Sunday, June 18, 2023

 All-Muslim council in Michigan bans LGBTQ Pride flags

LGBTQ flag

A Muslim-led local authority in Michigan, USA, has banned LGBTQ+ flags on city property.

Earlier this week, Hamtramck City Council approved a proposed “neutrality flag” resolution that effectively banned LGBTQ+, religious, ethnic, racial and political flags from being flown on city property.

According to local media, several speakers who addressed the council on Tuesday said they supported the resolution, and many applauded in agreement. About 125 also sent in written comments, with many against the proposal.

The resolution said:

“WHEREAS, the City of Hamtramck is one of the most diverse cities in the United States, in which we should proudly promote and embrace its diversity; and

“WHEREAS, the City must and will serve and treat its residents equally, with no discrimination, or special treatment to any group of people; and

“WHEREAS, the City has authorized in the past, the Human Relations Commission to install nations flags on the City flagpoles to represent the international character of the City, Resolution 2013- 102: and

“WHEREAS, each religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexually oriented group is already represented by the country it belongs to; and

“WHEREAS, the City does not want to open the door for radical or racist groups to ask for their flags to be flown; and

“WHEREAS, this resolution does not in any way, shape or form infringe upon the fundamental right of an individual or business in the City of Hamtramck to engage free speech. Nor does this resolution limit speech by public employees provided that such employees engage in such speech in a protected time, manner and place.

“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Michigan, that the government of the City of Hamtramck does not allow any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags to be flown on the City’s public properties, and that only, the American flag, the flag of the State of Michigan, the Hamtramck Flag, the Prisoner of War flag and the nations’ flags that represent the international character of our City shall be flown.”

In 2022, Hamtramck, which is only 2 square miles, appointed its first all-Muslim city council and mayor. The city is among the most diverse in Michigan.

Many told the council they believed limiting the types of flags allowed was a way to criticize the LGBTQ+ community and defied Hamtramck’s reputation as an inclusive place.

“This resolution, to me, feels like a thinly veiled attack on one flag,” said Darren Shelton, executive director of the city’s Planet Ant Theatre.

“We have to respect every human being,” said Bill Meyer, executive director of OneHamtramck LLC.

“I have a right to say I’m against the gay pride flag,” one man told the council.

Trotsky's Grandson Dies In Mexico
Esteban Volkov Bronstein

June 18, 2023

Esteban Volkov Bronstein, grandson and guardian of the memory of Soviet revolutionary Leon Trotsky, died in Mexico on June 17, the Spanish daily El Pais reported on June 18. He was 97. Born in Yalta, Ukraine, in 1926, Volkov came to Mexico at the age of 13 after spending most of his childhood moving from one country to another. Volkov was the last surviving witness to the 1940 assassination of Trotsky in his house in Mexico by Stalinist agents. He later turned the family home into a museum to honor the memory of his grandfather.

5 Weird Energy Innovations That May Become Reality

  •      Seaweed-to-fuel has not yet become a major industry, but research continues.

  •     Sand silos can be effective to store energy according to Finnish researchers.

Scientists are constantly pushing frontiers in search for solutions to the many challenges that human civilization faces, and nowhere is this truer than in energy.

With the tone of climate change alarm-sounding growing louder by the day, alternative energy sources have become one of the most active areas of innovation. Some of the results of that innovation are literally eye-watering. Others, you could call eye-opening. 

#1 Waste-to-power

This is not the waste-to-power you are probably thinking about; that is, farm animal manure or biomass.

No, this is the idea of turning human waste—both the number twos and the number ones—into energy. In Britain, a company operating in London has developed a sewage-powered heating system for more than 2,000 homes.

Per plans, sewage captured from the water treatment system can be used for heating, producing up to 7 GWh of electricity annually, which is a really impressive number. If this pilot project becomes a success, it will be expanded to more homes to provide them with low-carbon, essentially recycled power.

So much for the number twos. Meanwhile, number ones are also being researched as a source of energy and some researchers are producing results, such as this one: a battery capable of generating electricity from urine.

There’s also this one: scientists developing a fuel cell using bacteria that can turn urine into electricity. "The beauty of this fuel source is that we are not relying on the erratic nature of the wind or the sun; we are actually reusing waste to create energy,” one of the scientists involved in the project said.

