pandemic’s economic shock, Oxfam said, but for the world’s poor, the group estimates recovery will take a decade.

Canadians at the lower end of the economic ladder are facing a major challenge to their wealth, with employment in Canada down by 636,000 jobs since the pandemic began, and another 488,000 people working less than half their usual hours, according to Statistics Canada.

In a recent report, economists at CIBC found one in five lower-income jobs in Canada had disappeared over the past year, while the country added almost 350,000 higher-income jobs at the same time.

“Women and marginalized racial and ethnic groups are bearing the brunt of this crisis,” said Diana Sarosi, director of policy and campaigns for Oxfam Canada.

“They are more likely to be pushed into poverty, go hungry or be excluded from healthcare. And yet, they are more likely to work frontline jobs that increase their exposure to the virus.”

Oxfam is calling for countries around the world to institute an emergency one-per-cent “excess profit” tax, an idea Canada’s New Democratic Party has also championed.

If it was levied on just the 32 global corporations that saw the largest profit increase amid the pandemic, Oxfam says it would have raised US$104 billion (C$132 billion) in 2020. That would be enough to cover pandemic unemployment benefits and child support in all lower- and middle-income countries, or nearly enough to cover the European Union’s aid to the unemployed, the group said.

Canada Seeing ‘Dramatic Widening’ Of Income Gap Amid Pandemic: CIBC

Singh Says Conservative Premiers 'Completely Failed People' On Paid Sick Days

Canada isn’t faring quite as badly as some other countries, Sarosi said, but it stands out in a bad way on sick leave policies.

Only two provinces ― Quebec and Prince Edward Island ― had mandatory sick leave days for workers prior to emergency measures put in place during the pandemic, though many employers offered some number of paid sick days.

The federal government introduced a Canada Sickness Recovery Benefit (CSRB) last fall, offering $500 per week for up to two weeks, but some health agencies said that’s not enough on its own to make a difference, as it pays less than a full-time minimum wage job and doesn’t address job security issues for workers who take time off.
Growing gender gap

Sarosi is particularly concerned about a growing gender gap in the pandemic, noting women ― and disproportionately women of color and those with disabilities ― are taking the brunt of the economic hit. She notes 70 per cent of the job losses in the pandemic have been among women, largely because they were concentrated in the low-wage industries that got hit hardest.

She says reforming Canada’s child care industry should be a major part of the reforms, noting that women, in particular, were thrust into new caregiver roles during the pandemic.

“Child care was unaffordable for families before the crisis hit, and now it’s even worse,” she told HuffPost Canada.

“In European countries, women have access to affordable child care and here it’s just completely left to market forces.”

Quebec’s subsidized child care model is one Canada could emulate, Sarosi said. The program, which costs parents between $7.30 and $20 per day, has been lauded by policy experts who say it’s the reason why a higher share of women in Quebec are in the workforce, compared to other provinces.

“It really is an investment. All the money that has been put in the system has been recuperated through increased tax revenue so the system paid for itself,” Sarosi said.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost Canad
Opioid overdose deaths occur less often in areas with more cannabis retail storefronts, study shows

© Provided by National Post Canada legalized cannabis use in 2018 and since then, licensed cannabis retail outlets, called dispensaries, have been popping up with regularity.

The more legal cannabis dispensaries a region has the fewer opioid deaths they suffered, according to a detailed new study published in a top-tier medical journal. Most sharply reduced were deaths from fentanyl overdoses.

In areas with one legal storefront cannabis dispensary, opioid death rates were an estimated 17 per cent lower than average. In areas with two dispensaries, there was an estimated 21 per cent reduction in mortality rates, the study found.

The results — based on U.S. data — suggest marijuana use as an alternative to opioids in pain management could improve health prospects.

What the study doesn’t do, however, is specifically declare a direct cause of lower opioid death rates.

“Our findings suggest that higher storefront cannabis dispensary counts are associated with reduced opioid-related mortality rates at the county level,” the authors write. “While the associations documented cannot be assumed to be causal, they suggest a potential association between increased prevalence of medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries and reduced opioid-related mortality rates.”