#2 Cremation as a dual use service

If you think using pee and poo to generate energy is kind of disgusting, wait till you hear about the idea of using crematoriums as power generators. Once you get past the initial shock. However, the idea actually makes sense on some level. 

Crematoriums are a way of essentially disposing of human remains in an environmentally responsible way that incidentally involves the generation of massive amounts of strong heat—as much as 1,500 degrees F. Why let this heat go to waste instead of using it?Related: Rystad Sees Major Jump In Battery Storage Capacity Through 2023

It seems that a lot of researchers have been asking this question and some have come up with possible answers. One way of harnessing the power of heat from crematoriums was by attaching turbines to the facility’s burners. The turbines get turned by steam produced in the cremation chamber. The output is not massive, but it’s enough to power the crematorium and related facilities. And with more people choosing cremation over burial, at least in Europe, the “feedstock” is on the rise.

#3 The power of seaweed

Seaweed is already a pretty essential life form, but it could become even more essential in a low-carbon economy because apparently it could be used as fuel instead of gasoline or diesel.

A few years ago, Danish researchers drove a car fuelled by a seaweed-based fuel and managed to reach 80 kph with it. Seaweed-to-fuel has not yet become a major industry, but research continues.

Besides cars, biofuel produced from seaweed could potentially power aircraft as well. However, that path faces the same challenge as so-called sustainable aviation fuels or SAFs: there is too little feedstock. Planes use massive amounts of fuel.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is also involved in research focusing on seaweed and turning it into fuels, including jet fuel. A team is working on this in the Caribbean, with the twist that they are trying to see if they could combine abundant wood waste with seaweed to make fuel—and graphite. Graphite is a critical mineral or EV batteries. Seaweed is certainly an impressive life form.

#4 Sand batteries

One of the gravest problems with wind and solar energy is that battery storage based on the lithium-ion tech that dominates electronics today is hugely expensive. Some scientists are looking for alternatives and one team has found such an alternative in an unlikely place: sand.

It looks really simple. You just need to fill a silo with builder’s sand and then connect it to a wind or solar farm. The electricity that the farm produces goes into the silo and heats up the sand to temperatures of up to 500 degrees Celsius, or over 900 degrees Fahrenheit.

The heating creates hot air that circulates in the sand thanks to the deployment of a heat exchanger. According to the Finnish team that came up with the idea, this simple system can keep the sand heated up to 500 C/900 F for as long as several months. Once the energy is needed, it gets released to heat homes or other buildings.

#5 Body heat

If there is something even simpler than using 100 tons of sand to store heat, it is using the natural heat of human bodies to generate energy. “Simple” here doesn’t mean easy but the fact is that it is already being done.

Body heat energy generation is not a new concept. It has been around for more than ten years and it has been advancing. Initially, capturing the energy released as heat from the body could only power things like heart-rate monitors and watches, but now researchers are aiming higher—as high as cars.

A night club in Glasgow is storing the heat generated by the bodies of its patrons in reservoirs and then using it for heating or cooling the premises. The Mall of America in Minneapolis is also using the body heat of shoppers and visitors for heating purposes. Body heat looks like it has been underestimated for years but things are changing.

There are plenty of other weird-sounding or outright gross ideas for energy generation. Some of these could work and are already working, and others will likely never leave the lab. The momentum behind energy innovation, however, will likely remain quite considerable.

By Charles Kennedy for

Scientists Leap Forward In Sustainable Hydrogen Production

  • The researchers have gained a complete understanding of the reaction mechanism for a group of water-splitting catalysts, which could aid in producing pure hydrogen without relying on fossil fuels.

  • The team studied a catalyst based on a pentamethylcyclopentadienyl rhodium complex, focusing on the Cp* ligand and rare metal rhodium, which showed promising potential for this research.

  • The findings of this research could lead to improvements in other chemical processes besides clean hydrogen production and have broader applications in industrial chemistry, including the recycling of nuclear fuels and handling of actinide species.

University of Kansas and Brookhaven National Laboratory chemists have taken a big step toward splitting hydrogen and oxygen molecules to make pure hydrogen – without using fossil fuels. Results from pulse radiolysis experiments have laid bare the complete reaction mechanism for an important group of ‘water-splitting’ catalysts. The work means scientists are closer to making pure hydrogen from renewable energy, an energy source that could contribute to a greener future for the nation and world.

The team’s findings have been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Co-author James Blakemore, associate professor of chemistry, whose research in Lawrence forms the basis of the discovery said, “Understanding how the chemical reactions that make clean fuels like hydrogen work is very challenging – this paper represents the culmination of a project that I started in my very first year at KU. Our paper presents data that were hard-won from specialized techniques to understand how a certain catalyst for hydrogen generation does the job. The techniques that were used both here at KU and Brookhaven are quite specialized. Implementing these allowed us to get a full picture of how to make hydrogen from its constituent parts, protons and electrons.”

Blakemore’s research at KU was the foundation of the breakthrough. He took his work to Brookhaven for research using pulse radiolysis, as well as other techniques, at their Accelerator Center for Energy Research. Brookhaven is one of only two places in the nation housing equipment that enables pulse radiolysis experiments.

Brookhaven chemist Dmitry Polyansky, a co-author of the paper said, “It’s very rare that you can get a complete understanding of a full catalytic cycle. These reactions go through many steps, some of which are very fast and cannot be easily observed.”

Blakemore and his collaborators made the discovery by studying a catalyst that is based on a pentamethylcyclopentadienyl rhodium complex, which is [Cp*Rh] for short. They focused on the Cp* (pronounced C-P-“star”) ligand paired with the rare metal rhodium because of hints from prior work showing that this combination would be suitable for the work.

“Our rhodium system turned out to be a good target for the pulse radiolysis. The Cp* ligands, as they’re called, are familiar to most organometallic chemists, and really chemists of all stripes, he explained. “They’re used to support many catalysts and can stabilize a variety of species involved in catalytic cycles. One key finding of this paper gives fresh insight into how the Cp* ligand can be intimately involved in the chemistry of hydrogen evolution.”

But Blakemore stressed the findings could lead to other improved chemical processes besides producing clean hydrogen.

“In our work, we hope that chemists will see a study about how a common ligand, Cp*, can enable unusual reactivity,” the KU researcher said. “This unusual reactivity is relevant to the hydrogen story, but it’s actually bigger than this because Cp* is found in so many different catalysts. Chemists normally think of catalysts as being based on metals. In this way of thinking, if you’re making a new molecule, the metal is the key actor that brings the constituent parts together. Our paper shows that this isn’t always the case. Cp* can be involved in stitching the pieces together to form products.”

Blakemore said he hoped this paper could be an opening that leads to improvements in other catalysts and systems that rely on Cp* ligands. The breakthrough, which was supported by the National Science Foundation and the DOE Office of Science, could apply more broadly to industrial chemistry. Blakemore is now working on applying techniques like those used in this work to the development of new approaches to recycling of nuclear fuels and handling of actinide species.

KU students at the graduate and undergraduate levels also were involved in research that underpinned the breakthrough.

“This project was a very important training vehicle for students,” Blakemore said. “Graduate student Wade Henke, the first author, is now at Argonne National Laboratory as a postdoc. Graduate student Yun Peng is the second author and kicked off the joint work with Brookhaven; both have now finished their Ph.D.s. Undergraduates also contributed to this project over the years, providing new complexes and insights that we used to frame the story that emerged in this paper.

“All in all, I consider this a successful project and one that was a real team effort over the years,” he concluded.


Chemistry research just continues to amaze. The research is looking more and more as one of the optimal energy and fuel solutions out in the future.

The tech used for the research is also amazing. We’re getting answers to those questions like ” what does what exactly and how?”

Now if we could get the industry to be more conscientious about some of those molecules getting away during production, use and disposal.

By Brian Westenhaus via New Energy and Fuel

Is The ESG Investing Boom Already Over?

  • After peaking at $17.1 trillion in 2020, ESG assets in the United States dropped sharply to just $8.4 trillion in 2022.

  • Oil and gas companies are pushing back against activist proposals in their boardrooms.

  • Last week, CEO Darren Woods urged regulators to stop focusing on certain energy sources.

Over the past decade, green and socially-responsible investments, aka ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing, have emerged as one of the biggest investment megatrends in modern times. For years, trillions of dollars in new global funds flowed into the market each year, with UBS predicting that carbon-reducing tech would hit $60 trillion of investment by 2040 in the U.S. 