The study by Greta Hsu, at the University of California, Davis, and Balázs Kovács, at Yale University, was published this week in The BMJ, a respected medical journal previous known as the British Medical Journal.

It follows a Canadian study published this week that found legalizing cannabis led to a “marked decline” in the volume of opioids prescribed across Canada.

The Canadian study, published in Applied Health Economics and Health Policy journal, concludes that “easier access to cannabis for pain may reduce opioid use for both public and private drug plans.”

Another Canadian study, published last month and based on a large prospective examination of Canadian medical cannabis patients, found cannabis use significantly reduced the use of prescription opioids.

Published in the journal Pain Medicine, the Canadian academics concluded: “The high rate of cannabis use for chronic pain and the subsequent reductions in opioid use suggest that cannabis may play a harm reduction role in the opioid overdose crisis, potentially improving the quality of life of patients and overall public health.”

The BMJ study focusses on the extreme outcomes of opioid use.

“This association holds for both medical and recreational dispensaries, and appears particularly strong for deaths associated with synthetic (non-methadone) opioids, which include the highly potent synthetic opioid fentanyl and its analogs,” the study says.

“This study highlights the importance of considering the complex supply side of related drug markets and how this shapes opioid use and misuse.”

Canada legalized cannabis use in 2018 and since then, licensed cannabis retail outlets, called dispensaries, have been popping up with regularity. Although cannabis remains illegal under U.S. federal law, an increasing number of U.S. states have legalized its use and sale, some for recreational use but more frequently for medical use.

Deaths from overdoses of opioids — a class of drugs that include heroin, prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, a particularly powerful pain killer — have risen sharply in many countries, including Canada. Fentanyl, in particular, has caused wide alarm.

The researchers, using U.S. data, said highly addictive opioids represent more than two thirds of all U.S. drug overdose deaths in 2018. According to Canadian government data, there were 17,602 apparent opioid-related overdose deaths in Canada between January 2016 and June 2020.

Researchers have looked at what impact cannabis dispensaries have on the use, abuse and impact of other drugs in the past, and have returned with mixed results.

In response, the two U.S. researchers drilled down to a more local level to compare data in U.S. counties that actually have dispensaries, rather than look at statewide or nation-wide data.

Their study also took into account how many dispensaries were operating in each county, probing how the count of cannabis dispensaries relates to opioid deaths.

Their data set spanned from 2014 to 2018, the first year that structured data on dispensaries was available, and ending with the most recent period for detailed health statistics.

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Vancouver, Feds Take Next Step Towards Decriminalizing Illicit Drug Possession

© Provided by HuffPost Canada A view of Crab Park at Portside and the downtown Vancouver skyline, looking west, in Vancouver on Oct. 10, 2020.

OTTAWA — The City of Vancouver has received a signal from the federal government to start formal discussions around its plan to decriminalize simple possession of illicit drugs.

In a statement Wednesday, Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart called the step “another hopeful and critical milestone on the path towards fully embracing a health-focussed approach to substance use” in the city.

“This news comes at a time when the overdose crisis in our city has never been worse, with a person-a-day still needlessly dying due to poison drugs,” Stewart said.

“While 2020 looks to be the deadliest year on record for overdoses, I am hopeful that this news from Ottawa can mean that 2021 will be different.”

He thanked federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu for her “positive response” to the request..

Though the municipal and federal governments have started formal discussions, Kennedy’s spokesperson told HuffPost Canada there’s no set timeline for how long the process will take.

“The mayor wants them to begin [as soon as possible],” said Alvin Singh.

He explained the first step will be to create an initial framework proposal with consultation from Vancouver Coastal Health, the Vancouver Police Department, community groups and advocates, and individuals with lived experiences.

“Then, we’ll be able to go back and forth with Health Canada,” Singh said. “So sadly, not a lot of detail for timing, but we want it to happen quickly and there is a lot of expertise in Vancouver that will allow us to move towards a framework proposal in short order.”

In a Monday email obtained by HuffPost, Hajdu told Kennedy she is “committed to our continued work to identify options that respond to the local needs of the City of Vancouver.”