Unfortunately, the ESG boom now appears to be languishing in investment purgatory. After peaking at $17.1 trillion in 2020, ESG assets in the United States dropped sharply to just $8.4 trillion in 2022, and the bleeding continues. In the current year, no less than four ESG funds have been liquidated: SPDR Bloomberg SASB Corporate Bond ESG Select ETF (RBND), SPDR Bloomberg SASB Emerging Markets ESG Select ETF (REMG), SPDR Bloomberg SASB Developed Markets Ex US ESG Select ETF (RDMX) and the Invesco US Large Cap Core ESG ETF (IVLC). 

Meanwhile, their surviving peers continue to record large capital outflows: In the first five months of the year, seven popular ESG focused funds have cumulatively recorded outflows to the tune of $8.35B. 

  • iShares ESG MSCI USA ETF (NASDAQ:ESGU) -$7.24B
  • iShares MSCI USA ESG Select ETF (NYSEARCA:SUSA) -$287.16M
  • iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (NASDAQ:ICLN) -$417.97M
  • First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge Green Energy Index Fund (QCLN) -$115.69M
  • Invesco Solar ETF (TAN) -$243.94M
  • Vanguard ESG U.S. Stock ETF (ESGV) -$30.32M
  • iShares ESG Aware MSCI EAFE ETF (ESGD) -$14.34M.

Talking points around ESG have also dwindled markedly: According to FactSet, just 74 companies in the S&P 500 cited the term "ESG" during their latest earnings conference call transcripts, less than half the 156 times the term was cited in 2021 Q4 earnings conference calls.

A similar trend has also been observed across the rest of the world, including in Europe where ESG standards are much stricter.

Shifting Sentiment

The year 2021 proved to be a watershed moment for oil and gas companies in the global transition to clean energy, with Big Oil losing a series of boardroom and courtroom battles in the hands of hardline climate activists.

In May 2021, ExxonMobil lost three board seats to Engine No. 1, an activist hedge, in a stunning proxy campaign. Engine No. 1 demanded that Exxon needs to cut fossil fuel production for the company to position itself for long-term success. "What we're saying is, plan for a world where maybe the world doesn't need your barrels," Engine No.1 leader Charlie Penner told the Financial Times. Engine No. 1 enjoyed a stunning victory thanks to support from BlackRock Inc. (NYSE: BLK), Vanguard and State Street who all voted against Exxon’s leadership.


Next was its close peer Chevron Corp. (NYSE:CVX) with no less than 61% of Chevron shareholders voting to further cut emissions at the company’s annual investor meeting and rebuffing the company’s board which had urged shareholders to reject it. 

Finally, a Dutch court ordered Shell Plc (NYSE:SHEL) to cut its greenhouse gas emissions harder and faster than it had previously planned. Never mind the fact that Shell had already pledged to cut GHG emissions by 20% by 2030 and to net-zero by 2050. The court in The Hague determined that wasn’t good enough and demanded a 45% cut by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. The past two years have been especially challenging for Shell shareholders after the company announced a major dividend cut with the quarterly dividend falling to 16 cents from 47 cents, the first dividend cut since WW11. Meanwhile, the company’s debt had ballooned massively from $1bn in 2005 to $73bn in 2020.

Luckily for these oil and gas supermajors, last year, investor sentiment shifted in their favor.

In May 2022, Exxon recorded a major victory after its shareholders supported the company's energy transition strategy at the annual general meeting. Only 28% of the participants backed a resolution filed by the Follow This activist group urging faster action to battle climate change; a proposal calling for a report on low carbon business planning received just 10.5% support while a report on plastic production garnered a 37% favorable vote.

Following in the footsteps of its larger peer, in June, Chevron shareholders voted against a resolution asking the company to adopt greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets, indicating support for the steps the company already has taken to address climate change.

Just 33% of shareholders voted in favor of the proposal, according to preliminary figures disclosed by the company, a sharp turnaround from last year when 61% of shareholders voted to support a similar proposal.

Last week, CEO Darren Woods urged regulators to stop focusing on certain energy sources, such as renewable energy, to save the climate, warning that it would be a “huge mistake to be picking winners and losers and focusing on specific technologies”. Instead, “we need to look more broadly and let the markets figure out which solutions deliver the most emissions reductions at the lowest cost," Woods told Nicolai Tangen, the CEO of Norway's Wealth Fund, one of the largest mutual funds in the world, on his podcast. An attempt to move away from oil and gas immediately, with unchanged global demand, could be disastrous for clean energy, Woods suggested, adding that if we produce less LNG, for example, something else–like coal–would have to step in to fill the demand gap. 

According to Woods, Europe should follow the U.S. approach to climate policy, arguing that the continent risks driving companies away by regulating too hard. Woods told Bloomberg that one of the most important things the Americans (and ExxonMobil) are doing is developing technologies to capture and store carbon

Overall, it appears that overcoming carbon-lock is proving to be a much more formidable task than earlier thought.

By Alex Kimani for

Iraqi Kurdistan Has Lost $2 Billion Due To Its Oil Exports Saga

  • The Kurdistan Regional Government has lost $2 billion due to the nearly three-month-long suspension of its oil exports via Turkey.

  • Kurdistan has not exported oil from the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean since March 25 due to a dispute over who is in charge of exports.

  • Iraq is now waiting for a final go-ahead from Turkey, but chances are low that exports will resume soon.  

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has lost $2 billion from oil revenues due to the nearly three-month-long suspension of Kurdish crude oil exports via Turkey, according to estimates by Reuters.

Iraq and the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan have not exported crude oil from the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean since March 25, due to ongoing disputes about who is in charge of exports.  

Iraq, OPEC’s second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia, is currently exporting oil only via its southern oil export terminals. Around 450,000 barrels per day (bpd) of exports from the northern fields and from the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan continue to be shut in due to a dispute over who should authorize the Kurdish exports.  

Kurdistan’s crude oil exports—around 400,000 bpd shipped through an Iraqi-Turkey pipeline to Ceyhan and then on tankers to the international markets—were halted on March 25 by the federal government of Iraq.

The suspension of oil flows out of northern Iraq and Kurdistan via Ceyhan forced companies to either curtail or suspend production because of limited capacity at storage tanks.

Iraq exported on average 3.3 million bpd of oil in May, flat compared to April.

Iraq is now waiting for a final go-ahead from Turkey, but the two sides have yet to start talks on the resumption of exports via the pipeline and the port of Ceyhan.   

Earlier this week, sources with knowledge of the plans told Reuters that Iraq and Turkey were expected to start talks at technical level by early next week on resuming the northern oil exports from Iraq and Kurdistan via Ceyhan.

However, chances are low that the crude oil exports could be restarted soon, the sources added.

“This does not mean exports will immediately restart as this decision requires high-level political talks,” an official at Iraqi state-owned North Oil Company told Reuters.  

AI’s Energy Consumption: A Silent Threat To Environmental Sustainability?

  • AI's increasing integration in daily life and industries requires vast computing power and electricity, raising concerns about its environmental impact due to high energy consumption. 

  • The methods employed for AI learning, such as deep learning, necessitate significant power usage, differing from human learning in its need for "brute force" statistical techniques. 

  • Companies such as Google and Microsoft currently don't disclose the energy consumption of their AI programs, leading to a call for transparency and government regulation to align with climate policies.

As energy companies look to modernize their operations to cut costs and make them more efficient, many are turning to technologies such as machine learning, robotics, and Artificial intelligence (AI). But as with any new technology, it’s important to consider the whole picture. While the use of AI and other tech could help to improve operations, both in fossil fuels and green alternatives, just how much energy does it take to power AI? 

There has long been a discussion over the impact of AI on the planet, but with all the buzz around impressive new technologies, it has mostly faded into the background. In 2020, researchers at OpenAI in San Francisco presented to the world an algorithm capable of learning that could move a robotic hand to manipulate a Rubik’s Cube. This marked a huge step forward in AI technology. At this point in time, it required over 1,000 computers and a dozen machines running specialized graphics chips to crunch complex calculations over months to achieve this feat. The process consumed approximately 2.8 gigawatt-hours of electricity according to estimates, equating to the output of three nuclear power plants for an hour – although this was not confirmed by the company. 