She also expressed optimism the partnership will address racial disparities such as the disproportionate representation of racialized people in the criminal justice system

“Recent statistics show that the rate of Indigenous adults admitted to federal custody was six times higher than the rate of non-Indigenous adults, while the rate for Black inmates was two times higher than for non-Black inmates,” the email read.

The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the impacts of the opioid crisis, and we cannot forget how it has impacted thousands of families in communities across Canada.Cole Davidson, spokesperson for Health Minister Patty Hajdu

HuffPost asked Health Canada for more details about the expected timeline for discussions. A spokesperson for the health minister did not provide additional details.

“Substance use is a health issue, not a moral one,” Cole Davidson, Hajdu’s spokesperson, said in an email. “The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the impacts of the opioid crisis, and we cannot forget how it has impacted thousands of families in communities across Canada. We have lost too many Canadians to overdoses and all levels of government must redouble efforts to save lives.

“Our approach has focused on harm reduction, including supporting the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, funding programs to divert people who use drugs from the criminal justice system, and enhancing access to safe consumption sites, safer supply, and expanded treatment options.”

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The development comes seven months after British Columbia Premier John Horgan wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, asking the federal government to decriminalize personal possession of all psychoactive substances to help eliminate the stigma around drug use.

Advocates have urged politicians to give more attention to the issue given the alarming number of overdose-related deaths linked to the opioid crisis.

Vancouver city councillors unanimously passed a motion in November to ask the federal government to decriminalize small, personal possession of illicit drugs.

The motion called it a “necessary next step to reduce the stigma associated with substance use and encourage people at risk to access lifesaving harm reduction and treatment services.” That month, the city reported 329 overdose deaths in the year to date.
Vancouver following process that led to InSite approval

The City of Vancouver is seeking a federal exemption to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which would allow substance use to be treated as a health issue rather than a criminal justice one.

It traces the same steps the city took to obtain a federal exemption to provisions of the act related to trafficking in 2003. That exemption, granted under Jean Chrétien’s Liberal government, allowed Vancouver to open North America’s first supervised injection site, InSite, in the Downtown Eastside.

Advocates fought for the opening of the facility to reduce needle-sharing and overdose deaths seen in the ’90s. Drug policy experts credited a changed political environment in 2002 and the community activism connections of a newly elected mayor as conduits to the opening of InSite.

There are signs of that sea change happening on the issue of decriminalizing simple possession of illicit drugs. Following in Vancouver’s footsteps, Montreal city council passed a motion Tuesday to ask the federal government to decriminalize simple drug possession.

© Provided by HuffPost Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada, January 4, 2016. -- Montreal is seen from Mount Royal (mont Royal) when the night is coming. 
(Photo by Thierry Tronnel/Corbis via Getty Images)

The current federal government has previously signalled that they have “no plans” to decriminalize illicit drugs, despite the issue being ranked as a top policy item by grassroots members of the Liberal Party at the party’s 2018 convention.
Police chiefs back push to decriminalize simple possession

Last year, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) released a report asking for substance use to be recognized as a public health issue.

The consensus from police chiefs is that criminally charging substance users with simple possession of illicit drugs won’t save lives.

But decriminalizing illicit drugs is only one piece of the puzzle, the report said, adding that ensuring and monitoring safe supply is another.

“While decriminalization can reduce some harms for people who use drugs, they are still dependent on an illegal market where the contents and strength of drugs are unknown,” states the CACP report.

“The unregulated drug supply in Canada has become toxic, leading to overdoses and death. Determining how best to regulate all drugs would be complicated and take time.”

In August, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada marked a shift by issuing a new directive for federal prosecutors to only focus on the “most serious cases raising public safety concerns for prosecution and to otherwise pursue suitable alternative measures and diversion from the criminal justice system for simple possession cases.”

The deaths of more than 17,600 people between January 2016 and June 2020 have been linked to apparent opioid toxicity, according to government data. A majority of these deaths have been accidental and linked to fentanyl.

It’s been nearly five years since a spike in opioid-related overdose deaths in B.C. prompted the province to declare a public health emergency in April 2016.

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost Canada.