AI technology is advancing at a staggering rate, following decades of heavy investment. But with this progress comes concerns about what impact it could have on the environment. While the output may appear simple, as machines learn to answer questions, recognize images, and play games, the power required to carry out these tasks is immense. The running of AI requires huge amounts of computing power and electricity to create and solve algorithms. Sasha Luccioni, a postdoctoral researcher at Mila, an AI research institute in Canada, explained: “The concern is that machine-learning algorithms, in general, are consuming more and more energy, using more data, training for longer and longer.” Related: Saudi Aramco Buys Carbon Credits At Largest-Ever Auction

And over the last few years, AI has gradually become more integrated into our everyday activities, such as answering questions via Alexa or Siri, routing Google Maps, or identifying people through photos, all available on our phones and home computers. But few people consider how much power it takes to complete these seemingly simple tasks. We often compare machines to humans when it comes to these types of tasks, assuming computers can answer questions just as our brains can, with relatively little effort. However, AI doesn’t learn information in a structured way, it doesn’t understand human concepts such as cause-and-effect, context, or analogies, meaning that it requires a deep learning “brute force” statistical technique approach to work. 

A deep learning model is trained very differently from our brains. For example, for it to identify an image of a cat, it is shown thousands of photos of cats that have been labeled by humans. The model does not understand that a cat is more likely than a dog to climb a tree or perform other feline activities and will only associate these objects if they are in the images. To make the model understand the image, it needs to be shown all the possible combinations until it learns. 

Until now, the response to the use of AI in energy operations to make them more efficient and reduce costs, has been overwhelmingly positive. But now, experts worry that the high energy demands of these types of technologies may have been widely overlooked. If AI is used in energy projects to support modernization and decarbonization, it may be causing more harm to the environment than we realize. While it could revolutionize trillion-dollar industries, from energy to retail, the creation of AI technologies such as chatbots and image generators will require a huge amount of electricity, which could add to the world’s carbon emissions. 

At present, there is a lot of ambiguity around the amount of energy it takes to power AI programs. For example, if you ask ChatGPT this question, it responds along the lines of “As an AI language model, I don’t have a physical presence or directly consume energy.” The complexity of AI programs means they consume much more energy than other forms of computing, but the companies that are building these programs, such as Google and Microsoft, are not disclosing how much. At present, we know very little about how much electricity and water it takes to train and power their AI models and what sources of energy are used to run their data centers. 

We’re seeing more and more companies incorporate AI into their operations as it becomes more widely available. Sasha Luccioni, the climate lead for the AI company Hugging Face, explained: “This exponential use of AI brings with it the need for more and more energy.” Luccioni added, “And yet we’re seeing this shift of people using generative AI models just because they feel like they should, without sustainability being taken into account.” 

The rapid advancement in AI technology has led companies across all sectors to incorporate AI programs into their operations, as they look to evolve. This can be viewed as positive, as companies are embracing technology and modernization, which could make operations more efficient. However, the issue of energy use in AI and similar technologies is often not being considered, meaning that companies are rapidly adopting AI programs without assessing their impact on the environment. Going forward, it is important that information about energy use in AI become more transparent and that governments regulate the sector in line with their climate policies. 

By Felicity Bradstock for

China At The Forefront Of Nuclear Weapon Expansion

  • SIPRI's recent figures show that China added an estimated 60 nuclear weapons to its deployed or stored arsenal from January 2022 to January 2023.

  • SIPRI states that China is significantly modernizing and expanding its nuclear arsenal, and is expected to deploy as many intercontinental ballistic missiles as Russia or the USA in the coming decade.

  • Despite China's growing nuclear stockpile, Russia and the United States still possess the most nuclear warheads, with a combined total of over 8,000. Including retired weapons and those planned for dismantlement, this figure exceeds 11,000.

Released today, the latest figures from SIPRI reveal an annual increase in the global number of stockpiled nuclear warheads.

As Statista's Martin Armstrong shows in the infographic belowChina is at the forefront of this upwards tick, adding an estimated 60 weapons to its collection of deployed or stored nukes between January 2022 and January 2023.

You will find more infographics at Statista

As detailed by SIPRI,

"China is in the middle of a significant modernization and expansion of its nuclear arsenal. Its nuclear stockpile is expected to continue growing over the coming decade and some projections suggest that it will deploy at least as many intercontinental ballistic missiles as either Russia or the USA in that period. However, China’s overall nuclear warhead stockpile is still expected to remain smaller than that of either of those states."

Despite China's stockpile growth, Russia and the United States still have by far the largest amount.

A hangover of the Cold War, the two countries have a combined arsenal of more than 8,000 warheads.

Including those retired and earmarked for dismantlement, the figure rises to over 11,000.


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